Hello, dear readers and guests of LediSeo! Each era has its own preferences. Remember, when our parents were young, it was fashionable to collect figurines of elephants - they were believed to bring good luck and happiness, and as a result, there were little elephants in almost every house. Time passes and everything changes and today in the Internet era it is becoming very prestigious to have your own website or blog, and even more prestigious to make money online with it. As a result, many of us are trying to create our own offspring, as it is claimed that this does not require possession of any technical skills, it is enough to study a couple of three training courses on engines and here it is a long-awaited resource on the World Wide Web.

But this is easy to say, but in fact, in order to really get a good resource that will make a profit, you need to take seriously the creation of a website. This applies not only to the choice of a domain name, to the host, to the topic, but also to the engine on which it will function. There are a number of popular free systems, which are most often chosen to create resources. But which one is better - joomla or wordpress? We will be looking for the answer to this question today.

I clarify right away that the engine is a slang name for Content Management System (CSM) - Content Management System. Each of them has its own regalia and disadvantages, which we will now disassemble.

I don't know why, but the most popular engines today are joomla and wordpress. Maybe this is due to the fact that there are a lot of courses on the study of these systems, where you can learn the basics, but not all the subtleties and features that must be taken into account in the process of creating a resource.

I, like most, started my path in the field of site building with Joomla, it took me a month to study the course and I began to put together my first site on joomla. Yes, looking back, how many mistakes were made - the course only allowed me to learn the basics of technical issues, but did not show the existing problems in the engine tuning. This is also the complexity of website optimization for search engines(code cleaning, setting the correct url pages, dubbing pages, and so on). I don't know why, but most of the training courses are silent about this, and you come across this at the moment when you start promoting the resource.

So recently I had to analyze one site on joomla, where only the main page of the resource opens at two different addresses:

http://sitename.ru and http://sitename.ru/index.php

and this is duplicate content for search engines. The further I analyzed the site, the more “fun” it became, not only did some of the material in the address bar include an identifier (http://namesite.ru/maw/231-otnoshen.html), but also some of the content had a date as an address publication of material. This despite the fact that the formation of the cnc url of the page was included.

With wordpress in this regard, everything is initially simpler - it is worth setting up the address reflection once when installing the engine and you can safely publish articles. Thanks to this, search engines index resources on wordpress faster and better. This is also due to the fact that it is initially several times lighter than Joomla, and it takes up much less disk space on the host. This is understandable, because all the engine files fit into only three folders. Joomla, on the other hand, breaks records in this regard for its complex structure of placing folders with modules, plugins, scripts and themes, which has more than one css style file. Which in turn makes it difficult to make corrective changes.

It is much easier to adapt a wordpress resource to your ideas by introducing additional code into the engine files that expands the engine's functionality. For these purposes in Joomla we have to install additional plugins or modules.

From all of the above, we put a big plus on wordpress. Let's go further….

There is an opinion that the admin panel of a wordpress resource is less secure in relation to joomla. Complete nonsense. To get to the admin panel, you can type http://namesite.ru/administrator - in the case of joomla and http://namesite.ru/wp-admin - in the case of wordpress. But there are certain means of protecting the admin panel, and I already talked about this. In addition, when installing the engines, you must register your login for your admin panel, and not use the standard admin, which most authors do from the resources I have analyzed. Moreover, you can change the login on joomla from the admin panel, provided that you are the main administrator, but on wordpress it is not so easy to do this. To change the login, you will have to enter the database. The hacker has no choice but to guess the password. This round is a draw.

Let's move on to examining the administrative panel. Joomla contains a huge number of buttons and faddies that are responsible for various functionality. Take all the same survey, registration and who is on the site. Of course, everything is easy for a knowledgeable person, but a beginner who is just creating a resource for the first time will have to sit and memorize. WordPress conquers with its simplicity and minimalism - everything is clear and clear. So, 2: 0 in favor of wordpress.

