A blue screen (screen of death, BSoD screen) is quite common during computer operation. He reports that a critical failure has occurred in the system, after which the work cannot be continued. Usually it contains a code of such a failure by which you can classify what exactly is in the work of your personal computer went wrong and try to fix the problem. Sometimes it is enough just to reboot the system, and sometimes the consequences are very serious.

You can often find articles in which it is written that all blue screens have a common nature, but this is complete nonsense and has nothing to do with the truth. The appearance of a blue screen can be either the cause of a technical or software failure, or everything is in the heap.
The technical one can be attributed to the failure of any component, their conflict with each other. Pollination of slots, overheating of the motherboard, as a result of its failure, short circuits.

The software includes incorrectly installed or incompatible drivers, software conflict, crooked updating of the operating system.

In order to reduce the range of reasons, you can use the free, portable utility "Errorka". It contains a list of error codes, their description, recommendations for eliminating these shortcomings.
If a blue screen appears at you often and without good reason, it is better to contact service center to specialists. Joking with this case is not desirable.

The first thing to try in this case is to try to reset BIOS settings by pressing the DEL button at the beginning of the download, and selecting in engineering menu Load setup defaults or something similar. If it was not possible to reset the BIOS in this way, for example, in the case when an unknown password is set, it is enough to de-energize the system unit, remove the battery from the motherboard and let the device stand in this state for 10-15 minutes.

When the motherboard capacitors are discharged, an automatic reset will occur. Restoring or reinstalling Windows If the BIOS is reset and the blue screen still prevents booting operating system, you can try to "roll back" Windows to the state of the last working version. To do this, before booting the system, you need to press the F8 key, which brings up the boot options menu, and select in it safe mode... When the computer is booted up, the system will prompt the user to start a backup recovery.

This process is fully automated, you just need to select one of the proposed dates for the good state of the computer. In the case when it is impossible to start the system in recovery mode, it is recommended to restore it from the original installation disk from which it was originally installed. In order not to lose important information, in this case it is necessary to dismantle the hard drive and connect it to a known working computer, and after the backup, restore the OS to a working state.

The most common reasons for a sudden shutdown of the operating system are: installation of new hardware; virus; lack of drivers for some components; outdated Bios firmware; overheating of components; bad sectors on the hard disk. lack of free space on the hard disk; lack of normal contact of components with motherboard; incompatible equipment; failure of RAM strips, hard disk, elements of the motherboard, power supply; damaged operating system files.

Incorrect overclocking of the RAM or processor can also lead to an error. With incorrectly set overclocking parameters, a weak power supply or features of the motherboard, the system will constantly give an error at startup. The lack of critical updates can lead to a system crash. How to remove the blue screen of death in Windows XP If the blue screen of death still popped up, what should I do? Windows XP is very sensitive to the installation of incompatible hardware and drivers. This is what you should pay attention to in the first place.

To overcome the problem, you need to take the following measures: disconnect all new equipment; check the system for viruses; delete not required files, freeing at least 15% on each logical drive; update device drivers and BIOS firmware; rollback of recently installed drivers; install the latest OS updates; test the hard drive for bad sectors (How to check a hard drive for bad sectors).

If the system does not boot, then you can check Windows for viruses and remove the drivers using bootable flash drive... To do this, you need to capture an image of the bootable version of the operating system and perform all the necessary operations, including backup important information... You can burn the image using the UltraIso program. A countermeasure that will rule out hardware problems is reinstalling Windows.

If after this operation and updating the BIOS the blue screen does not disappear, then the PC has problems with the hardware. If the OS installation resolved the problem, then the system crashed due to a software error. To find out which components are out of order, you will need to sort them out, replacing: RAM; Power Supply; hard disk with installed OS for this hardware configuration. If the above nodes turned out to be working, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the system unit from dust and clean the darkened contacts on all components with an eraser.

To bring down high fever heating, you can install more powerful coolers on the processor and case to blow the motherboard, hard drive and memory. Recommendations for avoiding problems with starting the OS Now you know how to remove the blue screen of death in Windows XP, and what measures you need to take for this.

The best defense against such problems is prevention. Install device drivers only from the manufacturers' official websites. Do not download branded software from third-party resources. Make sure that the anti-virus regularly receives database updates. When installing new hardware, make sure it is supported by your operating system and motherboard. If your mains voltage fluctuates, install a UPS to provide stable power to your PC.
Let's look at situations in which a blue screen of death can occur and figure out what the user should do in such cases.

