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General approaches to the organization of conferences in kindergarten and other institutions

Scientific and practical conference in kindergarten or another institution in the system of modern education - a fairly frequent form of meeting of representatives of the pedagogical community. The main goals of organizing such events are the transfer of theoretical knowledge or information to the audience, as well as their preparation for the application of the acquired knowledge in practice and formation. The events have acquired particular relevance at the present time of innovations, with the transition of educational organizations to work.

Participants in such an event in a kindergarten or other institution can be like-minded people who are ready to cooperate (), summarize and plan future projects. The ability to achieve the set goals depends on the correct planning of the stages and resources of the educational organization. The general topic should be relevant for target audience... One of the ways to increase interest in the event is to attract leading education specialists as lecturers.

A conference in a kindergarten or other institution has the following structure:

  • registration of participants, their receipt of the program of the event (indicating the order of performances) and information materials;
  • opening and plenary session with a presentation by the organizers;
  • work in sections or round tables with reports hearing and subsequent discussion;
  • coffee break in the middle of work;
  • cultural programs;
  • publication of a collection of papers on the materials of the conference.

Conference in a kindergarten or other institution- one of the traditional forms of business events - this is a large meeting, meeting leaders or representatives groups, organizations or states.

The word "conference" (from the English. сonference) means the form of organization activities during which specialists, scientists, researchers discuss and present their projects and works. According to the status of authority, this the event takes an intermediate position between congress and seminar. The first historically recorded conference took place in 416 BC e.

Organizing and conducting events of this type in a kindergarten or other institution is a laborious process that requires careful preparation, therefore, it should begin long before the event.

The preparation of a conference in a kindergarten or other institution involves several stages. The preparatory stage includes the choice of topics, the formation of the organizing committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), determining the timing, informing the participants, developing the program and drawing up a detailed plan of the event, formulating the main questions for discussion and discussion, choosing a hall for the event and much more.

During the main stage, the scenario of the event in a kindergarten or other institution is specified, the preparation of technical equipment, a coffee break, and the resolution of the event are provided.

At the final stage, work with materials is carried out, an analysis of the event is carried out.

The administrative procedure for planning, preparing and conducting a scientific and practical conference in a kindergarten or other institution regulates all organizational issues (the algorithm of this procedure is presented in Appendix 1).

For the effective organization and conduct of the event in a kindergarten or other institution, an Organizing Committee is formed, the typical composition of which is as follows:

  • Chairman of the Organizing Committee;
  • Deputy Chairmen of the Organizing Committee;
  • members of the Organizing Committee.

The organizing committee starts work immediately after its formation: it solves a wide range of issues on the organization and content .

Among the main activities of the Organizing Committee are:

  • consideration of general organizational issues of training;
  • determination of the target audience - the contingent of participants invited to participate in the conference in the kindergarten (management staff, teachers, etc.) or other institution;
  • approval of speakers and definition of topics for reports;
  • program development;
  • development and publication of materials;
  • organization of information support for conference participants in a kindergarten or other institution (booklets, programs, memos);
  • organization of thematic exhibitions;
  • ensuring the reception of participants (registration, accommodation, preparation of meeting rooms and registration);
  • preparation of reports on the conduct of the event (chairmen of the sections);
  • development of the text of the information letter about the event and posting it on the website;
  • distribution of newsletters and other materials;
  • development and editing of the text of the program and the invitation card;
  • preparation and technical editing of the collection of materials, solutions;
  • decoration of premises with technical means;
  • receiving and processing received applications, replies to letters;
  • drawing up a list of participants in a kindergarten or other institution, preparing badges;
  • completing a selection of materials for issuing to participants (upon registration)
  • preparation of texts of plates, announcements and signs for participants;
  • organization of media coverage.

In addition, the responsibilities of the Organizing Committee include the calculation and approval of the cost estimate for the publication of reports in the collection of scientific conference materials in a kindergarten or other institution, copying and duplication of handouts, communication services, catering for event participants; preparation of premises for the event and technical support.

Important tasks of the organizational stage are the preparation of a conference plan in a kindergarten or other institution and the formation of a scientific program.

The plan for preparing and holding a conference in a kindergarten or other institution is the main document that determines the range of activities, the timing of their implementation and the personal responsible executors for each item of the plan. The content of the plan should correspond to the task of holding the event at a high organizational and scientific level. Once approved, the plan is binding on all performers.

