The modern world, unfortunately, is filled with irritability and aggression. These are the manifestations of human feelings that any of us have to face. Sometimes the situation in which we find ourselves develops in such a way that people do not think about unpleasant communication at all. They are worried about their own safety. Not everyone will carry a serious weapon for self-defense. After all, you need not only to handle it correctly, but also to have the appropriate permission, which allows you to keep it with you. All this will require a considerable investment of time and money.

A bat and a piece of rebar are not acceptable options when it comes to women or girls. How to protect yourself in the most extreme situations, when aggressive and inadequate people will meet on the way? The way out is pretty simple. A flashlight can be purchased as a weapon for self-defense. Reviews of those who have already purchased this device, confirm that wearing it does not require obtaining permits and passing a medical commission. The only prerequisite for legal possession is the age of majority.


Lately, shock flashlights have become very popular among consumers. They are distinguished by their small size and ease of use. Shock flashlights can be carried not only in a bag, but also in a pocket. At the same time, none of those around you will even guess that you are not as defenseless as it might seem at first glance.

What are the main advantages of flashlights-shockers in comparison with a conventional laser or stun gun? The devices popular today are applicable even if you were unable to knock the enemy down in order to paralyze him with an electric discharge. It is enough to frighten a person showing aggression, and he will turn to flight. Shock flashlights give such a powerful discharge that your abuser will be immobilized. Taking advantage of the pause, you can either run away, or take some other action. The device is very easy to use. So after purchasing it, you will not need special education and training.

Principle of operation

The device of a flashlight shocker is not complicated at all. There are corona diodes near its illuminating part. The distance between them is about 1 cm.These diodes, when in contact with the body of the attacker, transmit electric charge, the power of which is quite enough to "turn off" the offender for a while.

A person feels a short-term unpleasant pain or becomes blind for a short time from bright light.

How do I use the devices?

For those who purchased a shocker flashlight, the instructions attached to the device will explain what to do with it in the event of an attack. There are two buttons on the body of the device. One of them is used to switch the lighting modes of the lantern itself. The second activates the shocker. A fuse is inserted into the back of the case. It protects the owner of the device from an involuntary electric shock. Discharge occurs only when the fuse slider is moved to the ON position.

Often the set of flashlights-stun guns includes a fabric cover. It allows the device to be worn on a belt. For reliable and more complete neutralization of the enemy, a flashlight-shocker is used several times. In this case, the discharges are directed to different parts of the attacker's body.

The instructions for the device list the basic rules for its use. The owner of the device is required to carefully study the information contained in the instruction manual and observe the precautions. So, do not use a shocker while charging it - the device will simply burn out. The simultaneous operation of the lighting part and the shocker can also lead to breakdown.


Despite the fact that the scheme of a shocker-flashlight is quite simple (it is presented below), before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the merits of each model. And the first thing a potential buyer needs to pay attention to is the technical characteristics of the device. The main one is the discharge power. Today in the best flashlight-electric shock it is 20,000 KV.

It is enough just one second to influence the offender with this device, so that any desire to show aggression disappears.

Second main technical specifications flashlight-stun gun - its battery. In the design of some modern models (for example, "Polis" and "Sherkhan"), a revolutionary development is provided. This is a replaceable lithium-ion battery. Its capacity in terms of its volumes is much higher than that of a standard device. mobile phones... Its value is 4200 mAh. It is because of this that the device does not have to be charged often.

Batteries of this type do not have a function to indicate the level of readiness for use. Therefore, a stun flashlight can be plugged into an outlet for ten minutes or for the whole day. How long does this battery last? It can be different. Depending on the model, the device provides from one hundred to three hundred working discharges. This battery will last for 2-3 years.

You should also pay attention to the power of the LEDs. The best in this regard are the Cree XPE Q5 models. But it is worth remembering that, despite their high power, these elements do not guarantee protection from dogs.

If you decide to purchase a stun flashlight equipped with a built-in battery, then you should ask the seller for a document confirming the quality of the goods. This will protect you from acquiring a fake, the effectiveness of which is close to zero.

When buying, you must also check the package contents. It is advisable that, in addition to the stun flashlight itself, you are sold a battery and a charger. The box must contain instructions. Car enthusiasts are advised to additionally purchase a charger powered by a cigarette lighter.

First steps after purchase

The flashlight is charged before using the device. Depending on the characteristics of the battery, it can take anywhere from two to four hours. The specific time will be indicated in the instructions attached to the device.

If the device has not been used for a month, then it becomes necessary to carry out preventive charging. This restores the battery's performance. But it is worth remembering that you do not need to fully charge the battery the first time. Because of this, he may lose his working capacity.


