In which government agencies are required to register their more or less serious (but not secret) information systems. It is quite small, for a long time I wanted to dig deeper into it and take a closer look at what the systems are and how they work, making the life of an ordinary citizen even easier and happier every day.

The register is hosted on the Roskomnadzor portal, which tries to be in the trend of transparency, so it has a section with open data sets - great! Download the latest archive of the Register from 02/16/2016, inside there is an xml download from September 2015... Nice try, citizen. We will have to supplement the “open data” with fresh information directly from the site, where everything has been done to make it difficult for enemies to parse the Registry. As a result, as of March 8, 2016, the result was a list of 339 federal government information systems, some entertaining infographics on which I want to present to you next.

For each GIS in the Registry, several supported OS and DBMS can be indicated at once, so it is impossible to understand exactly what software it works with in reality. Therefore, in the next three diagrams for such systems, the plus sign was placed in several categories at once.

1. Distribution by supported server OS

Of the domestic developments, only the mysterious Zircon operating system based on Solaris, Alt Linux and MSVS is mentioned.

2. Distribution by supported client OS

What exactly do several applicants mean by “Mobile operating system" - it’s not clear.

3. DBMS used

Of the DBMSs, only Red Database (based on Firebird), IRBIS64 and LINTER-VS can be considered domestic developments.

4. Data storage formats

The font size corresponds to the prevalence of support.

Using this diagram, you can play an exciting game called “Find in the picture the office document formats approved by GOST R ISO/IEC 26300-2010 and do not receive their support in the GIS.” Formats that, back in 2011, before the era of import substitution, should have become a single standard for government document flow. But it seems that something went wrong again. 3 years ago I already wrote about how, to put it mildly, Open Document was slowly being implemented on the websites of government agencies. Things are still there today. Only for 10 GIS support for GOST formats is mentioned.

5. Using office software

Those GIS in which other software was specified (not office suite), or there was no data at all - were not taken into account.

In general, some members of the Registry have a rather strange understanding of the term Free Software (there is such a column in the Registry), adding Internet Explorer, Delphi and even Ccleaner to its ranks.

6. Distribution of GIS by date of commissioning

What is noteworthy is that, apparently, in order not to be late as always, Slow Russian Post has set the commissioning date for its State Information System of Housing and Communal Services as early as July 2016. This is the only GIS from the future.

7. Distribution by departments

The larger the area of ​​the rectangle, the greater the number of GIS owned by this department.

8. Amount of funds spent on development, modernization and operation

The Register contains the field “Information on sources of financing for the creation, operation, modernization of FSIS,” which contains information in free form about the cost of the system for the taxpayer. The obligation and frequency of entering this information into the Register is not clear, but it gives an approximate idea of ​​the amount of costs.

Only 7 information systems account for half of all funds spent (amounts are indicated in thousand rubles):

The first and second places with a minimal gap are occupied by the State Autonomous Administration Elections and Justice. An honorable 3rd place goes to the automated system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the self-explanatory name IBD-F. This mighty troika of GIS accounts for more than a quarter of all expenses indicated in the Register - 61 billion rubles.

1. State information systems are created in order to implement the powers of state bodies and ensure the exchange of information between these bodies, as well as for other purposes established by federal laws.

2. State information systems are created, modernized and operated taking into account the requirements stipulated by law Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs or the legislation of the Russian Federation on public-private partnership, on municipal-private partnership, legislation on concession agreements, and in cases where the operation of state information systems is carried out without the involvement budget funds budget system Russian Federation, in accordance with other federal laws.

3. State information systems are created and operated on the basis of statistical and other documented information provided by citizens ( individuals), organizations, government bodies, local governments.

4. Lists of types of information provided on a mandatory basis are established by federal laws, the conditions for its provision are by the Government of the Russian Federation or relevant government bodies, unless otherwise provided by federal laws. In the event that during the creation or operation of state information systems, it is intended to implement or process publicly available information provided for by the lists approved in accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2009 N 8-FZ "On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments", state information systems must ensure the placement of such information on the Internet in the form of open data.

(see text in the previous edition)

4.1. The Government of the Russian Federation determines cases in which access via the Internet to information contained in state information systems is provided exclusively to information users who have been authorized in the unified identification and authentication system, as well as the procedure for use unified system identification and authentication.

5. Unless otherwise established by the decision on the creation of a state information system, the functions of its operator are carried out by the customer who has entered into a state contract for the creation of such an information system. In this case, the commissioning of the state information system is carried out in the manner established by the specified customer.

