26 oct 2010

Webmaster's Dictionary

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Webmaster's Dictionary

Webmaster's Dictionary

Alt text is text that is displayed instead of a graphic object in browsers that do not support graphics, as well as in browsers where graphics support has been disabled by the user.

Animation is one of the ways to present moving images on the Internet.

Upload is the process of uploading files to a remote computer.

An applet is an independent application written in the Java language and intended to be included in an html document as an element of a web page.

A tag attribute is a parameter that corresponds to each specific tag.

Banner network, banner exchange service is a specialized Internet server that advertises a user's web resource in exchange for placing advertisements of other network participants.

The browser is a special client program for viewing the content of web sites and displaying HTML documents. Browsers have a built-in hypertext markup language translator that compiles html-code in the process of opening a web page.

Virtual store (online store) - complex automated electronic system designed for the sale of goods and services of commercial enterprises using network technologies.

The World Wide Web (Internet) is a complex electronic information structure, which is a global network that allows you to connect computers located anywhere in the world and exchange information between them.

The General Public License (GNU) is the license under which virtually all free software is distributed on the Internet.

Hyperlink is a basic functional element of html documents, which is an implementation of a dynamic link between an object of a given web page with the contextual content of another document or a file object.

Guestbook - a section of a website, equipped with a special interactive form, with the help of which visitors of this resource can leave their wishes and suggestions to the developers or owners of the resource.

Dynamic design is a site layout method in which its elements change their position depending on the user's on-screen settings.

Homepage (homepage) - an Internet resource, usually representing a story about a person, his family, lifestyle, hobbies and hobbies.

Domain is a logical level of the Internet, that is, a group of network resources that has its own name and is managed by its own network station.

An identifier is a cascading style sheet programmatic element that allows you to assign a different set of properties to the same physical HTML objects without using classes

IMHO - In my humble opinion - in my humble opinion.

An image map is a graphic image, certain areas of which are active zones and function as hyperlinks.

Cyrillic encoding is a generally accepted standard that includes a set of characters that allows the characters of the Russian alphabet to be displayed in HTML documents.

Content - the semantic content of an Internet resource

Cookies - from the English "cookies" - cookies. This is confidential information regarding your IP, your settings on a particular site. On the one hand, it is very convenient, because, for example, you do not have to constantly enter a password on the website of your provider. However, these cookies can be used for bad purposes.

Caching is the process of saving html documents and graphic files downloaded from the Internet to a special folder on the hard disk of a user's computer. When re-accessing the site, browsers open this web page already from the hard drive, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to read it.

Login - logical identifying user Account used in conjunction with a password during the authorization process

The logical structure of the site is a set of thematic headings with documents distributed by sections and designed hyperlinks between all pages of the resource.

A bulleted list is a list of data designed to display unordered information presented to the reader in the form of meaningfully positioned entries.

Moderator - an employee of the search server, designed to monitor the compliance of the registered resources with the general rules for using this online service.

Direct (direct) access to the Internet is one of the types of Internet access. Implies connecting a computer or local network to a dedicated high-capacity information highway.

A numbered list is a list of data designed to display ordered information that is displayed as a numbered enumeration of various entries.

Selector definition - parameters that determine the properties of the visual display of the html element in the macro CSS language. They are written to the right of the selector and are enclosed in curly braces.

Graphics Optimizer - special program, which performs compression of graphic files.

Affiliate program is a special scheme for obtaining financial profit on the Internet, according to which the participant is paid for each unique visitor who came to the advertiser's website from an advertising banner posted on the participant's page.

Redirect, redirect - redirecting the client's browser from the current web page to another Internet resource or replacing the URL of this page with a www alias.

Pixel (conditional point) is a unit of measurement for various objects of the hypertext markup language and other programming languages. One pixel is equal to one conditional point, which make up the image on the monitor screen.

Website support is a special set of procedures that ensure the operability of the Internet resource.

Search engines are specialized servers designed to search and accumulate information at the user's request.

A portal, an information portal is a fairly large virtual array of information, which includes many different thematic sections of a smaller size, or a number of independent projects.

Preview is a method of displaying graphic elements in an HTML document in which a thumbnail copy of the image is published on a web page, with a hyperlink to the full-scale image.

Search relevance is the degree to which the report generated by the search engine matches the query entered by the user.

Runet is the Russian Internet, i.e. all sites are located in the Russian Internet zone.

Site is an Internet resource that, unlike a server, does not have a dedicated server program. As a rule, the site is an integrated part of the server, a directory on the server computer, even though most sites have their own domain name.

Selector is a CSS directive that allows you to assign various visual display properties to certain elements of an html document.

