Registry Workshop- a registry editor that, in addition to the standard capabilities of the RegEdit and RegEdt32 tools in Windows, adds various powerful functions that allow you to perform registry-related tasks faster and more efficiently.

The program allows you to edit the system registry more safely. All changes except key permission changes can be safely undone (even registry overrides and imports) using multiple levels of Undo functionality. You don't have to worry about making mistakes when editing the registry.

Registry Workshop is a useful and necessary tool if you are: an advanced user who needs to edit and modify the registry to remove trojans, viruses and spyware entries; system administrator who needs a safer and more efficient tool to maintain company computers; or developer software who needs to quickly change registry keys and values ​​during system development.

Main features of Registry Workshop

  • Multi-level "Cancel" and "Return". The undo history can be saved to disk and reloaded at startup.
  • Find and replace registry keys, values ​​and data with a very fast search algorithm. On a typical computer, you can search the entire registry in about ten seconds.
  • Compare registry between computers and/or .REG files with very fast speed.
  • Connecting the registry mobile devices(Pocket PC, smartphones, etc.) via ActiveSync.
  • Ability to cut, copy and paste registry keys and values.
  • Drag and drop" to move or copy registry keys or values.
  • Editing .REG and .POL files in the same way as the system registry.
  • Registry backup and restore.
  • Registry defragmentation with preview.
  • Simple and flexible management of the "Favorites" section.
  • Quickly view the registry with the address bar, bookmarks and browsing history.
  • Go to similar keys HKLM or HKCU through the context menu.
  • Ability to open multiple Windows local registry windows.
  • Ability to open protected registry keys when running with administrator rights.
  • Editing binary data in BYTE, WORD or DWORD format.

Good day, blog readers.

A computer is a complex device that may experience problems from time to time. Often such errors are entered into the system area and even affect it. To return the operating system to its previous state, there is a special program Windows 7 registry recovery, or rather there are many of them. They allow you to return everything to its place in the shortest possible time.

The system registry in Windows 10, as in other versions of the Microsoft OS, is a database where information about hardware, boot options, accounts and much more is located. This area is divided into groups.

Important! It is worth remembering that without this section the operating system simply cannot exist.

This area is one of the most important. However, it is completely open to users. It turns out that any user with administrator rights can make changes.

In addition, it is worth remembering that any software installed on the device writes various data to this partition, as well as reads it.

The last two also leave their marks in the system area, allowing themselves to work in almost any conditions. All this will make it possible to steal in the future important information and disrupt performance.

To provide protection, several mechanisms are provided:

    Create a restore point where all settings are saved.

    Recover from backup copy working system.

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There are many applications for working with system data. At the same time, the operating system itself provides the Regedit utility for this. It allows you to do whatever you need with this area. To create a backup you need to perform several steps:

Afterwards, a file will appear that will allow you to return your computer to functionality as soon as possible. This method has proven itself perfectly. True, it will only be useful when users can get into the OS.


What should you do if the shell refuses to load, say after a virus or other serious failure? To do this, you can use special applications. And it is considered one of the most convenient ERUNT.

Compared to the built-in capabilities, the program allows you to work with the registry, regardless of whether the operating system is loading or not. True, for this you need to install the program on the hard drive in advance. In addition, the procedure will not work without a backup copy, which means it must already exist.

To create a recovery database, you need to perform a number of steps:

The process will take some time - it all depends on the amount of data stored on the hard drive.

Recovering from the environment( )

If suddenly the system stops loading, users always have the opportunity to use special tools - ERDNT. This is done without a disk, although everything will take place not in the graphical interface, but in the command console.

So, we need to manually perform a series of movements:

For a visual example, you can watch the video

Interested in cleaning the Windows 7 registry? Then you've come to the right place.

Windows Registry Windows Registry) is a hierarchical database for most MS Windows operating systems, containing parameters and settings for hardware and software, presets and user profiles.

The creation of the registry in Windows was intended to organize information that at that time was stored in many INI files, as well as to provide a unified mechanism for reading and writing settings.

The creation of the registry made it possible to get rid of the problems of short names, lack of access rights and slow access to INI files stored in the FAT16 file system, which has performance problems when searching for files in directories with a large number of them.

All the problems that MS Windows developers solved using the registry disappeared with the release of the file NTFS systems, but the registry remained in all subsequent versions of this OS.

On at the moment There are no real prerequisites for using such a mechanism, and the only system that uses the registry is MS Windows (and its free software clone, ReactOS).

The register is formed from various data. During installation and subsequent Windows setup files are generated in which information about the system configuration is stored.

During the process of loading the operating system, as well as logging in and out of its users, a certain abstract, virtual entity called the “registry” is formed.

Thus, one part is static and stored in files, and the other is dynamic and is formed during the OS boot process.

Disadvantages of the MS Windows Registry

The method of storing operating system settings using the registry has a number of significant disadvantages. Below we list the most significant ones.