Blue screen when installing an operating system update.

No action is required here, the system will automatically return to previous version.

BSOD appears after installing service pack or drivers.

Ways to solve the problem:

if the operating system boots, you can simply uninstall Last update... To do this, you need to know exactly what is causing the error. If you have installed both the OS update and the latest driver versions, then try to rollback sequentially. To do this, open the "Search" on the taskbar, then "View installed updates», Select the one you want and delete it.
sometimes after the blue screen appears, the operating system does not load, and the computer itself restarts several times. After that, it starts automatic recovery and the user is prompted to select a solution to the problem.
Go to "Advanced Options" and click "Restore System".

This will rollback to the last restore point (these are created automatically when you install updates or drivers). After a system restore, these drivers and updates will be removed. The process will not affect other files on your computer. If the error is resolved, disconnect for a while automatic update operating system.
Blue screen crashes when loading Windows 10 or while working on a computer.

The problem may be caused by an OS or driver update, hardware malfunction, overheating, or viruses. What can you do in such cases?

update the OS. To do this, open "Search" on the taskbar, then "Update Center", follow the link and on the page that opens, click "Check for an update".

If you've recently installed new hardware, try shutting down your computer and unplugging it. Replace it with the old video card, memory stick, etc. and see if the issue is resolved.

there may be a problem with the RAM lines. To check if they are working correctly, use a tester program like memtest86 +. If they reveal "broken" rulers, the memory bar will need to be replaced.
it is possible that the equipment is overheating. Run the Everest program to test. It happens that in order to eliminate permanent blue screens, it is enough to turn off the computer and thoroughly blow out all the fans from a cylinder of compressed air.

sometimes BSOD is triggered by firewall or anti-virus software (if DeviceLock Service agent is active). In this case, you will either need the help of a professional who will determine the cause of the software conflict with DeviceLock Service, or disable Unhook protection (Service Settings → Administrator → disable Unhook protection).

if you have persistent blue screens, and you know for sure that the problem is not in the system update, not in the drivers and overheating, try scanning the system with antivirus programs - it is possible that they will detect a Trojan or virus, perhaps even more than one.
Another likely reason for the large number of BSODs is operating system errors. How to fix this problem?

Either by installing the latest service packs (if the manufacturer has already worked on the bugs), or, on the contrary, rolling back to the previous version (if the problem appeared after installing a fresh Service pack, and the manufacturer does not yet know about it).

incorrect BIOS settings. If you or a certain "craftsman" recently changed something in the BIOS, after which blue screens began to appear, just return the default settings.

incorrect work hard drives... Open the hard disk menu with the right mouse button, go to the "Tools" tab, select "Check volume for errors". If there are bad sectors, then they can be restored regular means system and the blue screen problem will be resolved.

BSoD most often appears to the user for a reason, usually it is the person who provokes him. For example, adding new components, installing new, unverified programs, or downloading new driver versions. Very often, the blue screen of death appears at Windows startup when the user decides to increase the amount of RAM modules on his device.

In this case, this means that the added RAM line for some reason begins to conflict with the already installed ones. It also makes sense to check if all the wiring inside the system unit is connected correctly, remove and reinsert the RAM, video and sound card modules.

If everything is in order with the hardware of the computer, then you should remember what has been changed in the software part of the computer. You will most likely need to log into the system in safe mode and carry out the process of rolling back all changes to the point when everything functioned without failures. This can be done by restoring the system to an earlier point, that is, to the point when nothing caused the blue screen. To do this, select Control Panel from the Start menu and find the "Recovery" item there.

System Restore

A window will open in which you should click on the "Start System Restore" button and click "Next".

Launching System Restore

After that, the PC will prompt you to select a system restore point (they are created automatically when you make changes to the software)

Selecting a system restore point

It just so happens that the blue screen of death always scares PC users. You are playing CS: GO or Dota 2 - when Blue Screen suddenly crashes. Or writing a term paper for 2 hours - and again this error. And if autosave was also disabled, then it's generally great.

Top 10 Reasons

First, let's look at the main reasons why the blue screen of death crashes:

  1. Breakage of HDD, video card, RAM, etc.
  2. Device conflict (usually new RAM).
  3. Incompatibility of a device with Windows.
  4. Overheating of devices (most often a video card or processor).
  5. Inappropriate driver (or incompatibility with Windows).
  6. Driver conflict.
  7. Incorrect BIOS parameters.
  8. Not enough free space on the local disk FROM.
  9. Overclocking the processor or RAM.
  10. Infection with viruses.

