Many users don't know how to choose hard drive due to my ignorance on this topic. For example, you don’t always need to buy drives in a protected case or with moisture protection, spending extra money. When buying an external drive, there is no need to overpay for a Type-C USB port, since the copying and writing speeds in the standard connection interface are quite high.

What is an external hard drive

Technology for creating external hard drive similar to the one built into a laptop or computer. Drives of this format have their own connection interfaces. New generation external drives are created to fit different form factors and are connected via USB.


The main task of external drives is to expand the computer's memory if it is fully occupied. Hard drive capacity varies from several gigabytes to 8 terabytes.

Disk speed is an important parameter that differs depending on the model. An external drive will relieve the computer's HDD when it is slowing down. large quantity information.

Mobility is the main advantage of such a drive. If you need to copy large amounts of data, it is easier to transfer them using external storage.

Selection options

There are external drives various types. Let us highlight the main ones:

  1. HDD is a classic hard drive. It is suitable for long-term storage of information, and the price for large-capacity disks is relatively low. A regular hard drive is noisy because the rotation speed is quite high.
  2. SSD is quiet, practical, transfers large amounts of information much faster and is compact.
  3. A hybrid HDD+SSD drive works in pairs, but in fact the need for such models is not obvious. It’s better to buy an SSD separately for speed, but a regular HDD is suitable for storing information.

Protection from moisture and mechanical damage is a plus when choosing a hard drive, because moisture and damage in force majeure situations play a key role.

Tips on how to choose an external hard drive:

  1. Choose a well-known and reliable manufacturer.
  2. Select the amount of memory depending on the operating conditions: for abstracts - 500 GB, for photos - 1 TB, and for video editing and data backups from 2 TB or more.

Main criteria

Before purchasing an external HDD, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • drive manufacturer and speed;
  • device volume – from 32 GB to 12 TB;
  • material for manufacturing the drive housing;
  • dimensions of the hard drive (form factor) - they depend on the volume (2.5 and 3.5 inches);
  • protection from moisture and mechanical damage.

Hard drive speed and clipboard size

Disk speed (clipboard) is a special memory that speeds up the disk by performing non-reading and writing tasks. The clipboard (cache) is defined in MB and ranges from 8 to 64 MB.

The main characteristic is the speed of the hard drive. It depends on the connection interface, rpm speed and hard disk cache memory, which determines the speed of the device.

Regular HDDs work faster than portable ones. Their speed is from 5400 rps. On SSD drives files are copied from 400 MB/s.

Possibility of connection to TV

Most drive models are connected using a USB interface. New drive models have a LAN interface that transfers data at high speed. Such models are suitable if you need to access a disk from several computers.

Before purchasing a hard drive for storing media files, you need to check file system on TV.

The best companies that make external hard drives

Among the main manufacturers we highlight the following.

Western Digital

WD produces relatively inexpensive hard drive models. The drives of this brand are created in a beautiful shell, they are lightweight and quickly read data.

The company creates two-disk HDDs with mirror recording, which allow you to protect all information, because all data is duplicated automatically.


The company creates drive models with high data reading speeds and different capacities.

Transcend produces hard drives with practical features. For example, StoreJet 2.5” USB 3.0 1TB in a protected case that can withstand shock. This drive is created in a rubberized case. Special Transcend Elite software allows you to manage data inside the drive.

Hard drive developers add a USB Type-C port to some models. The StoreJet 1TB has such an interface. This model is shockproof and lightweight, weighing just over 200 g.

These drives operate at high speed, which is implemented via the Thunderbolt interface.


Seagate hard drives are universal in all respects. The models of these storages are suitable for operation on any operating system. These hard drives can be used to create backups from your PC and mobile device.

If necessary, you can use cloud storage.


This company produces hard drives and external drives with compact sizes, in a reliable shell and at an affordable price. Almost all models of hard drives from this company have high copying speeds thanks to the USB 3.0 port.

All USB 3.0 external storage copies and reads data quickly. By connecting this device, you don’t have to worry about compatibility with a new generation computer or laptop. External drives will quickly copy files, regardless of the USB version on the PC.

