Today, no Windows user can do without antivirus. After all, every day all sorts of intruders are trying to gain access to personal data or just play dirty tricks on ordinary users. And the creators of antivirus also have to improve their products every day so that they can defeat absolutely all possible threats.

One of the best antiviruses today is Kaspersky Internet Security... This is a really powerful weapon against viruses! For many years, Kaspersky Internet Security has held the title of a real heavyweight in the war with them. No other antivirus can match it in how it fights all kinds of threats. Yes, today there is Avast Free Antivirus, Nod32, AVG, and many other antiviruses. But after using Kaspersky Internet Security once, users usually do not want to switch to something else. And all thanks to truly reliable protection provided by advanced technologies in the fight against virus threats.

Kaspersky Internet Security instantly checks all files, programs and sites on the Internet that the user visits. In the event of a threat, a message appears immediately about the presence of a threat, as well as ways to resolve it. In this way, an infected file can be deleted, disinfected or quarantined.

If a user visits a website that is a threat and contains virus programs, Kaspersky Internet Security informs him of this right in the browser window. In this case, a person simply will not be able to enter the site, because the program will block it. It should be said that mistaken definitions of sites as malicious are extremely rare.

The results of continuous monitoring of programs and networks can be seen by clicking on the "Additional tools" button in the main program window. Here, on the diagrams, you can see the memory and processor load, as well as the amount of information received and sent to the network. It also displays a general report on the work of Kaspersky Internet Security - how many threats were neutralized, how many network attacks and programs were blocked during the selected period of time.

Anti-phishing protection

Internet scammers who create fake websites so that people enter their personal data there, including payment information, are not a problem for Kaspersky Internet Security. This antivirus has long been famous for its anti-phishing system, which will prevent a person from going to a fake site and leaving their data somewhere. Kaspersky Internet Security has its own unique criteria by which the program can recognize a phishing site or a phishing attack, as well as databases of such sites.

Parental control

Kaspersky Internet Security has a very useful protection system for parents whose children also use their computer. You can get into this system from the main program window. It is protected by a password that parents enter when they first start Parental Controls.

This system allows you to block access to any programs for a certain time, or to allow the computer to be turned on only for a certain time, for example, one hour. Parents can also make the computer take breaks at certain intervals, for example, every hour. These parameters are available separately for weekdays and separately for weekends.

All the above functions are available in the "Computer" tab of the parental control system. In the "Applications" tab, you can restrict the launch of games and programs for users under the age of 18. There you can also configure various categories of programs, each of which will run only for certain users.

In the "Internet" tab, you can restrict Internet access to a certain value. For example, the Internet will only be available for one hour a day. You can also restrict visits to sites for adults, sites that contain scenes of violence and other content that is not needed by children and, in general, all people without mental disabilities. There is a safe search function that will prevent the user from finding information with this very content.

The "Communication" tab allows you to block communication with specific contacts from social networks. For now, you can add contacts from Facebook, Twitter and MySpace here.

Finally, in the Content Control tab, parents can set up real spying on their child. This way they will be able to know what words he uses most often in communication with other people and in search queries. They can also prohibit the transfer of everything that concerns personal information, to third parties. Here we are talking about bank accounts, addresses and the like. It works very simply - if a child writes in a message to someone, for example, the number of the parent's bank card, it is automatically erased.

Making secure payments

Kaspersky Internet Security has a very efficient system for making secure payments. In theory, it works simply, interception of personal data is not an impossible task for intruders. When a user makes a payment, his payment information is temporarily placed on the clipboard. This is where the Kaspersky Internet Security system begins its work - it additionally encrypts all information in the buffer.

More specifically, the secure payment system makes it nearly impossible to take snapshots during data transfer. This is exactly the technique that cybercriminals use to access personal data that is in the buffer - they simply take pictures of the screen using software. But the combination of hypervisor, DirectX® and OpenGL makes this procedure nearly impossible.

This system starts automatically. And when you open the site payment system the user will see a message with a proposal to open the site in the so-called secure browser, that is, using this very system of secure payments. By clicking on the corresponding button, the user will start the system from Kaspersky Internet Security.

