Modern users are increasingly interested in the question of how to find out where the subscriber is. These can be caring parents, whose children are not always there, or just relatives who want to find out the location of a person for some reason.

Can I find out the location of the subscriber?

To find out where the subscriber is, by phone number, in fact, it is quite possible. Most domestic operators provide their customers with access to such a service as searching for a person by phone number. This can be done online, by SMS or using other methods.

How to find out by phone where the subscriber is located is described in more detail below. Each operator has its own characteristics, therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to locate several completely different SIM cards in the same way, and, accordingly, their owners.

"MTS" -search

People who use the services of "MTS" probably remember how to find out where the subscriber is, because the operator offers several methods for this. The search is carried out simultaneously for three possible options in geolocation:

  • "Staff".
  • "Supervised child".
  • "Locator".

All three methods are based solely on the voluntary consent of the second user to be tracked. They differ among themselves additional features and functions. For example, a variant called "Employees" is able to draw up an accurate map of movement, working as a navigator, allowing you to control a person's route, and a method for children, in addition to determining their location, checks the account, installed applications as well as the battery charge.

"Locator" from "MTS"

The most popular option is called "Locator". It makes it possible to find out where in this moment there is a subscriber not only of "MTS", but also of such operators as "Beeline", "Megafon" and "Tele2". The option is completely available for all packages, but the user must fulfill the main condition. Its essence lies in the confirmation by the tracker of permission for this function. With the help of Locator, customers have a chance to find even any device with a SIM card inserted (smartphone, navigator or tablet computer).

The service can be activated quickly and easily. Its cost is only 1 ruble per day. To put the option into operation, you must proceed as follows:

  • write down the subscriber's number in the message field;
  • send SMS to 6677;
  • when the client gives consent, the second person can safely find out the coordinates of his location.

Service for parents

The Supervised Child option was created specifically for caring parents who do not want to let their child go far from themselves. This function will be quite appropriate, since nowadays even the smallest children own smartphones. Unlike the previous service, this one allows you to track the subscriber of only this operator. To determine the location of a person, base antennas are used, near which he is located. Because of this, there is a small error - 200-300 meters.

"Beeline" -coordinates "

The Beeline operator can also help with the question of how to find out where the subscriber is. A special option "Beeline" -coordinates "is a simplified version of the" Locator ". When you connect this service, the subscriber gets the opportunity to use it for free for a week, as well as track as many as five numbers. It has the following features:

  • the subscription fee is only 1.7 rubles per day;
  • there is no Locator program;
  • location tracking can be carried out only with Beeline clients;
  • the function of self-determination of the location is not provided, as well as information about the nearest infrastructure facilities.

The option is connected by sending a clean message to the number 4770. Immediately after that, you will need to add a person to the list by making a call to 0665, dictating a name to the operator and mobile number user.

The service "Beeline" -coordinates "allows you to search for a person not only from the phone, but also through a computer. To do this, it will be enough to open the service on the operator's website, go through a simple registration and go to Personal Area... It is there that you can already add and delete people from the list and, of course, send requests and receive geolocation responses.

Determining the location of the subscriber "Megafon"

Clients of "Megafon" are also often interested in how to find out by the number where the subscriber is. Have this operator this function is called "Navigator". You can track both Megafon users and MTS and Beeline clients. Having passed a quick registration, a person receives a message with a link and coordinates to an interactive map. The option is quite easy to connect through your personal account on the main page of "Megafon". You can connect it by sending the word REG to 1400, after which you will receive a message with coordinates within a few minutes.

To start using the function, you will need to send an SMS to the same number with the number of the monitored subscriber. Then a request will come to him, to which he can answer "yes" or "no". If the answer is yes, then the requested subscriber will be able to request the coordinates of the second user. The cost of the service is 3 rubles per day. At the same time, you can track about 5-6 numbers at the same time.

Today, many people can answer the question of how to find out where the subscriber is. Such services are not hidden, so absolutely anyone can connect them. But tracking a subscriber without his consent is impossible, which must be taken into account.

