Preparing for testing

When testing, there should be no unforeseen circumstances that reduce the reliability of test results. Therefore, during the preparation phase, the conditions that ensure the uniformity of the testing procedure, as well as those in which the tests are performed, should be standardized as much as possible. It is important to think about how to put together test materials for distribution to students, prepare special spare materials: answer forms, pens or pencils, etc., so as not to distract students from working on the test.

Prior to testing, it is advisable to conduct a rehearsal session, familiarizing students with the assignment forms and the steps to fill out the answer forms, especially if students have never completed tests before.

Requirements for forms for answers to test items. The form should be designed in such a way as to make it as understandable as possible for the subjects and to minimize the time spent looking for a place for answers. In tasks with a choice of answer, the symbol must be offered, p. which marks the correct answer. It is also necessary to identify possible corrections that students have the right to make on the form if the answer changes.

If the registration form is not attached separately, a space should be left at the beginning of the answer sheet for student data.

Conditions under which testing should be carried out. The preliminary preparation for testing concerns not only the materials used, but also the environment. It is necessary to select a room for testing in advance. It should be quiet enough, with good lighting, ventilation and comfortable working areas. When testing large groups of students, the room should provide examiners with free access to the students' seating, provide for the possibility of single-seater boarding of the test subjects and exclude situations that are convenient for cheating when the same version of the test is found in front or on the side of a student sitting on the side.

If testing is carried out in specialized auditoriums (classes of mathematics, physics, etc.), then it is necessary to remove (close) stands, posters and other materials with reference information on the relevant disciplines. Lists of students in the testing room and warning signs prohibiting entry into the premises under any circumstance other than an emergency are usually posted on the door. Assistants must be placed at the doors of the premises to stop access to the room for late students after the start of the tests.

Testing Instructions and Procedure

In the instructions before testing, which can be carried out 2-3 days or on the eve of the test, the teacher must:

1) explain to students why the test is needed, inform how its results will be used;

2) explain why the subjects should make maximum efforts to complete the test, focus the subjects' attention on the possibility of testing their strengths and emphasize the competitive motive;

4) give the subjects the opportunity to practice, to independently solve one or more sample problems. Check if the instruction is understood correctly by analyzing the results of the example assignments right at the consultation;

5) inform about the temporary resource of the test, about the rules for correcting mistakes made, tell about who to contact in case of questions, explain which questions should not wait for answers.

Instructions for students

The test consists of 10 questions. It takes 15 minutes to complete it. Read all assignments carefully before proceeding. Enter your FI data, group number in the answer form. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order. If the task cannot be completed immediately, go to the next one. If time remains, return to missed assignments. Mark the correct answers on the answer sheet.


1. Consolidation of computers for information exchange and sharing. resources called

  1. a) computer network

    b) graphic editor

    c) transmission medium

2. The global computer network is:

  1. a) information system by hyperlinks;

    b) many computers connected by data transmission channels and located within one room;

    c) a set of local networks and computers located at long distances and connected into a single system

3. Set the correspondence:

Computer networks are classified by:

4. A modem that transmits information at a rate of 28800 bit / s, for 1 s. can transmit two pages of text (3600 bytes) within ...

a) 1 second

b) 1 minute

5. The server is:

a) a personal computer connected to the network through which the user gains access to its resources;

b) a computer (program) connected to the network, managing a separate resource;

c) user's personal computer

6. Computer network protocol is:

a) a program that allows you to convert information into binary code;

b) a set of rules that determine the procedure for exchanging information in the network;

c) integration of computer networks

7. For each computer connected to the Internet, two addresses are set:

  1. a) digital and custom;

    b) digital and domain;

    c) symbolic and domain

8. Select all answer options:

You can attach to an email:

  1. a) text files

    b) graphic files

    c) sound files

    d) video files

    e) transmission media

9. The WEB-page has the extension:

10. Choose the correct answer:

To access the Internet, use

b) terminator

c) connector

Standards for answers

Test description

The test is intended for first-year students of open source software, for a quick test of knowledge in the "Computer networks" section. On a blank sheet, the test taker puts down the correct answers and his data.

