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Dear Jin, I hope you are doing well. I bought a new TV. The image is good, a whole bunch of channels, but I rarely turn it on, because I am constantly working. I forgot to eat dinner, so I made myself some pasta. It turned out too dry, but there really is no time for goodies, haha. Do not forget to eat, the more you know how to cook, and you have a lot of time. Sweet Dreams.

Dear Jin! It has been two years since you left me, but I do not forget about you for a day, not an hour, not for a moment! Your brother Namjoon (he misses you very much too) introduced me to his friends. They are really funny guys! I even laughed tonight. Their names are Jungkook and Hoseok. You would love them. I know, huh. I hope you all are well. I will definitely write you tomorrow, sweet dreams!

Dear Jean, your parents bought a new house. It's so big and spacious. The guys and I celebrated a housewarming there for several days, ha-ha. But I'm not tired, I would even like to continue! Namu got very drunk and showed your photos on the first night. He cried a lot and Jeongguk cried with him. Hoseok took me to the garden (there are a lot of your favorite peonies. Your mom watches them very well) because I was hysterical and couldn't stop. But then he bought me a cream cake at a convenience store, and I calmed down. Just a cake, can you imagine, huh. Sweet Dreams!

Hello dear Jin! My jacket got very dirty and I got angry.

The business of your parents with Namu is going uphill, and your brother gave me and the guys expensive gifts in honor of success. I got expensive sneakers for which I saved up for a long time. Jungkook is an expensive console game, and Hoseoku has many, many cartridges for his Polaroid. We took a photo right away (I'll make a copy and paste it here next time).

Dear Jin, today Jungkook brought his boyfriend and his best friend(well, his boyfriend's friend). You know, Jin, they're great guys! You would love them. Gukki's boyfriend's name is Taehyung. He paints and photographs a lot. She and Hoseok spent the whole evening chatting about various cameras they never had enough money for, haha. You'd like him (I've said that before, but I'll say it again), because Taehyung looks like a very bright person. He and Jeongguk are so different, but they fit together so much! I have never loved anyone (I'm talking about romance, everything), and you know that very well. You have always said that love will come suddenly, and it is impossible to be ready for it. It seems to me that you were right. I pray that you eat well today and I go to bed. Sweet Dreams!

Dear Jin! I was embarrassed to tell you, but I seem to have fallen in love. I just realized that on the 8th, when I was talking about the new guys, I only introduced you to Taehyung, haha. In short, Tae's best friend is named Jimin. He laughs a lot and gives positive energy. When I hear him laugh, I always smile. I wanted to say that I think I fell in love with him. To Jimin.

Gin! You and I have been discovered, ha ha. The guys came to visit me yesterday and brought a lot of soju. I went into the room to write to you about this, but when I sat down and took the pen, I went into the room, you know who? You can never guess! Jimin. He confused the door and was already very drunk. He immediately wanted to leave, but I (sorry, please) put you off and invited him to come in. I told you that every day I write you letters, and he began to cry. I don't know, he got so sad that I had to bring a glass of water. Then Jimin hugged me so tightly that my back cracked, but it didn't hurt, it was nice and warm. I think I'm falling in love with Park Jimin even more. Goodnight!

Hello dear Jin. Taehyung got into a big fight with Namjoon and went home. I don’t remember why, but it was something unpleasant. I was uncomfortable, so I went to the cinema. There was a movie about zombies, and you know how much I adore them! Although the plot is so to itself. Jimin was not with us. By the way, Gukki too. Hoseok stayed with your brother. But don't worry, everything will be fine.

Gin! Hello. Remember when I told you how Namjoon and Tae got into a fight? Today we were preparing for the New Year, and they made up. I was so glad that I almost cried because they never swore so hard in front of me. Damn, so much news, not to forget everything. There was still a funny situation today. We were all sitting in your house (your parents flew to Italy to celebrate the New Year. Sorry, I only found out about their trip today, so I couldn't tell earlier), and your brother asked Tae to bring another box of different tinsel from the pantry on the second floor. Taehyung left and he was gone for a long time. Jeongguk went to see him to see why he was there for so long and disappeared himself. Haha. Jimin joked that you have a real black hole in your closet, and we all laughed for a long time. They had been gone for a very long time, and Jimin invited me to go with him to check this mysterious room (so that if there really is a black hole, one of us could call for help, haha). We opened the door, and these two, wrapped in tinsel, lay on the floor and groaned. True, we didn't see much because of the scattered toys and New Year's items, but it was very funny. Taehyung still had a rim of deer horns on his head, and Jimin and I almost died laughing as we walked down to the guys to talk about the "missing." Forgot to say that I fell in love with Jimin. It seems to me that this is not love yet, but I do not know for sure. I would like to hear your opinion now. Goodnight!

01.01.2019 00:46

Favorite Jin !!! Happy New Year!!! I love you, and you have always been, are and will be my best friend !!!

Hoseok interrupted me because the guys lost me. But I'm here again. Although I have to leave and deal with everyone new Year... But I will definitely tell you how we spent it. Jimin gave me a new sweater and a book, and I gave him earrings and hair dye (expensive), otherwise he always whines that he wants to dye, but there is no money, haha. I put on this sweater and I feel very warm (and not only physically). Everything, I'm running away!

Dear Jin! I'm completely shocked. Do you know what your brother gave us all (ALL GUYS) ??? Now, I'll go to the store for a soda and tell everything. Wait. There was a promotion in the store, and I bought several cans of cola at once, ha. Generally. You're going to fall now! Namjoon gave us all (again, VCEM) tickets to Las Vegas !!! I'm so happy!!! You know how much I wanted to go abroad. And then with the closest people. We will fly in a few days. Imagine, our parents and the guys knew everything and gave our documents, but they were silent like fish so that Namjoon could make a surprise. We denied it for a long time, because this is a whole lot of money (there is also accommodation, etc.), but your parents' business is thriving, and your brother's studio is also very good, so June said that he did not feel sorry for anything for us. I almost broke out right there, but Hoseok and Jimin immediately ran to the store, and then we celebrated this great news. It's a shame you won't see America and have fun with us. But I will definitely tell you everything to the smallest detail! Sweet Dreams!!! I will go to bed thinking about the trip.

Dear Jin! I'm in the plane! Writing is not very convenient, but right now I wanted to tell you my emotions. I have never flown, and thought that I would feel bad. But I feel very good, haha. First of all, I don't feel sick like Hoseoka (poor guy). Secondly, we were deliciously fed (and the flight attendants here are very kind and helpful). And third, right now Jimin is sniffing on my shoulder. He's not on purpose. This is during sleep. But I am so pleased. I feel his warmth and am happy. I even took a picture of him and me in this position. Hope he doesn't kill me for this photo, huh. But don't worry, he'll even smile, I'm sure. We're landing in thirty minutes. I also wanted to sleep, but could not sleep. Now I'll listen to music and write to you at the hotel. Gin! We now have a photo labeled "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas"! Your brother knows so much about America. We were all really surprised when he asked for directions in fluent English and told us about different beautiful places and about the history of the city. We are now at the hotel because we were very tired after the flight. But first, all the same, we went to the signboard, otherwise there was no strength to wait. Hoseok took a Polaroid photo of us. He's not saving footage because Jun's gift still seems endless, haha. I even have a photo of this sign with Jimin. True, I closed my eyes there, but I smile, so everything is cool. Jimin wanted one, so Hobie took two pictures of us. But in Jimin's photo, I'm not asleep anymore. I put the photo in my wallet. And in Korea I'll put it on a table (on a special holder, I don't know what it's called), and right now I'm looking at it. I hope you see her too and smile. By the way, the two of Jimin only took a picture with me! At the hotel we are divided into two rooms. In mine: me, Jimin and Namjoon. Next door: Taehyung, Jeongguk, Hoseok. I'm a little sorry for Hobie because those two already kicked him out for a few hours in advance tonight, ha ha! It’s time for me to run, because it’s almost midnight and everyone’s got some sleep. We agreed to go somewhere in the city on the very first night. Onward to Las Vegas nightlife!

Oh Dear Jin! I do not even know where to start. Probably, I'll start by saying that it was very hot. Although, no. I'll start from the moment I finished the letter last time. We immediately went for a walk around the city. We did not go to any establishments or visit any famous places. We just walked around Vegas with our mouths open, watching the nightlife and the endless number of lights. It's so beautiful, Jin. I'm so happy. My heart squeezes from the fact that you did not see this beauty and did not laugh with us, when Namu got lost between two pines and could not find us, and we stood right around the corner and laughed loudly. I thought of you when Jimin drank some "first free shot" on the street and said that I had become dear to him. He said it quietly, and no one heard, but I was very pleased. I wanted to tell you right away, so I knocked this phrase out in my head so as not to forget. True, we did not walk for a very long time, because not much time had passed since the flight, so we went home to sleep off and gain strength for a new day, which I will now tell you about. We woke up for about an hour. But it was not a long swing, as is usual for school or work, but a cheerful greeting of a new "morning". It seems that we slept for a very long time, but with the night walk it only took a couple of hours. Jimin was so funny in the morning, huh. All disheveled, with half-closed eyes, he walked around the room, trying to choose what to wear today. First of all, your brother took us, you know where? To Madame Tussauds (I hope I wrote it correctly. Although June checked and said that it was correct). There are so many celebrities out there. More precisely, dolls. Well, you know, of course. But they looked so real. We all walked around and groaned. Of course, we took a bunch of photographs as a keepsake. Oh, I remembered the case. Anyway, Jungkook poked his finger in Lindsay Lohan's cheek and we were almost kicked out of there. Into the fool. But it was funny. Jimin took pictures with Johnny Depp several times, which made me even a little jealous. You'd love Angelina Jolie over there, I'm serious. Then we ate ice cream and Hoseok hung out in some kind of music store. Although he is not particularly fond of music, everything was so bright and beautiful there that we ourselves walked there for about an hour. In the evening we went to the Neon Museum. Your brother wanted to go there so badly. It didn't seem like a very interesting idea to us (at first), but when we got there we thanked Namjoon because it was just something! We specially went there in the evening (open air museum) so that the light from the sunset could give this place even more charm. Oh Jin, we made such beautiful pictures there! These old signs are real aesthetics. Taehyung was squeaking (seriously) every step of the way. Sometimes he made sketches. I don't know why, huh. And then we went to the Las Vegas Strip (June rechecked the spelling). We also walked there yesterday, but not enough. We also decided that every evening we spent here, we would walk along this street. It was so much fun. Now I want to travel the whole world! I wanted it before, but now I just fired up this idea. We laughed a lot but drank little (ha) It's almost 4 am now. Jimin went to bed about thirty minutes ago, and your brother is writing something in his notebook. I just realized that Jimin was calling me to sleep while I was writing you a letter, and I realized that ONLY NOW. Oh! I ran (although he was already asleep). Sweet Dreams!

Hey! Sorry, I didn't write to you yesterday because I was very drunk and passed out right away. Everyone is still asleep (it’s 2:00 pm now), but I set the alarm to write you a letter while no one bothers you. Oh my friend, so much happened yesterday that again I don't know where to start! Now I'll make myself a coffee (I have to go to the reception on the first floor) and come back. They made me a cappuccino (free). So. I don't even know how to tell it. By the way, your brother is awake, but the others are not, so we are still going about our business with him. From the window view of the adjacent building of the hotel. Not very romantic, but still cool. In short. Yesterday we went to some hotel-casino (they are everywhere here). I don't remember the name (he asked Namu, he doesn't remember either), unfortunately. And Jeongguk and Tae lost some money there, haha. The rest are the same, but smaller. Although I even won what I lost. Therefore, it did not go into the negative. And everyone else lost. It was fun, though! Still, gambling is really fun. I think you would have won some money there. Then we went to the Fremont Street Experience. Oh, tricky name. (June checks.) We walked there for a bit and then (somehow it happened by itself) we split up. You know, Gene, now I'm telling you about what happened next with a fluttering heart, because when I think about it, I get goosebumps. Hoseok left his camera (and some cartridges) in my backpack, so I walked with him all the way to the hotel. We split like this: me and Jimin; Jeongguk, Tae and your brother; Hoseok (he started wandering around the record shops himself). But don't worry, then he joined the guys (though not soon). But Jimin and I were together until morning. Jimin got caught on the free first shot again, haha. And I grabbed one, too, while we walked down the Las Vegas Strip. Jin, it was so great! Jimin and I went into a special booth for instant photos, and now I have more than just a Polaroid shot with him. After that we went to some bar and had a little drink. It was warm outside, and the bar was very stuffy, so we didn't sit there for long. We walked where our eyes were, and when we got to the statue (I don't remember which one), Jimin took my hand. It seems as if by accident, but my heart went into my heels. I felt like a little boy, haha. He took my hand and did not let go. We walked for so long, and our hands were as if intertwined. My heart almost flew out of my chest. But that's not the most interesting part. By the way, we used up all of Hoseok's cartridges he left in my backpack, huh. But there wasn't much, so he didn't even notice. Photos are a little blurry, but I still really like it. Jimin and I walked to a place called Venetian Las Vegas. Looks just like Venice! Although I have not been there, but it seems to me that it is very similar. It was already too long (maybe three in the morning) and Jimin asked me a question. I thought about this question for half the night. Never mind that the paper is slightly wet. I’m not crying on purpose now, I’m just remembering it all, and just like- Namjoon brought me coffee. I quickly calmed down, so I continue the letter. Sorry for being so different, haha. Jimin asked me about the letters I write to you every day. He said that he has been watching me for over a year, and that he is very surprised that I continue to write to you, never getting an answer. He said that he would like a friend like me. My hands then trembled, and he squeezed them tighter, and after that - And then he kissed me. So simply and- He kissed me and pressed me so tightly that I almost fainted. It felt so good. Something strange was going on in my stomach. I would never have thought that someone would become truly dear to me. We were silent for a while, and I did not know what to answer. But then I told him that I was afraid to leave you. I'm afraid to be alone. But I know I will always have you, Jin. I know

Dear Jin! Jimin is still awake. He and I returned home several hours later than the others (!), So we are just getting ready for bed. Tonight we originally shared (the division is the same as yesterday) and Jimin and I went to Paris Las Vegas. It's funny that in the "other city" he also told me something that I'm thinking about right now. Jimin told me that he doesn't want me to be afraid. That I have him, your brother and guys. That he (and the others) will never leave me and will always be there. We kissed and smiled a lot. I love his voice and his joyful, handsome face. Sorry, I really want to sleep, because it's already bright morning outside. Sweet Dreams! (or good morning hehe)

Hi Jin! This is probably the most reverent letter of mine to you ever. My hands are shaking, so the handwriting is uneven, sorry. Today we walked a lot with the guys, and decided that we will definitely come back here next summer, or just go somewhere together to get to know the world. We didn't split up for the whole evening tonight. But not for long. Jimin took me outside when the guys ordered a new cocktail at the bar and we sat down on the bench with him. He said that he loved me very much and that he would never leave. I was silent for a long time and did not know what to answer, so he asked (I will write in dialogues to make it easier to read): - Do you feel something for me? I saw that he was worried because blood came out of his lip (he bit it), and his palms were sweating a lot. I replied: - Probably yes. - You can take your time and think it over. I will understand. I didn't want to delay because you know I've been in love with Jimin for a long time. We sat by the fountain around the brightly colored signs, watching the drunken tourists and shouting barkers, and I briefly closed my eyes. I was afraid that I would become an extra burden in his life, that he would leave me, or that he would get tired of me quickly. So I replied: - I can tell how I feel. But, seriously, if this violates the laws of fate, and I become a stone in my next life, then you will fight the moss that will settle on me. He smiled and squeezed my hand even tighter, and when I added, "Yes, I have loved you for a long time," Jimin froze in place and stared into my eyes for a long time. I swear I have never felt anything like this before! He kissed me, and we went back to the guys. Sweet Dreams!

Hello dear Jin! This is my last letter to you. Today we are flying back to Korea, but we have a couple of hours of free time. I decided to stay at home and write to you. We talked with your brother for a long time the day before yesterday, and I thought a lot. Forgive me for not writing to you in the last days. I felt so good with the guys, with Jimin. We came home and immediately passed out without hind legs. By the way, Jimin and I are now dating. The rest, when they found out, shouted a lot and drank a lot "for us", ha-ha. And Taehyung even shed a tear. So cute. Yesterday seems to have been the happiest day of my life! At the end of the day, we walked happily home, so happy and tired after the hectic celebration of our last day in Vegas. We were passing through some kind of tunnel and something happened. The guys quickly ran to the sidewalk and around the corner, while Jimin and I were distracted by something. There was no one around. He turned me against the wall and kissed me hard. He whispered that he would never leave me, and that he loved me. And at that moment I believed him. You know, dear Jin. This trip was the most special moment in my life. Now I'm not afraid to be alone. Namjoon told me that he knew Jimin for a long time and that he was sure that he was sincere with me (I told him everything). Right now, your brother is sitting next to me holding a cup of cappuccino. He's as worried as I am as I write this last letter to you. Jin, I really love Jimin. And I believe that he will never leave me and will be there. And that the rest of the guys will be with us until the end. I hope you are doing well in the other world. You will forever remain in our heart. I love you Jin (and Namjoon too). And now I'm ready to let you go.

The most striking is the high welcome sign installed at the beginning of its main street -. The author who developed the project donated it to the city in 1959, and now it is one of the main attractions. The height of the sign is 8 meters. It is surrounded by a neon sign that lights up with colored lights at night. And the main inscription on it reads:

Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada

Welcome to Las Vegas Sign
Address: 5100 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Opening hours: daily around the clock
Cost: Free
There is a small free parking nearby. The hotel can be reached on foot in 15 minutes.

We found the place easily: the sign is located almost at the beginning of the Strip's chain of hotels, a little before it. Several smaller copies of it have been installed in the city, but the original is, of course, the most interesting. We were greeted by a rather long line of people who wanted to take pictures near him. As soon as the people were not sophisticated - and jumped, and portrayed something, and got up in all sorts of poses ... The sea is worried three ... Sea figure, freeze!

But standing in the sea of ​​sea figures of the queue was not part of our plans, so we moved a little to the right, and calmly took pictures from there. At the same time, they did not interfere with anyone, they did not block the sign, and saved time. The deed is done, you can put a tick in the list and move on.

Incidentally, there is a similar welcome sign that reads "Welcome to Fabulous Downtown, Las Vegas, Nevada." Only, in contrast to this, it is not installed on a "leg", but on the frame of one of the street structures, in the form of a large banner.

In addition to the original of the sign and similar copies of it, it is found on souvenir magnets, cups, T-shirts, signs like “Welcome to our store”, and so on. Among the various options for holding, there is an opportunity to marry this sign. Photos against its background are popular not only among tourists, but also among newlyweds. A welcome neon sign has flashed more than once in filmed in the city. In short, a visit to Las Vegas would not be complete without this vibrant symbol. Welcome friends!

The height of the sign is 7.6 meters, in the dark it is brightly illuminated. The front side welcomes those entering Las Vegas, the back side says “Drive carefully. Come back soon. " The overall design of the badge refers to the googie style popular in the southwestern United States during the 1940s and 1960s. Legally, the construction itself belongs to Young Electric Sign Company although the design of the mark is in the public domain.

The sign was designed by graphic designer Betty Willis ( Betty willis) at the request of local merchant Ted Rogic. He sold the finished structure to Clark County, and in May 1959 the sign was installed where it is today. At Willis's request, the design of her sign is not protected by copyright and is in the public domain so that it can be freely reproduced around the world on postcards, key chains, souvenirs, etc.

In October-November 1999, for the first time in 40 years, the sign's night lights went out for a whole month - this was due to the fact that the service company stopped paying the bills. Service was transferred to another firm and the sign re-lit its lights.

As already mentioned, the sign is located at a sufficient distance from the official border of Las Vegas, so the city authorities installed a similar sign in 2002. Welcome to Fabulous Downtown Las Vegas exactly on the border of the city.

March 6, 2007 in the vicinity of Las Vegas, on the motorway Nevada State Route 582, another copy of the mark appeared, even larger than the original.

On January 31, 2008, at nightfall, the sign lit up for the first time with red illumination in honor of support for the National Day "Dress in Red" ( National Wear Red Day) - an event held in support of people with heart disease. In the future, the illumination of the sign became blue (World Autism Day), green (St. Patrick's Day), pink (month of the fight against breast cancer).

On December 8 of the same year, parking was provided at the sign (10 standard parking spaces, 2 for disabled drivers, 2 for buses / limousines). Before that, those who wanted to see the sign closer or take a photo of it had to cross the street in the wrong place. Due to the large number of tourists, in April 2012 the parking was expanded by an additional 20 spaces.

Since 2009, the sign, like most of it, has extinguished its lights for an hour a year during the Earth Hour campaign.

On May 14 of the same year, the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the sign took place. The ceremony was hosted by the mayor of Las Vegas and fashion model Holly Madison. The highlight of the program was the massive (over 300 specially selected girls) bikini parade, which hit the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, "pool parties" and fashion show of swimwear from the 1950s to the present day.

On April 28, 2010, for the first time, the text of the sign underwent changes: in connection with the campaign carried out by the Mayor Goodman Camp vegas, the sign was covered, the new text read Welcome to Fabulous Camp Vegas... The sign remained in this form for 36 hours.


Singer Brandon Flowers has a song dedicated to Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign.
  • In a computer game " some of the gameplay takes place at this sign.
  • In a computer game " there is a sign at the entrance to Las Venturas that mimics the Las Vegas sign.

Las Vegas is a legendary city where dreams come true.
This city, located in the deserts of Nevada, just a hundred years ago was a supernumerary railway station, and today it has turned into the world capital of entertainment and gambling business, a city-symbol, a city-dream. Las Vegas is famous for its most luxurious hotels, casinos, restaurants, concert halls, cinemas with free films, an incredible number of unique attractions. Every day in the halls of the largest hotels in Las Vegas, which are also casinos, world famous shows are held. And when night falls, the city floods with neon lights, and the stormy fun does not stop here for a minute. Casinos are located in almost every hotel and are open to the public 24 hours a day. Millions of tourists visit the city every year, and more than 100,000 couples play weddings in Las Vegas to create the most wonderful memories of a lifetime.

1) Musical fountains Bellagio entertains visitors at night. In the background are Bally's Las Vegas hotels on the left, and Paris Las Vegas with a replica of the Eiffel Tower in front of Las Vegas, with over 37.5 million visitors annually . (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)

3) Casino visitors at the Full Tilt Poker slot machines at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, which is also a casino. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)

8) Actors ride a Volkswagen Beetle during the performance of The Beatles LOVE Cirque du Soleil at the Mirage Hotel-Casino on June 27, 2006 in Las Vegas. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)

10) Kenny Chesney performs "Out Last Night" at the 44th Annual Las Vegas Country Music Awards on April 5, 2009. (Mark J. Terrill / AP)

12) Show, on the creation of which was spent 25 million US dollars - the eruption of a volcano near the hotel-casino "Mirage". Streams of water rush down from a height of 10 -12 meters, which turns into the color of a fire and a volcanic eruption begins. The jets of water are illuminated so skillfully that they create the feeling of a lava ejection. And tongues of flame look very natural. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images for MGM Mirage)

13) Disney production of The Lion King at Mandalay Bay Casino (Courtesy of MGM MIRAGE)

17) Juicy Couture store at Forum Shops at Caesars Palace Hotel ahead of its grand opening on February 5, 2009 in Las Vegas. Ethan Miller / Getty Images for Juicy Couture ... (Ethan Miller / Getty Images) 21) Comedy and TV personality Ellen DeGeneres performs during the 2008 Caesars Palace Coliseum Comedy Festival in Las Vegas. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images) 23) Tourists silhouettes in front of the Bellagio musical fountain show on the Las Vegas Strip. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)