Adding content is much easier to do in wordpress, where it is enough to create a category and then only attach material to it. In joomla, we first need to create a “Section” to which we bind the “Category” and only then publish the materials. Despite the almost identical editor that allows you to format text, inserting pictures is, in my opinion, too uncomfortable. In addition, if you just want to insert a video or flash into the material, then in the case of Joomla we need an additional extension, but in wordpress this can be done by simply writing code into the material in html editing mode. For remote publishing of material in wordpress, you can use three programs: windows live writer, OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Word, but for joomla there is no such possibility. Summing up the results of this battle, we get 3: 0 in favor of wordpress.

As for the choice of templates for the site, then both engines have a wide range of both free and paid options, but…. Joomla templates are more attractive or something, which cannot be said about wordpress. On this point, joomla put an A with a plus. The easiest way to edit the template is for wordpress, where we know exactly which file is responsible for displaying the header, sidebars, footer, material, but it is impossible to edit the joomla template according to the personal requirements of the author of the resource, it is impossible to delete unnecessary functions. This round ends with a 4: 1 score in favor of wordpress.

You can go on and on, but in my case wordpress will get the winner's wreath. It can be used to create a large information portal, forum, online store, social network or newsletter, for this it is enough to select a set of wordpress plugins. We can implement the same on the basis of the joomla engine, but at the same time we must take into account that big problems will arise not at the stage of technical creation of the resource, but during its promotion and.

Asking me: “What will I choose to create a website? ”, - I will definitely answer wordpress. Yes, I have several resources on joomla - these are business card sites, where only a few pages are created and they are not filled with content, which allows me to control indexing and prevent duplicate content. If the site is constantly updated, adding material, this will be much more difficult, I do not want to deceive you, but duplication of content is a joomla disease and rarely anyone can avoid it. It is strange why this is not mentioned in any training course, but it should be.

After reading this material, do not rush to transfer the site from joomla to wordpress, although there are special extensions for this. Why? I'll explain now.

Firstly, it is very difficult to find a really working plugin that allows you to do this for free. The minimum cost of such an extension is $ 100

Secondly, integration from one engine to another does not mean that all the functionality will be transferred to you, that is, sliders, photo galleries, contact forms, and so on and so forth. You will have to customize all this yourself and find special plugins that meet your ideas for a particular engine.

Thirdly, be that as it may, but the site can already be indexed by search engines and transfer from one engine to another will in any case affect its indexing and no one can guarantee that you will not get banned. In my opinion, it is easier to create just a new resource of a similar subject, than to spend time searching and solving problems with migration from joomla to wordpress.

WordPress and Joomla are the most popular CMS, the choice between which is faced by almost every novice webmaster. Both engines can be downloaded or deployed for free on hosting, their functionality is expanded with plugins, and appearance varies depending on the selected template. WordPress and Joomla have strong user communities that create additional materials and knowledge bases for them.

There are too many similarities to make a quick choice. Therefore, we will not rush and thoughtfully compare the CMS by key parameters in order to understand for what purposes which engine is more suitable.

Main specialization

WordPress remains a blogging CMS, despite the emergence of a large number of plugins that allow you to create sites of a different type. The purpose of the engine is easy to determine by what functions it offers out of the box. WordPress focuses on adding posts and customizing your blog feed.

To create sites on WordPress, plugins are required: along with the complexity of the project, the number of required extensions and settings increases. It can be difficult for novice users to cope with such a volume of work.

Joomla - offers a user management system, on the basis of which you can create a corporate website or even a social network. Blogging on Joomla is not as good as on WordPress, but launching an online store will require less effort and skill.

In general, the system is quite universal, and its capabilities depend on the experience of the webmaster and the number of installed extensions.


On WordPress it is convenient to create personal blogs and information portals, on Joomla - corporate sites and resources with a developed social component. If you add appropriate plugins to the engines, you can use them to launch landing pages, business cards and other business websites. However, it is much more effective for these purposes to use designers that offer much more convenient tools - the world of web development is not limited to CMS alone.