Assessment indicators

Maximum points

confidently uses terminology and symbols;

owns the fundamental concepts;

uses basic intelligent operations to solve assigned tasks


owns the fundamental concepts;

is not confident in using terminology and symbols when explaining processes;


does not know the basic concepts;

is not confident in using terminology and symbols when explaining processes;

Test on the topic "Computer networks"

Question 1. (Difficulty - A) The global network is ...
Answer 1.a system of interconnected computers
Answer 2.a system of interconnected local networks
Answer 3.a system of interconnected local telecommunication networks
* Answer 4.a system of interconnected local networks and computers of individual users

Question 2. (Difficulty - A) To connect two computers via telephone lines, you must have:
Answer 1.Modem
* Answer 2.two modems
Answer, modem and special software
Answer 4. by modem on each computer and special software

Question 3. (Difficulty - A) E-mail is:
Answer program
Answer of the mail server
Answer 3.mail program
* Answer 4. Exchange of letters in computer networks (e-mail)

Question 4. (Complexity - A) The HTTP protocol serves to:
* Answer 1.Hypertext transfer
Answer 2.file transfer
Answer 3: messaging control
Answer 4.Run the program from a remote computer

Question 5. (Difficulty - A) What components of a computer network are needed to organize a peer-to-peer local area network?
* Answer 1. modem, server computer
Answer 2.Network card, network software
Answer 3. server computer, workstations,
Answer 4.Communication lines, network card, network software

Question 6. (Difficulty - A) To view the WEB-pages are intended:
Answer servers
* Answer 2.Browsers
Answer 3: teleconferencing
Answer 4.Providers

Question 7. (Difficulty - A) Which of the following schemes for connecting computers is a closed chain?
Answer 1. Bus
* Answer 2. Ring
Answer 3. Star

Question 8. (Difficulty - A) Which cable provides data transfer rates up to 10 Mbps?
* Answer 1.coaxial
Answer 2.twisted pair
Answer 3.Fiber optic
Answer 4. there is no correct answer

Question 9. (Difficulty - A) To transfer files over the network, the protocol is used ...
Answer 1. POP3
Response 2. HTTP
Answer 3. CMPT
* Answer 4. FTP

Question 10. (Difficulty - A) Choose the correct email address:
Answer 1. [email protected]
Answer 3.ivan
* Answer 4. [email protected]

Question 11. (Difficulty - A) The data transfer rate is 6000Mb / min. This amounts to ... Mbps
Answer 1.10
* Answer 2.100
Answer 3.3600
Answer 4.36000

Question 12. (Difficulty - A) An Internet e-mail address is set: [email protected] What is the name of the mail server?
Answer 1. [email protected]
Answer 2. fortuna
* Answer
Answer 4.list

Question 13. (Difficulty - A) A computer connected to the Internet must have
Answer 1. URL;
* Answer 2. IP address
Answer 3. WEB-page;
Answer 4. domain name;

Question 14. (Difficulty - A) Choose the correct IP address of the computer on the network
* Answer
Answer 3. 1278.214.198
Answer 4.10,0,0,1225
Question 15. (Complexity - A) The topology of a computer network in which all computers on the network are connected to a central node is called
Answer 1. Bus
Answer 2. Ring
* Answer 3. Star
Answer 4. There is no correct answer
Question 16. (Difficulty - B) Determine the computer number on the network by IP
Answer 3.255.106
* Answer 4.106
Question 19. (Difficulty - A) The protocol is ...
Answer 1.the ability of a computer to send files through information channels
Answer 2.device for working local network
* Answer 3.Standard for data transmission over a computer network
Answer 4.The standard for sending messages via email

1 Test. What kind of long-distance communication technology was first implemented in France at the beginning of the 19th century?

but. Telephone network.

b. Optical telegraph network.

2. What network technology is used in the telephone network?

but. Packet switching.

b. Layer 2 switching.

in. Layer 3 switching.

d. Channel switching.

3. Which technology works best for the explosive nature of data transmission?

but. Packet switching.

b. Analog transmission.

in. Channel switching.

d. Patch panel technology.

