Domain levels

Domains are divided into first (top), second and third level. Moreover, if you look at the composition of a domain name, then the domains are read from right to left.

Root domain - root domain. Domain itself top level, is marked with a “dot” (zero level). In common usage, the "dot" is not displayed as part of the domain name.

Top (first level) domains.

Top-level domain names are also called domain zones.

First (top) level domains include domain names, .рф, .su, .com, .net, .club.

Top-level domains are divided into several groups:

  1. Country code top level domains (cctld). On the territory Russian Federation These domains include the domain zones .RU, .РФ, .SU. National domains also include domain zones: .ua (Ukraine), .de (Germany), .eu (European Union).
  2. International (generic) top-level domains (generic Top Level Domain (gTLD). These are such domain zones as: .com, .info, .biz, .name, .org.
  3. New international top-level domains ( new gTLD). These domain zones are thematically focused on various areas of life and business: hobbies and everyday life (.photography, .gallery, .garden), business and finance (.finance, .money, .business), sports and entertainment (.bike, .fitness, .bar), style and beauty (.style, .best, .fashion), professional activities (.guru, .expert, .lawyer).

Second level domains.

Second-level domains are registered on first-level domains. It is second-level domains that are common for commercial use. For example, second-level domains are sites

Third level domains.

Third-level domains can be created on second-level domains. Third-level domains include such domains as,

For commercial use on the territory of the Russian Federation, registration of geographic and industry domains in domain zones ah:,,,

International gTLDs

Biz - websites for business
.com - websites of commercial organizations
.edu - educational resources
.gov - government websites
.info - information sites
.mil - websites of military organizations
.movie - official movie sites
.museum - museum websites
.net - providers and network organizations
.org - non-profit organizations
.pro - for professionals
.tv - websites of television companies

Name - personal domain

Club - domain for a club of common interests

Xyz - universal domain

Center - somewhat similar to the .club zone, but wider. The domain can be interpreted as both a “center for like-minded people” and a “shopping center.”

Domains from different countries

Am - Armenia

At - Austria
.az – Azerbaijan

Be - Belgium
.bg - Bulgaria

By – Belarus
.ch - Switzerland

Cn - China

Co - Colombia
.de - Germany

Dk - Denmark
.ee – Estonia

Eg - Egypt
.es - Spain

Eu - Europe
.fi - Finland

Fr - France
.gb - UK

Ge – Georgia
.gr - Greece

HR from Croatia
.hu - Hungary

Ie - Ireland
.il - Israel

In - India
.is - Iceland

It - Italy
.jp - Japan

Kg – Kyrgyzstan
.kz – Kazakhstan

Li - Liechtenstein
.lt – Lithuania

Lu from Luxembourg
.lv - Latvia

Ly - Libya
.md - Moldova

Mn - Mongolia
.nl - Netherlands

No - Norway
.nt - Neutral Zone

Pl - Poland
.pt - Portugal

Ro - Romania
.ru - Russia

SE - Sweden
.si - Slovenia

Sk - Slovakia
.su - Former USSR

Tj – Tajikistan
.tm - Turkmenistan

Tr - Türkiye
.ua - Ukraine

UK - United Kingdom
.us - USA

Uz - Uzbekistan
.va - Vatican

or domain(s) of the nth level separated by dots.) . 2nd level domain . top (first) level domain .
for example www . wikipedia . org

Since each Internet domain name consists of several parts, separated by dots and written in reverse order, the top-level domain is the final part of the domain name. For example, in the domain name, the top-level domain is org or ORG, since case does not matter in domain names.


The creation, maintenance and administration of top-level domains was initially handled by the IANA organization, led by Jon Postel. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority- “Internet Address Space Administration”), operating under a contract with the US Department of Defense. After his death, these issues were transferred to another international organization ICANN - the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and the functions of the contractor were transferred to the US Department of Commerce.

ICANN currently maintains and manages all DNS address space on the Internet except restricted TLDs, which are directly managed by US government agencies.

