"Diagram of a computer device" - Random access memory. Highway. Output device. CPU. Keyboard Mouse Graphic tablet Scanner Digital camera Microphone. Operational memory. Monitor Printer (Laser, inkjet, matrix) Speakers (Acoustic. Input device. Computer circuit. Speakers, headphones). Long-term memory.

"Purpose and structure of the computer" - Computer memory. Computer memory stores data and programs. Multilevel page. Device management. For students in grade 8. How does the data differ from the program? Information exchange in a computer. External memory. Input. One-level page.

"Forms of government" - In republics and constitutional monarchies, the legislative power belongs to the parliament, and the executive government. Monarchies. The Commonwealth of Countries led by Great Britain includes 51 countries. Monarchy. Absolute monarchy. The supreme power in the monarchy is inherited. Republic. Absolute.

"Personal computer device" - Printer. System unit. The printer is used to display information on paper (paper). Basic PC configuration. The mouse is a "graphical" control device. System unit; Monitor; Keyboard; Mouse. What does "personal computer" mean? There are two types of scanners: hand-held flatbed scanners. Webcam.

"Basic computer devices" - System unit. They differ in the number and arrangement of keys, shape (ordinary, ergonomic, folding), type of contact group, etc. Acoustic system (speakers or stereo headphones) Audio output device. Basic devices of a personal computer. Monitor (display) A device for displaying text and graphic information.

"Computer and its devices" - Specify devices that are not input devices: Numeric information textual information audio information graphic information. Which device has the slowest communication speed? The information capacity of standard CD-ROMs can be up to ... List the actions that you can perform with the information.

Tests for grade 7 on the topic "Computer device"

1.The device for entering information from a sheet of paper is called:





Answer: 4

2. What device of the PC is intended for information output?




    record player

Answer: 2

3.The driver is

    long-term storage device

    program that controls a specific external device

    input device

    output device

Answer: 2

4. Operating systems are included in:

    database management systems

    programming systems

    application software

    system software

Answer: 4

5. Which of the following is a computer output device? Indicate letters in your answer.







Answer: 2, 3, 4, 6

6. In what number system does the computer work?

    in binary

    in hexadecimal

    in decimal

    all answers are correct

Answer: 1

7.Cases of personal computers are:

    internal and external

Answer: 1

8.Scanners are:

    horizontal and vertical

    internal and external

    manual, roller and tablet

    matrix, inkjet and laser

Answer: 3

9.Printers cannot be:





Answer: 1

10.Before turning off the computer, the information can be saved

    in RAM

    in external memory

    in magnetic disk controller

    in ROM

Answer: 2

11.Operating system:

    a system of programs that ensures the joint operation of all computer devices for information processing

    system of mathematical operations for solving individual problems

    system of scheduled repair and maintenance of computer equipment

    document scanning software

Answer: 1

12.The device that converts analog signals to digital and vice versa is called:

    LAN card




Answer: 2

13. Which of the following is a computer input device? Indicate the letters in your answer.






Answer: 2, 4

14.In which PC device is information processing carried out?

    external memory




Answer: 3

15.Information input device - joystick - used:

    for computer games

    when carrying out engineering calculations

    for transferring graphic information to a computer

    for transferring symbolic information to a computer

Answer: 1

16. There are no monitors:


    liquid crystal



Answer: 4

17.External memory includes:

    modem, disk, cassette

    cassette, optical disc, tape recorder

    disc, cassette, optical disc

    mouse, light pen, winchester

Answer: 3

18.Operating Systems:

    DOS, Windows, Unix

    Word, Excel, Power Point

    dr. Web, Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Answer: 1

19.When working with a text editor, the following personal computer hardware is required:

    keyboard, display, processor, random access memory

    external storage, printer

    mouse, scanner, hard drive

    modem, plotter

Answer: 1

20. Which of the following is a media? Indicate the letters in your answer.


    flash card




Answer: 2, 4

21. The minimum composition of a personal computer ...

    hard drive, disk drive, monitor, keyboard

    monitor, keyboard, system unit

    printer, keyboard, monitor, memory

    system unit, modem, hard drive

Answer: 2

22. Which of the following input devices belongs to the class of manipulators:





Answer: 2

23. Printers are:

    desktop, portable

    matrix, laser, inkjet

    monochrome, color, black and white


Answer: 2

24. Which of the following applies to internal memory? Indicate the letters in your answer.





    magnetic disk

Answer: 2, 3

25. In which PC device is information processing carried out?

    external memory



Answer: 3

26. Device for displaying text and graphic information on various hard media





Answer: 2

27. A type of printers in which an image is created by mechanical pressure on paper through a ribbon with dye. Either patterns of symbols or needles are applied, constructively combined into matrices.

    impact type (matrix)



Answer: 1

28. The central device of a computer that processes information is:





Answer: 2

29. In a standard keyboard:

1.14 keys and 3 indicator lights

2.106 keys and 2 indicator lights

3.14 keys and 4 indicator lights

4.16 keys and 1 indicator light

Answer: 1

30. Personal computers are:

1.table and pocket

2.Pocket and portable


4.desktop, portable and pocket

Answer: 4

31. What type of computer is the most productive and is intended for stationary installation at home, in the office?

1. pocket



Answer: 3

The processing of information received by the computer takes place in the processor. What is he like? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Computer processor: what is it?

A computer processor is an electronic unit whose tasks include the execution of machine instructions.

This integrated circuit is the main piece of hardware for the device. It is provided for information processing. If we delve a little into history, we can recall that earlier the concept of "processor device" was used to describe a certain class of machines needed to execute heavy computer programs. As technology developed, there were changes in the concept, and the name of the whole device was transferred to its part. But such changes did not affect the essence. This did not affect the functionality in any way, it remained unchanged. When evaluating this device, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

Energy consumption;
clock frequency;
architecture and so on.

It is in this device that information processing is carried out.

Outlook It is worth noting that the improvement of computers is ongoing. There is an opinion that processors will soon reach unprecedented heights, drastically changing the material part.

There are the following options:

1. Molecular devices. It is assumed that they will use the possibilities of molecules, guided by the placement of atoms in space.
2. Optical computers. The electrons used to transmit signals will be replaced by photons.
3. Quantum computers. The functioning will be based on quantum effects.
To date, these versions are under close scrutiny. This is what scientists expect in the future.

The megahertz myth

It is worth saying a few words about the principles of data processing. Many users are of the opinion that performance depends on the clock speed. It is considered that it is higher in the case of higher processor performance. This is not entirely accurate. A similar statement is true for devices with the same architecture. In other cases, performance is affected by other metrics in addition to the clock speed.

The situation in the Russian Federation

What is a great country capable of boasting at the moment in terms of computer technology? Today many research centers of the electronics industry are concentrated in Ruselectronics. The holding today specializes in the production of machinery, materials and equipment. Basically, specific goods are manufactured there, but there is a high probability of entering the mass market.

Energy consumption

This parameter is often a vulnerability in processors. For example, the early devices consumed very little power. As the number of transistors gradually increased and the clock frequency increased, this parameter also increased. Today, a processor is known that consumes about 130 watts. And this is far from the limit. With the development of computer technology, "monsters" are produced, which must be provided with large resources.

Given the current situation, there is a need to reduce the power consumption spent on the operation of processors. To do this, it is necessary to look for new materials, improve technological processes, reduce the voltage to power the core, and also take other effective steps. In addition, sockets are known that have a large number of contacts. There are more than 1000 of them. Their task is to provide power to the processor.

Also the layout of devices is subject to changes. The crystal began to be placed on the outside, which facilitates the process of heat dissipation. Thanks to intelligent systems, it is possible to dynamically change the voltage, which will affect the core frequency, as well as individual processor blocks. Thus, what is not being used at a particular moment is temporarily disabled. It is worth remembering about power-saving modes that can "lull" the processor in case of low loads. All this is aimed at reducing power consumption while working at the computer.

