The number of electronic devices is growing every year at an unprecedented rate.

So, the production of electronics in St. Petersburg can only please. However, no matter how high its quality, it can still break. Sometimes a breakdown can be corrected on your own, so there is no need to take the equipment to a service center unnecessarily.

Where to begin

Troubleshooting electronic devices is a delicate thing, and in order to learn how to do it yourself, you need some knowledge of physics, at least a school course.

You should at least have an idea of ​​what it is:

  • current strength;
  • resistance of metals;
  • inductance, etc.

You also need to gain experience in soldering radio components, and learn how to use an electrical tester and multimeter. For repairs, you will need to purchase all the necessary equipment, and depending on the type of equipment being repaired, you will need to understand the electrical circuits.

A lot of people think that fixing PCs is a workshop job. But even beginners can rest a computer at home without special skills with a minimum of equipment. By yourself, if you have a soldering iron, you can replace the capacitors. But if you need to replace microcircuits, if you do not have experience and equipment, it is not advisable to repair such a breakdown yourself.

If the electronics won't turn on

When connected to the electrical network, the device does not work, no LED signals are triggered or no sound is emitted, the reason for this is a burnt out power supply. Try turning on the apparatus in series with a powerful incandescent lamp to prevent short circuits. When the power supply is working, the lamp will not light, and in the event of a short circuit on the unit, the lamp will light up.

Then we look for a malfunction in the power supply itself. This could be a simple cable break or a blown fuse. If successful, we eliminate the problem by replacing new parts or soldering the broken ones.

Incorrect work

If your electronics is working intermittently, occasionally giving a problem, there are many reasons for this. For example, when it turns off during loads on the computer, and after some time it works again, the malfunction may lie in overheating or damaged contacts.

Do you have a desire to learn how to repair a car yourself? Can you imagine how cool it would be to fix the problem yourself? But at the same time, you are not confident in your abilities, do you think that you are not able to learn the science of auto mechanics? Doubt aside, if you really want to learn how to repair a car, you can do it!

You need to start in stages. Of course, you do not need to immediately try to remove from the car or the gearbox and try to fix them, this will not lead to anything good. It’s like you’ll start being taught in high school, instead of elementary mathematics, the Laplace transform. It is illogical, unreasonable, you simply will not understand anything and will waste many hours in vain.

If you really want to learn, start with the elementary.

To get started, you need:

Patience and perseverance. Study the material you will have to work with. Step by step, each step, one by one.

Get your tools. Not necessarily expensive professional kits, entry-level tools are enough (not outright junk, of course, but decent cheap tools). You may end up not enjoying climbing in your iron friend's oiled entrails. Then why overpay?

Last but not least, where do you start? We suggest you familiarize yourself with five interesting and at the same time easy repair options, which will teach you the basics of working with a car, in case of wrong actions, it will not cause serious damage to the car and will certainly give moral satisfaction from the fact that you were able to do it yourself.

If you get involved in the process and with constant practice (for example, you do not have a new car that requires constant repair), then in a couple of years you will know quite well the structure of your car, realize which bolt is responsible for what, which lock nut performs which function and what parts are these or those systems.

And it all can start with five simple renovations.

Replacing spark plugs

The advice does not apply to owners, because on their boxer engines it is more difficult to change spark plugs than on other cars to replace a worn clutch disc. Boxer engines are capricious in this regard. You need to do a lot of difficult and, in a sense, jewelry work in order to unscrew all the candles, and most importantly, put new ones correctly. These are the costs of the boxer design. In our case, it is better to turn to professionals who, with the help of a special tool and accumulated experience, will replace your old parts with new ones.

But if you are not driving a Subaru, then it's time to act! For work, purchase:

Ratchet wrench


Spark plug (3/8 '' twelve-sided)

1. Remove the candles.

Disconnect the spark plug wires carefully. Take a socket wrench with extension and ratchet, slowly start unscrewing the candles counterclockwise.

2.Do not mix up the wires

If you have, label each wire so that you do not confuse the order of their connection to the candles. Or change the candles one by one: unscrew, put a new one, connect the terminal.

3.Installing a new candle

It is very important to choose the necessary ones, suitable for a specific brand, year of manufacture and model of the car. Consult your owner's manual or a brochure from an auto parts store.

In order not to be mistaken for sure, you need to take exactly those candle models that are already on your car.

Using the spark plug head, tighten the spark plug 1/8 of a turn, not very hard, or use a torque wrench, having previously found the data on the plug tightening force. Overtightening can destroy the threads in the engine, which is very bad.

Changing the air filter

Replacing the air filter is one of the easiest jobs on the list. It is easy, quick and cheap to replace it on almost any car, partly because the filters have to be changed often, every 10-15 thousand km on passenger cars, the access to it was made the most convenient.

On most cars, you don't need any tools at all to access the air filter. Just unfasten a few latches, remove the top cover of the air filter box (first check with the technical documentation, manual, so as not to be mistaken where the filter box is located), and now you have access to it.