The device must be in a dry place. Low temperatures are contraindicated for a flashlight-shocker. Users note that this may damage the device.

The body's response to discharge

Before use, the flashlight-shock must be removed from the fuse (if any). Only after that the device is brought to the open area of ​​the body and the button is pressed. After 1-2 seconds of using a flashlight-shock, the enemy will feel severe pain.

With an impact lasting 2-3 seconds, the offender temporarily loses coordination and orientation. Upon receiving a shock within 4-5 seconds, the attacker loses control over the body. This occurs as a result of a disruption in the tissues of neural connections. This condition often causes short-term loss of balance and consciousness.


Despite the fact that the described self-defense device looks very high quality, over time it may stop working. This happens from a rapid discharge of the battery or from falls. How to disassemble a shocker flashlight and return it to its former life? At first glance, it seems that solving this issue is not an easy task. After all, the body of the device looks cast. But to disassemble the flashlight-shocker, as reported by users, everyone can do it. And you should start here by removing the tape that protects the fastening screws. Next, we need a screwdriver. It is easy to unscrew the four mounting screws on the case with it. After that, we separate the back of the device, in which, in addition to the elements charger, for greater density, a piece of foam is laid.

Next, the front part is removed. It, like the back, should be pulled to the side. There are high voltage conductors in front of the flashlight. Through them, the electric current goes to the front spark gaps.

Dismantling the flashlight-shocker allows you to establish the cause of its malfunction. After its elimination, the device will start working again.

Advantages of the device

A person who decides to buy a flashlight stun gun should remember that this tool is contact. That is why inflicting damage on the aggressor is possible only if he is at arm's length from you.

But in any case, a psychological influence will be exerted on the enemy. He will not like the squeak of current, which will prevent physical contact. A potential aggressor can simply be made to understand that it is not worth contacting you.

Another advantage of the device is its flashlight. As noted in user reviews, a powerful beam of light directed into the eyes of an attacker will briefly blind and disorient them. This will buy time for a counterattack or retreat.

The modern world, unfortunately, is filled with irritability and aggression. These are the manifestations of human feelings that any of us have to face. Sometimes the situation in which we find ourselves develops in such a way that people do not think about unpleasant communication at all. They are worried about their own safety. Not everyone will carry a serious weapon for self-defense. After all, you need not only to handle it correctly, but also to have the appropriate permission, which allows you to keep it with you. All this will require a considerable investment of time and money.

A bat and a piece of rebar are not acceptable options when it comes to women or girls. How to protect yourself in the most extreme situations, when aggressive and inadequate people will meet on the way? The way out is pretty simple. A flashlight can be purchased as a weapon for self-defense. Reviews of those who have already purchased this device confirm that it does not require permits and medical examination to carry it. The only prerequisite for legal possession is the age of majority.


Lately, shock flashlights have become very popular among consumers. They are distinguished by their small size and ease of use. Shock flashlights can be carried not only in a bag, but also in a pocket. At the same time, none of those around you will even guess that you are not as defenseless as it might seem at first glance.

What are the main advantages of flashlights-shockers in comparison with a conventional laser or stun gun? The devices popular today are applicable even if you were unable to knock the enemy down in order to paralyze him with an electric discharge. It is enough to frighten a person showing aggression, and he will turn to flight. Shock flashlights give such a powerful discharge that your abuser will be immobilized. Taking advantage of the pause, you can either run away, or take some other action. The device is very easy to use. So after purchasing it, you will not need special education and training.

Principle of operation

The device of a flashlight shocker is not complicated at all. There are corona diodes near its illuminating part. The distance between them is about 1 cm. These diodes, when in contact with the body of the attacker, transmit an electric charge, the power of which is quite enough to "turn off" the offender for a while.

A person feels a short-term unpleasant pain or becomes blind for a short time from bright light.

How do I use the devices?

For those who purchased a shocker flashlight, the instructions attached to the device will explain what to do with it in the event of an attack. There are two buttons on the body of the device. One of them is used to switch the lighting modes of the lantern itself. The second activates the shocker. A fuse is inserted into the back of the case. It protects the owner of the device from an involuntary electric shock. Discharge occurs only when the fuse slider is moved to the ON position.

Often the set of flashlights-stun guns includes a fabric cover. It allows the device to be worn on a belt. For reliable and more complete neutralization of the enemy, a flashlight-shocker is used several times. In this case, the discharges are directed to different parts of the attacker's body.

The instructions for the device list the basic rules for its use. The owner of the device is required to carefully study the information contained in the instruction manual and observe the precautions. So, do not use a shocker while charging it - the device will simply burn out. The simultaneous operation of the lighting part and the shocker can also lead to breakdown.


