Question: The i5-750 2.7 heats up to 50 degrees, without load

Good afternoon everyone, friends, I ask for help, the i5-750 2.7 percent heats up to 50 degrees, without loads and with loads all 72 to the limit! I changed the thermal paste yesterday, it started to heat up to 45, in normal mode without loads, is this normal?

Answer: g1o, but you still haven’t posted a photo of the processor cooler (radiator + fan). If there is a boxed cooler (original from the factory that came with the processor), then maybe such temperatures were under load before, and you only now checked them and panicked

Question: The processor heats up to 60 degrees when idle

Hello, the processor heats up to 60 degrees when idle, I checked it with different utilities. What should I do? 4 days ago this nonsense started happening, I didn’t play, I just listened to music on VK, because the video was glitching (the video was also heating up. Today I bought thermal paste, and the video It just became normal, dropped to 20 degrees when idle, but the processor was okay, I lubricated it carefully, with a thin layer.. The radiator was completely clean, I didn’t change the fan. What should I do?

Answer: maybe if the problem is confirmed

Question: The processor heats up to 120

The processor heats up to 120 degrees Celsius. Under any load, be it a video on YouTube or turning on a torrent. The problem has been going away for a long time and the computer does not heat up. Sometimes you play any modern game and the processor keeps the temperature at 60-65 degrees, and the next day you turn on a video on YouTube, immediately heating up to 120.
The cooler radiator is tightly docked to the processor. Thermal paste is fresh and the computer is clean.
Report from Aida

Answer: DualCore AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2600 MHz (13 x 200) 5000+
All information about the computer is on the link to rghost.

Question: AMD FX 4300 processor gets very hot

In general, this is the problem. The processor gets very hot. When playing games, it reaches 80-90 degrees and turns off.
I recently changed the thermal paste, but it still didn't help. Maybe it's summer now and it's too stuffy in my room? Just a month ago I could play calmly. Now it's just creepy. During normal operation, it jumps sharply from 40-60 degrees. Because of all this, the power supply gets very hot. Please tell me what to do.
p.s. Recently, when replacing thermal paste, I discovered a small crack on the processor, but experienced people said it cannot affect operation.


Message from mama032000

DeepCool cooler model.

This is the manufacturer, not the model

Question: The processor and video card are heating up

Good day, dear ones. When playing WoW, the processor and video card start to heat up very much, up to 80-85 degrees (checked in the Speccy program). After half an hour or an hour of playing, very strong freezes and drawdowns begin, the sound begins to lag, animations lag behind, long loading times and the like. I play on the ones recommended in the application nvidia settings. I understand absolutely nothing about computer technology, so I ask you for help. What could be causing this, is it normal and how to treat it? How to remove friezes and the like? Maybe it's worth replacing something?
Processor - Intel Core i5-4400 3.10GHz
Video card - Nvidia GeFroce 770 GTX
If I created a topic in the wrong section, I apologize in advance.

Answer: Show the SMART hard drive. And it would be good to check its surface.

Question: CPU temperature is 70 degrees (Intel core 2 quad q8200)

Hello. Intel core 2 quad q8200 processor runs at 70 degrees all the time. But I don’t notice any slowdowns. This is fine? I just read that this temperature is critical.


Message from Fragger7rus

Hello. Intel core 2 quad q8200 processor runs at 70 degrees all the time. But I don’t notice any slowdowns. This is fine? I just read that this temperature is critical.

If the temperature exceeds the limit, the processor will start coughing and in the epilogue everything will have to be rebooted.
Each processor has a maximum normal temperature in its specification. Going beyond the limits of which the service life of the processor itself is significantly reduced. However, even if such a percentage periodically heats up to 90 degrees. Then his service should be enough until he simply loses his relevance.
In general, up to 80 you don’t even have to pay much attention. Although it’s normal when the average pace is 30-60.