Privacy protection

Nowadays, small programs are also common that get on the computer of an ordinary user and begin to collect all information about him, including payment data. Attackers also try to gain access to the webcam to find out more information about their victim. So, the "Privacy Protection" function in Kaspersky Internet Security will prevent them from doing this.

And so that they do not have a single chance to commit their evil deeds, the program can also delete log data, cookies, command history and all that information from which personal data can be taken.

To get to this menu, you need to click the "Additional functions" button in the main window of the program.

Safe programs mode

Safe programs mode is available in the same menu of additional functions. If you enable it, then only those applications will be launched on the computer that are listed in the database of Kaspersky Lab as those that can be trusted.

Protection on all devices

By using authorization in My Kaspersky, you can provide protection on your smartphone, tablet and netbook. Moreover, all this can be controlled via the Internet using remote access. This function is available after going to the "Internet Control" tab in the list of additional functions.

Cloud protection

This technology allows users to enter information about the emergence of new threats into the cloud so that others can deal with it faster. All information about emerging threats and viruses immediately goes to the cloud storage, is checked for information about it and entered into the database. This approach allows you to update the virus database online, that is, instantly. Without protection from the cloud, the virus databases would be manually updated, which would allow new viruses to infect the computer without the knowledge of the antivirus.

There is also information about websites in the cloud. It works very simply - a person visits the site and if it is safe (no threats have arisen, no virus has entered the computer, and so on), then the database is recorded as one that can be trusted. Otherwise, it is written to the database as not trusted, and when another user of Kaspersky Internet Security logs on to it, he will see a message about the danger of this site.

Search for system vulnerabilities

Part of the Kaspersky Internet Security program allows you to check the system for vulnerabilities. During the scan, absolutely all files will be scanned. The program will look for fragments of code that are unprotected and through which attackers can gain access to data or a virus can get onto the computer. This code will be additionally protected or the file will be deleted if it is not needed.

Recovery from infection

After a computer has been attacked by a virus, Kaspersky Internet Security can check the damage caused by the virus and fix it. Some files will have to be deleted, but in most cases a special system will be used that allows you to restore damaged files by referring to their previous versions recorded in the system.


Any user can get help from the operator of Kaspersky Lab or read about their problem in the database. To do this, just click on the support icon in the main program window. There you can also read recommendations for setting up the program and chat with other users on the forum.


In the settings window of Kaspersky Internet Security, you can not only change the password and disable some program functions, but also start the power saving mode or otherwise reduce the consumption of computer resources. For example, you can make sure that when you start your computer, only the most important parts of Kaspersky Internet Security are launched, and not all at once. This approach will allow you to gradually use the computer resources, and not immediately put too much load on the system.

Another interesting approach is to perform basic program tasks while the computer is idle. This means that when a user is working with a large number of other programs, only real-time protection will work in Kaspersky Internet Security. Everything else will be disabled and the update will not start. All this can be configured by clicking on the settings icon.


  1. Very powerful protection against all kinds of viruses and spyware.
  2. A large number of additional features such as making secure payments and parental controls.
  3. Wide possibilities for customization.
  4. Russian language.
  5. Customer support works well.


  1. Despite the use of different approaches in order to reduce the load on the computer, on weak machines, Kaspersky Internet Security still greatly slows down the operation of the entire system.

Today, Kaspersky Internet Security can rightfully be called a very serious threat to cybercriminals. This is a real warrior in the fight against viruses, who by all possible means will really fight all kinds of threats to the security of this or that computer. Kaspersky Internet Security has a paid license, but you can pay for such a wide functionality and really high-quality protection against viruses. Therefore, if reliability is important to you, choose Kaspersky Internet Security.

Download trial version of Kaspersky Internet Security

How to disable Safe Mode on Windows 10 and enable protection in Kaspersky Internet Security 2016?

