A new version has been released a long time ago PC programs- famous office suite from Microsoft. The updates also included the powerful Word text editor. In this article, using the example of drawing up instructions, we will look at the main innovations and changes in this component.

A new version of the famous office suite from the company has long been released. The updates also included a powerful text editor Word. In this article, using the example of drawing up instructions, we will look at the main innovations and changes in this component.

The beginning began

For those who are not yet accustomed to the ribbon menu of new Office versions, there's bad news: Microsoft intends to implement them everywhere. But as soon as you work with such a tape for a couple of days, you completely lose the habit of the old image of the office. In Office 2010, developers paid even more attention to the ribbon, significantly redesigning home page, making the "File" tab. It contains all the settings and parameters Word.

The first item, “Information,” reflects all the properties of the document, as well as the parameters of its protection and restrictions on working with it. The second is "The Last". Here are all the latest open documents, and on the right side there is a list of places in which they are located, the so-called quick access to the file location directories.

The third item is “Create”. This is a collection of templates that contains various blanks: envelopes, questionnaires, resumes and much more. In addition to the built-in templates, the user has the opportunity to find the blanks he needs on the company’s official website; a site search field is built in specifically for this purpose.

One of the most noticeable is the “Print” item, which greatly simplifies working with printers. All basic print management parameters are placed on this page, so the user does not have to dig through a bunch of dialog boxes to find “the same” settings. Everything is clearly laid out on the shelves. The number of copies, printer selection, print settings - all this is in plain sight.

The last option, “Save and Send,” is an innovation that was not present in Office 2007. Starting with new version office, Microsoft decided to create the most favorable environment for transferring documents and creating documents with shared access. Now several people can work on one document, of course, this discovery is not new, but it still deserves praise. And it has become easier to transfer files to colleagues: automatic conversion to PDF and sending to the specified email address.

Text formatting options in Word 2010

The new version has significantly expanded text formatting capabilities. A basic example is creating a glow on text, creating shadows and reflections. This module was called “Animation Options”, it is very similar to the familiar Word Art, which was present in previous versions, but has significant differences. Text to which one of the types of animation has been applied - glow, shadow, reflection - can be edited like any other text in the document. That is, the program recognizes it not as an image, but as regular text.

To apply one of these settings to text, you need to select a section of the text and go to “Home - Font” and on open tab find the letter “A” highlighted in blue. In the pop-up menu you will be offered one of the design styles, as well as separate parameters for shadow, glow and reflection. These effects are similar in function to the same effects that could previously be applied only to images.

The second improvement regarding text formatting is the ability to format OpenType fonts. These fonts were developed by Microsoft and Adobe and until recently were used only in professional applications. With their help it became possible work with ligatures - connected by several characters, as well as changing existing fonts. For this purpose, a special section for setting up OpenType fonts has been created in the “Font” dialog box on the “Advanced” page.

The concept of stylistic sets has also been introduced. These are new features for editing fonts that affect the characteristics of characters, for example, their elongation. When choosing one of the stylistic options, you slightly change the font, thereby selecting the optimal one and the one you like best.

Let's shine

An example of leaving a document would be instructions for working with a text editor. Word. In our case, the instructions were taken from the official Microsoft website and will consist of individual articles, which together will make it up. First, let’s copy the text from the company’s website. The paste function has been improved, the user, when clicking on the paste shortcut, can quickly select the parameters of the pasted object: keep the original formatting, combine formatting, save only text. If you press the Ctrl key after inserting, you can use the arrows to switch the insertion mode, immediately observing the result. The Enter key confirms the selection.

All basic text editing settings are located on the “Home” tab. The first thing we will do is change the text font in the “Font” section to Times New Roman, and set its size to 14.

Next, choose a one-and-a-half interval. The “spacing” button is located in the “Paragraph” section and is an icon with several lines and two vertical arrows. Select the text and click on this button, after which a list will appear consisting of numeric line spacing parameters, set the value to 1.5.

To ensure that the text in the document is positioned beautifully and does not look torn, it needs to be aligned. To format abstracts, articles and other documents for the main text, “Width alignment” is most often used. To apply tearing to text, you need to select it and click on the “Width Alignment” button, which is located in the “Paragraph” section. In this case, our text will stretch across the width of the entire page, and its right side will be even.

