“I have already touched on the topic of disk defragmentation. O O Defrag Professional is very effective and functional software for defragmenting hard drives, flash and solid state drives.

The main advantages of O O Defrag Professional edition include the following:

  • five defragmentation methods.
  • Complete defragmentation hard drive in almost any case.
  • Working with external USB drives.
  • 32 and 64 bit support Windows versions 7, Vista, XP.
  • Convenient, intuitive interface.
  • Ability to obtain a large amount of disk information related to defragmentation.
  • Ability to run defragmentation according to plan.
  • The ability to perform parallel and sequential operations on disks.
  • Disk defragmentation when loading the operating system.
  • Automatic disk optimization.
  • Flexible settings for excluding files from defragmentation.
  • Activity monitoring.

There are a lot of opinions about the importance and necessity of disk defragmentation. Considering large number factors (drive type, file system, cluster size, size of stored files, operating system, frequency of disk use, and so on), hard disk defragmentation will have a different “usefulness”. Now (mid-2011) there is an active transition from hard drives to solid-state drives (SSD). Flash drives are the most popular devices for “transferring information in your pocket.” For hard magnetic drives, fragmentation has a more detrimental effect on performance than for solid-state drives and flash drives (memory cards). However, for SSDs, disk defragmentation plays a “wear-reducing role.” Many articles have already been written about this.

It is worth noting a specific area of ​​the “hard drive” - Windows registry. To check and defragment it, I recommend the system utility TweakNow PowerPack.

The review will include the latest, at the time of writing (07/19/2011) stable English version of O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64 (Operating system - Microsoft Windows 7 Maximum SP1 (build 7601), x64).

System requirements for O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64. O O Defrag Professional edition does not impose any special system requirements on the system. If your PC responds system requirements, the operating system installed on it, then O O Defrag Professional will work.

  • 50 MB of free disk space for installation.
  • Access right level Administrator.
  • Operating systems supported: Windows 7, Vista, XP. 32 and 64 bit versions are supported.

Main window O O Defrag Professional

The main window of O O Defrag Professional (picture below) can be divided into three areas.

  1. Menu.
  2. Disk table.
  3. Disk information.

The menu area is visually divided into five groups.

  1. Defragmentation.
  2. Reports.
  3. File system.
  4. Options.

Region Disk table by default contains twelve columns.

  1. Disk. Volume letter.
  2. Name. Volume label.
  3. Action. Displays the status of the action being performed on the disk.
  4. Status. Percentage of action completed.
  5. Total files.
  6. Fragmented files.
  7. Fragmentation percentage.
  8. Size. Disk size.
  9. Free. Volume free space on disk (in gigabytes).
  10. File system.
  11. Current file or folder. The full name of the file (folder) on which the action is currently being performed.
  12. Remaining time. Time until the operation is completed.

It is possible to sort in forward or reverse order by any of the columns, arranging the columns in an order convenient for you. If necessary, you can hide or add some columns (picture below) or reset the disk table settings to standard. And also specify the alignment of the contents of the disk table (left, right, center).

To the region Disk information(picture below) defragmentation of the hard drive is presented in a visual form.

Contains five tabs.

  1. Type of clusters.
  2. Assignments. The tasks will be discussed in detail below in the article.
  3. Reports.
  4. Disk status.
  5. File status.

Tab Type of clusters(picture above) contains a graphical representation of the disk file system and a color legend. If desired, you can change any of the legend colors. The O O Defrag Professional edition legend contains the following items:

  • Free.
  • Condensed.
  • Defragmented.
  • Fragmented.
  • Reserved for the file system.
  • System.
  • Report files.
  • Blocked.
  • In progress.
  • Directories.

All of them display the ownership of a particular location on the disk to various types of files (or directories). You can customize the display of the graphical view using the following options.

  • Classic representation of clusters. Will remove the gradient from the clusters. Makes them one color.
  • Shadow. Adds or removes the shadow cast by each cluster.
  • Cluster size. You can change the color cell display size (diagonally in pixels) to 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18.

With a smaller cluster size, you get a more detailed view of the volume's file system structure. Since, for example, with a color cell size of 18 pixels (figure below), one fragment can contain many various types files. Information about the contents of a specific colored cell can be found by double-clicking on it.

The figure above shows the display of cells in a non-classic form, with a shadow, a gradient and a size of 18 pixels. For example, I will show in the figure below the display of cells in a classic form without a shadow and a gradient of 3 pixels. I will also provide information about the contents of one such cell.

On the tab Reports(picture below) all available volume reports are displayed.

