+ Formation of call signs

Call signs of amateur radio stations in Russian Federation are formed by FSUE "GRChTs" to individuals and legal entities in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated 12.01.2012 No. 4 "On approval of the Procedure for the formation of call signs for the identification of radio electronic means of civilian use." The formation of the call sign is confirmed by a certificate in electronic (paper) form and the entry of the call sign into.

+ Assigning call signs

Call signs of amateur radio stations in the Russian Federation are assigned to radio electronic means (transceiver, transmitter) (hereinafter RES) in the process of their registration by Roskomnadzor in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.10.2004 No. 539 "On the procedure for registering radio electronic means and high-frequency devices." The assignment of a call sign to the RES is confirmed by the fact that the RES with this call sign has been entered into the Register of registered RES and VChU.

+ Types of call signs

Call signs of permanent use are generated for a period of 10 years.

Temporary use callsigns are generated for a period of 3 months.

+ Call signs of constant use

By the callsign of constant use, you can determine:

  • registration region natural person (legal address of a legal entity) at the time of filing an application for the formation of a call sign. The region is being determined To identify the Kaliningrad region, the first two letters of the call sign must be taken into account;
  • radio station of the fourth category, not licensed to operate in the HF bands. The call sign of such a station has the structure R (number) (four letters);
  • radio station of the third category, which is allowed to operate on all bands with a power not exceeding 10 watts. The call sign of such a station has the structure UB (number) (three letters), UC (number) (three letters), UD (number) (three letters);
  • training radio... The call sign of such a station has the structure RY (number) (three letters);
  • low and very low power radio. / QRP and / QRPP respectively;
  • radio station operating from an autonomous power source / P;
  • a radio station installed on a car or river boat. After the callsign, such a radio station can transmit / m;
  • a radio station installed on a seagoing vessel. After the callsign, such a radio station can transmit / mm;
  • a radio station installed on an aircraft. After the callsign, such a radio station can transmit / am;
  • a foreign radio station operating for a short time from the territory of the Russian Federation. Before its own callsign, such a radio station must transmit RA / or RC / depending on the ;
  • a foreign radio station operating for a long time from the territory of the Russian Federation. The call sign of such a station has the structure RE (number) (three letters).

The callsign of constant use cannot determine:

  • the subject of the Russian Federation from where the amateur radio station is transmitting. In the event that the radio amateur has left "his" region, it is considered good practice to send through a fraction after the call sign. This fraction serves as a warning that the region in which the radio amateur is located cannot be identified by the call sign, and at the same time an indication of the federal district from which the radio station operates. The Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia strongly recommends transmitting the specified fraction, since location determination is important for radio amateurs, including those who are fond of fulfilling the conditions of diploma programs. Unfortunately, for technical reasons, the CPP proposal was not fully included in the Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications No. 184, which regulates the use of fractions, and the radio amateur cannot yet transmit the number through the fraction federal district, if "own" region and the region where the radio amateur left are in the same federal district. This problem will be resolved in the near future.
  • continent from where the amateur radio station is transmitting. There are many variations of the borders separating Europe and Asia. The solution to the problem of identifying the continent lies with the initiator of such identification.
  • affiliation radio station to an individual or legal entity. Individuals and legal entities in this case are equal.

+ Period of validity of callsigns of permanent use

Call signs of permanent use are generated for a period of 10 years. The formation of the call sign is confirmed by a certificate in electronic (paper) form and the entry of the call sign into the electronic system of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GRChTs". Upon expiration of the certificate, the call sign is canceled. After the certificate is canceled, the radio amateur no longer has either a call sign or a category. He needs to pass the exam again and receive a new call sign.

A valid certificate can be renewed for another 10 years at any time. The number of renewals is not limited.

+ Assigning callsigns for temporary use

Call signs intended for radio stations participating in events in connection with historical dates, international events and anniversaries, public holidays held on the basis of decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of federal executive bodies, state authorities constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments are formed by FSUE "GRCHTs" on the basis of an application, to which is attached a document of the executive authority, indicating that the amateur radio station really participates in events organized by this executive authority.

