We make it so that Ip addresses in Tor are only of certain countries. For everyone who uses the Tor browser, it is far from a secret that ip addresses are constantly changing there. And let's say if you are defined as a user from the United States, then in a couple of minutes everything can change. And you will use some other address. For example: Germany, Greece, France, etc. It is impossible to change the permanent shift, but you can make it so that each next address that will be assigned to you will be of one particular country.

In order to do all this, you need to edit the file torrc located in the directory Tor Browser->Data->Tor->torrc. Open this file with notepad and add the line ExitNodes(). In brackets { } you must specify the letter code of a particular country, the ip address of which you will use. For example, for Russia ExitNodes, for the USA - ExitNodes, Germany - ExitNodes (DE).

A complete list of countries and their letter codes can be found on Google. Save your changes in notepad and start Tor.

How to set up Tor correctly

Who Uses Tor?

Family & Friends

People like you and your family use Tor to protect themselves, their children, and their dignity while using the Internet.


Businesses use Tor to research competition, keep business strategies confidential, and facilitate internal accountability.


Activists use Tor to anonymously report abuses from danger zones. Whistleblowers use Tor to safely report on corruption.


Journalists and the media use Tor to protect their research and sources online.

Military & Law Enforcement

Militaries and law enforcement use Tor to protect their communications, investigations, and intelligence gathering online.

Here you can find answers to questions about the network: advantages, disadvantages and Tor problems networks. All this will help you easily achieve anonymity on the network and avoid cases of revealing your identity.

Tor - what is it?

Tor is a global Internet network that provides user anonymity. It is known to many as "onion routing". You can connect to it using the Tor browser.

Why is Tor needed?

Tor's main advantage is its anonymity. What kind of requests you make, what IP address you use, what files you download - no one will know. In addition, you will be able to view sites that are usually blocked by the provider.

Browser Tor, how to select IP of a specific country, how to ban IP of a specific country

Moreover, you will be able to view onion sites and submit to a site from a different geographic region. Just remember: using any browser other than Tor on the Tor network will not ensure your anonymity.

How to use Tor?

The Tor network alone is not capable of protecting all your Internet traffic. It is able to protect only those applications that are configured to transfer data through it. For your convenience, you can use the Tor browser. It is already optimally configured to protect your anonymity on the Internet. Using any other browser with the Tor network is not safe.

Torrent through the Tor network - is it real?

Unfortunately, you cannot download torrents when you are in the Tor network. Otherwise, your real IP address will be visible to others. So, anonymity is leveled. In addition, the work of Tor will be slow - and not only for you, but also for other users.

Is it possible to install additional plug-ins for the Tor browser?

Tor browser by default blocks any plugins such as Flash, RealPlayer, Quicktime and others. The fact is that they can reveal your real IP address. And that is why we do not recommend installing additional plug-ins for the Tor browser. Otherwise, the benefit from using the Tor browser will be minimal or even reduced to zero.

How to protect yourself when using the Tor network?

Use only a secure https connection to connect to sites. The Tor browser has an extension that always establishes just such a connection. Still, it's better to make sure that the address is specified as https:// in the address bar, and you see the name of the site that you requested.

How to avoid detection on the Tor network?

While you are online, do not open documents uploaded via Tor. If the browser warned you about the danger when opening a document (DOC and PDF), do not ignore it. After all, the document may contain links to certain Internet resources, by opening it, you will disclose your IP address to others. So it is better to disconnect from the network or the Internet before opening such documents.

How to hide the use of the Tor network?

Tor hides the sites you connect to from intruders. But, by default, it does not hide the use of the Tor network. Therefore, if it is important for you to hide the use itself, then you can reduce the risk of detection by using the Tor forwarding bridge. But the most The best way protection - social: the more Tor users are near you and the more diverse their interests, the more difficult it is to find you among them. Encourage other people to use Tor too!

Should Tor be used for illegal purposes, or should such use be encouraged?

No, Tor was created for freedom of expression, privacy and protection of human rights. Tor is not an application for breaking the law, neither by Tor users nor by owners of forwarders.

