In this age of technology, tablets are considered one of the most popular electronic devices used by people of all ages. With their small dimensions, high parameters and autonomy, they can more than replace a stationary computer or laptop.
Therefore, it would be nice to know their structure and how to troubleshoot minor problems without contacting specialists. Although there are so many "specialists" with a dubious reputation now that wherever you stick, there are only masters. And in the end, we get a tablet with big problems or we pay an exorbitant price to fix a banal problem.
It's no secret that many do not even know how to remove the back cover of the tablet, if only in order to assess the state of the battery.
This article will describe a method for disassembling and repairing one of the tablets, but the principle and the tools used do not have any special differences with the same operation with other devices.
So, we have a tablet in front of which, after a fall, when turned on, the screen does not light up, although it emits the sounds of startup and keystrokes.
Externally, the touchscreen and the screen matrix have no cracks or smudges. Trying to remove the back cover.
For this, craftsmen use a pick - a triangular plastic instrument with sharpened corners. If not, you can use an old bank card or a piece of plastic ruler with sharpened and rounded corners. The photo shows that just such a homemade tool is used.

If done correctly, it will not leave a trace of your intervention on the tablet case.
Never use a screwdriver or anything metallic for this purpose. The consequences will be disastrous, ranging from jags and broken latches, to damage to the loop, matrix and other "insides" of the device.
So, we put the tablet on a previously prepared clean and flat surface, with the screen facing down. The surface could be a glossy magazine laid out on a desk.
If it has a decorative cover that covers the slots with SIM cards and memory cards, you should open it and take it aside.

As for the cards themselves, they must be removed. Otherwise, either they or the slots for their installation will be broken.
Next, we take our prepared ruler and try to insert its sharpened edge into the gap between the lid and the top.
This must be done carefully without pressing hard. We just pass the connection from one side to the other.

In order not to damage anything inside the tablet, when passing the pick inside, hold it with your fingers 1-2 mm from the separated parts. Thus, when removing the cover, the fingers will act as a limiter.
We carefully guide our tool around the perimeter of the tablet, without making any swaying movements. You will hear how the latches come out of the hook one after the other.
When the pick has passed in a circle and you can see that the lid is free, carefully remove it. Sometimes for this, it needs to be moved down a little.

We remove the lid, and all the beauty of our pet's inner world appears before us.

You can see the battery here, motherboard, loops, as well as other parts of the device.
The first thing you need to pay attention to is the battery. Does it have swellings, smudges and other visible defects?
Next, we disconnect the battery.

The fact is that after the fall, one of the loops could lose contact, so it is necessary to revise them. Doing this with the battery connected is strongly discouraged.
Also, it should be remembered that static electricity on the human body can damage the electronics of the device, so at least periodically, before any actions with the board, touch the heating battery with your hand to remove the charge.
Most often, the battery is connected at the connector, so it will not be difficult to disconnect it. Use a thin watch screwdriver or toothpick for this.

After the battery, we disconnect the small plugs of different sensors.

If they are close, it is better to take a picture of where, what was.

Now the speaker plug.

On, off and volume buttons.

Here, pay attention to the connector itself. To remove the train, you first need to carefully lift the white part - this is the clip. When it is raised, the ribbon cable easily comes out of the connector.

It is during a fall that this part can either rise or break on one of the sides, then the contact of the loop disappears, which leads to various problems.
Therefore, sometimes it is enough to pull out the cable, insert it back and close the latch.
When the latch is raised, we pull out the train using the same toothpick, namely its rounded shape.
Here is the screen cable in the photo. Basically, it depends on it whether there is an image.

To get to the touchscreen loop, you will have to remove the speaker. It is secured with two screws.
Next, we do everything in the reverse order. By inserting the cables into the connector, we make sure that they have entered to the end and only after that we block them with a clamp.
Finally, we connect the battery.
Before putting on the cover, you need to check the operation of the tablet and only if everything is fine, close it. This is easy to do. Place the device on the same surface and apply the lid exactly around the perimeter. Then press evenly along the edge until you hear a characteristic click.
Very often, the repair procedure described above will return the tablet to its original working condition. This is certainly not a panacea, but it's worth a try.

Today, almost everyone has tablets at home. They are bought for children as a gaming gadget, and not every adult will refuse such a toy. However, tablets are quite fragile. Very vulnerable to them big screen, and since the device is mobile, it experiences shaking and crushing of varying degrees in buses, shopping malls and other places where people gather. What does not happen to them. If you forget your tablet on a couch or armchair, you run the risk of someone landing on top. The delicate microcircuits inside can be shocked if dropped to the floor or spilled on if your child accidentally knocks tea over them. In general, there are many questions, so everyone wants to know how to fix a tablet.