5.1. In the case of the creation or modernization of a state information system on the basis of a concession agreement or a public-private partnership agreement, the functions of the operator of this system are carried out by the concessionaire or private partner within the limits, to the extent and within the time frames provided for by the relevant agreement.

6. The Government of the Russian Federation approves the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems, further storage of information contained in their databases, including the list, content and timing of implementation of the stages of measures for the creation, development , commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems, further storage of information contained in their databases.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. It is not allowed to operate the state information system without properly registering the rights to use its components, which are objects of intellectual property.

8. Technical means intended for processing information contained in state information systems, including software and hardware and information security means, must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation.

9. Information contained in state information systems, as well as other information and documents available to state bodies are state information resources. The information contained in government information systems is official. State bodies, determined in accordance with the regulatory legal act regulating the functioning of the state information system, are obliged to ensure the reliability and relevance of the information contained in this information system, access to this information in cases and in the manner provided for by law, as well as the protection of this information from unlawful access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution and other illegal actions.

(see text in the previous edition)

Appendix No. 1
to the order of the Ministry of Communications
and mass communications of the Russian Federation
dated January 25, 2010 N 13

Application for registration of the federal state information system in the register federal government information systems ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (the full name of the operator of the federal state information system - the applicant is indicated) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ requests in accordance with the Regulations on the registration of federal state information systems, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 N 723 “On the procedure for putting into operation certain state information systems” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 37, Art. 4416), register the federal state information system, information about which is given below. 1. Name of the federal state information system. 1.1. Full name of the federal state information system:_________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicated in accordance with the decision to create a federal state information system and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation) 1.2. Abbreviated name of the federal state information system: ____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (indicate, if any, the abbreviated name in accordance with the decision to create a federal state information system and (or) regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation) 2. Name of the operator of the federal state information system - the applicant; 2.1. Full name of the operator of the federal state information system - the applicant: _________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicated in accordance with the constituent documents legal entity and (or) regulatory legal acts on the creation of a legal entity - a federal government body, postal address, last name, first name, patronymic, position of the responsible person, telephone numbers, faxes, address email responsible (contact) person) 2.2. Abbreviated name of the operator of the federal state information system - the applicant: _________________________________________________________________________________________. (indicated if available in accordance with the constituent documents of a legal entity and (or) regulatory legal acts on the creation of a legal entity - a federal government body) 3. Names of other operators of the federal state information system (if available). 3.1. Full names of other operators of the federal state information system - _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicated in accordance with the constituent documents of the legal entity and (or) regulatory legal acts on the creation of a legal entity - a federal government body) 3.2. Abbreviated names of other operators of the federal state information system - _______________________________________________________________________________________. (indicated if available in accordance with the constituent documents of a legal entity and (or) regulatory legal acts on the creation of a legal entity - a federal government body) 4. Date of commissioning of the federal state information system______________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (the date of commissioning of the federal state information system is indicated) 5. Information about the structural units and officials responsible for working with the federal state information system. 5.1. Name of the structural unit responsible for working with the federal state information system: _________________________________________________________. (indicate information about the structural unit whose jurisdiction includes issues of organizing the operation of the federal state information system) 5.2. Last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the structural unit responsible for working with the federal state information system:___________________________________________; 5.3. Telephone numbers of the head of the structural unit responsible for working with the federal state information system:_________________________________________________________; 5. 4. Faxes, email addresses of the head of the structural unit responsible for working with the federal state information system:_________________________________; 5.5. Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person responsible for working with the federal state information system:_________________________________________________________; 5.6. Telephone numbers of the person responsible for working with the federal state information system:_________________________________________________________________________________________; 5.7. Faxes, email addresses of the person responsible for working with the federal state information system:_________________________________________________________. 6. Purpose, purpose, scope, functions of the federal state information system:_________________________________________________________________________________________. (indicated on the basis of the decision on the creation of a federal state information system or a regulatory legal act on the operation of the federal state information system; the functions of the federal state information system are indicated on the basis of technical documentation) 7. Details of the decision on the creation of a federal state information system: _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the name of the federal government body that made the decision to create a federal state information system, the date of signing (approval) of the decision and its number; the position and surname of the person who signed the decision) 8. Details of the legal act of the federal body executive branch on the procedure and timing of commissioning of the federal state information system:_________________________. (indicate the name of the body (bodies) that issued the act; the name of the type of act and its title; the date of signing (approval) of the act and its number; the position and surname of the person who signed the act) 9. The powers of the federal executive body, implemented using the federal state information systems. 9.1. Full name of the federal government body whose powers are exercised using the federal state information system: _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the full names of all federal government bodies whose powers are exercised using the federal state information system) 9.2. Abbreviated name of the federal government body whose powers are exercised using the federal state information system: _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the abbreviated names of all federal government bodies whose powers are exercised using the federal state information system) 9.3. Postal address, help phone , address of the official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network of the federal government body, whose powers are exercised using the federal state information system: ________________________________________________________________________________________________; 9.4. The powers of the federal executive body, exercised using the federal state information system: _______________________________________________. (all government functions and (or) government services are indicated, as well as other powers vested in the federal government body in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The details of the regulatory legal act are indicated: the name of the body that issued the act; the name of the type of act and its name ; date of signing (approval) of the act and its number. If the federal state information system is used in the implementation of the powers of several federal government bodies, this paragraph indicates all the powers of such bodies) 10. Information on the operation of the federal state information system and (or) its individual parts on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 10.1. Names of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the federal state information system is operated, and (or) its individual parts _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (all subjects of the Russian Federation are indicated on whose territory the federal state information system and (or) its individual parts are operated) 10.2. The powers of the federal executive body, exercised using the federal state information system and (or) its individual parts on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation________________________________________________________________________; (indicate those state functions and (or) state services, as well as other powers vested in the federal government body in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the implementation of which is directly related to the use of the federal state information system in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) 10.3. Name of regional information systems and (or) municipal information systems with which interaction is organized within the framework of the operation of the federal state information system: __________________________________________________________________________. (the names of regional information systems and (or) municipal information systems are indicated, indicating the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which such information systems are operated. Information is presented in accordance with the decision to create an information system and (or) regulatory legal acts establishing the procedure for operating such information systems system) 11. Information about state information resources and (or) databases as part of the federal state information system. 