Technical coverage

The technical coverage of a channel is the ability of high-quality TV signal reception by the population in a particular region. Technical coverage does not match the number of real viewers, since during the broadcast, people may not watch TV at all or watch some other channel.

In terms of coverage, TV channels can be classified in the same way as newspapers and magazines: local, regional, national (central) and transnational. They cover certain market areas. For example, in the United States, there are 210 local television markets with more than 1,200 commercial television stations. Each local market has from 3 to 11 TV companies.

There are more than 10 federal channels in Russia today. There are several interregional ones. And each region has its own regional channels. That is, any audience can be reached by both a national channel and a local one.

It should be noted that the volume of the audience of regional channels is generally inferior to the volume of the audience of national ones. This is due to the relatively small volume of broadcasting, with the showing of less interesting but cheaper programs, and also with the fact that the federal channels have a longer prime time.

With an increase in the number of federal channels, the number of regional ones also increases. As a rule, the higher the population of the city, the greater the number of channels. In addition, the higher the number, the greater the broadcast volume. “The demographic composition of the audience of regional broadcasting has, as a rule, two characteristic shifts. Firstly, it is dominated by women, and secondly, people of mature and old age. This can be explained, among other things, by broadcasting in the daytime and morning hours (the female audience prevails there) and a significant volume of news and journalism (young people are not very interested in these types of programs) "

Technical coverage

The technical coverage of a channel is the ability of high-quality TV signal reception by the population in a particular region. Technical coverage does not match the number of real viewers, since during the broadcast, people may not watch TV at all or watch some other channel.

In terms of coverage, TV channels can be classified in the same way as newspapers and magazines: local, regional, national (central) and transnational. They cover certain market areas. For example, in the United States, there are 210 local television markets with more than 1,200 commercial television stations. Each local market has from 3 to 11 TV companies.

There are more than 10 federal channels in Russia today. There are several interregional ones. And each region has its own regional channels. That is, any audience can be reached by both a national channel and a local one.

It should be noted that the volume of the audience of regional channels is generally inferior to the volume of the audience of national ones. This is due to the relatively small volume of broadcasting, with the showing of less interesting but cheaper programs, and also with the fact that the federal channels have a longer prime time.

As the number of federal channels increases, the number of regional channels also increases. Generally, the higher the population of a city, the greater the number of channels. In addition, the higher the number, the greater the broadcast volume. “The demographic composition of the audience of regional broadcasting has, as a rule, two characteristic shifts. Firstly, it is dominated by women, and secondly, people of mature and old age. This can be explained, among other things, by broadcasting in the daytime and morning hours (the female audience prevails there) and a significant volume of news and journalism (young people are not very interested in these types of programs). "

Regional television allows you to reach local markets.

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Technical coverage The technical coverage of a channel is the ability of high-quality TV signal reception by the population in a particular region. Technical reach metrics do not match the number of real viewers, as during the broadcast people may not be watching

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1. Expansion into regions - coverage and organization Securing all regions of the country territorially for certain distributors (full responsibility for the territory). Development of a coverage plan in each distributor and its implementation. Organization design for

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Daniya Kiyamovna Sabirova (Kazan State Technical University) Introduce yourself, please. Sabirova Daniya Kiyamovna, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Head of the Department of History and Public Relations, Kazan State Technical

Technical coverage of television

The technical coverage of a channel is the ability of high-quality TV signal reception by the population in a particular region. Technical coverage does not match the number of real viewers, since during the broadcast people may not watch TV at all or watch some other channel.

In terms of coverage, TV channels can be classified in the same way as newspapers and magazines: local (local), regional, national (central) and transnational. They cover certain market areas.

For example, in the United States, there are 210 local television markets with more than 1,200 commercial television stations. Each local market has from 3 to 11 TV companies.

There are more than 10 national channels in Russia today. There are several interregional ones. And each region has its own local channel. That is, any audience can be reached by both a national channel and a local one.

An interesting combination of partners is formed by the so-called network television. It broadcasts to regions according to the selected geographic configuration. The operation of such a channel may look like this: the base station forms a daily broadcasting grid and transmits it to the satellite. Regional stations - partners - receive and rebroadcast the signal on their territory.

The broadcasting time of the channel's programs has been arranged so that there is space for regional programs. Usually local TV companies have up to 4 hours a day for their programs and advertisements. By additional agreement, partners can place advertisements in other places in the grid.

A large number of regional partners provide the channel with significant coverage. This scheme is also beneficial for local TV stations, since it is difficult for them to fill the entire air with their own high-quality programs.

In accordance with their technical and financial capabilities, TV channels broadcast during certain periods of time. In the early days of television, broadcasts were made several times a week, several hours a day. Then the broadcast became daily, the programs began to go out from morning to evening. Today, some of the channels broadcast programs during the waking hours of the main part of the audience (early morning - late evening), some - around the clock.

The channels are broadcasted at meter and decimeter frequencies. The meter bands were the first to be mastered on television. In the 90s of the 20th century, decimeter channels were actively working in Moscow.

In the past, frequency was essential because the viewer had to use different antennas to receive different channels. However, today, having modern receiving equipment, a person may not even guess at what frequency the channel is coming out.

In Russia, television networks are usually located at decimeter frequencies, national and regional state channels occupy meter frequencies. As a rule, the audiences of decimeter channels are smaller than the audiences of meter channels.

The grid is called the time distribution of air between different programs: news, films, documentaries, sports and other programs.

Structuring, organization of telespace is needed, first of all, by the channel itself for its effective functioning. A rigid grid allows viewers to plan their TV viewing, and advertisers, accordingly, their campaigns. When, for some reason, the grid changes, programs lose their viewers, advertisers - potential buyers. Most of all, the constant part of the audience changes.

Television programming

In order to build a consistent audience, channels use retention strategies ( lead-in strategy ). Usually they resort to placing programs in blocks, alternating not the most interesting programs with very interesting ones. Also, in order to retain viewers, the channels practice “seamless” television: commercials inside the program, and there are also announcements of the next program inside the program.

In addition to programming (programming), there is also counter-programming ( counter programming ), taking into account the actions of competing channels. With help Yu Counter-programming channels are trying to pull the audience towards them.

