If you are faced with a situation where you cannot enter Odnoklassniki and a message appears about the sudden blocking of your personal page for an unknown reason, do not rush to send messages with an SMS code, but try to figure out the situation with the help of this article. Even if the page was indeed blocked by the administration, there were still some reasons and if this problem is not solved, then perhaps later you can lose your own account altogether.

Why does not go to Odnoklassniki - reasons and possible solution

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to enter a personal page of a social network from another computer or device such as a smartphone, tablet. This is a direct sign of a problem, specifically with the PC from which you are trying and cannot access the site in Odnoklassniki:

  • If on your other device or another person (you can not save the password), you log into your account, then almost with certainty we can say that everything is to blame a virus on your computer changed the necessary parameters and you are in the wrong place.
  • In the event that the account is still blocked on other devices and you know that you did not carry out prohibited activities and did not violate the rules for using the social network, then it is possible that there is some malicious virus on your PC, trying to perform some action with your personal page or simply using it to steal data and hack your account, as a result, and falls under the automatic protection of personal pages of the social network. In this case, it is better to play it safe and look at the files that are important for this.

Doesn't come in for a reason malicious changes in the hosts file

The first and most important thing that a virus that appears on a computer (most likely as a result of viewing a previously infecting site) does is make changes to the system file hosts, which deals specifically with linking the site to a specific IP address.

As a result, instead of the original site of the social network, the user gets to an outwardly indistinguishable site, where a message appears with the need to send an SMS message with a code, or data from your account is simply entered, after which it is stolen accordingly.

In this situation, you must definitely try to figure it out, otherwise you can lose a significant amount of money on your phone and earn problems with restoring your own page, still returning to restoring your own computer.

For windows xp / 2003/7/8/10 this file is in the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts... If you find it difficult to navigate in the direct entrance to the desired folder, you can find it by name in the search bar windows. Having found the file we need hosts, you should open it with notepad... It should contain the following entries:

The most recent entries should be:

  • On Windows XP: localhost
  • IN Windows Vista: :: 1 localhost
  • On Windows 7/8: # :: 1 localhost

With a lattice, at first, they are inactive and are present in the file by default, but everything below without a lattice with the inscribed names of the site is already made changes, with new malicious addresses, to which the sending takes place. There can be a whole list of such addresses and, accordingly, they should be immediately deleted upon detection.

  • If you need a new file hosts and just replace it.
  • After the cleaning has been done, it is imperative to clean the computer not only with an antivirus (a permanently installed antivirus program very often does not provide protection against such viruses), but also, for example, with a special utility that works precisely against malware, of this kind and the elimination of traces after infection with them. The purpose of such a program is only temporary, for the necessary cleaning, it is not installed in the system for a long time.
  • Be sure to restart your computer.

After that, you should already be on the real Odnoklassniki.

The hosts file is not edited or saved after changes

  • Some antiviruses have strict control over important areas and files, as is the case with the hosts file, as a result of which the computer will swear in every possible way and write something like “ access denied"- for this, temporarily disable the anti-virus protection and try to reopen the file.
  • If the file opened and you were able to fix it, but it does not want to be saved, read the article.

Still does not enter your page on Odnoklassniki

Recently, the "virus craftsmen" have managed to make notes much lower than it can be seen when opening with a notepad, omitting spaces or worse, making a double of the file hosts and change the location, respectively, make it active, using the key in the registry, and the one that you open in C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc leave "for you".

To do this, we need to open the key we need in the registry and find out to which file hosts an appeal is in progress:

  • Start then Execute(or with the keys “ WIN + R“) We enter the word regedit and press Ok

  • For In folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ services \ Tcpip \ Parameters find the line on the right DataBasePath and look at the path of the file that the key leads to:

  • If the path is different from C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \, then you need to edit it with the right mouse button.

Verifying connectivity and interaction with the authentic site.

This part of the article is intended in order to quickly and accurately determine which site the computer interacts with and exchanges data with when faced with a similar situation.

For this:

  • Click on Start then Execute(in the standard section or just using the keys “ WIN + R“), Run command line by introducing cmd and then press Ok.

  • After that enter nslookupok.ru(you can check another site, for example Vk.com) and click enter, fulfilling, thereby requesting the addresses of classmates.
  • And now enter ping ok.ru and press enter, request for the social network address with which data is exchanged in this moment.

