Alas, trolling on VKontakte is one of the most ungrateful types of trolling, and there are several reasons for this:
1. You can always be blocked by marking you as a person from whom they do not want to receive letters. 2. You can simply not be allowed to the wall or to the correspondence by setting the restriction “only friends can write to me”.
3. And your posts can be deleted by marking them as spam. And this in the end may end with the deletion of your account. And the fact that it is very difficult to restore a VKontakte account is known to everyone who has already lost it.

(for those who write with mistakes, we will immediately write some words according to their grammar - trolling in contact, trolling and troll)

But a good troll will not be afraid of this, if only because professional trolling means working in any conditions and with any consequences.

Moreover, a truly evil troll owns dozens of different accounts on any social network, and the loss of one of them is not a problem for him. And besides, owning one page, he can always "invite" himself to open any number of new pages he needs.

Well, proper trolling on VKontakte begins with the creation of pages. All of them open to different names, all are filled with content to look like they are alive, and all are filled with friends. And to do the latter is not at all easy - it is enough to join a group of some game friends that require help (and there are a million of them on VKontakte) and you will get as many friends as you want - at least 100, at least 200, at least a thousand.

- - -

And I also note that the pages are opened not only for different names, but also for people of different sex, age, interests, and from different countries. (By the way, to say: this formula also allows trolling on Facebook, trolling on Odnoklassniki, and, of course, on Twitter). And as I said, the internet troll works on all social networks.

Now to the point:

VKontakte trolling itself does not differ from the actions of an Internet troll on any other network resource - forum, blog, chat, etc .;

A good troll lends itself to ridicule, detailed analysis and criticism of everything that it finds on the victim's page, from a photo and status, to pictures and graffiti on the wall;

He posts his messages both in photo captions and on the wall;

And he immediately makes a scan from them, since in 99% of cases it is the scan that is proof of his skill - after all, the victim very quickly removes all traces of trolling from his page.

But this should not stop us, since we can upload the scans as a personal blog or on a personal trolling site, send the same victim in the VKontakte news feed, and then she will not be able to delete them, although she can not read the news. Or we can send them out as greeting cards to those who dislike the victim as much as we do. And since any good troll is proud of his work, he very soon collects a whole collection of such scans.

- - -

And right there: if we are talking about professional trolling, it is the scans that are proof of the work done, and the reason to pay for it. Or not pay due to poor quality.

In conclusion, I want to note that a good Internet troll never uses swearing, direct insults or threats. A true professional always speaks with his victim on "you", and so that an outside observer has no doubt that he treats her with all possible respect. The highest skill of a high-class troll consists precisely in knocking the victim out of the rut with hints that are understandable only to her, and therefore offensive. To tears. To helpless abuse. Until screaming and rage.

And, of course, I can't help but say that the best type of trolling on VKontakte is the so-called "cross sex" trolling, when a beautiful girl first shows interest in a not particularly handsome guy, makes friends with him, makes him open up, and after that strikes. And since almost every 2nd inhabitant of VKontakte dreams of great and bright love, a good troll does not even need to come up with other schemes in order to troll anyone or any in full.

And besides, social networks are good because you always work with the victim one-on-one. It is much more difficult to troll in forums, when at the same time and a united front against you are 2 dozen of his, who know each other well, Aborigines.

Trolling in VK is an entertainment that has now gained wide popularity among young people and not only. Today it is so widespread that, observing communication on social networks, it can be very difficult to tell who is a troll and who is just actively defending their position.

In fact, trolling in VK or anywhere else is nothing more than sophistry that arose back in Ancient Greece. However, if the sophists of Ancient Greece, indeed, possessed the art of eloquence that arouses admiration, the modern "trawl" sometimes is not even able to make up a full-fledged sentence, therefore, it uses ordinary copy-paste in a dispute or simply rolls down to insults. What are only words for trolling in VK and pictures for trolling in VK? Apparently, some trolls are so "smart" that they are not even able to independently come up with "how to troll a person with clever words."

Thick and thin trolling: words for trolling

Usually, fat trolling is understood as gross insults to the interlocutor, impudent inversion of facts, falsification of someone else's account, posting inappropriate offensive pictures and other nonsense that only interferes with communication.

Thick trolling in VK ends very quickly: an administrator or moderator comes and, seeing a littered thread, simply bans the inadequate. The rest of the users breathe a sigh of relief and continue to communicate further. Such "trawling" does not indicate anything other than the presence of low intelligence. It is these people on the Internet who search Google for words for trolling or ask how to troll a person with clever words, since they are not able to come up with something on their own.