Can you promise that I won't get in trouble for running a Tor forwarder?

No, any new technology creates some legal uncertainty and Tor is no exception. And we cannot guarantee that you will never be held liable in any way for your Tor forwarder. However, we truly believe that the people who provide forwarders should not and cannot be responsible for the traffic that passes through them. As confirmation, we ourselves provide a server for forwarding traffic for the needs of the network.

Tailored for you

The Tor network consists of huge amount intermediate (middle relay) and end servers (output relays, English exit relay), through which thousands of threads pass user data. To appreciate the scale of the Tor network, take a look at the world map of Tor servers. It is through one of them that your data will run the next time you launch the Tor browser. The dynamic map can be viewed at the link.

As in any computer network among the servers there are faulty, infected, and sometimes attacker-owned servers. Most often, such servers hunt for passwords from social networks. networks, Email or credit card details.

In order to exclude such nodes from the network in a timely manner, the Tor Project team is developing and maintaining two free programs. They allow you to identify and block "bad" nodes and make Internet surfing as safe as possible.

Exitmap checks exit servers - the place where traffic leaves the encrypted tor network and is transmitted to the clear internet. To do this, an algorithm for comparing operations on all end servers is used.

For example, a user can log in (by entering a username and password) to Facebook directly, without using Tor. Then write down the digital signature that the site uses to confirm that this is indeed a real Facebook. The signature can then be compared with the signatures received via the Exitmap. The program uses thousands of output relays to connect to Zuckerberg's website, recording each digital signature. Relays with a signature that differs in any way from the original can be considered potentially dangerous.

Another Sybilhunter program is able to detect entire sets of relays, which are probably under the control of one person. There are high chances that such a person will use the servers for hacker attacks. Among other things, Sybilhunter can create graphic images illustrating the server availability graph in Tor. This, in turn, allows you to define relays that are controlled by one "center".

The figure shows a visualization of the uptime of some servers inTor, as of part of January 2014. Shown in red are outlets that are very likely managed by the same person.

Tor Project research has identified a wide range of potentially dangerous servers.

9. Tweaking Tor

Some of them try to steal registration information from popular sites and services. Others block certain websites within certain countries, forming a censorship system. There are also nodes that attack Bitcoin wallets in order to take over the victim's virtual currency!

It is fair to say that dangerous or possibly dangerous output relays are in the absolute minority in the entire TOR network. The chances of hitting them by accident are minimal. In addition, the “HTTPS-Everywhere” utility is built into the Tor browser, which will prevent an attacker from achieving his goals, or minimize harm.

What is Tor Browser

Full name: Tor Browser Bundle. Built on a platform Mozilla Firefox and is one of the most anonymous browsers in the world. Changes your IP address to a random IP address when using the Internet.

Tor Browser: Specifying Which Region to Use

Uses IP different countries: Romania, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany. Does not store cookies and a log of visited sites, does not remember logins and passwords. Uses a special secure network of anonymous proxy servers.

Installing Tor

Download this browser you can from the official website: https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en

Choose a language and click Download Tor Browser Bundle:

Run the downloaded file:

Click OK:



Using Tor Browser

Run the program. If you haven't unchecked Launch Tor Browser Bundle After the installation is complete, it will start automatically.

When you first start you will see a window Network Tor settings . Here you need to select the connection type. Nowadays, in most cases, the first option is suitable - the button connect:

After that, the browser connects to the Tor network, which will hide your real IP address, ensuring your anonymity. Wait for network connection:

For greater privacy, you can request page versions on English language. But this is not a key indicator of anonymity. Can be pressed Not:

Tor browser is not installed in the system in the traditional way, because. is a portable application. The program can be carried with you on a flash drive. By default, when unpacking, it is placed in the folder Tor browser on desktop:

You can move the browser folder to any location. When you want to launch TOR to anonymously visit a site, go to the folder with the program and run the file Start Tor Browser.exe:

After pressing the button New identity and before using a new IP address, go to 2ip.ru and see what has changed.