Online location

Some people want to know where the subscriber is without his consent. It is impossible to do this, since only the telecom operator itself has such a chance, which is looking for a subscriber at the request of law enforcement agencies.

The common man cannot do this in any way. On the web, of course, there are many sites offering to track the SIM card hidden, but they are all a hoax. The only thing that can be achieved with their help is to download the paid version and get fake data that is not even close to reality, and along with it, malicious files will be detected on the device.

The Locator service allows you to quickly track the location of an MTS subscriber and display his coordinates on a map or receive it by SMS. In this case, the monitored subscriber can have the most simple phone- the service does not require Internet access and does not need a connection to satellites. You can get detailed information about Locator in our review.

The MTS cellular network is able to determine the approximate coordinates of subscribers almost instantly. For this it is used Technical information transmitted from phones to base stations. The more base stations, the higher the accuracy of determining the coordinates. The work of the Locator service is based on this principle - it allows you to find out the location of one or another mobile phone and display a point on the map.

The "Locator" service from MTS is notable for the fact that it allows you to find out the location of subscribers of the MTS, MegaFon and Beeline networks- in this it differs significantly from the proposals of some competitors. Management is carried out using SMS commands, a special application or using the web interface at

In order to track an MTS subscriber with his consent, you should add him to the list of searched ones using the SMS-command "NAME NUMBER" sent to toll free number 6677 (the service itself will be connected at the same time). After that, the desired subscriber will receive a request to determine the location. If the answer is yes, then we can determine its coordinates.

Coordinates are requested using the "WHERE NAME" SMS command - the approximate location will be sent to the phone in the form of a reply SMS. Other commands:

  • "WHOM" - getting a list of the searched for subscribers;
  • "DELETE NAME" - deletion of the desired subscriber;
  • "PACKAGE" - the number of remaining free requests;
  • "PACKAGE INCLUDE" - connection of a temporarily suspended service;
  • "PACKAGE STOP" - temporary disconnection of the service;
  • "OFF" - complete disconnection of the service, which implies deletion of the list of searched for subscribers.

Detailed information on other commands for seeking subscribers can be obtained on the MTS website. There is also a list of commands for the desired subscribers:

  • "ALWAYS" - receive notifications that someone is trying to determine the location (it turns out that the anonymous mode is turned off);
  • "NEVER" - disable notifications about location determination;
  • "PAUSE" - setting a temporary ban on determining your location;
  • "PROD" - disabling the above prohibition;
  • "WHO" - very helpful information allowing you to get a list of tracking numbers (so as not to forget who you allowed to receive your coordinates);
  • "STOP" - removal of all permissions;
  • "START" - allows you to activate the ability to receive requests from the desired subscribers;
  • "STOP NUMBER" - deletion of a certain subscriber.

Additional commands for the desired subscribers are published on the MTS website. The commands in the form of SMS are quite confusing. Therefore, we recommend using a web interface or an application for an iOS or Android device. The subscription fee for using the Locator service is 100 rubles / month, this price already includes 100 free requests.

How to track an MTS subscriber without his consent

In order to track an MTS subscriber without his consent, you must in some way obtain permission to determine the location. For example, you can surreptitiously pick up a phone and confirm the ability to determine coordinates. Covert monitoring of a person's location is also possible using specialized programs.

remember, that the desired subscriber, if desired, can find out who has been given permission to determine his location using the commands posted above. You are responsible for your actions!

Other ways of tracking a subscriber

It is possible to track the location of an MTS subscriber using similar services - for this purpose, the services “Child under supervision”, “My city” and “Mobile employees” work in the MTS network. Their principle of operation is similar, but they are focused on performing specialized tasks.

For tracking, you can also use technical means - these include all kinds of key fobs and bracelets with built-in GPS receivers that send data with coordinates via mobile network... But this method of tracking cannot be called secretive - it is used to track the location of children, the elderly, vehicles and pets.

Can the phone be traced? In our age of high technologies, it will not be difficult to find it. Simple interest, jealousy or distrust - why is this necessary, each person decides for himself. It is worth noting that there are several ways to find out where the smartphone is, but not all of them are legal.

