Below there are links to similar materials. The robot recommends that you familiarize yourself with them. In the Government Decree Russian Federation from 07/10/2013. “On approval of the Rules for posting on the official website of an educational organization on the Internet and updating information about an educational organization” there is one interesting requirement regarding IR technologies used to ensure the operation of the website of an educational organization:
"10. Technological and software tools used for the operation of the official website must ensure:
d) protection against copying of copyright materials.”
This requirement was present in a similar Resolution of 2012, and in the previous wording migrated from it to the updated document. What exactly is meant by “technological and software", not specified. What a pity! I would really like to know, and here's why.

A web page is not a piece of paper; it cannot be marked with invisible marks or paint that might fall into the hands of a thief. And with any of the “software-technological” methods of copy protection, it is always possible to open the source code of the page and copy the text directly from there. Not to mention special programs, which perform all copying procedures automatically.

However, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, mentioned at the beginning of the post, is inexorable: they must provide!

If everything is so serious, let’s see what tools can actually be used to protect against copying of copyright materials on the website of an educational organization. Most of these resources are school websites run by regular teachers as an additional workload. This means that the means should be simple.

It is impossible to provide “one hundred percent” copy protection (for this you need to completely block access to the site’s pages, but then what’s the point?). But you can protect yourself, as they say, “from honest people” - users who forget to cite the source of borrowing - and from inexperienced “thieves”.

How regular user copying text from a web page? Select with the left mouse button, open the menu with the right and left-click Copy. This means that if, when you hover over a content area, you disable necessary actions at least one of the buttons, then this method will become impossible.

To do this, just insert one of the scripts below into the upper part of the page template (before) or into the “footer” of the site (footer). (For sites on uCoz - in the template at the top or bottom of the site.)

The first script prohibits selecting content on site pages (while other actions with the left mouse button remain available).

Script 1

Copy protection is provided, but it is not very reliable, since the right button remains working, and with its help you can easily reach source code(to do this, just right-click in the browser window and select from the menu that opens Source code).

The second script prohibits the action of the right mouse button, but allows selecting content with the left button.

Script 2

It would seem that the second script is already quite enough for copy protection, because... the user cannot get to the source code without special knowledge. However, let's not forget that with the left mouse button you can not only select, but also drag the selection. If you open two windows side by side, you can easily drag and drop content from a web page into text file or to another web page.

Obviously, as optimal option it is necessary to combine the prohibitions of both scripts. To do this, you can install both scripts one after the other, or you can use a third script. It simultaneously imposes a ban on allocation and disables right button mice.

Script 3

So, script 3 is a fairly reliable copy protection tool. And also very simple: just five lines!

Did you insert it? Works? Hooray! Formally, the copy protection requirement has been met.

But don't rush to rejoice. Any protection of pages from copying has a drawback: no one likes it when a site’s capabilities are limited, so for many conscientious users, a ban on familiar actions will cause annoyance, irritation, and, possibly, push them away from your site. But the unscrupulous will still copy, as I wrote above.

For this reason, I do not use the method described above. I use another one. If it doesn’t disappoint, I’ll write about it in the next post.

Since the invention of writing, humanity began to transfer personal, state and universal secrets to suitable material media. No matter how sophisticated the ancestors were in ensuring that the texts were not read through the eyes of others. The most ancient and popular method of protection is rightfully a cryptogram (translated from Greek as “secret writing”). For example, sacred Jewish texts were encrypted using the substitution method - instead of the first letter of the alphabet, the last letter was written, instead of the second, the penultimate letter, etc. This ancient cipher is called Atbash.

Steps were also taken to protect transmitted secret messages from interception and substitution. Usually armed guards were used for this, but they did not refuse alternative ways- they frightened us with God’s wrath and ancient curses, which was very effective for those years.

People have come up with a great many ways to protect paper documents from copying and editing (substitution). Some of them moved to digital, and some were invented specifically for protection electronic documents.