The so-called wiping refers to the same thick trolling, when a public or a group is simply littered with copy-paste or pictures that do not carry a semantic load. In these cases, a VK trolling bot is usually used.

More subtle trolling is raising a controversial topic in discussions on which all participants will definitely want to speak. If we talk about SEO forums, a striking example of such a thread can serve as disputes like "Where is it better to promote - in Yandex or Google?", "Is it relevant now." A troll, pretending to be a noob, often just asks the necessary question, after which the participants do everything for him. Such trolling is often even called nanotrolling, since "green" simply sets the participants a topic for discussion, and then watches how they swear and quarrel with each other.

Also interesting is the type of trolling, which is often called so thick that it is even thin. In the discussions of the VK public, on the forum or LJ, a certain sociable character appears, distinguished by radical views and an alleged complete lack of understanding of the situation under discussion. In the future, he begins to actively defend his point of view and argue with everyone who disagrees with him. At the same time, he knows very well the rules adopted in the community and the point of view of the administration, so there is no apparent reason for his ban. Quickly acquiring a reputation as a local "fool", such a troll simultaneously acquires adherents, of course, of a narrow-minded mind.

Often this method is used for the so-called. A troll (or rather, even an experienced marketer) simply interests a large group of people in this way, and then often lures them from someone else's resource to his own. At first, his supporters and opponents simply visit his public or blog with a half-empty forum attached to it, then they begin to mock and ridicule him and, in the end, some of his supporters remain on his new resource.

Why people are engaged in trolling and what feelings they feel at the same time, can only be answered by the trolls themselves. Some of them like to feel like a kind of intellectual elite, with one message completely changing the mood of the crowd, others - they just want to amuse those around them, someone is pouring their anger and negative emotions into the Internet. Some, having heard people talking about trolling in VK, just want to try to troll someone and start to leave provocative messages in public.

Summing up our comic article, we note that trolling is, of course, a much more interesting and useful hobby than stupid sitting in front of the TV, however, it is much more dumb and destructive than communicating with normal people, reading books, playing sports and walking in the fresh air.

Don't get carried away 😉

In this article, you will learn how to troll a person with words:

  • You're so clever? Or other?
  • Lovers are two who love themselves with the help of each other, or a friend of a friend.
  • I have so much strength that I can snack on a crowbar with a point and wash down nails with lava.
  • Take me! But not just like that, but as a wife.
  • You are so smart, but your skull does not shake?
  • The best things happen, but unexpectedly.
  • Tuborg - go to the party! And Klinskoe - blow to the store.

You don't know how to troll a person with words? Read this article very simply.

How to troll a friend?

How to troll a friend?

Recently, such a phenomenon as trolling has been actively gaining popularity on the Internet. This is a statement in a virtual network of provocative messages aimed at making fun of a certain person, leading him to negative emotions. Trolling can be just humorous and harmless. For example, you might think of a joke for a friend and play it hard. How to troll a friend without humiliating or offending him? Let's consider several ways.

Trolling basics

Jump down a few notes about the person's dress, manner of communication, or physical appearance. You can cling to any item of clothing. For example, if your friend dresses like a goth - in all black, wears sneakers or shoes on a huge platform, wears long hair, then you can hint that in this form it is easy to confuse him with a girl.

When deciding to pin a friend, do not forget that the most important goal is the manifestation of negative emotions in a person. What should you end up with? Feelings of awkwardness and confusion in the opponent. All this should not be caused by insults, but by your logical and witty mockery. This is the art of the "troll".

How to troll a friend on VK

  • It is not difficult to "pin up" a person on Vkontakte. You can start with his avatar. Notice what is most surprising about it and take action. In the same way, you can catch on to the nickname.
  • You can easily troll anyone in personal correspondence. How to start a conversation? Contact your interlocutor with some not quite decent request. When he refuses, write to him - "Well, okay, but it seemed to me that you would not give up decent money." After that, the conversation is likely to start, and you can actively ask the interlocutor provocative questions and make fun of him. To prevent the object of your trolling from abandoning the dialogue, you can tell him that you will post all the correspondence in some public place. After that, a new round for further trolling is guaranteed to you!

Ways to troll a friend - looking for weak points

This trolling method is more complicated than the previous one. He assumes that you can find out from your interlocutor the real shortcomings that he really cares about. Someone suffers from excessive use of obscene words, others cannot write a single sentence without a spelling error, others are distinguished by excessive greed, and so on. If a person lies in everything and even in small things, you can sarcastically start asking him how and to whom exactly he is lying. How many times a day does he deceive people and what benefit does even the smallest lie bring to him. By starting a long dialogue, you can easily catch a liar in a lie, because those who regularly cheat do not remember everything they said before. Keep an eye on such a person, and then remind him of the original version that he voiced earlier.