  1. Hello. If I understand correctly, then you checked the "Safe Mode" checkbox in the msconfig-boot correctly? If so, then: This was not necessary to do, since now the PC will constantly boot in this mode. You just had to restart your PC. This reboot window appears when the user, having just installed the antivirus, opens a safe browser or virtual keyboard, and for them to work, the PC needs to be restarted (once).

    After restarting the PC, open the antivirus and make sure that the antivirus reports that the PC is protected (this is displayed in the main window). Report the result.

  2. Had the same problem, use mwfix
  3. And I would turn off the kitty and leave my native defender from Windows, as for me he is better ...
    Ps could not sit out on license in 2014, although they promised that it became easier

When using Kaspersky Anti-Virus, situations may arise when protection must be temporarily disabled. For example, you need to download a file, download a program with a crack, or visit a site whose content the defender is blocking. For such situations, you can use the function to temporarily disable the protection.

The standard way to disable Kaspersky protection

To suspend PC protection for a while, you should follow these steps:

  • On the Windows taskbar, right-click on the Kaspersky icon. Select "Pause" from the list.
  • A window will appear. We indicate for how long you need to disable Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

  • Protection is suspended.

You can also disable antivirus protection through the settings menu of the program itself. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Double-click on the taskbar to open the anti-virus program menu. A new window will open. Click on the gear icon.

  • In the "General" section, drag the slider to the "Disabled" position.

  • The program will display the fact that protection is disabled in the main menu.

  • You can enable Kaspersky again by dragging the slider to the "Enabled" position.

How can I disable the Safe Programs mode?

If the antivirus only blocks the launch of programs, protection can be left on. It is enough to deactivate the "Safe Programs" function. To do this, we perform the following actions:

  • In the main menu of the program, click "Additional tools".

  • In the menu on the left, select "Safe Programs Mode".

  • A new window will open. We select "Disable".

  • Now the antivirus will not block the launch of programs.

For more information on how to disable Kaspersky protection for a while, see the video:

If you are reading this article, you are probably asking yourself a question about how to disable Kaspersky Self-Defense if your license has expired and the self-defense menu item is not active, i.e. nothing can be changed in it. This article will help you disable self-defense in order to create and receive a new key.

How to disable self-defense if there is no license

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are two ways to do this, one is to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and the second to booting Windows in safe mode. In fact, both methods will end up giving the same result. I'll start with a more accessible method for ordinary users through uninstalling the program.

2. We launch this program and agree to the license agreement.

After removing Kaspersky, click OK and restart your computer.

In the line that appears, enter the command regedit and click OK.

Before us is an editor windows registry... Now here you need to delete some keys (folders). They are located at:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC

Those. use it as a guide, but you need to delete it at the above addresses of the "folder" KasperskyLab and SPC, for this you will need to right-click on them and select the item " Delete".

4. After you have completed deleting these keys, we close the registry editor and now download the required Kaspersky product from the official website of Kaspersky Total Security or Kaspersky Internet Security, install the downloaded Kaspersky Anti-Virus and launch it. After which we see that the program asks to enter license key or get trial version, the self-defense tab has become active again and can be turned off.

The second way to disable self-protection if there is no license

It consists in the fact that you need to restart the computer in safe mode already in safe mode, do the same operations starting with paragraph 3 of this manual. Those. you will not need to delete Kaspersky before going into the registry. Those. launched in safe mode, deleted the same keys in the registry and rebooted in normal mode, after which we get access to the blocked self-defense.

The video below clearly shows the process of disabling blocked self-protection, and you can visually evaluate these manipulations, in fact, everything is very simple.

Undoubtedly, one of the most important programs on your computer is antivirus. Even one "accidentally" virus on a PC can make the work behind it unbearable! In addition, it is “good” if the virus simply displays ads, but there are viruses that can destroy dozens of files on the disk (on which, perhaps, they have been working for more than one month).

10-15 years ago, the number of antiviruses was relatively small and the choice was limited to a dozen. Now there are hundreds of them!

In this article I want to focus on the most popular ones today (in my opinion). I think that many people will find this information useful for cleaning and protecting their home PCs. And so let's get started ...

You can buy keys for antiviruses at affordable prices below market prices in ...

