Author Ѝmily Modius asked a question in the section Software

How to install printer driver on windows 8 and got the best answer

Answer from Andrey Tikhomirov [guru]
usb cord plug in and turn on the printer

Answer from Zibin[guru]
alternatively 1) If you find the driver package to download or the CD that came with the device, run the installer. In this case, the driver files are copied to HDD, which simplifies subsequent installation. 2) Connect your new device to your computer. If it is an internal device such as an expansion card, shut down the computer, install the device, and restart the computer. 3) Open Device Manager, select ANY item in the list installed devices and select "Install Old Device" from the "Action" menu. 4) Click Next to skip the welcome screen. In the next window of the wizard, select a method for installing the device. 4a) For printers, network cards, modems and other devices that can be detected mechanically, select the "Search and automatic installation Hardware (Recommended) "Click Next, the wizard launches a discovery engine that searches the list of non-Plug and Play devices. If a new device is found, the driver is installed automatically and the process ends. If the wizard did not find any new devices , you can click "Next" and search manually. 4b) If the driver is on the disk, skip the search process. Select the option "Install hardware selected from the list manually" and click "Next." 5) Select in the list "Standard types hardware category "the desired hardware category (or" Show all devices ") and click" Next ". 6) In the main list of available drivers, select the manufacturer of the device and the model you need. Click the" Next "button. Follow the instructions to complete the wizard.

Answer from Evgeny Khachidze[newbie]
Advised here already, use

Answer from Kuxuqy vimo[newbie]

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to install a printer driver on windows 8


I think the benefits of a configured printer in local network obvious to everyone. Simple example:

If access to the printer is not configured, then you first need to upload files to the PC to which the printer is connected (using a USB flash drive, disk, over the network, etc.) and only then print them (in fact, to print 1 file, you need to make a dozen " unnecessary "actions);

If the network and the printer are configured, then on any PC in the network in any of the editors you can press one button "Print" and the file will be sent to the printer!

Conveniently? Conveniently! Here's how to set up a printer for a network in Windows 7, 8 and will be discussed in this article ...

STEP 1 - Setting up the computer to which the printer is connected (or how to "share" the printer for all PCs on the network).

In order to be able to use the printer with any PC on the network, you need to correctly configure the computer to which it is connected.

To do this, go to the Windows control panel, in the section: Control Panel \ Network and Internet \ Network and Sharing Center.

In the window that opens, you need to alternately open three tabs (Fig. 2, 3, 4). In each of them, you need to check the boxes next to the items: enable file and printer sharing, disable password protection.

Fig. 2. sharing options - expanded "private (current profile)" tab

Fig. 3.opened "guest or public" tab

Fig. 4. opened tab "all networks"

Here select your printer, right-click on it (right mouse button) and select the “ Printer properties". In the properties, go to the "Access" section and put a tick in front of the item " Sharing this printer"(See fig. 5).

If access to this printer is open, then any user of your local network can print on it. The printer will be unavailable only in certain cases: if the PC is turned off, in sleep mode, etc.

Fig. 5. Sharing the printer for general access over the network.

You also need to go to the "Security" tab, then select the "Everyone" user group and allow printing (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Now printing on a printer is available to everyone!

STEP 2 - How to connect the printer over the network and print on it

Now you can proceed to setting up computers that are on the same local network as the PC to which the printer is connected.

The first step is to launch a regular explorer. At the very bottom left, all PCs connected to your local network should be displayed (relevant for Windows 7, 8).

In general, click on the PC to which the printer is connected and if in step 1 (see above) the PC was configured correctly, you will see the shared printer. Actually - right-click on it and in the pop-up context menu select the connection function. Usually, connection takes no more than 30-60 seconds. (the drivers are automatically connected and configured).

Then select the connected printer, right-click on it and enable the option “ Use as default«.

Fig. 8.use the default network printer

Now in whatever editor you are (Word, notepad and others) when you press the "Print" button, the network printer will be automatically selected and you will only need to confirm printing. The setup is complete!

If when connecting printer an error appears over the network

For example, a common error when connecting a printer is the standard “Windows cannot connect to the printer…. "And some error code is issued (like 0x00000002) - see fig. nine.

It is impossible to consider all the variety of errors in one article - but I will give one simple advice that often helps me to get rid of such errors.

That's all. By the way, if the printer does not print, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article:

As always, thanks in advance for any addition to the article! Happy work!

User question

Good day.

Do not tell me about one problem ... I have 3 computers at home: one PC, and 2 laptops. They are all connected to Wi-Fi router at. A printer is connected to the PC.

How can I set up PCs, laptops and the network so that I can send documents from laptops to print to the printer? I tried to set it up - still nothing ... Now I write the files to a USB flash drive, and then print them from a PC, it's inconvenient ...

Good day!

In fact, both at home and in small offices, usually one printer is enough for the eyes (of course, if you can print to it from any of the computers on the local network).

In general, herself Windows setup to make a printer publicly available for a local network is not particularly difficult and any user of the "average" hand can handle it. In this article I will show with an example how this is done ...

Opening access to the printer for the local network

Before describing the settings, I consider important to report a few points:

  1. you must have included the PC, printer, and laptops (other PCs) to be configured;
  2. on a PC to which a printer is directly connected (to a USB port, for example), drivers must be installed (i.e., printing should work normally on the PC itself). Searching for and installing a printer driver -;
  3. A local network must be configured: computers have the same workgroups (you can see it if you go to properties of my computer ), and different computer names (in general, if your local network works, then this is so ...).

By the way, here is a relatively good (because mine) article on setting up a local network, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with anyone who has a problem with the "LAN". Link below.

Setting up a local network -

Note: all settings below are given and are relevant for Windows 7, 8, 10.

Now let's start setting up. The first thing to do is to set up the computer to which the printer is directly connected (ie "share" the printer: give access and permission to use another PC on the local network).

1) First, open control panel / network and internet / network and sharing center ... Next, click on the link on the left - Change advanced sharing options .

2) Next, we will have three tabs: private, guest or public , and all networks... Now they need to be opened one by one and ticked in the right places. More on this below.

Note: in some cases there will be not 3 tabs, but 2. Then open those tabs that you have and do according to the screenshots below.

3) Expand the tab , and set the sliders to the following positions (according to the screenshot below):

  • enable network discovery (enable automatic tuning on network devices);
  • enable file and printer sharing;
  • Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections.

4) Then open the next tab - "Guest or public" ... We expose:

  • enable network discovery;
  • enable file and printer sharing.

5) Last tab , here we expose:

  • disable sharing;
  • use 128-bit encryption to protect shared connections;
  • disable password protected sharing.


A similar setting in these three tabs (private, guest, all networks) - must be done on all computers in the local network (and not only on the one to which the printer is connected)! Otherwise, you will not be able to connect to the local printer later.

Allowing access to the printer

First you need to go to: control panel / hardware and sound / devices and printers ... If you have installed drivers and everything is OK with the printer - here you should see it in the tab "Printers" .

Right click on the printer you want to make network (public) and go to it properties... In properties open the tab "Access" and put a couple of checkboxes:

  1. Sharing this printer;
  2. rendering of print jobs on client computers.

Save the settings.

Share the printer (clickable!)

To check if your printer has become local, open a regular explorer (you can open any folder). On the left side of the menu, you should see your computer name ... In my case - the computer name "Desktop-UGHM5R" - click on it and see that our shared printer.

Now you can start configuring other computers to enable them to print to the printer.

Note: please note that next to the name of your PC, the names of computers that are in the same local network with you will be displayed.

How to connect a network printer and start printing

Important! Before you start connecting the printer, you must configure three network tabs: private, guest, all networks (I wrote about this just above). If you do not give permission to use shared folders, printers, etc., you will not see the printer and will not connect it!

1) Turn on the computer from which we want to print (note: the PC is connected to a local network, in which there is a computer, with a printer connected).

Open the explorer and click on the tab "Net"(on the left in the menu). Next, you should see a list of computers that are on the same local network with you: open the one that has a publicly accessible printer (which we made a network one in the previous step).

3) 1-2 minutes (usually) will be required to install and configure the driver. At this time, it is better not to touch the PC or close this window (example in the screenshot below).

4) Further, if everything went well, the printer appears in the tab "Printers" and it can be used. Try to open some Word document, press the key combination Ctrl + P and send the document to print (do not forget to select the printer, by default, usually the printer is not the one you added).

Printer is connected // task completed

Actually, that's the whole Windows setup for creating a public local printer. As you can see, in this regard, in Windows (7, 8, 10), everything is quite simply organized - you can figure it out on your own.

An even more convenient and versatile option would be to connect the printer directly to a Wi-Fi router. Thus, there will be no need to keep the PC to which the printer is connected. In principle, there is also nothing complicated there - usually, a special goes to the router. Software that performs a similar setting in auto-mode.

Printer setup for Windows 8 can be subdivided according to two pairing paths. This is a manual and automatic way to recognize a device. It is also worth dwelling more specifically on the types of connection - local and network. We will consider all the options for how the printer is installed on Windows 8.

Local and network devices

A local printer is a device that you install and configure at home. You are unlikely to find it in a large office, since there are more and more network models of such devices being used. If equipped with a dedicated bus directly connected to system unit, then there should be no problems with setup and pairing. Even a schoolboy can cope with this, since all configuration work is done automatically by the Windows 8 system itself, which will detect and install the device almost independently.

In recent years, this type of printer connection, such as setting up via a Wi-Fi router, has become very popular. If you use the Internet at home through such a device, then you should know that almost all models of modern printing devices are connected to a computer via Wi-Fi. Unlike the wired connection method, in our version you will need to search for a new device.

To do this, first check if the Wi-Fi router is turned on and the corresponding indicator button on the device itself. More details about where this indicator is located and how it works can be found in the instructions that come with each specific model. As soon as you turn on Wi-Fi access, then you need to find the "Adding networks" section on your computer. Directly within its framework, a search for a new connection is made. If access is initially configured correctly, then Windows 8 will immediately detect the new device.

If the search failed, then you need:

  • check if the copier is on and is not "sleeping";
  • check if you have already added it to Windows 8 earlier. If you repeat such manipulations, the system will not add it a second time;
  • check if there is a Wi-Fi signal and how available it is. That is, even if the devices (printer and computer) are in different rooms, the computer system may not pick up the signal;
  • other devices in the house emitting certain waves may interfere with the connection. These include microwave ovens, Cell Phones etc.
  • check how accurately the Wi-Fi router is paired with the computer. To do this, you need to go to the Internet and open any page. It should be fully displayed.
  • as a last resort, you can visit the copier manufacturer's website. Perhaps there may be certain features that a particular model possesses.

To install the network model, you need to follow all the same recommendations as in the case of the on-premises option. You just need to take into account that in the network case, you will have to wait a while until Windows 8 detects the device. You should also make sure when looking for a network printer that it has the correct IP address information.

Automatic connection method

If we focus on the automatic method, then we can say with precision that there is nothing difficult here. Windows 8 will automatically detect the device you want, as described above. If a connection is made to a networked device, the system can detect several models at once. You just need to select the one you want (by name) and pair.

During the communication phase, there may be a problem with the driver. It will be required to be installed by the system during the search. The driver can be downloaded automatically, or included on a disk with the printer. If you have not installed the driver before connecting, you can do it later, when the system itself requests it by means of a message on the screen.

Manual connection

The manual method is used only in cases where the automatic installation has not been carried out. To do this, you need to select the footnote "The device could not be found" in the "Add printer" window. Further master Windows installations will start on its own. You will need to determine the model of the device. If we are talking about a network type of interface, then you need to accurately determine the IP address.

Read how to install a printer on Windows 7, 8 and 10. All the ways where to download the driver and the setup process. Complete instructions.

Each user thinks that it would be nice to have a printer on hand to print the necessary files. It is one of the most important elements of your home office. Modern technology can work on the network and locally. In this regard, users have problems installing it. Let's figure out how to install a printer on Windows laptop from different versions operating system.

How to install a printer on Windows 7

The local printer does not provide an Internet connection. It is installed on one of the PCs. In most cases, local printers are installed at home. In offices, network options are more convenient, to which all users have access. They can send documents for printing. The printer itself for network participation is more complicated - it keeps statistics and distributes the load among users. Let's figure out how to install each of the options.

Installing a local printer

It doesn't take long to set up the printer. We recommend that you first read the instructions from the device. If you don't have it, use the algorithm:

  1. Unpack and place the printer in a location convenient for you. Connect it to PC with a cable via USB or LPT / COM port.
  2. In most cases, the computer will automatically recognize the device and configure it.
  3. If you have an Internet connection, the drivers will be installed automatically.
  4. After that, you can proceed to the detailed configuration of the device. Go to "Control Panel", open the "Devices and Printers" tab, select your device and click "Properties".
  5. So that other computers on your home network can use the printer. You need to give them access. To do this, select the "Access" tab.
  6. Set markers in the lines: "Sharing this printer", "Drawing print jobs on client computers".

If the operating system was unable to install the driver on its own, then you will not be able to configure the printer in this case, you need to know how to install the printer driver on Windows 7. To do this, you can use several options:

  • download them from the official website of the device manufacturer;
  • install from disk;
  • use utilities to find drivers.

The easiest way is to use the disc that came with the printer. If you purchased a hand-held printing device, you will not have this option. Then go to the manufacturer's official website and find software in the section "Users" or "Technical Support".

If you cannot find required files on the official website, download and install the driver search utility. It will scan your computer and offer to install any missing program files. One of the most effective applications is Driver Pack Solution. After installing the drivers, return to setting up your printer. If you don't need sharing, then you can do without it. The device will appear in text editors.

Installing a network printer and print server

Network printers are connected using the TCP / IP protocol. They have several features - the most important of which is the lack of drivers. The program files are stored on the device itself, you do not need to download them. Let's figure out how to install a Windows 7 network printer. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions:

  1. Install and turn on the network device.
  2. Go through the "Control Panel" to the "Devices and Printers" tab.
  3. Select Add New Printer. The system will offer you 2 options: to install local equipment or network. Select the line "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer".
  4. The system will scan the network on its own and detect the device, you just have to confirm its choice.

This printer does not require setup. The advantage of this option is that you can connect to the printing device from a tablet, netbook, or any other device.

How to install a printer on Windows 10

The operating system of version 10 differs in additional settings, so the installation of devices for it will be slightly different. Let's figure out how to install a printer on Windows 10. This operating system works with all modern devices, as well as with local options.

Installing a local printer

Older printers that do not have an interface for wireless connection connect to PC when USB help or LPT / COM. You need to connect the printer cable to your computer, and then install the device according to the instructions:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu, select the "Settings" section from the list (the "gear" icon).
  2. In the "Options" window that opens, find the "Devices" section. Go to it.
  3. In the left part of the window that opens, find the "Printers" line. Click on it.
  4. A button will appear on the right side of the window with the inscription: "Add printers and scanners"
  5. System in automatic mode starts searching for connected devices. Their names will appear in the window that appears. Select the desired printer, click the Stop button and click Next.
  6. The operating system will do the rest for you - it will load the drivers and configure the device.

During the installation of a local printer, you may have a problem - if the automatic service is not able to detect it. In this case, in the options window, you will find a blue inscription "The required printer is not in the list", and there will be an "Update" button above it. Click below the labels to go to manual configuration:

  1. In the "Find a printer by other options" window, select the first item "My printer is old, I need help finding it." Click "Next".
  2. The system will then install a helper utility that will configure your printer to work and detect it.

If the given tips on how to install a local printer did not help, then you need to check the connection of the equipment, replace the wires with new ones. Then download the drivers from the manufacturer's official website and install them on your PC. Please note that some companies make special software for Windows 10. If there is such an option on the official website, use it.

Connecting a wireless printer

Modern models of office equipment are connected via Wi-Fi, which significantly expands their functionality. To install them, you need to configure the router, and then the PC. First, check if your router supports WPS technology. If everything is fine, then you can proceed to setting it up:

  1. In the address bar of any browser, enter "". In most cases, this will take you to the settings menu. By default, the login and password for entering this section are admin / admin. If these login details are not suitable, find the instructions from the router or an agreement with your provider (if the router was provided to you from him).
  2. After you entered the menu, you need to find the WPS section and set the Enable value in it. To restrict access from third-party devices, you can set a pin code.
  3. Now you need to turn on the printer itself and activate the search on it wireless network... After the connection is successful, you can proceed to setting up your computer.
  4. Open the "Start" menu and select the "Settings" section. Go to the device management menu, select the "Printers" line. Click Add Printer.
  5. Most often wireless device not detected the first time. Therefore, when the message “The printer that I want is not listed” appears, click on it.
  6. Select "Add a wireless or network printer" from the options provided. After that, the system will automatically start searching for devices. Drivers will also be downloaded without your participation.

If this does not help, then you need to find information about the IP-address of the equipment (indicated in the technical documentation or displayed in system menu router). In this case, from the list manual setting select "Add a printer by its TCP / IP". Enter the name or address of the device, place a marker next to "Poll the printer and install drivers automatically." Click "Next", the system will do the rest for you.

Setting up a printer to be shared on a network

If you were unable to connect a network printer according to the instructions above, you can create a home network to include the device in it. In this case, several devices can interact with one printer at once, including smartphones and tablets. Setting a default printer in Windows 10 for multiple devices is simple:

  1. Open the "System" folder in the "Start" menu, select the utility "" in it.
  2. Set the view mode in the window to "Small icons". Near the bottom of the list, find "Network and Sharing Center." Open this section.
  3. In the window that opens, on the left, find "Change sharing settings."
  4. In the list that appears, find the phrase "File and Printer Sharing." Position the marker to enable it. Save your changes.
  5. Use the arrow to return to the previous window. In the lower left corner, find the inscription "Homegroup". In the window that opens, click on the "Create home group" button.
  6. Choose which files will be shared. It is a must for printers. Click Next.
  7. To connect devices, the system will generate a password that can be written down or requested each time in the host computer (for this, it will be enough to open the "Homegroup" again).

After you have created a homegroup, you can reinstall the printer and use it from any PC or laptop from your local network.

Now you know how to install the printer on the most popular versions of the Windows operating system. It is not a complicated procedure that any user can handle. Share the information received with your friends, leave comments. If you have any problems using printers or computers, we will be happy to find solutions.