In 70% of cases, the blue screen appears due to drivers. Therefore, install them only from the official website of the developer.

Blue Screen crashes: what to do?

First, you need to configure so that the computer or laptop does not restart after this error. What for? To write down her code, and use it to find a solution to the problem.

The instructions for Windows 7, 8 and XP are the same:

Done. Now, when the blue screen of death appears again, you need to write down / remember the error code. Where is he? See the example screenshot below:

In this case, it is 0x0000004e. Write it down and look for what it means. For example, you can search here http://bsodstop.ru/ - this site contains the most common error codes.

There is also information about 0x0000004e: the error appears due to incorrect operation of the driver. Which one exactly? This is not said, but there is one easy way to find out.

To do this, you need the BlueScreenView utility (you can find it, the download link is almost at the very bottom of the page). It will automatically find the file causing the error and display it in the report. To do this, you just need to run the program.

For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that the blue screen on the computer crashes due to the ati2dvag.dll file. He is associated with AMD graphics(you can guess by the name of ATI or search on the Internet by its name), therefore, most likely, you need to install new drivers for it. Or vice versa - old ones (it is best to use the disc that comes with the PC).

In this way, step by step, you can find the error, find out the reason for its appearance, as well as the file that causes it. And then you eliminate this malfunction and restore the work of Windows.

What else can you do about BSoD dysfunction?

» How to overcome the blue screen of death in the operating room Windows system 7?

How to overcome the blue screen of death in the Windows 7 operating system?

Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death

The Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death (pronounced Blue Screen of Death or BSoD) is a message displayed by the system about critical operating system errors, due to which further work is impossible and the PC restarts without saving data.

Windows 7 settings for working with BsoD

The Blue Screen of Death is displayed due to a problem with the installed hardware or a malfunction in the software (usually drivers). White letters are displayed on a blue background to explain the cause of the failure. The main task of the user is to correctly interpret paragraphs written in large print with spaces, underscores and starting with asterisks. For instance:

*** STOP: 0x0000007B ([parameter 1], [parameter 2], [parameter 3], [parameter 4])

Setup has encountered a fatal errors that prevents it from continuing.

Contact your products support representative. The following status will assist them in diagnosting the problems.

(0x4, 0x1, 0, 0)

Power down or rebooting your computer now. Setup cannot continue.

The system error "Stop 0x0000007B" is displayed when the following malfunctions occur:

  • The driver requested by the boot controller is not configured to start at boot time
  • Damaged boot controller driver
  • Damaged keys windows registry 7 Controlling Ways to Load Device Drivers

In order to establish the source of the appearance of the blue screen of death, you can photograph it. But you don't always have a camera at hand. Therefore, disable reboot in auto mode and enable dump recording.

  • Right-click on the "My Computer" icon, choosing "Properties"
  • On the left there will be "Advanced system parameters"

  • Open the "Advanced" tab
  • In the "System Failure" item, set the "checkbox" for the parameter responsible for recording events to the system log and uncheck for the parameter that performs automatic reboot

A memory dump is an image of the contents of memory at a specific time. At the time when the blue screen of death occurs, Windows 7 will not automatically restart and a "dump" containing information about the error will be saved in the computer.

Any Windows 7 blue screen of death will provide you with an error code in hexadecimal code. For example, the INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error corresponds to the code 0x0000007B. Using this value, we will identify the error by entering it into any of the known search engines. Then, following the instructions specified in the articles, we eliminate the source of the error.

Using special diagnostic utilities

The Blue Screen View application is very helpful in quickly diagnosing Windows 7 blue screens of death. She herself will examine the mini-dumps and show them a complete list, including all the details of the critical error.

Blue Screen View displays the decoded product name with its description, version and bit depth. Each event is viewed in a separate window of the report. The data can be exported to text or a * .html file (with these saved files, you can contact a familiar "computer technician" for consultation).

The application will not leave traces in the system, it is as easy to use as possible and gives a huge amount of useful information.

How to fix Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death?

Having disassembled the case of the system unit, clean it from dust and foreign objects.

Change the battery in the motherboard. After that, start your computer and work for a while.

