Business on video cameras traffic violations appeared relatively recently. It consists not only in installing the necessary equipment, but in its direct use for issuing fines and receiving a certain reward for this. We will talk about the prerequisites, legislative features and other important points of this format of earnings in the article.

Prerequisites for the emergence of private video cameras

Back in the early 90s of the last century, the market for video and even audio recording did not exist. However, the direction itself aroused interest among the people who later created the Vocord company. Gradually, they expanded the range of their work to the following components capable of fixing traffic violations by road users:

  • video analytics;
  • traffic control system;
  • face recognition system Face Control.

By the way, the Vokord company for the first time introduced a camera to record traffic violations in Turkmenistan. And only a year later, this practice was adopted in Russia.

After that, the traffic police began to implement the company's achievements into its work. Thus, in order to record the offense, it is not necessary to put an employee on every road, and this is impossible. It is enough to install a video recording camera, set it up and receive fines for offenses.

True, at the same time, another difficulty arose - there is not enough money in the federal and local budgets, and if a new cost item is also introduced, the deficit may increase even more. That is why, back in 2014, the Federation Council and the State Duma jointly developed a project that allows private investors to install video cameras.

How it works?

After the adoption of the bill, private video recording of traffic violations became possible and legal. At the same time, both sides remain in the black: budget funds are not spent, which makes it possible to find other options for financing, and entrepreneurs get the opportunity to earn money.

Earlier, according to the same plan, private investors worked with video cameras on toll roads. Now it has arisen on public highways. The legality of actions is confirmed by amendments to the law "On concession agreements".

The businessman only has to install the camera and wait for the profit. In this case, the funds are transferred first to the state treasury (after the offender pays the fine), and only then to the owner of the equipment. The money is not transferred in full. Part of the funds remains in the budget. The size of the investor's remuneration can reach 233 rubles for each fine.

Pros and cons of doing business

Installing cameras on the roads as a business can really bring a good profit. The amount of income will depend on the traffic (how many people pass by the video recording camera per day), the number and severity of violations. The main thing is to choose the right section of the route. Where the traffic is already calm, it is practically pointless to install a video recording camera. But on high-speed roads, the profit will be many times greater.

This business sector is attractive to investors due to a number of positive factors:

  • the possibility of earning income without additional efforts (it is enough to set up the work and find a person responsible for the operation of the cameras and their maintenance);
  • income without additional operating costs (you will not have to invest over and over again, since the equipment has a long service life, and if necessary, it can always be repaired or replaced);
  • there is no need to independently collect payments - the amount due from the budget will be transferred by the responsible persons in due time;
  • availability of a uniform time limit for receiving payments;
  • the ability to benefit the population by preventing crime (although many citizens are skeptical about this).

Of course, such a business has its drawbacks. The most significant are the following features:

  1. a large amount of profit falls on the first time, a little later people begin to remember where the camera is, and try not to violate the traffic rules in this zone (in the worst case, the amount of profit can almost come to naught);
  2. a relatively small amount of remuneration (233 rubles compared to the size of the current fines - not so much);
  3. money from the fiscal institution does not come in a stream, but at the appointed time, which may cause the lack of necessary funds in a certain period of time;
  4. the existence of a certain period of cooperation - entrepreneurs can receive commissions only within 12 years after the installation of cameras, after this time the contract with the investor ends;
  5. not all citizens pay fines, sometimes it takes a lot of time to collect them;
  6. the presence of special rules for installing video cameras (if they are absent, the fine can be challenged by the violator in court).

Even despite such a number of disadvantages, we can talk about the high profitability of the business itself. It is not without reason that at the moment about 50 state contracts have been concluded for the installation and maintenance of CCTV cameras for a total of 1.5 billion rubles across the country.

How much will you have to invest?

The cost of a video camera depends on the number of its options. Technologies are developing very rapidly in this direction. Every year the equipment can record and display an increasing number of violations. For work, not only a camera is required, but also control lines, data transmission modules, a data reception and conversion unit, and much more. A complete set of equipment can cost 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.