+ Features of the use of callsigns of temporary use

Call signs of temporary use are formed to identify the transmissions of radio electronic devices (transceivers, transmitters), which were previously assigned a call sign of permanent use indicated in the certificate, and the transmissions of only these radio electronic equipment can be identified by the call sign of temporary use. If a permanent use call sign is not assigned to any RES, a temporary use call sign is not generated. The use of one call sign for temporary use to identify transmissions of radio electronic equipment with different permanent call signs is not allowed.

Transmissions of RES with a temporary call sign can be made only from the constituent entity of the Russian Federation specified in the certificate. For radio expeditions (relocated RES), several constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be indicated along the route.

Provisional call signs cannot be used outside the Russian Federation with a fractional part indicating the host country.

+ Questions and Answers

1. I have moved to another region for permanent residence and I want to continue working on the air with my old callsign without changing it. So it is possible?

It is possible, but the following should be taken into account. Firstly, it is highly desirable to add the conditional number of the federal district to which you have moved to the previous callsign through a fraction. See the reason above. Secondly, QSL cards from the CPP QSL bureau will be sent to the former region as they are sorted in the call signs. Thirdly, at the first call to FSUE “GRCHTs”, for example, when the validity period of the current certificate expires, the callsign will be replaced with the one that corresponds to the table of alphanumeric designations of regions.

2. I permanently (several years) live (plan to live) on the island, can I permanently (for several years) receive a temporary use call sign with the first letters RI?

If this island is located in Antarctica, which is not subject to the jurisdiction of any state, then yes. If this island is part of Russian territory, then no. Any Russian island is included in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and that in the corresponding federal district. In this case, you can use your call sign, passing after it through a fraction. For three months it is possible to receive a temporary call sign on a general basis.

3. The club of telephone lovers (CW, DIGI, QRO, QRP, ЕSSB….) Wants to get a “beautiful” callsign for ever, reflecting the theme of the club. How to be?

If the club is a legal entity, then without any problems you can get only a permanent call sign in accordance with the current rules.

If a club is an unregistered “group of comrades”, then it cannot receive any callsign itself, since it is outside the legal framework. In this case, it is recommended to form a "headquarters" in an educational institution, another organization, which will issue a call sign for permanent use in accordance with the current rules.

4. In the Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 184 it is said that the call sign during telephone communication must be transmitted either in Russian or in English, and the letters of the call sign must be deciphered in certain words. What if I communicate with a Chinese in Chinese?

You can conduct radio communications for as long as you like in any language, but every ten minutes you must give your call sign either in Russian or in English, and exactly as required by Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 184. This is necessary for carrying out radio monitoring activities. The employees of the Radio Frequency Service carrying out these activities are not required to know any other languages ​​other than those listed and to guess what you meant when transmitting letters in words that differ from those listed in the text of the Order. Failure to do so qualifies as transmission without call signs. For the same reason, the use of any fractions in call signs, except for those provided for by Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 184, is prohibited.

5. I have received a certificate of provisional use callsign formation. I have three RES registered. Can I work this callsign with my three friends at the same time?

Yes. If there are three registered RES, then provided that you control the work of your friends, it is possible to work at all three RES registered for you from the territory of the Russian Federation specified in the certificate. If you are going to participate in any events in this way, for example, competitions, read carefully the conditions of these events and make sure that such work in this event is permissible.


Our world is inhabited by amateurs - enthusiastic people who devote their leisure time to some favorite business. Who can you not meet among them. Book lovers, collectors, tourists, fishermen, amateur photographers, needlewomen, gardeners ... Sometimes energy and skill, perseverance in achieving the set goal, enthusiastic people make them treat these enthusiasts with deep respect: one glues a model of St. Basil's Cathedral from matches, the other is ready to run around half the city looking for a rare postage stamp or postcard.

Since the invention of radio and to this day, its main application has been the transmission of information from one point to another - radio communication. The possibility of using radio waves to transmit messages over a distance was first demonstrated in 1896 by the inventor of radio A.S. Popov. And although the world's first radiogram consisted of only two words (“Heinrich Hertz”) and covered a distance of 250 m, a start was made. Radio communications quickly gained citizenship rights. Radio stations appeared on ground objects and ships, on airplanes and spacecraft. Radio has penetrated into military affairs and has become an integral part of everyday life. The enormous popularity of radio has largely been fostered by amateur enthusiasts who unselfishly devote their time and energy to experimentation.
Join us!

