The influence of music therapy on a person has been proven for a long time, but when putting our baby to bed, we do not even know how useful music is for children to sleep. Depending on the chosen composition, the emotional background of the baby, his psyche and even musical taste can develop. What else is music useful for toddlers?

How music affects sleep

Hungarian scientists have done a whole lot of research trying to understand how music affects sleeping children. In the course of this study, it was revealed that children who underwent such music therapy on a regular basis, the development process took place much faster.

First of all, I would like to note that in the experiment, newborns were considered, no more than 2-3 days after birth. They included different compositions and the researchers noted that the brain reacts differently to different melodies.

Classical music for children before bedtime will help you fall asleep quickly and calmly. This is important for their emotional development. In addition, calm and melodic pieces will relieve stress and help your child relax.

Influence of different works on children

  • Listening to different tunes helps the mental development of children. Regular music therapy is useful for quickly assimilating the information received. Even in infancy, the baby will learn to feel a sense of rhythm, and will learn faster the world... Music before bedtime will speed up the development of speech, and in the future it will be easier for the baby to study exact sciences.
  • Calm melodies help in concentration. It will be easier for the kid to study the surrounding objects and learn about the world.
  • Music can create positive emotions in children. They will fall asleep and wake up in a good mood, which will be an excellent motivation for contacting other people and performing some tasks assigned to them.
  • The classic acts on children as a sedative. If you turn music therapy before bedtime into a daily ritual, soon the baby will associate the selected compositions with this. He will begin to plunge into deep sleep faster, and it will become much easier to lay the baby down.
  • Aesthetic development. Music for newborns can be a key to the development of creativity. Many children who listen to various works from an early age are more drawn to creative professions as they grow up. This does not mean that these children will become virtuoso musicians, but it will be much easier to find a purpose in life. In addition, a sense of style, musical taste and a sense of beauty develops.

It's important to know! The melody or song should not be for children, calm, beautiful and gentle compositions that parents themselves listen to are more suitable. The classic is perfect. Children's cartoon songs should be the exception rather than the rule.

How to choose a playlist for children to sleep

Newborns often sleep poorly, can help fix this. A properly selected list of songs will help you calm down and distract yourself from painful sensations (for example, colic, or teething), and most interestingly, some works are even able to speed up the healing and recovery processes of the body.

What is good for relaxation and sleep

  • For babies, it is important that the work does not have sharp emotional changes and changes in rhythm and volume. This can provoke overexcitement and emotional breakdown.
  • The melody should be rhythmic and soothing. Smooth transitions from one part of the piece to another and the use of no more than 3 instruments are considered ideal.
  • Lullaby for babies is a very important element of social development. Children still in the womb hear her voice and remember it well after birth. Singing lullabies to your child is very important to make him feel protected and cared for.
  • Relax music should be quiet and calm, children are much more sensitive to loud sounds than adults. In addition, under no circumstances should you put headphones on your baby. Directional sound can have a detrimental effect on children's brains, so it is preferable to have music playing in the background before bed.

It's important to know! The selected playlist turns on about half an hour before bedtime. In addition, it cannot play all night, it must be turned off 40-60 minutes after the baby has fallen asleep. If this is a daytime dream, the music can be left on, but it should be played very quietly.

What music is suitable for children to sleep

To achieve the desired result, you need to know which compositions are best to choose. The child will quickly begin to recognize the sounds heard earlier, and if a woman listened to different songs while still pregnant, the baby will remember these motives after birth.

What to choose

  1. In the opinion of most, it is best to include the classics before bed. It is calm and peaceful, improves memory and influences the thinking of children. Mozart's music for children is considered the most suitable. His compositions will help the baby develop in the future faster than his peers.
  2. Bedtime music can be replaced with sounds of nature. You can listen to it online on various sites. The singing of birds, the rustle of leaves and grass, the sound of the surf, even the sounds of dolphins are well suited.


Soothing music for children will help the baby's early development and unleash his potential. To achieve the desired result, the composition should be a little sleepy and calm. Let listening to a few songs before bed become your daily ritual!

