Members social network VKontakte, who are greatly concerned about the privacy of their personal page, often ask themselves how to hide their profile from the eyes of strangers. For the most part, those who ask such questions do not know that the administration of the website has taken good care of its users, providing everything necessary to hide the page, within the framework of the standard functionality.

Hide the VKontakte page

First of all, it should be noted that today there is only one way to close your own VKontakte profile from unauthorized users. Moreover, in this list can include both people coming from different search engines and the owners of accounts on this social network.

Please note that the hiding of the personal profile occurs due to the basic functionality. That is, there is no need to use any third-party resources, applications, etc.

There is no single way to hide personal information with a third party software... Be carefull!

Here are the basic privacy settings for your VKontakte account. By changing this particular data, you can close your profile.

If you want to restrict access to personal information for all users, including friends, then you may be interested in ways to delete and freeze your account.

Upon completion of the above steps, you can check the reliability of the set privacy level. To do this, you also need the standard functionality.

If such privacy settings completely satisfy you, you can go to the standard VK interface using the button "Back to Settings" or by clicking on any other section of the main menu and confirming the transition.

Since this technique of hiding a personal VK profile is part of the standard functionality, you don't have to worry about possible mistakes in the future. Practice, on the example of many thousands of satisfied users, shows that the method is flawless.

We wish you the best in achieving your desired results!

The other day, an event took place that, in terms of its potential, is capable of giving rise to a revolution. As far as I understand, not in all, but in some regions, access to social network "VKontakte"... First, there was information that the "contact" was included in the "black list" of prohibited sites in connection with the presence of child pornography, instructions for the manufacture of drugs and explosives, as well as because of incitement to suicide.

Later, literally within half an hour, a refutation appeared, claiming that VKontakte got into the “black list” by accident, through an oversight of one employee, who allegedly put a checkmark in the wrong place. What a coincidence!

In fact, it looks like a demonstrative action on the part of the state, like we are so strong and if we want, we will cover your contact with one click of the mouse. And the knees of ordinary users trembled: "But what about my selection of great music?"

In addition, this serves as an excellent touch to those scandals that were around the creator herself popular network in Russia and the sale of 48% of shares in the hands of United Capital Partners. The transaction itself was allegedly supervised by the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin. The government does not like the fact that right in front of their eyes, an uncontrolled social network is carrying out its activities. Therefore, they are getting closer and closer to her.

In fact, I would only be glad if the contact was closed for some time, at least for a month, and then it would either be returned back, or someone created a new similar social network. But this month, would have made serious changes in our life (everyone would have started to thump, for example) or, on the contrary, would have engaged in useful things, first of all for themselves, and not for the network.

But the contact will not be closed. It simply cannot be closed, and they, like Igor Nikolaev, have five reasons for this ...

Firstly, these are huge losses for those who make money on Vkontakte, and where there are losses, there are serious unrest and discontent. Who wants tons of negativity to fall on him?

Secondly, in the wake of general virtualization (and someone still arranges pickets against globalization), contact, as an already existing and well-established site, today is the tool with which it is possible to monitor various processes in society. Who wrote what, how this or that person thinks, what he does - all the data is practically in the public domain. And that some do not even think about hiding them, but on the contrary show even greater activity.

This is an already existing database, where a lot of information about various people is collected, moreover, no one forces these people to virtualize - this is their conscious choice. Why destroy today, then what tomorrow will be a total instrument of control?

Thirdly, in principle, there is nothing to close it, porn, instructions for the manufacture of explosives, drugs and suicide, all over the Internet shaft. It turns out that it is necessary to completely ban the use of the Internet?

Fourthly, the closure of VKontakte can really become a catalyst revolution! Because there are enough people dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in our country. It is like a throbbing pain inside, and the contact is a pain reliever. I sat on the net in the evening, talked, searched, watched something funny, let off steam, so to speak, and sleep. Why deprive people of anesthesia?

Finally, the fifth, this is what today almost every Internet user is faced with addiction to social networks, and in particular from contact. So closing VKontakte today is the same as "no alcohol law" which was introduced in 1985. And this did not lead to anything good, only the production and consumption of the surrogate increased several times. Why make the same mistakes twice?

These are the thoughts that have gathered in my head, although maybe everything is much simpler and this is generally the intrigues of Zuckerberg?

In contact with about the same rumors circulate around her. Say that they are about to be closed VKontakte and users will be denied access to its capabilities. How true is this? Moreover, the very nature of the rumors is somewhat different. Let's try to consider them and understand more specifically, when will VKontakte be closed .