Who are radio amateurs?
What are radio amateurs talking about?
Call signs
Call sign prefixes of the countries of the world
The principle of distribution of radio amateur callsigns in Russia
Typical amateur radio
An example of amateur radio communication
Audio files - DX recordings on 80 and 160 m bands from DL2KQ
Amateur radio bands
Passing on ranges
Ranges (bands) of frequencies and types of radio communication
Radio observers
QSL cards
Amateur radio diplomas
International postal coupons
Amateur radio competition
What is contesting?
Weak signal communication SETI project

Studying the telegraph code

Morse code
Learning the telegraph alphabet
Learn Morse Code for Beginners in Audio Files from UA3AFO
NEW! What is "Slow Telegraph" (QRSS)

All the king's men

Nothing is alien to kings
VIP radio amateurs
In memory of JY1 - King and radio amateur
In memory of JY1

As they say for a long time - "nothing is alien to kings". This catch phrase also fully applies to our hobby - amateur radio communication, to which people of various professions and classes devote their leisure time; professing or not - all kinds of religions; whether or not they belong to various political parties and movements. As an example, shortwave are - kings: Spain ... More >>>

NEW! "CQ" (general call on the radio amateur air) in musical arrangement by Oleg Dunaev

reference Information

Instructions on how to register and operate amateur radio stations
RF Amateur Radio Regulations - draft 05.06.2000 (tnx RK9ABJ)
Bit requirements and norms in high-speed radiotelegraphy (tnx UR3IRS)
ABC of short waves. (A guide for collective radio stations, radio clubs, and aspiring radio amateurs.)
Twenty-one questions from a novice radio amateur.
Q- and Z-codes
Amateur radio code :: PDF
Division into zones ITU and WAZ
Symbols of regions, territories and republics
Radio amateur map of Russia (division into regions)
Multilingual r / amateur dictionary of the polyglot-teapot.
Call sign prefixes in the CIS countries.
DXCC Country Criteria
Hardware log sheet in WinWord format
160m band instrument
Checklist for obtaining an American license
Rules for transliteration of a Russian-language text in the Latin alphabet (GOST)
NEW! Book "Electronic Engineering"

Creativity of radio amateurs

We bring to your attention the written book RU4HG by Alexander Goncharov, published on the website samaraham.ru

DLKZ or adventures on Samarskaya Luka (A magical story that began unexpectedly a few years ago (with the addition of natural photographs)

Resources for radio amateurs on the Internet

There are many different information channels on the Internet for radio amateurs.

Amateur radio links directory
NEW! LOTW - Worldwide Internet Hardware Magazine
Information channels for radio amateurs

DjVU is the most convenient format for exchanging diagrams and documentation

Using the DjVU format in amateur radio practice.
Download DjVU

Introduction to Packet Radio

Radio amateur digital communication (packet radio) is a fairly convenient way to exchange text information and files over the air. Currently, a very popular communication mode is APRS-packet on short waves, as well as its kind - "connect" BBS-packet mode.

This type of packet is like a kind of a bank of various types of radio amateur information, bulletins, satellite communications, DX, contest, discussion of any issues related to ham-radio topics. And the most interesting thing is that it's all free, you don't owe anyone for the Internet, money, etc., albeit somewhat slowly, but if time is not a factor for you, then everything is in order and you can read the article further!
Radio amateur packet communication more >>

(a selection of information from the website of Igor Lavrushov UA6HJQ)

Vasily Zaushitsin, RW3DR (TKS RA3APW)

What is packet radio
Packet radio station
Packet radio communication on HF
First packet radio communications
What is "Slow Telegraph" (QRSS)

An amateur radio call sign is a kind of radio amateur identification number on the air. Just as there cannot be two identical telephone numbers in the world, there cannot be two identical amateur radio callsigns. Those. each callsign is unique. And, exactly the same as in full phone number you can understand which country and locality it belongs to, you can find out which country and its region the radio amateur callsign belongs to. But this is far from all the information contained in the call sign. With the help of special prefixes and endings, you can additionally indicate the state on whose territory in this moment transmission is carried out if the transmitting station is not a resident of this state; you can find out about the location of the position of the radio station - whether the transmission is carried out in stationary conditions or from a ship, car, etc .; you can find out the order of the radiated power of the transmitter. But more about all this later.

