If your phone won't charge, don't rush to carry it to repair. You may be able to fix the problem yourself. Reasons for not charging can vary.

The simplest reason is the lack of electricity. Try turning on a light or other electrical appliances: if there is no electricity, you will have to wait until it is turned on. Poor contact between the connector and the plug may also be the cause. This may be due to dirty contacts, as well as to the fact that the socket is loosened due to inaccurate handling of the equipment. Cleaning your contacts is pretty simple. Remove the battery from the phone, moisten the bandage in pure alcohol (solvents and other active substances cannot be used), wipe the contacts of the charging connector. Often, problems arise from twisting and kinking the wire. If possible, check Charger on another phone. If you have a multimeter, you can measure the voltage. If it is not there, then the problem has been found (the charger is to blame), if the voltage is present, the reason lies in the phone.

As for the phone, first of all, you should inspect the contacts of the battery and the phone itself to which it is connected. They can be wiped gently. Each battery is rated for a specific number of charge cycles. Gradually, the energy that it accumulates from the network becomes less. If the battery has exhausted all its resources, it should be replaced. A battery malfunction may be indicated by its swelling, but it may also be such that outwardly it looks quite normal, but is inoperative.

If you change the battery and the phone still won't charge, the controller may be broken (it is he who is responsible for charging). Then you will have to disassemble the phone and change the controller. Of course, for this it is better to contact service center.

If the phone does not charge, and you do not understand anything about digital electronics, you should not disassemble it yourself. Just inspect the contacts and wipe them clean. If the problem persists, entrust the repair of your phone to professionals.

Phone or tablet does not charge, it is always stressful for the owner. But before you run to the service, it is better to make sure that the problem cannot be solved on your own.

A smartphone or mobile phone that suddenly refused to charge at the most crucial moment will leave few users indifferent. However, before you swear, panic or go to a repair shop, it is better to rule out those breakdowns and problems that you can handle yourself. These problems include:

Defective cord or charger;

Defective socket;

Malfunction or clogging of the charging port on the smartphone / mobile phone or a connector in the power supply itself;

Using a third party charger;

- a defective battery in a mobile phone or smartphone with a replaceable battery.

So if phone is not charging or a tablet, then for a start it is better to exclude a malfunction of the charger or cord. To do this, you can try to charge another gadget with them. Charging in progress? This means that the cause of the problem lies elsewhere.

In a similar way, you can quickly test the outlet through which you charge your phone. Are other gadgets charging from it? Then we continue to look for possible problems.

Another common cause of slow charging or fast battery discharge is the use of a third-party charger. Different manufacturers may have different coding methods for the charging capacity of the charger. As a result, the charger and smartphone or tablet may simply not understand each other, and charging may either go too slowly or not start at all.

In very rare cases, the problem of charging too slow may consist in a large number of applications open on the smartphone, coupled with the included mobile internet or Wi-Fi. The latter is fixed by simply closing applications and turning off Wi-Fi or mobile internet.

Another common reason that phone is not charging, there is a problem with the contacts of the microUSB connector through which the charger is connected to a smartphone or tablet. Contacts can have a manufacturing defect or simply "loosen" in the process of use. In addition, particles of debris and dust can penetrate into the USB charging port or microUSB connector on the smartphone. You can fix this problem yourself, but this must be done as carefully as possible, using a small thin object as a tool, for example, a toothpick.

Before starting the operation to clean and restore the connector to work, the smartphone must be turned off. The battery, if it is removable, is best removed. You can try to put the connector pins back in place lightly, very lightly, by pushing them.

If garbage has collected in the connector, then it is because of it that the tablet may not charge. Then this debris must be carefully removed using the same toothpick. If you are photographing, and the farm has a special blower for cleaning the optics, then it can also blow out the dusty connector.

You can also check the condition of the contacts on the battery itself if your phone or tablet is collapsible. Debris can also be found on them.