If the errors reappear, follow the further instructions.

The reasons for the appearance of the Windows 7 blue screen of death can be:

  1. Driver problems
  2. Errors in software

Let's consider them in more detail.

Faults in installed equipment

One of the most common causes of the blue screen of death is errors that appear in RAM. It is necessary to test it with special utilities.

There are also malfunctions in the operation of data storage systems. So to speak, your "hard" has reached retirement age. Requires SMATR diagnostics. A small amount of free space will also cause the Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death.

If additional cards are installed in the PC, they also need to be tested for stability. The most in a simple way will get them out of the system and work without them for a while. If everything is OK, then the problem has been identified. If not, we get the next device.

The best option is to connect the expansion board to a different connector on the motherboard.

After testing the components, the next step is to put the full load on the system.

If the components pass the test separately, and when they are connected together and the load is applied, a failure occurs - the reason is in the power supply. It is necessary to put a power supply unit more powerful. Also, it will not be superfluous to measure the temperatures of the "devices".

In addition to the above, disconnect all device connectors at system unit and plug them back in. Over time, oxidation of the contacts and a lack of power for the operation of the device are possible.

At the time of the tests, it is advisable to reset the BIOS to the "default" settings.

Driver problems

Based on the statistics of search engine queries, drivers are the main cause of the Windows 7 blue screen of death.

If the error code indicates a probable cause in the drivers, reinstallation is required. First, uninstall old version, and then install a new one by downloading it from the developer site of your device.

Complete removal of the driver is carried out through the "Device Manager" in Windows 7. You just need to select the "device", click on it with the right mouse, selecting "Properties", and then in the "Driver" tab, click "Remove".

If new drivers are not found, install the old version. It is also necessary to test the equipment for compatibility with installed Windows 7. If it is incompatible, then you will have to either change it or install earlier versions of the OS.


With the installed software, there may be the same problems as with the drivers. First, uninstall the suspicious program and work without it for a while. If the error does not appear, go to the developers site and download the new version.

Installing important Windows 7 updates is also essential.

Also, one of the sources of critical errors is the installation of several anti-virus applications on one computer at once. I strongly advise against doing this!

Most Common Blue Screen of Death Errors

** KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - The kernel mode process attempts to execute instructions that are not valid or unknown to the processor. Occurs when hardware incompatibility of hardware, hardware malfunction, errors in the driver or system service.

** NTFS FILE SYSTEM - a crash occurs while executing the file driver code ntfs systems... The integrity of the data on the disks has been compromised. The reason is a bad cluster on the "hard" or damaged IDE drivers, possibly SCSI.

** DATA BUS ERROR - RAM parity errors. The reason for this is faulty equipment or its incompatibility. For example, a failure in the L2 cache chips (second level), in the memory of the video card. It can also be associated with incorrectly or incorrectly configured drivers, disk failures.

IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL - a process used by kernel modes is trying to access regions in memory using an Interrupt Request Level (IRQL) that is too high, which is unacceptable. There may also be reasons for driver errors, system services, the underlying I / O system, or incompatibility of drivers, services installed software(such as antivirus).

** PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA - no requested data in memory (for example, the system cannot find the files it needs in the paging file). Usually, the error hints at a hardware failure or defect, the destruction of the file system or errors in system services.

** KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR - The requested page of memory could not be read from the paging file. The reason for this is file sector defects virtual memory, possible failures in hard disk controllers, lack of free space on the "hard" or its incorrect connection, interrupt conflicts, RAM malfunction, malware.

** MISMATCHED HAL - the kernel and the level of hardware abstractions of the system do not correspond to the type of your computer. This is most often due to the fact that a second is installed in a system with one processor, forgetting to manually update the kernel.

** KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR - unsuccessful attempt to read in physical memory the requested data page. Possible reason- a defect in the virtual memory file sector, a failure in the hard disk controller, failures in the "RAM", malicious software.

** INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE - inability to access the system partition when booting Windows 7. This is the most common failure (code 0x0000007B), the reasons for which can be abound:

  • malfunction boot disk or its controller
  • compatibility issue of installed hardware
  • boot sector virus
  • file system errors, for example, in the Partition Table
  • damaged or missing file required for loading (for example, NTLDR)
  • hard disk controller driver is missing or does not match the installed hardware
  • DMA mode enabled in the base I / O system
  • in CMOS Setup, the mode of changing drive letters is enabled (parameter DRIVE SWAPPING)
  • disk controller conflicts when allocating resources with other devices
  • damaged data about loaded drivers (system registry errors)
  • the system is installed in a partition beyond the first 1024 cylinders
  • errors in the system boot.ini file

** UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP - fatal error (like division by 0) or the kernel does not support the trap. Caused by a malfunction of the installed hardware or a software failure.

** STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED - A user-mode service has crashed due to incorrect operation of an application program, driver, or third-party system service.

** STATUS IMAGE CHECKSUM MISMATCH - system library files are damaged or deleted. The reason for this is a failure in the file system or accidental deletion of system files.

Good day, readers, Denis Trishkin in touch.

So we get to the scary topic that scares many computer users - the blue screen. It appears as a result of a variety of reasons. At the same time, it is possible to deal with them, both at the software and at the physical level. In this article, I will tell you how to remove the screen of death on the Windows 7 operating system as a result of various problems.

BSoD (short for Blue Screen of Death), known as Blue Screen of Death, is a bug that is familiar to many Windows users. different versions... If it occurs, an image of the corresponding color appears on the monitor. Various information is written on it in white. At the same time, it is impossible to go anywhere. This occurs when the system detects a serious error. In fact, the blue screen is a crash.

Reasons for the appearance( )

There are various reasons leading to the appearance of BSoD on a computer:

    Hardware problems ( hard disk, video card and other components)

    Conflict of connected devices.

    Incompatible hardware with the operating system being used.

    Overheating of one of the components.

    Inappropriate or conflicting drivers.

    Incompatibility of the program with the system.

    Incorrect BIOS settings.

  1. Artificial acceleration of the processor, video card or RAM.

According to statistics, most often problems arise precisely with the drivers. That is why it is recommended to install the appropriate software only from official or verified sites. The best thing is to find the program on the manufacturer's resource.

Blue Screen Diagnostics( )

In order to correct the current situation, you first need to find out why the failure occurred.

If for some reason you have a blue screen, do not worry once again. In most cases, this can be corrected without losing any information.

On the screen itself, all the necessary data appears, which is enough to search for a malfunction or conflict.

It shows the following information:

    The entire third line is the name of the error.

    Then after the word STOP: a hexadecimal error code (0x100000d1) is indicated.

    The following shows the name of the file that is likely causing the problem.

    The name is followed by the address of the place where the event took place - it is not always indicated.

Most likely, the information found to an ordinary user may not say anything, and therefore it is advisable to look for any matches on the same Internet. Fortunately, today many people have not only a computer or laptop, but also a smartphone, tablet and even TVs with access to the world network. The information found will indicate the problematic device or software.

You can specify different data in the search bar:

    The name of the error.

    Error code.

    The code along with the driver.

    Code and name.

Do not get upset right away, because most likely someone has already encountered a similar problem and solved it. This can be unplugging a new device, reinstalling drivers, uninstalling a program - in other words, whatever.

In addition, you can find out all the necessary information using a special program. It is simple and straightforward to use.

If you experience a blue screen, don't panic. First, clean the dust off your computer. If this does not help, change the battery on the board. The machine started working without any problems - everything is fine. If this repeats itself, you need to move on to the following measures.

Globally speaking, the reasons for the emergence of BSoD are divided into three main groups:




If any additional boards are connected, they should also be tested. The best thing is to get them out of the case one by one and work at the computer for a while. If all is well, the problem has been found. If not, try another one.

In the case when, after checking all the boards, everything goes in working mode - you need to pay attention to the power supply. To do this, you need to conduct appropriate tests with him.

It is advisable to load the system and measure the operating temperature. If the norm is exceeded, contact the service, where they will clean the system, change the thermal paste and, if necessary, replace the power supply unit.

One of the most effective options (at least it helped me more than once) is to disconnect all the components from each other, including the hard drive and optical drives, and then reconnect. Before that, you need to get the power cord.

Important! In this case, problems may arise even during the installation of Windows, since the hardware itself does not work well.

This includes problems with certain software. How to fix? It's simple - reinstall. If necessary, contact the developer's resource to find the latest version.

In this case, it is important to remove the past software in advance. To do this, you can use more than built-in capabilities.

Do not forget about Windows updates... Important must be set. Others, however, view and use the most essential.