In general, initially, when radio amateurism was just in its infancy - at the beginning of the 20th century - radio amateurs did not register anywhere and worked with self-invented callsigns at any frequencies for which they designed their equipment. There was frequent interference with official radio stations. As a result, after a while, the US Radio Frequencies Commission allocated certain radio frequency bands for amateur radio. You can read more about this in the article "".

Vladislav Chugurov: Amateur radio communication. Directory. Samara, 2001

Amateur radio call signs

Each radio station has its own call sign. Callsigns are all different and there are no two alike in the world. Very often, especially at radio amateur gatherings, conferences, when a person is introduced, his callsign is also called along with his name.

That is, the callsign becomes the second name of the radio amateur. By the callsign, you can determine where the radio station is from, whether it is collective or individual, and a number of other parameters.

Call signs consist of a set of letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. For example, consider the callsign RK4HZM.

The first two characters of the callsign identify the country from which the radio station operates. Russia is allocated letters from RA to RZ (RA, RB, RC, etc.). That is, if the callsign begins with the letter R, then this is the Russian callsign, regardless of which second letter comes, and from UA to UI.

Currently used by RA, RV, RK, RN, RU, RW, RX, RZ and UA.

Thus, in this case we are dealing with a radio station operating from Russia.

Other countries are allocated other designations, for example, Ukraine - UR-UZ, Georgia - 4L, Belgium - ON-OT, etc.

A complete list with distribution by countries of the world can be found in Appendix 3.

This is followed by a number. It denotes the number of the radio amateur region within Russia.
1 region - North-West of Russia;
2 district - Kaliningrad region;
3 region - the Center of the European part of Russia;
4 region - the Volga region;
6 region - North Caucasus;
9 region - the Urals and Western Siberia;
8 region - Buryatia;
0 region - Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Pay attention: the first three territories are conditionally assigned to the first radio amateur region, and in the latter case, the region number does not make sense at all.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War were given special callsigns starting with the letter U, followed by a number and two more letters. These callsigns are off-system. By such callsigns it is impossible to determine even the state from which the radio amateur works. Today veterans are well over seventy, there are very few of them left, and they enjoy the well-deserved honor and respect of radio amateurs.

There are some additions to the callsign and when operating from outside your permanent location. If the radio station is temporarily working from another area, then after the callsign, the number of the area from which the radio amateur works is transmitted through a fraction.

For example, RA4HRA / 6 means that the Samara radio station is temporarily working from any region of the sixth region (for example, from Krasnodar), and RA4HQK / 4 - from another region of its own fourth region (for example, from Saratov).

When working from another settlement in the same area, / A - work in stationary conditions (indoors), / P - work in the field is added.

If the radio station works from a moving object (car, train), then / M is transmitted after the callsign, if from the aircraft - / AM, and if from the ship - / MM.

I must warn you that before working from a ship or an aircraft, it is imperative to obtain permission from the ship's captain or aircraft pilot, since the radio station can interfere with the operation of navigation devices and interfere with communications.

When a radio amateur moves to another country, the prefix of the host country is added in front of the main callsign, separated by a fraction, according to the rules of this country.

Call signs on the air are usually pronounced using phonetic alphabet words. In this case, each letter is assigned a specific word starting with this letter. This is done so that on the air against the background of interference it would be possible to clearly and accurately accept the call sign of the correspondent.

Below is a table of phonetic alphabet words:

Anna, Anton

center, heron

Ivan is short, whit

kilowatt, Constantine

Michael, Maria

Roman, radio

Tamara, Tatiana

beetle, Zhenya

sign, x

Therefore, the call sign RK4HZM on the air will sound like this: Radio Kilowatt Four Khariton Zinaida Mikhail. Other callsigns are also pronounced.

I must warn you that the use of other words, abbreviated or diminutive forms, for example, instead of Fedor to say Fedya, is prohibited.