The program of the conference in a kindergarten or other institution determines the success of the event as a whole, therefore organizers, members of the Organizing Committee, section leaders and participants should pay special attention to the issues of its formation and implementation. The program must be drawn up no later than one month before the start.

The process of forming the program consists of the following stages:

  • determination of the main thematic focus;
  • definition of sectional orientation;
  • collection and registration of incoming abstracts with mandatory verification of completeness, conformity of the form and content of all accompanying documents with the requirements for authors, formulated in the information message of the Organizing Committee about the conference (in case of inconsistency of the received materials, the Organizing Committee invites the authors to make the necessary corrections and additions within the specified period);
  • classification of abstracts by sections, determination of thematic focus and fullness of meetings (organized by the Organizing Committee as abstracts are received);
  • reviewing of all abstracts of reports before the start of the conference in a kindergarten or other institution (carried out by a group of thematic support - the chairmen of the sections as the abstracts are received).

This work is completed no later than one week after the deadline for the collection of abstracts. Selection criteria for materials for inclusion in the program:

  • compliance of the presented material with the theme of the conference in a kindergarten or other institution;
  • high scientific and practical significance, relevance of the presented material;
  • compliance with all the requirements for authors, given in the information message.

In parallel with the selection of materials, the Organizing Committee forms a draft program based on a preliminary classification of abstracts and the results of peer review.

It is important to choose the right venue - the hall, which is one of the main factors affecting the effectiveness of the event. A common room is required for opening, plenary and closing. According to the generally accepted standards for organizing business events, one participant with the most "close" placement (by the type of theater) should have at least 1.2-1.5 m2, taking into account the allocation of the necessary area for aisles between the rows, along the rows, entrances and exits from hall, presidium. Compaction up to 1 m2 per person (even 0.9 m2) is theoretically possible, but it will lead to obvious psychological and even physical discomfort for the event participants.

Along with the general hall, it is necessary to provide for the availability of premises for holding sections and trainings, taking into account the number of participants. The choice of location and distribution of premises are made in advance, before the formation of the event program.

As an example, consider the materials of the scientific and practical conference in kindergarten "Innovative aspects of organizing the work of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the new requirements of the legislation." The program of this conference in kindergarten was drawn up taking into account the target audience - senior educators and heads of preschool educational organizations (Appendix 2).

We offer options for methodological events organized within the framework of the conference in kindergarten, which can be used for the work of preschool educational organizations with teaching staff.

Workshop "Carousel" - work in groups during a conference in kindergarten

According to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language D.N. Ushakov's workshop (from the Greek praktikos - active) is a special type of study aimed at the practical assimilation of the main provisions of a subject.

A workshop as a methodological event is a group form of work based on the application of existing knowledge in practice. Practical classes: training, business game, pedagogical ring, etc.

The workshop usually consists of the following stages:

  • organizational, or introduction of participants to the problem, justification of its relevance, goal setting, briefing;
  • basic or practical work;
  • final, or summing up.

Workshop "Carousel" is a practical exercise to continue

lasts 30-40 minutes with several groups in turn. There are as many groups of teachers as there are practical lessons so that the teachers can visit all of them one by one. The workshop "Carousel", organized within the framework of the scientific and practical conference in the kindergarten "Innovative aspects of organizing the work of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the new requirements of the legislation", was attended by three groups of teachers of 12-15 people. They took turns attending the following practical classes: "Educational projects: from theory to practice", "Communication training", "The role of information and communication technologies in creating the image of a modern preschool educational organization." The program for this workshop is presented in annex 3.

Teachers have to conduct this workshop three times. But, as practice has shown, groups always differ both in composition and in the quality of work in them.

When preparing the “Carousel” workshop, one should think over the content of practical lessons (they should be dissimilar and interesting), choose a venue, equipment, and determine their duration, taking into account the time required for communicative transitions.

Communicative transitions are an active activity of participants, which consists, for example, in warm-ups (obstacle course, tasks of a motor nature, etc.) after a practical lesson of a static nature and increased mental activity.

The scientific and practical conference in the kindergarten "Innovative aspects of organizing the work of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the new requirements of the legislation" took place for several days. Therefore, the organization of the “Carousel” workshop provided for two levels of complexity of the content of practical classes (one for each day of the event); communicative transitions between practice sessions.