Working temperature

There is one more important characteristic by which the functionality of the processor is assessed. It is about its operating temperature. This parameter is directly dependent on the degree of workload and the quality of the heat sink. If the temperature indicator exceeds the permissible maximum value, there is no guarantee of operation without interruptions. Many processors adequately perceive values ​​up to 85 ˚С. At higher temperatures, computer freezes and other problems are not excluded. As a rule, modern models provide the ability to monitor overheating. Therefore, there is a possibility that the computer will not fail.

Heat dissipation and heat dissipation

How can the negative effects of high temperatures be reduced? What should be done so that it does not rise above the set threshold value? A cooling system with active coolers and passive radiators is used to remove heat.

Temperature measurement and display

How does a device understand that it needs to change its own characteristic? A special sensor is installed in the central part of the lid, which monitors the temperature indicator. This is a thermal diode, transistor or thermistor with a closed collector and base.

Thus, it became clear that the computer processor is designed to process information. The article describes the characteristics and features of this device. In addition, future prospects are briefly outlined. Knowing the main characteristics, features and problems of the processor, you can avoid significant problems that may arise through its fault.

Block A. Choose one answer.

A1. Which of the following input devices belongs to the class of manipulators:

  1. Touchpad
  2. Joystick
  3. Microphone
  4. Keyboard

A2. Before turning off the computer, the information can be saved

  1. in RAM
  2. in external memory
  3. in magnetic disk controller

A3. Permanent storage is used to store:

  1. user programs during operation
  2. especially valuable applications
  3. especially valuable documents
  4. constantly used programs
  5. programs for starting up a computer and testing its nodes

A4. A personal computer is ...

  1. textual information device
  2. electronic number processor
  3. electronic information processing device

A5. In which PC device is information processing carried out?

  1. External memory
  2. Display
  3. CPU

A6. Printers are:

  1. matrix, laser, inkjet
  2. monochrome, color, black and white
  3. desktop, portable

A7. Computer architecture is

  1. technical description of computer device parts
  2. description of devices for input-output information
  3. a description of the software for the computer

A8. Device for displaying text and graphic information on various hard media

  1. monitor
  2. Printer
  3. scanner
  4. modem

A9. Scanners are:

  1. horizontal and vertical
  2. internal and external
  3. manual, roller and tablet
  4. matrix, inkjet and laser

A10. Graphics tablet (digitizer) - device:

  1. for computer games
  2. when carrying out engineering calculations
  3. for transferring symbolic information to a computer
  4. for entering drawings, drawings into the PC

A11. Given: a = EA 16, b = 3548. Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a

  1. 11101010 2
  2. 11101110 2
  3. 11101011 2
  4. 11101100 2

A12. Assuming that each character is encoded in one byte, determine what the information volume of the following statement by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is equal to:
Thousands of paths lead to error, to truth - only one.

  1. 92 bits
  2. 220 bit
  3. 456 bit
  4. 512 bit

A13. In Unicode, two bytes are allocated for each character. Determine the information volume of a word of twenty-four characters in this encoding.

  1. 384 bits
  2. 192 bits
  3. 256 bit
  4. 48 bit

A14. The meteorological station monitors air humidity. The result of one measurement is an integer from 0 to 100 percent, which is written using the fewest possible bits. The station made 80 measurements. Determine the information volume of the observation results.

  1. 80 bit
  2. 70 bytes
  3. 80 bytes
  4. 560 bytes

A15. Calculate the sum of the numbers x and y, with x = A6 16, y = 75 8. Present the result in binary notation.

  1. 11011011 2
  2. 11110001 2
  3. 11100011 2
  4. 10010011 2

¬ (First letter of a vowel → Fourth letter of a consonant)?

  1. ELENA
  2. VADIM
  3. ANTON
  4. FEDOR
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
  1. X v ¬ Y v Z
  2. X Λ Y Λ Z
  3. X Λ Y Λ ¬ Z
  4. ¬X v Y v ¬Z

A18. After starting Excel, a blank… appears in the document window.

  1. workbook
  2. notebook
  3. table
  4. page

A19. The word that starts the program title.

  1. program
  2. readln
  3. integer
  4. begin

A20. Determine the value of the variable c after executing the next code fragment.

a: = 5;
a: = a + 6;
b: = -a;
c: = a - 2 * b;

  1. c = -11
  2. c = 15
  3. c = 27
  4. c = 33

Block B.

B1. Which of the following applies to computer output devices? Indicate letters in your answer.

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Plotter
  4. Monitor
  5. Microphone
  6. Loudspeakers

Answer: b, c, d, f

B2. Set correspondence

Appointment Device
1. Input device a) monitor
2. Output devices b) printer
c) floppy disk
d) scanner
e) digitizer

Answer: 1d, d 2a, b

IN 3. How many bits does the word "informatics" contain? Write down only the number in the answer.

B4. Establish a correspondence between the concepts of the Pascal language and their description:

Answer: 1a, in 2f 3d 4d, b

AT 5. Note the main ways of describing algorithms.

  1. Block diagram
  2. Verbal
  3. Using networks
  4. Using normal forms
  5. Using graph diagrams

Option 2.

Block A. Choose one answer.

A1. The device for inputting information from a sheet of paper is called:

  1. Plotter
  2. Streamer
  3. Driver
  4. Scanner

A2. The driver is

  1. long-term storage device
  2. program that controls a specific external device
  3. input device
  4. output device

A3. When connecting a computer to the telephone network, the following is used:

  1. modem
  2. Fax
  3. scanner
  4. Printer

A4. Specify input devices.

  1. Microphone, keyboard, scanner, digital camera
  2. Mouse, light pen, Winchester
  3. Printer, keyboard, joystick

A5. What PC device is intended for information output?

  1. CPU
  2. Monitor
  3. Keyboard

A6. External memory includes …….

  1. modem, disk, cassette
  2. cassette, optical disc, tape recorder
  3. disc, cassette, optical disc

A7. The processor includes:

  1. devices for recording information, reading information
  2. arithmetic logic unit, control unit
  3. input and output devices
  4. storage device

A8. A type of printer in which an image is created by mechanical pressure on paper through a ribbon containing dye. Either patterns of symbols or needles are used, constructively combined into matrices.

  1. impact type (matrix)
  2. inkjet
  3. photoelectronic

A9. There are no monitors

  1. monochrome
  2. liquid crystal
  3. CRT-based
  4. infrared

A10. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased

  1. on CD-ROM
  2. in RAM
  3. in floppy disk

A11. Given: a = E71 6, b = 351 8. Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a

  1. 1101010
  2. 11101000
  3. 11101011
  4. 11101100

A12. Considering that each character is encoded in one byte, determine what the information volume of the following statement by Alexei Tolstoy is equal to:
The one who does nothing is not mistaken, although this is his main mistake.

  1. 512 bit
  2. 608 bit
  3. 8 kB
  4. 123 bytes

A13. Assuming that each character is encoded in 16 bits, estimate the information volume of the following Pushkin phrase in Unicode encoding:
A habit is given to us from above: It is a substitute for happiness.

  1. 44 bits
  2. 704 bits
  3. 44 bytes
  4. 704 bytes

A14. The cyclocross is attended by 678 athletes. A special device registers the passage of each of the participants of the intermediate finish, recording his number using the minimum possible number of bits, the same for each athlete. What is the information volume of the message recorded by the device after 200 cyclists have passed the intermediate finish?

  1. 200 bit
  2. 200 bytes
  3. 220 bytes
  4. 250 bytes

A15. The value of the expression 101 6 + 10 8 * 10 2 in binary notation is

  1. 1010 2
  2. 11010 2
  3. 100000 2
  4. 110000 2

A16. For which symbolic expression the statement is incorrect:
First letter of a vowel → ¬ (Third letter of a consonant)?

