Apple tablet owners are so confident in the quality of their devices that they don't even think about their breakdowns. Sudden failures often plunge users into a stupor.

If the iPad Air does not turn on or the Internet does not work, do not panic. This does not mean that the gadget is broken. Perhaps the tablet simply "froze" due to software glitches, which happen quite often.

In this review, we will look at all the reasons for such situations and find out what to do if the iPad does not turn on.

If iPad won't turn on, the source of the problem may be a low battery. This is the first thing to check. In this state, it is not possible to use all the functions of the device, it is impossible to even go online.

Deep discharge often results in the iPad not turning on at all, or turning off a few seconds after starting. Therefore, the first thing a user should do when such a problem arises is to put the device on charge, and for a long period. For 4-6 hours, the tablet is well supported by energy and, most likely, a new attempt to turn it on will be successful.

Let's say you recharged your tablet, but it doesn't work again, and you can't go online. In such a situation, check the functionality of the charging element itself. It may not supply the required amount of current, thereby preventing the battery from recharging normally. Even if you put the tablet on a charge for a long period, it will not work with such a breakdown. To check the functionality of an item, test it on another iPad or iPhone. You can also connect another charger to the tablet or try to carry out the process via the USB port.

If you are convinced that the battery was full just a couple of hours ago, put the device to recharge anyway. Perhaps during this short period the gadget was discharged to 0%, so it cannot be turned on. Here it is as easy as shelling pears to solve the problem - your iPad asks for charging, there are no major breakdowns of the "filling".

Performing a Reset

Conventional PCs, and then - laptops appeared much earlier than tablets. Experienced users, who spend many hours every day at computers, know perfectly well that in case of "freezing" of equipment, you need to click on "Reset". In the case of laptops, this element is absent, and you need to press and hold the battery. After a certain period of time, the equipment will turn off and it will be possible to restart it.

But what if such a nuisance happened to the tablet? It should be sent to reboot in forced mode. You also need to take care that all the information inside the memory is preserved intact. Since there is no “Reset” element on the iPad, like on a laptop, either. will act differently. Namely - press the power and Home buttons. You need to stay in this state for 8-12 seconds and wait until the tablet displays the bitten fruit on the display. This will mean that the device has started to reboot. After the operation is completed, Pad will start working normally.

Please note that this method does not erase user information. However, regular backups still do not hurt. You can make a copy over the Internet using the cloud or iTunes.

Recovering iPad

Do you own an iPad 2, mini, or any other version of Apple's popular tablet? And your device, which has been working like a clock for many months, is in trouble? Does it not turn on and does not react in any way to all your actions? Perhaps this is due to a serious software breakdown. It is she who interferes with the normal functioning of the system. Often, even Reset is not an assistant here. How to be? You should try to restore your tablet. And if the operation is successful, it will return to its original state.

In order to restore the operating system, you act according to the following algorithm:

  • Disconnect iPad (gadget display should turn black).
  • Connect the device to a PC / laptop and launch the aytyuns utility.
  • Hold the battery and Home on the tablet, wait 8-12 seconds.
  • Continue holding the same button for another 10 seconds.

After the completion of the operation, using the same tune, a notification will be issued that a device connected in recovery mode has been detected. And then the program will begin the operation of reanimating the operating system through the firmware download. After the end of the operation, the tablet will reboot and turn on. Of course, if there are no other breakdowns on board.

The described method is cardinal, since it erases all information from the gadget's memory. Therefore, before using it, turn off the device, create an up-to-date version of the backup.

Now you know how to turn on the device if the system does not boot and something is broken inside the device. After the restore operation, the operating system will boot safely. Of course, if the breakdown was serious, this procedure alone will not be enough.

Liquid penetration into the apparatus

There are situations when the second iPad model (or any other) does not turn on, and the screen shows an apple, and after that it turns off. Sometimes the apple blinks, other times the user observes something blinking. What to do in such a situation? Often the cause of the problem is the ingress of liquid droplets into the apparatus. And if you know exactly what happened to your equipment, immediately go to the repair shop. Here, the gadget will certainly be disassembled, cleaned and dried, and then they will perform a functional check.

Just do not follow the recommendations for self-cleaning. So you will only cause irreparable harm to your tablet. This type of work can only be entrusted to specialists. They will also help you solve other problems - to fix breakdowns and restore normal iPad functions.

This behavior of the tablet, when the bull's eye shows on the screen, and then goes out, can be observed with other types of malfunctions. For example, at the end of the battery life.

