After understanding the extension of the lost file, for example, ".zip", all that remains is to enter it in the "Search" field and press Enter. A search on the computer will immediately display a list of files with this extension. From them we already choose the one we need.

Search rules for files on a computer by volume

Many users may object - video files can have many extensions, what should I do to search in this case? One of our clients once lost a missing film, asked for advice on this issue.

We noticed that all films on the user's computer were in the “.avi” format. It would seem that you just need to enter the extension into the search, and everything will work out right away. But not everything turned out to be so simple, it was not so easy to find the file on the computer. Therefore, it was decided to search desired file by volume.

All of the customer's video files were approximately 1.45 GB. Therefore, it was quite reasonable to assume that the lost file had the same size. Therefore, it was enough to execute a simple procedure System.Size:> 1000MB to search the computer memory for files over 1 GB in size.

According to the search results, a list of 20 video files appeared, among them it was possible to find a file without an extension at all. But by the very name one could guess - this is exactly the missing film. All that was left was to add the extension “.avi” to the file - and again you could enjoy watching the video. Later we managed to understand that our client was simply joked by acquaintances who removed the extension.

How to find hidden files in Windows

Sometimes Windows assigns the "Hidden" attribute to some files - as a result of virus attacks or a system failure. Because of this, the files cannot be seen and found even through the "Search", if opposite the item "Show hidden files and folders ”is not ticked. Nothing will happen to the files themselves, though.

To make hidden files visible, open the "Control Panel", then go to the items "Folder Options" - "View". Opposite the item "Show hidden files and folders" put a check mark and click OK. After that, sometimes the lost file is immediately located on the desktop. Or you can find it by searching by extension or name, as we have already considered before.

Search for files by their content

For example, if you lose text documents from Microsoft Office Word, notepad, OpenOffice or other programs. When working with text, part of the content is still stored in the user's memory. Therefore, in the search, we enter part of the text, press Enter and find required document.

However, it should be borne in mind that on an old and slow computer, the search process can take a long time. Upgrading your PC is something to think about while you wait.

Total Commander for easy search of necessary files

Popular and convenient file manager, with which you can quickly search for files on your computer by several parameters at the same time - extension, name, content. To do this, you need to set the search location in the program (for example, C :), then go to "Commands" and "Search for files" (or press the Alt + F7 hotkey combination).

Search is an integral part of the work of any computer, in fact, it is its most important function. If, say, you need to find answers to elementary questions, then, of course, there is no point in bothering with search settings. However, if you set yourself and your computer tasks more difficult, and the final result is important to you, it is better to worry about it. A standard search in windows 7, of course, will bear fruit, it will return many results, but will they be appropriate and necessary? This is a rhetorical question, but if you are still concerned about properly setting up your computer, I propose variations on how to upgrade / improve the built-in search in windows 7.

How to customize search in windows 7

First of all, let's understand how the search works. You can find only indexed files and folders, that is, those that are assigned an index. It is assigned to all items that are in standard folders. In order to configure indexing, you need to do the following: go to the start menu, look for "search parameters" and select "Change search parameters for folders and files" in the drop-down list. In the window that appears, select the "Search" tab, and put a checkmark wherever you think is necessary, but it is better to do as in the picture below . By the way, I advise you not to choose search by file name, but to give preference to indexed applications, so you will limit yourself from unnecessary garbage.

It also doesn't hurt to set up indexing by extension. To do this, click on the "Advanced" - "File types" tab. This allows you to index exactly the contents of the folder, if you decide to search by this parameter. Then everything is as usual: click "OK", and go ahead, search for files in windows 7. And in order to make the search happen as quickly as possible, use it from time to time.

Sources of search

In order to consolidate the material, let's clearly formulate the places where an extensive search for information will be carried out, namely:

  • Start menu;
  • main search box;
  • libraries;
  • other explorer windows such as folders, Open, Save As.

In general, if you calmly sit down and figure it out, setting up your search turns out to be a fairly simple process. To do this, you do not need to have narrow-profile knowledge at all, it is enough to follow the simple advice of this article, and, I am sure, you will succeed!

In Windows 7, the system search is implemented at a very good level and performs its function perfectly. Due to the competent indexing of folders and files on your PC, the search for the necessary data is performed in a split second. However, errors may appear in the operation of this service.