Initial inspection

In fact, home repair is only possible in some cases. An ordinary user can replace the battery in case it has worked out its own. In this case, there is only one snag: you need to know for sure that the problem is in the battery. For example, if the tablet charges as much as possible and discharges the same amount quickly, and also heats the wall in the place where the battery is located, the problem may not be in it at all, but in the circuit. Since it is quite difficult to fix the tablet on your own, you can already carry it to the workshop at this stage. Of course, a specialist will take money for diagnostics, but as a result, you will get a quick and reliable result.

Replacing the touch screen

And we will continue to consider various breakdowns and tell you how to fix your tablet. The second case when you can try to cope on your own is replacing the touch screen or cracked case. To do this, you only need to disassemble your tablet, which can be somewhat difficult for a simple user who has no experience with electronic devices.

Since you need to repair the tablet carefully, without harming its microcircuits, it is recommended to find a disassembly diagram for your model. Usually they are on the manufacturer's specialized sites. In addition, there are videos on the network, following which, you can easily cope with the task. This may require a rounded flathead screwdriver or a plastic card. Gently slide any of these items into the gap between the case and the lid, and slide it gently along the side of the case. Now you have all his insides in front of you. Arm yourself with a Phillips screwdriver and unscrew a few bolts. This must be done very carefully so as not to disrupt the thread. When you reach the touchscreen, disconnect all cables and carefully remove the damaged assembly. After that, you need to assemble the device in reverse order.

If the device does not turn on

There are a lot of cases when there are no visible reasons for breakdown (shock, water ingress), and the device does not show signs of life. Let's talk about how to fix a tablet if it won't turn on. There can be many reasons, these are problems with the "hardware", then the network with the internal filling of the device, or malfunctions operating system... However, let's take it in order. First, remember how long ago you charged it. When fully discharged, even if the power is connected, it may take at least 10 minutes. So wait a little and try turning it on again. If charging did not help, then carefully inspect the case for external damage. The device may have been dropped, but you do not know about it yet.

Tablet won't boot

Can the tablet be repaired if the problem is an OS crash? Depends on how well you understand software... In this case, a backlight appears first, and then a picture of an idle robot. This happens very often if the application was terminated incorrectly, for example, there was a forced termination. system processes... As a result, the firmware suffers.

You can fix your tablet at home using special program... It is easy to download on specialized sites, and it is called "Hard Reset". True, if there are a lot of important information, this may be fraught with its loss. If, apart from music, there is nothing of value there, then you can get down to business. Since you can fix the tablet at home only in certain cases, and even then, if you do everything right, look at the address of a good repair center in advance.

Turn off the device and remove the sim and micro card. Now hold down the volume up button for at least 10 seconds. Now, additionally using the power button, select setting and format system from the menu. After that select Reset and reboot the device.

be ready

This procedure will completely reset the system to factory defaults. That is, you will receive the tablet in the same form as you opened it the first time. However, the procedure may not work. In this case, you can repeat the manipulations again or think about the complete firmware of the device. This procedure is somewhat more complicated, so it would be better to consult a specialist. Programmers know that a poorly delivered operating system is fraught with many complications in work, so it's best not to risk it.

If the tablet does not respond to the power button

This happens, and not to say that it is very rare. Therefore, you need to know how to act in this situation. It is recommended to connect the charger and press the volume down and power button at the same time. The volume button will access the menu system where you can select the bootloader and the powder off device section. The power button selects this option. Now turn off your tablet and unplug the charger. Finally, the charging is reconnected, and you see a growing indicator on the screen.

If the manipulations did not help

Then you need to look for where you can fix the tablet. Most often, the choice is the address of the service center indicated on the warranty card, even if the period has already expired. Or use the recommendations of your friends. If your tablet won't turn on or receive a charge, the problem might be with the charger or power supply. In rare cases, the power button itself may be damaged. Mechanical damage is eliminated by disassembling the device and one of the following actions: replacing the button, restoring the path, eliminating the broken contacts.

Broken screen

This is one of the most common troubles. A large display does not tolerate neglect, and therefore service centers are always overflowing with tablets that require replacement. Speaking about how to fix a broken tablet, I would like to say that it is not recommended to do this on your own. You need to find a suitable screen, which will cost you more than a service center. It is very likely that the ordered model will not suit you, and it will be revealed only at the time of installation. Finally, the procedure itself is quite complicated and the likelihood of harming your device is very high. For example, peeling off the glass will damage the matrix, and the cost of repairs will increase in accordance with the saying "the cheapskate pays twice."