An example of viewing one of the reports in a browser is shown in the figure below.

Tab Disk status(picture below) displays brief information about the selected disk.

Tab File status(picture below) contains a table with information about disk files.

It is possible to filter the list of files using the following criteria.

  • Fragmented files.
  • Large fragmented files.
  • Fragmented system files.
  • Large system files.
  • Fragmented locked files.
  • Large locked files.
  • Large files.

You can sort any of the filtered lists in forward or reverse order by the following columns.

  • File name.
  • File size.
  • Fragments. Number of file fragments.
  • File fragmentation percentage.
  • Initial cluster. The number of the cluster on which the beginning of the file is located.

O O Defrag Professional has options that allow you to customize the program window display style (colors), font size, text direction (right to left) and window transparency for Windows 7 and Vista.



Option Quick start(picture below) will allow you to schedule defragmentation and/or start executing it immediately.

You can specify automatic disk optimization (in the background), disk optimization during system downtime, or optimization time (day of week, hour, minute). You can specify the flag for monthly or weekly defragmentation. It is possible to tell O O Defrag Professional to check the disk file system for errors before defragmenting.

Analysis allows you to perform a forced analysis of the state of the selected disk. Before starting defragmentation, O O Defrag Professional will definitely analyze the selected volume. After the analysis, a graphical representation of the cluster map will be available to you.

In O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64, you can choose one of five disk defragmentation methods.

  1. Express.
  2. Space.
  3. Full/Name.
  4. Full/Date of changes.
  5. Full/Access.

I took the description of defragmentation methods from the help file (on English) installed with the program. The translation is not literal with its own comments and interpretation.

The high-speed method uses a smaller volume (compared to other methods) RAM. It gives good results even on computers with little RAM and little free disk space. The method consists of attempting to fragment and merge files in order to optimize free space. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • Initial defragmentation of your system's hard drive.
  • Servers with very big disks(for example, more than 4 terabytes).
  • Computers with a very large number of files (more than 3,000,000 files).

Method Space. Consolidates its data so that the amount of contiguous free space is as large as possible and reduces the likelihood of further fragmentation. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • Initial disk defragmentation of your system.
  • Computers with “weak” hardware and not a lot of free disk space.
  • Servers with large disks (for example, more than 1 terabyte)
  • Computers with a large number of files (more than 100,000 files).

Method Full/Name previous ones. However, it provides a larger percentage of file system performance gains. In addition to defragmentation, it reorganizes the file structure. The files are sorted alphabetically from the beginning to the end of the disk, and this results in quick access to the files in the directory. When Windows boots, most system files will be read in sequence from the WINDOWS and system32 folders. This will reduce system startup time. This method is especially recommended for computers on which files are rarely changed. This reduces the rebuild time required for each defragmentation. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • All types of servers and automated workstations.

Method Full/Date of Changes. A method that is more demanding on hardware resources and longer in execution time than Express and method Space. However, it provides a larger percentage of file system performance gains. In addition to defragmentation, it reorganizes the file structure. Files are sorted according to last modified date. Files that have not been recently modified will be placed at the beginning of the disk, and recently modified files will be placed at the end. This method is good for file servers or database servers containing files that never change (such as system files) and files that change frequently (such as database files). This method allows future defragmentations to proceed as quickly as possible, since only some files need to be checked and defragmented. This method is recommended in the following cases.

  • For regular defragmentation.
  • Computers with “strong” hardware and a lot of free disk space.

Full/Access method. A method that is more demanding on hardware resources and longer in execution time than Express and method Space. However, it provides a larger percentage of file system performance gains. In addition to defragmentation, it reorganizes the file structure. Files are sorted by the date they were last accessed. Files that are rarely accessed are placed at the beginning of the section. Files that are accessed frequently are placed at the end. Rarely used files are defragmented and not moved in the future. This method allows future defragmentations to proceed as quickly as possible, since only some files need to be checked and defragmented. This method is recommended in the following cases:

  • Maximizes file system performance on servers.
  • For regular defragmentation.
  • Computers with “strong” hardware and a lot of free disk space.
  • All types of servers and workstations.

DO NOT use different defragmentation methods on the same disk! This can significantly slow down the defragmentation process, increase the load on your computer hardware, and lead to the unwanted consequences of file system fragmentation! It is especially NOT recommended to perform various defragmentation methods for automatic optimization in the background and scheduled checks!

As noted earlier, O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64 has the ability to create tasks for automatic execution defragmentation procedures. The program has a large number of options for this. When creating a task, a window will open in front of you (picture below) containing eight tabs.