Why protect documents from copying and editing

Basically, copy and editing protection is required for working documents in DOCX formats and PDF. Analytical agencies, design institutes and other companies offering information products provide research results in a secure format to prevent unauthorized use and distribution. It is also important for business to ensure protection against substitution - to reduce risks, you need to ensure that the document remains unchanged forever.

However, protection from copying and editing can also be useful for personal purposes, for example, when creating a book, training course, or providing consulting services. That is, such functionality can be useful to anyone who develops intellectual products and wants to control their distribution.

Protecting DOC and PDF electronic documents today

Let's take a quick look at the most common methods.


You can put information on the document that it has a special status and cannot be edited or copied. Sometimes the markings are made invisible in order to identify the “mole” - the source of the leak. In a simple implementation, a dot is placed in different places in the document and tracked which option “pops up”. An improved option is the use of specialized software and hardware systems in conjunction with an MFP, which allows you to change the spacing and font size individually for each copy of the document. Such protection is reactive in nature, that is, it allows you to identify the culprit upon detection of the incident. Next we will look at methods that are proactive in nature.


The most common and accessible way to protect electronic documents from unauthorized access is to set a password on the document or archive. This is usually done with built-in program tools, for example, in the Acrobat application you can limit editing, copying content and printing (link to instructions). But you need to take into account the following - the file itself can be copied, and if you post a document protected in this way and a password on the Internet, then anyone can easily open it.

Access via digital key (flash drive)

The method is based on the user having a physical key (flash drive or SD card) to decrypt the document. If you have a flash drive, you have access. That is, the file can be copied, but the copy cannot be opened without a specific tangible medium. This solves the problem of unauthorized distribution, but with limitations. Firstly, a flash drive or SD card costs money, and secondly, it is necessary to ensure the delivery of this item to the user, which increases the cost and makes it difficult to exchange documents online. Thirdly, the user will always have to have this key with him, and fourthly, any equipment tends to break down - and you will need to stipulate the warranty period and provide a replacement in case of breakdown.

Access Rights Management System

This method of document protection is primarily used for corporate users based on Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). Documents protected by AD RMS are encrypted, and the author can set permissions for who can access the files.

List of possible rights restrictions:

  • Read, change, print.
  • Validity period of the document.
  • Prohibition of email forwarding.
  • Prohibition of printing an email.

But what to do if the document just needs to be sent to an external recipient?

Combined methods of document protection

All of the above methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Manufacturers of document security systems are constantly working to connect strengths in one solution. This combination seems ideal:

  • providing access to a document using a password, which can be sent by email or dictated over the phone;
  • binding to a unique material medium, but so that there is no need to purchase it additionally and deliver it to the end user;
  • manage access rights over the Internet so that you can grant and revoke access to a file in real time;
  • displaying special marks on the document to indicate a special distribution mode.

Ultimately, you can use a computer or mobile device user, for example, operating system and processor have their own serial numbers, which cannot be faked. This will allow you to control the number of copies of a protected document.

Internet access rights management is provided by DRM. When creating a password, access parameters are set: on how many devices the document can be opened, how long access will be valid, and whether access can be quickly revoked. When the password is activated, all specified restrictions come into effect.

Tags themselves do not provide protection, but they allow leak detection using a digital fingerprint, since a unique combination of numbers and letters displayed on the document is formed for each user.

There are currently several on the market professional solutions based on combined methods to protect electronic documents from copying and leakage. After analyzing several options, I suggest you get acquainted with the services and

Professional online service for document protection, including DRM, linking to the user's device, watermarks and serial numbers (instead of passwords). This site offers services on a paid basis, but there is free testing. If you need to provide access to files for no more than 14 days, then you can only use test serial numbers, each time opening a new space (project) in your account.