The main task within the framework of the Carousel workshop is to demonstrate to senior educators the advantages of this form of methodological work with personnel, which allows teachers to immerse teachers in various problem situations in a short time, to give knowledge that they can apply in working with preschoolers. In a kindergarten, a senior educator, specialists and experienced educators can lead practical classes.

"Playground" - play space for conferences in kindergarten

Another version of the methodological event organized within the framework of the conference in the kindergarten is "Playground". This game in a common play space provides an opportunity for joint activities of adults and children, helps to build partnerships between them and create appropriate play conditions. As part of the offsite event, it is held in the form of a master class: the teachers themselves act as children.

During the preparation of the Playground, a creative working group is created, which chooses the general theme of the game, the room and the options for the games. A common space is modeled, game zones are allocated, responsible curators for each zone and game characters (animators) who will lead the common game are determined. At the preparatory stage, curators select games, appropriate attributes and materials.

In addition, the curators participate in the original design of the allotted space and during the "Playground" they organize the game in their space: they attract the participants, coordinate their actions, explain the rules of the game, and initiate ideas. For example, if the general game is called "Travel", then the game zones may have the corresponding names: "To the grandmother in the village", "Top of the mountain", "Office city", "Sea coast", etc. Game zones common game City: Children's Fashion House, Stadium, Children's Park, Airport, Malyshok Publishing House, etc.

Each play area is designed in accordance with the name and nature of the game. For example, in the “Fashion House” space, costumes for a fairy tale or designer clothes are created. For this, decorative, waste, natural materials, colored corrugated paper, foil, multi-colored laces and ribbons, etc. are used. Costumes can be created according to themes set by the teacher and chosen by the participants themselves (preschoolers).

At the “Playground” it is advisable to use games of different types: creative for the development of imagination, fantasy, imaginative thinking and games with movements (outdoor games, relay games, musical with movements, folk), etc.

Options for play areas: "Theatrical workshop" (making carnival masks, costumes for the performance), "Malyshok" publishing house "(design of postcards for festive events by choice)," Sports club "(fun relay games, music games, express competitions), "Design shop" (making stamps for drawing, design of a simple pencil).

When the "Playground" is held in a kindergarten, the play space can be organized both in one place (music or gym) and throughout the entire territory of the preschool educational institution.

"Free microphone" as a form of discussion at a conference in kindergarten

The methodical event "Free microphone" involves the exchange of views and active discussion by the participants of the issues, both considered at the conference and proposed by the organizers of the event or by the participants themselves. It is organized in the form of free or regulated communication, during which you can get answers to questions of interest, express your opinion on a stated or exciting problem. "Free microphone" in the framework of the scientific-practical conference in kindergarten is a form of professional interactive communication of teachers.

The work of the "Free Microphone" is planned for discussion, discussion of reports at a section meeting or questions in the course of speeches, and can be organized at the end of the conference when summing up the results. At the stage of preparing the event, the Organizing Committee appoints a leader or initiator, identifies problems and issues for discussion. The role of the initiator will be handled by a teacher who knows how to own the audience, who has oratorical skills, because his tasks are: to maintain a dialogue between the participants, to take the initiative into their own hands, if there are no people willing to start working in the “free microphone” mode or the teachers have no relevant experience. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a number of questions, situations that will stimulate the audience to dialogue. Discussion of the problem usually begins with approximate formulations: "What do I want to say about ...", "What thoughts arise in my mind in connection with ...", "I ask you to speak, because ...", etc.

When organizing such a methodological event, the choice of a conference room and technical equipment plays a special role. The room must freely accommodate the required number of participants and invitees.

"Free microphone" contributes to the development of polemical skills, the ability to speak in front of an audience, forms the ability to express their attitude to the problems discussed. All this is relevant for teachers of a preschool educational organization, since, taking into account the specifics of their activities, they rarely have the opportunity to freely express their position.

The effectiveness of the "Free microphone" depends on the level of preparation for the event. Public communication (usually in the form of a monologue) increases the degree of responsibility for speech, its purposefulness and content. In order for the speeches of the Free Microphone participants to be laconic in form and deep, constructive in essence, teachers need to learn how to speak. The specificity of such an event is strictly limited time, so you should adhere to the rules and clearly, briefly express thoughts, formulate proposals. Educators can be encouraged to study the literature on public speaking and the topic under discussion.