  1. Main.
  2. Schedule.
  3. Disks.
  4. Files.
  5. Activity monitor.
  6. Settings.
  7. Steps to take before defragmentation.
  8. Actions after defragmentation.

Let's look at these tabs in a little more detail.

On the tab Main(picture above) You specify a name, description and action with the computer after completing all tasks. For example, switch off.

Tab Schedule(picture below) You set a schedule for completing this task. You can select one-time execution (indicating the time and day), weekly (indicating the day/day of the week, period from/to and start time of the task) and execution of the task during the startup of the screen saver (assuming that you are not working at the computer).

It is possible to specify the maximum duration of a task and repeat the task later if it does not work at the specified time.

On the tab Discs(picture below) it is possible to specify for each disk individually the defragmentation method, the percentage of data defragmentation at which the task should be performed for this disk, assign defragmentation at boot and add disk files to zones (zones will be discussed later in the article).

Files. This tab (picture below) is in turn divided into three tabs.

  1. Excluded files. Files that do not need to be defragmented.
  2. Files that need to be defragmented.
  3. Files, by size. To reduce disk defragmentation time, you can specify the file size (select from the drop-down list from 100 MB to 5 GB) that will be excluded from defragmentation.

Tab Activity Monitor(picture below) allows you to configure system busy tracking for task execution. It's very convenient! For example, you planned a complete defragmentation of all disks with a file system check before and after defragmentation. And they forgot about it. But, for example, half an hour before the start of the task, you left the computer turned on with Pinnacle running, in which a large movie is saved. If you run the task despite the PC loading, then defragmenting the hard drive and saving the movie can take a very, very long time.

The activity monitor contains settings in which you specify the percentage of processor and hard drive load at which the task will not be launched. It is also possible to specify the name of the program, if active, the task will also not be launched. You can specify that the task cannot be run if the computer (laptop) is running on battery power. O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64 provides an option to “wake up” the computer from sleep or hibernation mode.

Tab Settings(image below) contains general options for the job. Such as:

  • Consider removable media.
  • Consider external media.
  • Special disk defragmentation for solid state drives.

You can specify the creation of reports (their number) and the level of detail.

Tabs Steps before defragmentation(picture below) and Actions after defragmentation look the same. In them you can import special file with action commands before and after completing the task.

The created task is displayed in the main window of O O Defrag Professional on the tab (picture below).

There you can delete, run and edit the task.

I took the description of defragmentation zones from the help file (in English) installed with the program. The translation is not literal with its own comments and interpretation.

Dividing the disk into zones allows you to logically differentiate data into critical and non-critical. A special algorithm checks that after defragmentation the data on the disk is optimally organized. The placement of files in zones is also checked, depending on the settings. For example, system files that need to be accessed frequently and quickly are separated from other data, such as movies and music. This will reduce the percentage of file fragmentation, shorten the time of defragmentation and reduce the load on the system during defragmentation. O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64 already has several configured zones. They are optimal for most users. However, you can create your own (picture below).

Setting up O O Defrag Professional edition

The O O Defrag Professional settings window (picture below) is divided into five tabs.

  1. Main.
  2. Disk defragmentation at boot.
  3. Automatic optimization.
  4. Files. This tab is discussed in more detail above.
  5. Activity monitor. This tab is discussed in more detail above.

Main. This tab (picture above) contains the following settings:

  • Checking the disk for file system errors before defragmentation and canceling defragmentation if an error is detected.
  • Optimize multiple physical disks in parallel.
  • Optimization according to the characteristics of the disk file system.
  • Consider removable media.
  • Consider external media.
  • Special defragmentation for solid state drives.
  • Distribution of files by zones.
  • Enable/disable automatic optimization.

You can specify the creation of reports (their number) and the level of detail. It is possible to display the O O Defrag Professional icon in the taskbar near the clock.

Boot defragmentation. On this tab (picture below) you can set disk defragmentation when loading the operating system (at each boot, only at the next boot).

Tab Automatic optimization(picture below) contains settings that will help you schedule defragmentation (and the method for each disk separately) to run in the background.

A little inconvenient is that to run the program you need administrator level access rights. Unfortunately, the official website does not support Russian or Ukrainian languages ​​for the interface and/or help system. A small disadvantage is the fact that when O O Defrag Professional is open and a new media is connected to the computer, for example a flash drive, this media is not displayed in the program. To add it to O O Defrag Professional you have to restart the program.