11.1. Name of state information resource:________________________________; 11.2. Start date of formation of the state information resource:_____________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the date from which the state information resource was formed) 11.3. Form of storage and processing of information in the state information resource: _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (the form of information storage is indicated: on paper and (or) electronic; when indicating the form of information processing, it is indicated whether such processing is carried out using automation tools) 11.4. Types of documents included in the state information resource: _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (all types of documents included in the state information resource are listed) 11.5. Name and purpose of databases as part of the state information resource:_________________________________________________________________________________________; (the purpose of each database as part of the state information resource is indicated) 11.6. Information about the period of creation of documents as part of the state information resource: _________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicated for a period equal to a calendar year) 11.7. Information about duplication of information from other databases:_________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (information on borrowings from other state information resources and (or) databases is indicated) 11.8. Type of state information resource:__________________________________________; (indicate the form of information presentation: text, graphic files) 11.9. Information about state registration databases:_________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate information about the state registration of the database in accordance with Article 1262 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) 11.10. Information about previously received registration in the State Database Register: _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the number and date of the registration certificate in the State Database Register) 12. Frequency of updating information in the federal state information system: _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (the update period is indicated: day, week, month) 13. The storage period for information in the federal state information system is ________________________________________________________________________________________________. (the storage period for information is indicated in relation to certain types of documents in accordance with the provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation) 14. Information about information technology and technical means (including cryptographic) used in the federal state information system. 14.1. Name of server operating system:__________________________________________; (indicate the name of the server operating system, the brand name of the manufacturer (executor, seller) and the version number of the server operating system) 14.2. Name of the client operating system:__________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the name of the client operating system, the brand name of the manufacturer (executor, seller) and the version number of the client operating system) 14.3. Name of the database management system_______________________________________________; (indicate the name of the database management system, the brand name of the manufacturer (executor, seller) and the version number of the database management system) 14.4. Name of software designed to manage network resources:_______________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the name of the software, the brand name of the manufacturer (executor, seller) and the software version number) 14.5. Name of application (office, specialized) software used in the federal state information system:______________________________; (indicate the type of software, the brand name of the manufacturer (executor, seller) and versions of such software) 14.6. Information on the use of free software in the federal state information system:__________________________________________________________; (indicate the type of software, the brand name of the manufacturer (executor, seller), version of such software and its purpose) 14.7. Architecture of an electronic computer:__________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________; (indicate the hardware platform on which the electronic computer is implemented, including the type of processor) 14.8. Total number of workplaces connected to the federal state information system: _________________________________________________________________________; 14. 9. Type of information cryptographic protection tools used in the federal state information system:__________________________________________________________________________; (type of implementation is indicated: software, hardware, software-hardware) 14.10. Information about using electronic digital signature in the federal state information system:________________________________________________________________________________; (indicates the total number of signature key certificates used in the federal state information system) 14.11. Data storage formats in electronic form in the federal state information system: ________________________________________________________________________________. (indicates data storage formats used for text, graphic and other documents (for example DOC, RTF, SXW, JPEG, PDF), as well as for structured presentation of information on the network (for example HTML, XML, DJVU) 15. Information on the possibility of using information - telecommunication networks within the framework of the functioning of the federal state information system. Email address of the operator of the federal state information system. 15.1. Information on connecting the federal state information system to the information and telecommunication network "Internet": ______________________________________________; information and telecommunication networks, with the exception of the information and telecommunication network "Internet": _______________________________________________________________________________________ (the name of the information and telecommunication network, as well as the purpose (purpose) of connecting the federal state information system to such a network are indicated) 15.3. Email addresses of operators of the federal state information system: _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (full names of all operators of the federal state information system and their email addresses are indicated) 16. Information on sources of financing for the creation, operation, and modernization of the federal state information system: __________________________________________________________. (the source of funding is given, indicating the target item of expenditure of the budget classification of the Russian Federation and a breakdown by volume of funding and year of expenditure) 17. Information on the presence (absence) in the federal state information system of information classified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as information limited access : __________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the type of information to which access is limited by federal laws, for example, personal data, official secrets) 18. Composition of information in the federal state information system that directly affects the rights and freedoms of man and citizen: _____________________________________________. (types of information are listed, including documented information (documents), which affects the emergence, change or termination of the rights and obligations of a person and citizen) 19. Ways to ensure access to information of the federal state information system that directly affects the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen: _________________________________________________________________________________________________. (indicates methods for ensuring access, the list of which is provided for in Article 6 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2009 N 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 7, Art. 776) 20. Composition of information directly related to the rights and obligations of the organization: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (lists types of information, including documented information (documents) that affects the emergence, change or termination of the rights and obligations of organizations) 21. Methods of ensuring access to federal information. state information system directly related to the rights and obligations of the organization:______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (indicates the methods of providing access, the list of which is provided in Article 6 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2009 N 8-FZ "On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local bodies self-government" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 7, Art. 776), and also indicate the names, numbers and dates of regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for access to information, including administrative regulations) _____________________________________ _________________________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic of the person, (position of the person who signed the application and the date of signing the application for registration) signing ) _____________________________________ _________________________________________________ (Name of the certification center (Address (location) of the electronic digital signature of the certification center of the electronic digital operator of the federal signature of the operator of the federal state state information system - applicant) system - applicant)