To imitate another person, it is desirable to change not only the IP, but also the country. If necessary, press the button Tor, select an item New identity (New Identity) until the country changes:

Attention! Due to the fact that while working through the Tor browser, traffic goes through many proxy servers, the page loading speed is much lower than through a regular browser.

Also read our article on how to use the secure Tor network on Andoid devices.

Perhaps it will be interesting:

Tor browser settings

If you do not know what Tor browser is, then read the article What is the Tor network.

Download Tor Browser only from the official website torproject.org.

Be careful! There are sites that mimic the Tor project site. For example, the site torprojectS.org (the letter S added at the end) is trying to install a Trojan on your computer. DO NOT download Tor Browser from third party sites.

By the way, Tor Browser is based on Mozilla browser Firefox, as it is the only browser that can independently work with Socks connection without participation operating system.

Download Tor Browser from torproject.org

After Tor installations Browser is completely ready to go.

Below is a screenshot from the official website.

  • do not install additional plugins, as it is possible to install a plugin that will give out your real location. All the necessary plugins for anonymity are already installed.
  • do not open documents (such as PDF and DOC) downloaded in Tor Browser while you are online. Macros can be embedded in such files that will request access to the Internet directly through the program, bypassing the Tor network. This will compromise your real IP address.
  • do not download torrents on the Tor network, as this will increase the load on the network. Torrent programs are designed in such a way that they always access the Internet directly and do not take into account proxy settings. This may compromise your real IP address.
  • use https connection always. Such a connection will ensure the security of data transfer.

Main window of Tor Browser.

For security settings, click Security Settings.

Set the security level:

  • Low (default) – standard security level.
  • Suitable for most users. Websites open correctly and nothing is blocked.

  • Medium - Javascript is blocked on sites that do not support https. HTML5 video and audio triggered on click via NoScript plugin
  • High - Javascript is blocked on all websites. HTML5 video and audio is triggered with a click through the NoScript plugin. Some types of images, fonts and icons are prohibited from uploading
  • Since most websites use Javascript, browsing websites in High mode is problematic because some of the content is hidden. We recommend this mode when you need to read an article on some website, and you do not need to log in to the site.

Tor Browser is ready to go and you can start surfing anonymously right away.

Keep in mind that with this setup, only Tor Browser uses the Tor network. All other programs use a direct connection to the Internet and transmit your real IP address.

What to do with programs that do not know how to work directly with the Socks protocol? For example, mail clients, other browsers, instant messaging programs, etc. We recommend using Proxifier to redirect the traffic of such programs to the Tor network.

Setting up Proxifier over the Tor network

The Proxifier program can:

  • redirect traffic from all operating system programs through a proxy (including email clients, all browsers, instant messaging programs)
  • create proxy chains
  • use DNS server from the proxy, hiding the real DNS of the ISP
  • supports http and socks proxies

Download Proxifier for Windows Download Proxifier for macOS

The main page of the Proxifier official site.

Install Proxifier.

This program is able to collect all operating system traffic and pass it through a specific proxy server.

To configure Proxifier, you need to know the Tor network port you are using. Go to the Preferences section of the Tor Browser.

Select the Network settings section.

Look at the local IP address used and the connection port of the Tor network. This data must be inserted into the Proxifier program so that all operating system traffic goes to the Tor network. In our example, and port 9150.

Launch Proxifier.


Browser Tor how to choose a country

The important thing is to start Tor Browser first and wait until the main window appears. And only after that start the Proxifier program.

Click on the Proxies button.

Click the Add button.

Enter the IP address and port. In our example: and port 9150.

Select Yes - you agree to use this proxy by default.

Open any browser or mail program. In the Proxifier program, you will see a list of connections through the Tor network. In any browser, you can check your IP address and make sure that the IP address from the Tor network will be shown, and not your real IP address.

If something doesn't work, then close Tor Browser and Proxifier. And then launch Tor Browser and wait for the main window to appear. Only then start Proxifier. No additional settings need to be made. All traffic will automatically go through the Tor network. Close the Proxifier program to get your real IP address back.