Replacement procedure

It may vary depending on the model. It's almost impossible to open original Apple tablets yourself. The fact is that their screen is held on special latches, which are very difficult to open without special devices. But even if you are not faced with such a problem, the main thing is yet to come. Separating the touchscreen and display is not easy. They are connected by durable optical glue, which needs to be heated up to 250 degrees. How to achieve this at home is difficult even to imagine.

However, the difficulties do not end there. After removing protective glass, a new one is installed in its place, on the same basis. No, you do not need to heat it, however, to fix the result, the tablet is placed under the press for an hour. The error can be costly. A badly glued new touchscreen will peel off, and too tight will lead to new damage. Therefore, it is much wiser not to try to do everything yourself and turn to professionals who have the necessary equipment and experience.

Instead of a conclusion

We have not described even half of the cases when your tablet may need help. Not everything, even from this list, can be corrected by yourself. Therefore, conduct an initial inspection, check the battery and charging, reboot the system, and if all else fails, contact an experienced technician. In most cases, this will be much faster, more efficient, and cheaper.

The service center repairs almost any device that has electricity! Mobile and small household appliances and electronics. Free diagnostics in any case, even if you are about ...

Optional: delivery of the tablet to / from the service center

Federal network of computer service centers RSS. The company provides professional repair services and technical support IT equipment from the world's leading manufacturers as an auto ...

Additionally: delivery of the tablet to / from the service center, on-site repair of the tablet at home or in the office

Service center in Maryino: - computer repair - laptop repair: of any complexity and any manufacturer - repair cell phones: any complexity and any manufacturer ...

Optional: sale of spare parts

We offer a full range of repair services mobile phones, smartphones, navigators, tablets and other compact electronics. Our masters are engaged in the recovery of mobile devices ...

The engineers of our service center are highly qualified specialists in the field of repairing Xiaomi products. We carry out accurate diagnostics and will certainly offer an appropriate ...

InterRadioPribor - IRP group of companies - the largest independent service provider and leader in the Russian market service consumer electronics, computer technology, mobile telephony and ...

Additionally: delivery of the tablet to / from the service center, on-site repair of the tablet at home or in the office, replacement of consumables, sale of spare parts

The company "Laboratory of Repair" has been successfully operating for 5 years in the market of servicing and repairing complex electronics and household appliances in Moscow and the regions. The main activities of pr ...

Additionally: delivery of the tablet to / from the service center, on-site repair of the tablet at home or in the office, replacement of consumables, installation of the tablet (connection, setup)

We will perform in a short time qualified repair of cameras, laptops, tablets, TVs, music centers, amplifiers, receivers, home theaters, telephones, video cameras, microwave ovens, ...

Optional: replacing consumables

Pages: 1

Additional services of service centers for the repair of tablets

How much will it cost to repair a tablet?

Repair prices start at 500 rubles. And the most expensive repairs will cost you 4990 rubles (). According to the website portal, the average cost of repairing a tablet in 2020 is 2,500 rubles. At the same time, as practice shows, the services of service centers in the city center are somewhat more expensive. Please note that the cost of the repair depends on the tablet model, age (wear rate) and the required repair parts. The exact cost of the repair can be determined only after the diagnostics by the master of the service center. Urgent repairs tend to be more expensive. If you need repairs at home or in the office, pay attention to the presence of the master's departure icon.

Prefer to handle maintenance or repairs yourself? It's not as difficult as it sounds. Take advantage of useful tips from the section.

To install or configure the purchased equipment, you can use the services of specialists from authorized organizations (authorized service center), who will carry out all the necessary work for the further operation of the tablet. The addresses of all service centers on the map of Moscow are given at the top of the page. If at the specified address service center missing or located at a different address, please let us know.

There are more and more tablet owners. The tablet has become an integral part of children's entertainment, and this device is very useful for adults as well. It is no secret that all mobile devices are quite fragile, and the tablet computer also has a huge screen, which is very vulnerable. The gadget can suffer from shaking in route vehicles, from a crush in shopping malls, and the device is not immune from falls. The "filling" can suffer from many types of influences. Sounds creepy, doesn't it? How to fix the tablet if the trouble still struck? Let's look for answers to these questions together.

Device diagnostics

To be honest, it is not always possible to carry out repairs at home. The most common user can easily replace the battery if it has expired. But even here there is one snag: is it the battery? There are cases when the device uses up its charge very quickly, and also heats the wall of the case in the place where the battery is located. The problem, most likely, is not in it at all, but in the closure.