How to follow a person through the phone

Nowadays, few people do without a mobile. In most cases, these are smartphones that allow you to quickly find any information on the Internet, get directions to another city, or just talk to a friend. Not all owners of these gadgets know that mobiles deprive them of a part of their personal life. Any person who is more or less friendly with technology will have no difficulty in tracking down the owner of the gadget.

Sometimes this feature can be extremely useful. This way you can always check where the child is. And if the smartphone is lost or stolen, this way you can determine its location. How to track a person on the phone? There are several ways to do this. The first is to turn to mobile operator, at which the subscriber is served. The company will advise you on how to track your phone number. The options are:

  • GPS navigation. With this function, the cell phone is used not only as a navigator for the husband in the car. So you can calculate where the person is, because most programs require the owner of the smartphone to mark their location. You can follow those people who like to be photographed and mark the place where the picture was taken. With the help of applications, you can easily track their movement.
  • Special programs... With access to your Google account, you can legally install software on your smartphone that helps you track your mobile.
  • The Internet. The worldwide network is able to give an idea of ​​where a person is. The location will not be accurate, but some sites may be able to determine the approximate location of the owner's machine.
  • GPS tracker. You can use this special module built into the mobile, which can be used to track the movement of the smartphone.

Location by phone number without the consent of the subscriber

Sometimes spying on a phone number without the owner's consent can become a necessity, for example, if a person has disappeared and there is no other way to contact him. Without the approval of the subscriber, it will not be possible to obtain such access, since at least once he must confirm his consent. Operators can provide such information, but it is confidential. It can only be used in extreme cases. People who have special permission, for example, from the relevant authorities, still have access to it.

How to track a person by phone number

It's easy to start tracking by phone number. However, it is not possible to use this service without the consent of the subscriber. All Russian operators offer special geolocation services on a paid basis:

Find android

Google, under whose leadership the Android operating system is being developed, takes a very responsible approach to the issue of user safety. Therefore, in order to find an Android phone in case of loss, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations with it in advance. Firstly, you need to register an account with Google, and secondly, configure your smartphone. To do this, you need to enter the "Menu", where you select "Settings". There go to the category "My location" and mark the item "Allow tracking coordinates."

Find iPhone by phone number

If you have a question of how to find an iPhone by phone number, then you can contact the operator and activate the appropriate service. In addition, on the device itself, you can configure the Find iPhone function, which can not only lock or turn off the device at a distance, but also delete all data. The application includes a sound signal that will help you find your smartphone.

Locating by phone number

It is easy to find many programs on the Internet that promise to find a person by mobile. It's hardly worth talking about their functionality, since cellular operators are actively fighting for the safety of their subscribers' personal data, and no one has canceled the inviolability of personal life. There is the only legal way to track a person's location by phone number - this is to contact cellular company and legally activate the corresponding service. In this case, you can see the location of the subscriber on the map online.

Geolocation by phone number

Each mobile operator offers its own service, the essence of which is geolocation by phone number. To connect, you can use the following options:

  • enter ussd request;
  • send SMS;
  • contact the operator;
  • personally contact the communication salon.

How to track a phone by number over the Internet

It is naive to believe that finding out the location by phone number online is a trifling matter. To do this, you need to install the appropriate program on your mobile. In addition, the device must be within the coverage area of ​​its cellular network, it must turn on GPS and the Internet. It is otherwise possible to track the mobile only if the sanctions of law enforcement agencies are obtained. None of the operators will provide such data at a simple user request.

How to find a phone by GPS through a computer

Modern gadgets help to calculate the location using satellites and the Internet. To understand how to track a phone by GPS through a computer, you need to log in account and activate the search function. In this case, the gadget will start transmitting a signal at maximum power to determine the location of the device. Smartphones on all known operating systems have this function.

Phone Tracker

Tracking a cell phone without the owner's consent is illegal, so before starting to implement this idea, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons. You also need to know that there is no way to track a subscriber until a program for tracking the phone is installed on the smartphone. All sorts of offers to track the device, which are full on the Internet, are a common money scam.

