
knight with a barrel October 2, 2012 at 02:23 PM

Yandex Browser overview


I love Google Chrome since the first versions. Over the past few years, neither Firefox nor Opera have been able to lure me back to their place.

However, as a layout designer, I need to test the code in all popular browsers, and yesterday, at the beginning of Arkady Volozh's presentation on YAC about the new Yandex.Browser (hereinafter referred to as Browser), in my head there was only one thought: “Come on! Another?".

I admit that the presentation was good and by the end of it I, at least, wanted to see what the team from Yandex did.

There is little text and a lot of screenshots under the cut.
I will compare the browser from Yandex with Google Chrome, tk. the first is based on Chromium

Download the Browser on the page.
Installation is simple, in 3 steps:

Step 1. We agree to the terms of the license agreement.

Step 2. Installation.

Step 3. Import bookmarks, history, etc.

This completes the installation. A desktop shortcut is created automatically, it looks like this:

We launch.
Immediately in the welcome window, we are told about the advantages of the Browser:

Button "I", which leads to the main Yandex, instead of a house. You can remove it from the panel in the settings.
Smart line is the same omnibox.
Translation of words (sort of like 9 languages).

Externally, the Browser reminded me of something in between Firefox and Chrome:

The first innovation is the Scoreboard. I liked it. The last few versions of Chrome previews have been pissed off.

At the presentation, it was said that for a couple of dozen major sites, Yandex drew previews manually, the previews of the rest of the sites will be made automatically.

You can call the scoreboard in several ways: by opening an empty tab (by clicking on the "+" or by using a keyboard shortcut) or by focusing on the Smart Line. When a new tab is opened, the Smart Line is filled with yellow, thereby reminding that this is a browser from Yandex.

It happens that this yellow fill is buggy and does not disappear after entering the site address. Most likely, this will be fixed in new versions. Or they won't fix it :)

The preview in the Scoreboard displays notifications from social networks(when you are logged in or always provided that you have saved the password in the Browser)

One new message on Vkontakte

This moment "And you can also enter, for example, an email and instead of going to the search, you will immediately go to (example from the presentation)" from the post BupycNet I can not confirm. Whatever I asked, I was redirected to a page with search results. However, I still had a link to in the tips for the Google query:

In addition to the Scoreboard, I found for myself another advantage of the Browser over others - this is the ability to go to the main page of the site by clicking on the site address in the Smart line (in this case, click on Ilya Birman suggested something similar:

The minus is immediately visible - the usual page address has been replaced by the link "domain + titile of the current page". I didn't really like it, and I don't know where to disable this option.

The rest is the same Chrome:

Same settings

The same translation of pages, only from Yandex and with square corners at the buttons

The same Webinspector

Only the Browser is slightly thicker:

If in normal window mode, the difference in the occupied area of ​​the top panel is not particularly visible

Then in full screen mode - it is 6px

Not without glitches.
For example, when the animation of minimizing / expanding in Windows is turned on, the board appears before the window expands:

You can use it. Minor glitches are possible.

As a last resort, it's never too late to do this:

p.s .:
those with a keen eye or those who have been to YAC will notice that the forward button is not displayed until it is needed. In the Browser, this is done by analogy with Firefox.

Sorry for * .jpg
Contact did not ask if I want in * .png

Tags: yandex, browser, yac

Today, there are many Internet browsers, making it difficult to make the best choice for you. Below we take a look at the most popular browsers and try to pick the best one for the job.

1. Browser Google Chrome

One of the most popular browsers that supports all modern technologies, thanks to which it will be able to open almost any site. This program is very resource-demanding. personal computer therefore it is not recommended to run it on outdated equipment.