If you work in the operating room Windows system, then you need to install supporting software. This software is available for download on the company's official website. If necessary, you can use the built-in drivers.

Silicon Power

A young and popular company that produces external information storage. These HDDs are available in different cases and materials with different colors. They are inexpensive and have medium capacity. The 2.5-inch form factor allows the hard drive to be used anywhere.

The data transmission level, current state and operating mode in these devices are determined by the indicator. It improves the launch and performance of external storage.

External drives are equipped with a utility that allows you to copy information to backup archives. In a shell external storage There are encryption programs that protect information. These hard drives connect seamlessly to Mac, Windows OS and Linux.


The company specializes in the production of drives with excellent performance, as well as external HDDs and storage systems. IBM creates add-ons to servers with integrated software- this makes it easier to store and restore information. If necessary, you can receive recommendations that are suitable for optimizing tasks.

IBM hard drives have integrated encryption programs that allow you to store data while preventing access to protected files.

The drives support the T10-PI standard, which is responsible for data storage. These devices support the Turbo Performance option.


Lenovo produces Chinese computers, as well as various accessories for them. If you need a practical external hard drive, then Lenovo products are for you. It will save and transmit information without problems.

Lenovo brand HDDs are created in a compact form factor; they are spacious, fast and quiet - these are their advantages.


If you need a budget external drive that will be used on a computer or laptop, then you do not need to buy models with Lan. For the interface wired network you'll have to pay extra money, but you don't need it to the average user, which will use the hard drive to copy and delete data.

Also, you should not overpay for drive models with a “smart” indicator that shows how busy the device is at different times. Before purchasing a drive, it is recommended to pay attention to the case, material and color of the model. The price varies depending on the type of case. external hard disk.

An aluminum drive case will cost much more than a plastic one. Depending on the material used, external drives are sold at different prices. When choosing a data storage, do not forget about the form factor and data copying speed.

“There is no such thing as too much memory” is a truth known to every owner of a computer, laptop or tablet. Sooner or later, the built-in disk of the device turns out to be full to capacity, and only the necessary programs and data, some of which are simply impossible to erase.

It's time to increase disk memory and it is not surprising that many people first of all think about external hard drives - after all, this is the easiest way to connect to the system extra hard disk, and in the case of many tablets - the only one.

Today there are two types of external hard drives on sale – SSD and HDD.

SSD (Solid State Disk) uses flash memory chips to store data. SSDs are, in fact, a type of USB flash drives, differing from flash drives in size, maximum capacity, cache memory and high speed performance.

HDD (Hard Disk Drive) stores data on disks made of ferromagnetic material; writing and reading are done using a head unit. Therefore, the read-write speeds of hard drives are several times (and in some cases tens of times) lower than those of SSDs. In addition, HDDs are afraid of shocks during operation - the gap between the head and the rotating disk is only about 0.1 microns, but touching the disk head can lead to data loss and even failure of the HDD. Why do HDDs remain popular?
- HDD is much cheaper. The average HDD is almost 10 times cheaper than an SSD of similar capacity.
- The maximum HDD capacity is larger - HDD drives with capacities up to 24 TB can be found on sale. SSDs have a more modest limit - 2 TB.
- With frequent rewriting HDD data will work longer - SSDs have a limited number of write cycles. Using SSD As a scratch disk for frequently changing data, it will quickly become unusable. HDDs have no such drawback.

To summarize, we can say that if you need a mobile and impact-resistant drive of not too large a capacity to store rarely changing data (archives, music, images, video files, databases) and the reading speed from this drive is important to you, then an SSD is better.

If you need a large-capacity disk at a minimal price, and you are ready to put up with the shortcomings of the HDD, then all that remains is to understand its other characteristics and choose the model that best suits you.

Specifications of external hard drives

Volume– the main parameter of any drive, determining both its attractiveness and price. The “appetites” of modern programs are constantly growing, as are the volumes of video and photo files, so the desire to purchase a large storage device is quite understandable. On the other hand, large external HDDs are more expensive than other computers. Where is the “golden mean”?

As you can see from the graph, it is most profitable to buy disks with a capacity of 4-8 TB - their cost for 1 TB of volume will be the lowest.

Form factor.

