Which laptop doesn't get warm? It doesn't exist. Firstly, due to its compact size, air circulates worse in it (compared to computer system units). Secondly, laptops are usually not designed for games and other "heavy" programs. Of course, you can run them, but not for long - the processor, video card and other components heat up very quickly, and the cooler does not have time to cool them down. Therefore, you cannot do without breaks here.

Why is my laptop overheating?

The reasons for laptop overheating are very commonplace. And half of them is the negligence of users who do not follow the operating rules.

For example, the first and most commonplace reason is dust. The noise comes from the cooler: the more dusty it is, the stronger the sound.

In addition, dust clogs the air vents, impairing the performance of the cooling system. As a result, the laptop heats up to 90 degrees, starts to glitch and slow down.

In some cases, it turns off altogether. This triggers the laptop overheating protection. When the temperature becomes critical (above 100 degrees), the processor or video card may burn out. That is why the laptop shuts down from overheating (to prevent damage). And in the next 30 minutes, it may not turn on at all - until it cools down.

Also, the laptop heats up quickly if you work on soft surfaces. Again, this problem occurs through the fault of the users. Watching movies on the bed and then wondering why the laptop gets so hot. The reason is simple: soft surfaces block the holes and interfere with normal air circulation. Plus, there is much more dust on sofas and beds than on the table - and it also gets inside the laptop.

If you play with modern toys, the laptop video card will overheat. Indeed, during the launch of the game, it heats up to a high temperature (on computers it is the same). But on laptops, you have to take breaks, since one cooler cannot cope with cooling (in system blocks usually several fans are installed).

If you run heavy programs (Photoshop, video editors), the laptop processor will overheat. Although it is loaded during games. In this case, you also need to take breaks.

Of course, there are reasons that do not depend on the users. These include the breakdown of the cooler and the drying out of the thermal paste. How to determine this? If the laptop heats up in idle time (on the desktop) or turns off by itself, then most likely there are problems with the cooler or thermal paste.

Thermal paste is applied to the processor and graphics card. And it is absolutely necessary! With thermal grease, the temperature of the components is 30-40 degrees, and without it - 60-80 and higher. And it's in idle mode!

Another reason is the high air temperature. This usually happens in the summer: in the hot season everyone's laptops get hot. And even for no particular reason. But if in winter you sit near a battery or a heater, then do not be surprised why the laptop heats up and makes noise. In this case, it must be placed away from the heat source.

The above reasons are typical for all models: Asus, Acer, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, HP Pavilion. Even powerful MSI gaming laptops with good cooling systems are not immune to overheating. Especially if you play for a long time.

How do I know if my laptop is overheating?

  1. Loud cooler noise. Due to the high temperature inside the chassis, the system increases the fan speed. And you start to hear it. Also, the laptop makes a lot of noise if the cooler is clogged with dust. While playing or working in a program, this is permissible. But if the laptop makes noise immediately after turning it on, then there are obvious problems with the cooling system.
  2. Heating of the case. You can easily understand this from the keyboard. If the buttons are warm, this is the norm. But if they are so hot that you cannot touch them, turn off the laptop and let it cool down. And then look for the reason for such a high temperature.
  3. Unstable work. The laptop slows down, works slowly, sometimes freezes. This also signals possible problems with a cooling system (although here it may be not only in it, but also in the hard disk).
  4. The presence of defects on the display. If strange stripes, squares, ripples appear on the screen, this clearly indicates problems with the video card (possibly not only overheating, but also a breakdown).
  5. Faulty USB ports. The South Bridge is responsible for their work. If it gets very hot, some USB connectors may not work.
  6. Shutdown or restart for no reason. This works to protect the laptop from overheating.

What to do with such a laptop?

For example, if the laptop is very hot and noisy, then the matter is most likely in the dust. Remember the last time you cleaned it? If for a long time, it makes sense to give it to a service center or clean it yourself (if you know how). Dust cleaning is recommended at least once a year.

If your laptop heats up while playing, there are several solutions here:

  • take breaks every 2-3 hours (depending on how quickly the laptop heats up);
  • play only on a discrete video card, and the rest of the time use the built-in one - it emits less heat (and the first one will be cooled at this time);
  • Place the laptop on a flat surface and away from batteries or other heat sources.

Another reason is insufficient performance. Modern toys put a lot of stress on weak laptops, as a result of which they constantly overheat. And here there are 2 options: either play old games or buy a new model. Or try to reduce the load by setting the minimum settings in the game.

If the laptop heats up during idle time, you need to check the cooler's performance. And in the event of a breakdown, repair or replace it.

If the laptop heats up to 90 degrees, be sure to check the thermal grease on the video card or processor. If it is dry, you need to contact a service center or apply it yourself. If, after replacing the thermal paste, the laptop still heats up, then there are 2 options: either it was applied incorrectly, or this was not the reason for overheating.

In this case, you also need to check the thermal grease and the performance of the cooler.

If the laptop overheats and shuts down while playing, then the problem here is most likely in the video card. Either there are some defects, or the thermal paste has dried. Your laptop might just be too weak for the toy you are launching, though. That is why it goes out.

  • place it only on flat surfaces (table or stand) and forget about sofas, armchairs and beds;
  • periodically take the laptop to a service center for dust cleaning (at least once a year);
  • install new system cooling (if the old one does not cope with its task);
  • use a laptop cooling pad.

The last option is the most effective. It allows you to reduce overheating even in summer, plus with the stand you can work on your favorite sofa.

Remember, component overheating is no joke. They can burn out, and then expensive repairs will be required. Or even buying new parts. Therefore, if your laptop is very hot, you need to fix it as soon as possible.

Overheating laptops Is the most common problem faced by laptop users.

If the causes of overheating are not eliminated in time, the computer may work slowly, and eventually break down altogether.

The article describes the main causes of overheating, how to identify them, and the most common methods for solving these problems.

Overheating reasons

1) The most common cause of laptop overheating is dust. As with a desktop computer, a lot of dust accumulates inside a laptop over time. As a result, cooling problems in the laptop are inevitable, leading to overheating.

Dust in the laptop.

2) Soft surfaces on which the laptop is placed. The fact is that on such surfaces, the ventilation holes are blocked on the laptop, which ensure its cooling. Therefore, it is highly advisable to place the laptop on hard surfaces: table, stand, etc.

3) Too heavy applications that heavily load the processor and video card mobile device... If you often load your computer with the latest games, it is advisable to have a special cooling pad.

4) Failure of the cooler. You should immediately notice this, because the laptop will not make any noise at all. In addition, it may refuse to boot if the protection system is triggered.

5) Too high temperature around. For example, if you put your laptop next to a heater. I hope this point does not need a detailed explanation ...

Do not put your laptop next to such a device ...

How to tell if a laptop is overheating?

1) The laptop is making a lot of noise. This is a typical sign of overheating. The cooler inside the case spins faster if the temperature of the laptop's internal components rises. Therefore, if the cooling system for some reason does not work efficiently, then the cooler will constantly work at maximum speeds, which means it will make more noise.

The increased noise level is quite acceptable under heavy load. But if the laptop starts to make noise after turning it on, then something is wrong with the cooling system.

2) Strong heating of the case. Also a characteristic sign of overheating. If the laptop case is warm, this is normal. Another thing is when it is hot - you need to urgently take action. By the way, the heating of the case can be controlled by "hand" - if you are so hot that your hand can't stand it - turn off the laptop. You can also use special programs.

3) Unstable system operation and periodic freezes. But these are inevitable consequences for cooling problems. Although not necessarily the reason for the laptop freezing is due to overheating.

4) Strange streaks or ripples appear on the screen. As a rule, this signals about overheating of the video card or central processor.

5) Some USB or other ports are not working. Severe overheating of the South Bridge of the laptop leads to incorrect operation of the connectors.

6) Spontaneous shutdown or restart of the laptop. When the CPU is too hot, the protection is triggered, as a result, the system is rebooted or completely shut down.