  1. abedc
  2. becde
  3. babas
  4. abcab

A17. Symbol F denotes one of the following logical expressions from three arguments: X, Y, Z. A fragment of the truth table of expression F is given (see table). Which expression matches F?

0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
  1. ¬X v Y v ¬Z
  2. X Λ Y Λ ¬Z
  3. ¬X Λ Y Λ Z
  4. X v ¬Y v Z

A18. The lines in the workbook are indicated by:

  1. Roman numerals
  2. in Russian letters
  3. with Latin letters
  4. Arabic numerals

A19. What is the assignment command in PascalABC? Choose one of the answer options:

A20. Determine the value of the variable b after executing the following program fragment, where a and b are real (real) variables:

a: = -5;
b: = 5 + 7 * a;
b: = b / 2 * a;

  1. -75

Block B.

B1. Which of the following applies to computer input devices? Indicate the letters in your answer.

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Plotter
  4. Monitor
  5. Microphone
  6. Loudspeakers

Answer: a, d

AT 2. Set correspondence

Appointment Device
1. Input device a) display
2. Output devices b) printer
c) hard drive
d) scanner
e) keyboard

Answer: 1d, d 2a, b

B3. How many bytes does the word "information" contain? Write down only the number in the answer.

AT 4. Write down only those letters whose words denote Pascal data types.

  1. var
  2. begin
  3. real
  4. write
  5. integer

Answer: c, d

B5. Which of the following properties are the main properties of the algorithm?

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Mass character
  3. Correctness
  4. Certainty

Option 3

Block A. Choose one answer.

A1. Printers cannot be:

  1. Tablet
  2. Matrix
  3. Laser
  4. Inkjet

A2. "A program stored in external memory, after being called for execution, goes to ... .. and is processed ....".

  • processor input device
  • cpu registers cpu
  • cpu cpu
  • RAM cpu
  • file cpu

A3. The minimum composition of a personal computer ...

  1. hard drive, disk drive, monitor, keyboard
  2. monitor, keyboard, system unit
  3. printer, keyboard, monitor, memory

A4. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased

  1. on CD-ROM
  2. in RAM
  3. in floppy disk

A5. External storage devices include ..

  1. CPU
  2. Diskette
  3. Monitor

A6. Random access memory (RAM) is physically

  1. Microcircuit
  2. Floppy disk
  3. Magnetic disc

A7. For a peripheral to work properly, the driver for that device must be located

  1. in RAM
  2. on hard disk
  3. on installation floppies
  4. printed

A8. A type of printer in which the main element is the print head, which consists of nozzles to which ink is supplied.

  1. jet
  2. laser
  3. matrix

A9. Personal computer cases are:

  1. horizontal and vertical
  2. internal and external
  3. manual, roller and tablet
  4. matrix, inkjet and laser

A10. Printers are:

  1. desktop, portable
  2. matrix, laser, inkjet
  3. monochrome, color, black and white
  4. CRT-based

A 11. How is the number 82 represented in the binary system?

  1. 1010010 2
  2. 1010011 2
  3. 100101 2
  4. 1000100 2

A12. Assuming that each character is encoded in one byte, determine what the information volume of the following statement by Rene Descartes is equal to:
I think, therefore I am.

  1. 28 bit
  2. 272 bits
  3. 32 Kbytes
  4. 34 bits

A13. Assuming that each character is encoded in 16 bits, estimate the information volume of the following Unicode phrase:
There are 6,000 milliliters in six liters.

  1. 1024 bytes
  2. 1024 bits
  3. 512 bytes
  4. 512 bit

A14. At the production site, there is an automated system for informing the warehouse about the need to deliver certain groups of consumables to the workshop. The system is designed in such a way that a conditional number of consumables is transmitted to the warehouse via a communication channel (in this case, the same, but minimum possible number of bits in the binary representation of this number is used). It is known that a request was sent for the supply of 9 groups of materials out of 19 used in production. Determine the size of the message sent.

  1. 35 bytes
  2. 45 bit
  3. 55 bit
  4. 65 bytes

A15 Calculate the sum of the binary numbers x and y if x = 1010101 2 and y = 1010011 2

  1. 10100010 2
  2. 10101000 2
  3. 10100100 2
  4. 10111000 2

A16. For which name is the saying true:
(Second letter of a vowel → First letter of a vowel) Λ Last letter of a consonant?

  1. IRINA
  2. MAXIM
  3. MARIA

A17. Symbol F denotes one of the following logical expressions from three arguments: X, Y, Z. A fragment of the truth table of expression F is given (see table). Which expression matches F?

0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
  1. X Λ Y Λ Z
  2. ¬X Λ ¬Y Λ Z
  3. X Λ Y Λ ¬Z
  4. ¬X Λ ¬Y Λ ¬Z

A. keyboard

B. external memory

C. display

D. processor

107. Video memory is ...

A. electronic memory for long-term storage of programs and data

B. memory for storing computer configuration parameters

C. memory used to store the image displayed on the monitor screen

D. electronic memory for storing programs and data that are processed by the processor at a given time

108. A modem is a device ...

A. for printing information

B. to process information at a given time

C. to store information

D. to transfer information via telephone communication channel

109. A monitor is ...

A. device for long-term storage of large amounts of data and programs

B. device for entering alphanumeric data as well as control commands

D. device for manipulator type

110. Floppy disks (floppy disks) are intended for ...

A. long-term storage of information, the volume of which exceeds 10 MB

B. displaying text and graphic information

C. transferring documents and programs from one computer to another, storing information that is not constantly used on the computer

D. recording information on cassettes with magnetic tape

111. A hard disk is ...

A. A device for storing large amounts of data and programs used when operating a PC

B. device for recording data and programs on magnetic tape cassettes

C. device for displaying text and graphic information

D. device for controlling the operation of a personal computer according to a given program

112. A printer is a device for ...

A. transferring information from one computer to another

B. input of graphic information

C. output of information on paper

D. long-term storage of data and programs

113. CD-ROM is ...

A. a device used only for writing information to a CD

B. device for recording information on cassettes with magnetic tape

C. device for outputting information on a sheet of paper

D. a device used to read information from a CD and transfer it to a computer

114. The concept of informatics:

A. information processes occurring in complex systems

B. ways of performing arithmetic operations on a computer

C. computing machinery such as calculator, manipulator, computer and computing

D. a branch of science and technology that explores the issues of information processing using

modern technical means

E. Answers a) and c)

115. A folder is ...

A. program my computer

B. program explorer

C. this is the name of a group of files, combined according to some criterion

D. bulk file

E. collection of files and documents

116. What is a directory (directory or folder)?

A. this is the name of a group of files, combined according to some criterion

B. this is the same as a floppy drive

C. This is a storage device

D. This is a data processing software

E. is a hardware and software complex designed to generate information about


117. Windows is:

A. application program

B. utility

C. driver

D. operating system

118. The line on which the start button is located is called:

A. toolbar

B. work table

C. taskbar

D. label

E. Answers a) and c)

119. What type of presentation preparation programs are you?

A. system software

B. applied software

C. instrumental environments

D. operating system

E. utilities

120. The spreadsheet is:

A. a set of numbered rows and columns named using the letters of the Latin alphabet

B. a set of rows and numbered columns named using the letters of the Latin alphabet

C. a collection of numbered rows and columns

D. a collection of rows and columns, arbitrarily named by the user

Block A. Choose one answer.

A1. Which of the following input devices belongs to the class of manipulators:

  1. Touchpad
  2. Joystick
  3. Microphone
  4. Keyboard

A2. Before turning off the computer, the information can be saved

  1. in RAM
  2. in external memory
  3. in magnetic disk controller

A3. Permanent storage is used to store:

  1. user programs during operation
  2. especially valuable applications
  3. especially valuable documents
  4. constantly used programs
  5. programs for starting up a computer and testing its nodes

A4. A personal computer is ...