Historically, hard drives for computers and laptops are available in two form factors – 2.5" for laptops and 3.5" for desktop computers.

And since an external hard drive is a regular hard drive in a separate case, the form factors remain the same - 3.5" and 2.5". Disks with a 2.5" form factor are more compact and more mobile, but their maximum capacity is limited to 5TB. Larger external HDDs are either in a 3.5" form factor or composed of several HDDs.

Drive type.
Portable External drives are small in size and do not require separate power. Most portable HDDs are made in a 2.5" form factor. A portable HDD is convenient to use as a mobile drive for a laptop or tablet.

Stationary hard drives can consist of one or more HDDs and reach a capacity of 24 TB. Stationary drives often require separate food, in addition, their size and weight are much larger than portable ones. This hard drive is best used as an external drive for a desktop computer.

Spindle speed affects the speed of reading and writing data from the hard drive. The difference is especially pronounced when writing and reading large unfragmented files, but also when working with small files, the speed of data access on higher-speed HDDs is usually higher. This is true for comparable HDDs from the same manufacturer; for example, WD hard drives with a spindle speed of 5400 rpm are almost twice as fast as disks from the same manufacturer, but with a spindle speed of 7200 rpm.

It is incorrect to compare different hard drives from different manufacturers based on spindle rotation speed - the read/write speed depends not only on the rotation speed, but also on the speed of head positioning and on the circuit design controller hard disk, etc.

Cache size.
Cache memory is designed to buffer data before reading and writing to disk, to store frequently used information (indexes, boot records, file allocation tables) or information that may be needed in the near future (for example, the contents of sectors closest to those already read). The presence of cache memory significantly speeds up working with data on the hard drive.

But the size of the cache memory has little effect on the speed of operation - the minimum cache size for modern hard drives of 8 MB is quite enough to store service information about the disk, and to noticeably speed up work due to caching, it is necessary that the cache size significantly exceeds the size of the files being processed.

Since sizes of tens of megabytes are not uncommon for modern files, the effect of acceleration due to caching will appear infrequently. When working with small files, the difference between a cache size of 8 MB and 64 MB can still be noticed, but between 32 and 64 it is unlikely. When working with large files, the cache size will not affect the speed of reading or writing them at all.

Connection interface.

- USB 2.0 Today it is considered obsolete. Its maximum throughput is 480 MB/s (i.e. 60 MB/s), and read/write speeds on modern HDDs often exceed 100 MB/s. However, hard drives provide such speed only when reading or writing large, unfragmented files; during normal operation, the speed will be several times lower. But if you often copy large files (for example, movies) to an external drive and back and want the process to go faster, then it is better to prefer a drive with a faster interface.

- USB 3.0 has a maximum data transfer speed of 5 Gb/s, which is quite enough for any hard drive. Considering the prevalence of this interface, it can be considered optimal for external hard drives today, especially since the backward compatibility of the USB interface allows you to connect USB devices 3.0 to older computers that do not have USB 3.0 ports (of course, with a reduction in speed to 2.0 standards). But it should be borne in mind that the current strength in USB connector 3.0 can be almost twice as high as 2.0, and many USB 3.0 devices are designed to handle the increased current. And in this case, the device simply will not work when connected to a USB 2.0 connector. Problems will not arise if the hard drive has separate meals, but such a drive most likely cannot be used away from the outlet.

However, there is a way to connect without separate power external device, consuming 950 mA, to a USB 2.0 connector, delivering a maximum of 500 mA - this is a bifurcated interface cable. One of the connectors is used for both power and data exchange, and the second is only for supplying the missing power.

We must not forget that the increased power consumption of USB 3.0 devices leads to a reduction in service life. battery life laptops and tablets. With a USB 2.0 device, you won't need a power outlet as quickly.

- USB 3.1 has a maximum speed of 10Gb/s, which is even excessive for hard drives, so there is no point in chasing support for this particular interface - the hard drive will still not be able to provide the data transfer speed at which support for USB 3.1 will be important. Backward compatibility also works with this interface; a USB 3.1 device can be connected to USB connectors 3.0 and USB 2.0 - but only if the interface cable is equipped with a Standard-A (Type-A) connector. Many external hard drives with this interface come with an adapter that allows you to connect them to any type of connector. A more practical option is a universal interface cable with two connectors or a transformer connector.