Eliminating the listed problems most often helps to charge your smartphone or tablet. However, what to blame if all the contacts are clean, the charger is working and "native", and charging stubbornly does not go? Aside from software problems or non-battery hardware problems, you have to set up to replace the battery. If the smartphone has a collapsible body, it remains only to purchase new battery and put it in the place of the old one. If the battery is not removable, then it is better to contact the service center for help. They will help you understand why the phone is not charging, or why the tablet is not charging, and will fix everything without harming the device.

According to feedback from service center employees, charging problems are one of the most common reasons for contacting them. Sometimes this is due to really serious problems, for example, the failure of the power controller, which requires replacement of components. But more often than not, problems with charging the device can be solved by yourself. Here is a list of steps, in order of increasing difficulty, that you can do yourself before contacting a repair shop.

1. Remove debris, dust and grains of sand


If you do not part with your smartphone for a minute, carry it in your jeans pocket and drag it to the sea, then sooner or later so much garbage will accumulate in the charging socket of the gadget that it will completely refuse to charge. Therefore, the first step is to visually inspect the USB port. Then blow it out with a can of compressed air and brush gently with the bristles of a hard toothbrush.

2. Clean the contacts of the USB port from oxidation


Sometimes the device does not charge due to oxidation of the contacts. This happens especially often if the smartphone has not been used for a long time or is operated in unfavorable climatic conditions. In this case, cleaning the contacts with a toothbrush soaked in alcohol, or even a fine needle, can help you out. Do not forget to first turn off the smartphone and remove the battery from it, and perform the operation itself as carefully as possible.

3. Replace the cable


The next weak link to check is the USB cable. Their lives are often full of trials and hardships, so it is not surprising that some of them may die without any warning. The easiest way to check for this malfunction is to take a known working cable from another device and connect it to your gadget. If the problem persists, then go to the next item.

4. Test the power adapter


The charger is also a frequent source of problems. We are talking about the very small box that plugs into an outlet. First, touch it to check the temperature. An adapter that is too hot or too cold can be an indirect sign of a breakdown. Make sure the cable connection socket is intact and clean it if necessary. Try to find another power adapter that matches your specifications.

5. Buy a new battery


Modern technology has made batteries much more durable than before, but still not forever. Each battery has its own lifespan, expressed in the maximum number of charge and discharge cycles. If you use your gadget heavily and it has been for several years, then it is likely that the battery life is running out. To test this, just take it out and make sure it has no thickenings, smudges, or other signs of aging. However, it is most reliable to check the voltage outputted by the battery with. If it is too low, then you should look for a replacement for it in a service center or online stores.

6. Do a factory reset


If you went through all the points and none of them helped you to find out the cause of the problem, then perhaps the whole point is a software failure. Operating room Android system collects statistics on the use of the device in order to prevent a complete discharge of the battery. In some devices, a full discharge will cause the built-in power controller to malfunction, which in turn prevents the device from taking charge as usual. In this case, resetting the device to factory settings can help (do not forget to do backups important data). Of course, this is a last resort and should only be resorted to if you have tried everything else.

In this article, I tried to describe the most common problems with charging gadgets and ways to solve them. Of course, in real life there may be many more. Write about the cases that you encountered in the comments.

Owners of Android smartphones know that their favorite gadgets need to be recharged every 1-2 days due to the intensity of use, low battery capacity and high power consumption. Sometimes users have problems with charging, which makes normal use of the technology impossible. Android phone won't charge - what to do? Let's see if we can handle this problem on our own.

If your Android phone is not charging, try checking the charger's performance - they tend to fail. Any gadget charged via the micro-USB connector can be used for testing. We take the gadget, connect the charger to it and connect it to the electrical network. If the charger is working properly, the gadget will be charged.

You also need to check the charging current using a special USB tester - it can be purchased on Aliexpress for 300-400 rubles. It turns on between the smartphone and the charger, showing the current current. If it is only a few milliamps, try changing your charger. If there are no changes, clean the socket or send the smartphone for service.

The fastest charge is provided by chargers from Tablet PCs - they provide a high charge current, quickly filling batteries with energy.

So, we have already done two main tests:

  • Checked the charger on another gadget;
  • We checked the charger from another gadget on the current phone.