If iPad won't turn on or charge

Yes, sometimes such a nuisance happens, although not very often. However, it is quite easy to identify the cause of this. Difficulty can be caused by:

  • A general malfunction of the device, then a trip to the repair shop cannot be avoided.
  • Failure of the battery - and this is again a reason to visit the service, because these elements are changed only here.
  • Broken charging or cord. Check these accessories and buy new ones if necessary.

Thus, you can independently perform only the last named step - check the serviceability of some elements. In all other situations, you will have to turn to professionals, and not think about what to do on your own.

Home renovation or service: which is better?

What to do if iPad 3 won't turn on (we can also talk about another model - iPad 4, 1,2, iPad mini, Air). On the forums on various resources, you will find dozens of tips for solving this problem. However, almost all of them are of no practical benefit, and sometimes even harmful.

Disassembling the case on an iPad is a difficult laborious process that requires special knowledge and skills. Especially with regard to repair work in electronic microcircuits - experience is required here.

Otherwise, the user will simply destroy his device or the cost of repair will be too high. Therefore, it is better to place the equipment in the reliable hands of specialists. And the owner of the tablet is better off checking the performance of the named nodes.

In this article, common reasons were considered why the Air tablet or any other model does not turn on. We found out that if the device does not turn on, it is better not to risk it and take the device for repair. Do not rush to buy new equipment, in most cases the tablet can be repaired. Perhaps you just put the gadget into power-saving mode and forgot about it? Therefore, the display is in the off state, and you are under the delusion that it is in the off mode.

If the iPad does not turn on, you must not only check the device for mechanical damage, but also make sure that there are no software failures. Let's consider the most common causes of a malfunction and how to solve it.

Most often, the lack of reaction of the tablet to an attempt to turn it on lies precisely in the low battery charge. But it is not always the fault of the user who forgot to put the device on charge on time.

This is due, among other things, to:

  • a failed component - tablet batteries also have an expiration date, which, if the device is used improperly, is quickly reduced;
  • charging is not suitable for iPad - if a charger of another brand is used, the tablet will not be able to charge at all, you must use only Apple products;
  • faulty power outlet - it also happens that the problem lies not in the device, but in the network access point.

If the user is confident that the tablet and charger are working properly, simply recharge the iPad. It will turn on when the charge is sufficient. But it should be noted that sometimes it stops at around 80%, if the equipment suddenly overheats - the system itself will solve this problem and continue the process as soon as the tablet cools down. To speed this up, you need to move it to a cooler place if possible.

Most problems can be resolved by contacting support on the Apple website and following the instructions provided.

If the tablet turns off and does not turn on, although the user is sure that the charge is sufficient for the device to function properly, you can use a "hard" reboot. This is a forced process that forces the system to discard all operations in progress and restore correct operation. For this you need:

  • simultaneously hold down the "Home" and "Power" buttons;
  • wait until the brand logo appears on the screen;
  • do not turn off the tablet until the process is complete.

If this option does not solve the problem, you may need to contact the service center or resort to recovery via iTunes. Any forced reboot resets all temporary data on the device.

This procedure resets all custom settings to factory defaults, while deleting existing data and files. Such an operation helps to eliminate most of the software failures and return normal functionality to the system.

To restore via iTunes you need:

  • turn on the program (the latest version is required) and connect the iPad to the PC via a USB cable, wait until the software detects the device;
  • select the "Overview" section in the "Settings" menu to access general information about the device and whether it has backups;
  • since the backup involves restoring from a previously created system file, it is better to use it, if there is one;
  • if there is no backup, you need to click on "Restore iPad" and follow the instructions in the software.

Restoring via iTunes is not a flashing.

Restoring the current operating system solves the arisen software failures and errors,

Other reasons and their solutions

In addition to the reasons mentioned, the following problems can be noted that are most often encountered by the owner of the iPad:

  • hacking the OS (jailbreak) and installing unlicensed software - any interference with the original firmware leads to numerous problems that can completely disable the device;
  • hardware failure of the button - sometimes the reason lies in the faulty contacts that are under the power button of the tablet, it is enough to replace them;
  • mechanical damage - if the tablet has been dropped or exposed to other mechanical damage, you must take it to a service center for a complete check of the hardware;
  • charger malfunction - if the charging was damaged, the tablet will not charge correctly and may not turn on due to a discharged battery;
  • moisture inside the device - if the tablet was previously exposed to water, due to its ingress, some contacts could oxidize and fail, in which case cleaning is required;
  • short circuit - this can happen due to the use of faulty charging or strong fluctuations in the network, and requires replacing all burnt-out elements.