10 best antivirus software to protect your computer

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware isn't exactly the antivirus that most users are used to. This program (in my opinion) is more suitable for adding to the main antivirus, but nevertheless, it will help you do one important job!

Malwarebytes 3.0 is equipped with a number of specialized modules:

  • Anti-Malware
  • Ransomware protection
  • Exploit protection
  • Protection against malicious websites

Most antiviruses are bad (at least for now) at finding and removing various adware modules that are often embedded in browsers (for example). Because of this, you start to see various advertising windows, teasers, banners (sometimes from adult sites), etc. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will quickly and easily clean your PC of such "junk".

Features Malwarebytes Free (free version)

  • Ability to scan all drives for a complete system check.
  • Daily update of the signature database to protect against the latest malware.
  • Intelligent heuristic detection of even the most persistent threats without significantly impacting system resources.
  • Adding detected threats to Quarantine and the ability to restore them at a convenient time.
  • Blacklist of exclusions for scanning and protection modules.
  • List of additional utilities for manual malware removal (Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit, Malwarebytes FileASSASSIN, StartupLite, Chameleon).
  • Malwarebytes Chameleon dynamic technology to run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware when blocked by malware.
  • Multilingual support.
  • Integration into context menu to scan files on demand.

Malwarebytes Premium Features

Malwarebytes - free program however, you can upgrade to the Premium version, which provides real-time protection, scans and scheduled updates.

  • Real-time protection works in conjunction with leading antivirus programs to make your PC more secure.
  • Real-time protection detects and blocks threats as they attempt to execute them.
  • Real-Time Exploit Protection: Eliminates zero-day exploit and malware vulnerabilities
  • Real-time Ransomware Protection: Prevents ransomware from encrypting your files.
  • Blocking malicious websites prevents access to malicious and infected web resources.
  • The presence of the "Quick scan" mode for checking critical areas of the system - random access memory and startup objects.
  • Extra options. Customize Malwarebytes Premium protection behavior for advanced users.
  • Scheduled updates to automatically use the latest protection.
  • Scheduled scans for regular checks at a convenient time for you.
  • Password protection to prevent unauthorized changes to Malwarebytes Premium protection components.

It should be borne in mind that not everything written will be available or work in the free version of the program. For the software to work at the proper level, you need to install the Premium version

Advanced SystemCare Ultimate

It seems to me that many users are often dissatisfied with one "quality" of most antiviruses - they slow down the computer ... So, in this regard, a very interesting product Advanced SystemCare Ultimate - an antivirus with built-in programs to optimize, clean and speed up Windows.

The antivirus, I must tell you, is quite reliable (BitDefender technologies are used) + the program's own algorithms. Protects your PC from: spyware, Trojans, dangerous scripts, ensures safe work with payment systems on the Internet (relevant, especially recently with the development of Internet banks).

By the way, the program is compatible with many antiviruses (ie, you can install it in addition to provide additional protection). Moreover, it will not greatly affect the speed and performance of your PC. We have described how to maximize performance and productivity using Advanced SystemCare Ultimate.

Maximum protection and maximum performance

  • Protection against viruses, spyware, hackers, phishing, botnets, etc.
  • Online payment and banking security
  • Optimizes, cleans and fixes all PC problems in 1 click
  • Works fast, compatible with other antiviruses

New in IObit Malware Fighter

  • Added antivirus engine Bitdefender;
  • Improved IObit engine;
  • Updated and significantly expanded the signature database;
  • Improved scanning speed by adapting the caching mechanism;
  • Minimized resource consumption during scanning and cleaning;
  • Improved real-time protection;
  • New quarantine method;
  • New simplified and convenient user interface;
  • Improved web protection;
  • Full Windows 10 support.

