We will tell you an incredibly popular method that gives excellent results. All people want to look slim, and therefore, when receiving photographs after such processing, models are very pleased with their appearance.

Open a photo of a person whom you want to make thin and slender with a few steps. Press the “Ctrl+A” keys, thereby selecting the entire image.

Press Ctrl+T to open the Free Transform tool. Now use your mouse to grab the marker in the center on the left side and drag it to the right to make the model appear thinner. Moreover, as you noticed, the more you pull, the narrower the image becomes - and, therefore, the slimmer the person.

Where is the limit? The maximum Width allowed for me is 92% (you can see it on top panel, in the figure below, it is highlighted in blue). In the photo, I eventually brought the image width to 93%. (that is, it decreased by 7%.)

Once the person in the photo looks naturally slim, press Enter. This will lock in the transformation. After these simple operations you will be left with an area (mine is black). In order to remove it without removing the selection, select Image-Crop from the menu, and you will crop this area. Then cancel the selection.

That's it! Our photo is ready, and the slender model will only be amazed at your professionalism in shooting. Below are photos before and after correction:

How to remove belly fat in Photoshop

Open the photo where you want to reduce the model's belly.

Run the Liquify command. Select the Pucker tool, a medium-sized brush and aim it at the object of our attention. Using this tool, click on the center of the abdomen (and if you think it is necessary, then on the edges). As a result, you can get the result you need in 30 seconds.

Small features of the figure can always be corrected in Photoshop. This particularly applies to weight. Open the image (example). Go to the “Filter” tab and then “Plasticity”.

A window opens in which all the main work on changing the photo will take place.

So, let's turn our attention to the first Warp tool.

To the right of the work area there are tool parameters, in particular, by selecting the “Deformation” tool, we have parameters for it. We set “Diameter”, so that the correction can be performed accurately, the diameter should be small. We also reduce the “Density” parameter. But with skill, you can use any diameter convenient for you.

Now, while holding down the left mouse button, we shift the contours of the body from the edge to the center of the image so as to make the figure thinner. For example, the area below the waist has now become visually thinner. If you have moved it too much, you can use the same method to push the edge from the center to the side. After working with a small tool diameter, increase it to a larger value and lightly touch the sides of the figure. This is what happens.

We also sanitize our hands. Here you need to use a “Warp” tool with a diameter that is not too small so that there is no uneven line, but not too large so as not to deform the shape. A diameter value of 76 is suitable for processing the outside of the arm, and a value of 25 for the inside, that is, the part where the arm is bent.

Now let's move on to the Shrink Tool, which allows you to shrink parts of the body.

By carefully moving the mouse and changing the diameter of the tool to a more average value, we reduce the part of the body that requires it at your discretion. IN in this example Let's make the breasts smaller so that they look more harmonious on a thinner figure.

The resulting result requires correction. Restoring the shadow in the chest crease. To do this, select “Brush” on the toolbar and use a small tool diameter to draw the shadow of the fold with the colors that are there. To do this, open the color palette by double-clicking the left mouse button on the top square with color on the toolbar.

We draw a shadow, and this is the result.

Let's go back to the Liquify tool and look at the Bloat tool, which allows you to enlarge any part of the body.

Let's try this tool on the chest of our model. We select the tool diameter value 76 and get this result.

Let's return to the correction and try to make our model very thin. Again, go to the Liquify tool and select the Turbulence tool.

We set the diameter to a value above 150 and carefully move the contours of the figure from the edges to the center on the sides of the girl, so as to touch exclusively the sides, and as if lightly touching the contours of the body. We get this result.

If something is not done as planned, you can use the “Restore” function in the “Plastic” window to cancel all changes.

This function will cancel all changes made, so try after each successful change to click “OK” and, duplicating the layer with the changes, return to the “Plastic” function again and continue further changes.

There's another one important point. Making a correction in “Liquify” shifts the background (the color behind the model) of the entire image, and the edges of the image will become uneven, which can be easily corrected by creating a new background and filling it with the background color of the image.

In the layers window, go to the layer below the top one (it will become highlighted in blue) and in the “Layers” tab, select “New”, then “Layer”.

Select “Fill” on the toolbar and double-click with the left mouse button on the top square with the color, bringing up the color picker. Set the background color for her near the girl. Click "OK".