If you find that the charger is faulty, you can try to localize the breakdown and even fix it - most often the plugs break here and the integrity of the conductors is broken. It is up to you to fix it or not to fix it, since in many cases it is easier to buy a new charger than to repair an old one.

Cleaning the USB connector on a smartphone

Android phone won't charge if charger is working properly? Then you need to inspect the micro-USB connector - the contacts here are thin, they can oxidize, and dust can get into the socket itself. Therefore, the next task will be to inspect the connector and clean it.

It will be problematic to get to the contacts, so we cannot process them with a cotton swab with alcohol - there simply is not enough space to crawl. Therefore, we take a piece of paper, fold it several times and try to clean the connector with the resulting sharp corner.

You can use a fine toothpick instead of paper. Clean carefully so as not to damage the pins in the connector.

Another way is to use a fine-bristled brush. The brush plunges into the connector with gentle movements so as not to damage the contact groups. You can also use a thin medical syringe needle. The last method is to use cans of compressed air, usually used for cleaning electronics and computers.

After finishing stripping, try to connect the charger and observe the result. If the case was in the connector, and the contacts have been cleaned, charging will begin battery... If this does not help, try contacting your nearest service center or repair shop.

Understanding the software

Your Android phone is not charging? This often happens when using various apps designed to save battery power. They are built into the operating system, control the charging process, and unload unused applications from the device's memory. Often, their work leads to the occurrence of software conflicts, due to which the charging circuit stops working. Such a conflict is diagnosed very easily:

  • We turn off the phone;
  • Remove the application responsible for battery power;
  • We connect the charger;
  • We observe the reaction of the phone.

If in the off state the charge still goes, try uninstalling applications that are responsible for saving energy from the battery. We remove the software, clean it with Clean Master (or any other application), reboot and reconnect the charger.

Battery problems

Why isn't the battery charging on my Android phone? Often this is due to the exhaustion of the battery itself - it can withstand a maximum of 1000 charge / discharge cycles. With intensive use of the smartphone and inaccurate charge (half an hour, then 10 minutes - in fits and starts), the resource ends much faster.

Therefore, literally after one and a half to two years, the rechargeable battery becomes unusable, ceasing to charge and hold a charge. It is necessary to replace the battery - it can be purchased at the nearest communication store or in one of the online stores. We do not recommend purchasing batteries in China (through Chinese online stores), as their quality may be very low.

Charge controller deteriorated

Problems can lie not only in the charger or USB-connector. Often, the lack of normal charging lies in a malfunction of the charging controller - this is an internal node responsible for charging the battery. You can test its performance only in a service center.

Each of us has come across a situation where the smartphone refuses to charge. Is it possible to solve this problem at home or will you have to carry the phone to a service center? Let's figure it out!

The reasons why the phone does not charge.

First of all, it is necessary to answer the main question: what exactly happens to the smartphone during charging? As a rule, the most common situations can be called situations when the phone does not respond to charging at all, or charging is in progress, but the phone does not charge, or it charges, but it does so very slowly. So, first, let's take a look at the main reasons why the phone won't charge at all.

Checking the outlet / USB cable / adapter.

If we want to solve a problem, then we need to consider various options, and we need to start with the simplest. First of all, it is worth checking the serviceability of the outlet. This can be done with a multimeter, if this is not at hand, then just try to charge the phone from another outlet. If the charge went, then it was in it.

The second most common problem of why the phone does not charge is a faulty USB cable. It is the cables that most often fall into disrepair - they burn out and break in places of inflection. Replace it. Did not help? Then we check the adapter in a similar way to the previous one.
It should be noted that in some cases it happens that the charging is working properly, but the phone does not charge. The reason is simple - the charger does not match the phone. In this case, we advise you to take either a native charge, or a similar one with a similar amperage. For reference, battery capacity is measured in mAh, and chargers come in both 1A and 1.5A and above. Try both. One of them will definitely suit you.

For example, if phone is not charging Sony Xperia then a two amp charge may be required. This information usually written on the packaging for the phone or on the charger itself. Sony phones may not be charged only because the current is insufficient and the electronics blocks such a charger.

At this stage, as a rule, it becomes clear the reason for the lack of charging in the charger or in the smartphone itself.