Tag cloud

We present to your attention (with minimal abbreviations) the text published by user Akr0n on The author analyzes the Register of Federal State Information Systems in order to show the ratio of imported and domestic system-wide software used in state information systems.

The register of federal state information systems (GIS), which is maintained by everyone’s beloved Roskomnazdor, and in which government agencies are required to register their more or less serious (but not secret) information systems, is small. For a long time I wanted to dig deeper into it and take a closer look at what the systems are and how they work, making the life of an ordinary citizen even easier and happier every day. Especially when every day the federal media happily report on the success of import substitution in all sectors of the national economy, including in the IT sector, and large Western vendors begin to turn away from Russian government customers.

The register is posted on the Roskomnadzor website, where there is a section with open data sets - great! Download the latest archive of the Register dated February 16, 2016, inside there is an xml download from September 2015... Nice try, citizen. We will have to supplement the “open data” with fresh information directly from the site, where everything has been done to make it difficult for enemies to parse the Registry. As a result, as of March 8, 2016, we got a list of 339 federal government information systems, some interesting infographics on which I want to present to you.

For each GIS in the Registry, several supported OS and DBMS can be indicated at once, so it is impossible to understand which software it actually works with. Therefore, in the next three diagrams for such systems, the plus sign was placed in several categories at once.

1. Distribution by supported server OS

Of the domestic developments, only the mysterious Zircon operating system based on Solaris, AltLunux and MSVS is mentioned.

2. Distribution by supported client OS

What exactly several applicants mean by “Mobile operating system” is unclear.

