New professions are constantly appearing on the Internet. It seemed that until recently no one even heard such a word - "content manager". And today, on all freelance sites: "Required, required, required ...".

At the same time, many still do not understand what the job is and look with suspicion at such vacancies. To get rid of doubts once and for all, let's figure out who this content manager is and what his job responsibilities are.

What is the job

Content manager is a specialist who deals with the content of the site, that is, the content. He publishes articles, images and videos, posts on social media, and fills out product cards for online stores. Sometimes he is entrusted with the complete management of an Internet project and its promotion.

Unlike other freelancers, the content manager is a jack of all trades. He understands copywriting, website operation, and a bunch of other things. In the 20th century, chief editors of newspapers were doing something similar.

Who needs content managers and why? The fact is that today all commercial and other organizations have unanimously rushed to the Internet. Naturally, they needed people who would professionally fill their sites. And since there are more and more sites, such specialists are now in constant demand.

What a content manager does exactly depends on the resource. Most often, he looks for suitable materials, leads copywriters and other freelancers. Less often - independently writes articles or promotes the site.


Profit news and entertainment sites depends on the ads placed on them: the more people see it, the better. Therefore, the main responsibility of the site content manager is to fill the resource with materials that are attractive to readers.

Profit online store depends on the volume of sales. Therefore, the responsibilities of a content manager in an online store resemble the work of a seller or merchandiser. He fills out and prepares product cards, monitors the relevance of prices and price lists. Less often - communicates with visitors: advises and helps to place an order.

A task groups and publics- attract and retain subscribers. Unlike websites, communication plays an important role in them. Therefore, the responsibilities of a content manager in social networks (SMM-manager) include not only creating interesting posts, but also organizing a conversation. He looks for "catchy" topics, starts discussions and directs the conversation in the right direction.

Responsibilities of the content manager

Any employee has two types of responsibilities: job and functional. Official - this is what exactly he should do, and functional - this is what result the employer expects from him. For example, a cleaning lady in an office has to mop the floors and dust, and the expected result is a clean room.

The functional responsibilities of a content manager usually include:

  • Resource promotion... In other words, the site through his efforts should become visited and profitable.
  • Content relevance... News and entertainment sites always need new content - that's why users go there. And in stores it is necessary to update the prices and catalog of goods in time, inform about new promotions and services.
  • Content quality... And these are not only interesting articles and captivating pictures. You also have to think about the convenience of readers and other things that affect behavioral factors.
  • Caring for users... You need to ask their opinion about the site, respond to wishes and complaints.
  • Monitoring competitors... This helps to learn about new trends and adopt successful finds. Well, or at least not to repeat other people's mistakes.

The list of job responsibilities of a content manager depends on the employer. But standard set usually looks like this:

  1. Search, order or create content... Most often, articles are ordered on various freelance sites, and illustrations are purchased on photo stocks (or taken for free). Major portals have their own in-house authors, artists and photographers.
  1. Update materials on time and regularly according to the content plan.
  1. Work with freelancers and full-time employees... The content manager sets tasks for them, monitors the implementation and checks the quality. The main difficulty is that freelancers are creative people. And this requires a special approach to them and a lot of patience.
  1. Engage in advertising. The content manager interacts with advertisers or, conversely, places advertisements for the site on third-party resources. He also monitors the results of campaigns and, if necessary, makes changes to them.
  1. Track resource statistics. The content manager monitors website traffic and analyzes behavioral factors. This helps to evaluate the effectiveness of materials and to notice dangers in time, such as user churn or sanctions from search engines.
  1. Monitor the work of the site. That is, make sure that the engine does not "glitch", that the layout does not fly off, and that duplicate pages do not appear. You need to be able to correct minor mistakes yourself.

But that's not all a content manager should do. He may also be instructed to:

  • Maintain a news feed and mailing list, notify readers about new materials and promotions.
  • Answer users' questions, advise them on the work of the site, moderate comments and forums.
  • Interact with partner sites.
  • Engage in the compilation of the semantic core (SY) and the selection of keys.

This list may look daunting. In reality, only the resource owner decides what the content manager should and shouldn't do. And quite often all work is reduced only to the publication of new articles.

What is not the responsibility of a content manager? Naturally, here, too, a lot depends on the employer, but usually they are not required:

  • Write articles yourself... This is done by authors and copywriters. The content manager "takes up the pen" only as a last resort, for example, if the contractor missed the deadline.
  • Create illustrations... This is done by professional artists and photographers. But the content manager must be able to prepare illustrations for publication on the site.
  • Develop design... The maximum you need is to carefully lay out the page.
  • Program and fix errors in the engine.
  • Realize technical support ... The content manager deals only with the site: he does not advise users of the products that are sold on it.