4. Which of the following disadvantages are inherent in networks based on general purpose computers? (Choose whatever works.)

but. Mainframe hardware is much more expensive than personal computer hardware.

b. Personal computer servers can handle significantly more data than general purpose machines.

in. The failure of the universal machine causes the collapse of the entire system.

d. The terminals of general purpose machines provide a lower level of security than personal computers connected to a network.

5. Which of the following list can be shared between computers on the network? (Choose whatever works.)

but. Data.

b. Applications.

in. Printers.

d. Modems.

6. Which of these devices are input devices? (Check all that apply.)

but. Plotter.

in. Digital camera.

d. Printer.

7. Which of these names denotes a method developed in the 1980s for translating hostnames to IP addresses?

8.Test. What are the names of technologies that combine telecommunications and computing?

but. Mainframes.

b. Telephony.

9. Which computer is sending requests to another computer to gain access to its data and resources?

but. Server.

b. Work station.

in. Client computer.


10. Which computer sends requests to another computer to gain access to its data and resource am?

but. Server.

b. Work station.

in. Client computer.


11. What is the name of the set of rules that computers adhere to during the connection?

but. Protocol.

b. The type of environment.

d. Topology.

12. Which of the following is the network type classified by physical scope?

b. WAN (Wide Area Network).


13. Which of the following statements are true for a typical local area network?

but. A local area network is a large network made up of many small networks.

b. A local area network covers a wide geographic area with nodes in different cities, states and countries.

in. The local area network covers a limited area, its computers are located close to each other.

d. To simplify management tasks, the local network can be divided into working groups.

14. What is the name of a group of networks connected to each other?

d. Working group.

15. Which of the following statements are true for client / server networks?

but. Installing client / server networks is cheaper.

b. In client / server networks, data is stored centrally for easy backups.

in. A network administrator is needed to maintain client / server networks.

d. Client / server networks provide greater security.

16. What is the name of the server that performs registration authentication on a Microsoft client / server network?

b... Security Accounts Manager.

in. Domain controller.

d. Cluster server.

17. Which of these statements about peer-to-peer security are correct?

but. Security controls are centralized and controlled by the network administrator.

b. The security is higher than in a client / server environment, and it is more difficult to break the integrity and confidentiality of data.

in. Each computer in the workgroup has its own database with security settings.

d. Security is not provided at the user level, but at the level of shared resources.

18. Which of these statements about Windows 2000 domains are correct?

but. The foundation of Windows 2000 domains is a directory service called Active Directory.

b. The core of Windows 2000 domains is a directory service called Bindery.

in. Windows 2000 domains are called down-level domains.

d. A Windows 2000 domain can contain many domain controllers, all of which can read and write to the directory database.

19. Which of these statements about TCP / IP networks are correct?

but. TCP / IP networks are medium to large networks with many subnets.

b. The global Internet is a TCP / IP network.

in. There are few tools and utilities developed for TCP / IP networks.

d. TCP / IP networks are easier to administer than NetBEUI.

20. What is the name of a network topology in which the network has a beginning and an end, and terminators are used to prevent signal reflections?

but. Star-shaped.

b. Mixed honeycomb.

in. Tire.

21. What network architectures use unshielded twisted pairs?

22. What is the name of the number system in which 16 digits are used to represent numerical values?

but. Decimal.

b. Hexadecimal.

in. Binary.

d. Machine code.

23. What is the name of a digit in the binary number system?


24. What number in decimal is equal to a binary number

25. What is the name of the small pieces of data into which the computer breaks down the data before transferring it to the network?

but. Hexadecimal numbers.

b. Packages.

in. Headings.

26. What is the name of the component that is placed in the trailer of the data packet in order to detect errors?

but. Check bit.

27. "A schematic description of a system, theory or phenomenon, including its known or studied properties and used to further study its characteristics." What is being determined here?

but. Protocol.

b. Model.

in. Process.

d. Level.

28. Which layer of the OSI model is divided into two sub-layers?

but. Physical.

b. Channel.

in. Network.