  • Now the identified, in our case, correctly matching addresses, need to be checked for belonging to the Odnoklassniki servers. To do this, go to, for example, the nic.ru/whois/ service and enter the ip-address obtained during the check:

Now we know for sure that the address with which the computer interacts belongs to the one that we need, in this case a social network. This is especially important when you need to restore your account by sending an SMS message, but you are not sure that this is the same one. After this check, you can safely and safely go through all the recovery procedures.

Hello dear readers!

Today we will figure out how to enter Odnoklassniki without registering, and what restrictions await those who decide to use the social network without having their own account.

Usually, people who need to find their old acquaintance want to go to Odnoklassniki without registration. It's really not very advisable to create your own page in order to use the search once. Well, I can please you - some of the functions of the social network can be used without an account.

You can enter the OK home page in two ways:

  1. Type ok.ru in the address bar of your browser and press Enter.
  2. Enter the query “Odnoklassniki” in the search engine and follow the first link from the search results.

At the moment, Odnoklassniki has only one URL - ok.ru. Any site with any other address is phishing and belongs to cybercriminals. Be careful!

What you can do without registration

The main purpose of Odnoklassniki is to find old acquaintances, new friends and communicate with them. If you decide to use a social network without having your own account, then from an active participant in the social network, you will turn into a “dumb” observer.

Here is just a partial list of features that are not available to unregistered users:

  • writing and sending messages,
  • creating and publishing posts,
  • adding registered users to friends,
  • listening to music and adding songs to the site,
  • adding your videos and photos,
  • setting classes,
  • writing comments,
  • launching games and applications.

One way or another workaround without your own account, you can:

  • view popular posts on the homepage,
  • watch videos,
  • search for people and view their pages,
  • search for groups and articles.

To see the latest popular posts and videos in OK, just go to ok.ru. This is the main page of the social network, it is also the registration and login page. So if you still decide to create your own profile, then you can do this using a special form, which is located in the upper right part of the page. There you will also find login and password entry fields for authorization on the site.

How to search for people

Several tools can be used to find people:

  1. Search engines. Yandex, Google and other search engines can easily find the right person. To scale down the operation, use the special operator “site:”. It will allow you to find the people you need on ok.ru, excluding other sites from the search results.
  2. A special service for tracing people on social networks from Yandex.
  3. Help of a friend or relative who is registered on the social network to search from his page.

The third method gives the best results. The fact is that social network users can close their profile from search engines. In this case, the person cannot be found through any search engine.

But using the search on ok.ru, you can find any registered user. Of course, some users make their profile private, but even in this case, it is quite possible to find them, see the main photo and even some personal data.

How to search communities, posts and other information

Many people argue that it is impossible to search for posts, ads, videos and communities without logging in to OK. This is not entirely true. You can search for information, like people on a social network, and it's completely free. This is done using the special operator "site:", which I already mentioned above. It works in any search engine. I'll show you using Google as an example.

Let's say I want to find official group"Vasily Blinov's blog" on ok.ru. To do this, I go to Google and enter the "site:" operator in the search box without quotes. Immediately after the colon, I write the address of the site on which I want to search. In our case, it will be ok.ru. After the site, put a space and enter the name of the group you want to find. The result is the following construction "site: ok.ru Vasily Blinov's blog".

Please note that there is no space after the colon.

In the search results, the desired community was in the first place. After you get into the group, you can view all the entries, watch the participants and go to them on the page.

So if you still decide to register on the social network, be sure to subscribe to our community. There you will be the first to know about new articles on the site.

Using the “site:” operator, you can search not only for groups and communities, but also for any other information: videos, articles, announcements, etc. For example, using the following query “site: ok.ru will give a piano”, you can find great musical instrument.

There is one important point that must be taken into account. Using the method described above, you can only find information that has already been indexed search engine... This process takes some time, so the latest news and recent publications cannot be found.

It's even easier with video. It is enough to follow the link ok.ru/video and use the search bar or just watch interesting videos in the catalog or in the list of new products.


As you can see, despite all the loopholes without registration, you will not be able to fully enjoy your stay in OK. You can use the tips from the article if you only need to find a person once and you do not plan to become an active member of the social network. If you want to visit Odnoklassniki regularly, I recommend that you create your own page.

If you are confused by the issue of anonymity, then you can register under a false name and put someone else's photo or not put it at all. Also, in your profile settings, you can restrict access to your page and enable stealth mode. So no one can detect you, and at this time you will use all the functions of the social network.

That's all for me. Hope the article was helpful. Leave comments and follow the blog news.