Usually the grid is consistent with certain parts of the day ( dayparts ), in which one or another audience gathers at the screens. For example, in the United States, the following parts of the day are distinguished:

- daytime ( day-time ): 7-16.30, Monday through Friday, small audience with a predominance of women;

- prime time ): 20-23 hours from Monday to Saturday and 19-23 hours on Sunday, maximum audience;

- late evening time ( late night ): after 23 o'clock, small adult audience;

- news time ( news daypart ): time of main news programs;

- sports time ( sports ): time of sports programs, mostly male audience;

- kids time ( child time ): usually in the morning on weekends, children's programs.

Getting on local cable TV is much easier than on-air. But due to the fact that the signal travels through wires, and not everyone subscribes to cable TV, it is impossible to reach everyone in the desired territory with it. Cable TV, in comparison with terrestrial, has a smaller overall audience.
Often, even though people have cable TV at home with a huge selection of programs, they prefer to watch the main channels of terrestrial television. In this regard, the ratings of cable television programs, as a rule, are significantly lower than the ratings of terrestrial television programs.
Satellite TV broadcasts by means of a satellite "suspended" in near-earth orbit. The signal is received by viewers on an individual dish-antenna.
The advantages of satellite television include reaching an audience that, due to geographic, economic or technical reasons, “does not reach” terrestrial and cable television. It is also worth noting that the cable TV audience is a solvent audience. After all, not everyone can afford to buy a set for satellite television.
Unfortunately, cable television has a relatively small number of viewers, which is not facilitated by the high cost of equipment, technical support, as well as possible changes in standards, coding systems and signal distribution. The reception quality can be significantly affected by the weather.

Important characteristics of television are:
- technical coverage,
- audience,
- status,
- format,
- broadcast time,
- frequency,
- grid.

Technical coverage

The technical coverage of a channel is the ability of high-quality TV signal reception by the population in a particular region. Technical coverage does not match the number of real viewers, since during the broadcast, people may not watch TV at all or watch some other channel.
In terms of coverage, TV channels can be classified in the same way as newspapers and magazines: local (local), regional, national (central) and transnational. They cover certain market areas. For example, in the United States, there are 210 local television markets with more than 1,200 commercial television stations. Each local market has from 3 to 11 TV companies.
There are more than 10 national channels in Russia today. There are several interregional ones. And each region has its own local channel. That is, any audience can be reached by both a national channel and a local one.
It should be noted that the volume of the audience of regional channels is generally inferior to the volume of the audience of national ones. This is due to the relatively small volume of regional broadcasting, the showing of less interesting but cheaper programs, as well as the fact that national channels have more prime time in their networks.

The audience

As a basic concept in assessing a television audience, it is used TV rating ( TVR, basic rating) - the size of the broadcast audience in a certain period of time, expressed as a percentage.

For example, if there are 100,000 TV viewers in the city of N., and 10,000 people watched the program, the TV rating will be 10% (10,000: 100,000 x 100).
With the help of the ratings, the companies determine the number of people who will be able to see the information appeal.
Ratings are also used by television to assess the quality of programs. The management is trying to quickly get rid of low-rating programs that "push" the audience to other channels.
On the basis of the ratings, TV channels set the rates for advertising in a particular program, at one time or another.
To assess the audience, it is usually used average rating calculated in terms of averages telemetry data. The viewer watching the program from start to finish counts as one. Overlooking half of the transmission is 0.5, etc.
Ratings are actual and forecast... Actual ratings are received based on the results of the broadcast. They reflect real TV viewing.
Predictive ratings are the projected ratings of a transmission. Forecasting is based on the dynamics of past results. The real ratings are amended to reflect the forecast background - seasonal, meteorological and other changes. So, in summer time, when the overall TV viewing falls, the predicted rating goes down. When the political situation in the country aggravates, the ratings of news programs grow. Etc.
A very important concept is general television audience(Total TVR) - expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the television audience of the estimated time interval to the total population of the general population. It refers to the population group from which the survey is sampled. It can be the population of the entire country as a whole or a separate region, as well as a part of the population with certain socio-demographic parameters.
The TV rating changes depending on the time of day, weather conditions, etc. Since this is an average indicator, it changes throughout the day - it drops during the day and rises towards prime time. The more Total TVR, the larger the TV audience can reach.
The total number of viewers is indicated as PUT (persons using television).
When assessing television viewing, an indicator such as HUT(households / homes using television), which means the number of people using TV at home at a particular point in time. HUT does not include people who watch TV outside the home: in bars, shops, airports, hotels, etc.
Research on viewership is usually carried out on the basis of "stationary" television sets, which gather a relatively stable audience. The HUT level varies in the same way as the Total TVR. It is lower during the day, when people are working, and in good weather, when people are walking and having fun. Higher in the evening and in bad weather, when people are resting at home, etc.
For example, if out of 80,000 people in a certain area who have a home TV, 12,000 watched it at a certain time of the day, then HUT = 15%.
By summing up the individual ratings of all programs, you can get the HUT score.
For example,
Channel A - rating 30,
Channel B - rating 20,
Channel B - rating 15,
Channel G - rating 15.
HUT = 80.
Another important characteristic of a television audience is share(share of audience rating). This is the name of the number of viewers of a certain program or time period of television broadcasting, expressed as a percentage of the total number of people currently watching TV. In fact, a share is a portion of HUT calculated for a specific program. The share is taken not from the entire population, but from the viewers of a given period of time.
The share is calculated by dividing the rating of a program by the total rating of all programs (the number of viewers watching a given program by the total number of all viewers watching TV at the moment).
Share = Rating / HUT or Share = Rating / HUT x 100%.
The rating describes the absolute size of the audience, and the share - the relative. In comparison with the rating, the share more clearly shows the distribution of TV audience between channels at a given time. You can also use a share to compare two programs broadcast on the same channel at different times. That is, share allows the media planner to compare the popularity of two programs that are competing to grab viewers' attention at the same time.
For example, a broadcast rating can be significant - 15%, but the share is 20%. This means that most of the viewers preferred other programs that were broadcast at that time on other channels. The larger the share, the more interesting the transmission is to all viewers on TV.
The sum of the shares of all channels in one period of time should be equal to 100. However, it happens that in media data the sum of the TV viewing shares of the channels slightly exceeds 100. As a rule, this is simply due to a rounding error in the process of weighing the audience when calculating indicators.
For example,
HUT = Rating / Share or HUT = Rating / Share x 100%.