29. Which layer of the OSI model does not add header information to the data packet as it moves down the stack?

but. Physical.

b. Channel.

in. Session.


30. What protocol belongs to the session layer?

31. What is another name for a multi-station repeater?

b. Router.

in. Switch.

g. Concentrator.

32. What is the name of the process of converting zeros and ones, representing computer data, into electrical or light impulses?

but. Encryption.

b. Coding.

in. Security.

d. Cyclicity.

33. Which of these statements are true for digital signals?

but. The digital signal is a constantly changing electromagnetic wave.

b. The parameters of a digital signal are amplitude, frequency and phase.

in. The unit of measurement for digital signals is hertz.

d. A digital signal is a signal with discrete states.

34. Which of the following statements about the advantages of analog signals over digital ones are true? (Select all that apply.)

but. Analog signals are less susceptible to interference.

b. Analog devices are cheaper than digital ones.

in. Analog signals are easier to multiplex.

d. Analog signals are less susceptible to attenuation.

35. What is the name of a technology in which all the capabilities of the medium are used to transmit data over one channel?

but. Transfer of unmodulated signals.

b. Signal modulation.

in. Multiplexing.

d. Multi-connections.

36. Which of these statements are true for unmodulated signals? (Select all that apply.)

but. Unmodulated signals can be transmitted in both directions.

b. Unmodulated signals are used in cable television.

in. Unmodulated signals are unidirectional.

d. Digital signals are most often unmodulated.

37. What type of multiplexing is used in fiber optic networks, in which each signal is transmitted at its own wavelength of the light beam?

but. Frequency division of channels.

b. Time division of channels.

in. High density wavelength.

d. By wavelength frequency.

38. Which of these statements about asynchronous data transfer are true?

but. In asynchronous transmission, the internal clocks of the sending and receiving devices are coordinated by built-in mechanisms.

b. Asynchronous transmission uses state-guaranteed synchronization.

in. Gating is used for asynchronous transmission.

d. In asynchronous transmission, a start bit is used to synchronize the transmitting and receiving devices.

39. What systems use half-duplex method?

but. A television.

b. Broadcasting.

in. Telephone communications.

Test 40. Which signal carrier is most sensitive to electromagnetic interference?

but. Unshielded twisted pair.

b. Coaxial cable.

in. Fiber optic cable.

d. Shielded twisted pair.

41. What access method is used in Ethernet?

but. CSMA / CA.

in. Passing the token.

d. Priorities of requests.

42. What architecture is defined by the IEEE 802.3 specification?

43. What method of access to the network is used in Ethernet?

in. Passing the token.

d. Priorities of requests.

44. What is the maximum number of nodes per cable segment in Ethernet 10Base2?

45. What type of cable is the BNC connector used with?

but. Unshielded pair.

b. Thick coaxial cable.

in. Thin coaxial cable.

d. Fiber optic cable.

46. ​​What architecture is called standard Ethernet?

47. What is the maximum cable length specified for 10Base5 networks?

but. 100 meters.

b. 500 meters.

in. 100 feet.

d. 500 ft.

48. Which of the following statements is true for the Token Ring architecture? (Select all that apply.)

but. Token Ring topology is passive.

b. Token Ring bandwidth is 4 or 16 Mbps.

in. Token Ring hubs are called multiple access devices.

d. Token Ring networks use modulated signals.

49. What is the name of the looping signal sent by the host computer on the Token Ring network to detect a failed node and reconfigure the network to restore communication?

but. Marker.

b. Data frame.

50. What is the name of the data link protocol originally developed for AppleTalk networks?

51. What is the bandwidth of standard ARCnet?

but. 2.5 Mbps.

b. 25 Mbps.

in. 16 Mbps.

d. 10 Mbps.

52. Which of the following parameters should be configured for the internal modem?

but. I / O address.

b. IP address.

d. Communication port.

53. What is CSU / DSU or PAD?

but. ISDN terminal adapter.

b. User equipment.

in. Terminal identifier.

d. Concentrator-router.

54. In which networks are PSTN, ISDN, DSL, DDS and T-carriers used?

but. In circuit-switched networks.

b. In packet-switched networks.

in. Switched 59.

d. In local networks.