As you can see from the review, O O Defrag Professional edition 14.5.543 x64 has a large number of capabilities for performing defragmentation. The developers were concerned about the owners of laptops, and about the owners of “strong” workstations and servers, and about the users of “office” computers. For system administrators will useful function tasks in O O Defrag. When installing O O Defrag Professional 14.5.543 x64, it offers to install a proprietary screen saver on the system, add a defragmentation call to the Explorer context menu (to defragment a specific file upon user request) and install O O Defrag Professional edition as the default defragmentation program in the system. O O Defrag Professional also has the ability to check for version updates from the developer’s website.

  1. I’ll briefly introduce you to the company O&O Software GmbH, the manufacturer of the O&O Defrag program and many other useful programs. Such as O&O ShutUp10 to disable surveillance in Windows 10, I talked about it in the article, there is more than one way to do this and they include a method with the O&O ShutUp10 program.
  2. O&O Software GmbH was founded in 1997 in Berlin by Oliver Falkthal and Olaf Kehrer. The idea for the name "O&O" originated back in 1991 in the form of O&O Systemtechnik GbR, a company offering software specifically for students, while the two founders were still studying. The name "O&O" appeared spontaneously, since the names of the original founders began with the letter "O". In 1998, on February 10th to be precise, O&O Defrag V1.0 was released, and O&O Software GmbH was born.
  3. Defragmenting files is another item on the list for the performance of computer devices. Defragmenting files is an easier way to put things in order on your hard drive or ssd disk. I repeat, no cleaning necessary files or deleting old files and cleaning the registry in the trash, namely the order after cleaning so that everything is in its place. When the operating system writes files to disk or overwrites it, adding new information to an existing file, one file, as shown in Explorer, can visually lie in parts in different corners of your disk. Of course, the system won’t show you such a mess since you definitely couldn’t find anything then, but then when you access it again, it begins to collect this file in order to open it and show everything that was saved in it in full. Such actions take a lot of time, considering that the system works without your files that you need on at the moment it can index others and so on. Actually, what am I talking about defragmentation here? I told all this in the article defragmentation in this article if you go there is more detailed description with an example of why this happens to files and why it’s a mess. And in this article on this page I wanted to tell you about the excellent file defragmenter O&O Defrag 22; besides, it can defragment the system partition, which not every defragmenter can do. And the order on the system partition is, as I said earlier, that defragmentation is an increase in the performance of your system. In addition to this good function, the O&O Defrag 22 defragmenter also has a number of huge functions that it can boast of, let’s say so that you do not defragment the entire disk partition at once, the O&O Defrag 22 defragmenter will do this immediately when it writes a file to the disk, placing it in place immediately. Actually, what I’m telling you in parts, let’s move on to a step-by-step review of O&O Defrag 22 and at the same time understand how to work with it:
  4. Optimizing SSDs and HDDs using the new SOLID method in O&O Defrag 22.

  5. If anyone knows this defragmenter or uses it, then in version 22 there are new functions that should definitely be discussed, and especially the SOLID method, which is described on the company’s official blog. Latest version O&O Defrag 22 application with a new method for optimizing SSD performance and uptime.
  6. SSD controller

  7. SSD - distributes files into separate file fragments when saved, in each case in the following free and suitable sections of memory called pages. I explain why this behavior slows down not only the classic hard drive But SSD also ultimately leads to unreasonably early failure of the storage medium. Defragmentation of SSDs is not mandatory as is still popularly stated, but on the contrary, the average lifespan of SSDs is extended by defragmentation using the new SOLID method.
  8. SSD structure

  9. An SSD is made up of cells, pages and blocks. A cell can have multiple bits. The manufacturer marks this cell with either SLC, MLC, or TLC. SLC - SingleLevelCells (1 bits per cell), MLC - MultiLevelCells (from 2 bits per cell, but mostly exactly 2 bits, and TLC - TripleLevelCells (3 bits per cell). Pages are made up of cells and are typically 2 KB - 4 KB in size KB blocks are then made up of these pages and are typically 128 KB - 512 KB in size.
  10. How does an SSD store data?

  11. Writing data to an SSD is primarily done in Pages. However, these pages should not be written with data, even if they have the same content. If these pages are written with data then the corresponding block must be removed immediately before any new data is written. However, when writing new data, any block cannot be selected whose other pages also contain data. The SSD controller can see that other pages contain data but cannot see which file they belong to. In order not to accidentally damage an important file by deleting data from it on a block, you need to look for an absolutely free block to save data.
  12. Why is fragmentation a problem with SSDs?

