The registration form has been lost, what should I do? How can I restore my registration form?

Let's consider two cases:

  • the software product is registered in 1C
  • the software product is not registered.

In the first case, it is enoughstatements from the clientwith a signature and seal in the name of the company "1C" in free form with a request to restore the reg. profiles, reg. No...., due to loss due to... (for example, lost when moving).

You scan this letter and send it to[email protected] . In the letter, be sure to indicate how to obtain a duplicate.

ADVICE: indicate “we want to receive a scan of the reg. questionnaires on email" You can also specify methods: by mail and through a distributor.

Second case: the software product is not registered and both halves are registered. the forms have been lost. In this case, in addition to the application from the client (see above), it is also necessary to provide copies of accounting documents confirming the fact of the client’s purchase of a licensed product (invoices, acts, c-invoices). Documents and an application from the client must be scanned and sent to[email protected] s p Please register the PP, reg. No. ..., for the client (indicate client data for registration) and with a request to make a duplicate of the reg. questionnaires (see also options above).

ADVICE: take the hassle of registering programs for clients upon yourself. All correspondence to the 1C company, including registration. registration forms, you can send us, we will organize the transfer of your correspondence to the 1C company.

Also remember about the emergency registration service on the website those. support Purchase requests Registration.

The “360 degree” personnel assessment method is an event whose essence is to collect opinions about a specialist or group of employees. The assessment is given by individuals who interact with professionals in a work environment. The method is based on the employee's assessment by his management, colleagues and clients. Self-esteem is also taken into account.

The method is very popular. Since the specialist is assessed by the environment, it is possible to obtain objective data that can be used to develop corporate competencies and develop staff retention programs. The information obtained during the study makes it possible to carry out effective training of personnel for the reserve and increase the efficiency of the employee.

In addition to the expert tasks of developing a survey model, the organizers of a personnel assessment event using the “360 degree” method usually face related tasks:

  • the list of questions covering all indicators of motivation during the survey should be as wide as possible;
  • large number respondents who meet certain requirements (work experience in the organization, professional relationship with the person being surveyed, etc.);
  • it is necessary to prepare and print a large number of questionnaires;
  • monitoring the timeliness of filling out questionnaires by respondents;
  • implementation of a convenient and quick method of filling out questionnaires;
  • organization of the process of collecting and processing information.

To solve all these problems, we recommend using the software product 1C ZUP CORP 3.0. The program "1C Salary and Personnel Management version CORP 3.0", unlike other versions, is intended not only to automate the process of calculating salaries and regulated personnel records, but also solves the problems of implementing a comprehensive assessment of personnel at the modern level, allows you to correctly and quickly process information about the state of the enterprise’s personnel and, on its basis, give high-quality and meaningful conclusions about the abilities of employees, plan training, development and careers, and make informed management decisions.

In this article we will talk about how to configure the 1C ZUP KORP 3.0 software product to use the “360 degrees” method.

In 1C ZUP KORP 3.0, preparation for assessment using the “360 degree” method is carried out in the Personnel Assessment workplace (located in the Training and Development - Service menu).

Preliminary settings and filling out directories

Before you start the process of assessing an employee using the 360-degree method, you need to complete the settings.

The first step is to create a list of questions.

A reference book of the same name is intended for storing a list of questions for surveys in the system. It is not displayed in the “Training and Development” interface; it must be opened through workplace"Personnel assessment". You can add it to your favorites for quick access to the directory.

For the 360 ​​method, two types of questions are usually used:

  • with one possible option answer (most questions);
  • a so-called “open” question to which the respondent can give a text answer (no more than one or two questions).
At the second stage, profiling of questions is carried out. The “Competencies” reference book is used here (available in the Training and Development menu – see also - Competencies). The competency describes:
  • description of competence;
  • questions on which competence will be assessed (selected from previously entered formulations in the “Questions for Questionnaire” reference book). For each question, it is possible to indicate the rating of each answer option on a scale.