To avoid having to do these steps multiple times in each section, the easiest way is to create a new style. To do this, select a fragment of text to which we have already applied the necessary formatting, go to “Styles” and, opening the entire list, find the option “Create selected fragment as a new express style”. Click on it and in the window that appears, enter the name of our style; if necessary, you can immediately edit it by clicking on the “Edit” button. After the name is specified, click the “Ok” button and our style will appear in the list of main styles Microsoft Word . In the future, it can be quickly applied to different parts of the text.

To focus the reader's attention on a specific phrase or important word, they can be highlighted in the text using: bold, italic and underlined text. These elements are located in the “Font” section; the text color is also edited here. Using bold text, we highlight the main commands that appear for the first time in the instructions, so that the user can easily find them in the text that has already been read. In red we mark the information from the “Attention!” category, that is, the main mistakes that the user may make.

But text editing is not finished yet. We need to create bulleted or numbered lists in the places where they are needed. To do this, select those lines that should subsequently become a list and in the “Paragraph” section click on the “Marker” or “Numbering” button, depending on what we need. At this point we will finish editing the text and move on to inserting graphic elements into our document.

Inserting graphic elements

Any instructions must be provided with explanatory pictures, and our instructions are no exception. Therefore, we go to the beginning of the document and, in order, begin to add images to it that illustrate the described actions. To insert an image into a document, go to the “Insert” tab, “Illustrations” section, here we click the “Drawing” button. A file explorer will open with which we must select images to insert. Find it on your computer and click the “Ok” button. After this, the image will be inserted at the location where the cursor was located.

The parameters of the inserted image can be changed at any time. First, select the image by left-clicking on it once and align it to the center. When an image is selected, you can see black cubes in its corners, which indicate the possibility of resizing. If you pull the corners of the picture, it will change its size.

When an element is selected, a special tab “Working with Pictures (Format)” is open; all image settings are located in it. In the Text Wrapping section, you can select various options location of the picture in the text. In our case, you need to check “Top and Bottom”, and it is advisable to indent after the image by pressing the Enter key.

There is also such an interesting function as “Image cropping”, with its help you don’t have to contact graphic editors, and change the image on the fly, cutting off those parts that should not be displayed in the document.

Also in the new version of the popular text editor a monitor screen capture function has appeared. It is located in the same section as “Drawing” and is called “Snapshot”. When you launch the function, you have to select the area of ​​the screen that you want to capture. After you “cut out” part of the screen, this piece will be automatically inserted into the place where the cursor was located. This new feature is very useful when writing instructions or explanatory articles where you need to insert screenshots into the text. In our instructions we will actively use this function and take several such screenshots.

Besides her, Microsoft added interesting graphic elements and called them StartArt. They represent ready-made blocks, diagrams, arrows, made at a high level. When grouped correctly, they can be used to create professional illustrations. We will use this function to emphasize the interaction of elements and add a closed circuit to our instructions.

To do this, go to “Insert – Illustrations – SmartArt” and select the scheme you like from the elements that appear. After clicking the “Ok” button, this picture will be automatically inserted onto the document page where the cursor was. There are editable fields for each individual side, which allows you to spend less effort on design and start editing it right away. Let's enter the text into each block and this will complete the work with SmartArt elements.

Headers and footers. To be or not to be?

As in any article, instruction or other material, we must organize footnotes and create footers. Footnotes are needed to indicate a description of a new term or an explanation of a statement. For example, in coursework and diploma projects for a student, the creation of footnotes and references is the main condition for the design of his scientific work. We will also follow this principle and create several footnotes in our text.

Let's say we have a quote indicating that in the new version World It became possible to change individual parts of the image, for example, remove the background. First, we highlight the sentence that talks about this new feature. Then go to the “Links” menu section and select “Insert footnote”. After this, a footnote in the form of the number “1” will appear at the end of the sheet; here you can describe the idea in detail or indicate the source. We will write that this function appeared only in the new version and has not been used anywhere before. Now in the text you will notice that at the end of the sentence, just above the letters, there is a small number “1”, which indicates the footnote number. If we hold down the Ctrl key and click on a sentence, we will automatically be redirected to the footnote. The opposite action produces a similar result.