Downloadable free program, which will be able to find out the path of movement of the lost smartphone online. The developers offer paid and free options. Through the software, you can track the path of the mobile. Some programs can work stealthily, which will prevent an attacker from detecting it, while others, on the contrary, require entering codes and passwords in order to track the device.

Video: How to track the location of an Android phone via Google

A huge number of people are interested in how to find out where another person is now by phone number, they want to find out his location by mobile.

As a rule, such a question is asked by spouses who suspect their "perhaps not the best" soul mate of infidelity. Or caring mothers who arrange spying on their child. But also the need to determine where the person is by the mobile phone number may arise if the owner is missing and needs to be found.

How, knowing a person's phone number, can you determine the geolocation on a map via satellite (GPS)?

How to determine where a person is by their mobile phone number

In the world of total information surveillance, it is not so difficult to track a person, shops and streets are covered with cameras, and vigilant all-seeing observers - satellites, are high, high above our heads. And of course, one of the easiest and most affordable ways to track a person and find out his exact location is by a mobile phone number.

Ways to find out (track) the location of a person by phone number

  1. Contact law enforcement. If a person is missing, the first step is to contact the police. The police, in turn, send a request to the mobile operator about the location of the person and, after receiving this information, searches for the person.
    It is worth noting that an ordinary citizen cannot submit a request for the provision of data on the location of a person by a mobile phone number to a cellular operator. He may be denied, since this is personal information and it can only be transferred to the appropriate authorities.
  2. The main mobile operators in Russia Megafon, MTS and Beeline provide information without any problems about where a person is by a mobile phone number. It is true that it is impossible to find out where the subscriber is by the phone number without the consent of the person, since by connecting the service, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the person's phone.
    Of course, you can connect the tracking service without the knowledge and consent of a person, for example, when he left his mobile phone unattended. But it is worth noting that if a person goes to the police, there may be consequences. Our bodies are strict about the espionage "theme". For example, recently one woman ordered a USB flash drive on Aliexpress, China, as a result it was confiscated, and an unlucky customer was fined 7 thousand rubles. Therefore, before you commit rash acts, think about them carefully 🙂.
    And here are links to services for determining the location by phone number for popular mobile operators in Russia:
    - MTS "Locator" and "Child under supervision"
    - Beeline "Coordinates"
    - Megaphone "Radar +"
    - Tele2 "Geopoisk Web"

How to track a person by phone: finding a mobile in Google Maps

Not everyone knows yet, but in Google maps recently there was an option "Show where I am", which can search for a person by his mobile phone and provide data on his location in real time. That is, if you have access to the phone of the person you want to follow, then just activate this option and add yourself to the contacts who are allowed to track the person's location on the map.

It is worth noting that in order to find out where a person is by their phone number using the "Show where I am" service, you must have a registered google account on the phone of the tracking object. Otherwise, the search will not be possible.

And again, if you enable the option to determine the location of a person by a mobile phone without the consent of this person, it is not recommended.

Programs and applications for tracking a person on his phone

Owners of phones with operating system Android can install applications to track a person by his phone from Google play Market: %20&hl=ru

But with the search for direction finder programs to track the location of a person by his cell phone Yandex will help: finder%20numbers&lr=35&clid=9582

A site for determining where a person is by a mobile phone number

Digging deeper this topic, I found on the Internet one interesting site for determining where a person is by a mobile phone number:

At first he thought: "Divorce", but no, he was able to determine that my mobile operator- Tele2 and that I am in Krasnodar.

But here is a more accurate location in free tariff refused to show, demanding 500 rubles, which I squeezed.

I would be very grateful if someone could check if the exact location of a person works in a paid plan and shared information in the comments under this article.

Hopefully the article " How to find out the address where the person is by the phone number - find the location of the mobile online for free"Was useful to you.