  1. textual information device
  2. electronic number processor
  3. electronic information processing device

A5. In which PC device is information processing carried out?

  1. External memory
  2. Display
  3. CPU

A6. Printers are:

  1. matrix, laser, inkjet
  2. monochrome, color, black and white
  3. desktop, portable

A7. Computer architecture is

  1. technical description of computer device parts
  2. description of devices for input-output information
  3. a description of the software for the computer

A8. Device for displaying text and graphic information on various hard media

  1. monitor
  2. Printer
  3. scanner
  4. modem

A9. Scanners are:

  1. horizontal and vertical
  2. internal and external
  3. manual, roller and tablet
  4. matrix, inkjet and laser

A10. Graphics tablet (digitizer) - device:

  1. for computer games
  2. when carrying out engineering calculations
  3. for transferring symbolic information to a computer
  4. for entering drawings, drawings into the PC

A11. Given: a = EA 16, b = 3548. Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a

  1. 11101010 2
  2. 11101110 2
  3. 11101011 2
  4. 11101100 2

A12. Assuming that each character is encoded in one byte, determine what the information volume of the following statement by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is equal to:
Thousands of paths lead to error, to truth - only one.

  1. 92 bits
  2. 220 bit
  3. 456 bit
  4. 512 bit

A13. In Unicode, two bytes are allocated for each character. Determine the information volume of a word of twenty-four characters in this encoding.

  1. 384 bits
  2. 192 bits
  3. 256 bit
  4. 48 bit

A14. The meteorological station monitors air humidity. The result of one measurement is an integer from 0 to 100 percent, which is written using the fewest possible bits. The station made 80 measurements. Determine the information volume of the observation results.

  1. 80 bit
  2. 70 bytes
  3. 80 bytes
  4. 560 bytes

A15. Calculate the sum of the numbers x and y, with x = A6 16, y = 75 8. Present the result in binary notation.

  1. 11011011 2
  2. 11110001 2
  3. 11100011 2
  4. 10010011 2

¬ (First letter of a vowel → Fourth letter of a consonant)?

  1. ELENA
  2. VADIM
  3. ANTON
  4. FEDOR
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
  1. X v ¬ Y v Z
  2. X Λ Y Λ Z
  3. X Λ Y Λ ¬ Z
  4. ¬X v Y v ¬Z

A18. After starting Excel, a blank… appears in the document window.

  1. workbook
  2. notebook
  3. table
  4. page

A19. The word that starts the program title.

  1. program
  2. readln
  3. integer
  4. begin

A20. Determine the value of the variable c after executing the next code fragment.

a: = 5;
a: = a + 6;
b: = -a;
c: = a - 2 * b;

  1. c = -11
  2. c = 15
  3. c = 27
  4. c = 33

Block B.

B1. Which of the following applies to computer output devices? Indicate letters in your answer.

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Plotter
  4. Monitor
  5. Microphone
  6. Loudspeakers

Answer: b, c, d, f

B2. Set correspondence

Appointment Device
1. Input device a) monitor
2. Output devices b) printer
c) floppy disk
d) scanner
e) digitizer

Answer: 1d, d 2a, b

IN 3. How many bits does the word "informatics" contain? Write down only the number in the answer.

B4. Establish a correspondence between the concepts of the Pascal language and their description:

Answer: 1a, in 2f 3d 4d, b

AT 5. Note the main ways of describing algorithms.

  1. Block diagram
  2. Verbal
  3. Using networks
  4. Using normal forms
  5. Using graph diagrams

Option 2.

Block A. Choose one answer.

A1. The device for inputting information from a sheet of paper is called:

  1. Plotter
  2. Streamer
  3. Driver
  4. Scanner

A2. The driver is

  1. long-term storage device
  2. program that controls a specific external device
  3. input device
  4. output device

A3. When connecting a computer to the telephone network, the following is used:

  1. modem
  2. Fax
  3. scanner
  4. Printer

A4. Specify input devices.

  1. Microphone, keyboard, scanner, digital camera
  2. Mouse, light pen, Winchester
  3. Printer, keyboard, joystick

A5. What PC device is intended for information output?

  1. CPU
  2. Monitor
  3. Keyboard

A6. External memory includes …….

  1. modem, disk, cassette
  2. cassette, optical disc, tape recorder
  3. disc, cassette, optical disc

A7. The processor includes:

  1. devices for recording information, reading information
  2. arithmetic logic unit, control unit
  3. input and output devices
  4. storage device

A8. A type of printer in which an image is created by mechanical pressure on paper through a ribbon containing dye. Either patterns of symbols or needles are used, constructively combined into matrices.

  1. impact type (matrix)
  2. inkjet
  3. photoelectronic

A9. There are no monitors

  1. monochrome
  2. liquid crystal
  3. CRT-based
  4. infrared

A10. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased

  1. on CD-ROM
  2. in RAM
  3. in floppy disk

A11. Given: a = E71 6, b = 351 8. Which of the numbers C, written in the binary number system, satisfies the inequality a

  1. 1101010
  2. 11101000
  3. 11101011
  4. 11101100

A12. Considering that each character is encoded in one byte, determine what the information volume of the following statement by Alexei Tolstoy is equal to:
The one who does nothing is not mistaken, although this is his main mistake.

  1. 512 bit
  2. 608 bit
  3. 8 kB
  4. 123 bytes

A13. Assuming that each character is encoded in 16 bits, estimate the information volume of the following Pushkin phrase in Unicode encoding:
A habit is given to us from above: It is a substitute for happiness.

  1. 44 bits
  2. 704 bits
  3. 44 bytes
  4. 704 bytes

A14. The cyclocross is attended by 678 athletes. A special device registers the passage of each of the participants of the intermediate finish, recording his number using the minimum possible number of bits, the same for each athlete. What is the information volume of the message recorded by the device after 200 cyclists have passed the intermediate finish?

  1. 200 bit
  2. 200 bytes
  3. 220 bytes
  4. 250 bytes

A15. The value of the expression 101 6 + 10 8 * 10 2 in binary notation is

  1. 1010 2
  2. 11010 2
  3. 100000 2
  4. 110000 2

A16. For which symbolic expression the statement is incorrect:
First letter of a vowel → ¬ (Third letter of a consonant)?

  1. abedc
  2. becde
  3. babas
  4. abcab
0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
  1. ¬X v Y v ¬Z
  2. X Λ Y Λ ¬Z
  3. ¬X Λ Y Λ Z
  4. X v ¬Y v Z

A18. The lines in the workbook are indicated by:

  1. Roman numerals
  2. in Russian letters
  3. with Latin letters
  4. Arabic numerals

A19. What is the assignment command in PascalABC? Choose one of the answer options:

A20. Determine the value of the variable b after executing the following program fragment, where a and b are real (real) variables:

a: = -5;
b: = 5 + 7 * a;
b: = b / 2 * a;

  1. -75

Block B.

B1. Which of the following applies to computer input devices? Indicate the letters in your answer.

  1. Scanner
  2. Printer
  3. Plotter
  4. Monitor
  5. Microphone
  6. Loudspeakers

Answer: a, d

AT 2. Set correspondence

Answer: 1d, d 2a, b

B3. How many bytes does the word "information" contain? Write down only the number in the answer.

AT 4. Write down only those letters whose words denote Pascal data types.

  1. var
  2. begin
  3. real
  4. write
  5. integer

Answer: c, d

B5. Which of the following properties are the main properties of the algorithm?

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Mass character
  3. Correctness
  4. Certainty

Option 3

Block A. Choose one answer.

A1. Printers cannot be:

  1. Tablet
  2. Matrix
  3. Laser
  4. Inkjet

A2. "A program stored in external memory, after being called for execution, goes to ... .. and is processed ....".