Since any problems with Apple devices are recommended to be resolved through the brand's support team, there is little that the user can do. If restarting and restoring via iTunes does not help, you cannot try to solve the problem yourself, as this will exclude the warranty.

Most often, any malfunctions with the charge of Apple tablets are associated with user inattention, since devices of this brand are quite resistant to any software and hardware failures. But it also happens that the cause is incorrect operation of the iPad, and in such cases it is necessary to contact the support service on the digging site or to a certified service center.

The secret of the high popularity of Apple technology is guaranteed reliability and high quality of products: in the mobile device market, a combination of two factors bypasses competitors without a direct collision, but is the end consumer so protected? And is there any salvation from malfunctions at home?

The iPad went out in the most interesting place, does not respond to clicks, requests and outright threats? Stopped functioning due to flashed firmware and system errors? There are enough reasons for the death of the tablet - it's time for an emergency recovery!

Discharged battery

In the course of healing a tablet fallen in battle, especially without expert knowledge, start with basic operations - first, check the battery charge by plugging your mobile device into an outlet. Leave skepticism aside - carelessness often leads to more serious consequences!

Photo: electronic friend was exhausted.

If the device is discharged, the corresponding indicators will light up on the screen.

Doesn't turn on after jailbreak

Jailbreak is an operation officially unsupported by Apple representatives that grants superuser rights and opens access to the file system.

Have you empowered your device but your strategic improvement plan has failed? A white apple and a disconnected wire symbol appear on the screen, but plugging into a wall outlet and iTunes doesn't help?

Use two methods:

  • hard restart the iPad - simultaneously hold down the Home and Power buttons and hold for ten seconds. After discharging, when the screen turns off completely, the device will turn on automatically;
  • restore the operation of the tablet by reinstalling the operating system using iTunes, after turning off and connecting the iPad to the PC.

ITunes - navigator and organizer of mobile devicesApple media player and guide to the world of music and movies.

The process of restoring the tablet takes several minutes, the main thing is to act according to the algorithm:

  • download the latest version of iTunes from the official Apple website, install and run the utility. Next, connect your iPad to your computer using the original USB cable;
  • put the device into recovery mode by holding down the Home and Power buttons. When the screen turns off, release Power, leaving your finger on "Home" - the rescue inscription "Restore" will help determine the success of the operation;
  • downloading the update, unpacking and installing is automatic, the progress of the recovery is shown by a thin white bar;
  • the procedure will help out even in emergency cases, however, it will leave without the stored data.

Errors in the system

Software glitch is a popular cause, but can be easily resolved at home. Take advantage of:

  • hard reset using the Home and Power buttons held down for ten seconds;
  • reinstalling the operating system along with iTunes.

The methods are effective in all situations related to the software part of Apple tablets - it saves both after updating with errors, and during operations with the file system.

Defective power button

To recognize the mechanical wear of the Home key, you can use a simple trick - connect the tablet to a charger. If the usual energy recovery indicators instantly light up on the screen, it means that the problem is associated with a hardware malfunction and the button that does not work can only be repaired.

Video: What to do if the iPad does not turn on and the apple is on

Moisture ingress

An unexpected meeting of a liquid with a tablet is a problem that can be largely solved only in service centers with the help of technical specialists. You can only partially restore the device on your own by unscrewing the gears and drying the boards hidden behind the protective cover.

The operation is risky - the sharp oxidation process is irreversible, and also leads to complications and expensive repairs:

The situation is controversial - in some cases it is better to immediately contact the support service, sometimes light drying of the device helps.

Short circuits

The design of Apple devices does not provide for the use of non-original accessories - fake chargers violate the integrity of the electrical circuit and cause a violent reaction, up to the internal combustion of individual components.

Photo: you can't do without the help of a specialist

A stingy or incredibly cunning user always pays twice. Do not try to cheat the system and save money when buying a charger, the risk is not justified!

Remember a simple truth - the key to long-term use of a mobile device: correct operation!

Broken charging connector

Don't overdo it when you want to help your e-friend!

Excessive mechanical stress on the tablet destroys both the keys and the power ports - damaged or deformed pin-connectors are not restored, but change along with the connector. The situation becomes more complicated if the tablet falls - several cracked parts will have to be replaced at the service center and, of course, not free of charge.