  13. Files are often stored in chunks on a disk or file system. The size of the fragments depends on the cluster size of the corresponding file system (usually 4 KB in NTFS). Let's assume that the block on the SSD is 128 KB and the file (128 KB) which is divided into 32 fragments must be saved (each fragment will be 4 KB in size). In the worst case, this would have to be stored on 32 different blocks. If there was only one fragment in this file, one block would be enough. The problem is writing such a fragmented file: The controller must find 32 different blocks and, in the worst case, delete them all. Then it must also write those 32 blocks and this happens every time the file changes too! Actually there is a re-recording in progress!
  14. SOLID is a completely new defragmentation method for SSDs and hard drives.

  15. SSDs store file fragments in many blocks, this memory behavior directly affects the performance and lifespan of the SSD. To counteract wear and at the same time optimize the performance of SSDs, O&O Software has developed new method defragmentation SOLID. Using the SOLID defragmentation method, these distributed portions of files are defragmented so that in the future, significantly fewer memory locations need to be read and written when the file changes. As a result, SSD is faster because the number of read and write accesses is reduced due to defragmentation. In addition, premature wear and tear of the SSD and of course the regular hard drive is prevented because fewer blocks need to be erased and rewritten than before defragmentation with SOLID. To read a sample file there is no need to first access and read 32 different blocks but only one. That's optimization!
  16. The most comprehensive view of settings for all your drives.

  17. A positive side effect of the development of the SOLID defragmentation method was discovered in tests on classic hard drives. This is the most resourceful and hardware defragmentation method with optimal results and sets a new standard for defragmentation. As we mentioned above, files are also fragmented on the SSD. Data is often spread across more memory locations than necessary. By defragmenting an SSD using our new SOLID method, you can reduce the number of cells used to store parts of a file to a significantly smaller number.
  18. Review of the O&O Defrag 22 defragmenter.

  19. Installing a defragmenter will not be difficult, the usual installation in Windows with a minimum of settings and offers to select the installation of modules or the like is not present, a child can handle it and therefore I will skip the point. If you have any questions about this, write in the comment system at the end of the article. First launch of the defragmenter and a nice external window:
  20. You need to run the defragmenter for the first time and let it defragment the partitions, only then you can schedule actions so that it does the defragmentation itself, and also defragments the file immediately when writing, so as not to perform a full defragmentation later. For the average PC user, the default settings will suffice. On home page and the first tab called O&O Defrag has a "Quick Start" icon. Now I’ll show you what it contains and how to configure the defragmentation program. Click "Quick start" and go to view what the window contains or what settings it contains " quick start"picture below:
  21. The first step is to check the box that activates all other settings: “Schedule automatic defragmentation”. Next comes the choice of one of three options.
  22. 1.) Automatically optimize hard drives in the background. This means that optimization will be constantly monitored and perform the necessary operations at any time. This is the most normal option but requires computer resources, although not a lot.
  23. 2.) Optimize when the computer is not in use (with the screenserver active). This item will launch optimization when the computer is idle and the screensaver turns on.
  24. 3.) Defragment disks at the specified time. In this option, you set the time at which defragmentation will start, but if the computer is turned off, the defragmenter will not be able to start.
  25. Next comes “Additional automatic optimization” and look below at what options you can configure.
  26. 1.) Optimize SSDs with TRIM function. This feature is enabled by default and is supported on Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7. TRIM is important for maintaining the performance of SSD drives.
  27. 2.) Overwrite free space on disks. This means that after deleting or moving a file, this area is overwritten with zeros so that it cannot be restored.
  28. 3.) Regularly rewrite dynamically expanding disks. This function is suitable for virtual machines, or disks that expand as they fill up due to some other space.
  29. In this section of the tab "After defragmentation, perform additional optimization steps."
  30. 1.) Wipe free space after each defragmentation. I think it’s clear, I told you a little higher, take the information from there.
  31. 2.) Optimize disks with dynamically allocated capacity after each defragmentation. I also told everything clearly not long ago about such disks. The difference was just described earlier during optimization and this option after defragmentation.
  32. After making the settings, click “ok” to confirm the settings. After the window closes, defragmentation of your disks will begin immediately, picture below:
  33. Then you can leave the program alone and when you save files and do other operations with them, the defragmenter program itself will arrange the files in the required order.
  34. If there are not enough computer resources.