55. Which of the following statements about ISDN are true? (Choose all that apply.)

but. This is analog communication.

b. ISDN is more expensive than PSTN.

in. ISDN requires special equipment on the telephone

station and at the user.

d. ISDN line contains only one channel.

56. Which WAN topology provides the easiest scalability?

but. Point.

b. Ring.

in. Star.

d. All of the above are equally extensible.

57. What was the name of the very first packet-switched technology based on the ARPAnet 1822 protocol?

but. Frame Relay.

58. Which of the following characteristics of Frame Relay is different from the characteristics of X.25? (Choose all that apply.)

but. Frame Relay provides high performance.

b. Frame Relay uses packet switching.

in. Frame Relay uses digital signals.

d. Frame Relay does not have continuous error checking.

59. Which of the following is true for ATM? (Choose all that apply.)

but. Variable length packets are used.

b. Chunks of data of 53 bytes are used, which are called cells.

d. Predefined channels are used.

e. This is the cheapest WAN technology.

Option number 1
1. What networks are used by a small group of employees
a) campus networks
b) corporate networks
c) department networks
2. What characteristic of the network shows the average time to process user requests
a) bandwidth
b) manageability
c) performance
3. What level of the OSI model is the lowest.
a) channel
b) physical
c) applied
4. What type of cable does single-mode cables belong to:
a) fiber optic
b) twisted pair
c) coaxial
5. What communication lines use wireless channels.
a) air
b) cable
c) radio channels
6. What signal coding belongs to analog modulation.
a) polar
b) Manchester code
c) phase
7. LAN is ...:
a) a set of computers for sharing information in
limited limits
b) a set of computers for sharing information on large
c) a set of computers for transferring data from a common database
8. The network topology is ...:

9. What routers are intended for building a network of a central corporation:
a) trunk

10. What does not apply to mobile communications:
a) twisting
b) infrared communication
c) cellular telephony

11. Which networks serve to provide their services to a large number of subscribers,
located within a very large area of ​​a city, country, etc .:
a) global
b) local
c) corporate
12. Which device processes frames in parallel?
a) bridge
b) switch
c) hub
13. What switching uses information buffering:
a) channels
b) packages
c) messages
14. What does not apply to LAN tasks:
a) differentiation of information
b) file splitting
c) separation of peripheral devices
15. MODEM this device?
A) for storing information
B) to process information at a given time
C) for the transmission of information via telephone communication channels
16. A shared computer that includes all
resources called ...
A) file server.
B) workstation.
C) client server
17. List 3 basic network topologies:
Write down the answer:

Answer common bus, marker ring, star
18. What topologies is the Ethernet technology based on:
a) tire
b) star
c) ring
19. The global network is ...
a) a system of interconnected computers
b) a system of interconnected local networks
c) a system of interconnected local networks and individual computers
20. Which network component includes all the connection devices.
a) computers
b) network applications
c) communication equipment
Which protocol ensures the transfer of messages from sender to recipient through

united systems of computer networks?
a) TCP
b) IP
c) IPX
22. What level guarantees the delivery of packets without errors.
a) network
b) channel
c) transport
23. The main function of which device is to repeat the frame on all ports:
a) hub
b) switch
c) network adapter
Option number 2
1. What is the topmost component of the network.
a) computers
b) operating system
c) network applications
2. Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for addressing the message and translating logical addresses into
a) channel
b) network
c) transport
3. What cable is most commonly used in a horizontal subsystem (within a floor)?
a) fiber optic
b) shielded twisted pair
c) unshielded twisted pair
4. What characteristic shows that the network performs all its functions.
a) performance
b) efficiency
c) reliability
5. Which communication lines do not use insulating shells
a) air
b) cable
c) radio channels
6. What coding of signals belongs to digital coding
a) polar
b) frequency
c) amplitude
7. Which device receives messages sent over the network and automatically monitors
a) hub
b) switch
c) network adapter