If you are using Tor browser, then most likely you had a need to go to the site using the IP of a specific country. Tor chooses an IP randomly, i.e. when you enter the network, your chain of nodes is constantly changing and you can change the chain until the desired country appears at the end indefinitely. But in Tor, you can force the country of access to the network.

How to force Tor to go online through the IP address of a specific country

In order to set the country of access to the network in Tor, open the file torrc(Windows path: ) to edit and add the following lines to the end of the file:

ExitNodes (US) StrictExitNodes 1

Where (US)- country to access the network.

Before editing a file C:\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\torrc make a backup of it

If you need to specify several countries, then list them separated by commas:

ExitNodes (US),(DE),(AT),(UA),(RU) StrictExitNodes 1

As a result, the torrc file will look something like this:

# This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved # The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it DataDirectory C:\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor GeoIPFile C:\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\geoip GeoIPv6File C:\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\geoip6 ExitNodes (US),(DE),(AT),(UA),(RU) StrictExitNodes 1

After making changes, restart Tor and enjoy your work ;)

Tor, how to prevent access to the network through the IP address of a specific country

Opening the file for editing torrc(path on Windows: C:\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor) and add the following line:

Strict Exit Nodes (MD)

Where (MD)- the country through which it is forbidden to access the network.

If you need to specify several countries for the ban, then list them separated by commas:

StrictExitNodes (MD),(KZ)

If you are using ExitNodes(list of allowed countries), then set StrictExitNodes(list of banned countries) makes no sense.

Restart Tor after making changes.

Many Internet services provide access to their services only when you visit websites or applications from certain countries. IP addresses and sometimes more variables like system time are checked when a user wants to access country restricted services. If the IP is in a country access is allowed, otherwise it is rejected.

There are many workarounds to help users to access these services even if they currently reside in another country. One of the possibilities that I want to cover in this article is how to configure Tor so that the output of the node is in the country where you want to access the services. Tor offers many so-called nodes that are servers in a specific country and work with them software Tor.
For this I use the Vidalia package which contains everything necessary programs to explain how a specific country can be selected when using Tor. You can download Vidalia and install the software from the link at the bottom of the page. The main interface of the program will load after installing Vidalia.

The control panel displays the current state of Tor. Additional Information displays exactly what we are going to use to find the servers located in the country we need, whose IP address we need. Click on the Browse Network link - a visual representation of all is displayed Tor servers, but only if Tor is running.
Servers can be sorted by country (next will be flag) , there is also a performance indicator next to them. Write down some server names with the best performance and exit the menu. We need to add these servers as output nodes in the Tor configuration. Press the "Options" button and there, on the front, a menu tab is displayed, in which you will find the Tor configuration menu entry.
Click the "Browse" button, a file browsing dialog opens. Left click on the "torrc" file and select "Edit" from the menu. Now add the following two lines in the config, just paste them at the beginning like so:

Server1 ExitNodes, server2, server 3
StrictExitNodes 1
Replace server1, server 2, and so on with the names of the servers that you wrote in the network display window. Stop and restart Tor for the changes to take effect.
Now we have to add an HTTP proxy for our browser Firefox. We click on Tools> Options> Advanced networks and there we click on the "Settings" button. Select Manual proxy settings and enter local port 8118.

You can check if it works with a scriptvisiting IP lookup, which should display the IP of the country you have selected from the servers. Download and install the software Vidalia is available on the Internet.


Tor browser- a program for anonymous browsing on the Internet. Being on the Internet with this browser, the real IP address is replaced with another address inherent in another country and region. According to experienced observations, the choice of the country occurs at the new launch of Tor randomly, as well as after a while, being in it. In most cases, the choice of a specific country is not needed, but there are times when it is simply indispensable. For example, you need to go to a resource from a Russian-speaking country, or to a domain that is open to a certain state.

In such cases, there is a solution. After downloading and installing Tor (if it hasn't already been done), go toTorBrowser\ Browser\ TorBrowser\ Data\ Tor and find the file torrc.

To access the Internet from a specific country, or to prohibit specifying the IP address of one or more countries, the following text should be inserted with a replacement in this document.