The specializations of Joomla and WordPress often overlap, but in their pure form, the systems are designed to implement different projects. The extensions and technical skills of the webmaster make them universal.


Basic WordPress only offers basic website customization options. The main functionality is related to the publication of materials and setting up their display on pages. To add new features, you need to activate plugins. You can find them and install them through the official directory in the admin panel or download them from other sites and then upload them to the server.

WordPress provides access to code editing. You can make edits through the built-in editor or FTP: download files to your computer, and then upload modified versions. The second option is safer, since it allows you to leave knowingly working backups. To edit the engine and template files, you will need knowledge of several languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

WordPress admin panel:

Joomla "out of the box" also offers a few opportunities, but they are enough to create a simple site with custom cabinets. CMS is distinguished by the presence of accelerated page loading, debug mode and a general mail system for communicating with registered users using private messages.

Like WordPress, Joomla offers a lot of plugin extensibility. There is no built-in directory here, so you have to download add-ons from the official website or other sources, and then upload to the server. For deep customization of templates and adding new functions, editing of site files is also available, which can be downloaded and uploaded back in a modified form via FTP.

Joomla dashboard:


Both CMS are installed on most hosting in automatic mode and provide access to the code that allows experienced webmasters to change them to suit their needs. In the basic configuration, Joomla subjectively looks a little more powerful than WordPress, but it depends on what tasks you set for the engine.

The functionality of WordPress and Joomla is expanded with plugins. You can't do without them at all - on both engines, with the help of add-ons, important tasks are solved to ensure the safety and optimization of sites for the requirements of search engines.

Template design

WordPress has a built-in directory that allows you to find different themes and preview what they look like. You can completely get by with this library and find several dozen suitable options for your site. In terms of the quality of execution, they differ greatly: there are outdated templates without responsive layout, but more often there are pumped-up themes that are not ashamed to show to users. If nothing came up in the standard catalog, you can go to search engines for new options.

Each template has options to control the appearance. Basic features are usually available on free WordPress templates: changing the color scheme, changing the logo. On premium themes, there may be more tools - for example, enabling / disabling of individual interface elements is added. Additionally, WordPress 5 introduces the Gutenberg block editor to help customize the page interface. But deep customization of WordPress templates requires file editing, which can be done through the built-in CSS editor.

Examples of WordPress templates:

Joomla does not have a built-in theme directory, so you have to download them from the official site or other sources, and then upload them to the server. Another difference from WordPress is the number of templates available. There are fewer free options on Joomla, and premium themes are less common. On the other hand, offers from specialists and web studios allows you to successfully overcome this gap - if you only have money.

Otherwise, there are almost no differences in terms of design. The number of theme settings depends on what options it provides. For deep customization, you need to edit the template files, which you have to download to your computer, and then upload back to the server in a modified form.

Examples of Joomla templates:


There are a huge number of sites that offer free layouts and premium themes for WordPress and Joomla, especially if you look not only on the Internet, but also on Western resources. The main problem is low-quality templates, which can become one big vulnerability for a site. To protect yourself from them, you need to use official directories, verified sites, or buy premium themes from authors with good reviews.

As for the design customization, the number of options depends not so much on the CMS as on the specific theme. The basic features of both engines are about the same, although with the advent of the Gutenbeg editor on WordPress, there are a little more visual interface editing tools, which should benefit novice webmasters. Deep customization of templates on both CMS requires HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills.

Supported site types

Business website

Both CMS can be used to launch business cards and portfolios, but it is much more efficient to use constructors for these purposes. It is easier to deal with them, and the power of the engines for setting up business sites is not required.

WordPress for blogging is noticeably more convenient than Joomla, although you can also create a good information site on it. Another thing is that on WP everything is tailored for the publication of posts, and there are so many suitable themes and plugins that you can change them at least every day.