Relatively low fault tolerance. One wrong byte in the hive file (a registry branch similar in nature to the root directory in file systems) when you try to load it, it crashes the OS.
This problem in modern versions of MS Windows it is solved using two-level logging, and in case a situation arises where the registry cannot be repaired, the system can reinitialize damaged registry entries at boot time.

Selectivity when saving system settings to the registry – means that not all system settings are entered into the registry. Because of this approach, transferring system settings by copying its registry is impossible.

During the operation of the operating system, the registry undergoes fragmentation, which leads to a gradual slowdown in access speed.

In addition to settings, the registry also stores other system and application information, which leads to a gradual increase in the size of the registry. This problem can be partially solved using special utilities, which we will talk about in the next part of our article. By the way, in our material you can read about the five best free programs for fixing errors in Windows 7

Cleaning the MS Windows 7 registry manually

There are 2 cleaning methods system registry– manual and program cleaning.

Important! When cleaning the registry manually, you should immediately make a reservation that this operation should be performed by experienced users with the due degree of attention, because any of the mistakes made can damage the operating system.

We will talk about software cleaning of the registry in the appropriate section.

For manual cleaning you need:

Press the Win + R key combination. In the window that opens, enter the command to call the system utility for working with the registry – “regedit”. Click "OK".

We carry out backup registry, which will allow you to subsequently note all changes made.
Click File – Export. In the export range selection section, select the entire registry, then select a location to save the backup, enter its name and click the “Save” button.

Let's move on to directly deleting information about programs , which have been removed. To do this, go to the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER” section (which is located on the left side of the Registry Editor window), open the “Software” subsection and look for the name of the software developer company or directly the name of the program that was removed.

To delete, select an entry by clicking on it and pressing the “Del” key on the keyboard.

You can also search for a program automatically using the search function. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+F and in the window that opens, enter the name of the program and click “OK”, after which all found entries will be selected.
If the found highlighted record is correct, i.e. belongs to a remote program, press the Del key on the keyboard, and press F3 to go to the next entry.

After deleting unnecessary entries, close the registry editor.

Cleaning the MS Windows 7 registry using programs

Software registry cleaning is intended for beginners, as well as users who want to save their time, because manual cleaning, as it became clear in the previous section, is quite a painstaking task.

Let's look at the 3 most popular programs for optimizing and cleaning the system.

Reg Organizer

This program has good functionality and, in addition to actually editing the registry, allows you to search and replace its entries, complete removal installed software, creating and comparing snapshots of registry keys, as well as manual and automatic cleaning.

Additional features of the program are the function fine tuning OS, editing configuration files and the ability to clean disks from system debris.

Pay attention! The free version of the program only looks for registry errors; to fix them, you need to purchase it; the license price is $10.



Russian-language interface.




This utility is no less multifunctional and cleaning the registry is here as one of the many options of the application, but unlike Reg Organizer free for non-commercial use.

Functionality free version is not cut down, and the only difference is the lack of priority technical support.

The program is very popular; at the end of 2012, more than 1 million downloads were made from the official website of the program.

Published every month new version program, and you can find out about updates by clicking on the “Check for Updates” link in the lower right corner of the program.

There is no point in describing everything that this monster can do; we will limit ourselves only to the useful features of this program:

    The program allows you to add and remove registry branches that need to be scanned.

    It is possible to create a restore point for the entire system before performing a registry cleanup.

    Clicking on some elements displays a pop-up window that displays brief information about what will happen if this element is cleared.

    Ability to create lists of components that need to be removed/not removed during inspections.

    You can configure the utility to clean your computer before turning it on. Automatic removal files from the Temp folder if they remain for more than 24 hours.




Ability to work on 64-bit systems.

The program has some disadvantages, but they are rather conditional:

Closed source.

Lack of cross-platform functionality (fixed in later versions).

Windows Cleaner

Like CCleaner, the program is free and closed source.

Designed to clean your computer from various system debris, which improves system performance.

Allows you to work with startup and create system restore points.

One of the features of the program is the ability to save the history of all previous cleanings.



Russian-language, easy-to-understand interface.

Disadvantages, programs are also conditional:

Closed source.

Lack of cross-platform functionality.

Lack of portable version.

Malicious programs, incorrect installation/uninstallation of applications, improper editing of the registry, etc. lead to critical errors and failures in the operating room Windows system 7, 8, 10 and XP. But even if the user knows which “jamb” led to the error, he will not always be able to fix it on his own.

Correction of system errors in this case must be entrusted to third party utilities and programs. We have selected the five most famous and effective programs, which will help fix operating system errors.

Microsoft Fix it

Fix it- a whole set of programs developed by Microsoft. Using this tool, you can troubleshoot specific problems with Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. They cannot be used as a universal product. Utilities work pointwise, correcting individual system errors. For example, Fix it will help with problems that arose after emptying the recycle bin, programs that started in automatic mode. It will also fix problems with the DVD drive, copying files and a number of others.

