Nowadays, many text documents and books are made in PDF format. It is very easy and convenient to use them. But sometimes it happens that the PDF (file) does not open. What to do about it?

Why won't the PDF (file) open?

It is the most popular format for reading electronic documents. It earned its popularity for its ease of use and versatility. In addition, documents in this format cannot be edited. This is very useful if the file contains an electronic seal and signature or cannot be changed. Of course, it does not guarantee absolute protection and the content can be obtained, but you have to tinker with it.

Since this is a file type, it, like other types, may not open for some reason. The reasons why PDFs (files) do not open can be the following:

  • lack of a special utility for this;
  • the file is damaged or not saved correctly;
  • not fully downloaded or unzipped.

PDF openers

The lack of a special program for reading this format is the most common reason why a PDF (file) cannot be opened. However, this problem can be solved very easily. All you need to do is download the required service.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Perhaps the most widely used PDF reader. Has a wide range of tools and settings for viewing the document. It has many useful features, such as stamp, add a comment, merge files, etc. The best part is that it is free.

If the PDF (file) does not open, download Adobe Reader from the official Adobe website. The installation process is very simple: several times you will need to click "Next", unchecking the "bonus" software, if offered.

Foxit Reader

Also one of the most common free e-readers of this format. It has a very extensive functionality. With its help, you can not only view and print documents, but also create, sign, bookmark them, etc. You can download it from the official Foxitsoftware website. The installation process is also very simple.

It happens that in software there is some kind of malfunction due to which it does not open PDF file... The problem is that instead of the reader, some other application becomes the default. The fix is ​​easy. Click on any PDF document with the right mouse button and click "Properties". In the "Application" section, click "Change", then select the utility from the list. If it is not there, click "Browse" and find Adobe Reader on the system drive.

How to create a PDF file correctly?

It is worth noting that the reason why the PDF (file) does not open may be incorrect saving. Of course, this is unlikely to happen through Word, but if this procedure is done through a specialized site, then this is quite possible. Such a nuisance may arise due to a failure of the Internet connection or incorrect operation of the service itself. Therefore, if such a nuisance does occur, you just need to recreate the document again.

The easiest way to create a PDF document is from a program Microsoft Word 2007 and later. This is done as easy as shelling pears. Click on the "File" button (in the upper left corner of the blue button), then "Save as". In the drop-down window "Type" select PDF and click "Save". If there is no such function, you need to install a special plugin for this. You can download it on the official Microsoft website.

In addition, there are many converter sites that translate texts from .doc to .pdf format. Everything is simple there too: upload the text in the .doc format to the service, click "Convert". Then just download the resulting PDF back to your computer.

Another way is to use a special converter. For example doPDF. Install, click on "...", select the desired text, click "Create". Then click on "Browse" and select the desired location to save.

Incorrect unzipping

Happens when after unzipping PDF does not open. The file is damaged, and nothing can be done with it. The only way out of this situation is to unzip it again. And to prevent this from happening, you must always check the transferred data.

A similar problem is when the document was downloaded from the Internet and for some reason did not download. In this case, it should be downloaded to the computer. Some browsers support the function of resuming paused data, so the download just needs to be resumed. Or download a new one.

Open in a browser

Few people realize, but PDF can be opened in a browser. The fact is that web browsers have a special plug-in from Adobe that allows you to do this. Finding it is simple, you just need to enter a special command in the address bar to call the list of plugins. It is different for each browser:

  • chromium-based browsers ( Google chrome, "Yandex", "Amigo", etc.) - chrome: // plugins;
  • opera - Opera: // plugins;
  • Mozilla Firefox - about: plugins.

There they can be disabled, enabled or removed. If the Adobe plugin is not there, you can install it without any problems. For example, download from the official websites of web services.

If the PDF file does not open, there is no reader, and the Internet is disabled, then you can open it using a browser. Right-click on the document, "Open With"? choose a program.

There are several reasons why the "The file cannot be opened due to problems with its content" error occurs in Word. If MS Office is English, the message will look like this: “We’resorry. We can’t open “FileName” because we found a problem withits contents ”.

How to resolve the error "Cannot open file due to problems with its content"

The easiest way to fix the error that occurred when opening a Word document is to right-click on the file and select the "Restore previous version" option.

Very often this happens due to incorrect saving of the file. It is saved in the wrong format. To fix this, you need to restore the correct format. In this case, a message will appear in the Word program that the file is damaged and will offer to restore it. You must confirm your consent to the restoration. After this procedure, in case of successful completion of the operation, the information will open.

  1. Also, the error "Unable to open the file due to problems with its content" may occur if the "hidden file" attribute is set in the properties.
  2. In this case, by selecting "Details", the message "The file was damaged" appears. Next, the recovery wizard will offer you “Try to restore the contents?”. Here you must agree.
  3. In most cases, the recovery is successful, but sometimes it happens that the system displays the error "the file was locked to protect the computer."
  4. In this case, regardless of the user's choice (among the options there will be: unlock, confirm the file format during conversion, restore through Office), most likely, there will be hieroglyphs instead of text.

Then you need to try to open this document third party application e.g. Notepad. To try to save the content, you need to:

  1. Click on the file with the right mouse button;
  2. Select in the drop-down menu "Open with";
  3. Select Notepad;
  4. If there is no such item in the menu, you must click "Select another application";
  5. A new dialog box will open. Scrolling is available on the right;
  6. You also need to select Notepad;
  7. If, however, on this list required application missing, you must scroll to the end of the list and select the option “Find another application on this computer;
  8. A new dialog box will open with the "Open With" option;
  9. Next, you need to specify the location of the Notepad.exe program (most often it is located: C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ notepad.exe;
  10. Confirm selection.