Question: CPU throttling

Hello. Need a hint. The amd fx 8120 processor heats up to 60 degrees under load, and then starts skipping frequencies and the temperature drops to 45. All this is accompanied by brakes. Replacing the thermal paste and cooling system did not help. Maybe it's a problem with the power supply? The power supply costs 500V. I don’t know what to do anymore, where to look.

Answer: What kind of temperature problems do many people have? I have a 6300, overclocked to 4000 and the temperature under load does not exceed 48 degrees. I had an 8320, so on a stunted cooler, without overclocking, it did not overheat.

Question: Why does the processor cooler also cool the northbridge? Why does the northbridge heat up the processor?

Good afternoon
I had this situation. The north bridge (GA-990XA-UD3 board) gets very hot. Following the northbridge, the processor heats up, at least its temperature is always lower than the northbridge temperature. bridge. To cool the processor, high cooler speeds are not required, but at low speeds, the temperature of the north bridge continues to rise. If I increase the speed of the processor cooler, the northbridge temperature drops, followed by the processor temperature.
To the north There is a cooler on the bridge, but its operation is not enough to cool the north bridge and only the processor cooler helps lower the temperature.
How does a CPU cooler reduce the temperature of the northbridge? Why does the processor temperature rise behind the bridge temperature? Is it because of the connection with the conductor or simply because the proximity of the processor cooler cools the air around the bridge cooler?
Maybe some other reasons?

Answer: install cooling on the north axle

Added after 1 minute

Message from Fatmarmelad

Why does the processor temperature rise behind the bridge temperature? Is it because of the connection with the conductor or simply because the proximity of the processor cooler cools the air around the bridge cooler?
Maybe some other reasons?

The issue here is most likely the air temperature in the system unit....the air is heating up (no matter what - bridge\video\percentage) the pace is increasing....adjust the cooling in the case first

The normal operating temperature for any processor (no matter what manufacturer) is up to 45 ºC in idle mode and up to 70 ºC during active operation. However, these values ​​are highly averaged, because the year of production and the technologies used are not taken into account. For example, one CPU may function normally at a temperature of approximately 80 ºC, while another will go into reduced frequency mode at 70 ºC. The operating temperature range of the processor, firstly, depends on its architecture. Every year, manufacturers increase the efficiency of devices, while reducing their energy consumption. Let's look at this topic in more detail.

The cheapest processors from Intel do not initially consume large quantity energy, accordingly, heat generation will be minimal. Such indicators would provide good scope for overclocking, but, unfortunately, the peculiarity of the functioning of such chips does not allow overclocking them to a noticeable difference in performance.

If you look at the most budget options (Pentium, Celeron series, some Atom models), then their operating range has the following values:

The mid-segment of Intel processors (Core i3, some Core i5 and Atom models) has similar performance to budget options, with the difference that these models are much more productive. Their temperature range is not much different from that discussed above, except that in idle mode the recommended value is 40 degrees, since these chips are a little better with load optimization.

More expensive and powerful processors Intel (some modifications of Core i5, Core i7, Xeon) are optimized for operation in constant load mode, but the normal value is considered to be no more than 80 degrees. The operating temperature range of these processors in minimum and medium load modes is approximately equal to models from cheaper categories.

AMD Operating Temperature Ranges

This manufacturer has some CPU models that generate much more heat, but for normal operation the temperature of any version should not exceed 90 ºC.

Below are the operating temperatures of budget AMD processors(models of the A4 and Athlon X4 lines):

The temperatures of FX line processors (mid- and high-price categories) have the following indicators:

I would also like to mention one of the cheapest lines called AMD Sempron. The fact is that these models are poorly optimized, so even with average loads and poor-quality cooling, when monitoring, you can see readings of more than 80 degrees. Now this series is considered obsolete, so we will not recommend improving air circulation inside the case or installing a cooler with three copper pipes, because this is pointless. Just think about purchasing new hardware.

Many PC users are tormented by the question: what should the processor temperature be? Sometimes it reaches large values ​​and people worry about whether everything will burn down?! I am very glad that you came to see me. In this article we will try to figure out what temperatures are normal for a processor and in what ways it can be measured.