However, postpone the trip to the technical service - check the cleanliness of the power socket:

Problems with firmware

Installing the Beta version of the new operating system completed "with honors", but the tablet turned off and does not respond to commands? Does the screen mesmerize with a perfectly black color and prevent you from returning to work? Use the Hard Reset function by holding down the Home and Power keys, or completely restore the tablet by reinstalling the operating system.

Users with Jailbreak installed may face the problem of incompatibility of tweaks and utilities downloaded with Cydia.

There is a way to recoveriPad without tweaks:

If the device has booted, then try to clear the OS of problematic tweaks and return the device to normal operation.

iPad won't turn on, apple is on

Debugged functioning iPad will pass the welcome screen in ten seconds, and sometimes, according to statistics, it will deadly freeze on the Apple logo. The cause of the malfunction is purely software, but what actions to start and how to cure the device?

Use the traditional methods already described in the article:

If the iPad still hangs on the apple and does not turn on, then use the iTools program - get access to the file system and manually restore the problematic bootloader files. Backups saved on your PC will help you accomplish this trick.

Have you tried all the options and still have a problem? Most likely, the iPad hardware is faulty and you still have to contact a service center for help.

It is possible to deal with the malfunction of Apple products at home - in some cases you will have to stock up on courage and dexterity, in others - attentiveness. Experts in the world of modern technology should be more careful in using the capabilities of Jailbreak. It is important for beginners to follow the operating rules and do not poke the wires they come across into the charging socket.

Fatal cases are possible - do not go overboard in the methods of self-medication, in critical situations, seek help from the appropriate services.

It happens that your favorite tablet crashes while working. It is not uncommon for the ipad 4 to not turn on. A similar problem may be associated with a regular system failure or breakdown of individual components of the device. Let's figure out what may be the reasons for device malfunctions and how to eliminate a technical or software malfunction.

Why iPad 4 won't turn on?

The causes of the problem can be different. Here is a list of the most common problems:

  • malfunction of the charger;
  • clogged battery connector;
  • breakdown of the Power button;
  • failure of the controller responsible for powering the device;
  • battery wear or breakage;
  • system crashes.

Some problems are solved almost immediately. Other cases require a more scrupulous approach, since you will need to purchase individual parts and disassemble the tablet.

IPad 4 won't turn on or charge

If your ipad 4 won't turn on or charge, the first step is to check the integrity of the charger. Examine the cord. Black dots or breakouts may indicate a charging failure. To be sure of this, ask your friends for a working original cable. Does your tablet work after charging? So the problem lay in a broken fixture. Rather, buy it on the Internet (preferably an original one!) And continue using your favorite device.

It happens that charging does not work because the cable connector is clogged. Clean it from dirt and dust with a regular toothpick.

IPad 4 won't turn on, although charging is correct

Most likely, there was a breakdown of the power button. This happens due to:

  • any liquid getting into the grooves near the button;
  • mechanical damage (remember if you recently dropped the tablet from a height);
  • rupture of the loop;
  • penetration of dust and dirt into the gap.

IPad 4 does not charge, shows a red battery and does not turn on

In this case, the power controller could fail, which prevents the battery from charging. A similar problem occurs due to the penetration of moisture into the inside of Apple technology. Disassemble the tablet and clean the oxidized contacts.

The most common reason why iPad 4 won't charge or turn on is a damaged battery. Basically, the battery becomes unusable due to improper operation and charging. If you've used your tablet a lot while it was taking power from the mains (especially when playing games), a battery breakdown is not surprising.

How do I check the health of the battery? Do the following points:

  1. Charge your tablet.
  2. Without disconnecting from charging, try turning on your iPad 4.
  3. Disconnect from power source.
  4. Try turning on the device again.

If the Apple logo does not appear on the screen, it means that the battery has outlived its usefulness and needs to be replaced soon. We recommend that you immediately order an original part in the online store and, after its arrival, replace it yourself or through a service center.


Sometimes your tablet computer is exposed to hacker attacks due to downloading certain programs and not working with antivirus software. A malicious virus can significantly harm its work. If you suspect that a similar situation could have happened, then either on your own or with the help of specialists, clean the device of malicious files, reinstall the firmware, reset the settings. Perhaps, after the performed manipulations, the iPad 4 will start to turn on again and work correctly.