Despite the fact that the scheme of a shocker-flashlight is quite simple (it is presented below), before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the merits of each model. And the first thing a potential buyer needs to pay attention to is the technical characteristics of the device. The main one is the discharge power. Today in the best flashlight-electric shock it is 20,000 KV.

It is enough just one second to influence the offender with this device, so that any desire to show aggression disappears.

The second main technical characteristic of a stun flashlight is its battery. In the design of some modern models (for example, "Polis" and "Sherkhan"), a revolutionary development is provided. This is a replaceable lithium-ion battery. Its capacity in terms of its volume is much higher than that of a standard mobile phone device. Its value is 4200 mAh. It is because of this that the device does not have to be charged often.

Batteries of this type do not have a function to indicate the level of readiness for use. Therefore, a stun flashlight can be plugged into an outlet for ten minutes or for the whole day. How long does this battery last? It can be different. Depending on the model, the device provides from one hundred to three hundred working discharges. This battery will last for 2-3 years.

You should also pay attention to the power of the LEDs. The best in this regard are the Cree XPE Q5 models. But it is worth remembering that, despite their high power, these elements do not guarantee protection from dogs.

If you decide to purchase a stun flashlight equipped with a built-in battery, then you should ask the seller for a document confirming the quality of the goods. This will protect you from acquiring a fake, the effectiveness of which is close to zero.

When buying, you must also check the package contents. It is advisable that, in addition to the stun flashlight itself, you are sold a battery and a charger. The box must contain instructions. Car enthusiasts are advised to additionally purchase a charger powered by a cigarette lighter.

First steps after purchase

The flashlight is charged before using the device. Depending on the characteristics of the battery, it can take anywhere from two to four hours. The specific time will be indicated in the instructions attached to the device.

If the device has not been used for a month, then it becomes necessary to carry out preventive charging. This restores the battery's performance. But it is worth remembering that you do not need to fully charge the battery the first time. Because of this, he may lose his working capacity.


The device must be in a dry place. Low temperatures are contraindicated for a flashlight-shocker. Users note that this may damage the device.

The body's response to discharge

Before use, the flashlight-shock must be removed from the fuse (if any). Only after that the device is brought to the open area of ​​the body and the button is pressed. After 1-2 seconds of using a flashlight-shock, the enemy will feel severe pain.

With an impact lasting 2-3 seconds, the offender temporarily loses coordination and orientation. Upon receiving a shock within 4-5 seconds, the attacker loses control over the body. This occurs as a result of a disruption in the tissues of neural connections. This condition often causes short-term loss of balance and consciousness.


Despite the fact that the described self-defense device looks very high quality, over time it may stop working. This can happen from a rapid discharge of the battery or from falls. How to disassemble a shocker flashlight and return it to its former life? At first glance, it seems that solving this issue is not an easy task. After all, the body of the device looks cast. But to disassemble the flashlight-shocker, as reported by users, everyone can do it. And you should start here by removing the tape that protects the fastening screws. Next we need a screwdriver. It is easy to unscrew the four mounting screws on the case with it. After that, we separate the back of the device, in which, in addition to the charger elements, a piece of foam is laid for greater density.

Next, the front part is removed. It, like the back, should be pulled to the side. There are high voltage conductors in front of the flashlight. Through them, the electric current goes to the front spark gaps.

Dismantling the flashlight-shocker allows you to establish the cause of its malfunction. After its elimination, the device will start working again.

Advantages of the device

A person who decides to buy a flashlight stun gun should remember that this tool is contact. That is why inflicting damage on the aggressor is possible only if he is at arm's length from you.

But in any case, a psychological influence will be exerted on the enemy. He will not like the squeak of current, which will prevent physical contact. A potential aggressor can simply be made to understand that it is not worth contacting you.

Another advantage of the device is its flashlight. As noted in user reviews, a powerful beam of light directed into the eyes of an attacker will briefly blind and disorient them. This will buy time for a counterattack or retreat.

Good day. A flashlight with a diode matrix of 16 LEDs was lying around at home, I wanted to remake it in the sense of improving the power circuit, especially from what. The matrix itself shines brightly enough, but still not as they say. I took a 1 W LED with a 60-degree collimator as a basis, and I took the circuit already given by me as a driver for the LED.

Scheme number 1

Of course, I chose a SAMSUNG 18650 2600ma / h lithium battery as a power source.

For the battery discharge controller, I used a specialized controller that is in the battery of mobile phones - a microcircuit DW01-P with a key on a field-effect transistor.