Copyright infringement

  • This is probably the most pressing problem. And not so much for users as for the creator himself In contact with, Pavel Durov ... The fact is that in the vastness of this resource there is a huge number of audio and video, which users place on their page absolutely without any demand. In addition to this, there are now third party applications , which also allow you to calmly download music and movies from users' pages.
  • It was on the basis of accusations of piracy disputes have been going on for a long time - will they close In contact with or not? After all, on this basis, more than one trial took place. site administration with the most famous copyright holders. BUT
  • In most of the lawsuits, the issue was about compensation for damage rather than closing the resource itself. In addition - VKontakte administration confidently shifts responsibility for such actions onto the shoulders users ... And the court most often willingly believes in this. So what about closing social network in this way, speech is not yet going on. And while it is unlikely that the authorities have closed access In contact with ordinary users precisely for the reason copyright infringement ... Although in the future such a development of events is possible.

German Klimenko laughed at the ridiculous spam attack on users of the popular Russian social network

March 6, 2017 could have become a day of mourning for users of the popular Russian social network VKontakte (since the end of February, a message has been circulating on the resource about its imminent blocking), but the next closure of the site was not destined to happen. Realnoe Vremya decided to investigate the situation and collected five facts about the problems of the popular social network.

Why won't March 6 be a "day of mourning"?

Since the end of February, a message about the imminent closure of the resource has been circulating on the VKontakte social network, and on the eve of the publication with the same content, spammers fasted at a rate of once a minute. In the test of the post, a specific closing date is called - March 6, 2017 - and the person in charge who made an official statement is Herman Klimenko, who, according to the authors of the message, is the press secretary of VK (in fact, Klimenko is an advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on the Internet).

German Klimenko has already commented on the situation to the press, saying that everyone is openly laughing at this message, and he is not a spokesman for the social network, which, by the way, will not be closed.

Note that even such a clumsy presentation of the message could cause a small surge of panic and increased attention to the news about the closure of the resource. At the same time, users of the social network were frightened by the fact that after blocking VK, their personal information will be in the public domain, and in order to avoid this, they need to copy this message to their wall.

German Klimenko has already commented on the situation to the press, saying that everyone is openly laughing at this message, and he is not a spokesman for the social network, which, by the way, will not be closed. Photo

Accidents in VK data centers and regular failures

Rumors about the upcoming closure of VK were notably fueled by a large-scale disruption in the social network that occurred at the beginning of this week and lasted for several hours. But it is worth noting that VKontakte, like any other resource, is at risk of being inaccessible for a number of technical reasons.

In general, in the history of "VK" there are several major failures in work. One of the most notable happened on July 25, 2010: the site remained inaccessible for more than four hours due to a power outage in the data center. Another failure took place on July 27, 2014: then, as a result of an accident in one of the data centers, the site was also inaccessible to users.

On August 4, 2015, the VKontakte website remained unavailable for more than two hours. According to the company's press service, the cause of the problem was a physical break in the cable connecting the data centers. Later it was reported that the cause of the failure was "a fatal coincidence of a number of circumstances." The increased incidence of VKontakte's unavailability led to the popularization of the hashtag #vkzhivi on Twitter.

Is Pavel Durov to blame for everything?

In addition to the hashtag, the opinion spread among users that regular failures began exactly after Pavel Durov left the company. On April 1, 2014, on his VKontakte page, Durov announced that he was leaving the post of CEO of the company.

In his address, the creator of the social network claimed that in 2013 his freedom of action as CEO of VKontakte was greatly reduced. He lamented that the principles underlying the social network had become more and more difficult to defend and formal positions in the current conditions were not interesting to him. Experts are confident that in this way Durov hinted at serious pressure from the security forces, demanding the closure of the opposition VK groups, censorship and access to personal data of users.

Durov sold his shares to the famous media manager and former CEO of MegaFon Ivan Tavrin, and the entire social network was taken over by Mail.Ru Group.

Among users, the opinion spread that regular interruptions in work began exactly after Pavel Durov left the company. Photo

Not the first "closure" in 10 years of the existence of the social network

The upcoming "closure" of "VKontakte" will not be the first and obviously not the last in the history of the social network. In 2009, the resource was supposed to be closed by a court decision; in March 2012, Pavel Durov himself allegedly stated that "his brainchild will stop working, since it has become too difficult to manage the site."

In the vastness of VK there is even a thematic group called “Maybe it’s true, maybe not ...“ VKontakte ”will be closed”, in which, once a year or half a year, panic messages appear that the social network will be closed.

A hotbed of fakes

VKontakte is a fairly large-scale hotbed of fake news not only about its closure. Like any social network, fictional stories of varying degrees are disseminated through VK, which, sometimes without preliminary verification, get into the media and are perceived by the population as verified facts.

Similar cases are periodically encountered in the Tatarstan press: literally last year, a local newspaper spread the news that during a fire at one of the industrial facilities of the Republic of Tatarstan, a huge piece of concrete ceiling flew away from an explosion towards the penal colony and, when it fell, demolished a watch tower with a submachine gunner. broke through the fence and the restricted area, and the prisoners allegedly fled wherever they looked.

Lina Sarimova