Online store

Both engines do not have built-in e-commerce tools. To launch an online store on WordPress and Joomla, you need to install plugins - they determine the functionality of the site. Both CMS have multiple e-commerce extensions, so there is full parity here.

Can be built on both engines, but only after installing the appropriate extensions. CMS are designed to create multi-page sites; the standard functionality does not provide for landing page management tools. It is much more efficient to make one-page pages using constructors like uKit or uLanding - there are suitable layouts here, and you can test landing pages before publishing.

Everything related to the social component is implemented better in Joomla than in WordPress by default. Plugins help to eliminate the lag, so in general we can say that both engines cope with the creation of forums equally well.


WordPress has a clear specialization - the creation of information sites. Other projects can also be implemented, but still, in percentage terms, WP has more blogs than, for example, forums. Joomla in this sense is more universal, but its use is also not always effective. For example, when it comes to creating websites for business, it is wiser to use website builders, which are easier to work with than CMS.

Website creation cost

WordPress can be downloaded for free or simply deployed on a hosting using quick installation... Money is usually needed to purchase premium add-ons: templates that are rarely used on other sites, complex extensions with a lot of functions. But usually you don't have to pay anything. Unfused free themes can be found on foreign sites, and free plugins are almost always enough to implement ideas.

A Content Management System (CMS) is one of the key components of almost any website. We will look at the three most popular on this moment open source systems.

For blogs and unpretentious sites, WordPress is most often preferred due to its friendliness to non-developers, as well as its flexibility and extensibility, thanks to which even the most complex tasks become realizable. Lifehacker is powered by WordPress.

Complex, fancy sites with increased requirements for customization, scalability and content organization are best done with Drupal. Joomla sits somewhere between WordPress and Drupal.

The very first question that the owner of the future site should ask himself when choosing from these three systems is: "If I have questions and need help, can I find it quickly and easily?" Of course, yes.

Below you can find a detailed comparison table explaining the features and strengths of each of the systems.

Drupal Joomla WordPress
Official site drupal.org, Russian-speaking community drupal.ru joomla.org, Russian-language forum joomla-support.ru wordpress.org, Russian-language section ru.wordpress.org
Description A powerful developer-focused tool for building complex websites. Like most professional tools, Drupal requires some experience and practice to be successful with it. A trade-off between developer-oriented but more flexible Drupal and user-friendly WordPress Starting off as an innovative and easy-to-use blogging platform, WordPress has acquired a large number of themes, plugins and widgets. Now this system is used for sites of various formats.
Examples of sites powered by CMS Fast Company, Team Sugar MTV Networks Quizilla, Harvard University, IHOP PlayStation Blog, CNN Political Ticker, NASA Ames Research Center, The New York Observer
Installation Forum Drupal.ru Joomla Open Knowledge Base Where to start - ru.wordpress.org
Ease of use Drupal is the most demanding of the technical awareness of the user, which pays off with the widest possibilities when creating sites. There is some simplification of Drupal from version to version, but even this does not make the system the best choice for those who do not want to deeply study the system and spend money on a specialist Simpler Drupal, more complex WordPress. Relatively stress-free installation and setup, coupled with the ease of spending time on understanding the structure and terminology, make it possible to independently build a very complex site Technical knowledge is not at all necessary in this case. WordPress is simple and intuitive. It can help you create a simple website extremely quickly. Also, WordPress attracts with the ability to easily transfer text from text documents to the site, which Drupal and Joomla cannot boast of.
Features of the The system is known for its powerful taxonomy and capabilities to mark up, categorize and organize complex content. The system was developed as a platform for communities with an emphasis on social functions Simplicity is key advantage for both beginners and professionals. Having created a WordPress site and handed it over to the client, you don't have to worry about problems with the subsequent filling of the site with a new owner. Variety combined with an abundance of instructions and ease of management make WordPress ideal for technically inexperienced users.
Caching plugins Pressflow is a ready-made Drupal assembly available for download. Includes several pre-installed improvements, including those aimed at improving site performance JotCache will allow you to optimize the issuance of search queries on the site, and also makes it possible to specify the content that will be cached and exclude unnecessary ones from the cache. Page caching is also supported by the System Cache plugin included with Joomla WP Super Cache is a plugin that optimizes website performance by generating static HTML files from content retrieved from databases
Optimal use cases Complex advanced sites requiring complex data organization. Platforms for large communities, online stores Sites with a flexible enough structure, the creation of which would be problematic due to the limitations of WordPress. E-commerce, social platforms Blogs, news sites, and other formats that require the ability to add content quickly and easily. If necessary, the missing functionality is added using add-ons