I can't go to Odnoklassniki - almost any user can face such a problem. And, if this happened to you once, do not panic, because the solution to the problem exists and we, together with you, will definitely find it! In this article we will answer the question “Why can't I log into Odnoklassniki?” And also tell you what needs to be done so that you can visit your favorite social network again.

Not sure on your device? Read our other article and you will easily cope with this matter!

Why can't I go to my page in Odnoklassniki?

There are three main reasons explaining why it is impossible to enter Odnoklassniki:

  • Your profile in Odnoklassniki has been blocked for inappropriate actions on the site: mailing advertisements, publishing erotic photos or videos, as well as materials that may contribute to inciting ethnic or interreligious enmity;
  • Your computer or laptop is infected with malware that does not allow access to the site;
  • Your page in Odnoklassniki was hacked by malefactors.

It is very important to first determine for which of these reasons you are unable to enter Odnoklassniki, and only then solve the problem accordingly. For example, you cannot be administered or hacked by scammers. How to determine the cause? Very simple! We will lead to each of the options for several accompanying "symptoms" and you yourself will be able to determine which of them more accurately describe your problem.

Computer infection with a virus

To begin with, try to go to your page in Odnoklassniki from any other device: mobile phone, tablet, computer of your friend or neighbor. If in these cases there are no problems with the entrance, then the whole point is in your computer or laptop. Malware has been infiltrated into his system, blocking your access to Odnoklassniki. Below you can read how to deal with this problem.

The profile is blocked by the site administration

If you cannot log into your account from any available device, then it is quite likely that your page was simply blocked by the administration of the Odnoklassniki website. You may have accidentally violated the terms of use of a social network by posting something that the developers considered inappropriate. Further, in the appropriate section, you can find out how to solve this issue.

Account hacked by scammers

In the event that when you try to open your page in Odnoklassniki, the inscription "Wrong username or password" pops up in front of you, and you are sure of the correctness of both, it is quite possible that there were craftsmen who managed to find the password for your account, and then those who changed it so that you, in turn, could no longer enter.

This situation can be especially unpleasant if a bank card was tied to your profile in Odnoklassniki - in this case, attackers can easily withdraw your savings from it. What to do in such cases - read below in the appropriate section.

Can't understand? Then rather read our other article - in it you will surely find a solution to this problem.

I can't enter Odnoklassniki on my page: what if it's a virus?

If you suspect that your laptop or computer has been infected with a virus, you can take the following actions:

Run antivirus on your computer

Probably, every user knows that an antivirus must be installed on any device, be it a laptop, tablet or full-fledged PC. It can be Kaspercky, dr.Web or another high quality antivirus. Run a full scan of your device.

If you are so careless that you still have not bothered to purchase this most useful program, then find right now good antivirus and download it to your computer.

Check the hosts file

  • Now just restart your PC.

Clear the list of static routes

  • Find the one called "Command Line" among the programs.

  • Click on it, and from the proposed options, select "Run as administrator".
  • In the line that appears, enter route -f, and then press the Enter button.

  • When the command is completed, perform a hard reboot of your device.

Check "Network Settings"

  • Open the control panel of your laptop or computer.
  • Find the item "Internet Options" or "Internet Options" in it.

  • Now go to "Connections".
  • Find "Network settings" among the proposed options and open it.

  • A pop-up window will appear in front of you. There should be no paths to the script. automatic settings, and also the proxy server settings should not be present.

I can't log into Odnoklassniki on my page: it looks like I was blocked

In the event that your profile in Odnoklassniki is blocked by the site administration, then only by contacting its employees can you solve this problem. Write a letter to the support service in which you will describe your problem in detail. Quite often, this method helps.

If the developers of "Odnoelassnikov" do not agree to unblock your page (this happens when a gross violation of the site rules, for example, posting or sending erotic materials), then you will have to accept the loss of your account and create new profile in Odnoklassniki.

I can not go to Odnoklassniki on my page: it was hacked by scammers

If it seems to you that your page has been hacked, there is no need to waste time. Rather, contact Ok.ru support and inform them about the hacked account. This can be done as follows:

  • Open the login and password entry form on the Ok.ru website and find the “Help” inscription at the bottom of the screen.

  • You will see several thematic blocks with questions on the screen. Select Profile Access.

  • On the page that opens, on the left, you can see a list with the most pressing user problems. You should open the item "Other questions".

  • Now find on the screen the inscription "Contact support". It is usually at the bottom of the page.
  • You will see a form for contacting support. The first column is the purpose for which you are writing the letter. Select "Restore / Delete Profile" as the target.

  • The second column is the cause of your problem. Click on it and select one of all the options: "Profile hacked."