  • processor input device
  • cpu registers cpu
  • cpu cpu
  • RAM cpu
  • file cpu

A3. The minimum composition of a personal computer ...

  1. hard drive, disk drive, monitor, keyboard
  2. monitor, keyboard, system unit
  3. printer, keyboard, monitor, memory

A4. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased

  1. on CD-ROM
  2. in RAM
  3. in floppy disk

A5. External storage devices include ..

  1. CPU
  2. Diskette
  3. Monitor

A6. Random access memory (RAM) is physically

  1. Microcircuit
  2. Floppy disk
  3. Magnetic disc

A7. For a peripheral to work properly, the driver for that device must be located

  1. in RAM
  2. on hard disk
  3. on installation floppies
  4. printed

A8. A type of printer in which the main element is the print head, which consists of nozzles to which ink is supplied.

  1. jet
  2. laser
  3. matrix

A9. Personal computer cases are:

  1. horizontal and vertical
  2. internal and external
  3. manual, roller and tablet
  4. matrix, inkjet and laser

A10. Printers are:

  1. desktop, portable
  2. matrix, laser, inkjet
  3. monochrome, color, black and white
  4. CRT-based

A 11. How is the number 82 represented in the binary system?

  1. 1010010 2
  2. 1010011 2
  3. 100101 2
  4. 1000100 2

A12. Assuming that each character is encoded in one byte, determine what the information volume of the following statement by Rene Descartes is equal to:
I think, therefore I am.

  1. 28 bit
  2. 272 bits
  3. 32 Kbytes
  4. 34 bits

A13. Assuming that each character is encoded in 16 bits, estimate the information volume of the following Unicode phrase:
There are 6,000 milliliters in six liters.

  1. 1024 bytes
  2. 1024 bits
  3. 512 bytes
  4. 512 bit

A14. At the production site, there is an automated system for informing the warehouse about the need to deliver certain groups of consumables to the workshop. The system is designed in such a way that a conditional number of consumables is transmitted to the warehouse via a communication channel (in this case, the same, but minimum possible number of bits in the binary representation of this number is used). It is known that a request was sent for the supply of 9 groups of materials out of 19 used in production. Determine the size of the message sent.

  1. 35 bytes
  2. 45 bit
  3. 55 bit
  4. 65 bytes

A15 Calculate the sum of the binary numbers x and y if x = 1010101 2 and y = 1010011 2

  1. 10100010 2
  2. 10101000 2
  3. 10100100 2
  4. 10111000 2

A16. For which name is the saying true:
(Second letter of a vowel → First letter of a vowel) Λ Last letter of a consonant?

  1. IRINA
  2. MAXIM
  3. MARIA

A17. Symbol F denotes one of the following logical expressions from three arguments: X, Y, Z. A fragment of the truth table of expression F is given (see table). Which expression matches F?

0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
  1. X Λ Y Λ Z
  2. ¬X Λ ¬Y Λ Z
  3. X Λ Y Λ ¬Z
  4. ¬X Λ ¬Y Λ ¬Z

Case in the exam.
Professor. How does a transformer work?
Student. Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo ...

We have long been accustomed to personal ones. We turn them on and work, in fact, without thinking a little about how they work and how they work. All this is due to the fact that the developers of PCs and software for them have learned to create reliable products that do not give us a reason to think again about the device of the computer or the programs that serve it.

However, blog readers are probably interested in learning about how computers and software work. This will be the focus of a series of articles that will be published under the heading "How the PC Works".

How the PC works: part 1. Information processing

Computer for automating information processing processes. It is arranged accordingly to have all the possibilities for the successful fulfillment of its mission.

In order to process information in a computer, it is necessary to do the following basic operations with it:

enter information to the computer:

This operation is needed so that the computer has something to process. Without the possibility of entering information into a computer, it becomes, as it were, a thing in itself.

store entered information in computer:

Obviously, if you give the opportunity to enter information into a computer, then it is necessary to be able to store this information in it, and then use it in the processing.

process the entered information:

Here it must be understood that certain processing algorithms are needed to process the entered information, otherwise there can be no talk of any information processing. The computer must be equipped with such algorithms and must be able to apply them to the input information in order to "correctly" convert it into output data.

store processed information,

As well as with the storage of the entered information, the computer must store the results of its work, the results of processing the input data so that they could be used in the future.

output information from computer:

This operation allows you to display the results of information processing in a form readable for PC users. It is clear that this operation makes it possible to use the results of information processing on a computer, otherwise these processing results would remain inside the computer, which would make their receipt completely meaningless.

The most important skill of a computer is information processing, since its charm lies precisely in the fact that it can transform information. The entire device of a computer is due to the requirement of processing information in the shortest possible time, in the fastest way.

Information processing on a computer can be understood as any action that transforms information from one state to another. Accordingly, the computer has a special device called, which is designed exclusively for extremely fast data processing, with speeds reaching billions of operations per second.


The processor receives (takes) the data required for processing from - from a device intended for temporary storage of both input and output data. There, in the RAM, there is also a place for storing intermediate data generated in the process of information processing. Thus, the processor both receives data from the main memory and writes the processed data into the main memory.

Random access memory (RAM)

Finally, for input and output of data, they are connected to a computer, which allow inputting the information to be processed and outputting the results of this processing.

External hard drive, external DVD-device, flash drive, keyboard, mouse

The processor and RAM run at the same speed. As mentioned above, the speed of information processing can be many millions and billions of operations per second. No external input and output device can operate at such speeds.

Therefore, to connect them in the computer, special I / O controllers... Their task is to match the high speeds of the processor and RAM with the relatively low speeds of information input and output.

These controllers are divided into specialized, to which only special devices can be connected, and universal. An example of a specialized controller device is, for example, a video card that is designed to connect a monitor to a computer.

  • Presentation "Input Devices"
  • CPU

    The processor is the central unit of the computer where information is processed. It controls the operation of all devices and performs all logical and arithmetic operations.
    The main processor unit is arithmetic unit (ALU - arithmetic logic unit). It is it that performs all operations on the data. The processor includes and control device , which controls all devices and monitors the sequence of command execution.
    Currently, the processor is hardware implemented in the form of LSI (large integrated circuits). Modern processors like PENTIUM contain millions of functional elements. The processor can process numerical, text, graphics, video and audio information.
    The processor works in close contact with a microcircuit called a clock generator (clock generator). The GTS generates periodic pulses that synchronize the operation of all computer nodes. This is a kind of metronome inside the computer. The processor works to the rhythm of this metronome. The clock frequency is equal to the number of clock cycles per second. A cycle is the time interval between the start of the current pulse and the start of the next. A certain number of clock cycles is allocated for the processor to perform each operation. It is clear that if the "metronome beats" faster, then the processor also works faster. The clock frequency is measured in megahertz - MHz. A frequency of 1 MHz corresponds to a million clock cycles per second. Some typical microprocessor clock frequencies are 130 MHz, 266 MHz, 1000 MHz, 2000 MHz, 3 GHz, etc.