But when connecting to old connectors, power problems may again arise - the USB 3.1 standard can produce a current of up to 3 A and a voltage of up to 20 V. If the device is designed for increased voltage and/or current, it will not work on old connectors, and even a bifurcated cable may no longer help. If you plan to connect an external hard drive to older computers that do not even have USB 3.0 connectors, then before purchasing you should definitely make sure that the device will work on a USB 2.0 connector - the seller’s assurances about “USB backward compatibility” are clearly not enough here.

- Thunderbolt only applies to Apple computers, so an external hard drive that supports this interface will be of interest primarily to owners of MacBooks and iMacs. However, in order not to lose other customers, most manufacturers of devices with thunderbolt support also provide them with support for USB 3.0/3.1

-Firewire (IEEE 1394) - a standard developed by Apple in 1995, provided speeds of up to 400Mb/s, which - at that time - significantly exceeded other existing standards. At the end of the 90s, the standard was considered the most promising, but Apple's licensing policy and poor compatibility between different versions standard have led to the fact that today it is almost no longer used, giving way everywhere to the USB 3.0/3.1 standard

is a great tool that can greatly simplify your computer work. Especially if you have to work on multiple computers, for example at home and in the office. Transferring work documents from one computer to another is not a very pleasant experience. Some documents do not fit on a flash drive, some you simply forget to copy. An external hard drive can help solve such problems.

USB 3.0

Almost all modern ones use the USB 3.0 interface. The USB 3.0 interface can provide data transfer speeds up to 5 Gbps (640 MB/s). This speed is more than enough for any hard drive. At the same time, USB 3.0 remains backward compatible with USB 2.0, which means that a USB 3.0 drive can be connected to any computer.

But, you can still find models with . It is better not to buy such external hard drives. USB 2.0 transfer speed is 480 Mbps (60 MB/s). This speed can become a bottleneck that will slow down the external hard drive.

Thunderbolt and eSATA

In addition, sometimes there are models on sale that support such interfaces as Thunderbolt and eSATA. Let's look at these options for connecting a hard drive in more detail.

The demand for external storage media has become especially evident in recent years. The reason for this was not only the constantly increasing weight of multimedia content, but also the daily growing activity virus attacks and the risk of data loss.

In the huge variety of HDDs and SSDs, it is difficult to determine which one to choose - the most productive or the cheapest. The purpose of this article is to give an objective idea of ​​all aspects of choosing this device.

Why do you need a hard drive?

A portable hard drive is a portable storage device.

Its main functional features:

  1. high capacity. The device allows you to store and transfer huge amounts of information - from hundreds of gigabytes to several terabytes. It can be used as a second hard drive, as an operating system bootloader;
  2. mobility. Can be connected to several computers via a standard USB interface and transferred from place to place;
  3. safety. You can duplicate and store information outside of your PC or laptop and limit access to it by third parties.

Higher data storage reliability and necessary files always at hand.

Selection options

Among the criteria for choosing an external hard USB drive you can note the capacity, throughput, warranty period, low power consumption.

  1. making it easier to work with the disk;
  2. convenient copy saving mode;
  3. improved energy saving;
  4. encryption of information;
  5. synchronization with the system;
  6. the ability to restore files, etc.;
  • appearance. Pocket options are available in a wide range. Devices in a bright, eye-catching case will be appreciated by creative people. Models in a stylish aluminum case will complement the image of a respectable businessman. Stationary hard drives are less varied, but they can be selected to suit any interior;
  • guarantee. Depending on the manufacturer, from 1 to 5 years.

Format factor: pocket and desktop

The format factor is one of the key indicators of a hard drive.

SSD and HDD hard drives 2.5 inches are the most popular. Their dimensions do not exceed the size of a smartphone - they easily fit into a pocket or handbag. These devices are characterized by low power consumption and can operate from a standard USB connector on a computer or laptop. Their volume does not exceed 2 TB.