The format is usually called the concept of broadcasting, which includes ideas of program policy, forms and organization of work on the air. The most common formats are:
- socially popular;
- entertaining;
- music formats;
- sports;
- business;
- news;
So, for example, the national Russian channels ORT and RTR are socially popular, the Sport and TV7 channels are sports, STS is entertainment, RBC is business, MuzTV and MTV are music, CNN and Euronews are news, etc.
The format is a definite reference point for the audience's interest in a particular product. It is clear that, for example, information about music will be more useful to viewers of a music channel than to viewers of a sports channel. Information about audit services will be more interesting to viewers of the business channel. Etc.

Broadcast time

In accordance with their technical and financial capabilities, TV channels broadcast during certain periods of time. In the early days of television, broadcasts were made several times a week, several hours a day. Then the air became daily, the programs began to go out from morning to evening. Today, some of the channels broadcast programs during the waking hours of the main part of the audience (early morning - late evening), some - around the clock.


The channels are broadcasted at meter and decimeter frequencies. The meter bands were the first to be mastered on television. In the 90s of the 20th century, decimeter channels were actively working in Moscow.
In the past, frequency was essential because the viewer had to use different antennas to receive different channels. However, today, having modern receiving equipment, a person may not even guess at what frequency the channel is coming out.
In Russia, television networks are usually located at decimeter frequencies, national and regional state channels occupy meter frequencies. As a rule, the audiences of decimeter channels are smaller than the audiences of meter channels.


A grid is a model of the time distribution of air between various programs: news, films, documentaries, sports and other programs.
Usually the grid is consistent with certain parts of the day (dayparts) in which one or another audience gathers at the screens. For example, in the United States, the following parts of the day are distinguished:
- daytime: 7-16.30, Monday to Friday, a small audience with a predominance of women;
- prime-time: 20-23 hours from Monday to Saturday and 19-23 hours on Sunday, maximum audience;
- late night: after 11 pm, small adult audience;
- news daypart: time of main news programs;
- sports time (sports): the time of sports programs, predominantly male audience;
- child time: usually the morning time of weekends, children's programs.

Specificity of informational use of television

Of all the media, television has the largest reach of people. At the same time, however, this tool cannot cover all target consumers. Some of them, even having a TV, may prefer to receive information from other sources. Some may watch TV so rarely that their achievement would result in too high an expense.
The difficulty in reaching consumers with the help of television lies primarily in the fact that it does not have a permanent audience - the degree of rotation of viewers is very high. People easily switch from channel to channel, move from one program to another. Almost the same people can watch different channels and programs. Although relatively “targeted” programs or time slots can be selected, television has lower selectivity than the press.
But on television, you can control the time of contact with the target audience.
When planning the placement of information on television, it is worth keeping in mind that there are more viewers at the screens during prime time, and, accordingly, the coverage is very high. At this time, you can reach almost the entire television audience, including those viewers who very rarely watch TV.
Greater coverage will be achieved using a wide range of programs. At the same time, the frequency of contacts with representatives of the target audience will be low.
When using a limited number of programs, a high frequency level is provided.
For example, a wide range of coverage can be achieved with different feature films. The simultaneous posting of information on different channels will also increase the reach.

When choosing a television, the following is assessed:
Number of audience
Audience quality
socio-demographic characteristics
consumer preferences
conformity index
channel format
Type of television
Transfer type
Broadcast time
Broadcast frequency
Channel status
Past experience in efficiency
other companies.


Radio was born at the very beginning of the 20th century. On August 27, 1901, the Russian inventor A.S. Popov sent the first civil radiogram. Radio quickly became an integral part of world culture and a mass media.
Today, almost all people actively or passively listen to the radio, almost every day, during work, travel, rest, etc. People have a lot to choose from: news, weather forecast, traffic analysis, music, radio plays, interviews, reports, etc. .d.
In pre-perestroika Russia, until 1990, state central and local radio broadcasting functioned. About 95% of the country's population had radios. In 1990, the first private Russian-French radio station "Europe Plus" appeared. Following, dozens of private radio stations, both national and local, entered the domestic broadcasting market.
Radio covers such categories of people who are not reached by TV and the press - who are outside the home, on the road, listening to information during any lesson.
The levels of use of TV and radio are generally complementary to each other. Usually, when the level of radio listening rises, the level of television viewing drops, and vice versa. Thus, the number of radio listeners increases in spring and summer, in contrast to the television audience, which increases in autumn and winter and decreases in summer.
According to the Radio Index, radio listening is higher in the morning and in the morning, and decreases in the evening. In general, the greatest value of the radio audience volume on weekdays is observed at 7: 00-7: 45.
A good time is considered the entire morning period from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning, when most of the people get together and go on business, listening to the radio in the car.
In general, the growth of radio listening on weekdays starts at about 7 a.m. and reaches its maximum values ​​by about ten o'clock.
Between 13 and 14 o'clock there is a certain decline, apparently due to lunchtime. From 15 to 16 - a small peak caused by teenagers returning from school.
Also, the audience increases when radio listeners return home: from 17 to 19:00, listening to the radio, both in the car and at home. Later, their attention is captured by television.
It should be borne in mind that the time frame for active radio listening very much depends on the specifics of various geographic and economic zones, on the number and popularity of radio stations, as well as on the specifics of radio listening to a particular demographic group.
The most active radio listeners are men aged 20–39.
The teenage audience is most well covered by radio stations, and the average radio rating in this group is one of the highest. This category of radio listeners actively moves from station to station, without long delays on any one wavelength.
Teens don't just listen to the radio more than people in any other age group. Radio for them is not only entertainment or one of the channels of information. For teenagers, radio has a very important "quality" component. Along with fashionable clothes and leisure activities, listening to certain radio stations is part of the adolescent lifestyle.
The older the audience, the less its coverage by radio stations, and the older the age, the smaller the further decrease in coverage.
In the USA, for example, the following division of time is introduced for different groups of the population:

The quantity and quality of the audience is also influenced by where the radio listening takes place. Pensioners, like teenagers, mostly listen to the radio at home. The share of home listening among women is quite high (including housewives). Active age groups 20–49 years old are distinguished by the maximum out-of-home radio listening, mainly in the workplace from 10:00 to 17:00.
The most active radio users in the car are representatives of the 30–39-year-old group.