Considering that the average remuneration is 200 rubles, it means that the devices will pay off only after receiving a commission for 10,000 fines. Since the period for receiving income is 12 years, at least 835 violations must be recorded per year or at least 3 violations per day. For Russian roads, this is a small figure. In practice, it turns out that investments are paid off in 4 years, and the investor receives superprofits for the remaining 8 years.

Cameras filming violations on the roads have significantly complicated the life of ordinary Russian motorists. Although the devices successfully replace the traffic police patrols familiar to the eye of the driver, they are able to notice the exceeded speed and other deviations from the DD rules, there are some subtleties in their use. For example - the legality of installing cameras for fixing traffic violations without a sign and markings in Russia.

What are the rules for installing such cameras?

Cases when it is possible to cancel a fine if there is no sign or marking of the camera for fixing traffic violations.

Rules for installing a camera for fixing traffic violations

There are not many rules for installing such a device. They are regulated the norms prescribed in the traffic rules, namely: the presence of an information plate 8.23 ​​or markings 1.24.4 indicating "photo and video recording". This means only one thing - any shooting of automatic road cameras is carried out only when the above warning signs are placed. That is, the driver is warned about the control.

These rules also apply to mobile video equipment.

For reference. The use of plate 8.23 ​​is allowed only with certain signs, or - a traffic light. It cannot be installed separately from them.

By the way, there is still no GOST regulating the installation of automatic cameras, as well as their use. In fact, uniform requirements for cameras recording violations road rules, are absent.

Of course, such devices are installed in places where their presence really ensures trouble-free movement of cars. However, they can also be seen on rather specific road sections, which are characterized by a large number of violations that do not lead to accidents. This is understandable, because the treasury also needs to be replenished.

There is no sign or marking of the camera for fixing traffic violations - when can a fine be challenged?

A warning sign has been installed - either a markup - about video filming, or not, for a start it is important to understand what the threat of non-payment of a fine is.

What consequences can be:

  1. It is difficult for an offender who has not paid to travel abroad.
  2. In the event of a repeated violation, the fact of the outstanding fine will become an aggravating argument - and so on.

What violations the camera is able to track:

  1. Exceeding the speed limit.
  2. Exit to the "oncoming", roadside or dedicated lane.
  3. Violation of parking rules.
  4. Hands-free phone calls and much more, including a driver who is not wearing a seat belt.

How the fine is issued:

  1. Non-observance of the rules detected by a photo or video by the complex is sent to a special center that processes the data.
  2. The system is engaged in determining the driver's address based on the car's license plate.
  3. The regulation on administrative responsibility is printed in automatic mode.
  4. The document is sent to the address of the offender in the form of a letter (without fail with notification of receipt).

As soon as the driver received the order, he has exactly 10 days (calendar) to appeal it... Is this done in court? or you can contact the traffic police.

Dealing with this issue is not difficult. The document contains comprehensive information, including data on the device that recorded the violation, and a photo of evidence of the committed act.

The structure of the traffic police creates special forces directly working with those drivers who dispute the fines.

Attention. If 60 days have passed since the violation, then the period of prosecution has expired. This is why it is important to check the date of the ruling.

For example, the violation was recorded by a camera on January 1, and the document was drawn up on March 10. In this case, you can safely go to court to appeal the fine.

How to challenge a fine if the sign or markings on the camera for fixing traffic violations have not been installed?

Although from 21. 01.2013 a new road sign was introduced into the traffic rules, meaning "video recording", this does not mean at all that the fact of a violation captured by a camera without a corresponding sign (marking) is illegal - is illegal. If a violation has occurred? and that there is video evidence, it will be difficult for the car owner to avoid paying the fine.

It is practically impossible to achieve the cancellation of the decision on administrative responsibility recorded by a camera not marked with a sign (marking).