8. The access method is ...:
a) a logical diagram of the connection by communication channels of network computers
b) a set of rules governing the use of the data transmission channel
c) the scheme of data transmission over the network
9. How many layers does the OSI model have?
a) 5
b) 7
at 10 o'clock
10.What does not apply to wireless links:
a) communication in the wavelength range
b) radio communication
c) paging
11. What routers are designed to separate large local networks into
a) trunk
b) routers of remote offices
c) LAN routers
12. Provider is:

normal network operation
13. In which topology is a special format frame used?
a) common bus
b) marker ring
c) star
14. The concept of "point-to-point" transfer:
a) data transfer through the hub
b) data transfer from one network adapter to another
c) data transmission through a chain of computers
15. Standard Internet Protocol.
C) TCP / IP.
16. A computer connected to the Internet must have:
Choose one of 3 answer options:
a) domain name
b) URL address
c) IP address
17. Communication channel providing high-speed transmission?
Write down the answer:
Fiber optic
18. On what topology the TokenRing technology is based:
a) tire

b) star
c) ring
19. What components of a computer network are needed to organize a peer-to-peer
local network?
a) modem, computer server, workstations
b) network card, network software
c) file server, workstations, modem
20. What characteristic of the network hides the details of the network from the user.
a) extensibility
b) transparency
c) compatibility
21. What refers to the intermediate equipment of communication lines:
a) modem
b) hub
c) network adapter
22. What kind of switching allows you to divide data into parts:
a) channels
b) packages
c) messages
23. Which operating mode of the switch does not exist:
a) half-duplex
b) duplex
c) complex
Option number 3
1. In which network adapters part of the work is shifted to the driver:
a) client
b) server
c) mixed
2. Which layer of the OSI model is the highest.
a) physical
b) representative
c) applied
3. What network connects many networks of different departments of one enterprise.
a) department networks
b) local networks
c) corporate networks
4. What characteristics of the network can include a wide variety of software and
a) manageability
b) compatibility
c) transparency
5. What does not apply to the characteristics of communication lines:
a) noise immunity

b) attenuation
c) noise immunity
6. What communication lines use multiple layers of insulating shells
a) air
b) cable
c) radio channels
7. What does not apply to LAN tasks:
a) access to information
b) file splitting
c) information protection
8. What topology is based on hubs
a) common bus
b) marker ring
c) star
9. What layer of the OSI model deals with the transmission of an unstructured stream over pipes
a) physical
b) channel
c) network
10. What device is used in analog modulation:
a) network adapter
b) hub
c) modem
11. What bridge operation algorithm does not exist:
a) transparent bridge
b) source-routed bridge
c) source-buffered bridge
12. What the routing table contains:
a) information about router numbers
b) routes to all known networks connected to routers
c) graph of the transit time of the frame through the router
13. What function of the global network does not exist:
a) transport
b) multilevel
c) high-level
14. What level is presented in the form of various protocols with the help of which
the user is accessing resources
a) representative
b) applied
c) network
The main reason for disabling a port on hubs is:
a) no response frame repetition on all ports
b) no response to a sequence of pulses sent to all ports.

c) if the port gives errors
LAN configuration in which all PCs are connected to the same communication line.
A) Ring.
B) Tire.
D) Star.
Networks where all computers are equal
Write down the answer:
18. On what topology is FDDI technology based:
a) tire
b) star
c) ring
19. Which cable provides 100Mbps data transfer rate?
a) coaxial
b) twisted pair
c) fiber optic
20. In which topology all computers on the network can simultaneously transmit
a) common bus
b) marker ring
c) star
21. What characteristics of the network allows to increase the number of network nodes in
wide limits
a) extensibility
b) scalability
c) compatibility
22. What level allows you to insert breakpoints into long transmissions.
a) network
b) representative
c) session
23. What does not apply to mobile communications:
a) paging
b) radio communication
c) cellular telephony
Option number 4
1. Which device processes frames sequentially?
a) bridge
b) switch
c) hub
... is a method of describing network environments that reflects the interactions between software and
hardware during the communication session.