Benefits of Google Chrome

  • Availability of versions for any existing platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOs, Android, Windows Phone).
  • High speed of work.
  • The browser does not slow down when working with several heavy sites.
  • The program has its own task manager. If any contribution or plugin hangs, it is not necessary to restart the browser, it is enough to close the hung element.
  • Nice, minimalistic design.
  • Built-in Google services that will be useful to users of these services.
  • IN computer version there is extensive support for plugins that extend the functionality of the browser.
  • Built-in support Flash Player which is required to watch videos on many sites.

Disadvantages of Google Chrome

  • Increased consumption random access memory, which is why it slows down on frankly weak computers.
  • Mobile versions lack support for additional plugins.
  • At the first launch of the program, Google services are imposed even on those who do not use them. This does not happen on subsequent launches.

2. Browser Yandex Browser

The official browser from Yandex, completely lapped up with Google Chrome. The built-in services in the browser have been changed, the design has been slightly redrawn and slightly reduced system requirements which makes it work better on slower computers.

Benefits of Yandex Browser

  • High speed of work.
  • Integration with Yandex.
  • Good support for additional plugins.
  • Works well on weak PCs.
  • Reduced memory consumption.

Disadvantages of Yandex Browser

  • The imposition of Yandex services begins already during the installation of the program.
  • Ads built into the browser, which somewhat slows down the speed of opening sites.
  • There is no built-in task manager, if one site or plugin freezes, you will have to completely close the program.

3. Browser Mozilla Firefox

Browser developed by the company Mozilla Firefox... Previously had its own engine, but in this moment it is based on the same engine as the browsers listed above.

Mozilla Firefox advantages

  • High speed of work and site opening.
  • Support for a large number of plugins (unlike Google Chrome, mobile version Firefox supports plugins).
  • Availability of versions for any existing operating system.
  • Nice looking design, not overloaded with unnecessary elements.
  • The browser does not impose additional services.
  • Good job on weak computers.

Disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox

  • The lack of built-in Flash Player, which is why it needs to be installed separately.
  • After installing Flash Player, the browser starts to slow down significantly.
  • Freezes and brakes when opening several particularly heavy sites (video pages).
  • Scalability issues are rare.
  • Lack of a task manager.

4. Browser Internet Explorer

Browser from Microsoft installed by default on all Windows versions and Windows Phone. It is an outdated solution, but it is still used by a large number of people.

Internet Explorer Pros

  • On Windows computers, the browser does not need to be installed as it is present by default.
  • Good support for old sites.
  • Low requirements for PC performance.
  • Memory consumption is lower than that of other existing browsers.

Disadvantages of Internet Explorer

  • Poor plugin support.
  • The use of outdated technologies, due to which modern sites may not open correctly.
  • Very slow speed.
  • Poor compatibility between different versions browser.
  • Lack of versions for Android, macOS, Linux and iOs.
  • Lack of developer support.
  • No task manager.

5. Browser Microsoft Edge

A replacement browser Internet Explorer... The program comes bundled with Windows 10 and is the default browser.

The merits of Microsoft Edge

  • Works better and faster than its predecessor.
  • The browser does not need to be downloaded and installed separately.

Disadvantages of Microsoft Edge

  • Sufficiently meager support for plugins (there are plugins, but not all).
  • The browser can only be installed on Windows 10.
  • Huge consumption of RAM.
  • Terrible search system, used by default.
  • There is no built-in task manager.

6. Chromium browser

The browser that Google Chrome was based on. Also, the Chromium browser engine was used by Mozilla and Opera to translate their developments to it.

Chromium benefits

  • The browser does not impose any additional services.
  • High speed of work.
  • Availability of versions for all desktop operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS).
  • The largest number of additional extensions are supported.
  • There is a built-in task manager.
  • Low consumption of RAM.
  • Highest security.

Chromium disadvantages

  • Rather difficult process of installing the program.
  • Extensions are slightly more difficult to install than in other browsers.
  • Mobile versions are missing.

7. Tor browser

Browser designed to bypass various locks. Using Tor, you can go to absolutely any Internet page blocked in our country. This is possible due to the fact that the program uses proxy servers very actively.