If the driver still intends to appeal against the fine, then he needs to:

  1. To engage in independent preparation of a complaint about the illegality of the issued fine and attach evidence of the illegality of the penalties. It is written in the name of the head of the district traffic police.
  2. At the same time, a special template is being filled in. It will be provided at the office of the district court. Thus, the motorist informs the court about his position and asks to cancel the action of the decision.

Can be installed anywhere - in trees, under a bridge or in a tunnel. Their purpose is to record violations in a photo or video format. This method was first used in Europe, and only recently it began to be practiced in our country.

What violations are recorded?

There are a huge number of complexes that conduct photo and video recording of what is happening on the road, including violations of traffic rules. In most cases, cameras for fixing traffic violations detect the following types of violations:

  • Over speed. It is this parameter that is the main one, for the sake of which these complexes were invented. With their help, the fight against reckless drivers, who are always full on the road, is carried out.
  • Driving into the oncoming lane: this is a gross violation of traffic rules, which can lead to a large fine or deprivation of rights.
  • Exit to dedicated lanes that are used only by public transport.
  • Unfastened similar cameras are widely used throughout the country. They take a photograph showing whether the driver has been fastened with a seat belt.

In the near future, it is planned to install such types of cameras for fixing traffic violations, which will keep under control the crossing of stop lines at a prohibiting traffic light sign or giving a pedestrian an advantage when he crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing.

Installation features

Many drivers who for a long time spend on the road, they know that there are cameras on the roads, "thanks" to which you can unexpectedly receive a receipt for payment of a fine for various violations on the road. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia complexes for the purpose of state control and supervision over the observance of traffic rules by participants. Especially in hazardous areas. Installation of a camera for fixing traffic violations is carried out in areas where visibility is limited, there are fractures in the terrain, sharp turns. Moreover, in order to install such technical means, the administrative body must issue an appropriate permit. Traffic control can be done in different ways:

  • stationary means of automatic fixation, which are placed on special structures;
  • mobile means of auto-fixing, which are placed on those sections of roads that are patrolled by traffic police posts.

Before installing a camera for fixing traffic violations, the head of the governing body must issue a permit, which will indicate the place of installation of technical controls and their mode of operation. It is noteworthy that areas where there are traffic cameras are not drawn up by any road signs.

There is a large selection of cameras that are used in our country, and they all have different functionality. If we talk about the fundamental differences between them, then cameras can be radar, laser and video recording devices. Depending on the installation method, the complexes are stationary and mobile.

Radar complexes

Radar cameras for fixing traffic violations are easy to distinguish, since they have a radar sensor and a camera peephole. Such technical means are capable of measuring speed and registering violations. The principle of operation of such a camera is as follows:

  • The device examines the roadway with a beam to measure the speed at a distance of about 500-1000 m for cars that are moving in different directions. At the same time, the coverage radius can maximally cover two strips in one direction and the other.
  • After measuring the speed, the camera starts working: it subjects the state registration plate of the car to photographs and special program recognizes it. Such complexes are equipped with special ones that illuminate the rooms in poor visibility conditions and at night.

Radar cameras for fixing traffic violations are not very reliable, since about 32% of them give false readings. Moreover, this is due to both weather and situational conditions. We offer an overview of popular radar cameras in Russia.


It is these radar cameras that are the most widespread in Russia: there are about 700 of them in Moscow alone. The complexes are a combination of two devices - directly a radar installation and a wide-angle camera, which is responsible for visual contact. Thanks to her, you can see a photo from a traffic violation camera in high resolution.

The camera and radar in combination monitor up to 4 lanes, and in any direction. In case of any violation, the complex itself automatically makes a decision. As soon as Strelka sees a car that has exceeded the speed, its image is recorded on the equipment, information about the owner of the car is obtained from the traffic police database and the corresponding decree on the offense is printed out along with a photo of the car, data on the violation and a completed payment form. Strelka is one of the most powerful radars in the country, as it is capable of monitoring the entire road at once. The radar itself can be triggered at a distance of up to 350 m.