Attached files

  • Document No. 1..doc
  • Document # 2.doc

Matyavina Elena Petrovna

Every year our school hosts children scientific and practical conference "I want to know everything", where children share their research experience. Opening this year conferences entrusted to my fourth-graders.

I am sharing with you one of the works. The work was carried out by 2 students Yana and Masha.

Project theme:

"Most Popular Name"

purpose: identify the most popular name

Object of study: proper names

Subject of study: names of primary school students.

Hypothesis: the same names are popular.


1. Conduct a survey among primary school students.

2. Collect and compare the frequency of use of names in 2014, 2004.

Hello everybody.

My name is Masha.

And me Yana.

Once we began to argue about our names. My name originated earlier and has been popular throughout the years.

I disagree with you. My name is more modern means more popular.

We decided to find out which of us is right. And they did research on the most popular name.

We analyzed the list of fourth grade students.

And they found out that the most popular name among girls: 1. Daria (there are 6 of them) 2. Christina and Alexandra (5 of them) 3. Yana (there are 4 of them)

The rarest names of Angelina. Elina. Evelina. Most popular name boys: 1. Dmitry (there are 7 people) 2. Artem and Alexander (there are 3 of them) 3.Andrey and Alexey (there are 2 of them).

The rarest names are Vsevolod, Timur, Yaroslav.

We also conducted a survey to find out if the children know why they were named that way. Out of 89 people, 51 people answered because their parents liked it, 20 people did not know, 1 person answered because their patronymic was correct, and 17 people were named after their relatives. Most popular name among moms it turned out: 1. Olga (there are 16 of them) 2. Natalia and Svetlana (there are 11 people) 3. Tatiana (there are 10 of them) Popular among dads names: 1.Sergey and Alexander (there are 10 of them) 2. Alexey (there are 9 of them) 3. Oleg (there are 6 of them).

In order to identify the most popular name for children from birth to two years old, we registered on the site for mothers baby.ru and during the survey we found out that the most popular name among girls: 1. Sofia (8 persons) 2. Xenia (6 persons) 3. Anastasia (4 persons).

The rarest are Borislav, Vladislav, Yesenia.

Most popular name among boys: 1. Kirill (7 people) 2. Egor (4 people, Artemy (4 persons) 3. Michael (3 persons)

The rarest Makar, Elisha, Savely.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that, at different times, different names are popular. And the name Yana is more popular than Masha.

This work aroused the interest of elementary school students, someone wanted to carry out such a work on their own, as a result, my girls took the Audience Award.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

Ponyrovsky kindergarten "Romashka"

Children's scientific and practical conference

Space is interesting!

Nomination "Best Holiday / Entertainment Development"

Savelieva Irina Vladimirovna


p. Ponyri 2017


Methodical development of a summary of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics for children of the preparatory group on the topic: “Children's scientific and practical conference. Space is interesting! "

This development is aimed at forming children's ideas about outer space, the solar system, the concepts of "space", "stars", "planets", "comets", "satellites", space exploration by people. Raising a sense of pride in the history of their planet, for the achievements of domestic scientists, designers, astronauts.

The significance of the presented work lies in the fact that any creative teacher can use it in his activities, adapting its content to the conditions of his preschool educational institution and the possibility of interacting with society.

Scientific conference plan:

1. Solemn opening of the conference.

2. Protection of works, discussion.

3. Summing up the results of the conference.

4. Rewarding.

Conference schedule:

Pupils' reports - 1-2 minutes


This topic is very interesting and exciting. Children do not have sufficient knowledge about space and therefore the first ideas about space can and should be given to them already at an older preschool age. Children emotionally perceive the surrounding reality, they have a sense of admiration and pride for the famous people of our country and its history. This knowledge is reflected in games, drawings, conversations, classes. Children willingly share their impressions with adults and peers, thereby assimilating and consolidating them, developing patriotic feelings. Moral and patriotic education is a complex long-term process. And the holiday that I present to your attention is the final stage of the project that lasted the entire academic year.


“Children's scientific and practical conference. Space is interesting! "

(for children of the preparatory group)

Goals and objectives: to consolidate in children the concepts of "space", "Universe", "stars", "galaxy"; fixing the material that is the solar system; lead children to understand that our Earth has the shape of a ball; expand children's ideas about space travel; to consolidate knowledge about the scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev; to consolidate the knowledge of children that the first cosmonaut of the Earth was Yuri Gagarin; to bring to the understanding that only a healthy, educated, persistent and fearless person can be an astronaut; to bring up in children pride in their country.