The preparatory work is completed. You can begin to describe the event using the “360 degree” method.

Registration of a personnel assessment event

The event is described in the “Personnel Assessment” workplace.

Select a personnel assessment event (if the event has not yet been created, you need to create it), fill in information about the event:

  • The “Competencies” tab indicates the competencies that will be assessed as part of this event. If necessary, new competencies are added. If the competency specified questions for its assessment, then they will be filled in automatically in the workplace. The list of questions, as well as the assessment of answers, can be clarified manually. It is also possible to add questions only with the answer type “Choose one option from the proposed ones.” Answers to such questions will be used to calculate competency scores. You can also add questions with the “Open Questions” type. Using the “Questionnaire” link, you can set the title of the questionnaire, clarify the texts of the “Introduction” and “Conclusion”, and also view the form of the questionnaire that the participant will see.
  • On the “Participants” tab, you need to add employees whose competence needs to be assessed as part of the event, as well as respondents who will evaluate these employees. The list of respondents can be completed according to certain rules.
  • In the “Questioning” tab, the start of the survey is registered; here it is also possible to send invitations by email to respondents who have access to the system, edit the invitation and extend the survey if the schedule is not met. The invitation is sent using the “Send to all” command to all respondents who have specified email address. You can change the template with the invitation text using the “Edit invitation text” command.

If there is a need to send an invitation to individual respondents, you can do this using the “Send to Selected” command, having previously selected the recipient lines.

So that respondents can fill out questionnaires directly in 1C ZUP KORP, the ability to create users has been implemented information base(IB) from the event description form. Creating information security users is available only to users who have the appropriate permissions in the system. Such users are distinguished from ordinary ones by the “Create Users” button and the “Create Users” submenu.

The “Create Users” submenu contains settings similar to the settings when creating a new user:

  • “Show in selection list” – determines whether to show given user in the list for selection at system startup;
  • “It is forbidden to change the password” – determines the user’s ability to change his password;
  • “User access groups” – allows you to select groups whose access settings apply to created users. Infobase users can be created automatically when invitations are sent, if the “create information security users when invitations are sent” flag is set.

After sending letters to respondents, the process of filling out questionnaires begins. If the database is published, users can go to the questionnaire page using the link from the letter and answer the questions. There is another option for answering the questions: users who are already in the information security system can go directly to the program and fill out a form.

When an employee logs into the self-service portal, he should see the forms that he needs to fill out. However, by default the section with questionnaires is not displayed. The employee needs to go to the “View”, “Settings” menu home page" and add "List of respondents", "Form".

After this, the employee has a list of available questionnaires for him to fill out:

On the page you need to select the answers and click “Complete and close”. After this, a message appears asking you to confirm the final entry of the questionnaire:

After confirming the completion of filling out the questionnaire, it disappears from the list of available questionnaires

The analysis of the survey results is carried out in the “Personnel Assessment” workplace: the “Results Analysis” tab displays the evaluated employees, statistics on filling out questionnaires for them, as well as the calculated results.

More detailed information about the results of personnel assessment can be found in the “Personnel Assessment” report, options of which are available on the “Results Analysis” tab, from the “Personnel Assessment” workplace. The “Personnel assessment results” option shows the results of competency assessment for the company as a whole, and the “Individual employee assessment” option can be generated for one or more employees selected in the table.


So using software product 1C ZUP CORP 3.0 makes it possible to organize and conduct personnel assessment using the “360 degree” method without the constant participation of an HR specialist. The setup and process of collecting survey results can be done by a ZUP consultant.

