Surely almost all fans of the GTA series have long played through SanAndreas more than once, but sometimes you want to go into the game just to have fun, without bothering yourself with story missions. Especially for this, the developers have added cheat codes to the game that can give your hero additional features, for example, add him a large sum money and weapons, or remove the police pursuit from his tail. It is worth knowing that some codes cannot be disabled.

Please note that such codes can only be used on a computer, and some of them can damage save files, making it impossible to continue playing the game. Use them at your own risk. As a last resort, you can simply not save the game after entering the cheat code.

Codes are applied directly during the game, no need to go to any special menus. It’s better to save their list to your desktop or print it out so you don’t have to look for them on the Internet again.

To activate cheat codes on GTA San Andreas they must be entered directly during the game. You can also pause the game by pressing the ESCAPE key on your keyboard and calmly enter the code.
When entering codes, please note that if at the time of entering the code CJ is driving a car:
- if the code entered into the game contains the letter “F”, then he will simply jump out of the car;
- you enter the code CPKTNWT- blow up all the cars", then your hero will fly up into the air along with the car.

The best cheats and codes for GTA San Andreas review

All cheats and codes for GTA San Andreas

Weapon codes

LXGIWYL - set of weapons No. 1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).
PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - set of weapons No. 2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).
UZUMYMW - set of weapons No. 3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun, MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).
FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - an infinite number of cartridges and shooting without reloading.
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - the highest level of proficiency in all types of weapons.
OUIQDMW - automatic weapon aiming when firing from a vehicle.

Codes for health, armor and money

HESOYAM - full health, armor and $250,000.
BAGUVIX - endless health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts, but you can still get hurt or drown from choking on water from explosions, falling from a height, or being hit by a car.
CVWKXAM - unlimited breathing underwater.
AEDUWNV - always full and never hungry again.
MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - adrenaline level.

Codes for police attention

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - remove the crime level (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON - increase the crime level to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI - elusive, will never be caught or arrested.

Codes for attractiveness and statuses

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - maximum respect and respect.
EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - maximum sexuality.
BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.
KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.
BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular hunk.
VKYPQCF - Max Stamina. Maximum endurance level.
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
CVWKXAM - code for endless oxygen. Now you don’t have to worry about running out of breath - CJ has become like an ichthyander.
BIFBUZZ - gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions, who are shooting without respite.
MROEMZH - gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas).

Codes for vehicle characteristics and traffic

COXEFGU - all cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.
CPKTNWT - blow up all cars. All cars in the player's field of vision will fly into the air.
XICWMD - all vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible.
PGGOMOY - perfect control. Increases sensitivity and sharpness in driving. It's very easy to overturn a car if you're not used to it.
ZEIIVG - traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
YLTEICZ are aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers engage in shootouts with the police.
LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH - the color of all cars turns pink. Get glamorous in San Andreas.
IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - the color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the state...
RIPAZHA - flying cars. Once you accelerate the car, you can take off. Controls like on an airplane.
FVTMNBZ - all cars and people from rural areas. There are rednecks driving around the cities of the state of San Andreas. CJ gets a redneck suit and a trucker cap.
AFSNMSMW - flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because... she's too heavy.
BGKGTJH - there are only cheap slow cars on the streets of SA.
GUSNHDE - on the streets of SA there are only expensive fast and sports cars.
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - at the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off.
JCNRUAD - any car you get into becomes practically indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle breaks into it.
BMTPWHR - the result of the code is undefined.

Weather codes

AFZLLQLL - sunny clear weather.
ICIKPYH - very sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO - cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS - rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ - foggy weather.
MGHXYRM - thunderstorm.
CWJXUOC - buran (sandstorm).

Codes for a while

YSOHNUL - speed up game time.
PPGWJHT - speed up the gameplay (gameplay).
LIYOAAY - slow down the gameplay.
XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00.
OFVIAC - orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. The code will also stop the time at 21:00.

Gameplay codes

AJLOJYQY - People hit each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG - Have a bounty on your head.
FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.
SZCMAWO - Suicide.
ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.
BGLUAWML - People attack you with weapons.
CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.
MROEMZH - Gang members are everywhere.
BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.
BEKKNQV - Girls... .
JHJOECW - Huge Bunny Hop.
LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.
IAVENJQ - Mega blow.
AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
IOJUFZN - Riot mode.
PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme.
OUIQDMW - Full weapon guidance in the vehicle.
THGLOJ - Abbreviated movement.
SJMAHPE - Recruit anyone (9mm).
ZSOXFSQ - Recruiting anyone (Rockets).
CRAZYTOWN - everyone is going crazy.
NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to maximum parameters.

