This textbook uses a modern approach to the presentation of material on the course "Management", differentiates knowledge, builds a new structure of the course, places appropriate emphasis, implements the logic of presenting knowledge and highlights the provisions of a fundamental nature. The main issues in the structure of the textbook are the problems of the nature and genesis of management, the creation of communications in the organization, the construction of management technology, the formation of human capital in management, and the modeling of future management. The textbook reflects a modern view of management, focuses on those provisions that are most relevant today both in practice and in management science. Much attention is paid to the dynamics of changes in management, trends in its development, ideas about its future. In a systematized form, all the material of the textbook is presented in a logical diagram that reflects the sequence of consideration of problems and the multidimensional nature of their formulation.

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Crisis management. Belyaev A.A., Korotkov E.M.

2nd ed. - M .: 2011 .-- 311 p.

The textbook examines the need, relevance of anti-crisis management, its subject, functions and principles. The role of crises in the development and functioning of socio-economic systems is noted, methodological problems of the development, application of methods and means of anti-crisis management are analyzed. Much attention is paid to forecasting and assessing crises in management processes, developing an anti-crisis management strategy. The analysis of bankruptcy procedures of enterprises, foreign experience of anti-crisis management are given.

For correspondence students of management specialties, students of business schools, entrepreneurs. The book can be useful for those who independently study the problems of anti-crisis management.

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From the authors 3
Section I Crises in Macro- and Microdevelopment Trends 4
Chapter 1. Anti-crisis management as a scientific and academic discipline 5
1.1. Necessity and urgency of anti-crisis management 5
1.2. Anti-crisis management as a special type of management 8
Chapter 2. The role of crises in the development of socio-economic systems 15
2.1. The concept of "crisis" in the development of socio-economic systems 15
2.2. Causes and typology of crises 17
2.3. Human Factors and Crises 21
Chapter 3. Socio-political crises 24
3.1. The essence and content of the socio-political crisis 24
3.2. Stages of development of the socio-political crisis 25
Chapter 4. Crises and development security 30
4.1. The economic component in the structure of national security 30
4.2. Indicators (indicators) economic security in relation to a manufacturing enterprise 34
4.3. The main directions of improving the management of the country's economic security. 36
Chapter 5. Crises in the development of the organization 41
5.1. Organization as a structural element of a social system 41
5.2. Emergence and recognition of organizational crises 43
5.3. Stages of cyclical development of the organization 46
Section II Formation and manifestations of anti-crisis management 51
Chapter 6. The main problems of development and application of anti-crisis management tools 52
6.1. Methodological problems of development, application of methods and means of anti-crisis management 52
6.2. Organizational and managerial problems of preventing and overcoming the crisis 54
Chapter 7. The main factors of increasing the effectiveness of anti-crisis management 57
7.1. The concept and criteria for the effectiveness of anti-crisis management 57
7.2. Ways and factors to improve the effectiveness of anti-crisis management 58
Chapter 8. Forecasting and assessment of crises in the management process 63
8.1. Forecasting and classification of forecasts 63
8.2. Stages of forecasting crisis situations 67
8.3. Principles and methods of forecasting crises 70
Chapter 9. Restructuring of organizations as an anti-crisis measure 75
9.1. Concept and types of restructuring 75
9.2. Restructuring of organization management systems 78
Chapter 10. Anti-crisis management strategy 82
10.1. Methodological approaches to defining a management strategy 82
10.2. Developing a crisis management strategy 84
Chapter 11. Bankruptcy procedures 92
11.1. Bankruptcy and its main features 92
11.2. Basic bankruptcy procedures 95
11.3. Bankruptcy of city-forming and agricultural organizations 104
Section III Anti-crisis management mechanism 109
Chapter 12. Innovations in crisis management 110
12.1. The concept of "anti-crisis innovations" 110
12.2. Identifying Innovation Priorities with the Firm's Environment 113
12.3. Anti-crisis process innovations 116
12.4. Human Resources Innovation 118
12.5. Anti-crisis innovations in the organization of work with customers and suppliers 122
12.6. Product innovation 126
Chapter 13. Improving organizational structures in crisis management 132
13.1. Trends in the development of organizational structures 132
13.2. Forms of organizational recovery of enterprises in the process of anti-crisis management 137
Chapter 14. Anti-crisis management in conditions of risk 149
14.1. Anti-crisis management and risks 149
14.2. Classification of risks in anti-crisis management processes 152
14.3. Ways to minimize losses and losses in anti-crisis management processes 156
Chapter 15. Controlling as a system of prevention and prevention of crises in the organization 164
15.1. Formation of the controlling system 164
15.2. Controlling Principles 166
15.3. Controlling Specific Functions 168
15.4. Controlling service in the organization management system 172
Section IV The human factor of cooperation in anti-crisis management 177
Chapter 16. Human capital of crisis management 178
16.1. The scientific content of the concept of "human capital" 178
16.2. Human capital and management of socio-economic processes 184
16.3. The role of human capital in the anti-crisis management system 190
16.4. Human capital development management as a factor in the anti-crisis development of an organization 192
Chapter 17. The Arbitration Manager: Requirements, Obligations, Rights and Liability 196
17.1. Professional and social and moral requirements for an insolvency administrator 196
17.2. Fundamental rights, obligations and responsibilities of the insolvency practitioner 198
17.3. Requirements for the professional skills of bankruptcy commissioners 205
Chapter 18. Corporate governance as a factor of sustainable development of the organization 208
18.1. Corporation as an object of management 208
18.2. Basic conditions for effective corporate governance 213
18.3. Corporate culture as a need for crisis management 217
18.4. Factors of manifestation and changes in corporate culture 219
18.5. Principles of corporate culture formation 222
Section V Anti-crisis management and social development processes 227
Chapter 19. State regulation and anti-crisis management 228
19.1. The welfare state as a subject of regulation of socio-economic processes 228
19.2. State regulation of environmental and social processes 231
19.3. State activities to improve the legal aspects of anti-crisis management 238
Chapter 20. Social and moral responsibility of anti-crisis management 246
20.1. Features of management as a social and moral institution 246
20.2. The concept of "social responsibility" of the organization's management 248
20.3. Moral responsibility in anti-crisis management 253
20.4. Ways to increase the social and moral responsibility of management 256
Chapter 21. "New Deal" by F.D. Roosevelt - a program to bring the American economy out of the crisis 259
Chapter 22. Anti-crisis orientation of L. Erhard's reforms 266
Chapter 23. Japan's anti-crisis economic policy in the post-war period (1945-1952) 271
Chapter 24. Anti-crisis aspects government controlled in advanced market economies 284
Chapter 25. Experience of effective management in leading foreign firms 291
25.1. Management principles used in IBM 291
25.2. Lee Iacocca's work to build the 300 anti-crisis team