On some modern cars, the filter box is screwed rather than latched. So grab a screwdriver, remove the screws, and you can easily go through the replacement procedure.

It is physically very difficult to confuse the location of the filter element in the box. But just in case, read the manual for your car, about how the filter should be correctly positioned. After familiarization, proceed.

Changing the engine oil

When you imagine someone servicing a car, the picture of an oil change surely pops up in front of your eyes. This is the most classic of the points. Maintenance and it is also one of the most important.

Oil change occurs during maintenance every 12 months or upon reaching a certain mileage recommended in the operating manual (10-15 thousand km), whichever comes first.

It is preferable to change the engine oil in a "pit" or in a garage equipped with a lift. *

* Observe safety precautions, always put the muffled car at speed or on the handbrake!

To replace, you will need:

The head of the key for the drain plug of your car

Ratchet wrench

Filter remover (sold at an auto parts store)

The capacity where you will drain the used oil (of course, the container should be larger than the capacity of your engine)

And of course, for replacement, you will need the oil filter itself.

It's important to know:

It is worth taking a short drive before changing the oil. Thus, the entire suspension of foreign particles will be in the oil volume, and when it is drained, the engine will be better cleaned.

1. Unscrew the oil filler cap. It is located at the top of the engine.

2. We climb under the car and unscrew the drain plug with a wrench, after placing the prepared container. *

*Precautionary measures. Avoid getting engine oil on you. It is hot after engine running, do not burn yourself. Use heavy rubber gloves when loosening the plug.

3. Draining the oil is not a quick process, so while it is draining from the engine, you have time to remove the oil filter. This usually does not require any tool. We find the filter and unscrew it manually. There are times when he does not leave his seats. Then we will use a puller previously purchased in the store.

Many modern engines have paper oil filters that can be easily accessed with a socket wrench. Just unscrew the cap and your oil filter is in full view.

Apply some used engine oil to the O-ring of the new filter and install it. Carefully read the instructions on the filter for its installation.

4. Oil glass. We tighten the drain plug. It is not worth pulling very hard, there is a risk of thread breakage. We screwed it all the way in, pulled it up a little.

Pour new engine oil into the upper filler neck through a funnel. Fill in such an amount of oil so that its level on the dipstick is between the “Min” and “Max” marks, a little closer to the second mark. We close the lid, start the engine.

Necessarily! Check the oil level after the first ride. It is ideal to watch it on a hot engine 10 minutes after stopping the engine.

Replacing the incandescent lamp

How many people does it take to? This joke has a lot of truth. Simplest job can result in a severe headache. On some cars, in order to change one light bulb, you literally have to disassemble half of the front of the car.

In other cases, replacing a light bulb is not troublesome:

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to choose the right model of the light bulb. To do this, we remove the burned out light bulb, carry it to the store and use it to buy a new one.

Change the brake pads

Replacing brake pads on a car is somewhat more risky than replacing a light bulb. That's why HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for the first time, replace the pads with a knowledgeable person who, if necessary, can correct the error.

Before changing pads, watch a few videos below explaining how to change pads of different calipers:

Thank you for the attention!

Articles and Life Hacks

In this article we will cover the basic part of how to learn how to repair Cell Phones on their own.

Your first step on this path is the acquisition of a tool, without which repairs will be impossible. Of course, these are screwdrivers with different tips. Phillips head screws are rarely used, for example, in Samsung models.

In other telephones, as a rule, splines "asterisk" are used. Nowadays it is not difficult to find such screwdrivers. Tweezers are required for working with small parts, a brush for cleaning. A soldering iron and a hot air gun will be needed for complex repairs.

Learn to take a sober view of the work ahead of you. Without some experience, it is better not to undertake the repair of an apparatus that requires replacement of parts using a hot air gun.

The first stage of training

  • At the first stage of training, it is better to take the phones from the category of "non-repairable". Such devices can be borrowed from the workshop free of charge.
  • They practice the skills of disassembling and assembling the phone, starting with removing the cover, all the parts fixed with screws, boards, cables, displays.
  • Get in the habit of stacking all the fasteners right away in a small box, preferably with compartments for sorting the screws. Place it away from the edge of the table so that you do not try to collect the screws from the floor with a flashlight.
  • There should be no unnecessary items on the surface of the table, only a tool, a table lamp and, of course, the apparatus being repaired.
  • Also, do not forget to write down and sketch all the stages of disassembling the apparatus. Until you gain confidence in your abilities, knowledge of the design of various models - do not take on the repair of sliding and folding models.
  • Your rule should be: not sure - look on the Internet. When flushing the phone, never allow alcohol to get inside the display backlight assemblies. It is impossible to remove the stain that appears after this.