In case of malfunctions, the user sees an error of this kind:

"Cannot find" search: query = search query ". Please check if the name is correct and try again"

Consider ways to solve this problem.

Method 1: check the service

First of all, you need to check whether the service is enabled "Windows Search".

Method 2: folder options

The error can occur due to incorrect folder search parameters.

Method 3: Indexing Options

To find files and folders as quickly as possible, Windows 7 uses an index. Changes to the settings of this parameter may result in search errors.

Method 4: Properties of the taskbar

This method is suitable for an experienced user. Windows 7 starts with the necessary drivers and a small number of programs that are automatically loaded.

After completing these actions, we carry out the points that were described in the methods outlined above.

To restore the normal boot of the system, follow these steps:

Method 6: New account

There is a chance that your current profile is "spoiled". It deleted any files important for the system. Create new profile and try using search.

Many novice users are wondering how to find a file on a computer. Windows 7 or any other operating system is not that important. The principle of searching for documents on a computer is approximately the same. Especially when it comes to the Windows platform. In general, there are quite a few options for action. They are all very simple. But you will not only have to study them, but also to understand some of the search features. So how to find file and folders in Windows 7? What does the user need to know about this process? Perhaps, this procedure is subject even to those who are not yet familiar with the computer at all.

About search

The first thing worth paying attention to is that the search in Windows is carried out, as a rule, without additional software. This is a standard feature found on all operating systems. You do not have to download additional programs to help you find information on your PC.

How do I find a file on my computer? Windows 7 or any other version operating system- this is not so important. You need to understand that the process is extremely simple. It is enough to know the name of the file or folder you want to find. And do not fall for offers on the Web, which supposedly allow you to quickly search for information on your computer. It has already been said - no additional programs are needed for this!

Location address

How do I search for files in Windows 7? As soon as the data reaches the computer, it is assigned a special address. It is on it that information is searched for. All documents in the operating system have a similar component. There is not a single file without an address on the computer.

It usually consists of a title partition hard the disk on which the document is located, then the path to the desired object is indicated. It consists of folders. For example: C: / Windows / system32 / drivers / etc / host /.

Accordingly, the "host" document is located in the etc folder, which is located in drivers. That, in turn, is in a folder called "sistem32" located in Windows on the hard disk C. If you know the exact location of the document, you can quickly find it. This is why some recommend finding out or file. It can be used in the future. But more on that later. First, you need to figure out how to find the file on your computer (Windows 7).


The first method is well suited when either the location of the document is known, or there is simply not the slightest idea of ​​how the subject of the search is correctly called. It is about self-detection of a document in the operating system. It is enough just to study the files and folders on the computer, to think exactly where this or that document may be located. This method is called Extremely unstable. But if the user at least roughly guesses where this or that information can be stored, such a solution can help.

If you know the exact location address, you can simply follow it. On the computer, the user searches for the partition of the hard disk and the folder in which the document is located. Further, the opening of the latter takes place. Inside, a specific file is searched for manually.

Exact jump to address

But this is only the first scenario. In practice, it is not often used if the user is not sure about the location of the document. How do I find a file on my computer? Windows 7 offers one tricky and interesting trick. It will only work when the exact location of the document is known.

It is not at all necessary to manually open all the folders in which the file is attached. If you have the exact location address, you can quickly open the source of the document. The best way to do this is to open Libraries. Next, copy the file address to the address bar and press Enter. A folder will open in which a particular document or another folder is attached.

That is, when you need to find a host, you need to copy the inscription "C: /..../ etc" into the address bar. Then the etc folder will open, in which you will need to manually find the required document. Nothing difficult or special. But so far, situations have been considered in which the address is either known for sure, or known about it approximately. What if there is no such information?

Through "Start"

How do I find files on a Windows computer (XP, 7, 8, 10 is not that important)? In general, you need to use the standard function of the operating system. It's called "Search". It is enough to know the name of the document to be found.

The first way is real quick search is the use of the Start panel. How is the implementation of the idea going to life with this opportunity? The user must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Click on the "Start" button in the left corner of the screen. A small menu will open.
  2. There is an empty field with a magnifying glass at the bottom of the service. On some operating systems, it says "Find programs and files". It is required to click there once with the left mouse button.
  3. A slider cursor appears. In the field you need to type the name of the file, program or folder.
  4. Press Enter and wait for the results.