Fix it utilities are downloaded on Windows 7 automatically and absolutely free.

How to fix system errors on operating systems from Microsoft (all versions) using the Fix it set of utilities:

Since the set of utilities was created by OS developers, they are safe and perform only authorized actions. The program will not do anything that would disable the computer.

The Fix it utility can easily be considered the best free program for fixing errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, and using it is simple, fast and reliable, but it is not always effective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

This program, developed by Conner Bernhard, can be called a universal solution. Using it, you can diagnose and eliminate any malfunctions related to network connections and adapters. The new "ten" does not support the program, but it works fine in XP, 7 and 8.

You can download NetAdapter (free) at.

Main feature NetAdapter Repair (all utilities in one program) is that it diagnoses problems, and the user makes the decision to fix the problem. The work starts with the "Advanced Repair" button. That is, the program does not work in automatic mode. The utility has a separate menu with which you can configure network connection parameters by checking the boxes below. You can select all areas by selecting "Run All Selected".

The program will quickly correct all existing errors.

The utility allows every user to diagnose the system for errors, but only the administrator can make decisions about troubleshooting.

Beginners may be intimidated by the lack of Russian-language support, but experienced users can easily figure it out and make all the necessary settings.

Using NetAdapter Repair you can fix:

  1. Settings network protocol, responsible for automatically obtaining an IP address for the computer (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
  2. Text hosts file.
  3. Electronic routing file.
  4. Domain Name System Addresses.
  5. Protocol of work in local networks(Network Basic Input/Output System).
  6. Settings for ensuring confidentiality, data authenticity, and online privacy.
  7. Operating system network services settings.
NetAdapter Repair is ideal for advanced users and is not recommended for beginners.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish- a real doctor Aibolit for a “problematic” computer. This universal utility, which will simultaneously eliminate all problems that have arisen in the operating system. Moreover, Kerish Doctor will also solve the problem of low computer performance.

What the utility can do:

  • Fix registry errors;
  • Optimize the operation of OS services;
  • Increase the speed of your network connection;
  • Monitor system events;
  • Protect from malware;
  • Prevent OS crashes;
  • Protect your computer from overheating;
  • Delete unnecessary files applications, invalid shortcuts, temporary links, etc.;
  • Close system and application vulnerabilities;
  • Create an optimal mode for players.

This is important! The utility runs in manual and automatic mode. If you choose the second mode, be prepared that the program, working in the background, will significantly load the processor. To avoid this, configure Kerish Doctor manually by selecting optimization options yourself.

Although the program is universal, it can scare trained users with its “permissiveness.” But beginners who prefer not to delve into any processes, but to get a “flying” operating system as a final result, will certainly use it.

Kerish Doctor has a shareware version that lasts for half a month, and full functionality can be purchased for 380 rubles.
You can download Kerish Doctor for free.

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Anvisoft is a universal and free option that can be used to fix various problems.

Anvisoft PC PLUS can:

  • Troubleshoot problems with graphic files on the desktop, related to moving, copying, highlighting colors;
  • Correct system errors, for example, when a dynamic link library is missing;
  • Fix network connection errors;
  • Clean temporary files;
  • Eliminate bugs in games;
  • Detect OS errors and warn about them;
  • Support users 24 hours a day (however, managers speak English).
You can download Anvisoft PC PLUS (free) on the page.

Although the program does not support the Russian language, it is popular among domestic users, especially active players.

By selecting the error search area, you can start scanning your computer.

Registry Repair

A special utility that deals with registry problems. Registry Repair can recognize and correct almost 20 types of errors, and therefore will be indispensable for those who like to edit registries at their own risk. The utility will find all errors and fix them automatically. It works neatly and does not load the RAM and processor.

Registry Repair can:

  • Check the entire registry for errors or individual sections of it. Using the utility, you can check file extensions and history,
  • Custom Elements and Services Launched operating system, fonts, application directories, Start menu and much more;
  • Find and destroy everything left behind by spyware and adware applications;
  • Scan the entire system partition and check all users on this computer;
  • Create a list of events that do not need to be checked;
  • Undo all previously made changes (a backup copy is created before each change);
  • Creation text file all changes made to the registry.
Registry Repair - good decision for beginners and experienced users. The utility is free, and the developers guarantee correct operation.

To download Registry Repair, go to .

When you start the program, it will automatically scan the system for errors, after which you can launch the fix using the "Fix Registry" button.

All existing errors in windows xp, 7, 8, 10 will be corrected.

What to choose?

All the utilities presented are among the best free programs to fix bugs in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, while each is good in its own way. But Kerish Doctor has the greatest functionality, however, in order to use all the tools, you need to buy it.

NetAdapter Repair - professional solution, but only for trained users. Registry Repair perfectly scans the registry and fixes the problems found. Anvisoft is universal. And Fix it - best choice in our opinion. Utilities from the Windows OS developer work accurately, safely and quickly.