These cameras for automatic recording of traffic violations automatically detect and record in video format any offenses in road traffic. Such a complex can simultaneously control various violations, and the versatility of this technical tool is expressed in the presence of additional functions. The complex is based on the latest generation "Krechet" photo radar, which meets all safety requirements and has good power. With its help, the traffic police timely detects cases of speeding, driving in the opposite lane and in the lane of public transport. Additional features include:

  • broadcasting the overview video of the control zone;
  • photographing and saving photographs of all vehicles in which the license plates of the car were recognized.


It is also possible to view photos from the camera fixing traffic violations with the help of the vehicle movement - a radar device with video recording "Binar". This is a hand-held meter, which is equipped with two television cameras that record the traffic situation in general and close-up, when there is a need to obtain information about the vehicle number. This device is capable of:

  • measure the speed and make video recording of traffic violations;
  • simultaneously record the general and close-up;
  • choose the fastest target and select targets in the direction of travel;
  • display target images on the screen, and the speed, date, time and information about the measurement modes will be recorded;
  • enlarge the frame while viewing and optimize the image of the license plate.


Photoradar mobile radar "Chris-P" is an operational and technical tool that is able to control the speed limit, conduct photo and video recording of violations on the road. With this camera for fixing traffic violations, the photo is obtained of high quality due to the high resolution. This device is capable of:

  • automatically take photographs of the vehicle in the control area and enter the speed readings, date and time of the violation into the frame;
  • remote control and record traffic reports;
  • in online mode, transfer captured frames and information to the laptop of the mobile post;
  • work at night, even if there is no artificial lighting, due to the available infrared illumination;
  • create and store a database of all recorded violations, sort them and search for certain parameters.

This device can be additionally equipped with special tools that expand its functionality.


This is, by and large, a camera for private traders to record traffic violations. The traffic police quite often, by the way, uses the portable Arena complex. Its convenience is that the complex can be transported from one place to another by placing it in the trunk of a car. It takes only 10-15 minutes to get the device ready for use.

The installation of the Arena is carried out on a tripod by the side of the road, about 5 meters from the monitored carriageway. The complex is powered by a battery, which is located in a special box. All vehicles that exceed the speed threshold are automatically photographed. And the data is accumulated in the device's memory, after which it is transmitted by radio to a mobile traffic police post. The photographs clearly show the car, the date and time of the picture, the speed of movement.


The photoradar complex measures the speed of vehicles and automatically detects violations, which are transmitted via communication channels to the server of the data center. This radar can simultaneously monitor all targets in four lanes in both directions.

Such cameras are used for fixing traffic violations in Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities of Russia. The sensor automatically reacts to overspeeding in an area under control, after which it creates two photographs of each intruder: one - in general, the second - in close-up with a visual emphasis on the license plate. The violation data also contains information about the recognized license plate, recorded vehicle speed, direction of movement, and geographical coordinates.

What are the possibilities?

Radar complex "Cordon" is one of the universal technical means, which:

  • allows you to automatically measure the speed and determine the position of all vehicles that are in the control area;
  • automatically recognizes state registration plates;
  • controls all targets in both directions;
  • automatically saves all data on violations that were recorded;
  • works even at night due to the built-in infrared illumination;
  • determines the geographic coordinates of the place of violation due to the built-in navigation module GLONASS / GPS;
  • protects embedded software and data from unauthorized access.

The complex is installed on the side of the carriageway without the need to build special farms and block traffic lanes.


The stationary complex of automatic video control "Avtouragan" records violations of traffic rules and can be used during search activities. Among the unique characteristics of this complex are:

  • license plate recognition during daylight hours is almost 100 percent;
  • a high degree of license plate recognition, even if they are heavily soiled or damaged;
  • constant monitoring of car traffic day and night, regardless of climatic conditions;
  • an operating complex cannot be detected by radar detectors;
  • the radar detects not only the exceeded speed limit, but also a number of other violations.