Main components of IObit Malware Fighter


Startup protection
Network protection
File protection
Checking files in the cloud
Cookie protection
Browser ad blocker
Bitdefender antivirus engine Pro
Process protection Pro
USB disk protection Pro
Tracking malicious activity Pro

Browser protection

Homepage Protector protects your home page and a search engine against malicious modification.
DNS protection: prevent changes system settings DNS malware.
· Surf Protection: Blocks various online threats to ensure you surf the web safely.
· Browser protection from malicious plugins / toolbars.
· Anti-Tracking: Automatically cleans your browser data from malicious tracking as soon as it closes. Pro

One of the best free antivirus software. Every year it is gaining more and more popularity. The advantages of antivirus are obvious:

  1. some of the best algorithms for searching and detecting viruses (moreover, even those that are not yet known to the antivirus and are not included in the update databases);
  2. support for all popular Windows operating systems (including Windows 10);
  3. low system requirements to a PC (works fast enough even on old machines);
  4. fully functional free version of antivirus.

Main components of Avast Free Antivirus

(1) The component is available for an additional fee (1500 rubles / year)
(2) The component is available for an additional fee (from 650 rubles / year)

Version comparison

Features / VersionsFreeProIS *Premier
Spy protection
Streaming updates
Enhanced mode
Do Not Track, SiteCorrect
Phishing and malware protection
Home network security
Intelligent scan
SafeZone Browser
Software Updater **
File shredder
Cleanup ***
SecureLine VPN ***

* IS - Internet version Security.
** Installing Software Updater in Premier happens automatically, in other versions - manually.
*** Cleanup, SecureLine VPN - Paid add-ons for all versions

New in Avast Free Antivirus Nitro Update

New features and technologies

New features: CyberCapture, SafeZone browser.

Improvements: Home network security, Antivirus and malware protection.

Key features of Avast Free Antivirus

New! CyberCapture

This proprietary technology from AVAST Software automatically sends unknown files to the Avast Online Threat Lab. Potentially dangerous files are carefully scanned by our analysts in real time, which eliminates the slightest risk of infecting your PC.

New! SafeZone Browser

Designed for a safer and more comfortable web browsing experience, SafeZone is also the world's most secure browser. Secure payment mode ensures complete privacy when shopping and banking online, Ad Blocker makes sure you don't get bored with ads, and Video Downloader lets you watch videos offline at your convenience.

Improved! Home network security

Even better protection for your home network and all devices connected to it. Thanks to the new Nitro technology, Avast Free Antivirus is able to detect more types of router vulnerabilities, which will provide even more reliable protection for Wi-Fi cameras, SMART TVs, printers, network drives and routers.

Avast Passwords

It's time to give up the bad habit of storing your passwords in the browser or using the same password for several services. New manager Avast passwords allows you to store all passwords in a secure and convenient storage, to access which you need to remember only one master password.


The improved web screen allows Avast Free Antivirus to thoroughly scan HTTPS sites for malware and other threats. You can whitelist your online banking sites and certificates so that scanning does not slow down access to services.

Browser cleaning

Don't let outsiders change your search engine without your permission. Clearing your browser will remove any questionable plugins and toolbars so you can revert to your original browser configuration.

Unique! 230 million users

In favor Avast solutions made the choice of 230 million users around the world, which allows the antivirus to detect malware much faster than others and regardless of where it appears. The combination of the state-of-the-art AI engine behind the anti-virus software and millions of virus sensors around the world enables Avast Free Antivirus to continuously detect and eliminate the latest cyber threats, keeping you 100% safe.

Improved! Antivirus and malware protection

The developers are constantly working to improve the innovative antivirus engine to provide you with reliable protection against all types of cyber threats. Through constant updates, in volume not exceeding the size text message Avast distributes new threat intelligence multiple times per hour to keep your antivirus up to date.

Smart Scan Technology

Comprehensive intelligent scanning for all types of problems. Scan your PC for performance status, make sure there are no network threats, malware or viruses, and find outdated programs with just one click. The easiest way to stay completely safe.

Software Updater

Hackers love to exploit vulnerabilities in legacy software to infiltrate the system. The Software Updater notifies you of the availability of updates for the programs you are using so that you can fix any vulnerabilities faster than attackers can take advantage of them.