Who can become a content manager

Both techies and humanities can handle the job of a content manager. Most often they are copywriters and webmasters who already have experience working with content. However, there are also specific requirements for a content manager.

First of all, these are people with a certain set of personal qualities. Namely:

  • High learning ability... A content manager not only possesses a bunch of skills, but also keeps them up to date. Alas, the internet is changing all the time.
  • Sociability... These are the ability to communicate and manage a team, endurance, knowledge of business etiquette and negotiation skills.
  • Creative skills... Working with text and graphics requires good taste. The content manager should immediately see if the audience will like the material and how to improve it.
  • Self-discipline... As a matter of fact, without it there is no freelancing at all. You need to organize your work, plan your time and keep track of the deadlines yourself.

But personal qualities alone are not enough. The content manager needs to acquire knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Computer and Internet.
  • Journalism and copywriting: understand the quality of the text, understand the work of a copywriter, and, if necessary, be able to write an article yourself.
  • Web graphics: find, process and post illustrations, competently handle the main formats of web images (jpg, gif, png) and use with confidence graphic editors(usually Photoshop).
  • Webmastering and layout: know HTML and CSS at a basic level, be able to lay out the page yourself and customize the styles. Experience with popular engines, for example, WordPress or Joomla, will also come in handy.
  • SEO: master at least the basics of optimization.
  • Advertising: be able to set up targeted and contextual advertising.
  • Law basics: understand content licenses, understand what materials and under what conditions can be used.
  • Resource theme. If the site, for example, is dedicated to cars, then you need to understand cars.

Unfortunately, content managers are not yet trained in our universities. Yes, someone is completing related courses. But most people learn a profession on their own - they study the manuals and torment Google until they turn blue.


So, the profession of a content manager is difficult, but interesting. It is perfect for active people who are not afraid of responsibility and constant work on themselves. It remains to answer the two most painful questions: how much they pay and how to get a job.

Today (2017) the average salary of a content manager in Russia is 27 thousand rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is 38 and 29 thousand rubles, respectively, and in the regions - about 22 thousand.

The highest rates (from 70 thousand) are in companies that work in the field of high technologies. The lowest (10 thousand or less) are among organizations that do not attach much importance to the Internet, and among amateur webmasters.

Sometimes content managers take on several small projects at once. Moreover, they are usually offered not a fixed salary, but piecework payment (for example, from the amount of published content).

Content manager vacancies can be found:

  • On freelance sites:,,, etc.
  • On job search sites: HeadHunter, Job, SuperJob, Rabota.

When applying for a vacancy, you need to list your skills that you may need (see above), and support them with examples of work.

Content manager is a specialist in content creation and curation. In some firms, he only serves projects, but somewhere he creates them himself, is responsible for advertising and promotion. All content managers are united by one common task - to ensure the freshness, relevance and information content of the material on the site.

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What a content manager does

When we talk about this profession, the first thing that comes to mind is writing and processing texts for sites on the Internet. In reality, the job responsibilities of a specialist are much more varied. Depending on the marketing objectives of the company, the content manager can take on the functions of a webmaster, marketer, copywriter or editor.

We looked at 120 vacancies on and compiled a list of content manager duties that employers most often require:

Creates texts

The specialist writes articles aimed at the target audience of the page. It creates:

  • Commercial material for online stores and service sites.
  • Informational articles.

Create unique articles

A material that has too many overlaps with other resources has nothing to do in the top. Having discovered plagiarism on the site, robots exclude it from the search results, and the page traffic drops sharply. To prevent search engine filters from lowering the site's position, unique content must be placed on it. To check articles for uniqueness, specialists most often use the services, Advego, Content Watch.

Where to begin

It is much easier for a person who has already done something similar to get the position of a website content manager: he managed groups in social networks, wrote articles, and kept a blog. The employer will be happy to see a portfolio of texts or examples of viral publications.

If the applicant has nothing but eyes burning with enthusiasm and the desire to become a content creator, I recommend starting by running your own project. Let it be a personal blog, a page on Instagram, Facebook or Vkontakte. At these sites, you can start making the first attempts to identify and attract the target audience, create publications and monitor how users react to them. If readers respond, comment on posts, and attendance is growing, then the specialist is on the right track.