Repairing a tablet is a rather complicated matter, so we recommend that you take it to a technical center. But if you are enthusiastic and eager to fix it, then read on.

Important! If the problem arose in the form of a cracked screen, then information from our separate article "Tablet glass cracked - what to do?" ...

Change the display

Screen breakage is one of the most common problems. You can also take the initiative here, for this you will need:

  1. Disassemble the tablet using a set of screwdrivers. It is advisable to get a model disassembly diagram on the Internet.
  2. Now that you see all the insides in front of you, you need to carefully remove a few bolts and carefully disconnect all the cables, removing the damaged assembly.
  3. We insert a new component, fix it and assemble the device in reverse order.

How do I fix my tablet if it won't turn on? Let's look at a few cases.

The device does not turn on

It so happens that there is no visible damage, and the mobile device is not going to turn on. What to do in such cases? The fact is that there can be many reasons for a breakdown: internal defects, incorrect operation of the operating system, a damaged module charger... It is best to sort it out in order.

How long have you charged your device? If the tablet is completely discharged, then at least 10 minutes must pass before switching on. Therefore, we advise you to wait a little and try again.

Important! If nothing has changed, then look for any external damage on the case, because the device could have been dropped and not tell you anything.

Operating system problem

Is it possible to carry out repairs if the matter is software glitch? Here you already need to understand at least a little software. Often, when turned on, the backlight turns on, and then an idle android appears on the screen. This means that the work of some software was completed incorrectly, which is why the firmware suffers. It is definitely easy to manage here at home, and there is no need for the help of specialists.

Important! Before proceeding with the steps below, try to install and run a good antivirus. It is possible that the problem will be resolved immediately.

For resuscitation, we do the following:

  1. From the switched off device, you need to get a SIM card and a memory card.
  2. Now turn on the device, hold down the volume up button and the power button.
  3. Before you will appear context menu, in which you need to go to “Setting” and “Format system”.
  4. Now looking for and choosing “Reset”? Then the device will return to factory settings.

Important! This method will destroy all data on internal memory devices. If you don't have backup then think a few times before returning your tablet to factory settings.

How to repair a tablet at home if a button stops working?

Power button stopped working

Such cases also happen quite often, because we press this button a hundred times a day. It is imperative to know exactly how to act in this situation:

  1. Find and download the disassembly instructions for your particular model.
  2. Disassemble the power button and look at the contacts.
  3. If visible defects are found, then it is necessary to clean the contact pad and return the key to its place.
  4. If these steps did not help, then it is worth installing a new component instead of the old one.
  5. If nothing happened in this case, you will have to contact the service center.

If everything is clear here, then how to fix it broken screen tablet at home? Let's say right away that this is a very difficult task, but you can try.

Changing the touchscreen:

  1. First you need to remove the broken screen. For this, it would be nice to get a hairdryer.
  2. Now, with a clerical knife, detach the screen from the case itself.
  3. Remove all debris from the surface with a lint-free cloth.
  4. We unpack the new component, put it on the tablet frame, iron it with our hands.

Important! It is not always necessary to take such drastic measures. Sometimes it's enough for a long time leave everything as it is, if the cracks are not solid, but superficial and have not affected the matrix. You can recognize this by the response of the display. If it is there and everything functions in principle, go the simplest way - fix the cracks in the position that they are. For this

Tablets quickly became one of the most popular gadgets, being intermediate mobile device between laptops and phones. Almost all tablet models enable users to communicate, use popular services, helping in various situations. Breakage in most cases becomes a very unpleasant incident for the owner of the gadget. The problems with the loss of an electronic assistant, a means of communication with colleagues or friends and the opportunity to relax requires an immediate solution.

Features of tablet repair

Tablets of popular models are non-separable gadgets that should be repaired by experienced service engineers. Carrying out diagnostics with professional equipment is the basis for high-quality repairs. To determine the nature of the malfunction, customers of the Miracle of Technology service can use the form directly on the site, make a call to the contact center, call the wizard at home, or independently deliver the faulty tablet to the collection point. After carrying out the diagnostics, the client will find out the full cost of the work, which remains unchanged.

Tablet repair centers cooperating with the Miracle of Technology service determine the exact cost for all types of services and components. The main types of work are:

  • replacement of housing elements;
  • recovery the operating system, software repair;
  • elimination of problems with Wi-Fi connection;
  • repair of tablets after moisture ingress;
  • replacement or repair of the touch screen, buttons, connector;

The service center "Miracle of technology" guarantees its customers:

  • fast and accurate free diagnostics;
  • high-quality device repair;
  • adequate cost of work;
  • high level of service;
  • provision of a guarantee.