Integration with MyAvast

Smartphone, PC and tablet protected by Avast? Wonderful! You can monitor and control devices through your personal account right in the user interface of the program


A very, very good antivirus, which, by the way, has won many awards. There is a free version available that can cover the needs of most users. Judge for yourself, the free version includes: antivirus (protects in real time from viruses, spyware, etc.), a complex to protect against dangerous links on the Internet, as well as a complex to protect e-mail.

By the way, the antivirus can be installed not only on a laptop (computer), but also on a phone! In general, the antivirus is very decent, it protects the PC well (while working fast enough)!

Bitdefender Antivirus

A very well-known antivirus that provides comprehensive computer protection: antivirus, firewall, complex for enhanced protection of personal data. By the way, in many independent ratings, this antivirus is in the top lines.

Of the features of this antivirus, I can single out the following:

  • protection of everything and everything (the user, in practice, can not be distracted by the thought of protecting the PC - the program itself knows everything: what, where and when to block ...);
  • low consumption of system resources (for example, 100-200 MB of RAM when working in Windows 10 with documents);
  • convenient and intuitive interface.

Key features of Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition

real time protection- real-time screen provides protection during access. All files are scanned at the moment they are started or copied. For example, files you just downloaded from the Internet are scanned immediately.

Cloud technologies - Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition uses cloud scanning to speed up detection and identify new or unknown threats that other antivirus programs miss.

Active viral control- innovative proactive detection technology that uses advanced heuristic methods to identify new potential threats in real time. Heuristic free antivirus Bitdefender provides a high level of protection against new threats that have not yet been added to virus signatures. Active Virus Control in Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition monitors every program running on your computer and detects malicious programs based on their actions.

HTTP scan- Bitdefender free antivirus analyzes and blocks fraudulent and phishing websites.

Anti-rootkit- The technology is used to search for hidden malware, also known as rootkits. Rootkits are a hidden type software, often malicious, designed to hide certain processes or programs from conventional detection methods, while rootkits allow you to gain privileged access to the computer.

Periodic update- Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is periodically updated without user intervention, providing the optimal level of protection against new threats.

Early scan at system boot- This technology ensures that the system is checked at boot time as soon as all important services are started. It allows you to improve the detection of viruses at system startup, as well as speed up the boot time.

Scanning while idle- Bitdefender free antivirus detects when the use of computer resources is minimal in order to perform a system scan without affecting user activity. System resource utilization is calculated based on processor (CPU) utilization and hard disk(HDD).

Smart Scan Technology- files that were previously scanned by Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition will not be scanned again using the smart file scan skip engine.

Avira Free 2015

The most famous German-made antivirus ("umbrella", "red umbrella", as many in our country have called it). Provides a good degree of PC protection (by the way, algorithms for searching and detecting viruses are one of the best among programs of this kind), high performance (I remember, 5-6 years ago I recommended installing this antivirus even on budget laptops),

  1. Russian language support;
  2. support for all popular Windows OS: XP, 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits);
  3. low system requirements;
  4. excellent algorithms for searching and detecting viruses and potential threats to your PC;
  5. user-friendly interface (all unnecessary are hidden from beginners, but nevertheless available for advanced users).

Main features of Avira Free Antivirus

Antivirus and antispyware

Effective protection in real time and on demand against various types of malware: viruses, Trojans, Internet worms, spyware and adware. Constant automatic updates and AHeAD heuristic technology reliably protect against known and new threats.

Cloud protection

Avira Protection Cloud - Real-time threat classification and fast system scans.

Rootkit protection

Avira Anti-Rootkit protects against difficult-to-detect threats - rootkits.

Windows Firewall Control

Avira Free Antivirus allows you to edit network rules for applications, change network profiles (Private, Public) and manage advanced settings for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.

Internet protection **

Safe search, block phishing and malicious websites, anti-tracking.

** This feature is part of the toolbar Avira Browser Safety for Chrome browsers, Firefox and Opera (installed separately from Avira Free Antivirus).

Parental control

Not available in the Russian version. To use, you can use the link to the service in the description.

With technology-based social media function Avira Free SocialShield you can monitor your children's online activities: check them Accounts in social networks for comments, photos, etc. that could negatively affect your child.