a) topology
b) structuring
c) OSI model
3. What characteristic of the network serves for the ability to control the constituent elements
a) reliability
b) manageability
c) performance
4. Which layer of the OSI model deals with the form of transmission of information over the network, without changing when
this is its content, and also deals with data encryption.
a) applied
b) transport
c) representative
5. How are the network protocols implemented:
a) hardware
b) software modules
c) routing tables
6. What does not apply to the characteristics of communication lines:
a) reliability
b) bandwidth
c) bandwidth
7. What switching allows you to create a single transmission channel:
a) channels
b) packages
c) messages
8. What does not apply to LAN components:
a) network os
b) servers
c) switching equipment
9. In what topology do computers participate in packet transmission?
a) common bus
b) marker ring
c) star
10. The network operator is:
a) a company providing paid services to network subscribers
b) a company that maintains the normal operation of the network
c) a company that provides paid services to network subscribers and supports
normal network operation
11. What is the name of the characteristic that transmits data per unit of time
a) bandwidth
b) performance
c) reliability
12. Which networks are not subnetted
a) department networks
b) global networks

c) corporate networks
13. What does not apply to wireless communication lines:
a) infrared communication
b) radio communication
c) cellular telephony
14. The simplest method of protection against unauthorized access:
a) antiviruses
b) password protection
c) encryption
15. Which protocol performs packet fragmentation:
a) IP
b) TCP
c) IPX

16. Configuration of a local network based on a file server.
A) Ring.
B) Tire.
C) Star.
17. A computer presenting its resources to other PCs is called ...
Write down the answer:
18. What kind of cable does not use TokenRing technology:
a) coaxial
b) twisted pair
c) fiber optic
19. Which of the following schemes for connecting computers is a closed chain?
20. In what way does the concentrator work:
a) Tire
b) Ring
c) Star
a) 4x hubs
b) bit
c) without a break
21. Which device transmits frames, while determining the optimal path for the frame:
a) hub
b) switch
c) router
22. A device that, on the side of the transmitter, provides digital conversion
computer signal into a modulated analog signal, and on the receiver side
performs reverse signal conversion.
A) Hub
B) Modem.
D) Switch.
called ...
23. Equipment located between networks using the same protocols,

A) Bridge.
B) AC adapter.
D) Gateway.
Option number 5
1. What network component forms the software platform
a) communication equipment.
b) network applications
c) operating systems
2. What characteristic of the network protects against unauthorized access.
a) reliability
b) safety
c) scalability
3. What function do network protocols not perform?
a) transmission of packets between end nodes of the network
b) protection against broadcast storms
c) the choice of the packet transmission route
4. What level carries out the transmission of each frame, while waiting for confirmation
a) channel
b) network
c) transport
5. What bandwidth is recorded in 1 second of time
a) instant
b) average
c) maximum
6. What concerns the main equipment of communication lines:
a) modem
b) switch
c) hub
7. What kind of switching allows the transmission of e-mail information:
a) channels
b) packages
c) messages
8. In what way does the switch work:
a) 4x hubs
b) bit
c) without a break
9. Which topology is most likely to cause collisions?
a) common bus
b) marker ring
c) star
10. Which network component works at the link layer
a) hub
b) switch
c) network adapter

Which protocol organizes the reliable and efficient operation of the composite network:
a) TCP
b) IP
c) IPX
Which component of the global network is installed in certain geographic locations,
where divergence and merging of data streams is required:
a) multiplexer
b) switch
c) router
13. What characteristic of the network means mean mean time between failures
a) reliability
b) performance
c) compatibility
14. What topology is not used to build large LANs
a) common bus
b) marker ring
c) star
What field is missing from the IP protocol?
What is related to network equipment?
a) field "offset"
b) the "checksum" field
c) the "fragmentation" field
A) Hub.
C) Adapter.
C) All answers are correct.
17. Give the decryption of the LAN
Write down the answer:
Local computing network
18. What kind of cable does FDDI technology use:
19. Select the correct IP address of the computer on the network
a) coaxial
b) twisted pair
c) fiber optic
a) 1.
c) 1278.214.198
Networks where one of all computers is allocated, which manages all resources
Write down the answer:
21. What kind of cable does Ethernet technology use:
a) coaxial
b) twisted pair
c) fiber optic
d) all types of cables
22. Topology of a computer network in which all computers on the network are connected to
the central node is called

a) Tire
b) Ring
c) Star
23. What kind of networks is called peer-to-peer?
a) local network;
b) global network;
c) corporate network;