3.5-inch drives are stationary options. Compared to pocket models, they weigh more significantly (up to 1.5 kg) and have a maximum capacity of up to 4 TB. They may require separate power to operate. Some manufacturers produce sets of several hard drives. The volume of such a kit can reach 20 TB.

Ultra-mobile options – 1.8-inch SSD drives.

Type: SSD or HDD?

Based on media type, hard drives are divided into SSD and HDD.

HDD is an electronic-mechanical device made of aluminum or glass plates coated with a ferrimagnetic layer. During operation, the plates rotate, and the magnetic heads hover above the surface at a height of 10-12 nm and do not touch the surface of the plates.

Solid state drives are chip-based storage devices.

The write/read speed of an SSD is approximately 5 times higher than that of a HDD, but its capabilities are limited by low-speed interfaces.

SSDs are absolutely silent and resistant to mechanical damage. Their disadvantages are the high price with minimal volumes and a limited number of rewrite cycles. Some enthusiasts have long predicted the victory of solid-state SSDs over HDDs, but the price of such an alternative is too high.

Connection interface

The speed of the portable drive depends on the connection interface.

The most common is USB 2.0 with a transfer speed of 480 Mbps. This is not a high figure.

Today, almost all modern laptops are equipped with a USB 3.0 interface with speeds of up to 4.8 Gbps.

Additionally you can use:

  • FireWire – high-speed interface 400 – 800 Mbit/s;
  • eSATA – standard with bandwidth up to 3 Gbit/s;
  • Ethernet is an interface that turns an external drive into a network drive.

Ethernet and FireWire only support 3.5-inch hard drives.

Video: selecting an external drive

Which brand is better to choose an external drive?

Which company's external media are the best? Fierce competition in this market segment has long driven out the weak. The remaining “old” manufacturers are Seagate, Western Digital and Toshiba.

Seagate Technology is the largest American company founded in 1979. Produces SSD, HDD and hybrid models. It owns the trademarks Barracuda, Cheetah, Savvio, Constellation, Pulsar, DiamondMax, Momentus. Bought out the Samsung hard drive production segment.

Seagate hard drives are the fastest.

Western Digital - American manufacturer computer electronics . The only company that provides a service warranty for the return of a faulty product. In 2012, it acquired the Hitachi Global Storage Technologies division. Hitachi storage media is considered one of the most reliable.

Toshiba is a large international concern specializing in various areas of electronic technology.

Although Samsung and Hitachi exist only as brands, their products have a wide presence in the market.

Among younger companies we can note Transcend Information, ADATA Technology, Silicon Power.

For 500 GB

Pocket media with a capacity of 500 GB is the most compact, reliable and silent. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 classes: high-speed devices with a rotation speed of 7200 rpm and economical ones with a rotation speed of 5400 rpm. Economical models are almost comparable in price to solid state drives the same volume.

Media from Transcend and Western Digital are reliable and travel well. The devices are made in thin cases, come with software that includes a wide range of security features.

Seagate Slim and Samsung G2 Portable are some of the most compact devices available today.

G2 Portable has average performance, but has several original innovations:

  • designed using special USB on-board technology (the USB controller is located directly on the hard drive board);
  • comes with software that allows you to encrypt data in real time and set a password to access important information.

Transcend StoreJet 25M3 has the best shock protection, as it is mounted on special shock-absorbing suspensions. It also features fairly good throughput – 89 MB/s.

For 1 TB

1 TB is the most popular capacity.

For those who value the miniature size of their device, the WD My Passport Ultra is an excellent choice. You won't find a more compact terabyte.

If information security is your first priority, then you should opt for the Transcend StoreJet 25M3, which works best with large files and has a super-shockproof case.

The 3.5-inch Transcend StoreJet 35 Ultra combines large volume, high speed transmission and efficient energy consumption. The portable drive from the same series, StoreJet 35T, has a lower transfer speed, but a very attractive price.

For 2 TB

2TB devices are chosen by those who store large amounts of data.

WD My Passport Wireless model WDBDAF0020BBK-EESN supports Wi-Fi networks and reads external SD cards. The device is made in a 2.5-inch form factor. It combines all the popular technologies, is independent of the power source and is very reliable.

Hard Hitachi wheels Unlike media using Advanced Format technology, they allow you to install the OS without partition alignment.