Invited: children of other preparatory groups.

Equipment: use of ICT, presentation, prepared hand-made articles by children with parents for their reports, cubes forteam game "Build a rocket", hoops for the mobile game "Fast rockets are waiting for us", hats on the head with the image of planets forgames "Planets in order become", ropes to the task"Walk the line."

Event progress:


Dear friends, I am very glad to welcome you today to our scientific and practical conference.

Children, do you like looking at the night sky? (Answers of children)
What can you see in the sky at night? (Answers of children)(Slide 2)

On a cloudless, clear night, the sky above our heads is strewn with thousands of stars! To us, they look like little sparkling dots. In fact, the stars are very large, they are just far from our planet Earth. The night sky has always attracted and interested a person.
The desire to conquer space was great, and on April 12, 1961, the dream came true! For the first time in the world, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin(Slide 3) flew into open space on the Vostok spacecraft.(Slide 4)

A lot of time has passed since then! During this time, many cosmonauts have already been in space. How many interesting and useful things they learned! And not only about our planet Earth, but about the entire Universe.

Throughout the school year, we studied Space with the guys. And today our specialists will share their knowledge with you,(Slide 5) at the children's scientific and practical conference on the topic "Space is interesting!"

Fanfare sounds.

We are opening a press conference.

I would like to welcome our specialists ... (presentation of children)

And the first one to speak at our conference ... with the message:

  1. Universe. (Slide 6)

The universe is an immense world beyond the Earth.

The universe was formed as a result of the so-called Big Bang 15 billion years ago.

From the matter, which gradually cooled, planets, stars, galaxies, comets and other celestial bodies were formed.

This speech will be continued by the next participant of our conference, come out with your reports ... ..

  1. Galaxies. (Slide 7)

Galaxies are giant clusters of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.

Galaxies revolve around a central point.

There are billions of galaxies in the universe, and each contains from one to tens of billions of stars.

Galaxies are arranged in groups, forming clusters of hundreds and thousands of galaxies.

  1. Stars. (Slide 8)

The stars shining in the night sky are bodies of hot gas.

Stars study bright light because their temperature reaches 10 million degrees.

The color of stars depends on their size and temperature. The largest and hottest emit a bluish light, while the smallest are white, yellow, orange or reddish.

The brightness of stars depends on its distance from the Earth, the closer a star is to us, the brighter it seems.

  1. Asteroids. (Slide 9)

Asteroids are a small planet-like celestial body orbiting the Sun.

  1. Meteora. (Slide 10.11)

Meteors are a phenomenon that occurs when small cosmic particles (for example, fragments of comets or asteroids) burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. Meteors are also called shooting stars.

  1. Comets. (Slide12)

Comet - a small celestial body with a hazy appearance. It is composed of rocks, ice and dust. When a comet approaches the sun, it forms a glowing tail..

Any comet is destined to disappear over time.


Thanks for the reports to the guys. Now I want to play a little with our guests. And our specialists will cheer and follow the rules of the game.

Mobile game "Fast rockets are waiting for us"

Rocket hoops are spreading around the hall. In terms of their number, there are several less than those who play. Children join hands and walk in a circle with the words:

Fast rockets await us

For flying to planets.

Whichever we want

We'll fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no place for latecomers!

After the last words, the children run away and take their places in the "rockets".

Those who did not get a place in the rocket sit down. Then everyone is back in a circle and the game starts over.

Leading: So, we had a little rest and I propose to continue our conference. The speech will continue ... with the report:

  1. The sun. (Slide 13)

The sun is the star closest to Earth.

The sun is a giant ball of incandescent gases.

The sun is the center of the solar system, of which the earth is a part.

The speech will continue ... with the report:

8.What is the solar system?(Slide 14)

The sun, together with the large and small planets, makes up the solar system.

There are 9 planets moving around the Sun, most of them were named by astronomers after the Greek or Roman gods. Still moving around the Sun: satellites of the planets, billions of asteroids, meteorites and comets, as well as a huge amount of dust and gas.

Each planet moves along its own path - orbit around the Sun.