The monograph contains a methodology for assessing the competitiveness of goods and enterprises, assessing the prospects of the market. Practical examples are given. A three-dimensional matrix for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise's business is considered, which makes it possible to continuously monitor it and form appropriate development strategies. Methods for improving the quality and competitiveness of products are shown.
The book is intended for managers, marketing professionals and
heads of enterprises. It can be useful for students in economics and graduate students.

The monograph is an electronic version of the book:
Competitive positions of business: Monograph / E.M. Korotkov, Yu.T. Shestopal, V.D. Dorofeev. - M .: INFRA-M, 2003. - 261p., 26 ill., 24 tab., Bibliography. 18 titles

Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Assessment of the competitiveness of goods
1.1. Indicators for assessing the competitiveness of goods
1.2. Assessment of consumer satisfaction with product properties
1.3. Concepts for assessing the competitiveness of goods
1.4. Criteria for assessing the competitiveness of goods
1.5. Procedures for determining the competitiveness index of goods
1.6. Practical use competitiveness assessment methods
Chapter 2. Methods of ensuring the competitiveness of goods.
2.1. Ensuring competitiveness at the product design stage
2.2. Ensuring competitiveness at the stage of product manufacturing
2.3. Ensuring competitiveness in the process of enterprise management.
2.4. Product quality and competitiveness management.
2.5. Maintaining the quality and competitiveness of products during operation
2.5. Economic methods of ensuring the competitiveness of products
Chapter 3. Business activity of the enterprise
3.1. Types of competition
3.2. Competitive environment and its factors
3.3. Prospects of the market in which the company operates
3.4. Enterprise competitiveness
3.5. Determination of the index of business activity of the enterprise
Chapter 4. Strategic actions of competitors
4.1. Strategies and positioning of market participants
4.2. Strategic actions of market participants
4.3. Strategy development for underdeveloped business
4.4. Recovery Strategies for Crisis Situations
4.5. Features of the implementation of the innovation strategy
4.6. Study of current competitors.
4.7. Marketing opportunities to increase the competitiveness of enterprises.
4.8. Difficulties in entering and exiting competitive markets

Competition is understood as rivalry in the market between individual individuals or legal entities (competitors) interested in achieving the same goal. Classical political economics took competition for granted, pervading all sectors of the economy. The classical school of economics focused on price competition. A. Smith was the first to prove that competition, by equalizing the rates of profit, leads to the optimal distribution of labor and capital. The problem of quality and competitiveness is decisive in the industrial development of the countries of the world. It has a global character, since, on the one hand, it determines many aspects of the economic and social policies of countries, and on the other hand, it affects the interests of all their citizens acting as consumers. Competitiveness and quality are a concentrated expression of the entire set of capabilities of a country, of any manufacturer to create, produce and sell goods and services. Competitiveness means a complex of consumer and cost (price) characteristics of a product that determine its success in the market, i.e. the advantage of this particular product over another in the context of a wide offer of competing analogue products. Since there are corresponding manufacturers behind each of the goods, we can talk about the competitiveness of enterprises, firms, as well as the countries in which they are located.

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The textbook offered to the reader is devoted to one of the most important disciplines of the educational program for training modern managers - the study of control systems. It considers issues such as the methodology of researching management systems, planning and organization of research, diversified methods of researching management systems, research efficiency. The text is illustrated with a large number of diagrams, which are not just demonstration material or an application, but also an addition to the presented material. An important component of the textbook is the glossary - a system of definitions of key categories that will help the student master the terminology of the course.

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  2. This textbook uses a modern approach to the presentation of material on the course "Management", differentiates knowledge, builds a new structure of the course, places appropriate emphasis, implements the logic of presenting knowledge and highlights the provisions of a fundamental nature. The main issues in the structure of the textbook are the problems of the nature and genesis of management, the creation of communications in the organization, the construction of management technology, the formation of human capital in management, and the modeling of future management. The textbook reflects a modern view of management, focuses on those provisions that are most relevant today both in practice and in management science. Much attention is paid to the dynamics of changes in management, trends in its development, ideas about its future. In a systematized form, all the material of the textbook is presented in a logical diagram that reflects the sequence of consideration of problems and the multidimensional nature of their formulation.

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