Tor benefits

  • Providing absolute anonymity on the Internet, it will be almost impossible to find you.
  • The ability to enter a site that is blocked on the territory of your country.
  • There are versions for most operating systems.

Disadvantages of Tor

  • Due to the use of proxy servers, pages open very slowly.
  • The browser cannot work without using a proxy server.
  • Difficult installation process.
  • Practically does not support plugins.
  • It is consuming too many system resources.

8. Which browser is better?

There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on personal preference. For active users of services Google good the solution would be to install Google browser Chrome. This browser will provide convenient use of mail, search engine and other systems of the Google company.

Users of the search engine and mail from Yandex can be advised of the browser of the same name (Yandex Browser). Mozilla Firefox is a great choice for those who don't like imposing additional services. Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge are chosen by those who do not want to install unnecessary programs on their computer. In addition, Internet Explorer is the only browser that works correctly with legacy banking clients, which makes it actively used in some commercial organizations.

9. Rating of the best browsers in 2017

LiveInternet website statistics allows you to see how many users have used which browsers. As of 2016, we get the following rating:

It can be seen that the clear favorite among browsers is Google Chrome (it occupies 52% of the entire browser market). Among desktop browsers, Yandex Browser takes the second place (with only 7.4% of the market).

In the internet age, the browser is the most important thing installed on the computer. That is why it is worth paying special attention to this component of the system. If the browser is good, then Internet surfing will be simple and enjoyable. If it is frankly none, then it will be very difficult to learn all the delights of the Internet. A full browser comparison should be made to select the most appropriate option. For we need the best of the best.

Most popular browsers

Today, there are several leaders in terms of Internet surfing. They all differ from each other in some respects. In general, almost everyone copes with their tasks, but some of them are the best.

Google chrome

Extremely fast browser from the development team at Google. Differs in built-in support for Flash-content and is unrealistic high speed work. However, it is also famous for its gluttony in terms of the consumption of the device's RAM. At the same time, there is no difference which one: mobile or stationary.

Mozilla Firefox

Free browser with unmatched security. At least according to the developers. Has an extensive database of all kinds of add-ons and extensions. Also does not load the computer at all. However, it is not at all friendly with Flash content and the player from Adobe.

Former legend. It used to be based on its own web engine, but switched to Blink. After that, Opera's popularity plummeted as it began to resemble all "chrome" browsers. The situation is now improving. The only drawback of "Opera" is its very poor equipment with applications.

"Yandex browser"

It can be called popular only if we consider that they are trying to shove it into users by hook or by crook, along with the installed programs. Google Chrome with Russian adaptation. Naturally, it has all the advantages and disadvantages of "Chrome".

A new project to revive the classic "Opera". Since the final release came out recently, it's too early to talk about any interesting additions. But the browser speed is impressive. Perhaps in the near future this particular browser will become the best.

Microsoft Edge

The standard browser in the Windows 10 operating system. Replaced the outdated rogue Internet Explorer. Oddly enough, the Redmond company ended up with something like an adequate browser. However, there is no optimization, and no additions. But it works smartly.

And now we will consider all these "crafts" in more detail, compare browsers and decide who is worthy to take pride of place on our computer.

Google Chrome. Give me speed!

Perhaps, best browser of all the existing ones. If you do not take into account the increased consumption of RAM. Comparison of browsers on memory consumption clearly shows that "Chrome" eats a lot. Even with one open tab. However, you can forgive him for this sin, if you remember his many merits.

Browser launch time is 1.5 seconds. It is generally better to remain silent about the page load time, because it is unrealistic to measure it. The Chroma store has a bunch of add-ons for all occasions. Plus - customization flexibility. The built-in Flash plugin is also expensive. In general, if you need a browser with all the working elements out of the box, then there is nothing better than Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox. Security guru

Ognelis is an excellent choice for those who value safe surfing. It is also very easy to use and has a huge base of add-ons for full customization his "for himself." In tests, it lags slightly behind "Chrome". But only in minor aspects. For example, it takes a little longer to start. And the fanatical attachment to security has forced developers to completely abandon the leaky Adobe Flash.