The task was to squeeze all this economy without altering the body of the lantern, since free space it turned out to be very little, or rather not at all, except inside the threaded nut that secures the native diode matrix in the case. I put the whole thing on two printed circuit boards: on the first one the battery discharge controller itself, on the second a light-emitting diode driver. The LED is soldered to an aluminum substrate and is pressed against the body of the lantern with the same threaded nut. Due to the fact that the nut has direct thermal contact with the LED substrate and the body of the lantern, which is also made of aluminum, we got an excellent heat sink.

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An electric flashlight refers, as it were, to an additional auxiliary tool for carrying out any work, if available poor lighting or no lighting at all. Each of us chooses the type of flashlight at our discretion:

  • Head Torch;
  • pocket flashlight;
  • hand-held flashlight

Simple flashlight circuit

The electrical diagram of a simple flashlight \ Fig. 1 \ consists of:

  • battery cells;
  • light bulbs;
  • key \ switch \.

The scheme in its execution is simple and does not require explanations in this regard. The reasons for the malfunction of the flashlight with this scheme can be:

  • oxidation of contact connections with batteries;
  • oxidation of the contacts of the bulb holder;
  • oxidation of the contacts of the bulb itself;
  • malfunction of the key \ light switch \;
  • malfunction of the light bulb itself \ burned out light bulb \;
  • lack of contact connection with the wire;
  • lack of battery power.

Other reasons for the malfunction may be any mechanical damage to the body of the flashlight.

Diagram of a rechargeable LED flashlight

headlamp with LED BL - 050 - 7C

Flashlight BL - 050 - 7C goes on sale with a built-in charger, when such a flashlight is connected to an external source of alternating voltage, it is recharged battery.

Rechargeable batteries, or rather electrochemical accumulators, - the principle of charging such cells is based on the use of reversible electrochemical systems. Substances formed during the discharge of the battery, under the influence of an electric current, are able to restore their original state. That is, we recharged the flashlight and we can continue to use it. Such electrochemical batteries or individual cells can consist of a certain amount, depending on the voltage consumed:

  • the number of bulbs;
  • type of bulbs.

The number, the set of such individual elements of the flashlight, is a battery.

The electrical circuit of the flashlight \ Fig. 2 \ can be considered both consisting of a simple incandescent light bulb and a certain number of LED bulbs. For any flashlight circuit, what exactly is important? - It is important that the energy consumed by the light bulbs in the electrical circuit corresponds to the output voltage of the power source \ battery, consisting of individual elements \.

We read the connection diagram:

Resistor R1 with a resistance of 510 kOhm and a rated power of 0.25 W in the electrical circuit is connected in parallel, due to this large resistance, the voltage in the further section of the electrical circuit is significantly lost, or rather, part of the electrical energy is converted into thermal energy.

With a resistor R2 \ with a resistance of 300 ohms and a rated power value of 1 W \, the current is supplied to the VD2 LED. This LED serves as an indicator light to indicate the connection of the flashlight charger to an external AC voltage source.

The current is supplied to the anode of the diode VD1 from the capacitor C1. The capacitor in the electrical circuit is a smoothing filter, part of the electrical energy is lost with a positive half-cycle of the sinusoidal voltage, since during this half-cycle the capacitor is charged.

With a negative half-cycle, the capacitor is discharged and the current flows to the anode of the cathode VD1. An external voltage drop for a given electrical circuit occurs when there are two resistors and a light bulb in the electrical circuit. Also, it can be taken into account that when the current passes from the anode to the cathode - in the VD1 diode - there is also its own potential barrier. That is, it is also common for a diode to undergo heating to some extent, at which an external voltage drop occurs.

On the GB1 battery, consisting of three cells, a current of two potentials \ + - \ is supplied from the charger \ when the flashlight is connected to an external source of alternating voltage \. In the battery, the electrochemical composition of the battery is restored to its original state.

The following circuit \ Fig. 3 \ which is found in LED flashlights, consists of the following electronic elements:

  • two resistors \ R1; R2 \;
  • diode bridge consisting of four diodes;
  • capacitor;
  • diode;
  • LED;
  • key;
  • batteries;
  • light bulbs.

For a given circuit, the external voltage drop occurs due to all the constituent elements of the electronics - connected in this circuit. One diagonal of the diode bridge of the bridge circuit is connected to an external source of alternating voltage, the other diagonal of the diode bridge is connected to the load - consisting of a certain number of light-emitting diodes.

Everything detailed descriptions on the replacement of electronic elements during the repair of the flashlight, as well as diagnostics of these elements - you can find in this site, which contains similar topics in which the repair of household appliances is seen.