Technically, top-level domains are accessible through a system of DNS root servers controlled by ICANN.

ICANN announced the opening of free registration of first-level domains for all Internet users from January 12, 2012.

  • Generic top level domains generic top-level domain - gTLD):
    • Unsponsored (primary) top-level domains.
    • Sponsored Top Level Domains (sTLDs).
    • Top level domain for Internet infrastructure.
    • Reserved top level domains.
    • Pseudo-top level domains.
  • Country code top level domains (English) country code top-level domain - ccTLD):
    • 2-letter country code (usually ISO 3166-1, however some countries have a different designation, e.g. ".uk" for UK instead of )
    • Domains of a country in its language (internationalized country domain) (English IDN ccTLD, since 2009; displayed in end user applications in their native language or alphabet).

Common pseudodomains

These domains were not present in the DNS address space, but they are commonly used when forwarding mail from the Internet to networks with a different addressing method. To process letters sent to addresses in this domain, the postal software on the specific machine through which mail is sent must be configured accordingly.

  • .uucp - for gating to machines accessible using UUCP.
  • .bitnet - for sending mail to the BITNET network.
  • .fidonet - for sending mail to the Fidonet network. Currently, due to changes in common routing practices between the Internet and Fidonet, the domain is usually used instead of this pseudo-domain.
  • a number of older systems also use the .local top-level domain for addresses used within a single machine or local computer network. The .localdomain address is also often used to address the current computer.

Outdated and unused domains

  • .nato - a structure of the international organization NATO - is currently not used, at least in the publicly accessible part of the Internet, from where it was deleted in July 1996.
  • .web is a domain designated by IANA for use by the private commercial registrar Image Online Design. Due to public protests, the root servers of this domain were never connected to common system DNS. Currently, they continue to function, and on the registrar’s website there is a message that it is allegedly undergoing the procedure of registering this domain with ICANN.
  • .csnet is a domain intended for communication with the Computer Science Network - a university and scientific mail network in the United States. Apparently ceased to be used after the merger of CSNET and BITNET in 1988.
  • .ddn is a top-level domain intended for use in the American Defense Data Network. Was planned, but never implemented.

Alternative and additional top-level domains

See also: Alternative DNS Root Servers

In theory, anyone can install and start using their own DNS root servers. In practice, various groups of individuals and organizations periodically appear on the Internet and open alternative DNS root servers for public use. As a rule, these systems supplement the generally accepted set of domains with a number of new first-level domains, and sometimes supplement the technical implementation. For example, before the DNS was expanded to allow the use of national alphabet characters in domain names, several attempts were made to create additional DNS systems, with domain names, including first-level ones, containing characters of a particular national alphabet, such as the Russian domain . These attempts have not become widespread, but a number of such projects continue to exist to this day.

Suggested Top Level Domains

IN at the moment the introduction of new top-level domains is being considered.

RU-CENTER is one of the largest registrars on the Russian market since 2001. We provide services for registration, renewal and transfer of support for information about domain names in more than: national, international and thematic.

To do this, enter the query you are interested in in the search bar and click “Check”. In the list of results, free names in domain zones with a price for the first year will appear - all available, from the most to the most expensive. Our selection will allow you to check whether a specific domain is free if you enter it in its entirety in the search bar.

Select the appropriate option from the search results by category or the entire list, place and pay for your order. These are valid for the first year of registration and may differ from the cost of the domain upon renewal.

After receiving the money, the domain name is registered in the central database (Register) - indicated by the administrator individual or an organization that has entered into an agreement with RU-CENTER.

After registration, management and all information about the domain become available in the “For Clients” section.

About 20 years ago, the Internet became an integral part of our lives, but still most users do not quite understand the criteria by which they choose it. The most popular misconception is that a 3rd level domain is poorly valued and is used in extremely rare cases. Is it really indecent to use it, for example, by online stores, and what should be guided by when choosing? And also what is the difference between the concepts - domain, domain name, domain zone?