"Avtouragan" is popular due to high-quality and stable operation, accuracy of speed measurements and unique recognition rates.

Laser complexes

Such radar systems are rare in our country, but they are more accurate in measuring speed, even at a long distance. Among the popular complexes are Jenoptic Robot and Amata. Their feature is the ability to measure speed on the roadway as much as 6 lanes. Installed similar cameras fixing traffic violations in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The handheld radars, which many drivers have long and justifiably complained about, are finally a thing of the past. Traffic police officers were officially banned from using them, but now there are explanations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs: there are times when exceptions can be made. When and in which regions do motorists need to be prepared for surprises?

Familiar situation: stopped for exceeding, and the driver is sure that he did not violate. From now on, and until the new orders, the roadside disputes are over. Manual speed latches are prohibited. The innovation was prepared in the strictest secrecy. But the rumor leaked into the newspapers - the radars came under an embargo in the Rostov and Samara regions, in the Krasnodar Territory. Moscow has confirmed the seriousness of its intentions.

“Vladimir Kolokoltsev instructed everyone territorial bodies The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level until further notice to stop using mobile devices in daily activities of photo and video recording of violations of traffic rules, "- told reporters the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk.

The main reason is the fight against corruption on the roads. After all, the inspector armed with such a device personally catches the violators and makes a decision. This means that the driver must negotiate with him.

“They never beg for money, in principle, they put pressure on us to offer ourselves,” says driver Ivan Frizen.

A prime example: a civilian patrol of motorists stopped to ask employees what they were doing on the side of the highway. The money that suddenly flew out from under the inspectors' car is more eloquent than any answer. And how many more curiosities happened on Russian roads due to the fault of mobile radars ...

“They hoisted and hoisted me 100 kilometers. I was driving a Volga, I had a ZIL refrigerator upstairs, my mother and father were sitting in the back. I went out and said: if you accelerate my Volga to a hundred kilometers with a refrigerator, I will pay whatever I want, ”says driver Roman Kotyunov.

Hand-held radars, like stationary ones, work according to a single principle discovered back in the 19th century. Waves of all types thicken in front of a moving object. Auto-radar sends a signal to the car with one frequency, and receives it back from another and calculates the speed due to the difference. But the proven mechanism, in practice, gives serious malfunctions - the radar "awards" the car standing still with the engine running at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Mysticism, and only ... Another annoying technical flaw - aiming at the stream, it is easy to miss.

“There is a lot of traffic here, it’s not even clear what kind of car you are taking, there is no image to show the driver that this is his car,” says the inspector.

Old-fashioned radars, or hair dryers, were banned a few years ago. But those that are now used on the roads - with video recording of violations. These do not "smear". They have another problem - any speeding record can be erased.

“It shouldn't be possible to somehow delete data on the device. In the Russian version, this is still there, in all other foreign devices, at the request of the customer, we did it. Actually, for Russia to do this is a matter of one minute, ”says the developer Maxim Yazev.

But the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not receive such requirements for developers. For example, the Singapore police ordered a radar for their employees, in which files with violations can neither be viewed nor deleted ..

Both Russian and foreign modifications, except in manual mode, can work automatically. So these radars will not disappear from the roads overnight. They can still be used in exceptional cases. It's just that now, instead of the protocol, there is a “letter of happiness” and a photo for memory.

Video recording of traffic violations is a modern method of detecting unscrupulous drivers. It helps to quickly find and punish the one who violated the traffic rules. it new way keeping order, which makes life easier for traffic police officers, but gives a lot of problems to drivers. After all, you often have to deal with the appeal of the decision. Especially if there really was no violation. Or it was pronounced wrong. What about video recording? Is it really possible to appeal a fine that was issued with the help of a similar one. What will a citizen need to not pay? And how to place the traffic cameras correctly? All this is worth understanding. Only then will it be possible to fully understand how to properly appeal a fine issued with the help of video recording, and whether it is worth doing it at all. Maybe there is no point in contacting the appropriate authorities!