Several ways to avoid overheating your laptop

1) In case of serious problems with laptop overheating, for example, when the system spontaneously reboots, is unstable or turns off, you need to urgently take action. Since dust is the most common cause of system overheating, you need to start with cleaning.

If you do not know how to clean the laptop, or this procedure did not fix the problem, then contact the service center. Otherwise, constant overheating will inevitably lead to serious damage. Repair is not cheap, so it's best to eliminate the threat ahead of time.

2) When overheating is not critical, or the laptop heats up only under increased load, you can take a number of actions yourself.

Where is the laptop during work? On the table, lap, sofa ... Remember, the laptop should not be placed on soft surfaces. Otherwise, the ventilation holes on the bottom of the laptop will close, which inevitably leads to overheating of the system.

3) Some laptops allow you to connect a video card of your choice: built-in or discrete. If the system gets very hot, switch to the integrated video card, it generates less heat. Most the best option: switch to discrete card only when working with powerful apps and games.

4) One of the most effective way help the cooling system - put the laptop on a special table or stand with active cooling. Be sure to get a similar device if you haven't already. Coolers built into the stand prevent the laptop from overheating, although they create additional noise.

Laptop Stand with cooling. This thing will help to significantly reduce the heating temperature of the processor and video card and will allow you to play for a long time or work in "heavy" applications.

Remember that constant overheating of the system will damage your laptop over time. Therefore, if you see signs of this problem, fix it as soon as possible.

Overheating of a laptop is quite common. Users can observe such problems quite often. Strong heating of the device provokes a variety of user actions.

It could be a simple blockage in the cooling system. Also, frequent provoking factors are mechanical and software damage that can occur in microchips. These elements are responsible for the consumption and distribution of energy inside the PC parts.

Regardless of the cause of the problem, the consequences can also be different. Most often, users note a sudden shutdown of the laptop at the time of running the combing. Gameplay is often interrupted. Other difficulties may also arise.

It is unrealistic to deal with mechanical damage on your own. It is extremely difficult to identify the source. If there are failures in the software algorithms and their functioning, it is difficult to identify the problems. For this reason, the best option is to purchase a new device, since it is very expensive to repair an old one.

The most common causes of overheating. Dust cleaning

Very often, the occurrence of this kind of malfunction provoked poor functioning of the cooling system. So the constant overheating of the laptop leads to numerous malfunctions. Most often this is due to contamination of the system channels.

Dust and other small particles settle on the “insides” of the device, which leads to malfunctions in relation to the ventilation system. Namely, this system constantly produces everything necessary to cool the device.

The elimination of the problem is very simple: you need to remove the cover that blocks access to the inside of the device. Next, you should use a low-power vacuum cleaner, which will remove accumulated dirt even in the most inaccessible places.

So all that remains is to carefully wipe off the dust and get rid of small particles that accumulate on the internal elements. But do not forget that there may be those details that are not visible at all at first. This applies to cooling tubes made of a wide variety of materials.

Further, users have to carry out more subtle work. This will require cotton swabs. It is necessary to dip them in a weak alcohol solution. Then, with gentle movements, we will continue cleaning the most inaccessible places in the device. But you cannot touch microcircuits and other important parts that are easy to harm.

To remove the harder dust particles, which most often accumulate on the case, wipes will be required. You can use clean cloths or wet wipes moistened with water. We wipe the large parts of the device very carefully.

After that, you will need to wait a few minutes until all the parts are dry. Then we return all the elements to their place. At the last stage, we put the cover back in place. After a few minutes, you can try starting your PC again and see if it functions normally.

Inoperative laptop cooling fan

Another common cause of malfunction concerns the fan. This element is responsible for the timely cooling of the device. With its help, air is passed through a special cooling system. Such devices usually work no more than five years. In the future, you need to replace the object.

But the service life can be significantly reduced. If a factory defect was admitted or mechanical damage occurred, then the duration of use is significantly reduced. So users need to constantly monitor the operation of this element.

If there is a noise or hum during the operation of the laptop, then users should immediately pay attention to this. The fan can also run at a slower speed. As a result, the user will notice overheating of the device.

In this case, you will need to sort out all the parts of the fan. This will help you identify the cause of the problem. But a novice user will not be able to implement this procedure. You need to have some skills and knowledge to carry out this kind of manipulation. Otherwise, you can further harm the operation of this object.

In general, the technician will have to sort out the bearings inside the cooling object. To do this, you must very carefully pry off and then remove the blades. If necessary, all parts inside the fan are lubricated.

However, you should not count on the fact that it will be possible to make repairs. Quite often, users are faced with the fact that it is not possible to resume the normal functioning of the cooling element.

For this reason, it is worth contacting a specialized service, whose masters will be able to fix the problem or at least consult. This will avoid new breakdowns that may arise due to the actions of a non-professional user.

Prevention in this case is impossible. So the user will not be able to protect himself from such a problem. The only advice is to handle the device with care and do not drop or throw it.

Other causes of overheating

Also, users can face many other reasons. It is important to monitor the temperature readings inside the room in which the laptop is located. If the room is hot, then overheating is a frequent occurrence.

The reason for this is the use of ambient air, the temperature of which is quite high. It is extremely difficult to cool the device with such air. On the contrary, the laptop heats up even more.

The average operating temperature that should be inside a laptop is approximately 50 degrees Celsius. However, at high temperatures in the room, it is not possible to properly provide cooling. The system responsible for temperature normalization simply does not cope with the task at hand.

So don't use your laptop near heating appliances. Ensure that the unit is properly positioned with fresh air. It is also important to consider that heating occurs more often in the summer. So it's worth taking care of providing additional forced cooling.

Also, users should take care of cleaning the device. This applies only to dust, but also system files... A laptop accumulates a lot of documents, audio and video recordings and other media content in the process of user activity.

The more elements move along file system or the distribution of files is carried out, the more the hard drive is loaded. If the load on HDD is too large, it heats up. In the future, this negatively affects the functioning of the entire device.

For less heating, you must periodically hard turn off the distribution of torrents. So as soon as the distribution is completed in full, we close the program. You should minimize access to the hard disk by all available means. This is the only way to reduce the load and return the optimal temperature values.

Besides external factors there are others as well. Internal factors affect the change in temperature indicators. They represent certain actions performed by the user in the process of working with the device.

Power consumption depends on how busy the laptop is with various tasks. The higher this indicator, the more strongly the microchips are heated, as well as all other internal components of the device. This is due to a significant increase in power.

During the game, the user can also note the braking of the device. This is due to the load experienced by the laptop. This is especially true for games that are launched, which have a lot of graphic elements. High Quality... High energy consumption is also noted. In addition to this, a very strong load on RAM, hard drive, video card and other objects.

If normal cooling does not occur, then this threatens in the future with a variety of breakdowns. They can occur in one of the elements of the laptop. In general, users need to control many aspects to prevent overheating.

Preventive actions

Users can fight heat before it even occurs. So you can take preventive measures. To do this, it is worth using the device in a room where the temperature is optimal. It is also necessary to ventilate the room. If you do this constantly, then in the end there should be no overheating.

Users will also need to place the laptop on a flat, hard surface. This means that it is necessary to provide air access to the fan of the facility. The reason for heating in many cases is the location of the device on soft surfaces - a bed, carpet, sofa. Also, you cannot place a laptop on your lap, as many users are used to doing.

Also, users should not cover the laptop they are working on. If this is done, then the air access will be instantly blocked. In this case, the device will instantly become hot. The consequences can be the most negative. Also, do not cover the keyboard.

In addition to these recommendations, you should regularly clean the device. This applies to file trash and dust. So it is worth periodically providing access to the internal objects of the laptop. In general, it is necessary to remove the lid and wipe the elements with wet wipes. This procedure should be performed often enough, especially if the work is performed in a dusty or poorly ventilated area.

Each user is able to deal with file "garbage". Such objects will certainly accumulate on all devices. It is best not to carry out these actions yourself, but to trust professional means.

There are a huge number of quality programs on the web. They will allow you to quickly find everything unnecessary files, empty objects and other elements that only take up space in the device's memory. So you can quickly get rid of unnecessary objects and increase the space on your laptop for more important programs.

Necessary gadgets

Users are given the chance to take advantage of a third-party assistant that was created specifically for the convenience of device use. They also help to keep the device in use from overheating during daily use.

A cooling pad is often used as additional cooling. So the laptop is installed on a special stand that provides a constant supply of cool air in the right amount.

This ensures excellent air circulation. Intensity is also guaranteed. All modern cooling pads do not restrict access to ports and other connectors that are available on all devices, without exception.

Also some models are equipped with rechargeable battery... In some cases, it can replace the laptop's power supply. This is especially important in cases where there is a power outage.

All stands work according to the same principle. Each such object has one or more fans inside. They provide forced cooling. They are able to drive air through themselves. Such objects forcibly draw hot air or contribute to the rapid cooling of the device.

Since there are a lot of products in this group, users need to choose the highest quality and most suitable option. When buying a special object for cooling, it is necessary to pay attention to the direction of air movement, which is carried out directly in the cooling system.

The exact location of the blowing and blowing fan must also be considered. If all objects are perfect for each other, then such a gadget can be safely purchased.

Additional important point

Users will also need to timely replace a special substance - thermal paste. This manipulation is performed as a preventive action. So do not wait for problems to appear, as they can be prevented.

To replace the thermal paste, you need to remove the laptop cover. Next, we take out the entire cooling system. Once this procedure is completed, you can immediately see the old thermal paste. Most likely, it is far from its original appearance.

Ideally, it should be white. However, over time, the laptop will darken. Most often, users will mark the paste in yellow or gray colors. Moreover, this element resembles toothpaste in consistency.

Users should dispose of the old paste with a damp cloth. Next, you need to wait until the place where the thermal paste is removed is completely dry. Only then will it be necessary to evenly distribute the new layer again.

Hello everyone. Today we will talk about laptop overheating. If you start to notice that your laptop is hot from the bottom (and sometimes even from the top) and is noisy, then you need to do something about it! It is impossible to leave it in this state, because in the future this can lead to the fact that it will slow down strongly and even turn off. In addition, using a laptop that makes a lot of noise, hums, slows down and burns your fingers when working with the keyboard is terribly uncomfortable.

I once bought myself a used Toshiba laptop. At first glance, everything was fine. But when I used it, the laptop was so hot that I really couldn't put my hands on it. And it's on top, on the keyboard. I can imagine what was going on inside him. Thank God, I got the money back for him. By the way, in the future I will definitely write an article about. After all, there are so many pitfalls and a lot of things to check in a very short period of time. Also, it will not be superfluous to find out. Such knowledge will always come in handy. 😉

Why is the laptop hot? The main causes of overheating

First you need to understand that all electrical appliances generate heat to a greater or lesser extent. Inside the laptop, the most power hungry components are CPU and a video card. They emit the most heat.

It is also worth noting that they often do not have the most powerful processor and do not have a discrete video card. In terms of heat dissipation, this is a big plus. Budget laptops rarely overheat. At the same time, they have very powerful processors and video cards, so they very often overheat when the cooling system does not cope with work, and your hot laptop is a direct proof of this.

Let's take a look at the main reasons why your laptop is hot:

Why does my laptop shut down from overheating?

After buying a laptop, while it is still new and not very dusty inside, its cooling system quickly copes with overheating. And overheating happens even in new laptops under high load, but it is usually short-lived and you don't even notice it.

Over time, dust settles on chips and heatsinks, making it difficult to remove heat. The hot air exhaust system is also clogged with dust mixed with lint. All this leads to the fact that the laptop becomes unbearably hot.

When the temperature of the laptop becomes critical, an emergency shutdown of the system is triggered.

This is done specifically so that expensive chips and microprocessors do not deteriorate from temperature. In simple language so as not to burn out. So, saving his life, the laptop is forced to shut down or reboot.

When is a hot laptop normal?