Concept and classification

So first, a little about definitions. A domain name, or domain, is a symbolic name for a website to identify it on the Internet. For example, is a second-level domain name. The domain zone is the ending following the period in in this example-, meaning that the site belongs to the Runet.

Most often, domain zones are divided into groups based on territorial characteristics:

  • national (if you need to link to a specific country - .by, .ru, .ua, etc.);
  • international (if there is no such link - .com, .info, .biz, etc.).

Another classification involves dividing them by topic:

  • .info - for news and information portals;
  • .am and .fm - for radio stations;
  • .tv - for television channels;
  • .biz - for commercial sites;
  • .name - for resources associated with a person, etc.

Some use organizational domain zones:

  • .net - for Internet companies;
  • .com - for business;
  • .org - for non-profit enterprises;
  • .edu - for educational programs.

These domain zones belong to first-level domains. If you add a word before the dot, you get a 2nd level domain (for example,, and if you add another dot and a word in front, you get a 3rd level domain (

How's the zone?

Of course, first of all you should decide who the site will be aimed at.

For the Russian-speaking audience, the domain zone .ru is suitable, for the Belarusian - .by, for the, etc. If the link to specific country is not needed, it is better to choose Large companies with an extensive Internet trading structure prefer to have a website with the same name in several domain zones at once. For example, - for Ukrainian buyers, - for Russian, - for international payments.

To clarify a specific country or region, use the list of domain zones.

Russian domains

A feature of the domestic Internet is the use in the website address not only of Latin letters, but also of Cyrillic alphabet - these are the domain zone .рф, .moscow, .online (for live broadcasts), .deti (for sites with a children's audience), .org (for public organizations ), .site (for personal portals, blogs, etc.) and some others.

You can often find domain names associated with certain cities and regions - (St. Petersburg), (Moscow), (Novgorod region), etc.

How to choose a site name?

There are more and more Internet resources, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose a unique site name. Therefore, options with two or three words separated by a hyphen are gaining popularity. For example, An abbreviation can be used, but provided that it is generally known, for example, the National Bank of Belarus - Incomprehensible gobbledygook consisting of several letters is not the best option, since the user is unlikely to remember it and will not be able to type it in the future from memory.

The main thing is that the domain zone is easy to remember and subsequently reproduce. Do not use misspelled words - or Ask your friends to write down the address by ear. If a person was able to enter it correctly when pronouncing it, then other users will be able to find you.

If the name of the company is not important to you, try using keyword(phrase) in Latin, for example,

What are third level domains for?

In some situations, it is more appropriate to use it, for example, if we are talking about a blog or portfolio. In this case, the domain zone can be .name. Example - In this case, the second-level domain will be available to all other Ivanovs.

But of course, most often they resort to third-level domains when they don’t want to pay for a website. For example, if this is not a commercial resource, if the administrator thus wants to practice the basics of web programming, if this is a trial version of the site. How to get a domain for free is described below, but for now let’s look at what is required to open a 2nd level domain.

How to get a domain?

So, the name of the site has been invented, all that remains is to check it for uniqueness and register it so that the site can start functioning. To do this, first you go to information service WHOIS and check if the domain is free.

If the name is unique, go to the website of the accredited registrar Rucenter - Here, registering a domain zone will require the following steps:

  1. Familiarization with the rules for the provision of services and the conclusion of an offer agreement in electronic form. If you wish, you can sign a paper version by arriving at main office RU-CENTER or by sending a printed version by mail in duplicate (the second copy will be returned to you after signing).
  2. Filling out the form (as a physical, legal entity or individual entrepreneur), submission of documents. This stage should be treated with special responsibility, since if there is the slightest error or data mismatch, you will not be able to transfer the rights to the domain to another person in the future and you may lose the ability to manage it yourself.
  3. Creating an order for a domain and related services.
  4. Pricing and payment in various ways- cash, non-cash, online payment, etc.