How to troll a friend with words?

Our article provides less than 10 ways to trick a friend, but you can read other ideas on the same topic in How to trick a friend. You can also find a video on this page that shows you how to troll a friend.

Trolling as an art

Surely you have repeatedly heard the word "trolling": this is the name of a special form of social provocation, which is used, as a rule, when communicating on the Internet or by phone. To understand what the phrase "troll a person" means, you can try to pick up an analogy from everyday life.

In essence, provocations, deliberate incitement and deliberate deception of the opponent are approaching the phenomenon of trolling. Usually, trolling consists of all of the above in different combinations, and the process can be short-lived or drag on for long hours or days.

What does it mean to troll a person?

The circumstances under which the interlocutors begin to troll each other can be very different: the "troll" can hide under the guise of anonymity (and it often happens) or openly personify - this is often the case for people interested in openly shocking interlocutors and striving for recognition, popularity and publicity.

The concept of "trolling" is rooted in the slang of participants in online forums and other virtual communities: in English, the word trolling means fishing with a spoon, and in modern Russian - provocative behavior on the Internet.

Another popular version explains the origin of the concept, attaching itself to Scandinavian mythology, which describes some "trolls" - unpleasant, frankly ugly outwardly creatures who constantly harm others.

Both versions are mentioned in the Oxford Dictionary article on trolling.

A striking example of trolling is a provocative phrase, as if inadvertently released in a general chat, or a comment of the same kind under a material published on the network. Most often, users troll each other on social networks, on news and thematic sites, conferences and forums: in this case, a person gets almost limitless opportunities for trolling, since there is no physical and visual contact that allows you to expose or control the "trolls". You can create absolutely any virtual image and use it to its fullest.

How to troll people correctly?

It is not difficult to learn trolling, but not everyone can become high-flying birds. The most commonplace way to troll people is to imagine yourself as a typical user of the community in which you plan to expand your activities. Think about what issues should be shared, what topics to be interested in.

If you get used to the role, you will be able to conduct subversive activities in all directions: one phrase inserted appropriately into the discussion can produce a bomb effect and anger dozens of users.

Trolling can be "thin" or "thick", and, of course, the most interesting thing is to troll a person subtly - in this case, he, most likely, will not immediately understand that he is being provoked. But more endurance and imagination will be required from the troll. "Thick" provocations are recognized faster, and in communities with a high sensitivity to trolling, such statements can be immediately banned.

But even if you have learned to delicately troll virtual interlocutors, think three times before getting involved in this, of course, an exciting process. In general, trolling is assessed as a negative phenomenon, and very often the attitude towards a person who constantly provokes interlocutors to aggression and bewilderment develops accordingly.

Want to learn how to do it right?

Then follow a few fairly simple principles:

  • always prefer “thin” trolling to “fat”, frank “assaults” and jokes are difficult to achieve the desired reaction - most likely, the interlocutor will immediately stop the dialogue, recognizing the troll from the first phrases;
  • think about the consequences of your actions: if you know that the person with whom you are communicating is in a state of deep depression or for some other reason is experiencing serious mental discomfort, you should not inflict additional trauma on him - it is better to choose another object;
  • since trolling is “a game of forging a person,” as D. Donat (a researcher of the phenomenon) asserts, the better your virtual image is worked out, the easier it will be to troll your interlocutors;
  • the more often trolls appear in the community, the higher the sensitivity of the rest of the participants to provocations, respectively, even harmless hints and phrases can cause overreaction;
  • if you are a troll, this does not mean that you have a reinforced concrete nervous system, provoking people (even in a very restrained way), you need to understand that in response you may have to hear a lot of bad things;
  • in order not to be exposed immediately, switch your opponent's attention to all sorts of insignificant details, then he will be forced to constantly prove something, comprehend and challenge, therefore, there will be almost no time and effort left for your exposure;
  • for effective trolling, you should learn to argue not unfounded, but reasoned - find sources that you can refer to, and criticize the sources that the interlocutor refers to;
  • Nothing is more annoying than being accused of incompetence (people tend to believe that they are doing the right thing and wisely), and successful trolls use this technique at every opportunity;
  • demagoguery is also useful, especially if your arguments are presented cheerfully and calmly - it is not difficult to learn this manner of presenting information, and your opponent will surely infuriate your overconfidence;
  • find weak points in the argumentation of the interlocutor: if his comment contains up to 90% of irrefutable facts and only 10% of controversial information, focus on these 10% and whip up the atmosphere, ignoring the remaining 90%;
  • never stop arguing first, keep arguing until your opponent's patience finally bursts;
  • do not stoop to rudeness, caustic irony in combination with emphatically polite formulations works much more efficiently.