    Computer memory

    All the information entered goes into the storage device or the memory of the machine, where it is stored until the moment it is needed.
    The information carrier is the physical medium in which it is recorded.
    The media can be paper, photographic film, brain cells, punched cards, punched tapes, magnetic tapes and disks or computer memory cells. Modern technology offers more and more new types of information carriers. They use the electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials to encode information. Carriers are being developed in which information is fixed even at the level of individual molecules.
    Computer memory is internal and external. Internal memory includes permanent and operational memory.
    Persistent memory (ROM - Read Only Memory). The peculiarity of the ROM is that information can only be read from it during operation, but cannot be written. A characteristic feature of ROM is the storage of information when the computer is powered off. The information recorded in ROM is entered once (usually at the factory) and is stored permanently (with the computer turned on and off) during the entire period of the PC's operation and cannot be changed during operation. ROM is fast, non-volatile memory. The ROM stores information, the presence of which is constantly necessary in the computer. Usually these are components of the operating system (hardware control programs, the initial computer boot program, etc.)
    In modern PCs, there is another type of fast memory that has a special purpose. This is video memory. Video memory stores the code of the image displayed on the display.
    RAM (OP) is a computer device designed to store data (source, intermediate and final) and programs (a set of instructions). Everything that you enter into a computer is stored in RAM (random access memory). The English name for RAM is Random Access Memory (RAM), which translates as "random access memory". This name emphasizes the fact that the processor can access memory cells in any order, while the time for reading / writing information for all cells is the same (it is measured in microseconds).
    You can make changes to the information stored in RAM. When you turn off the PC, all information in the RAM is erased. This memory is called operational memory, because it allows you to record and transmit information at a very high speed. However, the amount of RAM is limited, so there is a need to connect external memory. Physically, the OP is manufactured in the form of LSIs with different information capacity.
    To speed up data access, a special device called cache memory is used. Cache memory - this is a "super-operative" memory of a relatively small size (usually up to 520,000 characters), built on a different element base than random access memory. The cache memory stores the most frequently used parts of the RAM. When the processor accesses memory, it first searches for the required data in the cache memory. Since the access time to the cache memory is several times less than to the main memory, the average access time to the memory decreases.
    External memory as if replaces books with the programs and algorithms described in them. External memory devices or OVC (external storage devices) include:
    Floppy disk drives
    Hard disk drives
    Laser CD Drives
    Magneto-optical systems
    Flash drives
    The main purpose of external memory is long-term storage of a large amount of information. For the user, some technical and economic indicators of external storage devices and information carriers are essential: information capacity, speed of information exchange, reliability of its storage and cost.

    Magnetic media

    The first computers used conventional tape recorders as external memory. Today, tape recorders are used only for backing up the contents of hard magnetic disks (MD), tk. you can lose information on disks "thanks" to computer "viruses". An accessible tape recorder that records information from a computer onto a special magnetic tape (ML) cassette is called streamer. The streamer cassette has a very large volume and allows you to store information from the entire hard disk.
    The basis for recording, storing and reading information on magnetic carriers is based on the magnetic principle: during the recording process, the carrier moves relative to the head with a core made of soft magnetic material, electrical impulses create a magnetic field in the head, which sequentially magnetizes or does not magnetize the elements of the carrier.
    When reading information, the magnetized areas of the carrier cause a current pulse in the head, which allows for high-quality information recognition. The method of recording and reading information on ML and MD is similar to the operation of a conventional tape recorder.
    HDD is a plate made of non-magnetic material, on the surface of which a magnetic layer is applied. Its average uptime is hundreds of thousands of hours. Hard magnetic disks consist of several disks located on one axis and rotating at a high angular velocity (several thousand revolutions per second), enclosed in a metal case. The read / write heads move at once on all surfaces of the discs.
    A hard magnetic disk (HDD), or hard drive, is designed for permanent storage of information used when working with a computer: operating system programs, frequently used software packages, text editors, etc. Modern hard disk drives have a rotation speed of 3600 to 7200 rpm ... It can be a glass disc (with a metal surface film such as cobalt) that is not temperature sensitive. Information capacity - up to 48 billion characters.

    It is interesting!

    A relatively new concept: flash drive. This is a device for long-term data storage, with the possibility of multiple rewriting, implemented on memory chips (i.e., the same as RAM). Advantages: low power, reliability in operation, small size, shock resistance, absence of mechanical and moving parts, memory capacity from 2 to 200 MB and even up to 1.7 GB. The disadvantage is the high price of the device. Despite being expensive, it looks like flash drives will eventually replace hard drives.

    Floppy disks are used for the exchange of programs between computers and in the delivery of software products. Flexible MD (GMD) are designed for transferring documents and programs from one computer to another, storing archival copies and information that is not constantly used on a computer.
    Floppy disks fit in a thick paper envelope or plastic case. There is a hole in the center of the disc to allow the disc to rotate in the drive. The protective envelope has an oblong hole through which information is read / written. There is a small cutout on the side edge of the floppy disks that allows recording, but if the cutout is sealed, recording becomes impossible (the disc is protected). On some floppy disks, write protection is provided by a safety latch in the lower left corner of the plastic case.
    Flexible MDs with a diameter of 5.25 inches were used until the mid-80s of the 20th century and could store up to 1.5 million characters of information. 5.25-inch floppy disks did not provide good physical protection for the media. Currently, 3.5-inch KMTs are still in use, which have a capacity of 1.8 million characters. The protection of the magnetic layer is especially important, therefore the disc itself is hidden in a durable plastic case, and the contact area of ​​the heads with its surface is closed from accidental touches by a special shutter, which automatically moves away only inside the drive.

    It is interesting!

    Any magnetic disk is not initially ready for work. To bring it into working condition, it must be formatted, that is, a disk structure must be created. Information on the HMD is stored on magnetic concentric tracks, divided into sectors marked with magnetic marks, while the HMD also has cylinders - a set of tracks located one above the other on all working surfaces of the disks. All tracks of the magnetic disks on the outer cylinders are larger than those on the inner ones. Therefore, with the same number of sectors on each of them, the recording density on the inner tracks should be higher than on the outer ones. The number of sectors, sector capacity, and, consequently, the information capacity of a disk depends on the type of drive and formatting mode, as well as on the quality of the disks themselves.

    The disadvantages of magnetic media are the ability to destroy the magnetic layer with frequent reading of information and from the influence of magnetic fields and the phenomenon of "chewing" the tape. The advantage is the ability to record information many times.

    Optical media

    There are optical disk drives (CD-ROMs) where information is recorded by a laser. Outwardly, they are no different from audio CDs. CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory) disks have a capacity of up to 3 billion characters of information, high reliability of information storage, durability (the predicted service life with high-quality performance is up to 30-50 years).

    It is interesting!

    The manufacturing process from CD-ROM consists of several stages. First, the information for the master disk (the first sample) is prepared, it and the replication matrix are made. The encoded information is applied to the master disc by a laser beam, which creates microscopic depressions on its surface, separated by flat areas. Digital information is represented by alternating depressions (non-reflective spots) and light-reflecting islands. Copies of the negative of the master disc (matrix) are used to press the CDs themselves. The replicated CD consists of reflective and protective layers. Finely dusty aluminum is usually used as a reflective surface. Unlike magnetic disks, whose tracks are concentric circles, CD-ROMs have only one physical track in the form of a spiral, running from the outer edge of the disc to the inner (like on a gramophone record).

    CD-ROM drives use the optical principle of information reading. The laser beam hits the surface of the rotating CD-ROM disk and the beam is reflected in it with an intensity corresponding to the values ​​of 0 and 1. The laser beam hits the reflecting island, deflected to the photodetector, which interprets it as a binary unit. The laser beam hitting the cavity is scattered and absorbed - the photodetector detects a binary zero.
    To load a CD into the drive, either one of the types of pull-out panel or a special transparent cassette is used. They produce devices that allow you to independently burn special CDs. Unlike conventional discs, these discs have a reflective layer of gold. These are the so-called rewritable CD-Rs. Such discs usually serve as master discs for further replication or archiving.
    The reserve for increasing the capacity is to increase the recording density by decreasing the laser wavelength. This is how CDs appeared, capable of storing almost 5 billion characters of information on one side and 10 billion characters on two sides. It is also planned to create a two-layer recording scheme, i.e. when on one side of the media there are two spaced-apart surfaces with recorded data. In this case, the information capacity of the CD increases to 9 billion characters on one side.
    The disadvantage of a CD-ROM disc is that information is entered on the medium only once. The advantage of CD-ROM discs is infinite reading of information without loss.
    It looks like the familiar CD-ROMs will soon become a thing of the past. Rewritable CDs (CD-RW, CD-ReWritablie) are already widely used. CD-RW disks have removed the fundamental limitation of CD-ROMs associated with the ability to write information only once. Writing to a CD-R disc is only possible once and is performed by the user using a compact and inexpensive recordable drive.
    Digital laser DVDs were introduced. Their main difference is their higher recording density. Thus, the dominant disc on the computer market is a disc with a diameter of 120 mm and a capacity of up to 5 billion characters. It is estimated that DVDs can be as large as 15 billion characters.
    Distinguish between DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM discs. DVD-ROM read-only. DVD-RAM for reading and writing. Reading DVDs requires a special drive that reads CD-ROMs too.