If 14 days is not enough, you can purchase a license for 30 days. Its price includes 10 serial numbers with unlimited use. The license gives the right to transform files into a protected format. When the license expires, the files will remain protected and the serial numbers will continue to work, but in order to transform new files into a protected format, you must purchase a license renewal or a license for a new project.

In general, the solution is decent and really allows you to provide copying and editing protection for documents in PDF formats, DOCX and several others. If you have questions, there is an online chat on the website

Developers of this service took care of the users a little more than necessary. They created not only a tool for reliable protection of documents from copying and editing, but also a full-fledged email, so that you can be sure that your data will fly to the recipient intact and safe.

The main functionality of the service is available for free, such functions as revoking access to a letter, setting a timer for viewing, sending from your own domain name are provided as part of a paid service. tariff plans. Ideal for paid newsletters. The simplicity of the interface hides serious security technologies, but you don’t need to think about them - check the box and the letter with the document is protected and sent to a list of addresses. If you are an author with a responsible approach to information security, then this is the place for you.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this solution, then to view it you need to install a viewer program similar to PDF. It is available for all platforms except Linux.

Protecting documents from copying and editing always imposes restrictions on use. It is important to maintain a balance between convenience, security and cost.

How to protect a website from being copied by bad people? This is not an idle question for a webmaster. Nobody likes it when someone steals from them.

But still, those who steal various values ​​from others, including intellectual ones, are not translated. And for those who run their own blogs and websites, the greatest value is their articles, especially those written with their own fingers. (On this site I also write everything myself).

And this is a real problem, especially for popular sites that are known to many, and therefore to thieves. Many ways to combat freebie lovers have been described, and I will make my small contribution to this noble cause. ?

1. How to protect a site from copying without a backlink?

There are radical ways, such as completely disabling copying. But this method will more likely protect you from readers than from thieves. This is unlikely to stop professional plagiarists. But most often your articles can be copied to their free blogs and social network exactly your grateful readers.

Many people don’t even realize that they need to leave a link to the source. They simply liked the article and saved it to their blog. What if they did this immediately after you wrote the article, and search engines have not yet had time to index it, then your sincere fan with his blog automatically becomes the author. And your article may get into the TOP 10, but you will no longer be its author...

How can you protect a site from copying without a backlink? This is not so difficult to do, you just need to make sure that when you copy your article, a link to the source automatically appears at the end of the text. How to do this?

Very simple. There is a wonderful service: It allows you to add a small counter to the site, which shows the number of online visitors and what articles they view. The service offers a script that needs to be placed in the footer of the site. In his gallery appearance. (right counter)

By clicking on the counter, you will go to the site page and see what articles are currently being read. You don't even need to register to install this counter. But all this is a useful prelude.

Now to the main topic of this article: How to protect a website from copying without a backlink?

To do this, you need to register in the section of the site that is dedicated to SEO monitoring, including tracking who is copying what from you. Go to this address and register:

After registration, you will be provided with a script that you need to install in the site header. Here you can see tips on where to insert the code for the most common CMS engines. In WordPress, the script needs to be inserted into the header.php file, which is located in the folder with the current theme before the closing tag

Or you can put it in the footer of the site, in footer.php, so it will slow down page loading less. Now, if we try to copy a piece of text from the site, we will get something like this:

How to protect a website from copying? This is not an idle question for a webmaster. Nobody likes to have someone steal from them.

1. The inscription Read more is not in Russian, I would like it to be written: Primary source. So everything is immediately clear.

2. If the browser plugin is enabled, it blocks this script and the link does not appear.

I solved this issue: I killed two birds with one stone. To do this, I downloaded the script that uses this service and put it on my hosting, in my theme folder, for example. And then in the script code, which is written in headeer.php, indicated the path to this file. Using this link COPY.JS you can download the finished script and put it anywhere.
After that, add the script to footer.php or somewhere else:

If(document.location.protocol=="http:")( var Tynt=Tynt||;Tynt.push("dd_7uwdHur4OxNacwqm_6l"); (function())(var s=document.createElement("script");s. async="async";s.type="text/javascript";s..js";var h=document.getElementsByTagName("script");h.parentNode.insertBefore(s,h);))(); )

Now adblock does not block this script, which is very good, and I rewrote Read more to the Original Source. You can find this phrase in that script and rewrite it into your own.