The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the PC and is responsible for processing a large amount of information. And the more information it processes, the more it heats up and its temperature increases accordingly. I want to say that there is a very widespread opinion on the Internet that when buying a processor for a computer, it is better to refuse the BOX option with a standard cooler included, and buy separately and not spare money on it. Unfortunately, at one time I skimped on such an option and on my processor you can easily fry eggs. You should be more prudent and don’t repeat my mistakes.

What should the processor temperature be?

So, what should the processor temperature of our PC be? If we generalize processor manufacturers, we can say that the critical operating temperature of a processor is 100 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, then destructive processes begin in the processor, and sooner or later it fails. On average, the operating temperature of the processor is in the range of 60...80 degrees, and about 40 degrees Celsius when idle.

Some sources say that the normal processor temperature may differ for different manufacturers:

  • Intel- when the processor is loaded, its temperature ranges from 60 to 70 degrees Celsius. If the processor is not loaded, its temperature should be about 35 degrees Celsius
  • AMD- under load, the processors of this manufacturer are in the range from 60 to 80 degrees Celsius. When idle, its temperature should be around 45 degrees Celsius

Motherboard developers have provided various options PC operation and stuffed with special sensors to monitor various parameters, including our favorite processor temperature. Most likely, even if you went into the BIOS, you hardly noticed that you can regulate the processor’s power yourself and set it to turn off when it overheats. Some processor models have automatic protection against overheating, but it is still better not to let this happen and carry out regular cleaning system unit or laptops from dust.

Cooling systems

In general, there are three main types of cooling systems:

  1. Passive
  2. Active
  3. Liquid

Passive cooling system- This is a regular heatsink on top of the processor. As you understand, the effect of such a system is not great. Therefore, we immediately move on to the second.

Active cooling system- this is a well-known cooler (radiator + fan). This type is the most common option for cooling the processor. Even budget computers As a rule, the processor is cooled by a cooler.

Liquid cooling system- the most expensive and most effective. It is a special pump that drives liquid through tubes connected to the processor. The liquid circulates and takes heat away from the processor. You understand that additional nutrition is necessary for fluid circulation. Typically this type of cooling is used in expensive (gaming) computers.

How to find out the processor temperature?

Two ways come to mind:

  • Go into the BIOS and look in the special section
  • Using specialized utilities

First option. We go into the BIOS by pressing F2 or Del when loading (different manufacturers have different keys). And find the tab System Health. There will be testimony various sensors including processor temperature.

Second option. Installing the program AIDA64 or CPU-Z or HWMonitor. And there are many similar options. All these utilities show detailed information about the computer and also information from sensors. And of course the processor temperature.

How to reduce CPU temperature

If you are concerned about the question of how to reduce the temperature of the processor, then you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the cooling system, or simply put, the cooler. They often and thickly become overgrown with dust, and this directly affects the quality of processor cooling.

Personally, from time to time I simply take my home vacuum cleaner, put it on low power and remove all this dust. Usually I don’t even disassemble the cooler. However, for better cleaning, it is worth disassembling the cooler, or at least disconnecting it from the processor.

In the vast majority of cases, this simple procedure helps to reduce the operating temperature of the processor and avoid problems with overheating.

In general, we looked at the temperature - made sure that it was within the acceptable range and calmed down. Otherwise, open the cover of the system unit, disconnect the cooler, place a frying pan on the processor, throw in two eggs, salt to taste and fry the eggs. Don't let the heat go to waste: maniac:. Well, if you don’t have enough heat, you can build one for yourself and warm yourself from it.

Laptop overheating: causes and methods of cooling

And laptops are also susceptible to overheating, in my opinion less so, but the problem still exists. If after 20 minutes of use your laptop gets so hot that you can iron clothes with it, then it’s time to think about cooling the device. Its overheating can cause many problems: slowdowns, increased fan wear and even melting of the motherboard (by the way, new laptops automatically turn off when they reach a critical temperature).