Headers and footers are designed to display brief information at the top or bottom of the page. Such information could be the title of a book, article, author's name, etc. In our instructions, we will create headers and footers for even and odd pages. To do this, you need to double-click on the top empty area of ​​the page, so we will switch to the header and footer editing mode. On the settings panel, check the item “Different headers and footers for even and odd pages.” After that, in addition to the text "header", Word will note which group it belongs to (even or odd). On even-numbered pages we indicate “ Brief instructions to work in World 2010", and on the odd ones "Taken from the Microsoft website." You can exit editing mode by clicking on any area outside the header and footer editing area.

In addition to settings for even and odd pages, you can create a special footer for the first page. Since it is almost always the title page, therefore, the footer should be empty. When the footnotes and headers are created, let's proceed to the important stage - creating a table of contents.

Everything is clear and on the shelves

Once the headings have been created, the text design and its main elements have been highlighted, you can begin creating a table of contents. It can be organized in literally two clicks. Select the “Links” tab in the menu and find “Table of Contents” there. From the proposed templates, choose the one you like, or edit the style of the table of contents to suit the design of the document. After we have selected a template, the table of contents will be inserted at the location where the cursor was located.

The title page is created in the same way. So, open “Insert – Cover Page”. Here, as in the case of the table of contents, you can select a template. Advantage ready-made templates the fact that they help save time and at the same time do not have to deal with formatting the text and its arrangement on the sheet, everything is done automatically. We indicate the name of our instructions, authorship and year. This completes our work - the instructions are ready for use.


In this article we looked at some new features Microsoft Word 2010, and also learned how to create a manual. Based on the experience gained, you can easily prepare a diploma, essay or book - everything is done by analogy with the example given. All you need is a text editor, which is available from 1Soft network partners.

Neberekutin Alexander

All rights reserved. For questions regarding the use of this article, please contact

The “Developer” tab contains additional Word functions that you may often need. But, usually, this tab is initially disabled. Let's find out where the Developer tab is located in Word 2007, 2010, 2013.

Method for Word 2007

Step 1.

In the upper left corner of the Word window, click on the Office icon, and then click on the “Word Options” button.

Step 2.

In the “Word Options” window that opens, select “General” in the left list, and on the right side check the “Show Developer tab on the ribbon” checkbox.

Step 3.

Click the "OK" button to apply the changes, and make sure that the "Developer" tab appears on the Word ribbon.

Method for Word 2010, 2013

Step 1.

In the upper left corner of the Word window, click on the blue “File” icon. From the menu that appears, select Options.

Step 2.

In the Word Options window, find the Customize Ribbon option. Then in the very right side, where it says “Customize the Ribbon”, check the “Developer” box.

Step 3.

After all operations, click on the “OK” button and look at the Word ribbon - the “Developer” tab has appeared there.

Very often, when purchasing self-adhesive paper, our clients ask the question of how to make a layout. In this regard, we decided to develop step-by-step instructions.

2. Open MS WORD and select the “Mailouts” tab

3. In the tab that opens, select the “Stickers” item. This item is specially designed for working with self-adhesive paper.

If you have the same information on all the stickers, you can pre-print the text that you would like to see on the self-adhesive paper. Select this text and click on the “stickers” button

4. In the window that appears, select “Options”

5. In the sticker parameters, in the “Sticker Supplier” item, select Planet

6. In the “TYPE” item, select the article that is indicated on the box of PLANET self-adhesive paper; it starts with the letters UT, PL, UTBP, then there are numbers that we need. If you have an earlier WORD version, then there are no numbers in this paragraph, but there will be a list with the following names: “White labels in box”. But you shouldn’t despair, because... to the right of “Type” we can see data on the height, width and size of the stickers, which are also indicated on packs of Planet self-adhesive paper. We simply look for the size or article we need and click "OK"

7. In the window that appears, click “Create”

8. So, you have a sheet already with the necessary markings. And here we print the necessary text.

If you previously selected the text in step 3, you will receive the following image.

We congratulate you, you did it all.

Graphics- this is one of the most important elements of a Word 2010 document. Graphics come in two types - raster and vector. Raster graphics in Word 2010 can be loaded from a graphic file (with the extension BMP, TIFF, PNG, JPG or GIF) or from another program (for example, a graphics editor Adobe Photoshop). Vector graphics can be created in a Word 2010 document or inserted into a document using the built-in graphics tools of Word 2010.