The phone stopped charging due to the USB connector.

If the problem is in the USB port, then there are only 2 options - either the usual cleaning of contacts will help you (for this you need a paintbrush and a toothpick), or just replacing the USB connector (which can be done in any repair shops).

It often happens that a huge amount of dust and dirt gets into the USB connector, so you should try to clean the charging port with a regular paint brush. And with a toothpick "lift" the small fasteners inside the USB port. Everything must be done very carefully!

Quite often, cleaning the contacts allows you to restore normal operation and the phone starts charging as if nothing had happened.

But, if at home you did not succeed, then in this case you will have to take the phone to a service center. For example, if you have not charging Samsung phone Galaxy, then in the service center it is very easy to find spare parts for it, such as a MicroUSB connector or a battery, but if you have Alcatel phone is not charging or Philips, then in this case the search for spare parts may be delayed or even have to buy them in Chinese online stores.

Software problems.

If the Android phone does not charge - the reason for this can be, how wrong installed programs and a failure in the system itself.

In this case, you will need to reset the settings to the factory settings or carry out a complete flashing of the phone. You can reset the settings through the menu.
For example, if you have Huawei phone is not charging and you would like to reset the settings, then for this you need to do the following: go to the menu - advanced settings-restore and reset-reset settings. Optionally, you can make backup data.

Most Android phones provide the ability to reset the settings through the "three buttons" - this is the simultaneous clamping of the volume rocker up and down + the power key.
For example, to reset the settings on Samsung, you need to hold and hold three buttons: power key + Home key + volume rocker up.

If this option also did not suit you, then the matter is definitely in the battery.

Charging is in progress, but the phone battery is not charging.

Remember how long have you been using your smartphone? We love our expensive phones so much, and very much wish them eternal life, but alas, batteries are also old age. Over time, even the strongest batteries lose their charge. This is because lithium-ion batteries, which are now used in most smartphones, have their own lifespan, which is determined by the number of full discharge cycles (up to 0%). Natural advice: to prolong the life of a lithium-ion battery, try to charge your smartphone more often and do not allow the battery to drain completely.

Sometimes, battery problems are visible even visually. If there is any deformation or swelling of the battery, this will be reflected in appearance phone. For example, not only the outer cover of the phone may be deformed, but even the screen may be slightly squeezed out.

Keep an eye on such changes, otherwise they can lead to more dire consequences than just the inability to charge.

The phone takes a long time to charge.

This problem is no less common. It may occur due to the fact that the device is running some kind of energy-intensive applications that consume energy faster than the smartphone is charging. These include "heavy games", as well as the included Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, geolocation, etc. So, if your phone is charging slowly - just unplug it before charging.

Also, we do not recommend charging the phone from the USB port of a computer or laptop, usually no more than 500 mA are supplied to them, which is clearly not enough for normal charging of phones. Of course, most phones from the USB port will charge, but extremely slowly, and some phones do not accept such charging at all.

The phone shows the wrong percentage of charge.

If the phone takes a long time to charge, then it is not always a matter of running applications. Sometimes situations arise when your operating system did not correctly remember the power consumption mode, from where errors in battery management arise. How to understand this?

It's very simple. The most important feature is a fast-discharging battery (and the smartphone turns off when the charge is 20-30%) and very slow smartphone charging. In this case, do not rush to the store for a new battery. Try to calibrate it first.

Perform five full charge / discharge cycles of the phone to calibrate the battery. That is, when the phone is discharged and turns off on its own, you need to charge it until the required maximum in mAh is reached. After the last 5th full charge cycle, disconnect the charger, remove the battery, insert it after 10-20 seconds and run hard reset(as described above).

But sometimes it may not be the battery itself. For example, if you have Meizu phone won't charge while showing one percent charge, then in fact the phone is charging, but the point is that there was software glitch... In this case, you will need to completely turn off the phone and turn it on again. And the 1% issue on Meizu phone will be resolved.

If none of the methods helped you solve the problem, then most likely, you will not be able to solve it at home at all. We advise you to contact a service center to repair your phone.