Types of radio

In terms of how the signal is distributed, radio can be categorized into three categories: terrestrial, wired, and online.
Radio broadcast in air and received by listeners on individual antennas, as a rule, built into their receivers, is the most traditional and by far the most widespread. This type of media has its advantages and disadvantages.
Due to background listening, people spend more time at the radio than at the television. And this increases the possibility of their informational achievement.
Unlike television, radio listening does not require active attention. You can listen to it while doing other things at work and at home, on the way.
Information on the radio can have a high-quality effect on the listener if you use all its possibilities of creating a "theater of the imagination" - words, timbre, tonality, logical and emotional stress, pauses, amplification and reduction of sound strength, tempo, rhythm, intonation, sound effects, music. With the help of the radio, you can create a mood, an image that cannot be achieved with visual effects. Individual words and phrases can be remembered better than read ones.
However, unlike television, radio cannot simultaneously reach a very large number of people over a large area.
Trainee coverage is limited in time. A significant audience at the radio is only in the morning and evening hours. At the same time, listeners are "distributed" among dozens of stations, and in order to reach a significant number of target audience, companies have to place information "in batch". Every year the number of radio stations is growing, and the audience of each of them is falling.
Listeners often change stations, in search of something interesting for themselves, "scour" the air, as well as on television.
Radio is not a “detailed” media outlet. A person has a poor ear for numbers, prices, phone numbers and addresses. In this regard, having heard the rich information on the radio for the first time, it is almost impossible to understand it completely, or at least to navigate in the content. And it is impossible to listen to the information that interests you again right there (as in the case of television).
The difference wired radio from the terrestrial is that its signal arrives at home through the wires of a special radio broadcasting network. Listeners use speakers, one- or more-button receivers, allowing program selection.
In Russia, the first "button" is located "Radio Russia", which has the maximum technical coverage in the country. The second is the Mayak radio station. The third is the local radio.
Wired radio is not particularly attractive for companies, as the paying capacity of its listeners is very low.
On-line radio is a “child” of traditional radio and a new technical phenomenon - the Internet. The signal is transmitted in the same way as e-mail - over leased lines or telephone lines. Listeners of online radio stations are an attractive audience, as they are young, energetic, and solvent people.


On radio, companies are interested in almost the same characteristics as on television:
- technical coverage,
- the audience,
- status,
- format,
- broadcast time,
- frequency,
- grid.

Technical coverage

In terms of coverage, radio, like television, can be local, regional, national, transnational. Unlike its big brother, radio can cover very small spaces and audiences. So, for example, we can hear radio information on an escalator in the subway, in a park or exhibition, in a store, etc.
Local (local) radio stations are usually limited in news and their own correspondents are more inclined to receive information from "outside" hands. Therefore, a media relations specialist can provide radio and press releases, and already completely ready-to-air material. You can also achieve participation in any program in which you can make a comment or consultation.
University radio stations are especially open to cooperation, as well as internal (corporate) radio stations of large enterprises. A significant number of target audiences can also be reached through such radio stations.

The audience

As in the case of television, the company is not interested in the technical reach of the radio station itself, but in how many people listen to it. When measuring the radio audience, the term is used PUR(people / persons using radio) - The number of people using radio. When measuring the audience of listeners, not only those people who have a radio at home, but also those who have it in their cars are taken into account. As mentioned above, the radio audience is not constant, and varies greatly depending on the season and time of day.
Just like on television, when assessing the audience on radio, they operate with the concepts rating and share.
Often, research results use an indicator such as audience of yesterday.


Models of radio repeat television - public (public-state, public-law) or commercial.
Domestic state radio stations today are Radio Russia, Mayak, Mayak 24 and Yunost.

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Legislative and regulatory support of the construction method. directions

The methodological instructions are intended for independent work of students enrolled in the advanced training program "Ensuring safety in construction" and are part of the educational content of the Moodle e-learning system. The methodological instructions for independent work provide brief information about the system of state and technical regulation of urban planning activities. A list of documents regulating construction activities is given.

compliance with the requirements of technical regulations as a system of organizational, legal, technical and<...>Considering that according to paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of the Law "On Technical Regulation" technical regulations contain<...>are technical regulations.<...>technical regulations.<...>General technical conditions.

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To recognize as invalid: 1) Federal Law of June 12, 2008 N 88-FZ "Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 24, Art. 2801); 2) Federal Law of July 22, 2010 N 163-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 30, Art. 3994).



In accordance with Part 2 of Article 13.3 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control", the Government of the Russian Federation decides: 1. To approve the attached Rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of inspections.

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General technical requirements. Test methods (approved by<...>Types, sizes, general technical requirements "(approved by<...>Maintenance of fire extinguishers 2.3.1.<...>N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" (hereinafter - Technical regulations),<...>Participates in the work of the fire-technical commission.

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The article deals with the problem of ensuring the fire resistance of fire barriers when laying engineering communications. The features of ensuring the fire resistance of fire barriers when installing cable penetrations at the place of laying cable products, as well as the possibility of using for these purposes filling openings with fire-resistant polyurethane foam are considered. The disadvantages of using fire-resistant assembly foams when installing cable penetrations are listed. The necessity of mandatory confirmation of the compliance of cable penetrations made of fire-resistant assembly foams with the requirements has been substantiated.