And yet, we recommend not to get too carried away with the codes for GTA San Andreas as you progress through the game. Try to complete the game and save without codes. After all, only in this case, having completed the entire game, can you proudly declare that you are a true player who is not afraid to face the realities of the gameplay one on one.
But if you decided to just have fun and loaded your favorite save just to get the coveted set of weapons with a few button presses and rush into battle to recapture territory from the Ballas, then these cheat codes will only benefit you.
It is also often simply pleasant to fly on a plane across a vast state in good weather, but according to the law of meanness, as luck would have it in the game it is raining or there is high cloudiness in the sky. But it doesn’t matter, because there is a code for sunny weather - AFZLLQLL, which will allow you to pilot your Hydra fighter in clear visibility or try to maneuver between skyscrapers in a huge cargo Andromada.
Killed all the neighboring gangs and got bored? Don't be fooled and just type - BGLUAWML . This code will set all the surrounding pedestrians on you, and just to spite you, they will be armed to the teeth. Believe me, a rabid crowd of ordinary people will be much more dangerous than a gang of 5 people.
Do you want to perform long car stunts? Then the code RIPAZHA is for you! With this code your car will learn to fly. All you have to do is accelerate the car and take off on it like on an airplane. Perform several tricks in the air and carefully land on the ground. For performing such an unrealistic trick, you will receive a cash reward.

FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - Infinite ammo and shooting without reloading.
OUIQDMW - Automatic weapon aiming when firing from a vehicle.
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - The highest level of proficiency in all types of weapons.
LXGIWYL - Weapon set No. 1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).
PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - Weapon set No. 2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).
UZUMYMW - Weapon set No. 3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).

Codes for health, armor and money:

HESOYAM - Full health, armor and $250,000.
BAGUVIX - Infinite health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts, but you can still get hurt or drown from choking on water from explosions, falling from a height, or being hit by a car.
CVWKXAM - Unlimited breathing underwater.
AEDUWNV - Always full and never hungry again.
MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - Adrenaline level.

Codes for police attention:

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - Remove the crime level (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON - Increase the crime level to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - Increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI - Elusive, will never be caught or arrested.

Attractiveness and status codes:

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - Maximum respect.
EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - Maximum sexuality.
BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.
KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.
BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular hunk.
VKYPQCF - Max Stamina.
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
BIFBUZZ - Gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions, who are shooting without respite.
MROEMZH - Gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas).

Codes for cars in codes for GTA Sanandres:

AIWPRTON - Rhino Tank
CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH - Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
KRIJEBR - Stretch
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
RZHSUEW - Golf Car Caddy
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
AGBDLCID - Monster
JQNTDMH - Rancher

Codes for airplanes in GTA San Andreas:

JUMPJET - Hydra Aircraft
OHDUDE - Hunter Helicopter
URKQSRK - Stunt Plane

Codes for other equipment in San Andreas:

KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP - Get a parachute

Codes for vehicle characteristics and traffic:

COXEFGU - All cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.
CPKTNWT - Blow up all cars. All cars in the player's field of vision will fly into the air.
XICWMD - All vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible.
PGGOMOY - Perfect control. Increases sensitivity and sharpness in driving. It's very easy to overturn a car if you're not used to it.
ZEIIVG - Traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
YLTEICZ - Aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers engage in shootouts with the police.
LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH - The color of all cars turns pink. Get glamorous in San Andreas.
IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - The color of all cars turns black. Mourning in the state...
RIPAZHA - Flying cars. Once you accelerate the car, you can take off. Controls like on an airplane.
FVTMNBZ - All cars and people are from rural areas. There are rednecks driving around the cities of the state of San Andreas.
AFSNMSMW - Flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because they are too heavy.
BGKGTJH - There are only cheap slow cars on the streets of SA.
GUSNHDE - On the streets of SA there are only expensive fast and sports cars.
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - At the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off.
JCNRUAD - Any car you sit in becomes practically indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle breaks into it.
CVWKXAM - The result of the code is undefined.
VKYPQCF - The result of the code is undefined.
BMTPWHR - The result of the code is undefined.

Weather codes:

AFZLLQLL - Sunny clear weather.
ICIKPYH - Very sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO - Cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS - Rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ - Foggy weather.
MGHXYRM - Thunderstorm.
CWJXUOC - Buran (sandstorm).

Time codes:

YSOHNUL - Speed ​​up game time.
PPGWJHT - Speed ​​up gameplay (gameplay).
LIYOAAY - Slow down gameplay.
XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00.
OFVIAC - Orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. The code will also stop the time at 21:00.

