In this lesson, we will make our computer life more diverse and comfortable, and for this let's learn how to install desktop gadgets.

So, the desktop gadgets are a special mini program, which immediately after installation are placed directly on the desktop (as images) and are intended for quick and convenient access To useful information for us or tools.

Gadgets are the most diverse. For example, installing the gadget WeatherWe will always see the weather forecast for the coming days before your eyes, and if you install the gadget to display currency rates, we will always know the last course of the selected currencies of the world. Gadget Alarm clock Back at the right time, a beep signal, and the search gadget will quickly find the information you are interested in on the Internet. There are gadgets "Reminders", watches and calendars, translators, gadgets for notes, various computer status indicators, games ... In short, we can always find and install any gadget to our computer, which meets our kind of activity and preferences.

Find out what gadgets are already installed in our computer very simple. To do this, it is enough to right-click anywhere in the desktop and select the menu item Gadgets:

After that, the window will immediately appear Desktop Gadget Collectionin which all gadgets present on this moment in system:

Click on any of the icons in this window automatically places this gadget on the desktop of our computer (another way - just drag need gadget From this window right on the desktop).

However, keep in mind that the gadget consists of drawings and files written in hTML languages, JavaScript and CSS (as a simple Internet page), so so that it is normally displayed it is necessary for at least one in the computer. Typically, there are no problems with this, because Windows always installed internet Browser Explorer, but just in case you need to know.

Also keep in mind that for the correct work of some gadgets must be connecting to the Internet, so that it is possible to update and display current information (weather, currency exchange rate, etc.)

If you click on the right button on the desktop, you are not displayed. GadgetsYou must enable the appropriate component of Windows.

For this, click Start - Control Panel - Programs and Components - Enable or Disable windows components And put a tick Windows Gadgets platform:

If the mouse cursor on the gadget is on the desktop, then this menu will appear to the right:

Here the cross serves to close the gadget, the arrow icon changes the size of the gadget, the key icon is used to enter the settings menu, and the lowest icon is used to move the gadget to any place of desktop (although you can carry and the gadget itself).

The gadget icons can be less, for example, if it has no settings or cannot resize.

Please note that the cross simply closes the gadget (removes it from the desktop), but the gadget itself remains in the system and it can be returned to the desktop by simply clicking in the window with the collection of gadgets (it is mentioned above). Well, if we need full removal From the system, then in the same window click the desired gadget with the right mouse button and select item Delete:

If we are remove mistake any of the system gadgets (all of them 9), then it can be restored through Control Panel (view "Category") - Design and personalization - restoration of the desktop gadgets, installed windows :

If the gadget from third-party developers was removed (which we downloaded from the Internet), then in order to restore it, we will have to install this gadget.

On the Internet you can find and download a variety of gadgets without any special problems. The size of the gadget is usually very small, so the download does not take time at all, and the installation process is simple.

To find the Internet gadgets enough in the browser to ask a search query (for example, " GadgetsWindows» ), choose the site you like, after which you find and download the desired gadget. Usually the downloadable file with the gadget is in which the extension file is located. .gadget.:

By clicking such a file, we will start the installation process, and literally after a couple of seconds the gadget will appear on the desktop.

It is very likely that we will see this window with a warning:

This window notifies us that the file does not have digital signature (its author is unknown) and therefore it can be potentially dangerous.

Here it should be understood that such files are far from always viruses (often these are normal gadgets), but in such a situation should be more careful and just in case, check the downloaded files by antivirus. There are cases where such gadgets are not installed at all or work with interruptions, and sometimes even interfere with the work of other gadgets. In this case, such a gadget boldly remove.

If you are confident that the site from which the gadget was downloaded can be trusted, then press the button Set, Check its performance and use them for your pleasure.

The Windows 7 operating system was very loved by users. She combined new design elements and small requirements for computer resources. With the arrival of Windows 8, and now and now Windows 10, users of the option of adding gadgets on the desktop have discovered after the update.

Causes of lack of gadgets in Windows 10

Microsoft explained the absence of this element with two reasons.

  1. The first - the role of the applications attached on the desktop now perform live tiles in, which not only can show necessary informationBut also call applications that combine the tasks of the standard label.
  2. Second reason - safety. The presence of widgets in the OS was dangerous, since the attackers could remotely access the computer using a vulnerability in the code that was responsible for the operation of these elements.

However, many users do not suit this provision, and they are asked about how to install gadgets for Windows 10.

Install gadgets using additional software

Insofar as standard means It is impossible to do it, the only option is to use third-party programs.


The most popular solution to the problem of lack of mini-applications in Windows 8 and 10 is the 8GadgetPack program. This utility is a patch for the system, after using which it becomes possible to install the widgets created for Windows 7. To deliver gadgets on Windows 10 using this program, you will need:

  1. Go using any browser to the website.
  2. Click on the large "download" button on the main page of the site.
  3. Save the file by specifying the desired folder.
  4. Run the file by installing the components.

Important! To make changes to the OS, it is required to restart the computer.

After restarting the computer, the user will detect that you can enable gadgets in Windows 10 now you can now from the context menu of the same name on the desktop.

Desktop Gadgets Installer

The Desktop Gadgets Installer program has a similar set of features. She also adds the "Gadgets" item in context menu desktop, restoring standard set Applications from Windows 7. No other components, except for the official widgets from Microsoft utility, does not contain, but successfully recognizes any file downloaded from the Internet with extension. Mgadget.

To install the program, you need:

  1. Via the browser visit the site and go to the "Download Sidebar" section.
  2. This page provides illustrated instructions for installing the program and is given a direct link to download the installation file.


Read more about installing gadgets, you can learn from the video.


So, using solutions from third-party developers, you can easily return the gadgets in Windows 10. The main thing is not to forget about security and do not download files from unverified sites.

Gadgets are small computer applications that carry a lot of useful features. Thus, the mini-program data allow you to track weather indicators, be aware of the latest news, show hours on the desktop, calendar, etc. To install the desired gadget, it is necessary first of all it and then go to the next step of consecutive actions.

Gadget installation sequence on a computer with Windows 7

Consider the basic principles of the installation of the gadget on the computer with operating system Windows 7 on the example. First, download any gadget from our archive. All desktop gadgets have format .gadget..

To start the download program, you must click on the format file. Magadget twice with the "Mouse" manipulator. Due to these actions, a window will arise with the "Prevention of the Security System" of the following content.

If you are sure that it does not cause any harm to your computer, you can hinder the cursor on the option " Set"And click on it once the left button" mouse ". After that, the following type appears on your desktop.

This indicates the completion of the installation process, and now you can start using all the features of the application.

Adding a gadget to the desktop

If you have closed the gadget, but after some time they wanted to use it again, you can find the program by clicking once the right mouse button in any area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop. After the lane plate appears, in the list of which select " Gadgets».

The window that appears displays all applications installed in your computer. Of these, you find the desired, again press the right button "Mouse" first to the image, and after the inscription " add"(Similarly, you can gadget and delete). Or simply select need app And drag it on your desktop.

After that, the gadget will appear on your desktop again.

Gadget Management

Having a mouse cursor on the gadget, the buttons will appear on the right side of it close», « parameters"And" drag Gadget" In many gadgets, there is a fourth button - " Resize" As you can see from the above image above, there are only three buttons on our mini calculator, so for example, I showed a gadget "", the size of which can be changed.