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No. 1 [Handbook on fire safety in medical organizations, 2017]

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The problem of using second-hand and remanufactured pipes in construction and housing and communal services is gaining an increasing scale from year to year. Over the past winter season alone, more than 200 major accidents in the pipelines of housing and communal services were recorded in our country: a sewage break in Voronezh, water fountains in the Urals, a collapse in Bryansk, a massive outage

Pro Aqua - Russian production - Information portal "Technical


CLASSIFICATION OF USERS OF THE INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF OPEN EDUCATION AND THEIR FORMAL DESCRIPTION ON THE MODEL OF THE ENVIRONMENT [Electronic resource] / Lobachev // Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Problems of Higher Education .- 2004 .- No. 2 .- P. 67-73 .- Access mode: https: // website / efd / 518594

The creation of an information and educational environment for open education (IEE OE) has the goal of meeting the information and educational needs of Internet users on the scale of the entire education system of the Russian Federation, covering all regions, directions and levels of education

information and educational needs of Internet users across the entire education system of the Russian Federation with coverage<...>ensuring the implementation of educational services through IEE OO: teachers of educational institutions; technical<...>For example, to the category of technical specialists providing the work of a representative office of an educational institution<...>In the category of technical specialists, the subcategory "methodologist" is a reflection of the need to implement<...>Scheme for dividing users into categories Users Technical specialists Consumers of educational


The geometric conditions for the realization of the process of impact of the ball on the wall are considered. The influence of the relative length of the cable, the angle of inclination of the boom on the energy parameters of the impact interaction is analyzed

Head of the Department of Water Resources and Water Use, Kaliningrad State Technical<...>Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Safety Regulations


# 1 [Modern laboratory practice, 2018]

"Modern laboratory practice" is a scientific and practical journal for practical laboratories of any orientation (analytical, testing, calibration). The journal is intended to inform the laboratory community about the latest changes in regulatory documents, the practice of their implementation, the latest developments and techniques, new equipment and materials. The issues of implementation of the quality management system, organizational and methodological problems associated with accreditation and confirmation of conformity, automation and introduction of new technologies into the practice of laboratories of various levels are discussed.

TR CU 020/2011 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment" 13.<...>TR CU 023/2011 "Technical regulations for fruit and vegetable juice products" 16.<...>TR CU 024/2011 "Technical regulations for fat and oil products" 17.<...>Unreasonable use of coverage factor 2 is not recommended.<...>The coverage factor used to calculate the expanded uncertainty should be reported.

Preview: Modern Laboratory Practice # 1 2018.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Over the past five years, 30 emergencies have occurred in the Russian Federation caused by the collapse of buildings and structures for industrial, residential, social and cultural purposes. Supervisory authorities, maintenance services, developers, owners of buildings and structures do not always cope with the task of ensuring the safety of their construction and operation

the application of which ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 384-FZ "Technical<...>real-time control of destabilizing factors by monitoring engineering systems


# 4 [Construction orbit, 2014]

All-Russian, industry magazine, published since 2003, is an independent information and analytical publication. It is an information partner of state, public and leading commercial structures of the country's construction industry. A regular participant in events organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the offices of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in various federal districts. The main content is articles on the state and problems of the construction industry, as well as information materials about the best technologies, design solutions, energy saving, environmental problems and the state of affairs in reforming housing and communal services.

Management reporting will allow you to cover the entire business at a glance, identify deviations in a timely manner<...>Among fire prevention measures, normative and technical work is becoming the main one.<...>Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation". 2.<...>... No. 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements". 3.<...>... No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures". four.

Preview: Construction orbit # 4 2014.pdf (0.3 Mb)


Oil companies and drilling contractors suffer significant financial losses due to the high proportion of non-productive time in the structure of total well construction time. The analysis of the existing methodological approaches to improving the efficiency of work and optimizing management decisions was made, a diagram of K. Ishikawa was formed to analyze the root causes of the loss of productive time. An algorithm and a cost management methodology are proposed, which make it possible to determine the most significant causes of downtime, as well as to develop measures to prevent them on the basis of successful organizational and technological solutions for the sections of a composite well; manage the NPV structure as a whole due to the operational actions of the drilling supervisor; eliminate the prerequisites for NPT by a drilling contractor using a nonlinear optimization technique under a limited budget. Studies were carried out on 704 wells of the oil company drilled in 2015 and 2016. at deposits with similar mining and geological conditions and engineering and technological support: the share of LPT was 15.3%, which is equivalent to 2058 days. The ABC-analysis was carried out, the categories of NPT, which had the main influence on the increase in the construction time, were identified, the Lorentz curve and the Pareto diagram were derived, the AVM model was built. Approbation of the proposed method in 2017 confirmed its economic efficiency in the management of well drilling.

The "technical limit" reflects the company's commitment to more than just shortening drilling times through pinpoint drilling.<...>To reach the technical limit, it is necessary to completely eliminate NPV, the inefficiency of all operations<...>Avoid inconsistency of the control system and the implementation of topping the established technical requirements<...>Carry out inspections for the technical condition of the drilling tool without any exceptions<...>Ensure timely action by the supervisor in the event of non-compliance of engineering and technical personnel


No. 2 [Energy saving, 2015]

The magazine is published by the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow and the Non-Commercial Partnership "Engineers for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Supply and Building Thermal Physics" (NP "AVOK"). Subjects of published materials: - New technical, technological, economic and regulatory developments on energy saving in the field of construction, housing and communal services and energy. - Survey, analytical and reference information on the state of the Russian market of goods and services in the field of construction, housing and communal services and energy, as well as reference information on manufacturing firms and suppliers of these goods and services. - Information about upcoming exhibitions, seminars, symposia and conferences, which include consideration of issues of energy conservation and demonstration of energy-saving products in various sectors of the national economy. - Other interesting and useful publications for a wide range of readers, including issues of product certification, tariffs for energy resources in various regions of Russia, provisions on contests and tenders announced in order to solve specific energy-saving projects in Moscow, etc.

/ year (depreciation, maintenance, verification, billing).<...>The introduction of this provision, as well as considerations for the scope of control over compliance with the requirements for<...>General technical conditions ", harmonized with the European analogue.<...>Service and technical support. More than 600 systems have been implemented.<...>Development, assembly, installation, adjustment, maintenance.

Preview: Energy Saving # 2 2015.pdf (1.4 Mb)


Methodology for monitoring information and software for overhaul of apartment buildings on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan textbook. allowance

The tutorial sets out the methodology of construction control, the basics of preparing apartment buildings for overhaul of common property and the rules for commissioning after overhaul of apartment buildings on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The main documents of the new system of technical regulation are technical regulations.<...>The development of technical regulations is carried out on the basis of the program for the development of technical regulations<...>In the field of construction, a number of related technical regulations have also been adopted: the technical regulation "On requirements<...>Comments from the developer or technical customer attracted by the developer or technical customer<...>and the production and technical department of construction and installation organizations.