Transition to real repair

  • Start real repairs only after you are confident in disassembling, assembling the phone, and replacing removable units in it. First, try to repair devices that you do not mind spoiling.
  • Make sure that the cause of the breakdown has been correctly identified and the repair is successful.
  • Having learned how to restore removable units, you should also master the work of replacing microcircuits and other components on boards using a hot air gun for more complex repairs. During these works, the display must be removed.
  • But it is quite difficult to get the skills to work with a hot air gun on your own. Therefore, it is advisable to replace microcircuits and restore its fastening after training with a specialist.
  • There are also specialized courses. Their cost pays off within six months.

In this series of articles, you'll learn:

  • What knowledge and skills are needed to carry out repairs?
  • How much does the repair cost?
  • How much do master finishers earn?
  • Where to learn how to make repairs and decoration in Moscow?

Sooner or later, everyone faces the need for repairs. The need to live in a neat, functional and comfortable space is inherent in people of all income levels. An entire industry is built on this need, including the services of designers, planners and specialists in the repair and decoration of premises.

Self-repair benefits

If you need repairs, there are several ways: contact a repair and finishing company, hire a private master, or do everything yourself. It would seem that in the first two cases, your task is reduced to setting tasks and monitoring the work performed. However, it has its own underwater rocks... Finding competent and reliable contractors is extremely difficult even with a decent budget - the market is still filled with unscrupulous craftsmen who can disappear after making an advance payment.

In order for the work to be completed on time and in compliance with all requirements, you will have to spend a lot of time and delve into all the details. Extra numbers may appear in the estimate, and it is almost impossible to get a guarantee that all the purchased materials were used for their intended purpose. Knowing the market, understanding pricing and the right finishing technology will be your advantage.

If you do the repairs yourself, you will have to approach the matter even more responsibly, but the effort invested will pay off. Professional training in the field of finishing work does not require much time and money, but it will help you choose the right materials, avoid mistakes and unnecessary costs and, as a result, save significant money. In addition, your assets will retain truly in-demand skills that can become a profession and bring a good income!

The first step: the theoretical foundations of the repair

First, decide on a budget and scope of work. We still recommend leaving highly specialized tasks, for example, installation of internal communications, design of wiring and laying of cables to specialists. In order to correctly set tasks, before starting work, it is advisable to determine the functional purpose of each room, the number and location of light sources, switches and sockets.

To study the market for materials and tools, take a few days to visit construction bases and hypermarkets and compare prices. Then conduct a study of professional forums for the advantages and disadvantages of certain materials. You can also gain this knowledge by enrolling in finishing courses.

The minimum amount of knowledge for planning and organizing finishing work includes:

  • Basics of design and zoning of premises;
  • Knowledge of the market of finishing materials: priming and moisture-proof compounds, dry mixes for putty and plaster, paints and varnishes, adhesive bases, different types finishing;
  • The choice of facing materials and their characteristics: drywall, floor and wall tiles;
  • Ability to read and draw up drawings and floor plans;
  • Knowledge of the classification and purpose of finishing, measuring, laser and electromechanical tools;
  • Knowledge of the basics of rationing and consumption of materials per square meter of area;
  • Knowledge of safety and fire prevention measures.

Step two: what practical skills are needed for the repair

To get an initial idea of ​​the stages of work, you can contact several repair companies for an estimate. This service costs a symbolic amount or is free at all, but you will find out the opinion of professionals, find places that you did not take into account, and compare the options for estimates from different companies (they may differ by an order of magnitude).

Let's say that you still decide to do the repair yourself. To do this, you will need the following skills:

  • Dismantling and preparatory work: cleaning the walls from the remnants of the previous finish, processing with moisture-insulating compounds, thermal insulation, applying a primer and marking;
  • Rough finishing: leveling walls and floors, filling cracks and joints, surface filler;
  • Fine finishing, depending on the selected materials: work with dry plaster mixes, painting and varnishing, wallpapering, tiling or frame-sheathing works (gypsum plasterboard).

How much does the repair cost in Moscow?

For those who hesitate between doing their own repairs and choosing outside contractors, we provide an overview of the prices for repairs.

Prices for repairs in Moscow:

  • Redecorating "turnkey": from 4500 rubles / m 2 (by floor);
  • Standard "turnkey": from 8500 rubles / m2 (by floor);
  • Improved turnkey repair: from 11500 rubles / m2 (by floor);
  • Dismantling works: cleaning from plaster from 150 rubles / m2, removal of old wallpaper from 40 rubles / m2;
  • Putty work (in 1 layer, excluding rough and finishing materials): from 190 rubles / m 2;
  • Plastering works (excluding rough and finishing materials): from 490 rubles / m 2;
  • Tile works (excluding rough and finishing materials): from 850 rubles / m 2;
  • Wallpaper gluing (excluding rough and finishing materials): from 220 rubles / m 2.

Please note that all preparatory and intermediate work (priming, leveling, sanding, waterproofing, additional layers on difficult areas, grouting tiles) are charged separately. Now you can predict the level of costs and decide whether to hire contractors or do the repair yourself.