As for the rest, "Ognelis" is an excellent browser that supports everything you need for a comfortable work on the Internet. Separately, I would like to note that the browser is being developed by the independent Mozilla Foundation community, which allows it to be used as a standard browser in free operating systems of the Linux family.

Opera. Return of the legend

After the transition of "Opera" to the Blink engine, its popularity plummeted. "Oldfags" began to shout with one voice that "Opera" was turning into "Chrome". But without new technologies, nowhere. Opera developers realized this and tried to make their browser as modern as possible, to the detriment of the classic canons. And they did it very well. The performance of the new Opera is on par with Firefox and Chrome. And the browser looks like a regular Opera.

The only significant disadvantage of "Opera" is the scarcity of additions. Several ad blocking utilities are the whole arsenal. In terms of usability, Opera is clearly inferior to the browsers described above. And it is very difficult to customize it for yourself. Comparison of browser performance convincingly proves that Opera deserves to take an honorable third place in this competition.

"Yandex browser". Install under the sly

The characteristics of this browser can be written off from the classic "Chrome". For this is the same program, but with Russian adaptation and default search from Yandex. Maybe someone may be interested in it, but most often it is installed by mistake, forgetting to uncheck the desired item when installing some completely unrelated program to the Internet. The inclusion of this brainchild of "Yandex" in the browser comparison is explained solely by its "chrome-like" nature.

Perhaps the browser would have become at least a little popular if it had not been for the annoying and aggressive policy of Yandex to impose its brainchild. Many users are wildly annoyed when they try to shove them completely unnecessary program... That is why most people use Chrome. In spite of "Yandex". And "Yandex Browser", by the way, has an excellent adapted search in the Russian segment of the Internet. This is in addition to all the "Chromov" pluses. This is Yandex Browser. Comparing it to other products doesn't make sense as it is completely copied.

Vivaldi. Classic in a new wrapper

Against the background of nostalgia for the classic "Opera", the developers tried to create a new browser according to the classic canons. What did they do? It is not clear yet. The final release was presented in October 2016. Naturally, numerous patches will be released in updated builds. But so far, the workmanship and speed are pleasantly surprising. Comparison Windows browsers convincingly proves that the newcomer deserves to take a prominent place among the recognized masters of the genre.

Vivaldi has only one drawback so far - the paucity of add-ons. They, of course, are, but even with them the browser is not yet able to work adequately. However, it is not like the rest of the internet browsers. Comparison with the full-fledged final releases of other products is somewhat unfair, because this is a completely new and raw product. When everything works fine in it, then it will be possible to compare it with others.

Microsoft Edge. The second time on the same rake

First, the new browser from Microsoft impresses with its updated look and speed of opening pages. But upon closer inspection, you will notice that this is still the same Explorer in a new wrapper and with some modifications. So, for example, it uses RAM even more than the notorious "Chrome". And in terms of functionality, it lags behind even Vivaldi. Congratulations to the Redmond corporation for another failure. Comparison of browsers clearly shows this.

If you look deep into the depths of Edge, it becomes clear that it is unable to cope with Flash animation and Java Script. How did he get on this list then? All his popularity is based on the fact that he is a regular browser of the new operating system... Accordingly, all owners of this OS use it in order to download a more sane browser. And they don't open it anymore. That's all his popularity. It's ridiculous to look at the performance tests, because Edge lags behind. What can I say? Microsoft is in its repertoire.

Browsers for mobile devices on Android

All of the above browsers also have a mobile version. Except, perhaps, Vivaldi. But the developers will eventually eliminate this annoying misunderstanding. Comparison of browsers "Android" -devices shows that the priorities here change somewhat. The palm goes to Firefox. It is he who is distinguished by adequate display of pages, fast loading and the least amount of consumed RAM.