Gameplay codes:

AJLOJYQY - People fight each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG - Have a bounty on your head.
FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.
SZCMAWO - Suicide.
ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.
BGLUAWML - People attack you with weapons.
CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.
MROEMZH - Gang members are everywhere.
BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.
BEKKNQV - Girls…
JHJOECW - Huge Bunny Hop.
LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.
IAVENJQ - Mega strike.
AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
IOJUFZN - Riot mode.
PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme.
OUIQDMW - Full weapon guidance in the vehicle.
THGLOJ - Abbreviated movement.
SJMAHPE - Recruit anyone (9mm).
ZSOXFSQ - Recruiting anyone (Rockets).
CRAZYTOWN - Everyone is going crazy.
NATURALTALENT - All your skills are pumped up to maximum parameters.

Most of the cheats used in GTA San Anreas (game without mods)

The arsenal is so large that the code for weapons in GTA San Andreas had to be made not just one, but three. Each of the entered commands replaces the other, so players will not be able, for example, to get two types of grenades at the same time.

  • LXGIWYL– a set of a shotgun, a small machine gun, a Kalashnikov, a rifle, a baseball bat, a rocket launcher, a spray can and napalm.
  • KJKSZPJ– a set of a large-caliber pistol, an M4 assault rifle, a flamethrower with an included fire extinguisher, a sawn-off shotgun, several grenades and a knife.
  • UZUMYMW- army set. Includes a rocket launcher, several mines, a silenced 9mm pistol, a chainsaw, and some items from previous sets.
  • FOOOXFT– the team arms all NPCs, including civilians.
  • AIYPWZQP– the cheat code allows you to get a parachute. It does not have striking power, but it can help out during a fall from a great height or during an unsuccessful stunt trick.
  • FULLCLIP– all weapons will now have infinite ammo and bottomless clips (no reloading required).

Codes for immortality, health, armor and money

These are probably one of the most useful codes for players, making it much easier for players to complete the story. At any time, you can restore your health, armor, get additional finances, or even get rid of the need to satisfy basic needs like food and drink.

  • BAGUVIX- code for immortality in GTA San Andreas. Cj becomes invulnerable to any weapon.
  • HESOYAM– The code restores your health bar, replenishes your armor and allows you to immediately get 250 thousand dollars into your inventory. In addition, if you are in the car at the time of writing the cheat, it will be repaired.
  • CVWKXAM– the ability to breathe underwater. The oxygen supply is no longer consumed.
  • AEDUWNV– the character no longer has to eat and drink.
  • ANOSEONGLASS- adrenaline.

Codes for police attention

Don’t want to waste time dealing with annoying cops who randomly follow you? Or maybe you want to stage a large-scale shootout on the streets of San Andreas, armed with the most advanced weapons? It doesn't matter. In any of these situations, cheats for managing your wanted level will help you.

  • OSRBLHH– adding two stars to your wanted rating.
  • ASNAEB– completely clears the character’s reputation. The police stop pursuing him until the next observed offense.
  • LJSPQK– Allows you to instantly gain the highest level of wanted status.
  • AEZAKMI– the police will leave the character alone forever. Kills, collisions, etc. no longer add stars.

Codes for cars and other vehicles (tank, plane, helicopter)

Here are the codes that allow you to experiment with physics vehicles, gravity, or commands that endow equipment with functions and characteristics that are unusual for it. This also includes codes for manipulating the amount of traffic on the road and the likelihood of certain types of cars appearing. Please note - if you replace some original car with a modified one (for example, insert a Russian Volga instead of a limousine), then it will be called according to the original code assigned to the limousine. And so with all vehicles.

  • VQIMAHA– the character becomes an experienced driver (all vehicle management skills are upgraded to the highest level).
  • XICWMD– all vehicles in the game are now in stealth mode.
  • PGGOMOY– the cars will be controlled perfectly, no slipping or skidding.
  • BGKGTJH– fills the streets with only budget cars.
  • GUSNHDE– fills the streets with expensive and modern cars.
  • CPKTNWT– all transport in the area instantly explodes.
  • LLQPFBN, IOWDLAC– cheats for GTA San Andreas that allow you to paint vehicles. The first one repaints all the cars pink, the second one makes them black.
  • RIPAZHA– Cars will now be able to fly.
  • BMTPWHR– from now on only village cars drive around on the streets, all pedestrians are replaced by villagers.
  • THGLOJ– reduces the number of drivers on the streets.
  • COXEFGU– each car will now be equipped with a nitro accelerator.
  • BUBBLECARS– the team changes the physics of cars, forcing them to fly far away during collisions.
  • YLTEICZ– offended drivers will now chase you.
  • AFSNMSMW– change in boat physics. Now they will be able to fly.
  • JHJOECW– reduced gravity when riding a bicycle.
  • JCNRUAD– vehicles become explosive and are destroyed in a collision.