Now, by going to the page where we registered, you can see who watched what and what they copied.

Like this in a simple way you can protect text from honest thieves. How can you protect against copying when someone steals from you intentionally and regularly? Here, you often cannot do without a radical method, at least temporarily.

2. How to radically protect a website from copying?

If you find that some scoundrels are simply stealing articles from you for their website, so that later, for example, they can make money by selling links, and your articles fall out of the index, and if you understand that your admonitions will not bring any benefit, then simply block yours articles plugin (if you have WordPress).

If you check only the first checkbox, then when you try to select the text, a frame will appear in which you can, for example, write: “Please do not copy my articles, otherwise I will click on google adsense for you and block you forever” or whatever you want.

If you want to completely block the content, then check the second box. But the frame will still come out and in it you can angrily write: “Well, did they break off?”

Of course, it will not be possible to protect the site 100% from copying, as the developers immediately write:

This plugin will help protect your content only “from the outside”, that is, if someone wants to copy your content, then in any case they will be able to do so directly through the source code.

Also keep in mind that by protecting your site from theft in this way, you may lose some readers. Without the opportunity to copy individual thoughts to themselves, they may leave such a “greedy” blogger forever. And here you need to choose what is more important to you: readers or positions? There is another way to protect a site from copying, which is also quite radical.

But this is not the end of ways to protect your website from copying. There is another one that I also experienced personally.

3. How to protect a site from copying VERY radically?

One smart person came up with an interesting plugin called Invitext, which does a simple thing: it inserts your copyright, for example, a link to your website, into the text after a certain number of characters. This secret text is not visible on your website, but when a person copies the text from your website, your link appears in the text on his website and becomes visible to everyone. You can, of course, delete it, but if the text is large, then cleaning it will be quite difficult.

I tried installing this plugin and everything was fine with me, except for one thing: in my template, the text formatting was a little confusing. But that was a long time ago, perhaps new version plugin this problem has already been fixed.

4. How to protect your site if your article has already been stolen?

I used to think that if an article was stolen from you, then nothing could be done and all complaints were useless. But recently I saw that this is not the case. By chance, I discovered that one bad person completely copied one of my articles on his blog on Yukoz. I was not lazy and wrote to the hosting support service, showed them my original article with an earlier date and beautifully designed and the thief’s article. Less than 3 hours later, I received a letter that the villain had been punished and his resource was blocked.

There is still justice in the world! Here are three ways you can protect your site from copying. Maybe you know any others?

How to use article theft to your advantage?

As I have noticed, most of those who steal your articles do not do it out of malice. They simply liked your article and decided to post it on their blog. And no one taught them to leave a backlink to the source.

In such situations, the problem can be easily solved; you just need to install a small script, which, when copying even a small piece of text from your site, will automatically insert a backlink. Of course, it can be removed, but most will not do this. Here is the script code itself, which needs to be placed in r.php before the footer.php tag


In the script you need to change the address (I highlighted it in bold), where you will have THIS file, which you need to download and save to your hosting. I put it in the site's theme folder and gave it permissions to 755.

That’s it, now when you copy your article, something like this link will appear at the end of the text: More details here: https://site/kak-vklyuchit-gzip-szhatie/#ixzz2ve9QFFG0

The word MORE DETAILS HERE can be replaced with any word in the copy.js file that you downloaded. Open it in text editor and find this phrase and replace it with your own. I already wrote in more detail about this service on my other website - I won’t repeat it here, you can read it there.

Another script option

I found another similar, even simpler copy protection script:
