Useful tips

Most people know how to use Google for search- go to home page, enter keywords, press SEARCH and get a list of results.

Using Google Search

6. How to search on a specific site

If you enter the search word in the search bar, and next to it add “site:” and the name of the site (without a space). For example " useful tips site:site"

7. How to convert different currencies and values

Using this search engine you can convert different currencies and values. For example, you can write "1 kg in pounds" in the search bar, or say this sentence into a microphone using voice search(in this case, the search functions must contain Russian), or for example "1 dollar in rubles" (currency may be different).

You can also quickly convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, miles to meters or dollars to rubles.

8. How to find out the time in any city on the planet

Enter the syntax: "time:" into the search bar, then specify the city. For example "time:africa".

9. How to use Google calculator

10. How to search for a word on websites of only the language you need

Using the "lang" function you can find any term that is used on sites written in the language you need. For example, you want to read about iPhone on Russian sites - write “iPhone lang:ru”. For English language use en, and for French fr.

11. How to find out the weather forecast

To find out what the weather is like at the moment in one or more cities of one country or continent, just enter “weather” or “weather” in the search bar and indicate the city. For example, "weather Moscow".

Google translator and other search engine functions

12. How to translate in Google search engine

Google has its own translator ( google translate) but some words can be translated using only a search engine. You need to enter in the search bar: "translate [word] into [language]" (translate [word] to [word]). For example, "translate I love summer into Italian".

If you have a favorite site and you want to find similar sites, then enter “related:” and the name of your favorite site.

Searching for files may seem difficult for novice users and may take time for a long time. In this article we will look at all the ways to search for files on your computer.

Important: Search results using the Start menu display not only files; search results will also display system files of the same name. Windows commands. For example, entering the search query “cmd” will result in a command (program) that launches the command line.

Main search window

Explorer window

The next way to search for files is to use any Explorer window. To search for files using Explorer, you must conduct a request to the appropriate section of any open window(for example – “My_computer”).

This method is more convenient than others because, using Explorer, you can search for files directly inside the specified (open) sections hard drive(folders) without the need to enter appropriate restrictions using a search filter. What is significant is the process of searching for files.

Search filters

In addition to how you search for files, it's also important how you can narrow your search results to find exactly the file you need. This is done by using special search filters; you can use them by searching for files in the Explorer window. Because the submariner uses the most filters to filter out unnecessary search results.

Search settings

Sometimes the search is unable to find the file of interest, this happens if it is located inside an unindexed hard section disk. This can be fixed if you configure and expand the search parameters. To do this, follow the instructions described below.

Search operators

Operators are symbols/words that include additional search results filter parameters. In other words, these symbols are used to quickly filter out results, similar to how it is done in Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo).

The most popular operators:

  • Quotes “” – finds files containing the exact phrase of the search query in the name (for example, “rules of the game”);
  • Asterisk * - finds files with the extension specified after the asterisk (for example, *.doc);
  • Logical “AND” “AND or +” - finds files containing all the listed words, between which “AND or +” is written. (for example – “rules+game+football”, “rules AND football+game”);
  • Comparison relative to the specified file parameters >, 1GB, color depth:
  • Exact value = - searches for files equal to the specified parameters (for example, dimensions:>=”800 x 600″);


If after reading the article you have any questions about searching for files, you can find answers to them in the specially created help section of the operating system. The help menu will open after pressing the F1 key. To obtain information regarding searching for files, enter the search query - “search”.

This way you will find all sections Windows Help repentant file search.

Good afternoon, friends! Today we will continue our lessons with the operating room Windows system 7 and learn another secret - how to properly configure and search for files in Windows 7.

It would seem, what’s wrong with that? A search engine is a search engine. I switched to seven about a year ago. And to be honest, in XP I tried not to use the built-in search engine. Absolutely inconvenient. And what you need is either not found, or found, but the process sometimes drags on for several hours.

I didn't expect much from 7. But just the other day, this OS pleasantly surprised me. I needed to search for one file in Windows 7, I didn’t remember its exact name, but I typed part of the name... and received my file in less than 2-3 seconds. Now I only use the built-in search engine.

Indexing service in windows 7

Microsoft developers did a good job. 7's search tool compares favorably with previous ones operating systems of this family not only in quality, but also in search speed.

My favorite browser is Chrome, and its search engine is very similar to the mechanism in Windows 7. The search begins its work as soon as you enter the first characters. In addition, there is a hint system based on the history of previous requests. If too many results are returned for a search query, the system suggests using dynamic filtering based on various criteria - date, file size, type, etc.

The basis for such effective work of the OS search engine is a special indexing service. It launches along with the operating system, works in the background, and creates a special database of file information. Updating and restoring the index in the event of any failure also occurs automatically, without user intervention.