Having learned how to bring the interlocutors to white heat in a matter of seconds, do not use your secret weapon for any reason, and also do not slide down to banal rudeness, even when the opponent is showing obvious aggression.

What does troll mean? How to behave if someone tries to troll you

Trolling is one of the types of virtual communication in which one of the parties - a troll - is engaged in unconsciously escalating a conflict or begins to deliberately, in an explicit or hidden form, belittle and bully another participant in the communication, violating the ethics of behavior in the network. Trolling is expressed in the form of abusive, bullying and aggressive behavior. In real life, it is similar to energy vampirism. It is used by both anonymous participants and personalized users interested in shocking, publicity and recognition.

Emergence and study

The term appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. Back then, no one knew what it meant to troll. People interested in this topic have created networks and communities to exchange experiences, where the most effective ways of stirring up conflict were discussed. In the academic literature, trolling was first mentioned in 1996 by researcher Judith Donath, who cited several curious examples taken from conferences on Usenet (the network). Donat emphasized that in a “virtual society” this identification is ambiguous.

Origin of the term

What is the meaning of the word "troll"? This term has nothing to do with the field of scientific discourse, and originated from the slang of users of virtual communities. "Trolling" - this is the literal translation of the word "trolling" from English. In general terms, this phenomenon can be characterized as the process of posting provocative messages on communicative resources in the network in order to create a conflict situation by violating the ethical rules of Internet interaction. We hope you now understand what it means to troll people. Go ahead.

Troll - this is exactly the designation received by a person engaged in trolling. Irina Ksenofontova (employee of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) believes that this term has become popular because of its meaning in Scandinavian mythology. There, trolls, especially in children's stories, are portrayed as ugly, unpleasant creatures, created to create evil and cause harm. They are portrayed very vividly in cinematography.

Trolling environment

We figured out what it means to troll on the Internet. Now let's talk about the places where this can be done. These include social networks, conferences, thematic forums, news sites, portals and chat rooms. The design features of these spaces allow the user to create a virtual alter-ego, constructed at his own discretion. Almost every virtual community has special fields where participants can form their data by entering the main and additional (hobbies and interests) characteristics. This is a great opportunity for organizing provocations by people who know what it means to troll a person. After all, this process is not controlled by anyone, and any participant in the virtual space can generate the desired image.

The nature of the impact on virtual spaces

The provocateur pretends to be an ordinary user who shares common problems and interests of the community or group. If the conference participants are aware of what it means to troll, then they try to identify provocative publications, and if this succeeds, they force the attacker to leave the group. The success of the identification will depend on the skill of recognizing the hints that determine the goals of the post creator. Also, a lot depends on the troll himself, or rather, on the level of his professionalism. Skillful provocateurs can troll for a very long time without revealing their true colors.

Trolls do significant harm to communication: they spoil the discussion, spread a destructive idea or harmful advice, destroy the feeling of trust of community members to each other. In groups with a high level of falsification in space, which are especially sensitive to trolling, most questions that are naive in content are rejected and are not considered a provocation.

Features of the

Trolling as a form of social aggression has specific characteristics. The first is the possibility of its existence only in virtual communities. Although in real society there are people who know what it means to troll, and they do it with pleasure. The second is the rapid release of an avalanche-like aggression that instantly spreads to almost all users of the virtual community. And the third is the inability of the trolling victim to make visual or physical contact with the initiator of the conflict.

What if you are being trolled?

In this case, you have two options. Either completely ignore the troll, or become one yourself and give a worthy rebuff. And to defeat him, you need to be smart, quick-witted and attentive. Develop these qualities in yourself.

Savvy. Don't be confused with the mind. Wits are the ability to instantly react to any changes in the external environment and adapt to them, if necessary. It is also the ability to apply other people's tactics and techniques, actively used by people who are aware of what it means to troll.

Mindfulness and good memory. You need to collect and carefully analyze everything that your opponent says about you. Also watch your phrases. After all, any of them can be used against you. A good memory is needed to memorize and quote stupid statements from your opponent.

Well, and, of course, high print speed will not hurt. The higher the typing speed in chat, the easier it is to troll someone with phrases that they think too long. In general, be sure to master the skill of touch typing.

Having mastered all of the above qualities, you will understand much deeper what it means to troll people, and you will be able to resist any person trying to hook you.

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