As we have already said, only weak laptops do not heat up. If you have an expensive gaming laptop, then it will definitely warm up. The only question is how much it will heat up. If your laptop is not very hot, then it is likely that this is its normal operating temperature.

Always warm!

The hottest part is usually the CPU. Especially if it is AMD processor(Intel is much less hot.) You need to panic if the processor temperature reaches 100-105 degrees Celsius. The optimum processor temperature is 60-80 C.

How do I know the temperature of my laptop?

There are several ways to find out the temperature of laptop components. You can see the cpu temperature, temperature motherboard and temperature hard disk (SSD storage). Maybe you have sensors on some other components, then you will see their temperature too. Methods:

  • View temperature via BIOS;
  • Check the temperature using the programs.

Sometimes programs that display temperature are included with. If not, then they need to be installed. I advise using the program Speccy or AIDA 64(former EVEREST if anyone remembers). Download them only from official sites!

This is what the Speccy program looks like

To see the temperature through the BIOS, you need to first. To do this, when you turn on (before starting the download operating system) you need to press the key F2 or Del, depending on the model and manufacturer. Inside the BIOS, you can move only with the buttons ↓ → ←. The mouse does not work there, mind you. Look for the menu tab there, which has the words “ monitor" or " power”. The name of the tab can be different.

You should understand that in BIOS you will see the degrees of the laptop in a calm state. And using special programs, you can track how the laptop heats up under load.

This is how the temperature can be viewed in the BIOS

See how hot your laptop is, maybe it's not hot at all, but lukewarm.

What to do first if the laptop is hot?

Let's recap a bit what was described in the article. Let's summarize what you can do right away. Perhaps these actions will be enough and the laptop will cease to be so hot.


You've probably heard about special laptop stands. They have built-in fans that drive cool air to the bottom of the laptop from below. These stands can reduce the temperature by no more than 5-8 degrees Celsius, which will significantly affect the performance of the laptop under heavy loads. But if the laptop is hot due to dust inside, then these stands are up to one place in the park. You still have to clean the dust, otherwise your laptop will not last long.

Why does the laptop get warm and what to do about it? Read simple answers and solutions to the problem in this article! Quite often, computer users are faced with a situation where their laptop is very hot, what to do in this case? In addition to the fact that the temperature of the laptop rises greatly and this causes great discomfort for users, the laptop itself can make a lot of noise, slow down and even turn off during operation. What to do in this case and how to fix the problem yourself? Maybe you just need to buy a cooling pad and the problem will be solved?

From what and why does the laptop heat up? The main causes of overheating.

At the first sign of laptop overheating, do not open Yandex or Google and search for “Laptop is overheating, what should I do?” or "The laptop is getting hot, what should I do?" Simple computer tips will not only allow you to eliminate overheating of your laptop, but also make your computer run much faster and smoother.

All electronic components in a laptop consume large amounts of electricity. It is also known from the school physics course that part of the electricity is converted into heat. Of course, the more powerful the processor and video card of a laptop, the more it will heat up. Modern laptops made using innovative technologies, as well as with the use of new heat-dissipating components, they heat up much less and consume much less electricity than older models.

There are several types of laptops. So, budget laptops heat up significantly less and consume less power than universal models. At the same time, gaming laptops and super-powerful designer laptops with multiple graphics cards and latest-generation processor are like noisy stoves, especially when playing heavy PC games.

The main causes of overheating are:
1. Dried thermal paste on the processor.
2. Excessive dustiness of radiators and coolers.
3. Excessive load on the processor from the software side.
4. Closed or sealed technological (ventilation) openings in the laptop case.

As for the manufacturers of laptops, it should be noted that "music notes" of any model can warm up. Separately, it is worth highlighting only notebooks "Apple", and, perhaps, "Sony" and "Asus", which, thanks to special heat dissipation technologies, heat up much less (with the exception of powerful gaming laptops of these brands). Gaming music notes will keep warm even with regular cleaning and a laptop cooling pad. In the event that the user does not regularly clean and use the laptop in adverse operating conditions, the lifespan of such a device will not exceed 3 years.