3. DBMS used

Of the DBMSs, only Red Database (based on Firebird), IRBIS64 and LINTER-VS can be considered domestic developments (in the comments to the publication the author is objected: “1C: Database” can also be considered a domestic OS - ed.).

4. Data storage formats (font size corresponds to the prevalence of the format)

Using this diagram, you can play an exciting game called “Find in the picture the office document formats approved by GOST R ISO/IEC 26300-2010 and do not receive their support in the GIS.” These are formats that back in 2011, before the era of import substitution, should have become a unified standard for government document flow. But it seems that something went wrong again. Only for 10 GIS support for GOST formats is mentioned.

5. Use of office software (those GIS in which other software was specified (not an office package), or there was no data at all, were not taken into account).

Some Registry participants have a strange understanding of the term “Free software"(there is such a column in the Register), recording in its ranks Internet Explorer, Delphi and even CCleaner.

6. Distribution of GIS by date of commissioning

Apparently, in order not to be late, as always, Russian Post set the commissioning date for its GIS for housing and communal services as early as July 2016. This is the only GIS from the future.

7. Distribution by department (the larger the area of ​​the rectangle, the more GIS is owned by this department)

8. Amount of funds spent on development, modernization and operation

The Register contains the field “Information on sources of financing for the creation, operation, modernization of FSIS”, in which the cost of the system for the taxpayer is reported in free form. The obligation and frequency of entering this information into the Register is unclear, but it gives an approximate idea of ​​the amount of costs. Seven information systems account for half of all funds spent (amounts are indicated in thousands of rubles):

The sad irony is that the lion's share of the money was spent on some mythical things - the first and second places with a minimal gap are occupied by the State Automated Information System "Elections" and "Justice". An honorable third place goes to the automated system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the self-explanatory name IBD-F. This mighty troika of GIS accounts for more than a quarter of all expenses indicated in the Register - 61 billion rubles.

Alexey Lukatsky

I decided to figure out what the state information system is, for the protection of which the 17th order and the manual on protective measures were developed. It turned out to be difficult. There are several controversial points of view on this issue. I'll start with the opinions of my colleagues:

  • Artem Ageev believes that essentially only those information systems that are in the register of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications can be considered GIS.
  • Andrey Prozorov, that not every IP in a government agency is state-owned and falls under the 17th order.
  • Mikhail Novokreshchenov thinks similarly, but at the same time, if an IS is put into effect by order and introduced into a government agency, then it is already a GIS.

However, these 3 somewhat similar positions differ from what other participants in the game think. For example, colleagues from RANEPA have a completely different opinion. It is more emotional, but still it is a position that is worth listening to. Still, RANEPA actively participates in the rule-making process and their views should not be discounted. So the position is literally as follows: " Everything that is done in a state body (since all its activities are the essence of the public sphere of legal relations) is done by force of law. Other activities are by definition illegal (a public body is prohibited from everything that is not directly prescribed by law). Accounting (personnel records, etc.), in general - any other supporting activity is also carried out only due to the requirements of certain laws. In the case of accounting, equally classified as public and civil organizations. The fact that this type of activity is not directly described in the Regulations on a particular department is a non-specific factor. Agencies implement many powers that they have been granted outside of the Regulations (for example, federal laws and presidential decrees). The absence of certain powers in the Regulations is, of course, an “untidy” matter, but if they arise from legislation, they are still powers. Thus, the accounting information system of a government agency is created a) on the basis of a law (common to any organization in the country), b) on the basis of a legal act of a government agency (put into operation by order, most likely, of the minister, c) it is needed to implement the powers of a government agency (“needed " = without it it is impossible to implement other powers of the department)". To summarize, RANEPA believes that any the information system in a government agency is state-owned.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications adheres to a similar position. Their logic is as follows. State information systems - federal information systems and regional information systems created on the basis of, respectively federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the basis of legal acts of state bodies. Please note, not regulations, but legal acts. Those. on the basis of any authorized decision of a government body, for example, an ordinary order. And such a competent decision can be made not by an executive body, not by a government body in general, but by any ordinary government body. The frequent reference to PP-723 on the registration of certain types of GIS does not apply to all GIS, but only to some of them. According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, PP-723 is mandatory only for federal executive authorities and only for GIS intended to provide government functions or provide public services. At the same time, the lack of registration does not change the status of an unregistered GIS as a state one. In other words, the presence of a regular order to put into operation an information system in a government agency makes it state, and in a municipal institution - municipal. And no registration is required for this (except for certain types of federal GIS).

There was a long one on FB