    Magneto-optical media

    One of the achievements of the 20th century is magneto-optical discs. They use the advantages of magnetic and optical media: multiple recording and multiple reading. Magneto-optical disks can prove to be one of the most viable storage devices. The fact is that CD-ROMs are convenient for storing information, and in working with it they turn out to be slower than hard magnetic disks. Therefore, information is usually copied from CDs to MD, with which they work. Such a system is not suitable if the work is connected with databases, which, due to the large information capacity, are just more profitable to place on CD-ROM. In addition, compact discs currently used in practice are not rewritable. Magneto-optical disks are free from these disadvantages. It combines the achievements of magnetic and optical technologies. They can write information and quickly read it. They retain all the advantages of HMD (portability, the possibility of separate storage, an increase in computer memory) with a huge information capacity.
    In magneto-optical systems, magnetic recording is performed on the surface of a compact disk, which is preliminarily highly heated by a laser beam. The first magneto-optical disks outwardly resembled a 3.5-inch floppy disk. Then 5.25-inch discs were created, which also fit into a plastic case. After that, magneto-optical disks without a case appeared, i.e. exactly the same as conventional laser audio discs and these achievements were mentioned above.

    Information input-output devices

    Information input-output devices organize a dialogue between the user and the computer.
    In order for a computer to perform useful functions for processing information, it must first of all be entered. The keyboard is the most famous and widespread device for entering information into a computer. At the physical level, it is a set of mechanical sensors that sense the pressure on the keys and close a certain electrical circuit in one way or another. A graphic manipulator - "mouse" also belongs to the devices for inputting information into a computer. It allows you to control the state of objects displayed on the screen: menus, light buttons, etc. A kind of graphic manipulator "mouse" is a "trackball", here the movement of the manipulator is carried out with the help of a large ball inside. It does not require a rug, does not take up much space on the table, the ball is rotated by hand.
    There are many other mouse designs, for example:
    1. Wireless mouse - signals from the mouse are transmitted using a radio transmitter.
    2. Optical mouse - uses a special mat and a beam of light instead of a ball.
    3. Foot mouse.
    Joystick (used in game consoles) enters the coordinate-numerical information necessary for the implementation of games using the fingers; graphic tablet (digitizer) provides data entry (coordinates of points and curves) with high accuracy; device "Light pen" , which captures and moves a point or cursor on the display screen, also allows information to be entered into a computer; scanner - an input device that scans any picture line by line and transmits information about it to a personal computer (used in publishing houses, in well-equipped photo laboratories).
    The principle of the scanner is as follows: the scanned image is illuminated with white light. Reflected light through a reducing lens enters the photosensitive semiconductor element. Each scan line corresponds to a specific voltage value on it, then the voltage values ​​are converted to digital form. Scanners are handheld, tablet and drum scanners. Manual ones are practically not available. Drum scanners provide the highest quality. Distinguish between black and white and color scanners. The scanner enters the image as a set of points, specifying for each coordinate and a color number. According to this data, a copy of the image is entered into memory. If you enter text using a scanner, then you need special programs.
    At the dawn of the development of computing technology were used input-output devices for information from punched cards and punched tapes ... People of the old school remember well the rolls of punched tapes and decks of punched cards, which within a few seconds were chopped into noodles by a faulty reader. They had serious flaws: the paper was torn quickly, and it was difficult to correct mistakes.
    Printing devices , resembling ordinary typewriters, were previously also used for information input-output. But due to the strong noise during the operation of these devices, users abandoned them.
    Display is an input-output device for text and graphic information, since it includes monitor and keyboard ... Three types of monitors are used: liquid crystal flat screen monitors, gas plasma monitors and cathode ray tube monitors. Monitors are color and monochrome.
    Printers print documents and programs on paper (there are several types of printers: matrix where printing is carried out using thin metal rods hitting the paper through the ink ribbon; inkjet where printing is carried out by microdroplets of special ink blown onto the paper using nozzles; laser printers that provide the highest print quality use the principle of xerography: the image is transferred to the paper from a special drum, to which the dye particles are electrically attracted). Other output devices on paper - plotters print drawings and graphs on paper. The speakers are designed for acoustic output (playback) of sound information, both already stored in the PC memory in the form of files, and coming to the PC from external music devices. All these devices are called differently. peripheral.
    To enter information into computers, they now use digital camcorders and cameras , speech input and output are increasingly used. It is hard to imagine what will become common tomorrow. There are laptop computers without keyboards that can recognize and enter handwritten text. The image can be displayed on infohelm - two miniature screens in front of the eyes create a stereo image. Infogloves can transmit images of a person's fingers to a computer and, receiving information from a computer, resist human movements. Infosuits are able to perceive the position of a person's body and, upon commands from a computer, simulate touch or pressure on human skin. All these infodevices allow you to create so-called artificial realities (virtual world), where a person operates in an imaginary world created by a computer, receiving through his senses the corresponding complexes of sensations.

    a) external memory b) display; c) processor; d) keyboard.

    20. MODEM- this device:

    a) to store information;

    b) to process information at a given time;

    c) for the transmission of information via telephone communication channels;

    d) to print information.

    21. information output? a) random access memory; b) display; c) mouse; d) keyboard,

    22. What computer device is intended forentering information? a) printer; b) display; c) processor; d) keyboard.

    2 3. RAM serves:

    a) to store information;

    b) to process information;

    c) to run programs;

    d) to process one program at a given time.

    2 4. Plotter - this device:

    a) for reading graphic information;

    b) for input;

    c) for withdrawal;

    d) to scan information.

    25. External storage devices include:

    a) processor; b) floppy disk:

    c) monitor; d) hard drive. 2 6. A manipulator "mouse" is a device:

    a) withdrawal;

    c) reading information;

    d) scanning information.

    27. Specify the minimum required set of mouthsswarm designed for computer operation:

    a) printer, system unit, keyboard;

    b) processor, RAM, monitor, keyboard;

    c) processor, streamer, hard drive;

    d) monitor, hard drive, keyboard, processor .

    28. External memory serves:

    a) for storing operational, often changing information in the process of solving a problem;

    b) for long-term storage of information, regardless of whether the computer is working or not;

    c) for storing information inside a computer;

    d) to process information at a given time.

    What is an operating system

    An operating system is a program that is loaded when you turn on your computer. It carries out a dialogue with the user, manages the computer, its resources (RAM, disk space, etc.), launches other (application) programs for execution. The operating system provides the user and application programs with a convenient way to communicate (interface) with computer devices.

    The main reason for the need for such a program as an operating system is that elementary operations for working with computer devices and managing computer resources are very low-level operations, and the actions required by the user and application programs actually consist of several hundred or thousands of such elementary operations.