I draw your attention to the letters V and W. The fact is that in the transcription of the English alphabet, the letter V corresponds to the Russian B, and in this case, on the contrary: V is Ж (beetle), and W is B (Vasily). The rest of the letters, as a rule, do not cause confusion.

I want to warn you about the accurate spelling of similar letters: Y, V, U; I, J; O, Q, D.

You should know this phonetic alphabet very well. Because radio amateurs pronounce callsigns quickly enough and you need to have time to write them down the first time. A request to repeat the callsign, as well as errors in receiving the callsign, indicate insufficient training of the radio station operator or poor audibility of the radio station.

Amateur radio callsigns

If until 2010 the territory of Russia was conditionally divided into ten radio amateur regions where the 1st region is the north and northwest of the European part of Russia (St. Petersburg, etc.), the 2nd is only the Kaliningrad region, the 3rd - the center of Russia (Moscow), 4th - the Volga region (Volgograd, etc.), 6th - North Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Krasnodar, etc.), 8th - Transbaikalia, 9th - Ural and Western Siberia (Komi Republic, Orenburg region, etc. to Altai), 0-East Siberia and the Far East (Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, etc.). 5th and 7th - NO after the collapse of the USSR ...
Since March 1, 2010, the division into radio amateur regions does not exist at all, now everything is tied to the subjects of the Russian Federation

The Russian government has made a decision on administrative reform.
R9G: Komi-Permyak district ( KP) are combined into R9F, Perm Territory ( PM)
R8T: Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug ( Uo) are combined into R0S,T: Irkutsk region.
R8V: Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug ( AB) merged with R0U: Chita region. ( CT) and got a new name R0U,V: Transbaikal region ( ZK)
R0B: Taimyr Autonomous District ( TM) and R0H: Evenki Autonomous Okrug ( EV) merged with R0A,B,H: Krasnoyarsk region ( KK)
R0X: Koryaksky AO ( KY) are combined into R0X,Z: Kamchatka Krai (CT scan)

Call signs from the block R0AA-R9ZZ recommended for education (issuance) to any radio amateurs of the first category with 25 years of experience as a shortwave radio amateur (ultra-shortwave). Countdown - from the date of receipt of the first license (permit, certificate).
Call signs from blocks RA0A-RZ9Z, UA0A-UI9Z recommended for education (issuance) to any radio amateurs of the first category, who, in accordance with the established procedure, confirmed the ability to transmit and receive telegraph signals in Morse code at a speed of 60 characters per minute. By callsign you can determine which category the radio amateur has

Callsigns are formed from blocks:

Category 1 radio amateurs(corresponds to CEPT-license, certificate HAREC):

R0AA – R9ZZ (except for the HQ suffix);
RA0AA – RZ9ZZ (except for the prefixes RB0 – RB9, RE0-RE9, RH-RH9, RI0 – RI9, RP0 – RP9, RR0 – RR9 and RS0 – RS9);
RA0A – RZ9Z (except for the prefixes RB0 – RB9, RE0 – RE9, RH0 – RH9, RI0 – RI9, RP0 – RP9, RR0 – RR9 and RS0 – RS9);
UA0A – UI9Z.

Category 2 radio amateurs(corresponds to CEPT-license, HAREC certificate):

R0AAA – R9ZZZ (except for the SRR suffix);
RA0AAA – RZ9ZZZ (except for the prefixes RB0 – RB9, RE0 – RE9, RH0 – RH9, RI0 – RI9, RP0 – RP9, RR0 – RR9 and RS0 – RS9);

Category 3 radio amateurs(corresponds to CEPT NOVICE license, ARNEC certificate):


Category 4 radio amateurs:


It is allowed to continue using the previously formed valid call signs that do not correspond to this Procedure for radio amateurs who received such call signs before 04/01/1970, as well as call signs with a prefix U0 – U9 Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and astronauts.
Today veterans are well over seventy, there are not so many of them left, and they enjoy the well-deserved honor and respect of radio amateurs.
U3LI Alexander Alexandrovich Vladimirov (Roslavl? Smolensk region), U1BB Gennady Antonovich Shvagzhdis (St. Petersburg), U0AL Nikolai Afanasyevich Eliseev (Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory) - call signs of the Great Patriotic War veterans.