Does the laptop need to warm up? Is there a threat to the device?

The main electronic components of a laptop that get very hot when the device is running are: the graphics card, the laptop processor and the chipset. The laptop heats up especially when processing large amounts of data. Most often, this happens when running resource-intensive graphics programs, playing the latest video games, or converting FullHD video. In a very short time, the laptop temperature can rise to maximum values. Further, after heating, through a special heat pipe, heat is transferred to the radiator, as well as to the cooler. These components also "throw" heat outside the laptop.

When buying a new laptop and there is no dust on the radiator, the device itself does not heat up very much, since the system itself removes heat well from the surface of the internal components. However, over time, dust and lint accumulate on the radiators of coolers and other elements of the cooling system. They interfere with the release of heat outside the laptop and because of this, the heating of the device can become critical until the emergency power off is triggered. Such shutdown occurs at the highest possible temperatures, as the risk of complete failure of the laptop increases.

As for passive and active laptop stands, they reduce the temperature from 2 to 8 degrees, so the benefits of such devices are highly questionable. It is best to periodically clean and lubricate the cooler system and laptop cooling system.

What is the normal temperature for a laptop?

The temperature of the laptop processor directly depends on the degree of its workload, that is, the more programs are running in this moment time, the higher the temperature. Ideally, the processor temperature should not be higher than 105 degrees. At the same time, the optimum temperature of the "probe" is 60 - 80 degrees.

In order to find out the temperature of a laptop, you can use two methods. Firstly, you can go in and see the temperature of the device in the BIOS, or you can find out about the temperature using special programs.
The simplest and quick way to find out the temperature of the "probe" is to go to the BIOS.

To do this, while the computer starts to boot, you must press the F2 or DEL key on the keyboard. After that, find the "PowerMonitor" menu in the BIOS settings. In this menu, you can find both the processor temperature and the motherboard temperature, as well as other additional information. You can find out about the temperature of the "probe" with the help third party applications... For example, programs, Speccy, and other programs.

What to do if the laptop is overheating? We eliminate overheating.

If your laptop, processor or video card is overheating, do the following:
First of all, you need to look and make sure if the coolers and vents are clogged with dust or debris. To do this, you should disassemble the laptop by carefully unscrewing the screws and clean up the dust and dirt that have accumulated on the cooler and laptop cooling system.

Next, you should replace the thermal grease. To prevent the computer processor from heating up, a layer of heat-conducting compound (thermal paste) is applied between the heatsink and the processor. Over time, the thermal paste dries out and loses its thermal conductivity. To replace the thermal paste, disassemble the notary and clean the processor from the old thermal paste, then apply a thin layer of the new thermal paste to the processor. This procedure is performed when cleaning the computer from dust.

Council. If, despite cleaning and replacing thermal paste, the cooler and radiator continue to heat up, then either replace the cooler with a more powerful one, or install another cooler for better heat dissipation from the computer. Of course, it is best to entrust the replacement of the cooling system, radiator and cooler to specialists from the service center, and not do it yourself (unless you are an experienced IT specialist).

Cooling the laptop

Keep in mind that the temperature of the "processor" is also influenced by where the laptop is located. Do not place it on a soft surface (bed, rug, chair). Ensure that there is at least 5 cm of free space on the side and back of the laptop. Do not cover the computer with stickers, especially in areas where the cooler is exhausting hot air. Do not use it when high temperature, in a dusty room or high humidity. Several manufacturers are already starting to produce liquid-cooled notebooks. Perhaps you should also think about purchasing such a model. But, the best option, of course, is to clean the heatsink or cooler using a compressor or other compressed air source, as well as new processor grease with thermal grease.

What to do if the laptop heats up and turns off?

In the event that the laptop heats up and turns off after a while, it means that the thermal paste needs to be replaced. You should contact the service center or, after carefully disassembling the laptop yourself, removing the old thermal paste on the processor, apply a new layer. Thermal grease can be purchased at any computer store or service center for the repair of computers.