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First you need to enable the use of the survey functionality (hereinafter we configure the system under a user with full rights):

Questionnaire templates

Now let's create a template for our first questionnaire:

On the Questions tab, ask a list of questions, breaking them down into sections:

First, a section is created:

Now we can add a question to the section:

For each question, you need to indicate an Elementary Question (the card of which specifies the type and nature of the answer):

Here's what a basic question card looks like:

For a survey question, if desired, you can indicate a hint, as well as the principle of mandatory completion:

Let’s create the following survey question and create a corresponding elementary question for it:

Here you have already indicated not entering text as an answer, but choosing from several options.

Now I’ll show you how to create a table question:

In the question card, select the type:

Now we need to choose what values ​​the user will enter into the columns of the table; to do this, we will select 3 elementary questions (you need to create them first):

Creating the last question Income level and save the template.

Conducting surveys

Now, to generate survey tasks, let’s create a document Conducting surveys:

Create a new one in the list of documents:

Select a questionnaire template. If necessary, you can specify the survey validity period. If we select the type of respondents - individuals , then the survey will be intended for external users if we select user- this is for internal users of the program. If you set the Free poll attribute, it will be intended for all users (or external users), otherwise only for respondents from the tabular part of the form:

So, we created a survey with the following settings:

Now we can take the survey ourselves (since, according to the terms of the survey, it should also be available to the administrator):

We see an available questionnaire:

Let's start taking the survey:

By button Finish and close the following message appears:

We agree, now there are no more available profiles:

Now let's look at the analytics:

If you create new users to take the survey, be sure to create them in the configurator, checking the following boxes:

As you can see, the functionality does not allow you to evaluate answers as correct/incorrect, but it allows you to collect and analyze statistical information about users and external users of the program.

I just took the questions out of thin air, but you can customize the questionnaires exactly as you need and conduct any number of surveys.

Download configuration User survey you can follow the link.

Payment details Cost, licensing, use by multiple users Product cost - 0 rubles. The number of jobs is unlimited. No additional licensing required. What are the payment options? You can pay with a bank card (Visa, Mastercard or Mir), Yandex wallet, or send the TIN of your organization for issuing an invoice (from an individual entrepreneur). When paying from a legal entity, closing documents are provided if necessary. Is payment on the site safe? Payment by bank card or through Yandex wallet on this site is absolutely safe. The site has an SSL certificate - unique digital signature for reliable protection during data transmission. How to receive the file after payment? After payment, you will automatically receive an email within one minute with a link to download the product (you indicate your address when paying).

Technical issues How to add a product to the database? You can implement the product yourself by viewing the instructions. If you have any difficulty with this, I can help. Contact me and we will set up a specific time for communication. If the development does not start (or works incorrectly) In this case, first of all, check the instructions to see if you connected the development correctly. If the check did not yield anything, make a screenshot of the error and send it to me by mail indicating the name of the development. At your choice, I can either correct the error and send new version file, or return the money. If the development breaks after the update, you will need to contact me, tell me the number of the new release of your configuration and the name of the development you purchased. After that, I will send an adapted version of the file by mail. Is it possible to improve the development on my own? Yes, you can. Source code open and available for any modification, there are no restrictions. Are there changes to the configuration? No, the implementation of the development does not change the database configuration in any way and will not affect subsequent updates. Is there a demo version? No, I cannot provide demo access to development.

Other issues Sales of developments during non-working hours/holidays/weekends Sales on the website are carried out in automatic mode 24/7, seven days a week, holidays and lunch breaks. Are developments updated? Some developments are updated and improved from time to time. When products are updated, you will receive email notifications detailing the changes and a download link (free). You also have the opportunity to send your wishes for improvements. Are closing documents provided? When paying by invoice, a certificate of completion of work with a stamp and signature is provided (scanned and/or original by Russian Post, upon request). Refund Cash for the purchase of website developments are returned immediately in full following cases:

  • the development does not start or works with errors in your database, and you refuse to adapt it,
  • the development does not correspond to the functionality stated in the description.

Having a problem with payment?

Payment on the site works based on the Yandex payment service. If it does not work for you, I can assume that you are not in Russia, and Yandex does not work in your country (or is unstable).