What cameras are watching

The first thing to understand is under what circumstances it is the system of video recording of traffic violations that can help impose a fine on a citizen. Or rather, what exactly the cameras are monitoring. Maybe the fine was imposed illegally? This is what many drivers hope for.

Only they will be disappointed. Video tracking system for citizens on this moment is able to "see" absolutely all the nuances of behavior on the road. Among what the cameras are watching are:

  • vehicle speed;
  • stop of transport on the side of the road;
  • dedicated traffic lanes.

As practice shows, complexes of video recording of traffic violations do not affect the accident rate. That is, this system is designed to monitor the correct movement on the road, as well as to punish drivers in a timely manner. Highly good way replenishment of the state budget. Only especially attentive citizens can appeal against the imposed fine. The main thing is to properly prepare for the judicial pleadings.

Where exhibit

The next point is that video recording of traffic violations was not invented at all to reduce road accidents. And, as already mentioned, mainly for punishing negligent drivers. And not everywhere there are cameras of autonomous movement. You need to know where you can meet them. Then it will turn out to be more careful in the indicated areas. It should be noted that cameras are located in all cities. But not in every corner, but only in specially designated places. Where exactly? At the moment, video recording complexes for traffic violations can be found:

  • on (both with and without barriers);
  • at intersections and pedestrian crossings, which are regulated by traffic lights;
  • at simple pedestrian crossings (not everywhere in small towns);
  • in places of roads where the passage of vehicles is prohibited;
  • where it is not allowed to make turns and turns;
  • on road sections where overtaking vehicles is prohibited;
  • on sites with established restrictions speed of movement;
  • in places where stops and parking are either prohibited or restricted;
  • in residential areas (zones) where there are restrictions on the entry of vehicles;
  • on the lanes of roads allocated for route transport;
  • at all traffic lights.

Accordingly, it is almost impossible to find photographs and video recordings in other places. Another point to keep in mind is that drivers are usually warned about surveillance. But even if there is no sign "Video recording" anywhere, this does not mean that photo and video recording of traffic violations does not take place on this or that section of the road. In all of the above variants, the corresponding warning sign may not be present. This is not a violation of the law.

Is there a chance of appeal

Now that it is clear what kind of video recordings, as well as the places where these systems are located, you can think about appealing the "letters of happiness". Many drivers hesitate to take such a step. Or they think for a very long time about whether there is a chance at all to prove their innocence. Does it really make sense to apply to the relevant authorities in order to appeal the fine?

Yes. If there was an automatic video recording of traffic violations, everyone has the right to prove their innocence. You shouldn't be afraid. The main thing is just to properly prepare for the process. Drivers even have a chance of winning the case. You just have to find out first all the details of filing an appeal. And understand how to behave in a given situation.

Not your own

For example, in recent years, more and more incidents have begun to occur such as a "for nothing" fine. That is, video recording of traffic violations from time to time fails. Is it worth paying for a "letter of happiness" if it did not come to the name of a citizen residing at one or another address?

Not. In this case, it is recommended to contact the traffic police of the recipient's area of ​​residence as soon as possible. This body is presented with a passport and a fine that has come. The rest remains with the law enforcement officers. They will no longer have to bother the applicant with a fine. In any case, if the receipt of payment did not come to the name of the real recipient, you should not pay for it. And if the traffic police for some unknown reason refused to take the payment, and even demanded to pay the invoice, you can go to court. Such cases are extremely rare in practice.

Why mistakes happen

Means of video recording of traffic violations is a rather serious system. But she still malfunctions. And mainly due to the fact that the system of work is not fully debugged. The point is that video recording (as well as recording the violation in the photo) occurs, as already mentioned, in automatic mode. That is, the funds themselves "catch" the violation, then make up a photo and video report. Further, the received data is automatically processed. The computer analyzes the vehicle number obtained in the photographs and video reports, independently searches for it in the database, and then generates a fine report. And after that it sends it for manual review.

