On social networks, people communicate, find friends and beloved ones, find out the news, unite in interest groups and make purchases. And they often do not even notice how they are deftly lured into the group of one or another online store or a company that carries out its business via the Internet.

Now social media groups Is an effective marketing channel for the sale of goods and services. On the pages of companies in social networks, users learn about the company itself, gain confidence in it, subscribe to new products and advertising materials. And sooner or later they become clients, moreover, constant and loyal. All this is managed by the administrator social networks, or the group administrator, as it is also called.

Who is a Social Media Administrator?

Social Network Administrator (Group Admin) Is a technical specialist who creates, formalizes a group on a social network (one or more), and daily promotes and maintains it based on instructions received from a marketer or SMM manager of the employing company.

The administrator must be online every day in the created group. Working as a group administrator includes the following responsibilities:

  1. Meet new subscribers, add them, introduce them to the group rules.
  2. Post useful and interesting information on the page to attract new people to the group and retain old subscribers.
  3. React to subscribers' responses - received comments, change signatures, upload photos, etc.
  4. Communicate with page visitors in created topics and directly in comments.
  5. To provoke discussions by posting daily content with the obligatory postscript: “What do you think?”. Increase user activity by any means.
  6. Track posts that have been recommended or created, as well as find any information on social networks that is somehow related to the company for which this group was created.

Who needs social media admins?

Today, many companies are striving to create their own pages on social networks. If a company sells its goods and services via the Internet, then such pages are created without fail. This is necessary to promote the company and its corporate website or online store, to replenish the client base and, of course, to increase sales. Group administrators are hired to keep groups, pages, and communities up and running on social networks.

Do I need to study to be a social media administrator?

Click on the picture and learn more about the profession

But it should be said that group administration is by no means entertainment, but a serious part of the company's marketing strategy aimed at promoting products to the market.

Group administrators work closely with business promotion specialists on social networks (SMM managers). If there is no such specialist in the company (and this is often the case in small business), then in addition to the technical work of maintaining the group, the administrator is instructed to perform some functions of an SMM specialist.

Promotion (promotion) of a group in social networks, brand development, formation of user loyalty and attraction of new members - these marketing skills are now being taught in courses for group administrators, lasting from two to three months. If you are offered to get this knowledge from scratch in 1-2 weeks, then you will most likely just waste your time and money.

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Of course, the ability to communicate with the members and visitors of the group, the desire to help people and the experience of maintaining their own pages on social networks will be useful for the administrator.

However, one of the most important skills of a future group administrator with extended privileges is the ability to attract new members. And we are not talking about bots (Internet robots), but about living solvent people. It is especially important to be able to redirect these people to the company's website (for example, to an online store), where other specialists will “convert” them into customers. Or be able to organize sales of goods and services directly on a social network.

The following courses related to social networks are currently the most popular in Russia:

The skills and abilities acquired in these courses add value to the group administrator in the job market and enable him to qualify for a higher paying job.

A bad group administrator who does not dream of becoming an SMM specialist, that is, a professional in promoting companies and their products and services in social networks. You can get this profession on the online intensive “SMM Manager: Business Promotion in Social Networks” from Netology, the largest Russian online training center.

All readers of my blog receive 5% discount on tuition professions of an SMM specialist according to the promo code "Netology" " p151069_irzhi”.

Where do social network administrators find work?

Click on the picture and learn more about design and Photoshop for social networks

Job sites often post similar offers full or part time for the social group administrator.

Freelance exchanges contain administration sections where business owners are looking for people who can attract buyers through social media. But here it is immediately worthwhile to distinguish between two professions related to social networks - group administrator and SMM manager.

The group administrator is a technical specialist with knowledge of the basics of marketing (but this is not at all necessary). An SMM manager is a professional with a marketing education. The goals, objectives and cost of the services of these two specialists are very different.

How much does a social media administrator earn?

Click on the picture and learn more about the Facebook admin profession

A one-time job to create and promote a group on a social network can cost from $ 200. But here, most likely, you will need the skills of an SMM manager, and not a novice group administrator. Usually social media administrators receive $ 300-2000 per month. The amount of payment depends on the job description and the number of groups that are managed by one administrator.

By default, each administrator, when maintaining a group on social networks, performs a minimum range of responsibilities:

  • receives an assignment from the employer or his representative (marketer, SMM manager, project manager), negotiates an action plan with him;
  • publishes information in the group profile or prepares materials himself (for example, speaks or), for which he receives additional payment;
  • keeps order on the pages and helps;
  • attracts new people to the group and communicates with them.

An additional advantage is the ability to conduct small PR-campaigns: organize meetings, promotions and contests, as well as advertise them in groups with the same thematic focus. The ability to understand social networks is also appreciated by the employer, because with the help of appearance the profile of the group is formed by the face of the business.

What should be a social media administrator?

The administrator of a social network can be anyone - a student, a young mother, or a housewife. It only takes time and desire. You also need to understand virtual life, imagine how people communicate on social networks, and have a desire to learn in order to contribute to the development of the company and help customers. It is important to have perseverance and the ability to follow the Wall or the Event Feed (moderate and respond to comments). And then remote work as an administrator of social networks can bring you good money and a pleasant pastime.

Based on the book “24 Internet Professions, or How to Work Without Leaving Your Home”.

Interesting? Tell your friends!

Good day, friends of the blog site! In this article, I propose to discuss an interesting topic - how is the training of social network administrators going, in person or remotely? After all, this profession involves freelancing, that is, working at home, and therefore many people want to study it online.

One of the most promising schools in the network today is “ Netology”, Just offers two training options. Long-term courses are usually held face-to-face, while short-term courses, to which this training relates, are practiced remotely. This is very convenient, because the student does not need to spend time traveling to the place of study, he can gain knowledge while at home in a familiar comfortable environment.

In addition to the several advantages mentioned, I would like to note that in “ Netology»Work exclusively by professionals who teach not only theory, but also consider all the nuances of administration in social networks in practice. Each of the teachers shares personal experience with students, talking about their part-time work, in which they realize their professional skills.

Not everyone can work from home. It is important to have organizational skills in order to competently build your working day, and to begin with, find customers. Equally important are such qualities as sociability, the ability to hear and listen, responsibility, and the ability to compromise. Your success depends not only on professional skills, but also on how well you learn to interact with customers.

There is an opinion that it is possible to study for a social network administrator for free, but I personally doubt the quality of the knowledge gained by such methods. In fact, there is nothing super complicated in this work. You need to lead a group, publish news posts, add members and answer questions (comments) from users. This is the minimum amount of responsibilities that almost any experienced social media user can handle.

But professionalism is not limited to the mentioned functions. If you are interested in more income, then you need to grow and learn to mobilely manage several groups in different social networks at the same time, for example, one company. Then you need to learn how to skillfully structure information, distribute your working time. Also important are the basics of communication with customers, the ability to respond to positive and negative statements from users, to smooth out conflicts.

The larger the customer's company, the more requirements for the social media administrator will be put forward. And if you want to progress and apply for a relatively high income in this area, you cannot do without training in special techniques and nuances.

As you know, this direction is relatively new, but there are many who want to find a job as an administrator. You need to withstand the competition and take the employment issue seriously. In the center "Netology" you can get all the necessary knowledge and prepare for direct work.

That's all for now. I believe you will determine the best path for mastering this profession for yourself. Subscribe to the news!

I wish you success!

P / S

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

With this article, we will open a series of notes on professions that you can master from the comfort of your home.

And today, let's talk about a rather demanded remote profession - a group administrator on social networks.

Today it is almost impossible to find a person who would not be a member of any social network. On social networks, people communicate, exchange information, group into communities of interest.

Who is a social media group administrator? A social network administrator (group administrator) is a technical specialist who creates, formalizes a group on a social network (one or more), and promotes and maintains it.

The duties of the administrator include:

  • be online every day in the created group;
  • meet new members and introduce them to the group rules;
  • fill groups with new interesting information in order to retain old subscribers and attract new ones;
  • communicate with subscribers of the group in new topics and in the comments;
  • react to the appearance in the group of new comments, notes, photos, that is, response from the group members;
  • look for new interesting information on social networks related to the topic of the group;
  • communicate with page visitors in created topics and comments;
  • increase user activity by any means ...

This is not a complete list of the responsibilities of the administrator of a social network group.

Administrator income depends on his experience. At the initial stage of working with groups, the administrator can receive from 3-4 thousand rubles for maintaining one group. The amount of payment depends, of course, on the job description and the number of groups that one administrator leads. An experienced administrator can find a job with a salary of 10 thousand rubles for leading one group.


By the way, you can always find yourself a group according to your interests (for example, raising children, traveling or proper nutrition) and work exclusively with your theme. Agree that work in this case, in principle, ceases to be work, because you already constantly "sit" in the publics you are interested in, and now you will also fill them.

In a short time, social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and others) on the Internet have pressed forums, sites, chats and combined the advantages of many Internet portals to provide interactive communication between people.

Users of social networks do not even notice how cleverly they are being pulled into a group (or page) of this or that online store, site or any other Internet resource that sells its products or services via the Internet.

This is the result of the targeted actions of experienced social media administrators (SMM from the English Social Media Manager).

From this material you will learn:

    for what and who needs the Internet profession "administrator of social networks";

    what you need to be able to do to work as a social media administrator brings satisfaction with your work and, of course, gives you the opportunity to make money;

    how you can master the Internet profession "social network administrator".

Now groups (communities) on social networks are an effective marketing channel for selling goods and services. On the pages of companies in social networks, Internet users learn about the company itself, gain confidence in it, subscribe to new products, advertising materials. And sooner or later they become clients of this company, and they are constant and loyal.

All this process is imperceptibly controlled by the administrator of social networks, or the administrator of the group (community), as he is also called.

Who is a Social Media Administrator?

    creates, formalizes a group (community) in a social network (one or more) and

    is daily engaged in its promotion and maintenance on the basis of instructions received from a marketer or SMM specialist of the employing company.

Every day internet visitors click on over 8 million social media links! This means 8 million clicks per day on links in social networks on Russian-language sites! What do these 8 million social media conversions mean?

This means that someone, for example, has entered an online clothing store and is examining the assortment. And it is likely that this person will make a purchase. And all thanks to the fact that the administrator of the social network attracted him to a group or to a community page, where he saw an advertisement that hooked him.

And companies are ready to pay a substantial amount of money to the administrator of social networks so that he attracts as many customers as possible to them.

Practice shows that when you become a qualified social media administrator, you will consistently receive an office salary without leaving your home.

What you need to be able to do a social media administrator to successfully make money on the Internet

The responsibilities of the administrator of a group or community of social networks include:

    meet new subscribers, add them, introduce them to the rules of the group (community);

    post useful and interesting information on the page to attract new people to the group and retain old subscribers;

    to respond to the reciprocal actions of subscribers - received comments, changes in signatures, uploading photos, etc.

    communicate with page visitors in the created topics and directly in the comments;

    initiate discussions by posting daily materials with the obligatory postscript: "What do you think?" By the way, for some people this question is the only way to think in principle;

The more social networks the administrator can accompany (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and others), the more he can earn and the larger the list of employers who want to work with him will be.

Online stores, thematic sites, information business, firms and companies offering services and goods - this is not a complete list of those Internet resources who are ready to use social networks to promote their products, replenish the client base and, as a result, increase sales.

How much can a social media administrator earn

One-time work to create and promote a group (community) on a social network can cost $ 100 - $ 200. But here, most likely, you will need the skills of an SMM manager, and not a novice administrator of a group on a social network.

    receives an assignment from the employer, negotiates an action plan with him;

    keeps order on the group pages and helps to promote the employer's business on social networks;

An additional plus for the administrator of social networks is the ability to conduct small PR campaigns:

    organize meetings, promotions and contests, and

Where and how social network administrators find work

    experience of working on the Internet as an administrator of social networks and

    courses taken, as well as

Freelance exchanges contain sections where business owners select people who can attract buyers through social networks. But here it is immediately worthwhile to distinguish between two professions related to the administration of social networks:

Where to get this knowledge and skills

Firstly, Having created an account on the corresponding social network, it will not be difficult to understand all its intricacies on your own. Now it is difficult to find a person who would not be registered in at least one of the social networks.

In today's review, I will tell you about the most popular remote profession - social media administrator. Let's talk who it is, what to do, where to find a job and how much you can earn.

Who is a social media administrator

Popular social networks have ceased to be just a place for entertainment for many years. Now these are powerful trading platforms. Many offline stores and companies seek to move to social networks, start their own group Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Not to mention the fact that some conduct commercial activities only through social networks. Naturally, all of these companies need people to manage their accounts. These people are called social network administrators.

What does the administrator do

Briefly, in a nutshell, describe the activities of administrators - this is maintaining a group, company page, project, person in social networks. What does this mean?

From what we've already discussed, I think you get the idea who needs administrators. These are both any online stores and offline companies, bloggers and information businessmen, in general, any companies and people who sell something. And for them, of course, sales will be an indicator of high-quality group management.

How much do social media administrators earn?

Complex maintenance and promotion of the company in several social networks will cost significantly more (about 30 thousand rubles). But we still need to grow to this level. 🙂

Of course, if you plan to make the work of a social media administrator your main profession, you should not be limited to maintaining 1 group. It is quite realistic to lead 3-4 groups at the same time, spending about 4-5 hours a day. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be at the computer all the time (let's say thanks to postponed posting, which helps to schedule publications even a week in advance).

Where and how to find a job as an administrator of social networks

The question of finding a job on the Internet is always the most urgent. So how do you become a social media administrator? There are several options:

Semi-passive search

  1. Announcements in thematic groups. For example, the Distance group (https://vk.com/distantsiya) regularly publishes a large number of vacancies directly from the employer. Subscribe to several of these groups and watch for the appearance of the coveted announcement about the search for an administrator to maintain social networks.
  2. Ads in groups that require maintenance. Sometimes the group owners themselves throw a cry to find an administrator in their groups. Of course, this is rare, but you may well be led to stumble upon such an ad in the group of your favorite restaurant.

Active search

  1. Start sending your own decision maker (DM) suggestions to lead his group. It can be absolutely any company / organization / project whose activities are of interest to you, for example, which you personally follow. Before submitting a job offer, you need to prepare. Be sure to analyze the company's social media groups: study previous posts, pay attention to the design, highlight the shortcomings, tell us what specifically YOU could improve, propose a development strategy. It's good if you prepare several post variations to showcase your skills and abilities.
  2. Look for companies / organizations / projects that are not yet represented on social networks and invite them to develop this direction. Likewise, find a decision maker and send your proposal. Before that, I recommend that you study:
    a) the sphere and the market - in order to demonstrate the need to go to social networks, tell what exactly will give the company an account in VK, Instragram, FB, YouTube, etc., how exactly here you can earn money;
    b) competitors - in order to prove that they are already “here”, they have been using this tool for a long time and successfully and give real examples of social interaction between the company and the client.

And remember the golden rule of success: 100 - 10 - 1.

You may need to send 100 letters to get 10 answers, and only 1 will agree to cooperate with you!

Would you like to try yourself as an administrator? And if so, what group would you love to lead?

Best regards, Kazakova Ekaterina