So we learned that planets revolve around the Sun. Each planet has its own path, called an orbit. Remembering the names and order of the planets will help you"Astronomical rhyme":

An astrologer lived on the moon

He knew the counting of the planets.

Mercury is one, Venus is two,

Three is earth, four is Mars.

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, the eighth is Neptune,

Who does not see, go out. (A. Usachev)

And I suggest you play a game"The planets become in order."Our experts will participate in this game, and you guests will use the counting-ringer to check if the planets were built correctly.

Leading: We rested and I propose to continue our conference. The speech will continue ... with the report:

9. Planets of the solar system. Mercury.(Slide 15)

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. Named after the winged god Mercury. Its surface is rocky and deserted, there is no water or air on the planet.

10. Venus. (Slide 16)

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Named after the goddess of love and beauty, Venus. Venus is covered with a thick layer of clouds that hide the surface of the planet. A scorching heat reigns here. So hot that you can bake a cake in a matter of seconds without the oven. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky.

11. Earth. (Slide 17)

The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The planet is at such a distance from the Sun that the temperature on it is neither too high nor too low, and there is enough water, so there is life on Earth. The Earth has its own satellite, the Moon.

12. Moon. (Slide 18)

The moon is not a star or a planet, a large stone ball, several times smaller than the Earth.

She is a satellite of the Earth, the closest celestial body to the Earth.

There is no water or air on the moon. You can't live on the moon.

On the surface of the Moon, during the day it can be hot up to 130 degrees, and at night - frost up to 170 degrees.

The moon moves around the Earth and goes around it in a month.

13. Mars. (Slide 19)

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. Named after the god of war, Mars. Mars is the only planet similar to Earth in that it has four seasons, ice caps and channels that resemble dried-up river beds. Before scientists learned that there is no life on Mars, people believed that mysterious creatures - Martians - lived there.

14. Jupiter. (Slide 20)

Jupiter - the fifth planet from the Sun, named after the most important Roman god, Jupiter. It is the largest planet in the solar system. It is so large that all other planets could fit in it. Jupiter is a giant ball of liquids and gases.

15. Saturn. (Slide 21)

Saturn - the sixth planet of the solar system. Named after the god Saturn, the father of Jupiter. Saturn is a large ball of liquid and gas. The planet is known for its magnificent rings. Each of Saturn's rings is made up of gases, ice particles, rocks and sand.

16. Uranus. (Slide 22)

Uranus - the seventh planet from the Sun. Named after Saturn's father, Uranus. It is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun, as if lying on its side. It is called the "recumbent planet".

17. Neptune. (Slide 23)

Neptune - the eighth planet from the Sun. Named after the Roman god of the sea, Neptune, because it is cold and blue. It is a huge ball of gas and liquid. Neptune can only be seen through a telescope. The strongest wind in the solar system blows on the planet's surface. Developing a speed of over 2000 km / h, it is 2 times faster than the speed of a jet liner.

18. Pluto. (Slide 24)

Pluto- the ninth (most distant) planet from the Sun. Named after the god of the underworld. It is a tiny, cold planet. Pluto can only be seen through a powerful telescope. However, in 2009 Pluto was excluded from the class of planets and transferred to the class of dwarf planets.


How did the road to space begin, who stood at the origins? He will tell us in his report ...

19. Discoverers of space: Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky; Sergey Pavlovich Korolev.(Slide 25)

The scientist and inventor Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lived in the city of Kaluga. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, studying them. And he decided to design such an aircraft that could fly to another planet. He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he didn't have the opportunity to do it.

And only many, many years later, another designer scientist, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite, in which animals (dogs) first flew around the Earth ( Slide 26 ), and then on April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time.


The flight of the first spacecraft with a man on board shocked the whole world. And now our specialist will tell you about the discoverers of space. Delivers his report ...

20. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin; Alexey Leonov; Valentina Tereshkova; Svetlana Savitskaya.(Slide 27,28,29)

The first astronaut wasYuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Born in the small town of Gzhatsk in 1934.He was the first to see the whole Earth. Not a piece, not a section, but the whole thing at once - from pole to pole. He flew and looked through the window-porthole, and under him were floating not just mountains and seas, and not just islands and continents - the whole planet was floating and turning under him. In 108 minutes, he flew around it. "How beautiful she is!" - said to those who remained below.

After Gagarin's flight, a lot of cosmonauts visited space, including women. This is the world's first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya.