Further, cameras for video recording of traffic violations do not play a role. Now there is a manual check of the information received. Most often not too high quality. After all, the systems themselves provide not very clear images. And a person may not see the vehicle number.

After passing two types of checks, the fine issued by the computer is sent to the traffic police inspector. He signs the corresponding decree, after which the "letter of happiness" is sent to the potential violator.

It is precisely because of this not too well-developed verification system that errors are not excluded. Neither the technician nor the person is able to 100% correctly determine the vehicle number in some cases. Because of this, letters are sent to the wrong citizens. Or the cameras are recording a violation that did not actually take place. Therefore, having received a fine with the help of a video recording system, you can safely go to court for an appeal. Especially if the citizen didn't actually break the rules!

Time limits for appealing a fine

Video recording of traffic violations is a system that sometimes malfunctions. Therefore, the fines that were issued with the help of it can be appealed. Certain problems with this may arise, but the very fact of the possibility of protecting one's own rights takes place.

If a citizen has received a "letter of happiness", he is in any case able to complain about the decision. Only the term for contacting the appropriate authorities is too short. A citizen is given only 10 days to appeal from the date of receipt of the corresponding fine.

The main feature is that usually all payments that must be collected from a citizen for violations of traffic rules are sent with a notification of receipt of the receipt. Some people choose not to sign this document. Until the signature is affixed, the "letter of happiness" will not be considered received. This means that the countdown of the time allotted for appealing against the decision will not start.

It is recommended not to immediately go to court. You can quickly go to the head of the traffic police. See what video recording of traffic violations shows and refute the imposed fine. In the course of such a request, the payment may be canceled. But this is a rare occurrence. Usually it does not give any sense, only interferes with the appeal to the judicial authorities. Therefore, many people prefer to immediately sue. Especially if there really was no violation. It should be remembered that there are only 10 days to write an application from the moment of receiving the corresponding fine. And nothing more. Otherwise, you will either have to completely ignore the issued fine, or pay for it. But the possibility of appeal will no longer take place.

Where to go

Where exactly should a citizen who has received a "letter of happiness" from the traffic police apply for an appeal? It has already been said that you can apply with a refutation to the appropriate authority, which sent the fine to the recipient. But in practice, such a technique usually does not give any significant result. Therefore, we have to go a different way.

To compile a "letter of happiness" video recording of traffic violations was used. The fines were issued and sent to the recipient owners of the vehicles. Where should citizens who disagree with the decision be made? To court, of course.

More precisely, these cases are dealt with by district courts. It is necessary to contact the appropriate authority in the area where the traffic police-sender of the "letter of happiness" is located. It is required to write an application no later than 10 days after receiving the fine.

You can only come to the district court with a statement of claim. In all other instances, citizens will simply be denied the acceptance of documents. You will have to seriously prepare for the judicial pleadings process. After all, photo and video recording of traffic violations is practically irrefutable evidence. And you will have to appeal them.

On their own

The rules established in Russia indicate that mandatory video recording of traffic violations can be appealed within 10 days from the moment a citizen receives a fine for the violation. Where to go? This is already clear. Now we can pay special attention to the specifics of the court session.

The point is that the laws Russian Federation read: when appealing a fine, the owner of the vehicle will have to prove his innocence. If it works out, no payments will have to be made. Otherwise, the claim is not satisfied. The presumption of innocence does not work here. Self-proof only.

This means that you need to thoroughly prepare for the process. After all, cameras for video recording of traffic violations do not always correctly record information that actually took place. It is advisable to prepare in advance, do not go out on the road until a thorough safety net is carried out. How can you prove your own innocence in court in the studied situation?

Proof of innocence

This is perhaps the most difficult question. Video recording of traffic violations in Moscow and other cities is working successfully. But quite often drivers began to file complaints with the courts. After all, this computer system is not universal. And often fines are written out erroneously. What measures can be taken to protect yourself and your vehicle from such accidents?