How to repair an LED flashlight

For my work, I sometimes have to use a headlamp. Approximately six months after the purchase, the flashlight battery stopped charging after it was turned on for recharging via the power cord.

When establishing the cause of the breakdown of the headlamp, the repair was accompanied by photographs to outline this topic in an illustrative example.

The cause of the malfunction was not clear at the beginning, since when the flashlight was switched on for recharging, the signal light came on and the flashlight itself, when the switch button was pressed, emitted a weak light. So what could be the reason for such a malfunction? Is the battery malfunctioning or some other reason?

It was necessary to open the body of the flashlight to inspect it. On the photographs \ photo No. 1 \ with the tip of a screwdriver, the places of fastening \ connection \ case are indicated.

If the body of the flashlight cannot be opened, you need to carefully inspect to see if all the screws have been removed.

Photo # 2 shows a buck converter in both voltage and current.

In the circuit, you should not look for the cause of the malfunction, since when connected to an external source - the signal light is on \ photo No. 2 red LED light \. We check further connections.

In front of us on the photograph \\ photo No. 3 \, the light switch of an LED flashlight is shown. The contacts of the push-button post of the switch are a double light switch device, where for this example light up:

  • six LED lamps,
  • twelve LED bulbs

flashlight. Two contacts of the switch, as we can see, are short-circuited and a common wire is soldered to these contacts. Two wires are soldered to the next two contacts of the switch - separately, from which the current flows to the lighting:

  • six lamps;
  • twelve lamps.

The contacts of the light switch \ when switching \ it is enough to check with a probe as shown in photo №4. We touch the common contact \ two short-circuited contacts \ with a finger and alternately touch the other two contacts with a probe.

If the switch is working properly, the LED lamp of the probe lights up \ photo # 4 \. The light switch is serviceable, we carry out further diagnostics.

The power cord can also be checked here with a probe \ photo # 5 \. To do this, with your finger, you need to short-circuit the pins of the plug and alternately connect the probe to the first and second contacts of the cable connector. If the probe light comes on, there is no break in the power cord.

The power cord for recharging the battery is working properly, we carry out further diagnostics. You should also check the flashlight battery.

The enlarged image of the battery \ photo No. 6 \ shows that for its recharging comes constant pressure- 4 Volts. The current strength of this voltage is 0.9 ampere / hour. We check the battery.

The multimeter in this example is set to a DC voltage measuring range of 2 to 20 Volts so that the measured voltage matches the specified range.

As we can see, the display of the device shows the constant voltage of the battery - 4.3 Volts. In fact, this indicator should take on a greater value - that is, there is insufficient voltage to power LED lamps. LED lamps take into account potential barrier for each such lamp - as we know from electrical engineering. Consequently, the battery does not receive the required voltage when recharging.

And here is the whole reason for the malfunction \ photo # 8 \. This cause of the malfunction was not immediately established - in the rupture of the contact connection of the wire with the battery.

What can be noted here:

The wires in this scheme are unreliable for soldering, since the thin wire cross-section does not allow them to be securely fastened at the soldering point.

But even this cause of the breakdown is removable, the wiring was replaced with a more reliable section and the LED flashlight is currently operational, it works flawlessly.

I consider the presented topic unfinished, they will be given in examples for you - repairs of other types of flashlights.

That's all for now.


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    I would call it "Notes of a Shitty Electrician"! The author simply does not understand how the circuit works, its elements, he confuses the concepts. Using the example of the operation of the circuit in Fig. 2: R1 serves to discharge capacitor C1 after disconnecting the flashlight from the mains for safety reasons. There is no "loss" of voltage "in the further section", let the Author connect a voltmeter and look at it to make sure of this. Resistor R2 serves as a current limiter. The VD2 LED serves not only as an indicator, but also supplies a positive potential to the + battery.
    Capacitor C1 in this circuit is a damping (and not a smoothing filter), and it is on it that the excess AC voltage is extinguished.
    About the potential barrier also heaped up this - it's ridiculous to read. And the current "current of two potentials" ?! According to classical physics, current flows from positive to negative potential, and electrons move in reverse.
    Did the author go to school?
    And he has this everywhere. It’s sad. But someone takes his "revelations" at face value.

    Hello povaga! I stopped charging the "Oblic 2077" flashlight on one LED. I can’t find the schemes, but it’s about the same as in figure # 3. Difference: there is no capacitor C2, diode VD5, two resistors and a three-pin board are soldered to the SA1 switch. I measured the voltage after the bridge - 2 volts, the battery is 4 volts, how can it be charged? Please help with the scheme of work and electrical circuit... Thanks in advance, Regards, Doldin.