  • The third column that appears after specifying the subject of the appeal is what you can remember about your account. For example, you remember exactly the phone number to which he was registered, which means that he chooses this particular option.

  • Enter the data you know into the prepared line.
  • Also, be sure to leave the address of your Email... Enter it in the required field.

  • And finally, write your problem in detail in the large window, indicating everything that you think will be important for the moderators to restore your account. When you're done, just click on the Send Message button.

We hope that our article was able to help you solve the problem with entering this popular social network "Odnoklassniki". If you still have any questions - write to us in the comments, we will answer everyone!

I can not access my page

When the Internet is working normally, and the page of classmates is not loading, then you need to look for a way out of this situation and determine what to do. Let's consider the most common situations and figure out how to solve them and get to your page.
Blocking social networks

You should not look for a solution to the problem “I can’t go to my page in classmates” when a business computer is used. Most likely, access to sites that distract from work is blocked system administrator... It is unlikely that such a prohibition can be circumvented and deceived. Although, there is still a solution: ask the admin directly or install an anonymizer.

As a rule, when viewing pages on the Internet, the user transfers to the resources his IP-address, the name of the provider. The anonymizer acts as a kind of intermediary between the user and the site he visits. But this software has a number of disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Freeware programs in most cases carry viruses with them.
  • Inability to participate in various polls, write comments on some sites. This is because an IP address is required to do this.
  • Slow page loading speed.
  • High risk of stealing account passwords.

Antivirus check

One of the most common cases is the spread of viruses and malware on a personal computer. It is they who do not allow the user to get to their favorite site and make them look for a solution to the problem "I can not enter my classmates. To clean the system, you need to perform a full scan by running installed antivirus and allowing the removal of dangerous objects.

If antivirus software has not been previously installed on the computer, then this will have to be fixed immediately. It is permissible to use the following programs:

  • free version of Kaspersky;
  • AVAST;
  • Avira.

For licensed versions software you can use Microsoft antivirus.

Network connectivity problems

In cases where the internet is connected, there is enough traffic for communication on the resource, it is recommended to install DNS "by default". It is necessary to compare the recommended DNS in the technical support of the site with the recommended ones by the provider.

Advice! Sometimes the problem is solved by replacing the usual site address in the address bar with www.odnoklassniki.ru.

Browser replacement

Problems with logging in can also arise due to the browser. In such cases, most often, the message "web page unavailable" is displayed. First of all, you should update your usual Internet browser. This is done in a matter of minutes, updates can actually be found on the official sites.

Hosts file

If you cannot log into any social network, and the site writes an incorrect username or password, then most likely the reason is hidden in system file called "hosts". It is located in the C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc folder. To check if it contains a ban, the document will need to be opened through a text editor.

If a resource address is found in the context that cannot be entered, then the problem lies precisely here. There are several ways to fix this situation:

  • All unnecessary information must be removed.
  • Overwrite the entire folder (copy absolutely all files contained in it) from a "healthy" computer.
  • Recover the system. To do this, you need to enter the "Parameters personal computer", Select the item" Update and restore "and click on the sub-item" Restore without deleting files ".
  • Use the Dr. Curelt utility. The software will allow you to quickly identify and fix the problem, at the same time checking the system for viruses and cleaning it.

Forgotten password

If the password and login are entered incorrectly, then you will not be able to enter the social network site. In this case, the system will issue a corresponding notification. The solution to the problem with the entrance can be found by clicking on the link on the authorization form "Forgot your password?". The user is offered several ways to restore it, just follow the instructions.

Attention! An alert informing the account owner that an incorrect password was entered may be the result of a virus. Before starting the recovery, it is recommended to try to log in with this username and password from another device.

Blocked account

If the page in classmates is not fully loaded, then it may be blocked by the site administrator. This is done in order to prevent fraudsters from taking over the page. To remove the blocking, you need to click on the "Unblock" button and follow the recommendations.

Advice! If there is no access to the social network, you should try to enter the Odnoklassniki website through someone else's computer or from a phone and change the access password. This is due to the fact that scammers are able to remove the personal device of the account owner from the site, while sending out spam of various content in the meantime.

Remote profile

It is not uncommon for users to delete their social media account. In this case, it is impossible to log in. Now you need new registration Online.

Lost page

If at the entrance to the site the inscription "undefined" is displayed, then the page has been lost from the database. In such a situation, the only way out is to write about the problem in technical support site. This issue is decided only by the administration.

Server problems

Problems with access to your account are often caused by work on the site server. It is enough to wait a while and the page will load normally in full.

