Hello, now I will tell you how to restore the loader not only, but manually, which often helps in most cases.

How is the process of downloading a computer?

After the computer turned on, it is self-testing, then the control is transmitted to the main boot record of the hard disk, it contains a hardware partition table and a small loader program that reads information from which hard drive (if there are several) and which partition of the hard disk Mode to load the OS.

Next, the kernel loads operating system in RAM and actually running Windows XP. You also need to know that the group of files in the root directory of the C, namely Boot.ini, NtDetect.com, NTLDR participate in the operation of the operating system. The presence of the above, eliminates the presence of the BootMGR IS Missing error when loading XP and provides a successful system launch.

What could be the causes of Bootmgr Is Missing error?

  1. The first is the simplest, if there are several hard disks in the system, broken bIOS settings, namely, for example, in AMI BIOS, in the BOOT tab, Boot Device Priority, then Hard Disk Drives, as a hard drive from which it is necessary to load at all that is needed.

2. Use in the main boot record of third-party software programs, so-called boot managers, such as Acronis OS SELECTOR, is used mainly if there are several operating systems on a computer, the manager displays a convenient OS selection menu at the beginning of the download.

You need to use such programs very carefully, with incorrect removal from the computer of the Acronis Disk Director program itself, a very big chance to engage in the restoration of Windows XP bootloader.

3. The same applies to the GRUB loader, which allows you to use Linux and Windows XP on one computer, when removing GRUB, you will leave your computer one to one with a non-understandable boot record and it will not think that you will show you Bootmgr Is Missing.

Here in the edge that we will do

Correction the situation in this case will be in the console windows restoration XP, first introduce the FixMBr command and rewrite the main boot record, the second FixBoot command will write down a new boot sector.

But this is not all, after fixing the boot record, as well as the records of the new boot sector In the console, the situation with the error output may remain unchanged and other errors can already be, for example: NTLDR IS Missing. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the boot sector files are available directly participating in Windows XP: boot.ini, NtDetect.com, NTLDR, in the root directory of the disk (C :), in principle, three data files are enough for Windows XP. .

It is easiest to use Live CD, to make a download from it, then go to the root directory of the disk C and make sure that these files are available, if there are no there, it means you need to copy them from any workable XP and throw them out, after checking them and, if necessary, edited file boot.ini, a simple text file in which the path to the system windows files XP, it is necessary to do this, otherwise you will get another error, you can read the editing boot.ini.

But there is a way simpler: Windows XP boot recovery with the recovery console. If you have a XP distribution, let us use and copy the three of our boot.ini files, NtDetect.com, NTLDR to the root directory of the C. Disk

How to restore Windows XP bootloader?

Loading from the Windows XP installation disk, select Restore R. If we have one operating system to put the number 1.

If there was a password insert it if not press ENTER.

We enter the FixMBr command, this restore command to restore the damaged table of the hard disk partitions, it will restart the main boot record.

I confirm the recording of the new MBR, put Y

We enter the FixBoot command, and agree to record a new boot sector.

Copy the NTLDR, NtDetect.com files, boot.ini from the distribution to the root of the system disk S. We enter the command of the MAR command and look at the letter of our drive, in my case (D :)

Enter D: (Drive letter) and press ENTER.

Go to the i386 folder, which is on the installation windows disk XP, I copy our NTLDR file to the root of the C. I enter the CD command i386 and ENTER

Copy the NTLDR file to the root of our system disk with the operating system with the Copy NTLDR C command.

Windows load consists of a plurality of steps performed sequentially. If one of the operations at startup does incorrectly, the system will not boot. One of the most common problems of this kind is damage to the loading windows records XP.

What is boot record?

In the main boot record, more known as MBR, the code fragment is stored, a special signature and partition tables required for the correct start of the system. When you turn on the BIOS computer, after the initial test is complete, the MBR code fragment is loaded to the RAM, passing to it (code) to manage the further launch of Windows.

If you see a message type "NTLDR IS Missing", "NO boot Device."Or just a black background without further promotion, then to correct the error you need to recover Windows XP bootloader.

Causes of failure:

  • Incorrect installation of several operating systems at which the boot code is maintained.
  • Delete Linux OS or download manager.
  • Viral infection (usually extortionable programs that block the launch of Windows).
  • Hardware disk damage.
  • Power interruptions (emergency shutdown).

Sometimes it turns out to return the system with a simple overwriting of the MBR, sometimes you have to restore the boot sector. The most difficult case is manual copying of the bootloader files into the boot sector of the hard drive.

Restoring MBR

The first thing to do is if the system does not start - restore the MBR using the Recovery Console:

The boot record is restored - try to reboot and turn on Windows XP again.

Restoration of the boot sector

If the "NTLDR IS Missing" message appears on the screen, the cause of the problem is the damage to the boot record. According to symptoms, this failure is similar to the MBR error, so it is better to perform two recovery commands:

If the rewriting of the boot sector and the MBR does not help, then try to correct the errors in the boot.ini file:

During the execution of the command, the program scan all disk partitions trying to find a copy of Windows. The user will be prompted to record information about the loading of this system into the configuration file, as a result of which Windows starts to start correctly.

Copy download files

If the creation of new MBR and the boot sector does not help eliminate the error at startup, you will have to manually transfer the NTLDR files, ntdetect.com and boot.ini to the root of the disk.

  1. Load from the disk, open the Recovery Console.
  2. Swipe the MBR and the boot sector as shown above.
  3. Run the MAP command to display the list of all connected disks. Find the media letter with the Windows distribution.
  4. Enter the letter of the disk with the distribution kit and press ENTER to go to work with it.
  5. Enter "CD i386" to open the folder of the same name on the Windows XP distribution.
  6. Enter "Copy NTLDR C: \\" to copy the NTLDR file.
  7. Enter "Copy Ntdetect.com C: \\" to copy the NtDetect.com file.

The next queue will be the boot.ini file.

The most annoying majority of users feature a Windows feature is a tendency to display an uninterrupted, confusing error messages and the habit of giving failures sometimes, as they say, in the same place. I will be the last person who is trying to argue with it. The problems with whom have to deal, vary widely from the simple inoperability of a mechanism to the massive loss of all stored in the data system.

None of the information resources can document each of the possible failures and each of the error messages displayed by Windows. This chapter is no exception. Instead of lifying in a row all possible trouble, I will try to teach you to isolate the problem, and then with the help of the available means to eliminate it.

First of all, I want to tell you two extremely useful truths:

1. 99% of all computer problems can be solved using the RESET button on your computer package.

2. Do not repeat the same actions again and again, hoping that someday they will lead to any other result (or worse, repeating the same actions again and again, being confident in that that they will never lead to any other results).

Of the two of these principles, it is clear: it is not necessary to reboot your computer again and again and again in the hope that he will suddenly earn at all, as he worked before the problem occurs. Here we have a key question: what should I do if the problem relates to the remaining one percentage? That is what to do if the RESET button does not help?

Basic malfunctional techniques

To successfully solve the computer problem, you must first find the right words in order to describe it. A huge number of people appeals to me with the words: "The computer does not work." I have to ask a lot of clarifying questions, trying to understand what they did and what they did not do, whether the message about the error appears on the screen, which is written there, maybe from the case goes smoke, and maybe the computer simply does not What I would like to the user.

Like you or not, the cause of most problems is poorly written software. If you exclude from the user's puzzle (that is, you) as a potential source of problem, the problem of solving the problem will simplify.

There are many varieties of computer problems. It may be an error message, a fatal system failure, freezing, unexpected work results or data damage. The fatal system failure is usually characterized by the appearance of a characteristic completely incomprehensible message on the screen containing many information addressed primarily by programmers (such messages are often called GPF - General Protection Fault, BSOD - Blue Screen of Death or any more). In most cases, after this, the operation of the failed application or even the entire system is broken. The hanging is expressed in the fact that some program (or the entire Windows system is entirely) ceases to respond to the user's actions: the movements of the mouse and pressing the keyboard keys do not lead to anything. Sometimes the situation can be corrected by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del combination or simply waiting for a few seconds, but in some cases it does not help.

This chapter discusses many specific problems and solutions to their options. However, you should keep in mind that a major tool for solving any problems is common sense. In most cases, in order to solve the problem, it is only necessary to reflect a little. Do not try to detect a long list of all possible computer problems in any books, indicating their causes and solutions. You must understand that this list does not exist and cannot exist in nature. There are an infinite number of combinations of diverse motherboards, extension cards, peripheral devices, application programs and drivers. Computer industry companies make a lot of effort in order to make all these combinations workable. In most cases, it turns out that they often have to face that, for example, one or another works perfectly on one computer, but refuses to start on the other. It is impossible to foresee all encountered problems in advance. Yet in Appendix D is a list of the most common BSOD screens (Blue Screen OF Death - Blue Screen with a System Fabric System Message). This list may be useful in diagnosing problems.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem. Of course, this is the most difficult stage. Next, I cite a few questions that will help you solve this task.

Is the incident random or it occurs every time some action or a sequence of actions is performed?

Fatal failures are the inevitable characteristic feature of all Windows systems, despite the fact that Microsoft is constantly trying to convince us in the opposite. Fatal failures occur even in windows Environment XP (although some users swear in the fact that their systems are stable, "as a granite rock").

Sometimes failure arises by chance. The user has a feeling that the failure arose without any reasons, as they say, "in the even place", where he never occurred before. Random failures serve as a good reminder that the documents with which you work should be saved as often as possible on the disk.

Sometimes you have to face the fact that the same error message (or fatal failure) appears on the screen, each time when you click on some control or perform some sequence of actions. If as a result of the re-execution of some procedure failure or error occur again, it can help you determine the cause of the problem.

Did the new hardware or software installed in the system shortly before the problem arose?

An unexpected change in the behavior of your computer is almost never spontaneous. If anything ceases to work with this, this is clearly a specific reason for this.

Perhaps the reason is some program, perhaps the cause is the hardware device or its driver, perhaps the reason is to change the configuration or update itself windows systems.

Pay attention to the failures that may arise in other applications. If the failure manifests itself in the functioning of two programs, it is possible that these programs negatively affect each other. It should also be checked if one of the hardware devices connected to the system is not caused. To do this, delete from the system or disconnect all devices without which your computer can work. In most cases, absolutely necessary devices, without which it is impossible to do, are the video card and the keyboard. Everything else can be turned off. Finally, you can install another Windows XP copy on your computer in order to check whether a specific system configuration fails or not. Installing the second copy of Windows XP is described in chapter 10.

Unfortunately, the interfaces of very many programs can not be called completely intuitive. As a result, users arise many problems when they cannot achieve the program of what they want. If you cannot achieve the desired result from a text editor, printer, scanner, mice, web browser or other system element, make sure that you exactly follow all the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer of this device or this program. For this you want, you do not want to read the documentation, notes about the specific version (Release Notes), files Readme IT.D., IT.P. The reason for the problem may not only be that you incorrectly use the product, but also that you incorrectly installed it. In addition, it should be borne in mind that software manufacturers and device drivers often publish in web information about updates and error corrections. Perhaps installing such an update, you get rid of the problem. More information about this is described later in this chapter.

Did there have a similar problem for other people?

Often it is the most useful of all questions. In most cases it turns out that you are not alone. Someone up to you not only faced with exactly the same problem, but also managed to get rid of her successfully. Perhaps information about solving the problem has already been published in one of the Internet conferences. For example, a website http://www.annoyances.com supports a conference specifically designed for this purpose.

Perhaps you appeal for help not at?

If you install new version Web browser and your internet connection ceases to work, you do not have any thoughts cause a plumber. Solving the problem, it is necessary to determine correctly, to which it is necessary to contact. You must understand that if some application fails, the reason for this can be a completely different component of the system, for example, incorrectly configured sound card. Suppose you cannot establish an Internet connection. Before contacting the technical support of the modem manufacturer, make sure that the culprit of the problem is not your Internet provider.

Do you use the latest version of software and drivers for a problem product?

Most manufacturers constantly publish error correction, "patch", updated versions of drivers on their websites. It often turns out that the manufacturer has already corrected the problem that continues to torment you. All you need to do is upload and install a new version of the driver or updating the program.

Finally, I want to tell you another wise thought, which was laid down for many years of bitter experience. Solving the problem may require considerable effort. You may spend many hours on painful experiments. Sometimes it is more convenient to simply replace the problematic product new. This solution is particularly relevant if the problem product is outdated or is relatively inexpensive. Think about it when at four in the morning you will try to achieve correct work in the Windows XP environment of your old nineteentytidollar scanner.

What's next?

Software Problems (Part I)

There are discussed issues related to the use of a variety of software. In particular, problems associated with the launch and shutdown of Windows are discussed, error messages are considered, as well as fatal system failures.

Chapter 10 provides more detailed information about the Windows installation process, about related issues, as well as how to restore the performance of the system in case Windows does not boot.

The list of the most common messages about the fatal failures of the BSOD system (BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH) is provided in Appendix D.

Hardware problems (Part II)

Further, this chapter discusses common problems associated with drivers and computer hardware components. Attention is paid to such issues as hardware conflicts and problems Plug and Play. After that, one after another addresses a variety of computer hardware components and discusses specific problems that may occur when using each of these devices. Read more about solving the problems associated with the network and connecting to the Internet, it is described in chapter 7.

Backup and data recovery (part III)

Often the consequence of the problem is a loss or damage to the data. In the third part of this chapter, I consider issues related to data protection, recovery of lost data and prevent data loss.

Software problems

Once you begin to study the Windows XP device, you will find a variety of tools and mechanisms that are added to the system in order to ensure its unbalanced functioning. Some of these mechanisms are really effective, while others are absolutely useless or worse than harmful. A good example is the mechanism automatic recovery System Restore system files. This mechanism is intended to automatically resolve conflict versions of system files, but the method used to them often brings the system more harm than good. In more detail, the System Restore mechanism is further seen in this chapter.

Now I overlook the problems of the problem, the reason for which is a variety of systemic and application software.

What to do if Windows does not load

Unfortunately, many users often have faced with the fact that Windows is not loading. Often this happens without displaying any error messages on the screen, so the user does not have any ideas, what is the cause of the problem and how to solve it. Sometimes after the graphics screen saver appears on the screen, the screen darkens and the computer freezes. Sometimes instead of displaying the desktop on the screen, the system is unexpectedly restarted. In most cases, the problem is associated with device drivers, hardware conflicts or damaged system files - everything is described in more detail.

In previous versions of Windows, up to Windows 98 inclusive to solve the problem, the user could load the system in MS-DOS mode. In this mode, start graphic windows shells And almost all drivers of this system are not carried out. At the same time, the user gets access to the command line, so that it can take advantage of several effective ways to solve the problem. In Windows XP, the system loading in MS-DOS mode is no longer supported, however, fortunately, instead you can use some other equally efficient mechanisms:

  • Windows RECOVERY CONSOLE (Windows Recovery Console). This mechanism is discussed in detail in chapter 10. Recovery console allows you to restore Windows performance or fix the boot manager configuration (Boot Manager). In addition, using this console, you can delete or replace some of the system files - it is often impossible to make from Windows. If Windows refuses to start, try using the WRC.
  • Safe Mode with Command Prompt (Safe Mode C command line). This mode has already been told in Chapter 2, when we discussed the methods for replacing blocked files. This mode is a hybrid between the Windows Recovery Console and the Command Prompt Window) window. You can use such a mode for solving minor problems when using the WRC recovery console seems to be superfluous.

    In any of these two options, you get access to the command line interface, which allows you to copy, move, rename and destroy files, as well as run some programs. Specific actions depend on what kind of problem you decide.

    If you do not know where to start, I recommend you to scan your hDD For error detection. The fact is that damaged files can be the reason that Windows does not start. A little later in this chapter, the process of finding errors on the disk will be considered more.

    Instead of using the two previously mentioned command line options, you can use one of the built-in loading modes specifically designed to solve problems and troubleshooting. To do this, at the very beginning of the system load (or after the menu appears on the screen, the download manager - see chapter 10) Press the F8 key. You will see the menu that will include the following items:

  • Safe mode (also with a command line or network support) (SAFE MODE (with Networking or With Command Prompt)) is a truncated Windows mode. Only the most necessary components are loaded. Most mechanisms do not work. Most functions are not available. This mode is convenient to use configuration defects, delete from the failure program software and defective drivers that impede normal Windows startup.
  • Enable download logging (Enable Boot with Logging) - Windows starts to work in normal mode, but each operation performed during the download process is logged in the NTBTLOG.TXT file, which is located in the \\ Windows folder. If the system refuses to boot, try at least once to download the logging system. After that, boot in safe mode (or in safe command line) and read the contents of the NTBTLOG.TXT file in any text editor, for example NotePad (notepad). The latest entry of this file can push you on solving a problem.
  • Enable VGA mode (Enable VGA Mode) - Windows starts working in normal mode, but uses video mode 640'480 with 16 colors. This video mode is supported by almost all modern video cards regardless of the model and the manufacturer, so it is the most compatible video mode. Windows loading in this mode may be useful if the cause is a bad video driver or incorrect video card configuration.
  • Last Successful Configuration (Last Known Good Configuration) - In this mode, the system loads the registry configuration and a set of drivers that were last used to successfully load the system. Imagine that the system has stopped being loaded after you have contributed some changes to the registry. If you use this loading mode, the system will load the registry as which it was before making changes to it. It is possible that Windows operably will be fully recovered.
  • Directory Recovery Recovery Mode (Directory Services Restore Mode) - Used only if your computer is a Windows NT / 2000 domain controller.
  • Debugging Mode - This mode is usually not used by conventional users. In this mode, the system transmits debug information to a serial port in order for its other computer to read it.
  • Normal download windows (Start Windows Normally) - in this windows mode Loading as usual as if you did not press the F8 key.

    In the process of starting the system, carefully follow the error messages. Error messages can appear on the screen only for a while to disappear, and can continue to stay on the screen until the very moment of hanging. More information about such messages is described in the next section.

  • Malicious programs, incorrect installation / deletion of applications, illiterate registry editing and other leads to critical errors and failures in the Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP operating system. But even if the user knows what "cant" led to an error, he will not always be able to fix it on its own.

    Fixing system errors in this case must be entrusted third-party utilities and programs. We chose the top five most well-known and effective programs that will help to correct the operating system errors.

    Microsoft Fix IT.

    FIX IT.- A whole set of programs developed by Microsoft. With this tool, you can eliminate individual Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP problems. As a universal product cannot be applied. Utilities work point, correcting individual system errors. For example, FIX IT will help with problems that have arisen after cleaning the basket, programs that started in automatic mode. Also eliminate problems with DVD drive, copying files and a number of others.

    Fix IT utilities on Windows 7 automatically and absolutely free are downloaded.

    How to correct system errors In operating systems from Microsoft (all versions) using a set of Fix IT utilities:

    Since the utility set is created by the OS developers, they are safe and performed only authorized actions. The program will not do anything that would bring a computer in order.

    The Fix IT utility can be safely attributed to the best free program to correct errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, and it is easy to use it quickly and securely, but not always effectively.


    This program developed by the Conner Bernhard can be called a universal solution. Taking advantage of it, you can make diagnostics and eliminate any malfunctions concerning network connections and adapters. The new "dozen" does not support the program, and in XP, 7 and 8 work perfectly.

    Download Netadapter (free of charge) on.

    The main feature of Netadapter Repair (all utilities in the same program) is that it diagnoses the problems, and the user is accepted about troubleshooting. The "Advanced Repair" button starts. That is, in automatic mode, the program does not work. The utility has a separate menus with which you can configure network connections settings by setting the check box below. You can choose all areas by selecting "Run All Selected".

    The program will quickly correct all the existing errors.

    Diagnose the system for errors The utility allows each user, but only an administrator can make malfunction solutions.

    Newbies can scare the absence of Russian-speaking support, and the prepared users will easily figure it out and make all the necessary settings.

    With Netadapter Repair you can correct:

    1. Settings of the network protocol responsible for automatically receiving an IP address computer (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
    2. Text hosts file.
    3. Electronic routing file.
    4. Addresses of domain name system.
    5. Protocol of work B. local networks (NETWORK BASIC INPUT / OUTPUT SYSTEM).
    6. Privacy parameters, data authenticity, privacy on the network.
    7. Operating system network service settings.
    Netadapter Repair is the perfect tool for prepared users, and it is not recommended for beginners.

    Kerish Doctor.

    Kerish - This doctor Aibolit for the "problematic" computer. This is a universal utility that will simultaneously eliminate all the problems encountered in the operating system. Moreover, Kerish Doctor will solve the problem of low computer performance.

    What the utility can:

    • Correct the registry errors;
    • Optimize the work of the OS services;
    • Increase the speed of the network connection;
    • Monitor system events;
    • Protect against malicious programs;
    • Prevent OS fails;
    • Protect a computer from overheating;
    • Delete unnecessary files applications, invalid labels, temporary references and other;
    • Close the vulnerabilities of the system and applications;
    • Create an optimal mode for players.

    It is important! The utility is started in manual and automatic mode. If you have chosen the second mode, be prepared that the program, working in the background, will decently load the processor. To avoid this, configure the Kerish Doctor in manual mode, selecting Optimization items yourself.

    The program, though universal, but prepared users, it can scare with its "permissiveness." But newcomers preferring in any processes do not understand, but to obtain in the final result "flying" operating system, for sure, it will take advantage.

    Kerish Doctor has a conditionally free version of a half-month, and the full functionality can be purchased for 380 rubles.
    Download Kerish Doctor You can download for free by.

    Anvisoft PC Plus.

    Anvisoft is a universal and free option, with which you can fix various problems.

    Anvisoft PC Plus can:

    • Eliminate the problems with graphic files on the desktop associated with moving, copying, color isolation;
    • Correct system errors, for example, when there is no dynamically connected library;
    • Correct network connection errors;
    • Clean temporary files;
    • Eliminate errors in games;
    • Identify OS errors and warn about them;
    • Support users 24 hours a day (though, managers speak English).
    Download Anvisoft PC Plus (free of charge) on the page.

    Although the program does not support Russian, but is popular with domestic users, especially active players.

    By selecting the error search area, you can run a computer check.

    Registry Repair.

    Special utility dealing with registry problems. Almost 20 types of errors can recognize and correct the REGISTRY REPAIR, and therefore will be indispensable for lovers to edit registers at their own peril and risk. The utility will find all errors and fix it automatically. It works carefully and does not ship RAM and processor.

    REGISTRY REPAIR is able to:

    • Check the entire registry for errors or individual sections. Using the utility, you can check file extensions and history,
    • Custom Elements and Services Started by the Operating System, Fonts, Application Directory, Start menu and much more;
    • Find and destroy everything that left spyware and advertising applications;
    • Scan the entire system section and verify all users on this computer;
    • Create a list of events that do not need to be checked;
    • Cancel all previously made corrections (a backup is created before each change);
    • Creating a text file of all changes made to the registry.
    Registry Repair - good decision For beginners and experienced users. The utility is free, and the developers guarantee correct operation.

    For download, Registry Repair is moving by.

    When the program starts, it automatically scans the system for errors, after which you can start the correction by the "Fix Registry" button.

    All existing errors in Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 will be corrected.

    What to choose?

    All presented utilities belong to the best free programs to correct errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, while each is good in its own way. But the biggest functionality has Kerish Doctor, however, to use all the tools, it must be bought.

    Netadapter Repair is a professional solution, but only for prepared users. REGISTRY REPAIR perfectly scans the registry and eliminates the problems found. Anvisoft is universal. A FIX IT - the best choice In our opinion. The Utilities from the Windows developer operates point, safely and quickly.

    » » » Basic data and basic Windows XP Optimization

    Basic data and basic Windows XP Optimization

    Windows XP operating system was released more than ten years ago, but continues to be popular with many owners personal computers. It is characterized by high reliability and performance, a compact distribution size, simplicity of installation and use even for novice users.

    Definition of the discharge of Windows XP OS

    Know the discharge of the operating system installed on the computer, it is necessary to install on your PCs of various applications, games, drivers, connecting new equipment. This OS parameter affects the maximum size. random access memorywith which PC works. For a 32x-bit OS, such a size is limited to 4 GB, for 64x-bit - up to 32 GB. Therefore, 64x-bit programs and devices on the 32x-bit OS will not work.

    Operational wINDOVS systems XP There are three main versions used by most users:

    • Windows XP HOME EDITION (32x-bit bit);
    • Windows XP Professional Edition (32x-bit bit);
    • Windows XP Professional X 64 EDITION (64x-bit bit).

    There are several ways to find out the battery of the OS installed on your computer:

    1. Using viewing the "System Properties" window.
    2. Using viewing the System Information window.
    3. With special programs.

    View the "System Properties" window

    It is easier and faster to open the "System Properties" window as follows:

    • on the desktop, select the "My Computer" icon (usually in the upper left corner), right-click to activate the context menu and select the duration of the "Properties" at the bottom;

    • in the open window of the System Properties, select the General tab;
    • in chapter " Windows version»The system name is displayed: If the HOME Edition or Professional Edition is indicated - the battery is 32x-bit; If the version of Professional X64 Edition is specified - system 64-bit.

    On the presented figure, the size of the system is 32x-bit, since the name "X64 Edition" is missing.

    Open the "System Properties" window can be both in another way:

    • press the Start button on the quick start panel of the desktop and select the "Run" command in the menu opened menu;

    • in the Launching Program window, enter the "SYSDM.CPL" command, and then click OK;

    • the same window of the System Properties window opens.

    View system "System Information"

    • press the "Start" button on the desktop startup pane and select the "Run" command in the menu opened menu;

    • in the Launching Program window, enter the "Winmsd.exe" command and click the OK button;

    • on the left side of the window, select the top line "System Information", and in the right part of the window opposite the "Processor" element, its type will be displayed: if the "x86" designation is standing at the beginning of the name - the 32x-bit system; If "IA-64" or "AMD64" is specified - 64x-bit system.

    At the above figure shows the 32x-bit bit of the system, since in the processor line at the beginning of the name there is the designation "x86".

    Using Special System Data Collection Programs

    To learn more about the parameters of your computer, including whether it is supported by 64x-bit bit, you can use special programs. These programs apply free utility "CPU-Z", which can be downloaded from the official developer website: http://www.cpuid.com/.

    After installing and starting an application in the open window, select the "CPU" tab and view the "Instructions" string: if there is an "EM64T" or "x86-64" designation, the processor has 64x-bit bit.

    In this picture in the "Instructions" string, the designation "EM64T" is present, so the PC processor works with 64x-bit bit.

    Elimination of the main errors in Windows XP

    The cause of errors in the PC operating system can be:

    • incorrectly installed software or equipment;
    • malfunctions in the operation of devices and individual parts of the PC;
    • impact malicious virusesthat destroy the system.

    Windows XP errors can be divided into two main categories:

    1. Mistakes due to failures hard disk PC.
    2. Errors in the system registry OS.

    It is possible to correct such OS errors using special software builders embedded in the system, or special programs that are additionally installed on the computer.

    Correction of PC hard disk errors

    Most. simple way Repair errors arising from the PC hard disk failure is to start the built-in "Chkdsk utility" system, for what you need:

    • Open the My Computer window, double-clicking the appropriate label on the desktop or selecting the appropriate button in the Start menu.
    • In the window that opens, select the desired hard disk, right-click to activate the context menu and click on the "Properties" line.

    • In the window that opens, "Properties local disk»Select the" Service "tab and click the" Check "button;

    • In the "Disc Check" window that opens, you can select the hard disk check options by installing the checkbox in the corresponding lines of the disc check parameters.

    • When you select the "Check and Restore Damaged Sector" parameter, careful will begin check hard Disk for physical errors.

    • When you select the "Automatically correct system errors" parameter, the window will open with the proposal to postpone check until another restart PC.

    • By clicking the "Yes" button, a disc check will be checked when the computer is then turned on or restart.

    To fully check the disk to physical and file errors, you need to put ticks in both lines of check parameters.

    The useful feature of the built-in CHKDSK program is defragmentation hard Disk, allowing to significantly improve the speed of the system. For its launch it is necessary:
    In the "Local Disc Properties" window, on the "Service" tab, click the "Perform defragmentation" button;

    In the disk defragmentation window that opens, you can click the "Analysis" button to make a preliminary check of the need to deterrate, or press the "Defragmentation" button to immediately begin the process.

    In addition to the built-in CHKDSK program, it is possible to correct the hard disk errors using a variety of special programs or packages utilities to optimize the computer, some of which we consider below.

    Fix Windows XP Registry Errors

    Alone to correct errors in the OS system registry for a regular PC user is extremely difficult. Therefore, to solve such a problem, it is best to use special programsAdditionally installed on the computer. Consider some of them.


    Presents good free program By cleaning and eliminating the system registry errors and optimizing Windows XP, a small volume and easy to use even for a novice user. You can download it on the official manufacturer's website: http://www.wisecleaner.com/.

    After installation and startup, the application opens a window that has three main tabs.

    • The "Registry Clearing" tab allows you to analyze the registry, identify all the errors available in it and send them. If necessary, you can fully restore the initial registry state.

    • The "System Optimization" tab provides improved speed and stability of the operating system.

    • The Registry Compression Tab is defragmentation of the process of accelerating the computer.

    Tuneup Utilities 2013 program

    One of the most popular programs for eliminating errors, cleaning and optimizing the operation of the Windows XP operating system and the entire computer. It includes more than thirty different utilities that perform functions:

    • cleaning the registry from unnecessary data;
    • removing unnecessary labels, files and other garbage;
    • optimization and settings of OS;
    • defragmentation hard disk and much more.

    The official website of the program developer: http://www.tune-up.com/.

    After installing and running the application, the main window appears, having five main tabs:

    • The Status and Recommendation tab shows the status of the system and setting the basic parameters of the program.

    • The "Optimize Computer" tab performs the registry cleaner, optimizing the start and completion of the PC, defragmentation of the registry and hard drives.

    • The Clear Computer tab allows you to free up the hard disk space and delete unnecessary data.

    • Tab Troubleshooting Tabs Systems, troubleshooting and reflecting the system information.

    Restore Windows XP using the "System Restore" utility

    To eliminate errors that occur as a result of the work incorrectly installed on a computer program, Windows XP has a built-in System Restore Recovery utility, also called System Rollination. This allows you to return the PC to an earlier working status using the automatically generated recovery point system.

    To use this feature, you must first find out if it is enabled in the system. To do this, open the System Properties window, go to the "Restore System" tab and make sure that the check mark is removed near the line "Disable system restore".

    To start the System Restore utility you need:

    In the "Start" menu, sequentially select lines with a submenu: "All programs" - "standard" - "service" - "system restoration";

    In the open "Restore System" window, select the "Restore Standard PC" parameter and click the Next button;

    In the next window, you need to select a date when one of the recovery points was created and click the Next button.