Fill this layer with color. We can see a dark edge at the top of the girl. Therefore, we create another one new layer under the top layer and fill it with a color corresponding to the part of the background that is above the girl. We erase the edges of this background with the Eraser tool.

Now let's make the final touches of correction, in particular, we'll correct the contour of the girl's body and arms, because they are a little plump from the elbow to the hand in accordance with the obtained proportions. These changes are also made using the “Plastic” function. Our model has lost weight.

Many people are unhappy with their photographs, considering themselves unphotogenic. This is especially true for women, whose photographs always need to be given much more attention than men’s. In this lesson we will talk about body correction using a few simple manipulations in Adobe Photoshop. We will introduce you to the best techniques that will allow you to remove imperfections without going too far, because we have all seen videos with selections of stars “before” and “after” Photoshop.

Let's start by choosing a photo to manipulate. We settled on this photo of the model, on which it will be convenient to practice the technique:

The first thing that catches your eye is your stomach, which could use a little work. We can also conditionally highlight a couple more places, a slight correction of which could improve the photo.

We'll try to lengthen the neck a little, take some volume off the arms, and also remove a few extra inches from the legs and make them a little longer.


So let's get started! To lengthen the legs in Photoshop, create a copy of the photo layer by clicking Ctrl+J Edit and select a tool Puppet Warp:

After this, a special grid should appear on your screen. As some may have already guessed, it works like Warp at Transformation and allows you to deform parts of the image. Only here everything is a little different. In order to control a certain area, you first need to set “control” points that will determine the size of this area. In other words, if we want to make the legs longer, we must highlight this area. Let’s do that, set 4 control points: 2 on hips And 2 near the feet:

If you pull one of the dots, you will understand how it works. While holding Shift touch the second point near the feet to select both (we want to make both legs longer: rofl:). Now carefully and without fanaticism, pull down and see how the entire area below the upper control points begins to stretch down. Confirm the action by clicking on Enter.

In this way, you can not work on the entire length of your legs, but, say, only on your calves.


To lengthen the neck in Photoshop, we must do the same sequence of actions: go to Edit, select Puppet Warp, put two control points on the shoulders and four along the contour of the face. While holding Shift, select all four points around the face and try to pull it up, observing whether the face is deformed:

If it's deformed, then we just need to add more control points. To do this, in the top panel of the tool settings in the column Density select a parameter More Points:

Add a few more control points. While holding Shift, activate all the points along the contour of the face and, again, without fanaticism, pull the selected area up:

Confirm the action by clicking on Enter.


To reduce the waist in Photoshop, we need to follow the already familiar steps with Puppet Warp. Select the waist area and move the points towards the center to reduce the proportions:

In this photo we have changed the proportions of the waist and now the stomach and waist look quite proportional. We do not recommend you use the tool Puppet Warp to change small details or bends - for this there is a more precise tool, which will be discussed further.

Working with little things

If we have already worked with large areas and the results are visible, then small areas and flaws in the previous stages still hurt our eyes. If Puppet Warp- this is a saw, then a tool Liquify- this is a file that we will now use to go through the photo.

Copy the working layer using a combination already known to us Ctrl+J, then go to the menu Filter and select a tool Liquify. This tool also allows you to deform images, but in a different way. To get started, select a tool Forward Warp Tool, by clicking on the first icon in the upper left corner or pressing the key W. Next in Brush Tool Options select the brush size, it should be approximately equal to the size of the edited area, for example a hand. In the column Brush Pressure We stick to level 25-30 so as not to affect the area too much. Well Brush Density(if you don’t see it, turn on Advanced Mode) at level 55-60.

Now we are trying to gradually reduce the volume of the arms, slightly adjust the neck area, give smooth rounded shapes to the waist and hips, and also smooth out the imperfections obtained when working with Puppet Warp.

After a certain number of iterations, this is the result we get:

Not bad, isn't it? Thanks to a couple of very simple tools, we made the girl in the photo much more athletic. At the same time, the impression of a “re-Photoshopped” photo with unnatural proportions or colors is not created.