When a radio amateur moves to another region, the federal number of the region to which this region belongs is added to the callsign through a fraction. When moving within the same constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a number is not added to the call sign
RW3LU / 6 - from Krasnodar (sixth district). In this case, only 6 can be added (7 cannot be added). Similar to RW3LU / 3 from Moscow (add 3 district, you cannot add 2.5)
When a radio amateur moves to another country, the prefix of the host country is added in front of the main callsign, separated by a fraction, according to the rules of this country.
EA8 / RW3LU - while on holiday in the Canary Islands.
US / RW3LU - from Ukraine.

Amateur radio operators must themselves add the letters below after the call sign.
RW3LU / n- a person undergoing training and not having the qualifications of a radio amateur (under the supervision of an operator)
RW3LU / rr- when using the radio station as an echo repeater
RW3LU / rb- for short-term use of the radio station as a beacon
RW3LU / p- when transmitting from field conditions (autonomous power source) and when using portable RES
RW3LU / m- car, motorcycle, boat, yacht moving in inland waters
RW3LU / mm- on board a sea vessel,
RW3LU / am- from aircraft and aeronautics in flight
RW3LU / s- from a space-based facility
RW3LU / Qrp- work with low (less than 5 watts) power,
RW3LU / QRPP- work with ultra-low (less than 1 Watt) power.

Call signs in Russia are divided into everyday e.g. RN3LA (category 1) UA3LRU and special for example RP3LPS (dedicated to the memory of the Smolensk partisans who fought against the Nazis during the occupation in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1943) or RK1G. Everyday callsigns are intended to be on the air permanently. Special callsigns are issued for a certain period, or for certain categories of radio amateurs and radio amateur groups. Usually, the issuance of a special callsign is timed to coincide with some significant event (exhibition, gathering of radio amateurs, anniversary of the city, etc.). The appearance of a special station on the air usually causes a slight "excitement", since the opportunity to work with such a station is unique - there may never be such a prefix. And since colorful QSL cards are almost always sent out for contacts with such stations, this is also a good copy for your collection.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the structure of the callsigns issued to radio amateurs for work from some Russian territories.
Russian stations in Antarctica - R1AN, RI1ANA-RI1ANZ;
on Maly Vysotsky Island - R1MV, RI1MV, RI1MVA-RI1MVZ
Franz Josef Land - R1FJ, RI1FJ, RI1FJA-RI1FJZ
Kolguev Island - RI1P, RI1PA-RI1PZ, RI1PAA-RI1PAZ
Severnaya Zemlya (including islands: Maly Taimyr, Starokadomsky, Mayskie, Geiberga, Sergei Kirov, Izvestia CEC, Arctic Institute, Sverdrup, Voronin, Uedineniya, Schmidt, Vize, Ushakov) - RI0B, RI0BA-RI0BZ, RI0BAA-RI0BAZ
about. Ions - RI0C, RI0CA-RI0CZ, RI0CAA-RI0CAZ
Kuril Islands (excluding Paramushir and Atlasov Islands) - RI0F, RI0FA-RI0FZ, RI0FAA-RI0FAZ
about. Wrangel (including Herald Island) - RI0K, RI0KA-RI0KZ, RI0KAA-RI0KAZ
Bear Islands - RI0QA-RI0QL, RI0QAA-RI0QAZ
New Siberian Islands - RI0QM-RI0QZ, RI0QCA-RI0QCZ
about. Karaginsky - RI0X, RI0XA-RI0XZ, RI0XAA-RI0XAZ
Commander Islands - RI0Z, RI0ZA-RI0ZZ, RI0ZAA-RI0ZAZ.

The attitude of radio amateurs themselves to their own callsigns is ambiguous. Someone, for various reasons, has already changed the fifth or sixth callsign in their life, arguing that his former callsign is "dissonant" or too long, is poorly remembered or sounds unsuccessful by the telegraph. Of course, there is some logic in this, however, I want to note that any callsign is remembered only when its owner is actively working on the air, and if your callsign sounds often enough, then there are fewer and fewer mistakes when receiving it.