There are many reasons for overheating, but the main ones are:

  1. Pollution. Dust, lint, and other small objects clog your vents over time. The hot air simply has nowhere to escape, and it remains inside. By the way, this problem often occurs among those who like to place their laptop on their laps or bed.
  2. Thermal paste is dry or missing. It fills the microscopic gaps between the processor and the heatsink. If there is no paste (or it has dried out), then heat transfer is disrupted and the processor simply does not have time to cool down.

    Using Applications. If you play new games or launch graphic editors on an old device, then get ready for the fact that in 40 minutes you will be able to fry eggs on your laptop. And don't say I didn't warn you!

Laptop Cooling Methods

Before we talk about cooling methods, you need to make sure whether the laptop really needs them. To do this, measure the temperature of the processor and video card using the program. For example, the well-known Aida64 application is suitable. After starting the program, go to the “Computer” tab, then find the “Sensors” item. All the information is contained here (by the way, the program is paid). The processor temperature under load should be on average 85-90 degrees (you can find out the exact numbers on the manufacturer’s official website). The critical temperature of the video card is 100-105 degrees.

There is also a simpler (and free) program called Speecy. To find out the processor temperature, go to the " CPU” and find the “Average temperature” option. Information about the video card is indicated in the “Graphics devices” tab. If you find that the temperature is above critical, then proceed to the following steps:

1. Cleaning .

Attention! If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

To clean, you need to disassemble the laptop and get to the motherboard. The difficulty is that laptops from different manufacturers are understood differently. For example, in some laptops, to get to the cooling system, you only need to remove the back cover, while in others, you need to completely disassemble the device.

When the screws are unscrewed and motherboard removed, then it’s time to start cleaning. To begin, clean the cooler and its blades from dust using a simple brush. Then wipe the vent hole, which is located on the bottom cover. The radiator grille (which is located on the left side of the laptop) needs to be blown out. For this, a simple hair dryer with a narrow nozzle (use cold air) or a special compressor that blows air under high pressure is suitable. If you are not going to change the thermal paste, you can assemble the laptop.

2. Replacing thermal paste .

First you need to completely remove the remaining old paste. You can use toilet paper for this. Then wipe the surfaces to be treated with a cloth soaked in alcohol and wipe dry. You can start applying.

Attention! Thermal paste is applied in a very thin layer to close the microscopic gaps between the heatsink and the processor (video card). A thick layer of paste will have the opposite effect, and it will take longer for the heat to escape.

There are several ways to apply the paste:

  1. Apply one drop and then press the radiator on top. The paste will spread on its own (don't forget to remove any excess around the edges of the processor).
  2. Smear the paste with your finger, plastic card or other flat object. After applying the paste, the laptop can be assembled.

There are several other cooling methods:

    Cooling pad. There is some effectiveness in its use, but it is small. The temperature drops by only 3-7 degrees, and the stand takes up one USB port.

    Using various applications. Some programs (for example, SpeedFan) can increase the fan speed. The temperature drops slightly, but the coolers wear out faster.

By the way, I advise you to buy goods on Aliexpress with cashback (read discount 8,5% ). So almost everyone buys on Ali, and if you still buy directly (that is, without a discount), then correct yourself and save your honestly earned money. I do this through the official partner of Aliexpress (and at the same time asos, banggood, gearbest and ozon) - EPN.BZ.

To avoid frequent overheating in the future, follow these rules:

  1. At least once a year, carry out a complete cleaning and replace the thermal paste.
  2. Do not place the laptop on soft surfaces (furniture, carpet) or on your lap to avoid blocking the ventilation openings.

    If the laptop is on a table, then place a small stand under it for better air circulation.

    Do not leave your laptop on the floor, as all the dust collects in the lower part of the room (20-25 cm from the floor).

These simple tips will help your folding friend not burn out prematurely.

What should the processor temperature be?

I hope that you figured out what the processor temperature should be with the help of this article. Therefore, let me take my leave for today. Good luck! Come again.