IN Word document 2010 you can insert the following types graphics(picture, clip, graphic objects, SmartArt, diagram) using the Picture, Clip, Shapes, SmartArt and Chart buttons located on the "Insert" tab in the "Illustrations" group (Figure 1).

In addition, graphic objects or vector graphics Lettering and WordArt can be inserted from the "Text" group on the Insert tab (Figure 2).

Rice. 2

After you insert a graphic into a Word 2010 document, context-sensitive tools appear on the Ribbon under a generic name that appears in the title bar of the application window. Contextual tools, divided into contextual tabs, appear only when an object of a certain type is selected in the document.

    Format in the "Working with Pictures" group (inserting raster pictures from a file and a clip);

    Format in the "Drawing Tools" group (inserting ready-made shapes into the document);

    Designer, Format in the "Working with SmartArt Drawings" group (inserting a SmartArt drawing for visual presentation of information);

    Designer, Layout, Format in the "Working with Charts" group (inserting a chart to present and compare data);

    Format in the "Working with Labels" group (inserting pre-formatted labels);

    Format in the "Working with WordArt Objects" group (inserting decorative text into a document).

Bitmap pictures (bitmap graphics) and clips can be inserted or copied into a document from many different sources. Raster images are created by various graphics applications or technical means (scanners, cameras, etc.) and inserted into a Word 2010 document from a file or application program. Graphics are inserted into Word 2010 at the location in the document where the cursor is positioned.

1. Insert a raster image from a file into a Word 2010 document.

Inserting a picture is carried out as follows: in the document, you need to determine the place where the picture will be inserted by placing the cursor there, then click on the Picture button on the Insert tab in the Illustrations group. In the dialog box that opens, select the required file and double-click on it, the picture will be inserted into the document. On the Ribbon of the Word 2010 application window, contextual tools called “Working with Pictures” will appear, which are located on the contextual Format tab (Figure 3).

Using the contextual tools available in the groups (Edit, Picture Styles, Arrange, Size) on the Format tab, you can perform various actions on pictures. For example, edit (change brightness, contrast, etc.), format (apply various styles), arrange (determine the position of the picture and the flow of text), resize (resize, crop the picture and replace text).

If you need to restore the changed picture to its original state, you need to click on the "Reset picture parameters" command. To perform any operations on a picture, you must first select it.

Greek letters are capitalized. Second line:

Brackets (when you select a bracket, there will be an “empty space” marked with a dotted line into which you can insert letters).

Templates of fractions and radicals (regular and reduced size, when selected, there is space for entry similar to entering parentheses (see above)).

Superscript and subscript patterns (can be applied to already created letters). Small black rectangles mean that when you select this template, there is space to enter information in the places where these rectangles were placed.

Amount templates.

Integral templates.

Overline and underline patterns (by default they are placed above an empty space, however, if you select the required letter before applying the pattern, the pattern will be applied to that letter).

Arrow templates with text.

Product patterns and set theory.

Matrix templates (to specify matrices of arbitrary size, use the last line).

To exit the formula editing mode, click on any place. To re-enter the formula editing mode, double-click on the object.

The buttons on the bottom row create unique templates containing fields for entering characters. So, for example, to enter a common fraction, you should select the appropriate template, which has two fields: numerator and denominator.

Sometimes it is necessary to add an extra space to the formula. To do this, press the key combination ++[Space].

There is another way to add a formula to a document. To do this:

1. Place the text cursor in the part of the document where the formula will be inserted.

2. Go to the Insert tab of the ribbon Word tools 2010.

3. In the Symbols group, click on the Formula button and then on the screen you will see the inscription Place for formulas, where in the future it will be

be your formula. Start entering the formula.

After inserting a formula, you will automatically be taken to the Design tab, which becomes available on the tool ribbon when working with formulas.

Design tab

Let's look at the elements of the Design tab when working with formulas:

Service Group:

1. Formula drop-down button - By clicking this button in the menu, you can select a formula from Word's pre-built options. By the way, the same can be done at the very beginning of creating a formula, when you need to click on the Insert tab not on the Formula button, but on the arrow located next to it. As a result, you can immediately choose one of the standard formulas.

2. Three buttons to convert the entered formula:

Plain text;

Linear - this converts the formula into a more convenient form for editing;

Professional - shape transformation. The button in the lower right corner of the group opens a dialog box detailed settings formulas.

Symbols group - here, using the buttons, you can enter any letter, mathematical symbol, arrows.

To switch to another set of symbols, you should open the symbol palette and click on the small downward arrow at the top of it. A menu will appear in which you can select the required set.

Structures group - in this group, using the drop-down buttons, you can enter structures into the formula.

Inserting SmartArt Objects

To insert a SmartArt object you need to run the command Insert\Illustrations\SmartArt. In the dialog box that opens, select the desired scheme. A window appears next to the inserted shape in which you can enter text.


If you want to design an inscription or a piece of text in the WordArt style, run the command Insert\WordArt. In the dialog box that opens, select the label style and enter text. When working with WordArt, a specialized Format tab appears on the tool ribbon, using

tools of which you can, for example, set a shadow for an inscription, etc.

Inserting standard images

Word 10 has plenty of large number drawings, photographs, films and even sounds. If you want to use them in your text document, run the following command

Insert\Illustrations\Picture\Start . After this, the picture you selected will appear at the location of the cursor in the text document.

Inserting tables

Creating and formatting a table in a text document If you need to put a table in a text document, you first place the text cursor in the place in the document where the table should be located. Then, execute the command Home\Insert\Table. In the dialog box that opens, you can specify the number of columns and rows created table by selecting the appropriate number of cells in the drop-down menu. As you select, a preview of the table will be shown at the table insertion point. You can define a table that is no larger than 8x11 (8 rows and 11 columns). If the dimensions for any of the parameters should be larger, then select Insert table. In this case, the Insert Table dialog box will appear on the screen, in which you can directly specify how many rows should be in the table - the Number of Rows field - and how many columns - Number of Columns. Click OK and the table in the document will be created.

Rice. 28 Insert Table Dialog Box

To enter data into any of the table cells, click in the area of ​​​​that cell with the mouse, and a text cursor will appear inside it. If the text you enter does not fit on one line in a cell, the cell (and the table as a whole) will be enlarged automatically.

You can move sequentially from one cell to another by pressing the Tab key.

By default, a table is created to fill the full width of the page, and all columns in the new table are the same width by default. To change the width of a column or row, move its side border left or right with the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.

To delete a cell, column or row, you need to select it and then click on the selection right click mouse and in the appeared context menu select the Delete cells... command. After this, a dialog box will appear in which you will need to specify how exactly the surrounding cells should be offset.

To add a row, column or cell to a table, you need to set the text cursor to the position relative to which the insertion should be made. Then right-click in the cursor area and select Paste from the context menu. Next to the Insert section there is a right-facing arrow triangle. As a result, a list of what columns or rows can be inserted will open next to it.

You can quickly add another row to the end of the table by placing the cursor in the lower right cell and then pressing the Tab key.

To merge two or more adjacent cells, you need to select them, then right-click on the selection and select Merge Cells from the context menu.

Rice. 28 Merging, splitting cells and aligning column widths

If you want to split a cell or column into several, you need to select the cell, row or column, right-click on it and select Split Cells from the context menu that appears. After this, a dialog box will appear in which you will need to indicate how and into how many parts you want to split the cell, column or row.

After you place the text cursor in one of the table cells, a set of settings will automatically appear on the tool ribbon appearance table, designed as two additional tabs Design and Layout. On the Design tab, you can select one of the design samples - in the Design Styles area. In addition, using the Borders list, you can specify which borders in the table should be displayed. And next to it, select the thickness of the lines and color.

Here, on the Design tab, by clicking on the Fill button, you can set the fill color with which the table should be colored.

To change the direction of the text, use the Table toolbar button.

On the Layout tab, you can set the orientation of text in table cells (horizontal or vertical), sort the contents of cells, set indents inside cells, and use tools for inserting/deleting table elements: rows, columns, individual cells.

In the menu that appears when you click the Table button, you can open the Express Tables section. Hover your mouse pointer over it, and a list of table design options prepared in the program will open in front of you. If any of them suits you, choose it.

Rice. 29 Quick Tables dialog box

If you select the Excel1 Table command in the table creation menu, then the Excel1 table will be embedded in your text document. In this case, you do not have to specify the number of its rows and columns. Initially, an arbitrary table will be inserted, the dimensions of which you can later change by moving its borders.