What to do?

You can make a payment alternative ways:

  • Sberbank card: 4276 3000 2875 5851
  • Yandex wallet: 410011805420743

In the payment note, be sure to indicate product ID 446 and your email address, where I will then send a link to download the development.

The 1C company provides users of 1C: Enterprise system products with full support. But you can only get it by registering the program with 1C. In order to register, you must send the completed part of the questionnaire to the 1C company by mail or transfer it to the company through which you purchased the program. The user retains his part of the registration form.

The registration form is a yellow form consisting of 2 (for 1C:Enterprise 7.7) or 3 (for 1C:Enterprise 8) parts, one of which indicates the full name of the product and registration number.

In case of loss, you can easily restore the registration form by contacting us. For this procedure, you will need to write an application requesting the restoration of the duplicate.

Attention, restoration of the registration form is possible only once!

Recovery procedure

To restore your registration form, you must perform the following steps:

Compose a letter on the official letterhead of the client organization, which should contain:

  • name of the organization that owns the program;
  • the exact name of the program (the name can be clarified in AT-inform);
  • registration number of the program (available on floppy disks);
  • the following text:

    “I ask you to send a duplicate of the registration form from our software product ___(name and registration number)____, the form was lost in_______ (indicate under what circumstances the form was lost, it is recommended to describe the situation in as much detail as possible so that in 1C there is no need for additional questions, for example , when moving, when changing accountants, etc.), a duplicate is necessary for_____ (indicate the reason for restoration, for example, to confirm licensing, to receive updates).

    Form for sending a duplicate of the registration form to the AT-inform email address [email protected]

  • telephone number of the contact person with whom a 1C employee can contact regarding the issue of restoring the profile
  • if the program has not been registered, then send another document by which it was purchased (invoice and PP);
  • seal and signature of the head of the organization.

Application forms will not be reissued.

Send this letter to the 1C Consulting Department by email.

Employee surveys allow you to identify training needs, analyze employee satisfaction, evaluate the effectiveness of internal corporate events, and much more.

1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 KORP provides the HR service with ample opportunities to conduct various surveys and surveys of employees, including obtaining feedback based on training results.

1C: Salaries and HR Management 8 CORP provides several types of questions that can be selected and combined depending on the purpose of the survey:

  • an open-ended question with a free answer (the length of the answer can be limited to a line or have no restrictions);
  • question with a “yes/no” answer;
  • question with a numerical answer;
  • date selection question;
  • choosing one answer from several;
  • selecting multiple answers from several.

It is possible to enter comments and clarifications in a separate field next to the answer to the question, which allows you to receive additional information for analysis.

1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 CORP allows you to establish relationships between questions, set subordination and mandatory answers. For example, an employee cannot answer a subsequent question if he did not answer the previous one, or receives a certain question only if he answered the previous one in a certain way. It is also possible to form questions in tabular form with a predefined answer in a row or column.

Prepared questions are grouped into a specific questionnaire using a Questionnaire Template. Data about the purpose of the questionnaire is entered into the template, questions are selected that can be grouped into thematic sections of the questionnaire.

In order to conduct a specific survey, the Survey Assignment mechanism is used. When you assign a survey, you assign it a name and select a list of employees for whom the survey is intended. This allows the HR service to flexibly use questionnaires for various surveys and store survey history in unified system in a structured and understandable form.

If necessary, you can set the possibility of pre-saving the questionnaire. Thus, the interviewed employee can return to filling out the questionnaire at a time convenient for him.

The Survey Analysis report allows the HR manager to quickly monitor the progress of the survey and track which employees did not fill out or submit the survey. In addition, from this report you can obtain information about the total number of responses, as well as statistics of responses in various sections.

To view the results of the survey, use the Analytical Survey Report report, which provides summary information on the results of the survey and allows you to view responses and compare answers to the same question with each other.