The rapid development of Internet technologies contributes to the emergence of new, in-demand, interesting professions, one of which is the content manager.

What is this specialist

A content manager (from the English content - content) is a manager of Internet projects with the skills of creating, distributing and curating content, who is responsible for the development of a web resource.

Its main the job is in filling the site with text, graphic, artistic and other types of information that will be useful and easy to understand target audience... In some ways, the work of a content manager is similar to that of a publication editor, but the functional spectrum of a content manager is much wider.

In the activities of the content manager, the management function is clearly traced to establish business processes within the company related to the operation of the site. To complete all these challenging tasks freelancers are often involved(copywriters, rewriters, seo-optimizers, IT specialists, photographers, web designers, etc.), whose work to maintain the site's performance, expand its functionality and create materials for the resource, the content manager successfully coordinates.

History and relevance of the profession

The beginning of the existence of this profession can be counted with the advent of the Internet and the increased demand for information processing specialists. The first web resources in the 90s of the XX century were in dire need of specialists who could take on the responsibility of providing sites with text, graphic and multimedia materials.

It is no secret that visitors come to sites in search of information, and it is the interesting content that makes them linger, add the resource to their favorites, take advantage of an advertising offer, and place an order.

Since the number of organizations creating personal sites that require high-quality unique informative content is increasing daily, the content manager profession has the most favorable prospects for development in the near future.

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In what areas of business is this specialist needed?

A support and development specialist is needed for almost any web project that needs constant updating and attracting the attention of users. The content manager, posting news, articles, graphic and multimedia information on the site, actively participates in the seo-promotion of the resource, contributes to increasing its competitiveness and, accordingly, profitability.

IN attracting such a specialist is interested in information, news, entertainment sites, private companies, corporate sites, advertising agencies, various communities in social networks. While large companies mostly hire a content manager, small and medium-sized businesses often turn to a specialist on a remote basis.

For the work of this specialist, see the following video:

Roles and responsibilities

The responsibilities of a content manager largely depend on the specifics of the resource with which he works, so his actions on different sites may differ.

Nevertheless, a number of universal job responsibilities specialist:

Thus, you can see that the content manager performs professional functions many specialists:

  • journalist or copywriter (if you need to write materials);
  • proofreader (if text editing is required);
  • editor (for managing the structure of the resource);
  • a photographer or graphic designer (to provide multimedia material);
  • seo-optimizer (in order to promote the site), etc.

In fact, all job responsibilities of a content manager correspond to his main task - make the resource competitive, be able to clearly capture market trends and attract as many customers as possible.

Professional training and personal qualities of a specialist

Content manager as a broad-based specialist must have the following knowledge, skills and abilities:

In addition, the specialist must have the necessary personal qualities: broad erudition, good learning ability and memory, perseverance and attentiveness, self-discipline and accuracy, efficiency, ability to react quickly, communication skills and leadership qualities, creativity as the ability to quickly generate new ideas, creative and artistic abilities, a sense of proportion and style.

As of today, there is no concept specialized education of content managers... It can be a specialist with both technical and humanitarian higher education. As a rule, content managers are graduates of the philological, psychological faculties, as well as journalism and PR management. In the future, they attend courses to master website layout, web marketing, seo promotion and optimization.

Most often, the main way of learning skills content management is self-education or training from individual mentors, more experienced colleagues. Usually, content managers are specialists who have successfully proven themselves in copywriting or journalism.

A content management specialist should remember that information technology is an area that requires constant self-development and professional improvement. The prospect of this profession lies in the opportunity to gain versatile experience in the field of Internet technologies and provide oneself with the necessary conditions for further career growth.

Features of the content manager's work with different types of web resources

Despite the well-known universality of the profession of a content manager, his activities on various sites will have their own specifics.

On corporate web resource representing the interests of a firm, agency, enterprise, bank, holding, etc., the content manager posts texts about the company's activities, its products and services, news and offers, price lists, etc. information, monitors the advertising feed and user visits. The scope of his duties here can be quite wide: from simple layout of the site to its marketing or seo-promotion.

Content manager information site or electronic newspaper must be a versatile specialist. To work successfully with such multifunctional resources, you need to have a classical higher education, broad outlook, experience in journalism and knowledge of the basics of PR-management. The specialist will have to fill content daily with dozens or even hundreds of new original publications, photo and video materials.