There are times when it is necessary to establish the location of a mobile phone using a digital code. This service is provided by almost all operators. The users of the option can be parents who are worried about their beloved child, or vice versa, children who are worried about elderly relatives. Find out how to track your mobile phone quickly and without the hassle.

What is geolocation

To calculate a person by cell number using radio signals, you need to know how the system works. Everything is very simple: geolocation is the process of determining the position of the subscriber in the geographic space online. When calculating the position of a particular mobile, all leading operators apply the same operating principle (the LDCS platform is used using the CELL ID method). This service is paid and you can activate it only with the consent of the tracked subscriber. There are a few more important points to know about geolocation:

  • the accuracy of the geolocation can be limited (from 50-200 m in the city, up to 1 km in the countryside);
  • coordinates can be requested in an interval of at least 5-7 minutes;
  • location when the device is off is not tracked.

How to locate a person by phone number

Each of the leading operators mobile communications in Russia provides its programs and conditions, thanks to which you can find out where the mobile phone is located by the digital code. Providers send information about the movements of the monitored device in the form of SMS or graphically (on a map), but for this you need to install a special application (for an iPhone, android or computer). You can download the utility from the Internet portal of the company providing communication services. Find out using the services of leading operators.

Geolocation by MTS phone number

In the company "Mobile TeleSystems" LLC, the ability to determine the location is provided by the "Locator" service. This option does not require any special, complex settings. An obvious plus is the fact that the location identifier by the MTS phone number can work with other networks, that is, you can see if it has Beeline or Megafon operators connected. The first connection is free for 14 days. The monthly cost of the Locator option is 100 rubles. per month, and for correct operation, a GPRS connection is required.

To activate the option, you must:

  1. Send an online USSD request - * 111 * 7883 #.
  2. Send SMS with the numbers of the tracked subscriber to 6677.
  3. Call the operator at 0890.

Geolocation by phone number Tele2

This service ("Geopoisk") can be activated exclusively by Tele2 subscribers, since other operators are not supported. This fact is a big disadvantage, as well as the fact that the tracked subscriber must be in the home region during the search. Instructions for connecting geolocation by the Tele2 phone number can be obtained in the store, from the operator or via USSD-request * 119 * 01 #. The cost of "Geopoisk" is 60 rubles. per month. After the option is activated, you can use the functions:

  1. To start tracking, press * 119 * 1 * digital code (format - 7ххххххх) #.
  2. In order to find out information about the location, dial * 119 * 2 * digital code (format - 7ххххххх) #.

Geolocation by phone number Beeline

Another location detection service is "Coordinates" from Beeline. It has the same disadvantage as geolocation from Tele2 - the inability to break through the address of the location of subscribers of other operators. To connect geolocation by the Beeline phone number, it is necessary to confirm the permission of the discovery from the owner of the original cell phone (calculation up to five people at a time). The service fee is 1.7 rubles. per day after the first week of free use. Coordinates can be activated in two ways:

  1. Empty short text message(with the name and numbers of the cell phone) 4770 (for example, Oleg 79657654321).
  2. Call 0665.
  3. Look at the company's website.

You can control the service using text commands by sending them to 4770:

  1. Location data request - command "WHERE", and after "NAME".
  2. Removing from the list of watched - the command "DELETE", and after "NAME".
  3. Disable service - command "OFF".

Geolocation by phone number Megafon

The last operator that can help find the right subscriber is Megafon, and the service is called "Radar" (with the application of the same name) and is divided into three versions:

  1. Light: Free to use, one-time tracking, one-time detection.
  2. Standard: use 3 p. per day, tracking of five subscribers, the possibility of unlimited definition per day.
  3. A plus: use 7 p. per day, tracking up to five people, the possibility of unlimited determination per day + route tracking.

Thanks to the geolocation by the Megafon phone number, you can find out, even if he is using the Beeline or MTS network. The option is controlled by a few simple commands:

  1. Connection: light - * 566 * 56 #, standard - * 566 # or * 102 #, plus - * 256 #.
  2. Control: light - no, standard - * 111 * 3 # or * 505 * 192 #, plus - * 566 * 9 # or * 505 * 3790 #.