If you want to ride a specific vehicle, but do not want to waste time searching for it in the game world, the commands from the list below will help solve the problem. Enter one - the desired car will immediately appear next to the hero.

JUMPJET- Hydra fighter jet.

OHDUDE– appearance of the “Hunter” helicopter.

ROCKETMAN– Cj will now be able to fly on a rocket pack.

AIWPRTON- code for a tank in GTA San Andreas.

AGBDLCID– a jeep with giant wheels (monster truck).

CQZIJMB, PDNEJOH, VPJTQWV– codes for three versions of racing track cars.

KRIJEBR– creates a luxurious white limousine near the hero.

KGGGDKP- hovercraft.

AKJJYGLC– code for the appearance of an ATV.

AMOMHRER– Do you want to ride a fuel truck? No problem.

AQTBCODX- a body carrier from Romero's funeral home.

EEGCYXT- bulldozer.

RZHSUEW- a golf cart.

UBHYZHQ- garbage truck.

URKQSRK- biplane aircraft.

JQNTDMH- a good Rancher jeep for off-road driving.

Unfortunately, the developers did not deliver codes for GTA San Andreas for motorcycles (except for the ATV mentioned above), so you will have to look for scooters, racing bikes and choppers on your own. Alternatively, you can install one of the many amateur mods for transport, which adds a dozen varieties of two-wheeled vehicles.

Codes for clothes, attractiveness and statuses

Specific commands that would allow CJ to instantly change into certain clothes are not available to players. But you can use a certain trick. At the very beginning of the game, when the splash screen plays on the screen, you need to enter the code to receive a rocket pack ROCKETMAN. When the cutscene ends, the character will die. When revived, the entire range of stores will be completely unlocked. You can go shopping and dress up as you wish. The process is clearly shown in the video below.

But with the physical form and attractiveness of the main character, everything is much simpler. With a couple of keystrokes, he can be brought into shape or, conversely, turned into a typical fast food lover who runs out of steam after a few meters of jogging.

  • BTCDBCB, JYSDSOD, KVGYZQK– codes for changing a character’s appearance. By prescribing one of them, you will instantly make Sj fat, jock or thin.
  • BEKKNQV– increases the hero’s attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. All the girls in San Andreas will start running after him.
  • EHIBXQS, VKYPQCF– improved performance. The first parameter makes the character as attractive as possible, the second develops endurance.

Codes for leveling up a player

GTA San Andreas has become a much more developed game when compared to previous parts of the series. Elements of leveling up have been added to it, allowing you to develop your character just like in real life. If you want to get less tired while running, run more; if you want to improve your vehicle control, drive; if you want to become stronger, go to the gym. Everything is simple, but at the same time long and boring for many. Fortunately, there are official cheats that will allow you to download the parameters necessary to increase your combat effectiveness in a second.

  • NCSGDAG– all weapon handling skills are upgraded to the Hitman level.
  • NATURAL TALENT– upgrading skills responsible for driving vehicles (motorcycles, bicycles, airplanes/helicopters, etc.).
  • KANGAROO– gives the hero the ability to jump high.
  • OGXSDAG– maximum level of respect.

Codes for weather, time, environment

The world of San Andreas lives by its own rules - according to the game clock, the time of day changes, periodically fog rolls into the streets, sandstorms rush around or it rains. But if the player wants, no one will stop him from playing with the weather, rewinding the timer, or experimenting with the population of the metropolis. You just need to enter the correct cheat.

  • AFZLLQLL– the streets of the city will be sunny and clear.
  • ICIKPYH- a sultry and hot day.
  • ALNSFMZO– cloudy.
  • AUIFRVQS– the streets are cloudy and rainy.
  • MGHXYRM- shower with thunderstorm.
  • CWJXUOC- sandstorm.
  • CFVFGMJ– the weather will be foggy and cloudy.
  • NIGHTPROWLER– there will always be late night in San Andreas.
  • OFVIAC– time stops at 9 pm (the sky turns orange due to the setting sun).
  • YSOHNUL– acceleration of time on the in-game clock.
  • PPGWJHT, LIYOAAY– acceleration and deceleration of the game itself.
  • ZEIIVG– From now on, traffic lights will have a permanent green light.
  • MROEMZH– increases the number of Los Santos gang members on the streets.
  • BIFBUZZ– increases the number of bandits belonging to various groups.
  • ASBHGRB– a crowd of Elvises take to the streets of San Andreas.

Other cheats

Most of the commands described below seriously change the gameplay, so it is recommended to make a backup save so that if something happens, you can go back and roll back the changes.