For those who for some reason do not want to pay money for a website or are taking their first steps in website building, there are free domain zones. What are they and how do they work?

How to get a free domain?

It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s almost impossible to get a 2nd level domain for free. And if you come across such an offer, then, most likely, in a year you will still have to pay for the place, and a lot.

Free 3rd level domains are much more common. How to find them?

One option is to contact free hosting and website designers -,

The second option is to enter free domains in a search engine to get to English-language resources, where there are more chances to get a high-quality domain. Among the first, you will find the site, where you can not only register a second-level domain in the GA, TK, CF, ML zones for free, but also link your DNS, and in the future manage your own website completely for a fee. You can find a huge variety of similar resources here, for example,,, and many others.

New domain zones are gaining great popularity -,,,,, and others.

As for domestic services, (private person) offers good conditions for obtaining a free domain. Here you can conveniently place a personal website or personal blog.

The main question associated with such domains is how relevant the search engine is to them and is it possible to promote the site to the top on such platforms? To do this, you need to enter the query or (for Google) or url=»* in the search engine of interest and see if such domains are indexed in the search.


A zone is something without which no website can function. Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight 5 key stages of connecting a domain and creating a website:

  1. Selecting a domain zone based on the principle most suitable for you - territorial or thematic.
  2. Creating a domain name and checking it for uniqueness through a special WHOIS service.
  3. Concluding an agreement to obtain a domain with Russian center RU-CENTER.
  4. Connecting additional services.
  5. Payment in a convenient way.

That's all there is to getting a paid domain. If you want to do this for free, there are only 2 steps - find a suitable service that will provide a 3rd level domain on terms convenient for you, and create a unique domain name.

The only thing is that in this case there may be a problem with website promotion, because... search engines give preference to paid second-level domains, which means that your site is unlikely to appear on the first lines of a search query.

Highly recommend Don't buy too cheap hosting! As a rule, there are a lot of problems with it: the server sometimes does not work, the equipment is old, support takes a long time to respond or cannot solve the problem, the hoster’s website is buggy, errors in registration, payment, etc.

We have also collected tariffs from thousands of hosters so that you can choose hosting at a specific price.

Cloud hosting- load distribution across several servers if the server with your site is overloaded or does not work. This is a guarantee that users will be able to see your site in any case. But this is an expensive, more complex option that not all providers provide.

Shared hosting- suitable for most projects entry level with attendance of up to 1000 people per day. In such hosting, the server power is divided between several hosting accounts. The service is easy to set up even for beginners.

VPS- suitable for more complex projects with a fairly large load and attendance of up to 10,000 people per day. Here, the server capacity is fixed for each virtual server, while the complexity of configuration increases.

Dedicated Server- needed for very complex and resource-intensive projects. A separate server is allocated for you, the power of which only you will use. Expensive and difficult to set up.

Accommodation and maintaining your own server in a hosting data center is not a very popular service and is required in exceptional cases.

CMS is a website content management system. Hosters try to make a separate tariff for each of them or simplify installation. But in general, these are more marketing moves, because... Most popular CMSs do not have special hosting requirements, and those that do exist are supported on most servers.

Test period- provided by the hoster free of charge for 7-30 days so that you can verify its quality.

Moneyback- the period during which the hoster undertakes to return the money if you do not like the hosting.

Bulletproof hosting- companies that allow you to post almost any content, even prohibited content (spam, warez, doorways, pornographic materials). Such companies do not remove the content of your website at the first complaint (“abuse”).

Unlimited hosting- hosting that has no limits on the number of sites, databases and mailboxes, traffic, disk space, etc. Usually this is more of a marketing gimmick, but you might find something interesting for yourself.

Secure hosting- one where the administration constantly updates the software installed on the servers, installs basic protection against DDoS attacks, antivirus and firewalls, blocks hacked sites and helps to “cure” them.

DDOS protection- companies that provide hosting with protection against DDoS attacks. Such packages are significantly more expensive than regular ones, but they are worth the money, since your site will be protected from all types of network attacks.