The STBV2000200 model leads the Seagate drive line in terms of performance.

Review of prices by manufacturer

Although the price of storage media is falling, 1 TB portable hard drives are still leaders in sales.

500 GB
1 TB
2 TB
Seagate Expansion Portable
From 2935 rub.
from 3,550 rub.
from 4,800 rub.
Western Digital Elements Portable
From RUB 2,999
From RUB 3,799
From 6,999 rub.
Toshiba Stor.E Plus USB 3.0
from 2,860 rub.
from 3,820 rub.
from 5,890 rub.
Samsung HX
From 3,440 rub.
From RUB 4,169
From 6500 rub.
Hitachi Touro USB 3.0
From RUB 3,880
From 4,070 rub.
From 4,420 rub.

With the advent of the third version of the USB interface, external media can provide a significant increase in data exchange speed.

When choosing a portable hard drive, you need to decide on its tasks. If you need it at home to store media files, it is better to choose spacious, but not the fastest models. If you plan to use it for work, compact, shock-resistant units are suitable. In any case, it is desirable that the device is compatible with modern interfaces.


An external hard drive is designed to store and transfer large amounts of information that a flash drive cannot handle. This is the same hard drive (HDD), packed in a box with a power supply and controller. It is convenient to take it on the road to transfer information, and can be connected to a TV.

For larger volumes and at a lower price, you can purchase HDD. Writing/reading is carried out by rotating the disk and magnetic head. The vulnerability of such a drive is noise during operation, susceptibility to mechanical damage, and low speed. If you need to transfer movies, music, text files A compact but more expensive SSD will do. This disk, like a flash drive, is a solid-state drive.

The size and type of drive is called the form factor. The following types differ: 1.8” (up to 2 TB), 2.5” (up to 4 TB). A 3.5” form factor disk (up to 8 TB) is a desktop option, since large capacity implies large dimensions and weight.

What is the fundamental difference between flash drives and external hard drives?

Flash drives and external hard drives belong to completely different classes of devices. Their only similarity is the purpose of storing information. But there are also differences, and significant ones.

Comparison criterionFlash driveExternal hard drive
VolumeThe most capacious model on at the moment holds 2 terabytesPortable models up to 4 terabytes, stationary network storage devices(NAS) can hold up to 12 units. The most capacious disks are 10 terabytes, that is, a total of about 120 gigabytes
PriceA drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes costs 58 thousand rubles, and for 4000 rubles you can purchase a 128 gigabyte modelA disk with a capacity of 1 terabyte costs about 4 thousand rubles, 2 terabytes - 6 thousand rubles
Operation speedHigh-quality models provide writing speeds of at least 80 megabytes per second, reading speeds from 140 megabytesThe best representatives write - 90-95 megabytes per second, read - 100-110 megabytes per second
Protection from external influencesFlash drives withstand mechanical stress better, but there are protected models in both classes
ResourceFlash drives have significantly less resource, but for the vast majority of users this will be enough

What to look for when buying an external hard drive?

The choice of external drive depends on the purpose, volume and personal preferences. What parameters need to be considered when choosing a drive:

  1. Capacity. The smallest capacity for SSD 128 GB and 256 GB is also the most popular. This capacity is enough for movies, music, file copies;
  2. Performance. The vast majority of disks are equipped with a connection device, a USB port. Modern models have USB0, with a bandwidth of up to 5 Gb/s, but the computer must match this speed. USB ports 2.0 have a lower read/write speed, but are quite suitable for watching movies and music. Maximum speed SSD drives can reach 550 Mb/s;
  3. Read/write speed depends on volume RAM: the larger it is, the higher the speed;
  4. Protection from external influences is also important for the operation of the drive. SSDs are the most reliable because they have no moving parts inside. It is resistant to external influences. The plastic body had to contain metal and rubberized parts to make the body strong;
  5. The weight of the product matters if the disc needs to be carried. Modern external drives weigh between 140 and 300 g;
  6. If the storage medium is to be used in conditions that are far from clean, then protection from dust and dirt is necessary. You should choose a drive with certified protection (IPXX or military standard);
  7. It is also necessary to take care of data protection. The larger the drive, the more information you can store on it and the more you can lose it. There are hardware protection methods that are supported by regular and solid-state drives. This will help protect data from loss;
  8. Before buying an external hard drive, you need to study the market, read reviews to choose quality device for storing information. You need to decide how much disk space is needed and, based on this, make a choice

Seagate STDR4000200.