Many office workers can afford to wiretap music during work, however, this right is often neglected. The benefits of classical instrumental music is a proven fact. Such music is able to improve mood, increase efficiency and relieve the nervous system. After the end of the working day, listening to music to relax and calm your nerves will help you to rest faster, tune in to household chores and clarify your thought process.

The best classical compositions

Our hit parade of the best classical compositions is opened by creations Ludwig van Beethoven, the author of many great creations. It is impossible not to mention his "Moonlight Sonata", which is suitable for relaxation after work. We recommend listening to "Symphony No. 6" during the working day.

Artworks Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart can be recommended for listening in the workplace. Such music during work is useful in every sense - it calms, restores clarity of mind and increases efficiency. A small night serenade and Symphony No. 40 can invigorate and direct the flow of thoughts in the right direction.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky- genius Russian composer of world renown. His works are recognized as ideal in their kind. They are still the inspiration for many young music creators. Among his most recommended compositions were "Concerto No. 1 for Piano and Orchestra" and "Winter Dreams" (Symphony No. 1)

Great German composer Johann Sebastian Bach created equally great works. "Suite No. 3" is an exemplary example of music for relaxation and calming the nerves. Listening to Bach works will be very rewarding after a hard day's work.

Chopin many of us associate only with the "Funeral March", however, in the list of his works there are many positive and life-affirming compositions, for example "Impromptu Fantasy".

A piece closes our list of music for relaxation and tranquility. Franz Schubert"Ave Maria", which is a real prayer, dressed in a melody.

Attention! We do not recommend listening to classical music while driving. Due to its soothing and relaxing properties, it can lead to loss of concentration. Listen to classical music while you work, relax and take care of your nerves!

Many of us are aware of the existence of the great classics of Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and other composers. but classical music sounds less and less from the speakers of our computers, televisions and mp3-players. The classics were replaced by songs of the same type with a simple melody and not intricate lyrics.

You might have a question: "Why did the usual popular songs take the place of classical music, which do not carry a deep meaning?" It seems to me that modern conditions of existence, which are filled with a lot of information and stress for a person, force a person to listen to music that does not ask deep questions and does not cause strong impressions. We simply, listening to a song with ordinary lyrics, try to disconnect from problems and, without thinking, relax and distract over the lyrics.

But the music that is so popular now, no matter how much we want, does not allow us to rest and relax. The thing is that most often such melodies do not contain positive energy aimed at transforming the mental state of a person. Wherein classical music more suitable for.

In my opinion, the point is that in those periods when famous works were created there was no huge flow of negative information that we now perceive. People were more often in nature, communicated with each other, loved each other and deeply experienced every event in their lives. Then people had more time to become aware of their emotional states, which led to the creation of great works, not only musical, but also literary, as well as artistic and architectural. If we compare now: which building of architecture evokes more positive emotions in you, for example, the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and any modern building, then it seems to me that the answer is obvious. Despite modern technology, the Winter Palace, built by the Italian architect B.F. Rastrelli, in its beauty and uniqueness, surpasses most modern architectural structures.

But the purpose of the article is not to criticize contemporary art, because in our time, masterpieces are created. Our goal is to study the influence of classical music on the mental state of a person. It is scientifically proven that classic works have a beneficial effect on a person and allow you to completely relax and unwind after a hard day at work. For relaxation, we have specially selected several pieces of music, which are presented below.

Classical relaxation music

1.Sergey Vasilievich Rachmaninoff - Vocalise

2. Edvard Grieg - Solveig's Song

3. Greensleeves

4. Johann Sebastian Bach - Ave Maria

5. Ludwig van Beethoven - Bagatelle In A Minor - Fur Elise

6. Johannes Brahms - Symphony No. 3

7. Ludwig van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 14

8. Johann Sebastian Bach - Air On A G String

9. Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade Symphonic Suite

10. Johann Pachelbel - Canon In D Major

11. Pietro Mascagni - Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana

12. Tomaso Albinoni - Adagio In G Minor

13. Johann Sebastian Bach - Sheep May Safely Graze

14. Edvard Grieg - Holberg Suite II Sarabande

15. Claude Debussy - The Girl with the Flaxen Hair

16. Johannes Brahms - Waltz in A Flat Major Op.39 / 15

Every day of human life is accompanied by music. Melodies can be heard from the windows of cars and apartments, in supermarkets and in the workplace. This is an integral part of our life. One cannot imagine one's existence without sounding melodies.

But few people know that a psychological method was created on the basis of music that helps calm the nerves and relieve stress.

This direction has existed for a long time and is very popular in Europe. In foreign countries, every sixth person resorts to music therapy.

The benefits of this technique have even been proven by scientists. They were doing research on the effects of music on water. The experiment used heavy music such as rock and melodic calm melodies.

Initially, rock was included next to the water. After that, the scientists took the water for analysis. They found out that the structure of the water has changed. Liquid crystals have changed their regular shape to asymmetric.

The second experiment was performed with calm melodies. After analysis, scientists found out that the liquid crystals became hexagonal and proportional.

Scientists have suggested that since the human body is 80% water, it means that music has an impact on the behavior, character, mood of a person.

The music therapy technique is used to restore mental health without the use of drugs. It is a safe technique to help relieve stress and tension. A correctly selected melody calms, inspires, pacifies and gives a person energy and vitality.

Many users of music therapy note that this technique is a harmless medicine for the soul, helping to comprehend the meaning of life and experience negative moments.

Scientists have conducted research on the effect of different melodies on the human brain. They found that when listening to a melody, a connection is formed between the cerebral hemispheres.

It was also determined that different hemispheres perceive the sound of melodies differently:

  1. The right hemisphere is able to sense the timbre of the melody.
  2. The left hemisphere manages to recognize the rhythm of the sounding music.

According to scientists, the rhythm has a strong effect on the human body. In the process of catching the rhythm, the body begins to change the human biorhythm.

The influence of the rhythm of melodies on a person:

  1. Improving the functionality of the heart.
  2. Breathing stabilization.
  3. Better sleep.
  4. Elimination of insomnia.
  5. Decreased sensitivity to pain and external lesions.
  6. Improved mood.
  7. Increase in working capacity.

Note! For different life situations, there are soothing tracks that help to regain strength and relax. Psychologists say that classical music “fights” well with shattered nerves.

Table: classical relaxation music, calming the nervous system.

The purpose of music therapy Composition
Elevating the mood Listen to Mozart to lift your spirits.

According to the conclusions of psychotherapists and psychologists, Mozart's compositions have a positive effect on all phases of a person's mood.

Most of all his compositions are calming "Rondo in Turkish style".

Reducing feelings of anxiety If a person suffers from increased anxiety, then he should listen to Chopin and Strauss.

Chopin's composition entitled "Mazurka" has a special influence on the brain.

Getting rid of apathy and nervous tension The main "rescue" compositions for calming the nerves were created by Beethoven, Bach and Haydn.

Moonlight Sonata strengthens the nerves.
"Cantata No. 2" relieves irritability.
"Symphony" relieves moral fatigue.
"Italian Concert" relieves of the apathetic state.

General calming of the body If, against the background of stress and anxiety, a person has headaches, tremors, confused speech and mental health problems, then he should listen to:

Lullaby (composer - Johannes Brahms).
"Ave Maria" (composer - Franz Schubert).
"Light of the Moon" (composer - Claude Debussy).

It is impossible to describe all the compositions. Psychologists say that classical music has a positive effect on the worldview. Therefore, doctors of this orientation recommend listening to famous composites, whose creations and sonatas have conquered humanity for more than a century.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  • Frederic Chopin.
  • Johann Strauss.
  • Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach.
  • Joseph Haydn.
  • Johannes Brahms.
  • Edward Grieg.
  • Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
  • Felix Mendelssohn.
  • Bela Bartok.
  • Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov.
  • Mikhail Kleofas Oginsky.

The compositions of these great people can be listened to during pregnancy. These melodies have a positive effect on the intrauterine development of the baby.

One of the widespread and popular trends in music therapy is the use of nature sounds to calm melodies. These sounds restore physical and moral strength, fill with energy, and pacify.

The sounds of nature help to distract from the crazy life of the city and be transported to a fictional secluded place, full of birds, waterfalls, the sounds of rain and the songs of nightingales.

How to listen correctly?

In order for music therapy to bring pleasure and a calming result, it is worth remembering and adhering to several rules:

  1. Favorable environment... Listen to the music yourself to calm yourself down. Set aside a day when no one will be in the apartment or lock yourself in a separate room. A relaxing bath or massage can enhance the impact of music therapy.
  2. Melody for the soul... Find your favorite tunes. Don't listen to popular tracks that are recommended for everyone. If generally accepted soothing music is annoying or negative, you shouldn't listen to it. This will take away strength from a person and ruin the mood.
  3. Convenience... A lot depends on a comfortable position of the body. Lie down, relax, "turn off your brain" from problems and external negativity and start enjoying the music.
  4. Volume... It should be moderate. Playing too loudly will not be beneficial, but will harm your hearing.

Important! The most important thing in music therapy is a person's desire to plunge into the world of mesmerizing music that can transfer to another dimension and give a lot of listening pleasure.

Listen to music

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Many people love music, but not everyone knows about its healing properties. Even in ancient times, it was used to get rid of various ailments, as it causes a special vibration in the body, which creates a biofield that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Each piece radiates its own energy, so it is important to choose the right melody.

Music healing - myth or reality?

For a long time, scientists have been arguing about how sounds can help and how they affect the human brain. Most often, sessions are even used, there is such a special therapy that has not yet been fully investigated.

For a long time, scientists have been developing this project. Initially, the test subjects were rats. The animals went into the maze, and the doctors watched how long it took them to find their way out. After that, they were divided into several groups, placed in separate cells and music was turned on. For some, the classics were played, and for others, a variety of loud sounds. After several weeks passed, the rodents were sent back to the treadmills. The rats, which included Mozart, found a way out much faster than the first time, while others searched for the coveted white light for a third longer. From this we can conclude that pleasant sounds affect the parts of the brain that are responsible for intelligence.

Further experiments showed that a variety of compositions also affect people, and even more. At the moment of listening, the auditory center is initially excited, then the impulses go to the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions. After that, in the case when the work came to taste, the nervous system is excited, and if not, then it is blocked.

Scientists have researched different genres. It was revealed that the subconscious is much better perceived classical and soothing music than lumbering music. It was stated that positive and light melodies are useful for both pregnant women and young children.

There is a statement: if two children with the same intellect are given the same problem to solve, and at this moment the first one will sit in silence, and the second one listens to a calm composition, then the “music lover” will cope much faster.

Therefore, nowadays, the treatment of various diseases with classical music is increasingly used by physicians. Totally healthy people need to listen to pleasant sounds if they want to stay the same.


Music therapy is passive and active. In the first, the patient is engaged in listening to the compositions, and in the second he himself participates in the performance. If the patient has a severe degree of illness, then he begins the session as a listener. After all, initially I must learn to correctly distinguish sounds. Exercises that allow you to feel the vibration can help great in this. For example, a doctor touches a guitar string and at the same time presses it against the patient's back.

With active therapy, a person always uses his voice, performs various compositions to relax and obtain the desired effect, this is the basis of music treatment. Sound therapy helps you focus and relieve cramps.

An individual and group approach is also used. Initially, a person stays on the procedures exclusively on his own, and after positive dynamics, classes begin to take place collectively.

Methods of exposure

The healing properties of music have been known for a long time. The main idea of ​​this therapy is the effect of sound on the thalamic region of the brain, which is responsible for emotional and sensory perception. Smooth instrumental vibrations pass through the nerve endings and give the strongest impulse for the whole body and the system in general.

Such a wave awakens the production of a variety of biologically active elements that help regulate the work of all internal organs. Soothing music unconsciously turns on intuition and makes a kind of reboot of consciousness. Smooth melodies direct a person to a refined perception of the surrounding world and light reflections.

The rhythmic and loud composition actively stimulates the physical characteristics. The impact is felt as a surge of strength, cheerfulness, joy, and also allows you to cope with strong physical exertion. This constant artificial stimulation quickly depletes the body.

Disharmonious and obsessive sounds, as well as noise can, on the contrary, lead to mental instability, irritability, aggression and depression. It is no secret that people who constantly live in such an environment often exhibit suicidal or asocial behavior. We do not recommend listening to heavy metal and heavy rock bands for a long time, as they generate negative emotions. Therefore, this influence changes the qualitative characteristics of the individual.

Effects on alcoholism

Music treatment of this ailment has shown positive results. For this, a person must listen to certain compositions. Most often, either songs with a motivating character. Good results were obtained due to the perception of organ sounds, as well as singing along with them. The patient should listen to the game in a calm atmosphere, with complete abstraction from external stimuli and thoughts. It is best if this room is also completely empty.

In order to cure alcoholism, you need to use complex therapy. Naturally, songs alone are not enough here, but thanks to them, you can achieve a more persistent and faster result. In modern clinics, such therapy is often combined with medication, and even other procedures.

The medicinal properties of music affect the alcoholic as a calming effect, and they also lift the mood and direct it in a positive direction. Thanks to the procedure, the patient becomes more balanced and his appetite increases, as a result of which he begins to recover. The disposition of the spirit, which is created by the compositions, helps not to resist the treatment and to accept it with enthusiasm.

In parallel, such therapy creates certain vibration waves that have a positive effect on the internal organs. Thanks to this, those parts of the body that have suffered from the constant use of alcohol will be healed. Immunity becomes stronger, and resistance to a variety of diseases increases. Therefore, the treatment of such an ailment with music is fully justified and proven.

Classics for strengthening memory

Traditional melodies have a beneficial effect on a person's ability to memorize. Such conclusions were reached by scientists from the Italian city of Chieti. They deduced the so-called Vivaldi effect and proved that with constant listening to his famous composition “The Four Seasons”, the memory of the elderly improved.

During the study, 24 volunteers were required to memorize a certain series of numbers. The group, which listened to this work for a long time, coped with its task much easier than its competitors. This phenomenon can be explained by increased attention as well as tension. The classic, no doubt, stimulates the improvement of physiological capabilities, therefore, such procedures are justified. Science already knows the treatment of the brain with Mozart's music, as well as the influence of his works on young children, who, when listening to the great composer, begin to develop intellectually faster. And now a new term will be introduced into scientific circulation - the "Vivaldi effect".

Influence of soothing music

The classic has the most beneficial effect on the body. Studies conducted by scientists at the University of Florence have shown that if hypertensive patients listen to calm and light melodies for at least half an hour every day, their health will become noticeably better. And at the initial stage, treatment with music can even replace the use of medicines. In order to stabilize the blood pressure, quiet sounds are recommended for listening to create a feeling of serenity. If you breathe calmly and sit quietly at the time of therapy, the result will be greatly enhanced. Thanks to this approach, physical relaxation occurs, and the resulting positive emotions help relieve mental stress.

For headaches and heartaches, listening to Oginsky's polonaise, Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody" and Beethoven's "Fidelio" are perfect.
Soothing melodies are a universal remedy. They help with various pains, hypertension, mental stress and insomnia. In order to increase the heart rate, music at a fast pace with high volume is suitable.

Music to heal the heart should be pleasurable, increase myocardial contractions, and help achieve physical well-being. Annoying sounds have a completely opposite effect, and most often they can do harm.

Ancient times

History has cases when the right melody worked wonders. For example, in the 16th century in Italy, the inhabitants of several settlements were seized by an extraordinary mental epidemic. A large number of people froze in immobility, fell into a deep numbness, stopped drinking and eating. All the victims were sure that they were bitten by a rare species of tarantula. Only a special dance melody, which began with a very slow rhythm and gradually turned into a frantic dance, could bring out of such a state. From this came the tarantella known today.

Music healing also took place in the 14th century in Western Europe. Then the country was seized by a grandiose epidemic of the dance of St. Vitus. Crowds of possessed and twitchy people moved around the cities and villages, who uttered inarticulate sounds, blasphemy and swearing, and also fell foaming at the mouth. This problem stopped only where the authorities had time to call on instrumentalists who played a slow, pacifying melody.

The use of the healing properties of music in ancient times did not escape the plague. In cities with such misfortune the bells did not stop ringing. Scientists have proven that the activity of microbes dropped by 40%.

The idea to heal with sounds was born long before the advent of civilization. You can read about this in the Old Testament. In one of the biblical parables, it was told how David was healed of the sulfur melancholy of Israel's king Saul by playing the harp. The Aesculapians of Ancient Egypt recommended listening to the singing of the choir from insomnia. Scientists such as Pythagoras and Aristotle argued that it is melody that can establish balance and order in the entire universe, as well as recreate harmony in the physical body. Music for the treatment of nerves was used by the Arab philosopher Avicenna 1000 years ago.

Impact on children

Toddlers respond positively to everything about sounds and singing. Therefore, there are certain recommendations for them:

For those who are restless and excitable, the classics are useful at a slow pace;

Melodies with words (arias, songs) are much more influential than without them.

Music therapy is prohibited:

Infants who have a predisposition to seizures;

Children with a serious condition, accompanied by intoxication of the body;

Sick otitis media;

Patients with rapidly increasing pressure.

It has been proven by scientists that it is precisely practicing music at the age of 5-15 years that will significantly improve the development of analytical skills, memory and orientation. Also, such therapy has a positive correction of the nervous system. In many European countries, receiving lessons in singing or music, playing instruments is an obligatory element of education, since this is what has the strongest emotional impact.

There is certain music for treating diseases that can be used alone at home. In such therapy, you need to adhere to certain recommendations.

1. It should be powerful, inviting and leading to positive experiences.

2. It is best not to use anxiety-provoking and discordant pieces.

3. It is necessary to avoid songs that by their content could convey a certain message, or suggest incorrect information.

4. When vocals are used, they should be on foreign languages so that the person's voice is perceived as another tool and does not interfere with the integrity of the process.

5. For the same reason, you should avoid tunes that evoke specific associations, such as Mendelssohn's wedding march.

Music therapy for children can be divided into two types, used both separately and together:

1. Active form is playing various instruments. For each kid, his own song is selected for performance. One gets the best effect in front of the audience, while the other needs to be sure to retire.

2. Singing is used most often as a supplement, since it has a small healing effect, because the sound is generated inside the body and does not go through all the stages of penetration.

Musical recipes

Scientists have carried out a huge number of tests and studies, after which they came to the conclusion that some melodies do have strong therapeutic effects.

For the treatment of smoking and alcoholism in conjunction with acupuncture and hypnosis, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Schubert's Ave Maria, Sviridov's Blizzard and Saint-Saens's Swan can help.

There is also music for the treatment of nerves, namely the works of Pakhmutova, Tchaikovsky and Tariverdiev. In order to remove the effects of stress and concentrate on a specific task, to retire and create a sense of free space, the masterpieces of such composers as Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt and Schubert are suitable. Stomach ulcer can be defeated by "Waltz of Flowers". In order to overcome fatigue, it is recommended to listen to "The Four Seasons" by Tchaikovsky and "Morning" by Green. Blues, reggae and calypso will help to get rid of irritation and uplift the mood, all these genres originate from the temperamental African melody.

There is also music in the system of treating mentally ill people, it helps to completely relax and arrange all thoughts correctly, namely, "Waltz" from Shostakovich from the movie "The Gadfly", a romance from harmonious pictures to Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" by Sviridov and the creation "Man and Woman "Leia. Heart activity and blood pressure are restored by Mendelssohn's Wedding March. For the prevention of gastritis, "Sonata No. 7" by Beethoven is suitable. The headache will be removed by Grieg's "Peer Gynt" and Oginsky's polonaise.

Japanese doctors claim that there is music for the treatment of joints, to which they attribute Dvorak's Humoresques and Mendelssohn's Spring Song.
Listening to Mozart contributes to the development of the intelligence of children.

Harmful impact

A variety of melodies can improve well-being and help the work of all body systems, but they also sometimes cause certain changes, which in the future are quite difficult to bring to their original state.

Works that have intermittent rhythms and do not take into account the laws of harmony adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Even special music for depression can negatively affect the body when it is listened to at a volume of more than 120 decibels.

If today the debate about the power of the classics is still ongoing, then the harm of the deafening cacophony has long been proven on numerous negative examples. Famous rock musicians have problems with the central nervous system and hearing aids.

One of the most famous rockers of his time, Kurt Cobain, committed suicide. Fans of his work systematically fell into a trance at the time of listening to works. He, on the other hand, with the regular play of aggressive rhythms and deafening sounds, disrupted the work of the subconscious, which could become one of the reasons for suicide.