Preview: Methodology for monitoring information and software for overhaul of apartment buildings on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan.pdf (0.7 Mb)


Semiotic model as a formalism for the automation of design processes for isothermal tanks and verification of the design decisions [Electronic resource] / Bashlykov, Rakhmanin // Automation, telemechanization and communication in the oil industry. - 2014 .- No. 4 .- P. 8-15 .- Mode access: https: // site / efd / 349492

The article analyzes a semiotic approach to the automation of the design of isothermal tanks. The characteristics of the subject area of ​​design are considered. The concept of a semiotic model as a means of describing a subject area has been introduced. The hypothesis of automation of the solution of design problems and the means of its implementation are described. The procedure for automating the search for design solutions for each class of problems solvable in the semiotic model is formally defined. The procedure for automating the design of isothermal tanks by means of semiotic modeling is described.

Handbook of technical acoustics: trans. with him. / ed. M. Hekla, H. D.<...>In the regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) of the Russian Federation, there are no recommendations on what combinations of loads<...>As can be seen from the comparison of the two ways of calculation, the sequence of verification of technical solutions according to the criterion<...>Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Requirements<...>The graph of the computational procedure is the found algorithm for solving the problem for a technical solution that excludes


# 11 [Legality, 2013]

As you know, in the last decade and a half in Russia, legislation has been actively updated, on some issues - radically, many legal institutions are undergoing significant changes, new ones are being introduced. During this time, many discussion articles have been published on the pages of the journal about the place and role of the prosecutor's office in our society and the state, devoted to judicial reform, the new CPC, the jury, the reform of the investigation in the prosecutor's office, etc. But this has never been to the detriment of materials about the exchange experience and comments of legislation, complex issues of law enforcement practice. Essays on acclaimed prosecutors are also published regularly. The magazine has a well-established team of authors, which includes well-known scientists and law enforcement officials who are heartbroken for the cause from almost all regions of Russia.

On technical regulation and product quality management. - Business Law, 2011, No. 3.<...>This type of government regulation is called technical 5.<...>definition of the concept of "technical regulation": technical regulation - legal regulation<...>At the same time, the procedure for conducting such a check in the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", as well as in the Federal Law "<...>On technical regulation and product quality management // Entrepreneurial Law. - 2011. -

Preview: Legality No. 11 2013.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The article is devoted to the upcoming changes in the legal regime of real rights to real estate, taking into account the novelties proposed by the Concept for the Development of Civil Legislation and their reflection in the draft amendments to the Civil Code

In Russian legislation, in sub. 6.P. 2, Art. 2 Federal Law "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings<...>a construction system with an aboveground and (or) underground part, including premises, engineering and technical networks<...>support and engineering support systems and intended for living and (or) activities<...>Electronic base SNiP, www.snip.rf 3 Federal Law of 30.12.2009 N 384-FZ (as amended on 02.07.2013) "Technical<...>real estate and suitable for permanent residence of citizens (meets the established sanitary and technical



The purpose of the study is to substantiate the scientific and methodological provisions of equipping an agricultural enterprise with the main means of production and the development of economic and organizational conditions for their practical application.

In the material and technical resources and the material and technical base of agricultural production<...>From the concept of the material and technical base it follows that the formation of the means of production of the enterprise<...>The most important direction of implementation. scientific and technological progress, according to Professor G.G. Kosachev<...>NZ Variants of technology "~ production of products (with different technically"!<...>Second chapter, "The technical level of production and the economic conditions for meeting the demand



Methodology for modeling management activities in the system of municipal general, pre-vocational and primary vocational education


It is clear, for example, that in industrially developed Togliatti, humanitarian and technical<...>Physico-technical and physical-mathematical lyceums 6 57 37 24 61 15 23 56 21 "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 3<...>Technical colleges 13 73 14 36 61 3 37 58 5 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC Agency Book-Service<...>Interactive educational system "Technical Lyceum Junior College" for gifted children // Sat.<...>Prospects for the work of municipal physical and technical lyceums // Coll.

Preview: Methodology for modeling management activities in the system of municipal general, pre-professional and primary vocational education.pdf (0.0 Mb)




The purpose of this study, on the basis of analysis, generalization of accumulated experience, theoretical and experimental studies, is to identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of using grain harvesting units as a determining link in the entire harvesting process and to substantiate the ways of their implementation.

This growth is carried out in the conditions of further technical re-equipment of agriculture.<...>The first chapter "Technical progress in grain production" discloses the theoretical aspects of the category<...>; X $ technical condition of the combine fleet (cost of current repairs and technical maintenance<...>; technical condition of dripping 12.2 ?.<...>necessary for etogo labor and material and technical resources. CONCLUSIONS I.



<...> <...> <...> <...>


Technological equipment of catering enterprises of the restaurant and hotel complex: assessment of the effectiveness of the modernization direction

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Technical equipment of catering establishments within types and classes ................................<...>ANALYSIS OF THE YORKSHIRE RESTAURANT ACTIVITIES AND ITS TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ..............................<...>The subject of the research is the condition of the technical equipment of the Yorkshire restaurant.<...>Technical equipment of catering organizations and labor protection. - M .: Academy, 2015.<...>Technical equipment of catering organizations and labor protection. - M .: Academy, 2015.

Preview: Technological equipment of catering establishments of a restaurant and hotel complex assessment of the effectiveness of the direction of modernization.pdf (0.3 Mb)


Technological equipment of catering enterprises of the restaurant and hotel complex: assessment of the effectiveness of the modernization direction

Checked through the search engine for text borrowings

Technical equipment of catering establishments within types and classes ................................<...>ANALYSIS OF THE YORKSHIRE RESTAURANT ACTIVITIES AND ITS TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ..............................<...>The subject of the research is the condition of the technical equipment of the Yorkshire restaurant.<...>Technical equipment of catering organizations and labor protection. - M .: Academy, 2015.<...>Technical equipment of catering organizations and labor protection. - M .: Academy, 2015.