    There are about a dozen diskette formats, and the operating system should be able to handle all of these formats. For a user, work with floppy disks of various formats should be carried out in exactly the same way;

    A file on floppy disks occupies certain areas, and the user does not need to know anything about which ones. All functions of maintaining file allocation tables, searching for information in them, allocating space for files on floppy disks are performed by the operating system, and the user can know nothing about them;

    During the operation of the copying program, several dozen different special situations may occur, for example, a failure in reading or writing information, unavailability of drives for reading or writing, lack of space on a floppy disk for the copied file, etc. For all these situations, it is necessary to provide appropriate messages and corrective actions. The operating system also performs ancillary actions such as copying or printing files. In addition, the operating system loads all programs into the RAM, transfers control to them at the beginning of their work, performs various auxiliary actions at the request of the programs being executed, and releases the RAM occupied by the programs when they are completed.

    User dialog with MS DOS

    When MS DOS is ready for a dialogue with the user, it displays a prompt, for example, or C: \>

    This means that MS DOS is ready to receive commands.

    User dialogue with MS DOS is carried out in the form of commands. Each user command means that MS DOS must perform one or another action, for example, print a file or display a directory's table of contents.

    An MS DOS command consists of a command name and possibly parameters, separated by spaces. The MS DOS command name and parameters can be typed in both uppercase and lowercase Latin letters. Each command is entered by pressing the key

    The main components of MS DOS

    The MS DOS operating system consists of the following parts.

    The basic input / output system (BIOS) residing in the read-only memory (read-only memory, ROM) of a computer. This part of the operating system is built into the computer. Its purpose is to perform the simplest and most universal I / O-related services of the operating system. The basic I / O system also contains a computer function test that checks the operation of the computer's memory and devices when the computer is powered up. In addition, the underlying I / O system contains a program to invoke the operating system loader.

    The operating system loader is a very short program located in the first sector of each MS DOS floppy disk and hard disk (hard disk). The function of this program is to read two more operating system modules into memory, which completes the MS DOS boot process.

    Disk files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS (however, they can be called differently, for example, IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM, the names change depending on the version of the operating system) They are loaded into memory by the operating system loader and remain in the computer memory constantly. The IO.SYS file is an addition to the basic I / O system in ROM. The MSDOS.SYS file implements the basic high-level services of MS DOS.

    The MS DOS command processor processes commands entered by the user. The command processor is located in the COMMAND.COM disk file on the disk from which the operating system boots. Some user commands, such as type.dir or copy, are executed by the shell itself. Such commands are called internal commands. To execute other (external) user commands, the command processor searches the disks for a program with the corresponding name, and if it finds it, it loads it into memory and transfers control to it. When the program finishes, the command processor removes the program from memory and displays a message that it is ready to execute commands (MS DOS prompt).

    External MS DOS commands are programs supplied with the operating system as separate files. Such programs perform maintenance actions such as formatting floppy disks, checking disks, etc.

    Device drivers are special programs that complement the MS DOS I / O system and provide servicing of new devices or non-standard use of existing devices, for example, using drivers, it is possible to work with a "ramdisk", that is, a part of the computer's memory that you can work with the same as with a disc. Drivers are loaded into the computer's memory when the operating system boots, their names are specified in a special file CONFIG.SYS. This scheme makes it easier to add new devices and allows you to do this without affecting the MS DOS system files.

    Initial loading of MS DOS is performed automatically when you turn on the power supply of the computer, when you press the "Reset" key on the computer case (not all computer models have such a key), as well as when you simultaneously press the (Ctrl), (Alt) and (Del) keys on keyboard. To perform the initial MS DOS boot, it is necessary that a floppy disk with MS DOS operating system recorded on the A for floppy disks is installed or that the computer has a hard disk (hard drive) with MS DOS operating system written on it. MS DOS is written by the computer vendor.

    At the beginning of the download, the hardware test programs run in the permanent memory of the computer. If they find an error, they display an error code on the screen. If the error is not critical (i.e., allowing the continuation of work), then the user is given the opportunity to continue the boot process by pressing the (F1) key on the keyboard. If the malfunction is critical, the download process is terminated. In any case, the situation and the error code generated should be reported to the computer maintenance technician.

    After the hardware test programs have finished running, the bootstrap program tries to read the operating system loader program from the disk installed on drive A. If drive A does not have a floppy disk, then the operating system will be loaded from the hard disk (hard drive). If drive A contains not a diskette with the operating system, but some other diskette, then an error message will be displayed

    Non-system disk or disk error

    Replace and strike any key when ready

    (non-system disk or disk error.

    Replace disk and press any key)

    You should put an operating system floppy in drive A if you want to boot the computer from a floppy disk, or open the floppy door or remove the floppy from the floppy drive if you want to boot the computer from the hard disk (hard drive). After that, press any alphanumeric key, space or (Enter) to continue the boot process.

    MS DOS Commands Overview

    Below is a brief information about MS DOS commands: the names and descriptions of the purpose of the commands. This information gives only the most general idea of ​​what actions MS DOS commands perform.

    MS DOS commands are of two types: internal and external.

    Internal commands are executed by the MS DOS processor itself (by the COMMAND.C program. These commands are as follows:

    BREAK-set the combination input check mode (Cntrl-C).

    CD change current directory or show the name of the current directory.

    CLS-clear monitor screen.

    COPY-copying files.

    CTTY-change input-output device for MS DOS commands.

    DATE-get or change the current date.

    DEL-deleting files.

    DIR - list files in a directory.

    ECHO - Issue a message from a batch file.

    EXIT-terminate the work of the command processor COMMAND.COM.

    FOR-organization of cycles.

    GOTO jump to a label in a batch file.

    IF test for a condition in a batch command file.

    MD-create new directory.

    PATH-set directory listing for command search.

    PAUSE - pause the execution of a batch batch file.

    PROMPT-set the kind of MS DOS prompt.

    REM comment in a batch file.

    REN-change filename.

    Rd-delete directory.

    SET-set environment variable.

    SHIFT Shift the parameter numbers of the batch batch file.

    TIME-get or set the current time.

    TYPE-view of the file (file input on the screen).

    VER - Output the MS DOS version number.

    VERIFY-set or cancel the mode of checking the correctness of writing to the disk.

    VOL output of the disc mark.

    External MS DOS commands are programs supplied with the operating system as separate files. These commands are as follows:

    APPEND-set additional directories for data retrieval.

    ASSIGH-assign a different logical name (letter) to the drive.

    ATTRIB - set or show file attributes.

    BACKUP-create archive copies of files.

    CHKDSK-check the disk for the correctness of the file system.

    COMMAND-run the MS DOS command processor.

    DEBUG-viewing, modifying, disassembling files.

    DISKCOMP comparison of floppy disks.

    DISKCOPY-copying floppies.

    EDLIN is a primitive text editor.

    EXE2BIN - Convert an EXE file to binary.

    FASTOPEN-acceleration of file opening.

    FC comparison of files.

    FDISK partitioning of the hard disk.

    FIND search for a substring in files.

    FORMAT-formatting (initializing) the disk.

    GRAFHICS-preparation for printing a graphical copy of the screen.

    LABEL - find out or set the disk label.

    LINK link editor.

    MD-create new directory.

    MODE-set the modes of operation of devices.

    MORE-page output on the monitor screen.

    PRINT-printing on the printer of text files in the "background" mode.

    RECOVER-restore a file containing "bad" sections.

    REPLACE-replace files with their new versions.

    SHARE-set multi-user mode for using files.

    SORT sorting of data.

    SUBST - replace the directory name with the drive letter.

    Sys-copy system files to disk.

    TREE-display the directory structure on disk.

    XCOPY-copy files (has more features than COPY)

    Task: Describe the process for creating the specified directory tree. Create a test file Address and Information in the specified folders. Glue them together and place them in the specified folder. Rename it to General file. Destroy all created folders and directories.

    What device is processing information. In which computer device is information processing carried out? Computer processor

    A. keyboard B. external memory C. display D. processor 107. Video memory is ... A. electronic memory for long-term storage of programs and data B. memory for storing parameters ...