Seagate has been a global leader in storage solutions for nearly 40 years.

The model is attractive, first of all, for its compact shape and large capacity. 4 TB is enough to store data and backup copy. It is difficult to find a drive with such a 2.5” form factor on sale. IN previous version Seagate 4TB Backup Plus Slim with the same capacity contains two 2 TB drives. The speed of such a disk due to RAID will of course be higher, but in the case of RAID 0 the reliability will be reduced (if both disks fail).

Connection via USB 3.0 port Included with the drive is a CD with the Seagate Dashboard copying program. The presence of an NTFS driver allows you to work with two operating systems: Microsoft and MacOS (for Macintosh computers).


  • Large volume;
  • Easy to use software;
  • Compact shape;
  • Connection via USB 3.0 port.


  • High price.

Average price: 9000 rubles.

Seagate Expansion 1 TB

The line of disks in this series is represented by the STEA1000400 model, which has five modifications in capacities from 500 GB to 4 TB. Connection via USB 2.0 and 3.0 is possible. The same port is also used to receive power. Write/read speed – 129/121 MB/sec. Formatted to work with Microsoft.


  • High speed;
  • Connection via USB0 and USB 3.0;
  • Small price.


  • To work with Mac you need to reformat ( factory setting assumes the presence of NTFS formatted for Microsoft);
  • Only black color.

Price from 3700 to 7600 rubles, the cost must be clarified at the sales centers.

Video review and unpacking of the product:


Seagate STC500202 – 500 GB disk, compact, lightweight. Metal body has roughness that prevents it from slipping on the surface. Interface USB connections 3.0 provides good speed - 600 Mb/sec.

The software automatically downloads photos from social networks and saves them on storage media. Easy to set up backup data.


  • Compact, silent;
  • Convenient software.


  • Short cable.

Cost about 4000 rubles.

Western Digital My Passport 4 TB.

This disk is suitable for large amounts of information. There is also a USB 3.0 connection and support for USB 2.0. Using the included software, you can set up backups according to your schedule and set a password for protection. In case the disk is lost, it is possible to add a message “return if found” when requesting a password.


  • Large volume;
  • Automatic copying;
  • Password protection;
  • USB 2.0 support;
  • Stylish body in several colors;
  • Three year warranty.


  • There may be slight vibration during operation.

Disc contents - in the video:

Average price: 9500 rubles.

Transcend TS2TSJ25M3.

If you need to use the disk for frequent transportation, then this model designed precisely for these purposes. The case is rubber, anti-slip, impact protection is made according to military standards. The connectors are not closed, so they are not protected from water.

Has a high-tech hard drive suspension mechanism. On the case there is a button to remotely turn off the disk (without disconnecting from the port). Also, using a button on the body, it is possible to automatic copy data.

USB 3.0 and 2.0 interface support Average speed read 32 Mb/sec.


  • High security of the case;
  • Two interfaces;
  • Automatic copying via a button on the body.


  • The connectors quickly become loose.

Average price: 7000 rubles.

ADATA DashDrive Durable HD710 2TB.

This is also a drive made to the military standard IPX7, which has a high degree of shock protection. When the connector is hermetically sealed, it can be immersed in water to a meter depth for 60 minutes. This is achieved thanks to a silicone body covered with a thick rubber layer. The hard drive shows a speed of 76.5 MB/sec. USB 3.0 has a bandwidth of 5 Gb/s. Disk capacity 2 TB.


  • Enhanced case protection;
  • The interface cable is attached to the housing.


  • The software must be downloaded via the Internet.

Average price: 7000 rubles.

Western Digital My Passport 2 TB.

Western Digital is a well-known American company that has been producing hard drives since 1988. External Western drive Digital My Passport 2 TB has speeds of up to 85 Mb/s. The USB 3.0 interface is supported and works through a 2.0 port.