Sometimes cleaning the system from viruses helps, because they can affect the performance of not only programs, but also devices. In this case, do not overdo it and install two antiviruses at once, because most likely their conflict will lead to a blue screen (unless, of course, there are no problems during installation).

As mentioned earlier, these are the most common causes of BSoD.

What to do? Don't worry - find and reinstall. Initially, it is advisable to remove the past software yourself. If this did not help, just as in the case of the programs, go to the developer's website and download latest version... Sometimes, on the contrary, using the previous assembly helps.

If the version of your utility does not differ from the one offered by the developer, check the compatibility. In case of non-compliance, hardware replacement or Windows reinstallation.

Delay screen of death( )

It is not uncommon for many people to use computers without thinking about this problem. When it occurs, by default, an algorithm is registered in the system that automatically reboots the computer. This happens quickly, which is why many simply do not even have time to write down necessary information For search.

To avoid such problems, you need to set the blue screen delay on the monitor in advance.

This requires:

Most popular mistakes( )

The problems that cause BSoD are many. Accordingly, the computer gives out different information.

Despite this, there are error codes that are more common than others:

    0x00000001: APC_INDEX_MISMATCH... Internal kernel error. It usually appears due to a mismatch of some parameters in the file system. If possible, they need to be changed. Otherwise, reinstall the OS.

    0x0000001E: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED... Problems like this most often point to functions or programs that led to the appearance of the screen of death. It is important to look not only at the name, but also at the address that contains the error.

    0 × 00000012: TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN... This code indicates that the cause of the problem is unknown. In this case, it is important to track the moment when exactly it occurs. For example, you might have been doing something or you were trying. In any case, some changes had to take place.

There are many reasons why screens of death appear. Personally, they appeared to me due to problems with the hard drive and drivers. In the first case, reconnection helped. And in the second, the problem went away after Windows installations... In any case, do not panic, but simply check everything point by point and fix the problem.

I hope my knowledge helped you. Invite your friends to visit us so that they can also understand computers.

A blue screen is a conflict between any devices or parameters. The blue screen is also called BSoD. BSoD decryption - Blue Screen of Death or otherwise Blue Screen of Doom. And as usual - Stop Error (stop error that software stops the computer). It is impossible to leave this and it is necessary to fight with the blue screen and now we will see what needs to be done so that it does not bother us anymore!

Blue screen of death what to do Windows 7, 8, 10?

If you saw the blue screen of death, then anyway you had a question, what to do? And today I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove it on any operating system, be it windows xp, 7, 8, 10.

If suddenly you see such a window, it means that there has been system error, and there can be many reasons, for this I have laid out a special error description guide below. And the appearance of the blue screen of death can be a bunch, but there are 2 categories, these are software glitch and iron.

And the following reasons are also possible:

  • conflict or incorrect driver
  • driver problems
  • viruses (not always), but maybe that's why you need to choose
  • device conflict due to incompatibility
  • problems with devices, usually either hard drive or RAM.
  • software conflict (possibly if you installed two antiviruses at the same time)
  • the computer may overheat and malfunction too

How to remove the blue screen of death?

  1. Software problems

If a blue screen appears, then the computer should automatically restart. And it will appear until it is eliminated. First, you need to write down the error code on a piece of paper in order to see what it means in the reference book.

The guide can be downloaded here:

We just select the error and on the right we see the solution.

Next, you can try before booting Windows have time to press F8. Then choose to download the last good configuration... If the computer also causes a blue screen, then press F8 again and select the already safe mode. If the computer booted in safe mode, then you can see which file the conflict occurs.

To do this, you need to make sure that the computer saves error dumps. To do this, right-click on the computer, select the property. Further additional parameters. Download and restore options button. We expose everything as in the picture. If you have disabled the recording of debug information, then we reboot and again call the blue screen, and then go into safe mode.

You can decrypt this file special program.

Once launched, the program will show the problematic files.

If nothing is displayed, see if the path to the dumps is selected. Settings - additional parameters:

2. Problems with iron.

A conflict of the devices themselves is also possible, for this it is necessary (information cannot pass through memory), as well as a hard disk for broken ( system files hit bad sectors and cannot be started.).

It's also a fairly common error in the BIOS. When the achi hard disk mode is on, the BIOS is reset (power surge or the battery is dead) and the hard disk mode becomes ide. The drivers, respectively, do not match this mode and a blue screen occurs.

That's all! I wish to defeat the blue screen of death 🙂