It should be noted that the OS allocates a certain system resource for the operation of this service. For the service to work effectively, but not to the detriment of other programs, it must be configured correctly. We will definitely talk about this today.

Instantly search for files in Windows 7

7 provides two ways to instant search files.

  • 1. Search using the Start menu. Click on the “Start” button and enter the required search query in the search field below. For example, “Christmas tree”.

As you enter data, search results will be displayed directly in the Start window. It should be noted that the search is also carried out by the contents of the files.

If there are too many results and you want to get acquainted with them in more detail, click on the “View other results” button.

The “Search Results” window will open. The files here are already sorted by type and the search query is highlighted in yellow.

You can make your search more specific. To do this, scroll to the very bottom of the list of search results.

And in the “Repeat search in:” section, select the appropriate option.

If you assume that the file you are looking for is in the OS Library, then select this option.

If you know approximately which folder to search in, select the “Other...” option and specify a specific folder to search.

If you want to search on the Internet, click the “Internet” button.

If you want to repeat the search on the entire computer, click on the “Computer” button. By default, the indexer goes through all files except OS system files and program files. This allows you to increase search speed and reduce the size of the indexer database. but it’s true how often we search system files? It's not often. By selecting the “Computer” option, the system will repeat its search, but only more thoroughly and, accordingly, will take a longer period of time.

  • 2. The second option for instant search is searching in the “ Windows Explorer" The principle of operation is approximately the same.

Setting up the indexing service

  • 1. Go to “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> then in the search area enter “indexing” -> select the “Indexing Options” section.

  • 2. In the window that appears, you will see all the folders for which the indexing service works. If you want to exclude any folder from the search (for example, you know that one of the partitions of your hard drive is used for backup, then, in principle, it can be removed from this list), click the “Change” button.

And uncheck the box next to the folder that you want to remove from the search engine. Next, click the “OK” button.

  • 3. Next, click on the “Advanced” button. In the window that opens, on the “Indexing Options” tab, uncheck all two boxes. In 99% of cases we do not need these functions, and therefore there is no need for additional load on the indexing service.

  • 4. If you want to transfer the index database from the system partition of the hard drive to another partition in order to free up free space on the disk, then for this you need to specify a new folder in the “Index location” section on the same tab.

To successfully change the index database location, be sure to restart the indexing service or simply restart your computer.

  • 5. Next, go to the “File Types” tab and edit the list of file types, leaving only the most essential (with which you work). This will significantly reduce the load on the system. By default, the indexing service processes almost all file types in use.

  • 6. Finally, decide how the indexing service will process files.

If you select “Index properties only,” the indexer will process only the file name and its metadata (size, type, creation date).

If you select the “Index properties and contents of files” option, the document will be completely processed, including its contents. This will take longer and require additional system resources, but will increase the likelihood of search accuracy.

The choice is yours, my dear Reader.

  • Next, click “OK” and “Close”.

Today we looked at the capabilities of the Window 7 search service and how to configure it. In the next article I will share with you another interesting tool (though from a third-party developer), which allows you to search adapted to the Russian-speaking population, taking into account declensions and cases.

Yesterday, some residents of our country suddenly discovered that... It was temporarily blocked by providers TTK, Akado, Avax and Sumtel at the direction of Roskomnadzor. But a significant proportion of subscribers of these providers did not notice the blocking, as they use a domestic search engine.

IN April 2017 searched for something in Yandex 43 million people. If you are one of them, then this short article is for you.

P.S. For those who prefer Google and DuckDuckGo, there are links in the last section.

1. How to search among sites of a specific city, region, federal district or country?

This is how you can find information on the request “graduate ball” among the websites of the city of Bratsk:

alumni ball cat:11000976

To find out the number that must be dialed after the operator cat:, you need to add to 1100000 region code in Yandex.Catalogue. For example:

  • Moscow - 1100001;
  • Chernigov - 1100966;
  • Voronezh - 1100193;
  • Volga region - 1100040;
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1100207;
  • CIS countries - 166.

There are already more than 117 thousand sites in Yandex.Catalog. Similarly, you can search for something only among resources dedicated to a specific topic. To do this, instead of region codes, you need to use theme codes and add 9,000,000 to them, instead of 1,100,000.

2. How to deceive Yandex about your location?

Using the Chrome extension Manual Geolocation you can mark any point on the map and search engine will think that you are exactly there and adjust the search results in accordance with this data. For example, you can search for objects located near your home in St. Petersburg, but it is located in Moscow. Convenient when planning trips.

This point is relevant for all sites that use your location data.