Plunge into the world of WordPress or Joomla, and you will find yourself among an infinite number of ready-made solutions and add-ons that can satisfy absolutely any request. Get on the Drupal path and feel the power of being able to create functionality exclusively for yourself and your needs.

WordPress, Drupal and Joomla are community run projects. His legacy is a lot of manuals, instructions, articles, answers to all kinds of questions. At the same time, the information is quite well classified and ordered, which allows a beginner, with patience and respect for people, to get an answer to ANY question.

Nov 21

What is the best choice for creating a website: Joomla or WordPress? We are looking for a solution!

Hello dear blog visitors. Just recently, I published several interesting posts, namely: ““, ““, ““. But in this article I want to talk about what is better to choose to create a future site: ? Let's figure it out!

In this article, I will not write about which is better, since it makes no sense to compare them. Each engine has its pros and cons, but I want to talk about which engine is best to choose for a specific purpose and a specific site.

Many newbies make such a mistake that when creating a website they do not think about choosing an engine, but simply choose the first one they come across. This is completely wrong, because even if you buy fruits in the store, you probably look at their appearance, at the dents, at the color of the fruit. So - the same should be applied to the choice of the engine, since then you will not change anything, everything will be as it will be.

I know many who have created a site for example on Joomla and after some time decided to switch to WordPress. They switch to another CMS and then ask questions, as if their site has ceased to be indexed.

Benefits of CMS WordPress

Let's start by discussing the WordPress CMS. WordPress is the best platform to build blogging in the first place. WordPress is primarily used to create blogs, but it is also perfect for creating a simple and neat full-fledged website.

The main advantage of WordPress is that it is completely free. And also for him they release constant updates and protection against hacker threats.

1. WordPress is completely free

2. An incredible number of free templates for WordPress, thanks to the popularity of this engine.

3. Lots of plugins to help you create the perfect blog.

4. Ease of use. Even a schoolboy can handle it.

5. Constant updates and protection against hacker attacks.

7. Fast speed of work and loading of the administrative panel.

As you can see, the benefits of WordPress are abundant. With this engine, you can create any masterpiece, and do not look at the fact that this engine is primarily used to create blogs, you can also create a very beautiful and functional site.

Benefits of CMS Joomla

Joomla is a very popular website building system. This is the first engine that I met when I created my first web site on the hosting. Of course, my first site was like many on ucoz, but I do not take that into account.

With the help of CMS Joomla, you can create absolutely any site, even a professional one. Joomla is a very powerful system for creating both websites and blogs. But of course its first direction is the creation of sites, not blogs.

1. Joomla is completely free engine.

2. Many different templates.

3. A huge number of plugins.

4. The ability to create any site, any direction (forum, online store, blog)

What to choose to create a future site?

You see, you can't just advise here. Personally, I only like CMS WordPress, as it is very easy to use and I studied it completely, studied all plugins, seo tools and so on. Joomla I especially did not like, because it loads the server terribly, creates terrible duplicate pages, it is very difficult to solve problems, if you use a weak Internet, then most likely you will be tormented by the admin panel.

But on the other hand, if you want to create a full-fledged site (not a blog), which will have a forum, chat, online store, file archive, polls, and much more, then you should choose CMS Joomla. WordPress is simply not suitable for these purposes.