  • AFPHULTL– equips the character with a samurai sword and creates many NPC ninjas around.
  • BGLUAWML– passers-by on the streets will now be hostile to Sidzhey.
  • AJLOJYQY– passers-by are now attacking each other.
  • CIKGCGX- code for a beach party.
  • LFGMHAL– another code that develops the character’s jumping ability.
  • IAVENJQ– Sj’s powerful blows will now scatter opponents.
  • IOJUFZN, PRIEBJ, MUNASEF– riot, madhouse and adrenaline modes.
  • SJMAHPE, ZSOXFSQ– using these codes you can recruit and equip any passerby with weapons, forcing them to fight on your side.
  • SZCMAWO– the character commits suicide (the command can be useful if, for example, you are stuck in textures and cannot get out).

In addition to codes, you can also use third party applications“trainers” that allow you to get various benefits with the click of just one button. For example, instant restoration of health and armor. But be careful, because downloading programs from suspicious sites may result in malicious software entering the system.

Applicability of cheat codes in GTA San Andreas

It's no secret that GTA San Andreas, like all parts of this series, starting with GTA III, is extremely popular among the modder community. Fans of creating modifications prefer to use their efforts to fill the world of a fictional city with new content, as well as make changes to the gameplay. For example, graphical improvements with high-resolution textures, more realistic vegetation and lighting are very popular these days. Well, we can’t live without domestic cars now – gamers from Russia and the CIS countries are downloading mods by the thousands to add Ladas, Muscovites and other wonders of our automobile industry to the game.

Some amateur developers go even further and launch their own global modifications. And a completely logical question arises - will cheats work on these mods? As practice has shown, there is nothing to worry about. Huge number projects created on the basis of San Andreas are supported by teams familiar to everyone. Among them there are such popular ones as Brigada, Die Hard, Criminal Russia and Killer City. The list even now, fifteen years after the release of the original, continues to grow.

Now about situations where cheats cannot be used:

  • Multiplayer. If you want to gain an advantage over other players by simply entering a command, you don't even have to try. The only way to cheat is by using special programs, and even then, such activity is very quickly discovered by the server administration, after which the attacker is punished by blocking.
  • Codes for things that are not in the game. No matter what anyone says, there are no Russian cars, parkour, skateboarding, erotic content, buses, or anything like that. Unless the creator of the mod replaces one of the game vehicles with another skin.
  • Skipping missions and instant completion are also not available. If you want to open everything at once, find the save file on the Internet and drop it into the desired directory.

Page information

Complete list of codes for GTA San Adreas: the most full list cheats for the cult game from Rockstar: immortality, weapons, vehicles, health, armor and others

San Andreas is one of the most successful and warmly received parts of the famous series by players Grand Theft Auto. Various missions, a large and completely open world for exploration, ample opportunities for customizing the character and vehicles - all this makes you return to the streets of the fictional state again and again. Many gamers even now believe that SA, released more than 12 years ago, is head and shoulders above all subsequent sequels, as evidenced by the many working and crowded multiplayer servers.

Developers at Rockstar have traditionally left the ability for gamers to enter various commands to change and diversify the gameplay. If you need codes for GTA San Andreas, the full list can be found in our review. You don't need a console to enter them - you just need to quickly enter a sequence of characters without having to press other keys.

While playing GTA San Andreas, enter the following cheat codes:
(they can also be entered in pause mode by pressing the ESC key)

When entering the code while CJ is driving:

  • if there is an "f" in the code, it will jump out of it.
  • when entering the code - "CPKTNWT - blow up all cars" the player explodes along with the car.

If you know the codes not listed below, please write them in the comments.

All cheat codes for GTA San Andreas

Weapon codes

LXGIWYL - weapon pack #1 for fans (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).

PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - weapon pack #2 for pros (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).

UZUMYMW - weapon pack #3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).

FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - endless bullets, shooting without reloading

NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - the highest characteristics of mastery of all types of weapons.

OUIQDMW - auto-aiming of the weapon sight when shooting from a car.

Codes for health, armor and money

HESOYAM - full health, armor and $250,000.

BAGUVIX - endless health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts, but the player can still get hurt or drown from choking on water from explosions, falling from a height, or being hit by a car.

CVWKXAM - endless oxygen, unlimited breathing under water.

AEDUWNV - always full and never hungry.

MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - adrenaline mode.

Codes for police attention

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - clear your crime level (all wanted stars disappear).

LJSPQK, BRINGITON - Set your maximum crime level - 6 stars

OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - increase your crime level by two stars.

AEZAKMI - you will never be wanted, you will never be caught or arrested.

Codes for attractiveness and statuses

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - maximum respect and respect.

EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - maximum sexuality.

BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.

KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.

BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular hunk.

VKYPQCF - Max Stamina

VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - all parameters of your machine to the maximum

BIFBUZZ - gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions, who are shooting without respite.

MROEMZH - gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas).

Codes for cars

AIWPRTON - code for the Rhino tank

CQZIJMB - code for Bloodring Banger

PDNEJOH - code for Hotring Racer 73

VPJTQWV - code for Hotring Racer 07

AQTBCODX - code for Romero

KRIJEBR - Stretch code

UBHYZHQ - code for Trashmaster

RZHSUEW - code for golf cart Caddy

AKJJYGLC, FOURWHEELFUN - code for Quadbike

AMOMHRER - code for Tanker Truck

EEGCYXT - code for Dozer

AGBDLCID - code for Monster

JQNTDMH - code for Rancher

Airplane codes

JUMPJET - code for Hydra aircraft

OHDUDE - code for Hunter helicopter

URKQSRK - code for Stunt Plane

Codes for other equipment in San Andreas

KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft

ROCKETMAN, YECGAA - code on Jetpack

AIYPWZQP - get a parachute.

Codes for vehicle characteristics and traffic

COXEFGU - all cars have nitro boosters installed, but the supply of nitro is limited, to replenish you need to get out and get back into the car.

CPKTNWT - blow up all cars within the field of view.

XICWMD - all vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible.

PGGOMOY - perfect control. Increases sensitivity and sharpness in driving. It's very easy to overturn a car if you're not used to it.

ZEIIVG - the traffic light is always green.

YLTEICZ - aggressive drivers and their passengers start shootouts with the police.

LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH - all cars in San Andres turn pink.

IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - all cars in San Andres turn black.

RIPAZHA - flying cars, accelerate and fly like in an airplane.

FVTMNBZ - only rural cars drive in San Andreas.

AFSNMSMW - flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because... she's too heavy.

BGKGTJH - on the streets of San Andreas there are only cheap, slow cars.

GUSNHDE - on the streets of San Andreas there are only expensive, fast and sports cars.

BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - at the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off.

JCNRUAD - any car you get into becomes practically indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle breaks into it.

BMTPWHR - rural vehicles and pedestrians

Weather codes

AFZLLQLL - sunny clear weather.

ICIKPYH - very sunny weather.

ALNSFMZO - cloudy weather.

AUIFRVQS - rainy weather.

CFVFGMJ - foggy weather.

MGHXYRM - thunderstorm.

CWJXUOC - sand storm.

Codes for a while

YSOHNUL - speed up game time.

PPGWJHT - speed up the gameplay (gameplay).

LIYOAAY - slow down the gameplay.

XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00.

OFVIAC - orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. The code will also stop the time at 21:00.

Gameplay codes

AJLOJYQY - People beat each other with golf clubs.

BAGOWPG - Heaven is above your head.

FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.

SZCMAWO - Suicide.

ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.

BGLUAWML - People rush at you with weapons.

CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.

MROEMZH - Gang members are all around.

BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.

AFPHULTL - Ninja theme.

BEKKNQV - Magnet for girls.

JHJOECW - Big hare jump.

LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.

IAVENJQ - Mega blow.

AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".

IOJUFZN - Riot mode.

PRIEBJ - The topic is a madhouse.

OUIQDMW - Full weapon guidance in the vehicle.

THGLOJ - Abbreviated movement.

SJMAHPE - Recruit anyone (9mm).

ZSOXFSQ - Recruiting anyone (Rockets).

CRAZYTOWN - everyone is going crazy.

NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to maximum parameters.

The codes are not called if:
- you are on the water
- you are not doing anything
- fishermen pay you


Unlock 50% extra health:
Complete level 12 in the paramedic mission.

Get fire resistance:
Complete level 12 in the fireman mission.

Unlock BF Injection:
Get first place in the Dirt Ring race at Las Venturas Stadium.

Unlock Super GT:
Get all bronze medals in driving school.

Unlock Dune Buggy:
Break the record of 25 points at Las Venturas Stadium.

Unlock NRG 500:
Get all the gold medals in the bike school. He can be found
quite easily in the car park near Johnson's house (Los Santos).

Unlock Pimp Mission:
Sit in BROADWAY and press . Take prostitutes to
their clients to receive money. After the tenth "trick"
prostitutes will pay you when you pick them up.

Unlock Hotknife:
Get all the gold medals in driving school.

Unlock Jet Pack:
Complete all missions in the abandoned airport near Las Venturas,
and he will appear in front of the house at this airport.

Unlock Rustler:
Get all bronze medals in pilot school.

Unblock Freeway:
Get all bronze medals in motorcycle school.

Keep weapons and money after you are arrested:
Meet Katty.

To have weapons in the Johnson house
(Molotov cocktail, tec-9, Kalashnikov assault rifle and shotgun),
Paint over all 100 graffiti in Los Santos.

The article contains all the cheats, both official and the newest.

How and where to enter codes to activate them in GTA San Andreas

To activate cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, they must be entered directly during the game. In Vice City, the game can be paused by pressing the ESCAPE key on the keyboard and calmly entering the code, in San Andreas this does not work, the codes are entered directly in the game, just type the desired combination of letters in the English layout. The answer to the question of newcomers to this business “where to enter the code?”: nowhere! There are no windows for entering the code; you just need to type it on the keyboard while CJ is standing. If the code worked, you will see a notification that the code has been activated on the screen. If it doesn't work, you may have typed it incorrectly, try typing again.
If you activate the code and save, the effect of the code will also be saved. If you exit the game without saving, the code will be reset.
Keep in mind that no one has studied the long-term consequences of the codes, but the fact remains that after introducing codes in the game, bugs are sometimes observed that sometimes make it impossible to complete the game to the end. So, just in case, save and do not erase the file with the last save without any codes.
We have collected absolutely all the codes for GTA San Andreas, including new ones. All codes have been tested and work on PC.

Weapon codes

LXGIWYL- weapon code no. 1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).

PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - weapon code number 2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, flamethrower, fire extinguisher, grenades).

UZUMYMW - code for weapon No. 3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).

FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - code for endless ammo: an infinite number of cartridges and shooting without reloading.

NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - maximum level of proficiency in all types of weapons.

OUIQDMW - auto-aiming of weapons when firing from a car.

Codes for health, armor and money $

HESOYAM- maximum health, armor and 250 thousand bucks $$$

BAGUVIX- code for immortality: Infinite health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts. Does not protect against explosions, falls from a height, road accidents, or drowning.

CVWKXAM - free breathing underwater.

CVWKXAM - endless oxygen.

AEDUWNV - code for eternal satiety: CJ will never be hungry again.

MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - adrenaline level.

Codes for police attention

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - get away from the police: All wanted stars disappear.

LJSPQK, BRINGITON - increase the level of crimes to the maximum (6 wanted stars).

OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - increase the crime level by 2 stars.

AEZAKMI- elusive(the police will never catch and arrest).

Codes for appearance and status

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - CJ has the utmost respect and respect.

EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - maximum sexuality.

BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.

KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.

BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular hunk.

VKYPQCF - CJ has maximum stamina.

VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - the maximum level of skills in driving any transport.

If you type VQIMAHA or OUIQDMW (auto-aiming), you will never fall off your motorcycle.

Codes for cars

AIWPRTON - Rhino tank
CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH - Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
Romero hearse
KRIJEBR - Stretch limousine
garbage truck Trashmaster
RZHSUEW - Golf Cart Caddy
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
JQNTDMH - Rancher

Airplane codes

Codes for other vehicles in San Andreas

Codes for vehicle characteristics and traffic

COXEFGU - all cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.

CPKTNWT - blow up all cars. All cars in the player's field of vision will fly into the air.

XICWMD - all vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible.

PGGOMOY - perfect control. Increases sensitivity and sharpness in driving. It's very easy to overturn a car if you're not used to it.

ZEIIVG - traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.

YLTEICZ are aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers engage in shootouts with the police.

LLQPFBN , AGRUXVHIQYH - the color of all cars turns pink. Get glamorous in San Andreas.

IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - the color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the state...

RIPAZHA - flying cars. Once you accelerate the car, you can take off. Controls like on an airplane.

FVTMNBZ - all cars and people from rural areas. There are rednecks driving around the cities of the state of San Andreas.

BMTPWHR - rural vehicles and pedestrians.

AFSNMSMW - flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although you can’t fly high on a yacht, because... she's too heavy.

BGKGTJH - on the streets of San Andreas there are only cheap, slow cars.

GUSNHDE- only expensive fast and sports cars on the streets of San Andreas. Choose any one, you can even find Super GT among them.

BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - armored car: when your car collides with others, they lose weight and fly up.

JCNRUAD - any car you get into becomes indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle explodes.

VKYPQCF - all taxis with nitro.

AFPHULTL - ninja theme with an abundance of black motorcycles on the street.

Gameplay codes

BIFBUZZ - gangs have taken over all of San Andreas. The city streets are empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions who are waging an ongoing battle.

MROEMZH - gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas).

AJLOJYQY - people around are hitting each other with golf clubs.

BAGOWPG - paradise is above your head

FOOOXFT - everyone is armed.

SZCMAWO - suicide.

ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.

BGLUAWML - people attack you with weapons.

CIKGCGX - party on the beach.

MROEMZH - gang members are everywhere.

BIFBUZZ - control over the streets.

BEKKNQV - girls...

JHJOECW - huge bunny jumping.

KANGAROO - kangaroo super jumps.

LFGMHAL - mega jumps.

IAVENJQ - mega blow.

AEDUWNV - you don't know the word "hunger".

IOJUFZN - riot mode.

PRIEBJ is a madhouse topic.

THGLOJ - abbreviated movement.

SJMAHPE - recruit anyone (9mm).

ZSOXFSQ - recruitment of anyone (Rockets).

CRAZYTOWN - everyone is going crazy.

NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to maximum parameters.

Codes for a while

YSOHNUL - speed up game time.

PPGWJHT - speed up the gameplay (gameplay).

LIYOAAY - slow down the gameplay.

XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00.

OFVIAC - orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. The code will also stop the time at 21:00.

Weather codes

AFZLLQLL - sunny clear weather.

ICIKPYH - very sunny weather, really hot.

ALNSFMZO - cloudy.

AUIFRVQS - rainy weather.

CFVFGMJ - fog.

MGHXYRM - thunderstorm.

CWJXUOC - buran (sandstorm).

Health, weapons and money can be unlocked not only using codes, but also quite legally:

Unlock 50% extra health: Reach level 12 in the Paramedic mission.
Gain Fire Resistance: Reach level 12 in the Fireman mission.
Unlock the BF Injection car: Get first place in the Dirt Ring race at Las Venturas Stadium.
Unlock Super GT car: Get all bronze medals in driving school.
Unlock Dune Buggy: Beat the high score of 25 points at the Las Venturas Stadium.
Unlock the NRG 500 motorcycle: Win all gold medals in the bike school. It can be found quite easily in the car park near Johnson's house (Los Santos).
Unlock the pimp mission: sit in BROADWAY and press . Take prostitutes to their clients to get money. After the tenth "trick" the prostitutes will pay you when you pick them up.
Unlock Hotknife: Get all the gold medals in driving school.
Unlock the Jet Pack: Complete all missions in the abandoned airport near Las Venturas and it will appear in front of the house at that airport.
Unlock Rustler: Get all bronze medals in pilot school.
Unlock Freeway Motorcycle: Get all bronze medals in Motorcycle School.
Keeping your guns and money after you've been arrested: Meet Cutty. To have weapons in the Johnson's house (Molotov cocktail, TEC-9, Kalashnikov assault rifle and shotgun), paint over all 100 graffiti in Los Santos.
Easy money: in the car, press (or hold) [N]. 1 press "N"=$1000

A bug to prevent the car from breaking upon impact: When shooting at it with any weapon and when turning it over, you need to find any car, without getting into it, write the code JCNRUAD and BSXSGGC (this is how we activate the codes), then get into the car and write it again them (that is, deactivate). That's it, our car is indestructible.

If you are looking for codes for zombies, dogs, clothes, submarines or Russian cars, then you're doing the query a little wrong. To do this, you must first download and install the appropriate MOD - an addition to the game. Regular codes only call what is possible in the game and what you encountered in the gameplay. If you need something extraordinary, zombies for example, you need to install the appropriate mod on the game, and only then enter the code that comes with the mod.

There are little things in GTA San Andreas that can interfere with the game when entering codes. If, at the moment of entering the code, CJ is driving a car, and the letter “F” is present in the code entered into the game, then he will simply fall out of the car; When you enter the code CPKTNWT - “blow up all cars”, your hero will fly up into the air along with his car. Therefore, when entering the code, take into account the situation.
And yet, don’t get too carried away with the codes for GTA San Andreas as you progress through the game. It’s clear that if something doesn’t work out, you just get tired of playing to no avail and you already want to enter the code for immortality BAGUVIX and screw everyone. Money, too, as in life, is always not enough, and it is very tempting to use the code for money HESOYAM. But try to beat the game and save without codes, and only in this case, having completed the entire game, you can proudly declare that you are a true GTA player who is not afraid to face the cruel reality game world one on one.
Of course, if you have already completed the game and now just decided to have fun, and for this you loaded your favorite save just to get the coveted set of weapons with a few button presses and rush into battle, then cheat codes will help you have a blast.
Killed all the neighboring gangs and got bored? Don't be fooled and just type - BGLUAWML . This code will set all the surrounding pedestrians on you, and just to spite you, they will be armed to the teeth. Believe me, a rabid crowd of mere mortals will be much more dangerous than a gang of thugs.
Do you want to perform long car stunts? Then the code RIPAZHA is for you. Using this code, your car will learn to fly; all you have to do is accelerate the car and take off on it like an airplane, perform several tricks in the air and carefully land on the ground. For performing such an unrealistic trick, you will receive a cash reward.
Use the codes rationally and wisely, and then GTA San Andreas will delight you with new quirks.