Preview: Technological equipment of catering establishments of a restaurant and hotel complex assessment of the effectiveness of the direction of modernization.pdf (0.3 Mb)




The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the thesis is to identify reserves and ways to increase the economic efficiency of the production of poultry products in the farms of the South Ural region

INCREASING THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION OF POULTRY PRODUCTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF ACCELERATING THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL<...>V.I. Lenkn paid great attention to the problems of scientific and technological progress.<...>Examining the dryness of technical "progress, he noted that" technical progress is expressed in the fact that<...>development, the establishment of scientific and technological progress. ... ; In its modern meaning, scientific and technical<...>Resource-saving technologies are one of the important areas of scientific and technological progress.





The purpose of the study was to identify the main directions and develop proposals to improve their efficiency in the context of the completion of complex mechanization on the basis of a comprehensive study of the organization of mechanized work in sugar beet growing.

CONTENT OF WORK Scientific and technological progress finds its material embodiment in engineering, technology<...>-h / ha did not become widespread due to the weak material and technical base of the industry.<...>their operation, poorly organized maintenance.<...>Service link 7.<...>But for organizational and technical reasons, they are idle: for sowing work $ 14-16, for caring for



Information systems in the management of a hotel enterprise (for example, the Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow hotel)

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The modern understanding of the information system involves the use as the main technical<...>In addition, the technical implementation of the information system in itself will mean nothing if<...>The technical equipment is a complex of those ฺ x ฺ n ฺ iches ฺ to ฺ and ฺ x means, providing ฺ<...>B ฺ The choice of the required state ฺ a ฺ in ฺ a technical environment ฺ dst ฺ in should o ฺ pre ฺ de ฺ l ฺ yat ฺ I first of all<...>Moreover, some systems can technically manage both a hotel and a restaurant.

Preview: Information systems in the management of a hotel enterprise (on the example of the Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow hotel) .pdf (0.5 Mb)




The aim of the thesis is to develop a technology for forcing green vegetable crops (onions, celery, parsley) in multi-tiered hydroponic installations.

Scientific advisers - candidate of technical sciences Yu.N. Lilov; Candidate of Agricultural Sciences G.Z.Berson<...>":" v; .. -. [: \ - f- / ~ iyi Approbation, Materials of the thesis-reported:; scientific.V technical<...>In the book. : "Technical progress of agricultural machines", BISHOya, M., 1972. (co-authored). 3.



Features of the concepts of hostels as small accommodation facilities and the prospects for their development


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The technical and service personnel must monitor the cleanliness and order in the premises of the hostel, as well as<...>The area of ​​the premises depends on many factors - location, technical condition of the apartment, but<...>service - briefings and instructions on the use of technical equipment - repaired equipment<...>N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" with amendments and additions (revised<...>N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" with amendments and additions (revised

Preview: Features of the concepts of hostels as small accommodation facilities and the prospects for their development.pdf (0.5 Mb)



The monograph substantiates innovative techniques in milk production technology in a reconstructed standard dairy complex. Based on our own long-term research, generalization of the research results of domestic and foreign scientists, the main technological processes of milk production are shown: maintenance, feeding, milking and primary processing of milk. The flow-shop system of milk production with year-round stall keeping of Holstein cattle of the Netherlands origin using automated equipment and a milking parlor "Dairymaster" with a herd management center "Dairymaster Milk Manager" is presented. In the context of modernization of production, the use of information technologies and genetic marking in breeding is justified. The results of the research made it possible to bring the milk productivity of first-calf cows to an average of 7000 kg of milk per lactation, to create milk potential in the herd at the level of 9000 kg of milk and to improve its quality in accordance with the modern requirements of technical regulations.

88-ФЗ "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products" 88 9.<...>Livestock farming of the country turned out to be especially in difficult conditions, the technical base of the industry was worn<...>Specifications basic all-Russian norm of mass fraction of fat in milk - 3.4%.<...>Technical conditions ”testifies to its excess on average for 2010 by 0.23%.<...>N 88-FZ "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products".



A brief overview of the formation and development of the environmental service of the oil company "LUKOIL", practical experience of ensuring the protection of the marine environment in the development of oil and gas resources of the Northern Caspian is presented. Shown is a retrospective view of entering a new, unexplored region, the discovery of an entire oil and gas province, carried out by a private company at its own risk and at its own expense, ensuring the solution of one of the main strategic tasks of the Russian Federation at the end of the 20th century. - anchoring in the Caspian Sea. In parallel with the development of licensed areas in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea, the company's environmental policy was being formed. The confinement of the licensed areas to the most highly productive water area of ​​the enclosed Caspian Sea isolated from the World Ocean has led to the development of new strategies and tactics, technologies that would ensure reliable protection of the marine environment from pollution. The main role in this is played by special environmental and fishery requirements for geological exploration, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the protected area in the northern part of the Caspian Sea and the practical implementation of the principle of "zero discharge" of waste into the sea. It is noted that the company is successfully implementing a system of industrial and environmental safety for the development of hydrocarbon deposits in the protected area of ​​the Northern Caspian, and the results of comprehensive environmental monitoring confirm the high efficiency of environmental protection measures in the development of licensed areas in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea

Development and implementation of large technical projects of LUKOIL in the water area of ​​the most environmentally sensitive<...>This means that the decisions made of a technical and organizational nature should provide more<...>solutions protected by patents of the Russian Federation, testifying to their high scientific and technical<...>Korchagin monitoring of the technical condition of the platform solves the following tasks:  continuous monitoring<...>Created, equipped with the necessary technical means and is in a state of constant readiness


No.4 (28) [All about housing and communal services, 2015]

Based on this, the procedure for conducting a technical survey for apartment buildings is now being prepared.<...>The technical condition of the house suffers.<...>He also stressed that today the target is to reach the coverage of personal accounts in the amount of 1,900<...>Such wishes are being developed, and already on the basis of them there will be technical solutions.<...>provide its maintenance on a monthly basis in various volumes, and the meaning of this technical

Preview: All about housing and communal services №4 2015.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 6 [Industrial and environmental safety, labor protection, 2009]

Information specialized magazine in the field of industrial, environmental, fire safety and labor protection, construction and energy, labor law. The magazine is not published in January.