3. How to search for pages in a specific domain zone and in a specific language?

This is how you can find what Ukrainian websites (in the ua domain zone) write about zebras in Ukrainian:

zebra domain:ua lang:uk

In a similar way, you can find out the opinions of websites of other countries on various issues. Language codes for Yandex:

  • Russian (ru);
  • Ukrainian (uk);
  • Belarusian (be);
  • English (en);
  • French (fr);
  • German (de);
  • Kazakh (kk);
  • Tatar (tt);
  • Turkish (tr).

4. How to search for pages on a specific site?

This is how you can search for pages only on the website:

zebras site:site

This is how you can search only among articles of certain categories. For example, among the questions in Rescue service website:

messages url:site/iNotes/q/*

And here’s how to get a list of all tags that are used on the site:

5. How to search for pages created on a specific date?

This is how you can find pages created on a specific day:

steve jobs date:20170617

And like this in the interval between two dates:

steve jobs date:20170610..20170617

And with the help of the operator date: You can search for pages by last indexing date.

6. How to search for files of a specific type?

Search for a book in PDF format to upload to iBooks:

flowers for algernon mime:pdf

And this is how you can find all MS Word documents mentioning the word “declaration” on the Federal Tax Service website:

declaration mime:docx

Types of documents that Yandex indexes:

  • html;
  • docx;
  • xlsx;
  • pptx;

7. How to search only in page titles?

With this operator:

It is very convenient when you need to find an article by its exact title.

8. How to search by image file name?

Have you saved a picture to your computer and want to use it with the source indicated, but don’t remember where it came from? The search operator using the exact name of the image will help:

Operators for searching by HTML tag attribute values:

applet:– applet tag code;
script:- src of the script tag;
object:– all attributes of object;
action:– action of the form tag;
profile:– profile of the head tag.

9. How to find links to a specific page?

Yandex has an operator for searching for mentions within links. This way you can find links to a specific page.


10. How to use widgets and tips?

If you type one of the four words below in the search, mini-applications will appear under the search bar:

  • "Calculator";
  • "Currency Converter";
  • "Value Converter";
  • "Translation".

And for some queries, answers are displayed directly in the search bar. Examples.

Starting to use new system, I think you might have encountered the fact that file search in Windows 7 is organized slightly differently compared to other operating systems. Now I will tell you about where the search is in Windows 7, and also look at an example of searching for files in Windows 7.

Setting up search in Windows 7

IN Windows menu 7 has a built-in search bar that allows you to find not only menu programs by their name, but also files and folders. I should note that not all files are searchable, but only indexed ones, that is, those to which the system has assigned a special number called “index”. If your files and folders are in standard folders, then you don't need to configure indexing.

To make the settings, open the “Start” menu and type “search options” and select “Change search options for files and folders” in the results.

In the “Search” tab, the parameters should be as in the picture below.

I do not advise you to choose a search by file name, although at first glance this seems like a good idea, in practice it will lead to the fact that the search will not only take an incredibly long time, but will also return a lot of irrelevant results, and therefore will not be effective. In this window, all settings are set optimally, there is no need to change anything.

Now, similarly to the previous case, we find it in the “Indexing Options” menu. In the window that opens, click “Edit” and now we can select all your data folders for indexing. You should not choose system ones Windows folders, select only the data you need. There is no need to choose like Plyushkin. What if it comes in handy!?

One more useful function settings is to configure indexing by extension. Click the "Advanced" button and select the "File Types" tab. Here you can add indexing of the contents of files that you will search by content. For example, you want to search documents by content. Click on “doc” and select “Index properties and contents of files” at the bottom.

Now that you have configured everything, you can click “OK” and “OK” again to save the results and let’s start searching in Windows 7 in practice!

Search in the Start menu

In the previous paragraph we easily found necessary programs in the Start menu using the search bar, I'll just add that now that your indexing system is set up, you can search not only programs, but everything necessary files and folders, and they will be conveniently grouped by type.

To consolidate, so to speak, the material, let’s repeat the steps that have already been voiced in the article. To start a search, you need to click on Start and enter a word or phrase of an element at the very bottom.

Search using Windows Explorer

In the previous chapter of the article, you could open the search window from the start menu, the same effect can be achieved if you open “File Explorer” or “Computer”. You will see a search bar at the top right of the window. You can enter there the file name, part of the contents of files or their extension for which you previously configured a content search.

But this is not all the possibilities. You can enter various filters there: type, modification date, author and others. You can see the filters by placing the cursor in the search field in one of the “Library” folders; the wider the field, the more filters are visible. Each of the Libraries folders has its own filters, for example, the duration of the music file or the date the image was taken.

You can also see that you can now organize your search results by selecting a method in the upper right corner of the window, and by scrolling down to the end of the results, repeat the search in other Libraries folders.

And finally, I’ll add that a similar search for files in Windows 7 is available everywhere. You can open any folder and start searching in it. And it's very convenient!

For those who are considering upgrading to Windows 8: