When you first start Firefox, click the home button or create a new window you"re greeted with the home page. The default Firefox home page contains a handy default web search engine and quick links to downloads, bookmarks, history, add-ons, Sync and settings. Also, if you had tabs open the last time you used Firefox, you can restore them from the home page with a single click.

Table of Contents

How do I get the Firefox home page?

The default Firefox setting is to show you the Firefox home page when you start Firefox, click the home button or open a new window.

If you don"t see this page when you start Firefox, click the home button or open a new window, you can restore the default setting like this:

Note: For more information about home page settings including how to change it to something else, see How to set the home page.

Access downloads, bookmarks, history, add-ons, Sync and settings from the home page

The default home page includes the following buttons at the bottom of the page:

  • Downloads: Click here to open the list of yours in the library window.
  • Bookmarks: This opens your bookmarks in the library window. See Bookmarks in Firefox for more information.
  • History: This opens your browsing history in the library window. See Delete browsing, search and download history on Firefox and How do I remove a single website from my history? for more information.
  • Add-ons: Quickly access the add-ons manager. For more information, see Find and install add-ons to add features to Firefox.
  • Sync: Click here to set up Sync and take your tabs and bookmarks with you. See How do I set up Sync on my computer? for details.
  • Options: Preferences: Quickly access Firefox Options Preferences.

Restore your tabs and windows from the last time you used Firefox

If you had tabs and windows open when you closed Firefox, the default Firefox home page will have a Restore Previous Session button. To get your tabs and windows back, just click it.

Start page Mozilla Firefox is the page that opens when the program starts, and many users periodically need to change the so-called home page in their favorite browser. Mozilla Firefox is the second most popular browser among Internet users. This program is now available for use on many devices and different operating systems(from desktop computer to smartphone, from Windows to Android).

The Firefox home page is a very important element and the fact that the home page address has changed due to a virus or lost settings is very annoying for many users. You may also encounter problems with setting the start page if new installation browser or when switching to a new profile.

In this guide we'll walk you through how to:

  • create or change home page in Mozilla Firefox
  • make your favorite site your home page, for example Yandex.ru, Mail.ru, Google.ru or any other.

How to make the start page in Firefox?

Launch Firefox, if it is not already running, and go to the "Settings" menu item

Then, on the “Basic” tab, we focus our attention on the “Launch” section. In order for your favorite site to open when you start your browser, the “When you start Firefox” item should indicate “Show home page”, and in the next item “Home page” you should specify the address (URL), for example, copied from the Firefox start address bar pages.

In new versions Firefox settings are saved automatically after changing parameters, but in older versions it was necessary to save the settings by pressing the corresponding button.

After this, you can close the Mozilla Firefox window and, when you launch the program again, you will see that the customized home page opens.

How easy is it to make Yandex.ru the start page?

A quick way to make Yandex your home page is to go to the site by entering the address yandex.ru in the address bar, and on the page of the popular Russian search engine that opens, click on the “Make home page” link in the upper left corner.

Is it possible to set the open Firefox page as the start page?

If you have a page open in a tab and you want to make it your home page, then you can go to the home page settings when you start the Firefox browser, as mentioned above, and click the "Use current pages" button and the address of the open site will be entered in the " field Home page".

Is it possible to make a bookmark your home page in Firefox?

Yes, you can, if you have a site in your bookmarks (also called Favorites) that you want to set as your home page. To do this, you again need to go to the settings and click the "Use bookmark" button and select the desired site from the bookmark tree, as shown in the photo.

The first thing we see before our eyes when starting up FireFox browser- This home page. Each user has his own idea of ​​what should be on the welcome page. Every customizes your home page the way they want it. For example, you can use standard means FireFox browser home page settings.

You can also customize your own version. You can install special add-ons that will benefit your welcome page for the better.

So, let's talk about how you can customize the FireFox start page and what you need to do to do it.

Standard tools for customizing the FireFox home page

In order to configure the FireFox home page using standard tools, you need to go to the settings panel. You need to click on the button and it will open context menu, in which you need to select the item “ Settings«.

Now go to the settings tab " Basic". Here, in the settings section " Launch", Can customize FireFox start page.

Namely, you can show the home page, a blank page, or tabs and pages that were opened last time. You can set any of your own pages, current pages, or bookmarks as your home page. To restore the home page settings to the original ones, click on the “Restore Default” button.

Your own home page customization option

Also, as a starting point FireFox pages you can install the file from your local computer, and it will be quite original.

For example, something like this.

This turns out to be your own version of the home page :)

In order to do the same, you need to create an .html file on local computer, and then fill it with your code. The design can be generated using online WYSIWYG editors. After that, paste the resulting HTML, CSS, JS codes into this same file.

  • Now open it in your browser and you will receive a link like file:///C:/My_Page.html
  • Next, open the FireFox settings window, and in the general tab, select the start page option - home page.
  • After that, in the home page address field, paste the previously obtained line file:///C:/My_Page.html and save the settings.

That's all, now every time you start the FireFox browser your own page will open :)

It turns out very original and beautiful.


In addition to the methods listed, you can use special add-ons that are designed to change appearance home page.
For example, in Google Chrome there is an excellent extension FVD Speed ​​Dials, FireFox also has its analogues. Thanks to such extensions, you can get an excellent and very beautiful home page.

Bottom line

That's all, with a little effort you can get an exclusive home page.

The start page in a browser is what the user sees when opening it. The concept of “starter” or “home” has been used since the very first versions of Internet browsers. On the panel of each program, including the FireFox panel, there is a “Home” button, which returns the user to the address specified in the settings.

Using browser settings

The Mozilla FireFox start page and its options are set in the browser settings. Of course, there are several ways to do this, but first I’ll tell you about the most basic one, which immediately opens up all available options for the user. So, to change your home address settings, you will need:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Left-click on the menu button on the right side of the FireFox toolbar.
  3. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu by clicking on it once.
  4. Go to the "Basic" tab.
  5. Set the value of the “When FireFox starts” and “Home page” parameters, in the first, selecting the behavior of the browser when opening, and in the second, specifying the link to the starting site.

Using the controls located in this window, you can avoid manually adding the address of the desired page. For example, if the site that you plan to make home is now open in another tab, simply click on the “Use current page” button. In turn, the “Use Bookmark” function is useful so that one of the bookmarks is set as the FireFox home page.

By dragging the page title

There is another way in which you can tell FireFox which address it should open when it starts. This method does not allow you to configure all the parameters of this function at once, but it is suitable if you already use a website as your home site and just want to change its address. The Firefox home page in this case changes like this:

  1. You need to hold down the left mouse button on the header open tab, in which the desired site is loaded.
  2. Without releasing the mouse button, drag the tab to the side.
  3. Move the tab to the Home button on the toolbar and release the left mouse button when the cursor is directly above the house icon.

After completing this procedure, the browser will ask you to confirm the changes:

That's all, actually. These two methods will help you make sure that when you launch the browser or click the “Home” button, the desired mozilla home page opens.

Modern users often have to visit dozens of resources every day with a wide variety of information. The developers of many browsers, including Firefox, have created an abundance of interfaces and services for the convenience of working on the Internet. The most commonly used among them are bookmarks and home or start page. This article describes the start page and how to work with it in Mozilla browser Firefox.

General information

The initial (home) page can automatically open when you start working with Mozilla. This might be popular news portal, darling social network, Youtube video hosting and a convenient search engine from Google or Yandex. You can change home page at any moment. Also in the browser there is the ability to quickly and easily open the desired site using a special menu.

To do this, you need to launch the browser control panel using the button with the image of three gray bars on a light background. This button is located on the right side of the Firefox search term. Next, in the drop-down list, select the “Home” action with a symbolic image of a house.

Activating the function

In order for the browser to open a website when launched automatic mode– must be turned on this service in the settings.

"Restore to Default" will return the value preset in your browser distribution (usually an empty field).