Internet server - a computer on which a special program is installed (also called a server, web server or https server).

A scriptlet is a simple script prepared using an interpreted macro language that is processed by the browser in conjunction with HTML code.

A script is a set of commands of a language that is integrated into the code of a web page like a subroutine.

The start page is the so-called index file displayed in the browser when accessing the Internet resource or any section of the site. Contains, as a rule, content and navigation elements.

Static design is a method of arranging elements of a web page, in which its elements are placed in a special invisible table of fixed width.

A hit counter is an interactive graphic design element of a web page, controlled by an appropriate CGI script from its own or from a remote server. Fixes the number of page openings in the visitors' browsers.

Routing tables are electronic databases that contain instructions on exactly where to send a particular packet of information, if it follows one or another address.

Tag - command (directive, instruction) HTML language.

Thematic catalog is a specialized server that includes an extensive list of links to other sites classified into several categories according to thematic focus.

Transliteration is a pseudo-encoding of the Cyrillic alphabet (see Encoding), it implies the recording of Russian words with symbols of the Latin alphabet.

Traffic - 1 value: message flow or amount of information transferred. Usually measured in kilobytes (MB, etc.). 2 value: the number of visitors to a website or any of its pages per unit of time (day, month, year). Sometimes traffic means not the number of visitors, but the number of hits per unit of time.

Physical structure of the site - the layout of physical files by subdirectories of the folder in which the site is located.

A form is a special HTML object that is used to transfer data from an html document to interactive site elements, such as CGI scripts.

Frames are a way of organizing the structure of a site, in which a web page is split into a number of components and “assembled” in the main browser window from several separate or nested windows.

Hit (from the English hit - click) - here: one visit (opening in the browser) of any page of the website.

Host - any computer connected to the Internet, regardless of its purpose.

Hosting is the placement of web pages on the Internet on a rented disk space of a server.

Charset - hard setting of custom encoding of html-document with a note of a special META-qualifier.

A web page template is an html document containing an invisible table, heading, all graphical objects and navigation elements, that is, almost everything, except for the immediate content.

Electronic Mail (E-mail) - transmission channel text messages and file attachments between two computers connected to the Internet.

The dictionary is compiled with the aim of helping beginners for webmasters and those who want to learn.

Technical means

  1. Html(HyperText Markup Language) is a hypertext markup language that makes up most of the pages on the Internet.
  2. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) - cascading style sheets. The language for describing the appearance of pages.
  3. Url- the address of a site or page on the Internet.
  4. CMS(Content Management Software) - content management system or site engine (WordPress, Joomla, DLE, etc.)
  5. WordPress Is a popular CMS with a wide range of applications.
  6. Domain- The URL of the site where it is available on the Internet
  7. Domain zone- a collection of all domains of a certain level or a first-level domain. Simply put, these are letters at the end of the domain (ru, com, net, etc.) that determine the site's membership in one of the domain zones.
  8. IP(Internet Protocol) - Internet protocol. A unique address that every computer on the network has.
  9. Hosting- Web server for hosting sites.
  10. Hoster- a provider providing hosting services.
  11. FTP(File Transfer Protocol) - file transfer protocol. FTP connection is used to access the server with the site files.
  12. Rss- the format for transmitting information over the network. Used for broadcasting news feeds of sites.
  13. Web 2.0- Websites and services created and developed by the users themselves.
  14. Satellite- a site specially created to drive traffic to another site.
  15. Traffic- site traffic. Visitors coming to the site.
  16. Unique- a unique visitor to the site.
  17. Title(Title) - the title of the page or other element (pictures, videos, etc.)
  18. Hyperlink- a link with an anchor or a picture.
  19. Anchor- link text, under which the URL is hidden.
  20. External reference- an open link to an external resource or from an external resource.
  21. Tags- site navigation element. Assigned to site pages, forming new pages like headings.
  22. Heder(Header) - header, the top of the site is the same for all pages.
  23. Footer(Footer) - footer, the footer of the site is the same for all pages.
  24. Sidebar(Sidebar) - side panel site. As a rule, it contains navigation and service information (headings, popular notes, social media buttons, advertisements, etc.)
  25. Widget- a graphical interface element.
  26. Usability(Usability) - usability of projects, interfaces, sites, etc.
  27. Plugin- a small application that adds or improves some function.
  28. Captcha(Captcha) - graphical protection against automatic actions (registration, commenting, sending letters, etc.)
  29. Podcast- home recording of audio or video transmission.
  30. Webinar- a seminar, training or other event via the Internet through an online conference.
  31. Infoproduct(Information product) - a training course, book, training, recording of an event, podcast or something else in electronic format or on disk.