Monthly scientific and technical journal No. 6-7 June-July 2009 THEME OF THE ISSUE: Declaration of fire safety<...>There are many reasons: organizational, technical, and regulatory.<...>availability of technical documentation, instructions, personnel qualifications.<...>presentation Alexey Vladimirovich Fomin, Technical Director of ZAO ECC "Alton".<...>We have a unique material and technical base.

Preview: Industrial and environmental safety, labor protection No. 6 2009.pdf (6.9 Mb)




To achieve higher yields, it is necessary to look for a different structure of sown areas and other crop rotation schemes. The first step to this can be the rejection of two dry fields, torn in time and space - grasses and steam. Moreover, all three conditions for increasing high yields of rice can be concentrated in a single field. This may be the agromeliorative wedge proposed by Professor Ye.B. Velichko, developed by us and described in detail in the reviewed dissertation.

Copyright OJSC "CDB" BIBCOM "& LLC" Agency Book-Service "" Technical editor P, I.



M. Bakhtin's Solution

The book contains an analysis of the main philosophical, methodological and literary-aesthetic ideas that make up the core of the scientific heritage of Mikhail Bakhtin, a well-known Russian philologist and thinker of the 20th century. The author examines the connection between M. Bakhtin's discoveries and phenomenological and neo-Kantian traditions, examines the key concepts of Bakhtin's heritage: dialogism, monologism, polyphony, carnivalization, polyphony, ambivalence, official and laughing culture, chronotope, one's own and someone else's word. Particular attention is paid to the problems of metalinguistics and speech activity. At the same time, A. Pankov draws attention to the paradoxes and dilemmas that arise in the concept of M. Bakhtin in connection with the address of the latter to issues that require a systematic approach. In this regard, little-known concepts of Russian methodologists who were actively working in the 50-80s in the field of the General Theory of Activity (works by G.P. Shchedrovitsky and others) are used to interpret the theoretical material. An essential place is given to Bakhtin's understanding of genres, "poetic language", and the history of the novel. The book talks about the artistic worldview as a subject of literary research and the role of literary criticism in the processes of the reproduction of literary activity. Particular attention is paid to the category "reflection" and "reflexive" motives in the work of M. Bakhtin. The originality of Bakhtin's view of the medieval culture and work of Dostoevsky is revealed. technical progress makes it possible for<...>The introduction of maain into it is the main content of the material and technical side of the industrial process.<...>by the power of technical improvements "Bayai" during this period from 1:16 to 1: 280.<...>However, such an increase in technical armament did not have such a significant impact on resource and efficient



No. 4 [Agricultural literature. Systematic Index, 2011]

The monthly systematic index, the registration authority for the National Agricultural Bibliography, has been published since 1948. Every year it publishes information about 42 thousand domestic books and articles on all issues of agriculture and related branches of knowledge. The index is the main and most complete reference manual on domestic agricultural literature, published in Russian in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. It is intended for researchers, teachers of agricultural universities and colleges and agricultural specialists, as well as for employees of special and universal libraries and bodies of scientific and technical information.


The aim of the study was to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the economy and organization of production in the grain-product sub-complex of the South of Russia.

In the grain industry of the country, there is a steady tendency towards a decrease in the level of technical potential.<...>technical progress in the industry.<...>The technical readiness of tractors and agricultural machines decreased to 60-65%.<...>Technical progress in grain production as a factor in the growth of its efficiency // "Scientific and technical<...>The technical factor of grain production in food security.

Preview: ECONOMY AND ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION IN THE GRAIN PRODUCT SUBCOMPLEX APK.pdf (0.0 Mb) regulations; special technical regulations.<...>In Russia they apply: general technical regulations; special technical regulations.Preview: Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification Q&A Study Guide.pdf (0.2 MB)


Commodity research, expertise in customs (food and non-food products) workshop

M .: ITK "Dashkov and K"

In the workshop, the authors propose to consider in practical and laboratory classes, as well as in independent study, theoretical issues of commodity science, commodity science and expertise in customs on the example of homogeneous groups of food and non-food products. Classes are accompanied by examples of assignments and specific situational tasks. The workshop was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 38.05.02 Customs (specialist level).


Objectives of the work. This work is an attempt at a comprehensive economic study devoted to the study of the following basic economic problems of the application of technology in socialist agriculture: first, the influence of forms of ownership, distribution and exchange on the rates and directions of technological progress, the nature and level of its use. In this regard, the substantiation of the ways of improving production relations, emerging with regard to technology and organizational forms in which their development is carried out; secondly, the study of the impact of the progress of technology and its productive use on the nature of labor and the development of socialist social relations in the countryside ...

technical and economic. The first aspect is represented by the works of V.N.<...>


Of social labor in agriculture, substantiation of the patterns and trends of its growth in the context of the ongoing radical economic reform and the transition to market relations, determining the essence, characteristics and patterns of development of scientific and technological progress in the regional conditions of the republic and identifying its impact on the growth of labor productivity, taking into account the natural -climatic, biological-physiological, technical-technological and socio-economic factors of production.

~ meme of scientific and technological progress; ... >; "". : "~ -" /.-, "".<...>progress "instead of" technical progress "The essence and content of scientific and technological progress comes from<...>Technical progress in; agriculture; * Kyrgyzstan.<...>In the book: Assessment of the technical level of production in the national economy.<...>In the book: Socio-economic efficiency of scientific and technological progress.



No. 4-1 (20-21) [All about housing and communal services, 2013]

The subject matter of the publication is aimed at deepening information in the field of practical application of the existing experience in the field of the work of housing and communal services enterprises, as well as new materials and equipment used in this area. The magazine "All About Housing and Communal Services" is focused on highlighting the results of reform and modernization programs for the housing and communal services of Russia. The editorial office of the magazine organizes conferences, seminars, round tables, exhibitions - presentations with top officials of regional ministries and departments for housing and communal services in Moscow and the regions of the country.

Visochkin, expert on technical regulation and standardization of the Pipe Industry Development Fund<...>Expert discussions of the Technoprom Forum covered a wide range of issues related to risk management and<...>The Tekhnoprom sites also hosted a round table on the problems of technical education, a discussion<...>Clarify the list of technically complex, especially dangerous and unique objects.<...>Redevelopment is the replacement or removal of any element specified in the technical passport of the room

Preview: All about housing and communal services №4 2013.pdf (0.1 Mb)