As a rule, every owner of Apple iPad computer equipment is sure that it is as reliable as possible. And if suddenly there is some kind of malfunction in the system, the person falls into a stupor, although nothing terrible has happened. Do not panic if suddenly your iPad refuses to turn on. This does not mean that the device is irrevocably out of order, broke and nothing can be fixed. Even breakdowns are repaired. In this case, it is possible that the technique just hung up. System crashes are not uncommon. In our review, we will try to consider all possible situations and find out what to do if the iPad does not start and does not respond to charging.

IPad won't turn on due to charging problems

It's possible that iPad won't turn on due to low battery level. If the computer tablet is completely discharged, it really does not turn on or turns off after a couple of minutes after turning it on. The main thing in this case is to put the device on charge and not touch it for the next hour or two. During this time, the tablet is fully charged and you can try to start it again. As a rule, the device starts to work successfully.

What if, after charging, the tablet, anyway, refuses to turn on. Not the fact that he was charged. First, check your charger. It also tends to fail, as a result of which the tablet will not receive the required charging current. Consequently, the battery will not be able to function. Regardless of how long the tablet will stay on charge, if the charger is broken, there will be no effect. To check the health of the memory, you can use another tablet computer or iPhone. Second option, try charging using a USB port or other charging device.


Even if you are absolutely sure that only a few hours ago the battery was fully charged, connect the charger. There are times when the battery is discharged in a shorter period of time.

Making a reset

Laptops, like stationary PCs, appeared on the market much earlier than tablet computer devices. People who have been working at a computer for years know what to do in the event that the equipment is tightly hung up and does not even show signs of restoring their own performance. In this situation, you must press the "Reset" button. It is absent in laptops, so you need to press and hold the power button. After a short time, the laptop turns off. It remains to start it in a new way.

What if the iPad doesn't want to turn on? Try to force restart your tablet. It is important, however, to ensure that the data stored in the internal memory is not lost. The lack of a "Reset" button on the iPad is not a reason to panic. We will act in a different way. Press the power and Home buttons, hold them for 10 seconds and wait for the tablet to start rebooting. This is evidenced by the appearance of a bitten apple on the screen. After rebooting, the iPad will fully recover.


It is important to understand that although this method of rebooting does not entail the loss of user information, it will not hurt to periodically create backups.

Restoring iPad

Are you the proud owner of an iPad mini, iPad 2, or any other kind of Apple tablet that won't turn on for some reason? There is a possibility that the device suffered from a fatal malfunction in the program, which prevents it from functioning normally. It happens that the reset is powerless, and what about this situation?

It makes sense to hold an event to restore the tablet. The state of the computer after recovery will be the same as immediately after leaving the assembly line. To solve this problem (restore the operating system), you will need to perform some simple steps:

  • Turn off the tablet - the display should turn black (go out);
  • Connect the device to a PC and launch iTunes;
  • Hold down the power and Home buttons on the tablet, hold for ten seconds;
  • We continue to hold the Home button for another ten seconds.

After the work done, iTunes will provide you with information about detecting a device connected in recovery mode. After that, the program will restore the iOS operating system by downloading the firmware. After completion, the iPad will reboot itself and turn on. Of course, if there are no more other problems.


This is a cardinal method that entails the loss of information from the internal memory of the device. Take care of backing up your data in advance.

Moisture ingress

If an apple appears when you turn it on, and then the screen turns off immediately, the reason may be moisture on the tablet. If this was the case, take the tablet immediately to the nearest service center. Specialists will disassemble, dry, clean, test for performance. You shouldn't do all this yourself, as you can make it even worse. During cleaning, specialists will be able to identify and eliminate other possible problems, if any.


The situation when an apple appears and then disappears from the screen can be associated with other problems, malfunctions, including insufficient battery charge.

IPad won't turn on or charge

If your iPad won't turn on or charge, you need to understand the reason for this behavior. Situations like this occur quite often. Finding out what happened is, in principle, not difficult. The malfunction can be caused by:

  • General malfunction of the tablet computer - you will have to contact the service center;
  • Battery malfunction - contact the service center to replace the battery;
  • A faulty cable or charger - you need to check their integrity and, in case of failure, purchase new ones.

As practice shows, at home we can only do the last of all of the above.

Self-repair and repair in service

On various Internet resources, you can find many tips on how to repair your iPad yourself if it does not turn on. We do not recommend using them. The fact is that disassembly, especially assembly, is a difficult and painstaking task that requires skills and experience, as well as knowledge. Otherwise, you will cause even more harm to the tablet, which will entail quite large material expenditures. Therefore, you can check the performance of individual units, and entrust the repair to specialists.