Blogs and the Blogosphere

  1. Blog(Blog) is an online diary site.
  2. Blogger- a person who maintains a blog.
  3. Runet- Russian-language Internet.
  4. Burjunet- English-speaking Western Internet.
  5. Webmaster- a person engaged in the development and maintenance of sites.
  6. Content- site content (articles, notes, videos, etc.)
  7. Fast- an article or blog post.
  8. Sentry- short text with one or more links placed at the end of the post. Mostly of an advertising nature.
  9. Copyright(Copywright) - unique well-written text.
  10. Copywriting(Copywriting) - the activity of writing various texts.
  11. Copywriter- a person engaged in copywriting.
  12. Rewriting- rewriting someone else's text in your own words, which results in a unique text.
  13. Rewrite(Rewrite ) - rewritten text, rewriting result.
  14. Copy-paste(Copy-paste) - content completely copied from other people's sites.
  15. Subscriber- a person subscribed to the newsletter.
  16. Affiliate program- affiliate program.
  17. Referral- a user attracted by an affiliate link.
  18. Account- user account of any resource (forum, social network, payment system, etc.)
  19. Monetization- a set of measures to convert traffic into money on a website or any project.


  1. WebMoney- popular international electronic payment system.
  2. WMZ and WMR- the most common currencies of the WebMoney system. 1 WMZ = 1 US dollar, and 1 WMR = 1 ruble.
  3. Yandex money- an electronic payment system from Yandex.
  4. YAN(Yandex Advertising Network) is a contextual advertising system.
  5. DSC- YAN partner service center.
  6. Adsense- contextual advertising system from Google.
  7. Feedburner(FeedBurner) is a popular RSS feed management service from Google.
  8. Smartresponder- a service for conducting mailing lists.
  9. Huiz(Whois) is a service for checking information about a domain and its owner.
  10. Sapa(SAPE) - Popular exchange for buying / selling links.
  11. Hrumer(XRumer) - Software for website promotion based on mass automatic spam mailing on various forums and blogs.
  12. Denver(Gentleman's set of Web-developer) - Software that simulates a local server without the need for Internet access.
  13. Puzomerki- all kinds of counters and buttons (number of visitors, subscribers, places in ratings, availability in various tops, etc.)


  1. Search engine- a search engine such as Google.
  2. Indexing- the process of processing site pages by a search robot, after which they appear in the search engine's database.
  3. Search robot- a search engine program for indexing sites.
  4. Ranging- the process of processing a search query and the issuance of the highest quality result, according to the search engine.
  5. SEO(Search Engine Optimization) - site search engine optimization. A set of measures to promote the site in the SERP search engines.
  6. Seoshnik- an optimizer, a person engaged in SEO.
  7. SMO(Social Media Optimization) - site optimization aimed at improving various characteristics of the site (usability, material submission, appearance and etc.)
  8. TIC and PR(Thematic citation index and PageRank) - the values ​​of the authority of sites in the eyes of Yandex (TIC) and Google (PR).
  9. VIC(Weighted Citation Index) - the classified value of search engines, which affects the position of sites in the search results.
  10. Search engine filters- special filters designed to influence dubious (in the opinion of search engines) sites, by understating positions in the search results or completely or partially removing them from the results.
  11. AGS Is a popular Yandex filter. Rejects sites in whole or in part from the search results.
  12. Sandbox(Sandbox) is a popular Google filter. Throws young sites out of the search results for high-frequency queries.
  13. Semantic core- a collection of key phrases and words covering a certain topic well.

Webmaster(from the English. webmaster) Is a specialist who develops websites and web applications. In one person, a webmaster combines the knowledge of such specialists as a layout designer, programmer, administrator, designer, content manager, and optimizer.

In runet, there is also a different spelling of this term - Webmaster.

History of the term

Term webmaster was born in 1992, introduced by the forefather of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, in his Style Guide for Online Hypertext.

Craft features

As such, the profession of a webmaster does not exist, it is not officially indicated anywhere, this discipline is not taught in educational institutions. As a rule, a webmaster has a good base of technical knowledge in the field of programming and administration, independently acquires additional knowledge about web design and the basics of website promotion on the Internet.

A webmaster can work both professionally (for example, in a web design studio or in the web development department of a large company), and independently, on a remote basis (for example, as a freelancer).

Requirements for the qualifications of a webmaster are high, this generalist must have the following knowledge:

  • be fluent in at least one of the programming languages, for example PHP; be able to read and parse someone else's code; additionally have an idea of ​​other programming languages, such as Perl, Python, Ruby, etc .;
  • possess or clearly understand the basics of the hypertext markup language HTML and cascading style sheets of CSS;
  • have an understanding of how the HTTP network protocol works and the CGI interface standard;
  • know the basic techniques of working with graphic programs for processing computer graphics;
  • be able to think over the logic and develop interaction between all structures of the site, implement an administrative system (CMS);
  • have basic knowledge of Internet marketing and take this into account when developing a website;
  • have basic knowledge of CEO;
  • to some extent be a good negotiator, project manager, in case of direct contact with the customer.