Software for creating an automatic copy is included with the drive.


  • Reliable manufacturer;
  • Sufficient volume at good speed.


  • There are visible scratch marks on the body;
  • Short cable.

About 5000 rub.

Professional video review of the device:

Toshiba Canvio Basics 1TB.

Canvio Basics 1TB is a budget option with a modest design that does not have any unnecessary elements - just a port and an LED status indicator. On the bottom of the case there are rubber pads that allow you to conveniently place the disc on the surface. Disk space 1 TB, USB 3.0 compatible with USB 2.0 Transfer speed 5 Gb/sec, slight vibration or noise is felt during operation.


  • Compactness;
  • Affordable price.


  • Short cable;
  • Slight vibration and noise.

Average price: 4000 rubles.

Silicon Power Armor A30 1TB.

Silicon Power Armor A30 1TB is a portable type of external storage media. The stylish orange-black body is made of plastic and rubber. The cable can be secured around the device. The disc is characterized by good write/read speed, no extraneous sounds and vibrations. The disk does not heat up during prolonged operation.

The disc has a warranty period of 3 years; to receive it you need to register on the official website.


  • Unusual stylish design;
  • No noise or vibration at good speed;
  • 3 year warranty.


  • Short cable;
  • Not all devices recognize the disc.

Average price: 5000 rubles.

Video review of the device:

ADATA DashDrive Durable HD650 1TB.

This is a stylish small external drive. The reliable case is made of composite plastic with rubber inserts and has a light weight of 201 g and dimensions of 121x81x21 mm. Even if dropped, the disc is not damaged. Thanks to its small size, the disc can easily fit in your pocket

This model is available in volumes: 500 MB, 1 and 2 TB. Test speed is 116 MB/sec when reading and 112 MB/sec when writing. The disk operates silently and is quickly recognized.


  • Compact, stylish in several colors;
  • Durable housing;
  • Quiet operation;
  • Quickly recognized.


  • Weak connector, loosens over time;
  • Small cable.

Average price: 5000 rubles.

Toshiba Canvio Connect II 1TB

Reliable, compact external storage device. It is distinguished by the presence of two high-quality software utilities in the kit. The disk is available in volumes: 500 GB, 1 TB, 2 TB, 3 TB and colors: black, blue, red, white and white-pink. The drive provides operation via USB 3.0 and USB 2.0, the speed corresponds to the ports.

The set includes two powerful copying programs: NTI Backup Now EZ and Pogoplug PC, which allows you to remote access to files via mobile device using the utility. You can buy Pogoplug PC on the manufacturer's website for $30. Owners of this disk model receive an additional 10GB cloud storage using this utility (more information about increasing volume can be found on the website). When passing through a USB 3.0 port, the write speed is 100MB/sec, reading speed is 98MB/sec.


  • An easy way to access information on a disk from anywhere via the Internet;
  • Automatic reliable program copying;
  • Low cost.


  • Not identified.

Price from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles depending on volume.

Professional review of hard disk - in video:

TOSHIBA Canvio Basics 500GB.

This is a budget option from a popular manufacturer. The case has an LED indicator of the operating status, as well as rubber “feet” that hold the disk on the surface. The USB 3.0 port interface is also adapted for USB 2.0

The Canvio Basics model is available in five volume options: 500 GB, 750 GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB, 2 TB. Warranty from 1 to 3 years. There is no software included, which is a minus. Nevertheless, TOSHIBA disks are attractive primarily for their reliability.

When purchasing a drive, you need to know that when replacing the cable, only the original one will do. The kit does not include a case, which may be needed during transportation.


  • Good value for money;
  • The presence of small rubber pads on the body.


  • Light vibration during operation;
  • Short cable.

Average price: 3500 rubles.

Product video review:

What should you choose?

When choosing an external drive, you need to focus primarily on capacity. Currently, the smallest drive is a 500 GB drive. What can be recorded on such media:

  • 300 films;
  • 2000 CD albums of good quality;
  • Copies of information from PC.

The most popular and affordable are 1 TB drives. This volume is quite enough to record two hundred FullHD quality movies.

Two terabytes - such a disk can be used to completely copy the system, there are 50 4K UltraHD quality films.