# If non-zero, try to write to disk less frequently than we would otherwise.
AvoidDiskWrites 1
# Store working data, state, keys, and caches here.
DataDirectory .\Data\Tor
GeoIPFile .\Data\Tor\geoip
# Where to send logging messages. Format is minSeverity[-maxSeverity]
# (stderr|stdout|syslog|file FILENAME).
log notice stdout
# Bind to this address to listen to connections from SOCKS-speaking
# applications.
Socks Port 9150
Control Port 9151
StrictExitNodes 1
ExitNodes (ua),(md), (az), (am), (ge), (kz), (kg), (ly), (lt), (tm), (uz), (ee).

Lines that will have to be individually edited: ExitNodes and StrictExitNodes.

ExitNodes("input nodes") - indicates from which countries entry is allowed.

StrictExitNodes("exact input nodes") - a parameter forbidding entry from the specified country.

In the example above, countries with Russian-speaking populations are printed, with the exception of Belarus and Russia. Countries must be specified in brackets, separated by commas. Designation of countries are indicated in the standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1), country domains are written in the same standard. Now let's take a look at some examples. To prohibit the Tor connection with Russian parameters, you need in the drain StrictExitNodes add { en}. With these parameters, Tor will connect with the parameters of any country except Russia. If you want to enter only from Russia, then you should specify { en} after ExitNodes.

It should be remembered! After updates, reinstallation, Tor browser torr file will change to default. Therefore, we copy it to a separate place before updating, or we go back to this site site and copy new code for this file.

Tor Browser via specific country IP addresses.

Recently, a friend knocked on my door asking me to help her in a delicate matter. She wanted to win votes in some girl photo contest. I don’t understand at all who needs it, people have nothing to do. If I were to receive some prizes (which is also not entirely fair), as I understand it, but does a naive Runet user still not understand that participation in some contests or reposts in VKontakte with promising and flashy names like “Make a repost”, “Press the I like button”, “Spit over your right shoulder”, “And get a super-duper Video card” or “Razer Mamba gaming mouse” will give him the opportunity to get something for free?

Okay, something I got carried away. So, one of the conditions of the competition was that the voting people must be located on the territory of Russia. Those. IP addresses of users who vote must be from Russia. And she lives in Ukraine. I thought for the time being to throw her a list of the checked ones, and then using the Proxy Switcher program to solve this issue.

But then, after thinking a little, I decided to take a simpler path, nooo ... and not because she is a blonde, I really love women and blondes in particular :)! Just like, I'm a bit of a lazy person, looking for something easy. I decided, after finishing it a little, to throw her our beloved, slightly modified Tor Browser.

We wrote in detail about Tor in this article "". If you are not already familiar with this secure anonymous web browser, I advise you to read it.

Tor operation through IP addresses of a certain country

The Tor network operates randomly, i.e. accesses the network through a constantly changing chain of nodes, and each time your computer is assigned a different IP address of different countries. And we need only Russian!

So, how to configure Tor so that it always receives an IP of a certain strange one. To do this, we need, if you do not already have it. In the drop-down menu, you can select the interface language. There is also Russian!

Turn on Thor. If you see a green onion and the inscription "Connected to the Tor network" go ahead.

In the same window, click on the Settings button

In the window that appears, go to the Advanced tab. We press the button Edit current torrc. In the torrc editing window, at the very bottom, at the end, add the line ExitNodes (ru) . Put a tick Apply Selected and click OK

Now let's restart the browser. After launching Tor Browser from all possible IPs, it will select only Russian ip-addresses, and change only to Russian ones when the button is pressed Change identity.

Thus, you can customize the browser to your taste. For example:

  • Work through any country
    ExitNodes (country code)
  • Work only through specified countries (several countries).
    ExitNodes (ua),(ug),(kp),(ru)
  • Block work through a specific country.
    ExcludeExitNodes (de)

Download for free
Country codes for working with the Tor browser

Well, now you know how to make Tor work through the IP addresses of a certain country. Liked the article click on the button social network! And do not forget to subscribe to us on vkontakte, classmates, twitter and facebook, so as not to miss the news and be always up to date.