  • smooth out and remove wrinkles;
  • get rid of pimples and acne;
  • whiten teeth and whites of eyes;
  • remove red eye effect;
  • remove oily shine from the face, even out the skin;
  • add a glamorous effect;
  • process a portrait with one of 40 stylish effects.
  • Color effects
  • Stylish effects

Reviews about the site

Airbrushes your pics to look flawless Amazing app, I love how it automatically corrects all the flaws and lighting, then you can also do lots of other cool effects. I deleted all my old photo apps after getting this one:)

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Love it! This works very well with imperfections. I was very pleased with the results. Thank you.

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Portrait retouching service website makes the face in the photo more attractive, while maintaining naturalness.

After automatically improving the photo portrait, you can independently play with the virtual makeup settings and exclude some options. To make your skin look more tanned and secondary details fade into the background, apply a “glam effect” (also called a “soft focus” effect or “glam retouch”).

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This lesson will cover an interesting topic - figure correction! Many people are not fully satisfied with their figure, some think they need to lose weight, some want to build muscle, and some dream of big breasts. All your desires can be realized with the Photoshop program; we will look at all the listed examples in practice.

Building muscles

Let's start with building muscle. For example, I took a photo of a skinny guy, for whom we will create an athletic figure. You can download the photo for work directly from here in the “Materials” panel on the right; it has the same dimensions that I use in the lesson.

In order to add muscle to this guy, we will use the puppet deformation function and the plastic filter. First, let's make the guy's shoulders straighter and wider, and then we'll build up the muscles. To correct the figure, we will use the “Puppet Deformation”. And so, we make a copy of our layer with the guy, to do this, press the key combination Ctrl + J, or click right click mouse over the layer and select "Duplicate Layer".

We make a duplicate layer just in case (if we spoil the working layer) and as an example, so that later we can compare the result with the source.

Now select the layer with which we will work by left-clicking on it and top menu Select "Editing" - "Puppet Warp".

Now we have such a working grid with which we can deform the picture, but first we need to place fixation points by simply clicking in the right places with the left mouse button. These points fix the place where you placed it and when deformed you will see it. I placed the points primarily on the shoulders and on the head, I also placed them on the elbow joints and on the forearms, and I placed one on the torso (stomach).

To deform the image, we need to move the points we have placed; to do this, move the mouse cursor over the point and, while holding the left mouse button, move it until the desired result is obtained. It is important to note here that for deformation you need several points; if you put just one point on the picture, then the deformation will not work!

I increased the width of the shoulders a little, spreading the points in different directions to the desired distance and raised the right shoulder a little so that it was level with the left.

I also slightly expanded the placement of the arms in the elbow joints so that the arms could be built up in the future.

If you want to take a natural photo rather than a caricature, then you don’t need to overdo it with deformation, everything should be in moderation and look natural.

After puppet warping I got the following:

As you can see, I slightly adjusted the guy’s figure so that everything looked natural; of course, he could have made his shoulders much wider, but the look would have been cartoonish and funny, not natural.

Now all that remains is to build muscle mass, for this we will use the “Plastic” filter. Select our working layer (if it is not selected), left-click on it and select “Filter” - “Plastic” in the top menu of the program. We open a layer in a new window, where you need to select the “Bloat” tool on the left, click on it with the left mouse button and then adjust its dimensions (brush size) on the right side of the window, depending on the size of your image, my brush size turned out to be = 106.

Like this in a simple way You can build muscle in Photoshop.

How to get a slim figure

Let's now make a plump girl slim (this method can also be used to make a slender girl plump). For example, I took a photo of a plump girl, which you can download directly from here.

A girl’s figure can be made both slimmer and even fuller using the same “Plastic” filter that we used to build muscles in the first case. The method is exactly the same, only if you do not need to make the girl fatter, but rather slimmer, then in the left panel you need to select the “Wrinkling” tool (brush) instead of “Bloating”.

In this case, it is not necessary to use the “Puppet Deformation” function. As a result of working with the brush, I got the following:

Don’t forget to work all parts of the body with your brush, for example the lower leg; if you work the whole body and forget the legs, you will get the impression that the girl is slender, but her legs are not naturally thick.

Enlarge breasts and lips

In this case, a method absolutely similar to the previous ones is used. There is no need to use puppet warp. Simply select the “Liquid” filter, the “Bloat” tool (brush) and adjust the desired brush size. Here is an example of breast enlargement, which I did only with the “Plastic” filter; the same story with the lips:

As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated here and with the help of Photoshop you can become a real plastic surgeon!