The first thing that can be advised is to install a camera in the car. Better yet, a DVR. It will help to record everything that happens from the driver's side. After all, video recording cameras are far from always installed at the desired angle. Maybe there really was no violation, but the installed equipment stubbornly recognizes it. Then the DVR will help you prove your innocence.

The next point is the discovery of witnesses who could confirm the correctness of the behavior of this or that citizen. Often, the system of video recording of traffic violations does not correctly recognize vehicles. As a result, the fines come to the wrong owners. For example, the recipient of the fine was sitting at home, and the camera recognized his car on the overtaking track in a place where it is prohibited. In this situation, witnesses will make life much easier. Especially if they are uninterested citizens. For example, people from the street or neighbors. Having witnesses is a good way to win a trial.

In some situations, after contacting the judicial authorities, it is recommended to conduct an examination of the images and videos that were obtained using the system of video recording of traffic violations. It may turn out that the materials provided are of poor quality. And they are not capable of serving as evidence of a traffic violation. By the way, this is a very common situation. Especially when you consider that video recording of traffic violations (Chelyabinsk or any other city - no matter what region we are talking about) - these are far from the best quality pictures and videos. Sometimes it is, in principle, difficult to see this or that number on them. This will help you win the case.

Documents for the court

Now that the evidence is available, you should go to court with the appropriate package of documents. What exactly do you have to present? The package of papers may vary depending on the situation. Most often, the plaintiff is required to:

  • statement of claim with detailed description situation and an indication of the article under which the fine came;
  • received "letter of happiness";
  • contacts of all witnesses who can help the investigation of the case;
  • citizen's identity card;
  • the results of the examination of photos and videos;
  • videos and pictures from a personal video recorder;
  • other evidence of innocence.

The appeal must be considered within 10 days. And the citizen will be assigned the date of the court hearing in the case, during which the video recording of traffic violations will be appealed. If you can prove your innocence, the payment will not be collected from the citizen. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine. Therefore, it all depends on the evidence presented.

Arbitrage practice

Will video recording of traffic violations necessarily be the guarantor of the plaintiff's failure? Not. In fact, in Russia recently, very often, drivers have begun to go to court with relevant complaints. Only in some situations do you have to try pretty hard in order to prove your innocence.

For example, problems can arise if a fine is issued for it is difficult to prove that a citizen moved within the acceptable limits. This will require at least 3 pictures from the video recording camera.

You should pay attention to which cameras recorded the violation. there is mobile models... They serve to display violations committed while the vehicle is in motion. And there are stationary ones. They are necessary for fixing violations committed during "idle time". If the received notification indicates that the type of camera is stationary, and the charge is directly related to the moving car, the images received are invalid. They cannot serve as proof of guilt. Therefore, in this case, the court is more likely to side with the plaintiff.

In general, judicial practice shows that in about 50% of all cases of appeals to the court with an appeal against traffic fines issued with the help of automatic video recording, citizens succeed. The main thing is to properly prepare and not be afraid to defend your rights. The most difficult case is, as already mentioned, to prove the speeding. But even here you can find a way out of the situation.

After the trial

What to do after the court session? It all depends on the situation. The point is that if the video recording of traffic violations was found to be incorrect, then the plaintiff does not need to do anything. It is enough to keep the judgment.

But it also happens that the claim is not satisfied. It is impossible to prove the innocence of a person. Then you have to pay for the receipt that came. How long does it take to do this? 30 days. Within a month from the date of the court decision, you will have to pay a fine for traffic violations.

In practice, many refuse to make such payments. It should be remembered that the limitation period for such cases is 3 years. If you do not pay the money for a given period of time, the fine will "burn out". But before that, you will have to not drive a car for 3 years, and also hide from law enforcement agencies.

That's all. Now it is clear what are the rules for video recording of traffic violations, how a fine is formed using this system, and also how a citizen who has received a "letter of happiness" should behave. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. If the person is not really guilty, you can really prove his innocence. Only the claim will have to be filed immediately. Otherwise, you will have to pay the issued receipt in full.