To maintain full performance Online store the content manager needs to enter data into the product cards, add their descriptions, select and upload photos. To edit price lists, an employee needs knowledge of Word and Excel applications, attentiveness, perseverance, responsibility. His responsibilities also include providing advice on goods and services to customers and resolving other business issues with them.

Content manager in groups (, etc.), communities social networks , on the forums, not only works with meaningful and interesting information, but also engages in attracting visitors, interacting with them. He posts various posts, news, uploads photos and videos, holds contests, moderates comments and reviews, introduces community members to up-to-date updates... The specialist not only interests Internet users, but also promotes the promotion of the resource in search engines.

What should be indicated in the resume for this profession

Since a content manager is a broad-based specialist, his resume should also be detailed and as informative as possible. It must indicate the personal data, the set of knowledge, skills and abilities of the applicant, the preferred working conditions and the amount of work, the desired amount of remuneration.

Particular attention should be paid to the presentation professional and personal qualities content manager. It is no secret that the employer is interested not only in a competent specialist, but also in a sociable, polite, benevolent employee who knows how to work with people, correctly set tasks and find a way out of any ambiguous situations.

An integral part of a content manager's resume should be a portfolio showing all significant professional achievements. In it you can place links to finished projects, their descriptions, results (SEO-indicators of the site). A significant advantage will be the presence of at least two positive reviews from previous employers.

How profitable is this job

A content manager largely depends on his professional training, knowledge, skills and abilities, the type of the promoted resource, as well as the work schedule. The average income is 25-30 thousand rubles per month. A specialist who knows how to successfully promote sites and make them competitive can count on a monetary reward of 50-100 thousand rubles.

Sometimes the salary of a content manager is piecework and depends on the implemented projects (cost from 10-15 thousand rubles per month per project). Usually, an experienced content manager leads 2-3 projects at once and, accordingly, earns significantly more than the indicated amounts. If we are talking about working in an online store, then most often you pay for the addition of a unit of goods with a description. On corporate sites, there may be a fee for adding each page.

Content manager - interesting, useful, in demand in the era information technologies profession. Owning it not only provides a specialist with the opportunity to earn a decent income, but also full-fledged versatile professional and personal development.

The basics of a content manager are covered in the following video tutorial:

Hello dear readers. My name is Artem Belenko. I am the author of this project. From today's article, you will learn what the profession of a content manager is. With the help of this material, you can understand how promising this profession is, and how to master it from scratch.

Who is a content manager and what does he do

You will not learn everything about the profession from this section, since this area is too broad. The description made will help you get a general idea of ​​the activities that may become your main job in the near future.

First, let's find out who this is - a content manager. This is a specially trained employee whose job responsibilities are related to the content of the site entrusted to him.

The main responsibilities of the content manager of the site.

Additional tasks.

The list of what an employee does in this position may vary depending on the specifics of the project. For example, this is what the responsibilities of a content manager for an online store look like.

See an example of the plan based on which it was filled real internet project.

And after downloading this file, you will find out what a typical job description any content manager.


This section contains several useful sites that will be useful for a content manager. If you are working with other resources, please include them in the comments below the article.

TildaYou can quickly and for free create a beautiful website for any business project
Nietzsche IpsumIt is a text generator that allows you to typeset the original web page layout.
KingSumoPlugin for determining the optimal title. Designed for WordPress
TablePlugin for handling headers. Designed for Google Docs
StorifyService for collecting interesting content
InboundAnother useful source for posting materials
ReviveThis plugin allows you to tidy up old site posts. Designed for WordPress

Infographic development service

Service to improve the quality of the text: helps to squeeze out the water and simplify the content
CanvaSite for creating covers and images
SumoMeComplex useful tools to build up your subscription base
Heat MapsThis is a special map created to track the behavior of website visitors.
Content AnalyticsWith this application, you can track how well users read published material.
List BuilderConvenient subscription form
SociationThis application helps you find the right associations for the word you are looking for.
PixlrOnline photo editor for working with images

Where to get education

Here is a list of the skills that you will possess after completing the training.

Together with valuable knowledge, you will receive a diploma and comprehensive university support when looking for your first job. The best students will be able to get started before the end of the course. They will be offered a position in one of the partner companies.

Professional literature

How much do content managers earn

The statistics in this section are current as of early 2017. If you are looking at the material later, update the numbers using the links below.

  • Russia.trud
  • Ua.trud

The average salary of specialists from Russia is at the level of $ 430.

The three most promising regions look like this:

  1. Moscow region: 35,000 rubles ($ 601).
  2. Amur Region: 32,500 rubles ($ 558).
  3. Leningrad Region: 30,000 rubles ($ 515).