Alexey Leonov is the first cosmonaut to go into outer space.

Many astronauts have flown into space more than once and have worked there for several months. Now joint flights are performed with cosmonauts from different countries.


Guys, do you know what requirements an astronaut must meet? (TOstrong health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology).

Now I propose that our guests come to us, they will be one team, and our experts another. Let's try our capabilities with you.And first we will warm up.

Exercise "Let's be astronauts"/ children perform an exercise with marching music according to the text /
1. Here comes our space squad on the parade
Hands to the sides - to the shoulders, together we will show you.
2. Here comes our space squad on the parade
We squat and get up, and do not get tired at all
3. Here comes our space squad on the parade
Together we walk - raise our hands.

First task

"Walk the line." Let's check your vestibular apparatus. You need to spin around yourself and then follow the line.

Second task

"Add a word." I will read the poem, and you must add the word correctly, not forgetting that we are talking about space.

The main rule we have
Follow any (order).
Do you want to become an astronaut?
Got to know a lot.
Any space route
Open to those who love (labor).
Only friendly starship
Can take with you (in flight).
Boring, gloomy and angry
We will not take to (orbit).
The clear sky is beautiful
There are many fables about him.
They won't let you lie,
As if animals live there.
There is a beast of prey in Russia,
Look - he is in the sky now!
Glows on a clear night -
Big Dipper).

And the bear - with the child,
A kind, glorious bear cub.
Next to mom is glowing
Ursa Minor).
A planet with a crimson tide.
In military paint, boastful.
Like a pink satin
The planet is shining ... (Mars).
To arm the eye
And be friends with the stars
To see the milky way
We need a powerful ... (telescope).
Until the moon the bird cannot
Fly and land on the moon
But he can do it
Make it fast ... (rocket).
The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
Astronaut in English,
And in Russian ... (cosmonaut).

Third task

Team game "Build a rocket".

Leading: So our children's scientific and practical conference on the topic "Space is interesting!" Has come to an end. And we are starting to reward our specialists.

Thanks for attention!

The song of the words and music of Nikolai Motkov "The Beautiful Planet"


This methodological development was aimed at bringing joy to children through play activities of a thematic nature; foster patriotic feelings, curiosity. Consolidation of the passed material in an unusual form. I think I did it.

Application: presentation "Space is interesting!"

Irina Andreeva

purpose: Involvement of pupils in scientifically educational, practical, research activities.


Expand children's knowledge in the field of art, literature, mathematics, geography and other sciences, development of research abilities preschoolers ---

To contribute to the formation of independence, communication, initiative, creative abilities of children.

In our garden on March 23rd, scientific and practical conference for preschoolers"Want to know everything"! From our group" Sailor "two children participated. Kulakova Veronika, Beltyukova Nastya, and two more children from the older and one from the preparatory group. All of them presented very interesting works. Veronica told us about the giraffe, where he lives, what he eats what a heart he has, how he sleeps. It was very interesting to listen to her. Nastya told everyone how we planted and waited for the shoots of a very useful persimmon berry. Then after the performance we presented the planted persimmon to all groups and instructions on how to care for it. But before that how the children began to tell us, Athens came to visit us (the queen of science, and also BYaka came who did not want to study, but then the children convinced her that she needed to study and if you study, you will learn a lot. The holiday was very good, children and parents were satisfied. Also, the children received certificates from Athena (queen of science) and interesting books.

Related publications:

Children's-parent scientific-practical conference "All about vegetables" Children's-parent scientific-practical conference in kindergarten №1 "Leninist" on the topic: "All about vegetables." Middle group. Educator: Kazakova.

Didactic game guide "I want to know everything!" This game guide is a multifunctional tool that allows you to work on cognitive and speech development in a collaborative manner.

One of the directions of my pedagogical activity is the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers. In this direction.


Purpose: to form the knowledge of children about the genres of painting: portrait, landscape, still life; to compose a collective composition - an application in the genre of still life.

Joint organized activity of the educator and children in the development of educational programs. Cognitive development: FEMP in preparatory.

Project "I want to know everything!" senior group Project "I want to know everything!" The children live in the kindergarten, They play and sing here, They find friends here, They go for a walk with them. Well, there - experiments.

On September 8-9, 2016, on the basis of our kindergarten "Teremok, the village of the sanatorium" Alkino "of the municipal district, Chishminsky district, the Republican was held.