  35. If there are not enough computer resources for the defragmenter program to run in the background. Then you can set the settings for how much percentage the program should load the processor and hard drive for defragmentation tasks when accessing it. This can be done by clicking on the first O&O Defrag tab of the main defragmenter window, the “Settings” icon, picture below:
  36. In the new window that opens, go to the “O&O ActivityMonitor” tab and the first section at the top, “Loading,” offers three options.
  37. 1.) Limit the processor load from O&O Defrag - this is followed by a window with percentages and in it you can set how much the defragmenter program can borrow, or rather, borrow as a percentage for your processor needs. The lower the percentage you set, the easier it will be for the system, but this will increase the time it takes to defragment files and run the program as a whole.
  38. 2.) Do not execute the task if the processor load is higher - this parameter is also set as a percentage; as soon as the processor is loaded more than the specified percentage, the defragmenter program will stop working (task) and pause until the processor load drops below the specified percentage in the settings.
  39. 3.) Do not execute the task if the hard disk load is greater - This option also works like option 2. but here the access to the disk is configured and the percentage set in the settings will disable the execution of the task (work) if the access to the disk exceeds the set percentage.
  40. The section on this “Programs” tab will also be useful if you add any other program to it and when you run it, the defragmenter will stop the task (work) until the program specified in the defragmenter settings finishes its work. You can add by clicking on the cross and selecting the file in the explorer window that opens the desired program with exe extension. After which the selected program will be displayed on this defragmenter tab. You can remove a program by selecting it and pressing the minus button. If anyone didn’t find the + and - buttons, I showed them with an arrow in the picture below.
  41. The last setting option on the “O&O ActivityMonitor” tab is “Power”, this setting is suitable for laptops, to extend the battery life of the laptop, check this setting. After that, as soon as the laptop is disconnected from the network, the defragmenter program will stop working in order to save battery power. Below is a picture that shows all these settings mentioned above.
  42. The O&O Defrag program is so flexible that it will satisfy everyone and performance really improves, try it yourself. You can download or go to the manufacturer’s website using the links below.

The performance of an operating system can be affected by many factors. It's not only technical specifications equipment, but also the quantity running applications, hard drive capacity, etc.

Users should periodically check the disk for fragmented files and optimize their placement. To execute this action You can use a special professional program.

Password for all archives: 1progs

O&O Defrag Pro is a fairly powerful program that is designed to defragment your hard drive. Given software product capable of working with different file systems, namely NTFS5, NTFS, FAT, FAT32. The program runs in the background.

The free version of the program can be used without restrictions for only one month, after which you need to activate O&O Defrag Pro. On our website you can download the O&O Defrag Pro key absolutely free of charge to activate this software product.

The following defragmentation modes are available to users:

  • COMPLETE/Access

Currently, O&O Defrag Pro is one of the most famous and best apps to defragment the hard drive. The program has rich functionality.

Main features of the program:

  1. Defragmentation separate folders and files via the context menu.
  2. Wizard for automated and regular defragmentation.
  3. There are five different types of methods for defragmenting disks.
  4. Creating regular defragmentation in automatic mode.
  5. Supports all known drives today.
  6. Increased performance for the hard drive.
  7. Increased performance for the operating system.
  8. Several modes for formatting a disk.

The main advantages include the following: five methods for defragmentation, working with external USB devices, intuitive interface, Russian language support, obtaining information about the hard drive. In addition, users can use flexible settings in order to exclude certain files from defragmentation.

Analogues of the program

See similar programs in our program selections

Good day, dear readers. Today I want to share with you instructions for using probably the best free program for defragmenting your hard drive.
Unfortunately, few people take the need to defragment their hard drive seriously. For those who do not yet know what defragmentation is and why it is needed, please.

Many on the forums write that this is generally harmful to the hard drive and defragmentation can destroy it.

In fact, defragmentation is like cleaning your apartment. If you do it regularly, then your apartment will be clean and tidy.

If you don’t do this, then everything will always be scattered around your apartment and you will have to look for your things longer, and the process itself will only be annoying.

The same is true with defragmentation, so that the effect is noticeable and the possibility of causing harm to the hard drive is minimal, it is better to defragment regularly using special programs and not BUILT INWindows. However, read the article (link above) and you will understand everything.

Now we will look at the once paid and now free program for effective defragmentation -O&O Defrag Free .

Let's move on.

Here we uncheck the box (about notifications about site news by email) and enter anye-mailaddress, for example[email protected] then pressNext .

On the next page, select the program version for 32 or 64bit Windows.You can find out the bitness of your operating system in the system properties.

And press the buttonDownload 32 or 64bitdepending on your bit depthWindows.The file download will begin.TOby the way, do you know the difference between 32bitfrom 64bit Windows? No. Then after, you will use the performance of your processor to the maximum.