Option number 2.
Question 1. (Difficulty - A) The global network is ...
Answer 1.a system of interconnected computers
Answer 2.a system of interconnected local networks
Answer 3.a system of interconnected local telecommunication networks
* Answer 4.a system of interconnected local networks and computers of individual users

Question 2. (Difficulty - A) To connect two computers via telephone lines, you must have:
Answer 1.Modem
* Answer 2.two modems
Answer, modem and special software
Answer 4. by modem on each computer and special software

Question 3. (Difficulty - A) E-mail is:
Answer program
Answer of the mail server
Answer 3.mail program
* Answer 4. Exchange of letters in computer networks (e-mail)

Question 4. (Complexity - A) The HTTP protocol serves to:
* Answer 1.Hypertext transfer
Answer 2.file transfer
Answer 3: messaging control
Answer 4.Run the program from a remote computer

Question 5. (Difficulty - A) What components of a computer network are needed to organize a peer-to-peer local area network?
* Answer 1. modem, server computer
Answer 2.Network card, network software
Answer 3. server computer, workstations,
Answer 4.Communication lines, network card, network software

Question 6. (Difficulty - A) To view the WEB-pages are intended:
Answer servers
* Answer 2.Browsers
Answer 3: teleconferencing
Answer 4.Providers

Question 7. (Difficulty - A) Which of the following schemes for connecting computers is a closed chain?
Answer 1. Bus
* Answer 2. Ring
Answer 3. Star

Question 8. (Difficulty - A) Which cable provides data transfer rates up to 10 Mbps?
* Answer 1.coaxial
Answer 2.twisted pair
Answer 3.Fiber optic
Answer 4. there is no correct answer

Question 9. (Difficulty - A) To transfer files over the network, the protocol is used ...
Answer 1. POP3
Response 2. HTTP
Answer 3. CMPT
* Answer 4. FTP

Question 10. (Difficulty - A) Choose the correct email address:
Answer 1. [email protected]
Answer 3.ivan
* Answer 4. [email protected]

Question 11. (Difficulty - A) The data transfer rate is 6000Mb / min. This amounts to ... Mbps
Answer 1.10
* Answer 2.100
Answer 3.3600
Answer 4.36000

Question 12. (Difficulty - A) An Internet e-mail address is set: [email protected] What is the name of the mail server?
Answer 1. [email protected]
Answer 2. fortuna
* Answer
Answer 4.list

Question 13. (Difficulty - A) A computer connected to the Internet must have
Answer 1. URL;
* Answer 2. IP address
Answer 3. WEB-page;
Answer 4. domain name;

Question 14. (Difficulty - A) Choose the correct IP address of the computer on the network
* Answer
Answer 3. 1278.214.198
Answer 4.10,0,0,1225

Question 15. (Complexity - A) The topology of a computer network in which all computers on the network are connected to a central node is called
Answer 1. Bus
Answer 2. Ring
* Answer 3. Star
Answer 4. There is no correct answer

Q16. (Difficulty - A) Which top-level domain does "educational site" mean?
Answer 1. mil
* Answer

Question 17. (Difficulty - A) Determine the level 2 domain
Answer 1.klyaksa
Answer 2.inform
Answer 3.www
* Answer 4. net

Question 18. (Difficulty - B) Determine the computer number on the network by IP
Answer 3.255.106
* Answer 4.106

Question 19. (Difficulty - A) The protocol is ...
Answer 1.the ability of a computer to send files through information channels
Answer 2.device for working local network
* Answer 3.Standard for data transmission over a computer network
Answer 4.The standard for sending messages via email

Question 20. (Difficulty - B) How long will it take to transfer a 128KB file over a 128Kbps network?
* Answer 1.8 p.
Answer 2.1 s.
Answer 3.1 min.
Answer 4.10 p.