Chrome has the same problem as PC. He's too gluttonous. And if on a computer this is not very noticeable, then for a mobile gadget its appetite turns out to be critical. It takes an unrealistically long time to load. Especially on devices with very modest technical characteristics.

"Opera" is popular in mobile devices, so to speak, from old memory. Once upon a time, there were no specific alternatives for smartphones in terms of the browser. Everyone was at the Opera. But it's not just habit that plays a role here. Balanced combination of speed, appearance and optimization makes "Opera" the second most popular browser on Android. Comparison of browsers "Android" devices would be incomplete without "Opera".

Browsers on Windows Phone

IOS and WP device owners also have an alternative. However, for the owners of "Windows" things are much worse. Their system's lean store doesn't offer much choice. The mobile version of Edge is installed by default. As well as full-fledged, it is not worth using. Among the owners of "Windows" the most popular browser is "Opera". Choosing and comparing mobile browsers does not work in this case, since the WP platform has a very narrow range. Some may still install "Ognelis", but its optimization on this mobile platform leaves much to be desired. Why is that? Perhaps the point is in "Windows" itself. Microsoft is known for its glitches in mobile operating systems.

IOS browsers

Apple workers usually sit on stock Safari. And this is quite justified, because the balance of speed and performance is exactly what is needed for iOS and the current device. Although some people also install Ognelis, considering it much more convenient for surfing the Internet on Yabloko. Notice, no "Chromes" and "Operas". Yabloko obviously know a lot about good browsers. Comparison of mobile browsers highlights one leading by a wide margin - Most The best decision for a mobile device in terms of performance, appearance and control comfort.


According to all of the above, an almost ideal browser for a personal computer is Google Chrome. It is he who has the best balance of performance, appearance, ergonomics and functionality. Only excessive gluttony in terms of RAM brings it down. But for modern PCs and laptops, this is not a problem.

In the mobile segment, everything is somewhat different. The fastest and safest Mozilla Firefox wins the palm. Comparison of browsers showed that "Ognelis" confidently surpassed all its competitors. And with an impressive margin. The balance of speed, safety and ergonomics was perfect. And its undemandingness to system resources made it possible to launch even on low-power devices.

In general, the choice of a browser is a purely individual matter. Use whatever you like best. However, you also need to pay attention to speed and safety. And may the Internet be with you.

Advantages and disadvantages of browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.

Browser- one of the most demanded types software from everything installed on computers and mobile devices. Today, developers, offering a sufficient number of browsers, are vying with each other to praise their offspring, focusing on the merits and advantages over competitors.

Let's carry out comparative analysis the three most common browsers:

Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari

To find their merits and demerits. Let's identify the leader among them and get ahead of the most popular browser among users.

Mozilla Firefox is a convenient modern browser, the main advantages of which are extensibility and flexibility. At the same time, this browser has higher system requirements compared to other popular browsers.

Advantages of Mozilla Firefox:

Ability to manage bookmarks, assign tags, create groups and folders;
- nice interface.
- end-to-end spell check;
- user profiles;
- Synchronization of settings and data on different computers with different operating systems.
- the browser provides automatic blocking pop-up windows, provides a built-in search bar, a mechanism for working with RSS, a private browsing function.
- you can set a master password that allows you to block access to other passwords and digital certificates. When setting a password, the user can determine the degree of its complexity using special graphic elements.
- Mozilla is one of the safest browsers. It warns the user about the possible danger when trying to visit sites containing viruses, as well as fraudulent and phishing sites. Since such information enters the Google database quickly enough, setting on your Mozilla computer Firefox can make the Internet as safe as possible. In addition, all downloaded files are scanned by antivirus. In addition, Mozilla Firefox has other protection methods, including special extensions.
- The architecture of the browser makes it easy for developers to create new add-ons. They are the main difference between the browser and its competitors;

In number most common extensions that the Mozilla firefox browser offers include:

- Flashblock, which is an analogue of adblock intended for flash movies;
- NoScript, which is a plugin used to manage JavaScript and keep the browser secure;
- DownThemAll - download manager.
It should be noted that only a small portion of the extensions for this browser are listed here.

Disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox:

A completely non-functional line at the top (more precisely, the top of the browser window), on which Mozilla Firefox is written and the name of the page that is currently open.
- The line "File, Edit, View, Journal ..." is in little demand.
- You cannot turn off pictures like in the Opera, for example
- When updating all installed extensions fly off.
- Compared with previous versions the browser has become heavier and often freezes.
- The interface was better in previous versions.
- High resource intensity. It consumes a lot of RAM.
- Poorly implemented bookmarks bar. In the first, getting to them is not so easy. If you want to quickly go to the desired site, it will be much easier to enter its name into the search bar;
- The lack of options for configuring security zones experts call an omission in the development of Firefox.

Now consider Internet browser Explorer.

Advantages of Internet Explorer:

It is the most widespread browser due to its inclusion in the operating room Windows systems.
- Simple interface.
- At present Internet time Explorer is the most powerful browser in terms of security. It supports over 1,300 security settings, compared to just 150 of its closest competitor Firefox. IE has five highly configurable security zones for which you can disable JavaScript and plugins. It is the only browser to include parental controls.

Disadvantages of Internet Explorer:

In terms of interface capabilities, customizability, and extensibility, IE is hopelessly lagging behind; besides, after a couple of minutes of talking with Firefox, the good old Explorer starts to seem terribly slow and clumsy.
- Works slowly
- Explorer's popularity makes it a prime target for hacker attacks. Support for ActiveX controls (another mechanism widely used malware to penetrate a computer) creates an additional threat that other browsers do not have.
- Inability to support latest versions browser operating system Windows XP

Advantages of Apple - Safari:

There are not as many reviews of Safari on the web as of previous browsers. Firstly, this development from Apple was not so long ago optimized for Windows. Secondly, the browser is just gaining its popularity.
- Apple very popular. This is the main strength of Safari.
- Safari boasts the most infallible anti-phishing filter. In addition, before uploading any file, it always prompts the user accordingly. Safari (like Chrome) is good at blocking unwanted cookies.
- Safari starts by default in a fairly compact form, its window occupies only three quarters of the screen area, automatically fitting all the contents of web pages to the window.
-Browser supports multiple tabs at the same time, searches through built-in tools (Google - in Mac OS X, Google or Yahoo - in Windows), has the ability to block pop-ups and sync address books Mac and Windows OS.
-For users who want to be incognito on the Internet, a private browsing function has been developed, that is, a mode in which cookies are not accepted, the history of visits is not kept, and the entered data (including passwords) are not remembered.
- Other positive qualities of Safari include the built-in RSS aggregator and the ability to scale the input area.
In addition, the browser automatically recognizes web pages with non-standard fonts, supports CSS3 and HTML5 standards, integrates QuickTime and has Cover Flow. Other positive features of Safari are Snapback, which allows you to return to the original search results, and Web Inspector, which allows developers and users to view the DOM of web pages. I think you need to remember about the ability to check spelling in text fields.

Disadvantages of Apple - Safari:

Safari has a very boring interface.
-Safari is very difficult to use.
-Safari speed is not available to users with GPRS connections. Safari is significantly inferior to its brethren, sometimes not opening pages at all when other browsers are successfully coping with the task.
-The Safari Top Sites feature is very picky about the hardware capabilities of the computer - it will not be seen by many owners of devices with low video system characteristics.
- There are no security zones and the ability to disable expansion modules.
- Unpredictability when opening pages optimized for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, slow browser startup and inability to copy the entire contents of the web page.