As you can see, the webmaster's knowledge base is incredibly large. And this is not the whole list. But it is worth noting that it is simply impossible to own all this knowledge at a high level. And, as a rule, in companies, all these responsibilities are distributed among individual specialists in each area: layout designer, web designer, web programmer, project manager, etc. But one way or another, the webmaster must have a basic understanding of the work of this entire chain, since the site is a large homogeneous organism, and only the webmaster is able to organize the smooth operation of all its components.

By the same analogy, a freelance webmaster does not have to independently implement all the steps of creating a website. If the project is small, this is quite possible. But a large, serious project may require the participation of specialists of different profiles. In this case, the webmaster acts as a connecting link and coordinates, controls the work at every stage.


You can get the basics in this specialty only at various training courses. But for this you need to have a base of technical knowledge in the field of programming. When applying for a job as a webmaster, web developer, you do not need a special certificate that confirms the completion of such courses. The most important criterion is any, even minimal experience, the practice of creating web projects, knowledge of one of the scripting languages, the ability to solve tasks.


The term "webmaster" was first mentioned by the forefather of the Internet, Tim Burners-Lee, in document Style Guide for Online Hypertext a year. In chapter "Web Etiquette" he's writing:

“You should create a mail alias webmaster so that people can easily contact you if they have problems with your server, just like the alias postmaster for people having problems with mail. "

The advantage is independence email addresses [email protected] on behalf of the person taking the role of the webmaster. This word is also recommended for the title mailbox in RFC 2142 since May.

Official status

For 2007 "webmaster" is not an official profession on the territory CIS, in countries The EU and United States... There are also no state Universities teaching the necessary basics. Some (private) academies offer refresher courses and issue certificates that do not have the status of an assignment document academic degree or academic rank.

Requirements and tasks

Due to the lack of official sources, there is no universal description of the requirements for webmasters and their tasks. However, in many communities it is generally accepted that a webmaster should have technical knowledge and skills.

  • markup language hypertext CSS
  • about the principle of work network protocol CGI
  • the basics of working with processing programs raster computer graphics
  • defining the task assigned to the site (often the customer himself does not know why he needs the site)
  • development of the structure (and logic) of the site, guiding the visitor to the goal set by the customer

Often a webmaster should have experience working with interpreted programming languages such as PHP, guestbook or contact form).

Female form

Unlike the Russian language, where the female form of the name of the profession is not accepted (and in some cases even has a different, negative connotational meaning), in English there is a form "webmistress" ( English webmistress), but its prevalence is questionable.

Companies named "Webmaster"

There are many companies with a similar name in Runet. Among them: the Moscow studio "WEB-MASTER", the Moscow agency "Webmaster Agency" and the St. Petersburg company "WebMaster.Spb". The companies provide services for the development of sites, their promotion, the organization of advertising and PR-campaigns on the Internet.

It is interesting that the companies WebMaster.Spb, WEB-MASTER and Webmaster Agency in 2000 participated in the litigation regarding the trademark "webmaster". In May 1999, Andrey Vasilevsky, Director of Informika CJSC, approached the management of WebMaster.Spb, WEB-MASTER and Webmaster Agency with a proposal to purchase the webmaster trademark for $ 4900. In case of unwillingness to redeem this trademark, companies were asked to change the name or buy a license for non-exclusive use. Informika explained their demand by the fact that the webmaster trademark was registered by this company back in 1996.

In June 2000, the St. Petersburg company WebMaster.Spb filed an objection to the registration number 159742 of the trademark “webmaster” with the Appeals Chamber of Rospatent, arguing that the designation “webmaster” had become a generally accepted international term and entered into general use.

Rospatent ruled that at the time of registration this term was not yet generally accepted, therefore, illegal registration number 159742 cannot be considered. On November 23, Informika proposed to WebMaster.Spb not to continue the litigation and reduced the price for the full redemption of the trademark to four thousand dollars. In order to prove the unlawfulness of the trademark, the companies needed to prove that the term webmaster was actively used at the time of registration. As a result, the “webmaster” trademark remained the property of “Informika”, the companies WebMaster.Spb, WEB-MASTER and Webmaster Agency continue to operate under their own names, and the companies did not receive any further claims from “Informika”.

see also


  • International Webmaster Association (eng.)

Sources of

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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