O&O Defrag Free Have you downloaded it? Great. Install the program and go to the main settingsO&O Defrag Free - Settings. Uncheck and check one box at a time.

These settings will allow you to perform an initial check of the disk for errors, so as not to injure it in the event of physical damage., Also, the program will not automatically create error reports that we do not need. After checking the boxes, click OK.

Now you can start defragmentation. To do this, select the disk partition and clickStart .

We carry out this defragmentation on each disk partition.
Once we have tidied up your hard drive, it will be much easier for it to serve you for many more years.

Today we learned how to defragment withO&O Defrag Free. That's all I have for today. I liked the article!Subscribe to blog updates to stay up to date with new useful articles. Good luck and smile more often, at least like this :)

Distribution size: 13.6 MB
Spreading: shareware O&O Defrag is a convenient defragmenter with wide functionality. The program supports file systems FAT, FAT32, NTFS and EFS, can handle large volumes reaching several terabytes in volume, and is distinguished by two unique technologies. Thanks to ActivityGuard technology, the utility monitors computer activity and ensures that the defragmentation process is carried out unnoticed in the background, promptly reducing or increasing its activity. And support for OneButtonDefrag technology allows you to fully automate the defragmentation process and carry it out in accordance with user-specified settings when a certain level of fragmentation is fixed on the disk. Defragmentation can be performed on demand or automatically - according to a schedule or when the computer is inactive (screen saver mode - "Screen Saver Mode"). The program works even with fairly small amounts of free space (5%) and allows you to run the defragmentation process not only for one, but also for several or even all disks installed on the computer. There is also selective defragmentation of files and folders, however, it is implemented in a way that is not quite usual for defragmenters - through the Explorer context menu. But it does not provide for the consolidation of free space into a single area. Additionally, O&O Defrag may have processing problems separate files, if the program cannot find a free disk area of ​​sufficient size - in this case, the utility, having recorded a certain percentage of the work done, “thinks about life” for a long time (if not forever), and the process often has to be canceled. After this, you can get the program working again only by manually starting the O&O Defrag service. So, in our opinion, not everything is perfect in the algorithm of this program. At the same time, in fairness, it should still be noted that if the named problem is not observed on a particular disk, then the program copes with its task perfectly. The demo version of the program (there is no Russian localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days. The commercial version costs $49.95. In practice, using O&O Defrag is easy. The program window has four tabs - the "Defragmentation" tab combines tools for analyzing and defragmenting disks. The "Jobs and Reports" tab provides management of reports on the work done, the "View" tab provides access to information about the disk and files (disk map, disk status, etc.), from the "Help" tab you can download updates and view help information. Analysis of selected disks is started by clicking on the "Analysis" button or selecting the "Analyze" command from context menu. Based on the results, detailed statistics are provided in several versions: in the form of a disk map showing empty space, MFT area, defragmented files, etc. (by clicking on any block, you can see all the files it contains) and a pie chart of disk status indicating the level its fragmentation. The program provides five defragmentation methods, differing in optimization strategies: Stealth, Space, Complete/Access, Complete/Modified and Complete/Name. The first two methods allow you to achieve results in the shortest possible time, but are less effective. These methods are recommended for initial defragmentation of drives that have never been defragmented before. If you select the Stealth method, the program tries to optimize the available free disk space, but not all files are defragmented, and no optimization of their placement is provided. The developers recommend using this method to defragment disks with a very large number of files (more than 500 thousand) and/or with a very small amount of free space (5%). The Space method is aimed at increasing the volume of adjacent free areas and ensures defragmentation of all files, but can only work if there is a sufficiently large free disk space and a relatively small number of files; recommended for background defragmentation. Even more free disk space is required in the Complete/Access, Complete/Modified and Complete/Name methods, which provide complete defragmentation of all existing files (including large and system files, as well as the MFT area) with optimization of their placement. The difference between these methods is in the optimization strategies. Thus, with the Complete/Modified method, files are arranged taking into account their modification, which is effective on disks where some files, in particular databases, are regularly modified. And when you select the Complete/Name method, the files are sorted in alphabetical order - this is useful for quick launch system libraries on disks where files are rarely modified. Defragmentation of one or more selected disks is started by selecting the desired defragmentation method from the context menu (or by pressing certain keyboard shortcuts) or for all disks installed on the computer at once by clicking on the "Defragment Computer" button (in the latter case, the Space method is automatically used).

To speed up the defragmentation process, the analysis and movement of individual files can be excluded - such files are specified directly in the program settings (the "Settings" button, the "General" tab).