Protecting Android devices

Antivirus solution Avira Free Antivirus, in addition to protecting your computer from various threats, offers to install an application Avira Antivirus Security for Android, which will protect your smartphone or tablet from loss and theft, as well as block unwanted calls and SMS messages.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

I am not afraid to say that Kaspersky Anti-Virus is the most famous and popular antivirus in the post-Soviet space. The anti-virus database of Kaspersky is really huge. It easily catches all possible viruses available on the network. But, as the developers did not declare about acceleration and, most importantly, about a radical reduction in computer resources, they did not complete this task to the end.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus, as it slowed down the PC before, continues to do so now. Moreover, using it on a fairly powerful machine does not save you from the brakes - Kaspersky's gluttony is limitless, this can only be fixed by very careful program settings.

New in Anti-Virus Kaspersky Free 2017

The following new features have been added to Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus 2017:

  • Improved program update in the background. Now, when updating, you do not need to re-accept the terms of the License Agreement if it has not changed.
  • Improved Mail Anti-Virus. The depth of the heuristic analysis is increased to the medium level by default.

Version comparison

Comparison of functions and capabilities of free antivirus Kaspersky Free with paid solutions Kaspersky Anti-Virus(KAV), Internet Security(KIS) and Total Security(KTS).

Features / VersionsFreeKAVKISKTS
File Anti-Virus
Web Anti-Virus
IM Anti-Virus
Mail antivirus
Screen keyboard
Kaspersky Security Network
Kaspersky Secure Connection *
Network monitoring
Activity monitoring
Internet governance
Program Control (HIPS)
Controlling changes in the OS
Webcam access
Protection against network attacks
Data collection protection
Safe payments
Safe data entry
Safe Programs Mode
Updating programs
Removing programs
Parental control
Virtual safes
Password manager

Key features of Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus

File Anti-Virus

File Kaspersky Anti-Virus Free Anti-Virus allows you to avoid infecting your computer's file system. The component is launched at startup operating system, constantly resides in the computer's RAM and checks all opened, saved and run files on your computer and on all attached drives.

Mail Anti-Virus

Mail Anti-Virus scans incoming and outgoing mail messages on your computer. The letter will be available to the addressee only if it does not contain dangerous objects.

Web Anti-Virus

Web Anti-Virus intercepts and blocks the execution of scripts located on websites if these scripts pose a threat to your computer's security. Web Anti-Virus in Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus also monitors all web traffic and blocks access to dangerous websites.

IM Anti-Virus

IM Anti-Virus ensures the safety of working with IM clients. The component protects information coming to your computer via IM client protocols. IM Anti-Virus ensures safe operation with many instant messaging programs.

Secure connection

The Kaspersky Secure Connection VPN client, which is installed along with the antivirus, is designed to secure connection... The app protects your data when working in public Wi-Fi networks, provides anonymity on the Internet and makes it possible to visit blocked sites.

* The Kaspersky Secure Connection component has a traffic limit of 200 MB per day. Removing the restriction and the ability to choose VPN servers are available with an additional subscription.

Participation in Kaspersky Security Network

To improve the protection of your computer, Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus uses cloud protection. Cloud protection is implemented with infrastructure Kaspersky Security Network using data collected from users around the world.

Benefits of Kaspersky Free Anti-Virus

One of best antivirus in terms of searching and detecting unknown viruses (i.e. the heuristic analysis in the program is so advanced that thanks to it the antivirus finds dangerous files, even if this threat is not yet in the anti-virus databases).

After installing Dr.Web, Internet access is often blocked, which can only be fixed correct setting and introducing exceptions to the program. So before installing this software, do not be lazy and read the setup instructions and help on the developers website.

Main features of Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows

· Dr.Web Scanner for Windows- an antivirus scanner with a graphical interface, which is launched at the user's request or on a schedule and performs antivirus scan of the computer.

· Dr.Web Anti-rootkit (Anti-rootkit API, arkapi)- background scanning for rootkits and new arkapi. A subsystem for background scanning and neutralization of active threats has been implemented. The implementation of the subsystem required significant revision of the Dr.Web software libraries.