But I want to notice you right away that the CMS Joomla engine is not easy, and it can take a huge amount of time to learn it.

Bottom line: If you need a small information site, blog, image site, small portal, then choose WordPress.

If you need a professional site with many features, then choose Joomla, or DLE (it is paid). DLE can of course be found for free), but then do not be surprised at the appeal of the creators to the webmoney arbitration (checked))

Today I will tell you which in my opinion is better: wordpress or joomla? I'll go over the pros and cons of both engines to see which one is best. At the end, I will give you a small table comparing the two engines for different parameters.

9% of sites are powered by Joomla today. In simple terms, Joomla is somewhere between developer-centric Drupal and WordPress's basic simplicity. One programmer said, "Joomla is nice, but small." It is simpler than Drupal, but nevertheless Joomla is a complete engine:

  1. Login protocols (Gmail.com, LDAP) are supported out of the box;
  2. There is a convenient administrative panel with wide functionality: styles, templates, menu manager, and the like;
  3. And, of course, this is the beauty of the admin panel interface.

Novice developers often think that Joomla is too functional, and experienced users find it too simple. Joomla is rather superficial and weak, despite the fact that it has a declared universality. Compared to WP, it heavily loads the server - at the same time, as a definition of “ timeline»Is significantly inferior to competitors in expansion functionality, in addition, developers are faced with the limitations of the engine architecture.

There are not enough templates and modules. What's available for WP for free is mostly for money for Joomla. It is also worth mentioning that plugins for Joomla, even though they are commercial, are often of poor quality. In addition, they have many vulnerabilities.

In theory, Joomla outperforms WordPress in terms of flexibility and richness in the structure of the finished site. Therefore, if this means a lot to you, and you have no desire to understand Drupal, then choose Joomla.

If we talk about other parameters, then WordPress wins in speed, because it loads the server less, although it is not considered the lightest engine. In terms of simplicity for a beginner, this CMS has a distinct advantage. Why? It seems to me that Joomla has a very awkward admin area. I am sure that it is very simple for those who have been using this engine for several years, but definitely not for beginners.

What other pros does WordPress have? Optimizing a website for search engines is as easy as shelling pears, it will be harder to do on Joomla, partly because the problems you may encounter are not well disclosed. I will not say that it is impossible to configure, but you will have to dig more, whereas in wordpress, any teapot can install a couple of plugins and already significantly optimize the site.

And this applies not only to seo. As you can read above, joomla has a lot fewer quality extensions. If you suddenly want to expand the functionality of the site, then on wordpress it will be easier, and many really cool plugins are available absolutely free.

WordPress Joomla
Lots of good free templates, often you don't even need to buy
premium themes.
Free Templates worse and fewer of them, but paid ones are not so expensive
A very strong point of the engine. Tens of thousands of plugins for every taste, a lot of high quality
and free
Less good extensions, also for many of them you have to pay
Integration of layout
More difficult Easier
Engine structure
In wordpress, the structure is very simple, only 3 file folders Very complex structure with a lot of nesting
Everything is very good - wordpress is well suited if you need a search engine optimized site,
just install 1-3 plugins and configure them correctly. Although there are many technical jambs,
which can be admitted, but their decision has long been planned.
Everything is much more complicated, although there is an opportunity to fill in meta tags, but Joomla still has more
problems that you will have to overcome if you want to see the site in the top.
Few default features, for a lot you need to install plugins, and this
additionally loads the system, there may also be a conflict between extensions
There are a lot of built-in modules, so the functionality is initially much higher,
than the competitor.
Good performance. Although WordPress is not the fastest engine, it still has sites
can be made very fast.
One of the main problems of the engine, because it is heavier itself, and even installing extensions can bring
a much greater minus in speed.
What to choose for a blog?
Just the perfect choice for a blog, on wordpress you have every chance of making yours
blog with high quality, beautiful, fast and popular