Offline defragmentation is also provided (defragmentation before the OS starts, which allows you to defragment locked system files) - this mode is enabled in the program settings (the "Settings" button, the "Offline Defragmentation" tab).

Paragon Total Defrag 2009

Developer: Paragon Software Group
Distribution size: 17.4 MB
Spreading: shareware Paragon Total Defrag is a defragmenter offered both stand-alone (in English edition only) and as part of the Partition Manager and Home Expert solutions. The first of these solutions is positioned as a universal tool for working with partitions and data on hard drives and allows you to perform any standard operations with partitions, as well as a number of other actions, including disk defragmentation. The second solution is a software package for hard drive maintenance, which can be used to solve almost any problem that may arise during the operation of a hard drive, quickly and with only minimal computer experience. Both solutions have Russian-language localizations and are offered to Russian users at more attractive prices(490 rubles and 690 rubles, respectively), so purchasing Paragon Total Defrag as part of them is more reasonable. The Paragon Total Defrag program is distinguished by its wide functionality and effectiveness of defragmentation, and at the same time, it is relatively easy to use. It supports FAT16/32, NTFS, Linux Ext2/3 and Linux ReiserFS file systems and, unlike most similar solutions (and in this article - unlike all other utilities), it can perform not only background, but also complete low-level defragmentation systems. As a result, an almost zero level of fragmentation is ensured, and files are placed taking into account the optimization strategy. This process is carried out in exclusive access mode (with a reboot of the computer) to the partition and turns out to be quite lengthy - and there can be no question of any possibility of access to the computer during this period. During defragmentation, all files are processed, including large (even more than 128 GB) and system files, as well as the MFT area, and the contents of temporary files can be ignored. It is possible to rewrite MFT in a more compact way (MFT compression), which also increases the speed of accessing files on NTFS partitions. Defragmentation is performed with a minimum amount of free space on the disk (1%), and not many defragmenters can work with such a minimum of free space. But it is impossible to use Paragon Total Defrag for any kind of selective defragmentation (defragmentation of folders and files or free space), since nothing of the kind is provided in this utility. There are also no automation capabilities, which, however, is quite logical, since running low-level defragmentation automatically is at least unreasonable. The demo version of the program is operational for 30 days, but has limited functionality- some operations in it work only in virtual mode. The cost of the commercial version is $29.95. By default, the program window has three panels - two basic horizontal and one additional vertical, which can be easily disabled via the command menu. The horizontal panels display disks and operations with them (the top panel also has access to help), and the vertical panel contains tabs with help information. The technology for working with Paragon Total Defrag is generally simple. First, you should select the desired disk in the “Disk Map”, and then start the operation of interest - that is, analyze the disk or defragment it, and then patiently wait for the process to complete. True, there are some nuances here - the program performs a preliminary analysis of the disk immediately after selecting it in the disk map, but for a more detailed analysis you will have to use the Partition > Defragment > "Analyze Fragmentation" command. If the disk is not bootable, then the program will carry out such an analysis and display the results without rebooting the system, otherwise it cannot be avoided. In addition to analyzing the disk, you can also test its surface (Partition > "Test Surface"). As for defragmentation (the "Defragment Partition" button or the Partition > Defragment > "Defragment Partition..." command), there are two modes for its implementation - fast mode and slow (Safe mode), which are selected through the program settings (Tools > Settings). By default, “fast defragmentation” (Fast mode) is launched for the selected partition, but if in the current operating system(let's say the system partition is selected) the program will not be able to get the access it requires to the partition, then it will offer to restart the computer into a special mode. Before rebooting, you will need to determine the settings for the operation, in the list of which you can refuse to save the contents of the Pagefile.sys and/or Hiberfile.sys files and set the desired data sorting option (sort files according to their size or the time of their last update).

In the "Fast mode" mode, access to the computer is not blocked, and the operation is carried out relatively quickly and can be stopped if necessary. But when defragmenting in this mode A power outage, hardware failure, or system failure can result in data loss (this is a problem with all defragmenters). If you set the "Safe mode" mode, such a sad outcome of events is completely excluded, since a copy will first be created for each file. True, this will take a lot of time, and there can be no talk of any activity on the computer during the defragmentation period, so it is wiser to run the process at night. Interrupting the process and rebooting the computer when defragmenting in this mode is completely unacceptable. But everything will be reliable, and the results of defragmentation will be better, since the program will be able to access all files. For comparison, recall that when defragmenting in the background (that is, through the API), some part of the files (that is, those files that the program could not access) always remains fragmented.