Nothing else is needed. A few seconds of waiting - and the results will appear on the monitor. Perhaps the use of "Start" is the most common option. But there are other ways as well. Searching for files on a computer in Windows 7 is carried out by different methods.

Through additional windows

You can implement the idea within a specific folder. This is not as difficult as it seems. Usually the method helps when the user knows the approximate location of the document.

It is required to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the root folder where the document can be located.
  2. Find a field with a magnifying glass in the upper right corner.
  3. Type the address or name of the document.
  4. See the search results.

For example, the situation will look like this: the user opens the partition of the C drive, then in the explorer finds the inscription "Search: Local disk(C :) ". In this field, you need to write host and wait until all documents containing the given word are found. Next, a specific document is manually searched for among the entire list.


But that's not all. How to quickly find a file on your computer? Windows 7 or any other version of Windows is not that important. Anyway, when it comes to newer types of Windows. You can use one trick. It will help you quickly find what you need among the results. The method builds on the previous method. It is about specifying search parameters.

The fact is that if you do not use filters, then often during the search you will have to look through a lot of documents and folders. It is clear how to find the file on the computer. How do I find the right one among the search results?

In this situation, it is proposed:

  1. Search for a particular folder.
  2. Click on the search bar in the upper right corner of the window.
  3. Mark the required filters and set their parameters. In this case, the name of the file or folder does not need to be erased. For example, you can select the type of document. In the case of host, this is .txt.
  4. Press Enter and look at the results again.

Accordingly, the screen will display all documents and files that meet all the search parameters. This is exactly how the implementation of the built-in Windows function of quickly detecting the necessary software is carried out.

Search service

Now it is clear how to find the file on the computer (Windows 7). But there is one more scenario. You can call a separate search service on your computer. To do this, you need to press a specific key combination. Then it will scan and search the entire operating system.

When using the standard function, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Press Win + F. A window with a bluish background will open. This is the standard Windows search engine.
  2. The name of the file or folder is typed into the search bar (upper right corner, field with a magnifying glass).
  3. The user must press Enter and wait for the results. You can work with search filters in advance. This will shorten the reported results.

By content

There is one more last trick. It's called "searching inside files and folders in Windows 7". Many users are familiar with it. To bring it to life, you need:

  1. Open this or that document / folder.
  2. Press Ctrl + F.
  3. In the appeared field on the right side of the screen, type the name of the document / folder / word.
  4. Click on "Enter".

This method is often used when working with Word. It not only helps to search for data within the text, but also facilitates the search for documents.

Finding files can seem daunting for novice users and take for a long time... In this article, we will go over all the ways to find files on your computer.

Important: Search results through the Start menu will display not only files, but also the search results will display the Windows system commands of the same name. For example, entering the search query "cmd" will result in a command (program) that launches the command line.

Main search box

Explorer window

The next way to find files is to use any explorer window. To search for files through the explorer, you must enter a query in the appropriate section of any open window (for example, "My_computer").

This method is more convenient than the others because, using the explorer, you can search for files directly inside the specified (open) partitions of the hard disk (folders) without the need to enter the corresponding restriction using the search filter. What is significant is the process of finding files.

Search filters

In addition to how you search for files, it is also important how you can narrow your search results to find the exact file you want. This is done by using special search filters, you can use them by looking for files in the explorer window. Since the diver uses the most filters that filter out unnecessary search results.

Search settings

Sometimes the search is unable to find the file of interest, this happens if it is inside a non-indexed hard disk partition. This can be fixed by configuring, expanding the search parameters. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Search Operators

Operators are characters / words that include additional search results filter options. In other words, these symbols are used to quickly filter out results, similar to how it is done in Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo).

Most popular operators:

  • Quotation marks "" - finds files containing in the name the exact phrase of the search query (for example - "rules of the game");
  • Asterisk * - finds files of the extension specified after the asterisk (for example - * .doc);
  • Logical "AND" "AND or +" - finds files containing all the listed words, between which "AND or +" is written. (for example - “rules + game + soccer”, “rules AND soccer + game”);
  • Comparison with respect to the specified file parameters>, 1GB, color depth:
  • Exact value = - searches for files equal to the specified parameters (for example - sizes:> = "800 x 600");


If, after reading the article, you have any questions regarding the search for files, then you can find answers to them in the specially created help section of the operating system. The Help menu will open after pressing the F1 key. For information on finding files, enter a search term - "search".

Thus, you will find all the Windows Help topics concerning file search.