In 41% of vacancies, the salary of a content manager falls within the range of 15,000-30,000 rubles ($ 258-515).

The average salary of content managers from Ukraine is $ 185.

Top three regions to work in:

  1. Kiev region: 5,708 hryvnia ($ 211).
  2. Lviv region: 5,000 hryvnia ($ 185).
  3. Odessa region: 5,000 hryvnia ($ 185).

60% of vacancies indicate a salary of 3000-6000 hryvnia ($ 111-222).

Choice of specialization

This section will cover three popular career options for all in-house content managers.

Profile changeIn the process of working on a website, managers perform a lot of routine work every day, which is tiring and does not contribute to creative growth. Therefore, many specialists take specialized courses and choose a more interesting direction for themselves.Intelligent specialists will come in handy in every web studio
the project
Such a specialist must perfectly master all the technical skills of maintaining a website, be able to manage other performers, not break deadlines and continue to develop in the profession.Can be promoted to editor of a web project or newspaper
Publishing editorUnlike project managers, editors are responsible for both the technical and the ideological component of all posted content.In the future, you can become the founders of your own project

Extra skills

This subsection lists skills that are not directly related to content management. They only simplify work processes and allow you to get more done in less time.

Blind printing

It speeds up all the work associated with manual typing several times: writing articles, answering comments, drafting technical specifications, etc.

Speed ​​reading

Allows you to process daily information arrays faster and without loss of quality. Look at the results you can get after just a few months of training.


If you learn the language at least at a basic level, you can easily find interesting material on foreign sites.


Using this skill helps you communicate with customers more effectively and create strong content that increases interest in the site being promoted.


The more routine work you can transfer, the more time you will spend solving useful tasks. Try to form a team as quickly as possible: find a designer, several copywriters and programmers. Don't break contact with good performers.


Be sure to bookmark this site. Collected here are many useful tips on texts, advertising, design and content management.


Let's highlight the main pros and cons of the profession.

You can combine study and trainingMany boring and monotonous tasks have to be solved
You don't have to work in an office or work for a large companyIrregular operating mode
Good specialists are required in almost every commercial projectLong-term connection to a computer has a negative effect on health
Good prospects for career growth and development of related specialtiesYou need to have organizational skills, as for most projects it is necessary to attract additional staff

Now you know how to become a content manager and what such a specialist should be able to do. If you feel you can become a sought-after professional, then why not give it a try. Visit now University website Netology, familiarize yourself with the training conditions and select the appropriate courses. I know you will succeed. You can also check out other specialties in my blog section.

P.S. If this is the dream of one of your friends, be sure to share with him a link to my blog or this article.

Appointed and dismissed by the order of the general company.

1.3. During the absence of the content, his rights are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.

1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the content position: education - higher, incomplete higher, experience of similar work from a year.

1.5. A content manager needs to know:

Basics of formatting using HTML; be an experienced PC and Internet user;

Other WEB-technologies (taking into account the subject matter and specifics of the site);

Stylistics and grammar of the Russian language, the basics of proofreading.
1.6. The content manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

The Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations of the company;

Orders and orders of the management;


Job responsibilities of a content manager

The content manager does the following:

2.1. Contributes to the promotion and popularization of the site on the Internet.

2.2. Develops and maintains the basic concept of the site, makes proposals for finalizing the concept and content of the site, for the introduction of a new service for site visitors.

2.3. Monitors the text content of the site, constant updating of information.

2.4. Monitors compliance by visitors with the rules for using the site, as well as other mandatory requirements put forward by its creators.

2.5. Monitors the observance of the general order in the information field of the site for the convenience of all users, ethical and other norms of behavior adopted in the Internet communities.

2.6. Carries out work on editing and proofreading materials and their structuring, including the design of the formatting of texts, tables, etc.

2.7. Participates in the decoration of the information posted on the site together with the webmaster.

2.8. Investigates the needs and requests of site visitors.

2.9. Tracks the work of competitors, that is, sites with a similar topic, concept and content.

Content manager rights

The content manager has the right

3.1. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the assigned tasks.

3.2. Submit proposals to the management to improve their work and the work of the company.

3.3. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.

3.4. Make decisions within their competence.

Responsibility of the content manager

The content manager is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.

4.2. For non-compliance with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

4.4. The content manager is personally responsible for the prompt, comprehensive and objective presentation of materials on the sections of the site subordinate to him.

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