· Preventive protection- extended capabilities of preventive protection of the user's computer against infection by Dr.Web Anti-virus by blocking the automatic modification of critical Windows objects, as well as control of some unsafe actions.

Using preventive protection, Dr.Web anti-virus provides control over the following objects:

- HOSTS file;
- Possibility of low-level disk access;
- the ability to download drivers;
- access to Image File Execution Options;
- access to User Drivers;
- parameters of the Winlogon shell;
- Winlogon notifiers;
- autostart Windows shell;
- associations executable files;
- Application Launch Restriction Policy (SRP);
- plugins Internet Explorer(BHO);
- autostart programs;
- autostart of policies;
- safe mode configuration;
- Session Manager parameters;
- system services.

The improved technology Dr.Web ShellGuard of non-signature (behavioral) blocking Dr.Web Process Heuristic in the Dr.Web Preventive Protection system will protect against attacks using zero-day vulnerabilities.

· Dr.Web HyperVisor Is a component that has improved the system for detecting and curing threats, as well as strengthening the self-defense of Dr.Web by using the capabilities of modern processors. The component starts and operates below the operating system level, which ensures control of all programs, processes and the operation of the operating system itself, as well as the impossibility of malicious programs intercepting control over the system protected by Dr.Web.

· SpIDer Guard- an anti-virus watchdog, which is constantly in the RAM, checking files and memory "on the fly", as well as detecting manifestations of viral activity;

· SpIDer Mail- a mail anti-virus watchdog that intercepts calls of any mail clients of a computer to mail servers using the POP3 / SMTP / IMAP4 / NNTP protocols (IMAP4 means IMAPv4rev1), detects and neutralizes mail viruses before the mail client receives letters from the server or before sending a letter to mail server. The mail guard can also check correspondence for spam using Dr.Web Antispam;

· Dr.Web Firewall- Personal firewall of Dr.Web Anti-virus, designed to protect your computer from unauthorized access from outside and prevent leakage of important data over the network;

· Update module, which allows registered users to receive updates to the virus databases and other files of the complex, and also produces them automatic installation; gives unregistered users the opportunity to register or receive a demo key.

· SpIDer Agent- a module used to configure and manage the operation of Dr.Web Anti-virus components.

Dr.Web CureIt!- a free anti-virus scanner based on the core of the Dr.Web anti-virus program, which will quickly and efficiently scan and cure your computer without installing the Dr.Web anti-virus itself.

Antivirus Dr.Web CureIt! detects and removes mail and network worms, file viruses, Trojans, stealth viruses, polymorphic, disembodied and macro viruses, viruses that infect MS Office documents, script viruses, spyware (Spyware), password stealing programs, dialers, adware (Adware), Hacker utilities, potentially dangerous software and any other unwanted codes.

Using the utility, you can check your computer's BIOS for infection with "bios-kits" - malicious programs that infect the PC's BIOS, and the new rootkit search subsystem allows you to detect complex hidden threats.

Payback for free:

1. Does not provide real-time protection.

2. The program does not include a module automatic update anti-virus databases, therefore, in order to scan the computer next time with the most latest updates anti-virus databases, you will need to download again Dr.Web CureIt!

Installation and use rights

- The use of a special free version of the software is legal only on your personal computer. If you use a special free version SOFTWARE, you are fully subject to the terms License Agreement, with the exception of clauses 6.1-6.3.

Also, Dr.Web has one great utility - Dr.Web Cureit (which does not need to be installed)! The portable utility can be run even from a flash drive, it is absolutely free and does not require any activation. Finds all viruses available for the paid version of Dr.Web. It often helps to detect and when on a computer.

But be careful before treating, carefully read the detected Dr.Web Cureit threats. All processes that monitor the computer in real time, such as CCleaner or Advanced SystemCare Ultimate - the utility determines unsafe. During disinfection, the software is not completely removed, but only some files, but after that the program does not start anymore, and also cannot be deleted as standard - you will have to clean it manually.