Advice! Verify that the problem is on the server by trying to enter the site from another device. If you can't log in, you just have to wait.
Reinstallation operating system

Reinstallation of the operating system as a way out of the situation that has arisen is considered in the following cases:

The installation can be carried out independently, using the "wired" version of the OS on the computer, flash drive, disk. Or contact professionals in the field.

Attention! Do not rush to the cardinal method. Reinstallation will most likely lose information from hard disk... All actions must be performed carefully, but it is better to consult a specialist.


In order to avoid problems with access to your page, you should keep the password for it in a safe place, regularly check your computer for malware, update browsers and not visit suspicious Internet resources.

Hello, friends!
Today we are analyzing a very hot topic, which is dedicated to online fraud.

In this article I will try to answer such popular questions: "Why can't I go to the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, to the mail and other sites?"

Such troubles, when a user loses access or cannot access his page on social networks, as a rule, arise as a result of changing the hosts file. What is this file, where is it located and how to edit it, we have disassembled. I recommend that you read this article.

File hosts can be changed deliberately, for example, by the system administrator of your company (office) or as a result of a virus attack on the computer. Today we will analyze exactly the last case.

I suppose most of you know, or at least have heard of, terms such as phishing or farming. What is the difference between them and how do you know if you have become a victim of a virus attack? Today I will tell you how the infection most often occurs, as a result of which you cannot access social networks, and I will give an example of the simplest farming attack.

Let's start with a simpler type of virus attack - phishing(from English fishing - fishing). The purpose of this fraud is to gain access (login and password) to user data. Via email, which came to your mail, disguised as a message from various services, for example, from social networks, the user follows the link and ends up on a fake site that outwardly copies the official one. Further on this fake page, he enters his username and password and allows the fraudster to gain access to his account, and sometimes to bank accounts.

Farming- this is a disguised phishing or "fishing" according to the new rules. This is a more dangerous and advanced type of fraud, the purpose of which is to automatically redirect to a fake resource. Your vigilance is lulled by a completely "correct" link, and only you follow it - malicious code does its job and redirects you to a prepared copy of the site. While a phishing email can still be ignored, a pharming attack is much more difficult to detect.

To implement a pharming attack, as a rule, two main methods are used - manipulating the hosts file or changing dns information.

How does the virus get infected?

The malicious code is masked and distributed, for example, in the form of a social media application. These can be applications for opening access to a closed page or for likes, etc. Perhaps you just followed the link and ended up on a suspicious site, where a window popped up prompting you to install an update. You download this fake (dummy) application and install it. After installation, the system (and in particular the hosts file itself) undergoes certain changes.

After the virus has changed the hosts file, access to popular websites and resources with antivirus software is blocked, or the user is redirected to fake pages that look like popular resources (social networks, mail services, etc.), where an inattentive user enters his credentials, and thus they get to the attackers.

Let's say your system has been infected and a virus has changed the hosts file. You, suspecting nothing, open your browser and go to your page on the social network, but you get not to the official page, but to a fake one. Fake, as a rule, is not much different from the official one, and you most likely will not notice it. You enter your data, password and send them to the scammer. Congratulations, you are the victim of a farming attack!

I can't log into classmates or my account is blocked

When you go to your page, as a rule, windows appear that say that you need to enter a mobile phone number.

Messages can be different: “Account has been hacked”, “Spam is being sent from your account” and other messages with similar meaning. But in all cases, you are asked about one thing - to enter a phone number to confirm something.

As you may have guessed, this is an elementary scam. Entering the number and the subsequent confirmation code will result in the withdrawal of a certain amount of money plus the loss of the password from the social network (in this case, from Odnoklassniki).

This attack can be carried out on any page: on social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, etc.), mail or online Sberbank.

What to do if your account is hacked?

The first step is to check the hosts file. The hosts file is located in the system partition on the disk C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts

As you can see in the screenshot above, the hosts file has been changed. In this case, when referring to social networks vk. com and ok.ru are redirected to fake pages.

As a reminder, the default hosts file looks like this:

Select the extra lines and delete. We save the changes. By the way, if you have any problems editing the hosts file, I recommend reading.

If you cannot restore the hosts file on your own, then we will use a solution from "Microsoft". Just go to link and follow the official instructions on the company page.

We start the command line (in administrator mode), where we enter the following command: and press Enter. We reboot the computer.

These manipulations should help solve your problem with logging into social networks or with the loss of access to social networks, mail and other services. I recommend reading another useful article: “