For example files Microsoft Office will be displayed in hieroglyphs with words beginning with the letters "PK". Another situation may occur, for example, the document opens empty, then the content is lost.

How to recover lost data after an error

To recover lost files, you can use recovery programs. Recuva is considered one of the simplest and most high-quality. But this recovery has its drawbacks. The main one is the time factor. The program may take several hours to run. This means that it is useless if the file needs to be restored urgently.

In this case, you can try another method. You need to open the archivers file and select document.xml. All edits in document.xml are done in any text file editor. Further instructions very detailed in this guide. It will be useful for users who understand what tags are and how to work with them.

Often the source of this error is the formulas that the user is trying to add to the document. The main way to solve the problem, the name of the end tag of the element must be identical with the start tag.

To prevent this from happening with documents, it is recommended to regularly make a backup copy (backup) of important files. To do this, you can use both paid and free programs. Among free software Handy Backup is considered the undisputed leader. It is also recommended to keep at least one copy on removable media (usbflash or usbhdd).

In addition, it is necessary to regularly update the computer software and check it for viruses. This is the only way to protect yourself and your documents with errors such as "Cannot open file due to problems with its content."

This article will tell you how to solve the problem if the "Word" document does not open.

The software package " Microsoft Office»Has won its popularity among users due to the provided opportunities and high-quality work. But nevertheless, with it, as with any other software, certain problems occur.

For example, sometimes users face a problem when it is not possible to open " Word»Document, despite the fact that recently this file opened normally.

It would be half the trouble if the document did not contain important information. In any case, such a problem must be solved, and in this review we will talk about why the document does not come off " Word 2007/2010/2013/2016"And throws an error.

The document "Word 2007/2010/2013/2016" does not open and gives an error

Why won't the Microsoft Word document open, and what is the error?

When the document " Word"Does not open, we see a corresponding pop-up window with an error notification on the screen. As a rule, the system tells us that the file is corrupted and cannot be opened. But in fact, the file may not open for this reason. There may be several reasons for this, for example, the following:

  • In the document “ Word»There are a huge number of different figures, tables, formulas, and an error may occur due to the fact that the text editor did not understand their codes. Perhaps they were not saved correctly, and the program does not understand what needs to be opened.
  • Document " Word"Before attempting to open was saved in the wrong format
  • You tried to open the document " Word»More new version with a text editor more old version(in particular with the help of " Word 2003"). In this case, you just need to update your " Word».
  • « Word»Does not open questionable documents downloaded from the Internet

How do I fix the problem if my Word document won't open?

Now let's look at several ways how we can fix this error.

Recovering a document using Microsoft Word

Text editor “ Word»Can help us fix the damaged document and open it. If you have a problem opening the document " Word", Then initially try to fix the problem in the following way:

  • Close the error notification window
  • We launch " Word" through " Start"Or a shortcut on the Desktop (or in the folder where the program is installed).
  • Click at the top on " File", Then click in the left menu on" Open", Then - on" Overview»And find on the computer the document that does not open. But just don't open it!
  • Select this document
  • Now in the window through which we were looking for the file, click on the black arrow (as shown in the screenshot) near the button “ Open". In the drop-down list, click on “ Open and restore».

In the drop-down list, click on "Open and Restore"

After these operations, the document should be opened. But keep in mind that at the same time, it may contain certain changes made during the recovery process. Press " Show fixes”And you will see what has been changed. This way you can fix these changes. Next, save the document.

But, if the method described above did not help you in any way, then we will act by other methods.

Recovering a document using a converter backups

The backup converter comes with the package “ Microsoft Office". If you do not have a complete package, or there are no additional components, then install the converter separately (using the settings “ Microsoft Office»), How to do this, you can find out on the Internet.

So, we do the following:

  • We launch " Word", As in the previous case (in the installation folder, shortcut or via" Start»)
  • We go to " FileOpenOverview»
  • In the opened window “ Explorer"On top of the buttons" Cancellation"And" Open"There will be a drop-down list, click on it, after which the list will open.
  • Select " Recover text from any file”And through the same window open the document you need.

Select the item "Recover text from any file" and through the same window open the document you need

After that, the document should open. But if the problem reappears, and when you reopen the document, you get an error related to table corruption in the document, do the following. Select this table and on the toolbar go to " TableConvertTable to text».

Changing Protected View settings

If the above options did not help you, then consider another method. It so happens that the program " Word»Does not disclose documents that were taken from the Internet. This is due to the fact that “ Word»Protects us from disclosure of unknown documents. If you are sure that this document does not contain viruses, then you can use this method.

We will disable protection:

  • We launch " Word", We go to" FileParameters»
  • In the settings window that opens, go to " Trust CenterTrust Center SettingsProtected View».
  • We remove the jackdaws from all points and click on " OK". If this does not help us to open the document we need " Word", Then we will return all the settings back.

We remove the jackdaws from all points and click on "Ok"

Removing the Word add-ins

If this or that document does not open for you " Word", Then in some cases the editor itself, or rather its add-ons, may be the cause of the problem. These add-ons need to be removed, and for this we do the following:

  • We launch " Word", After which a notification should pop up that an error occurred during the previous launch, and you will be prompted to enter the program in safe mode... We agree to this (click on " OK»).
  • Then we go to “ FileParametersAdd-ons»
  • At the bottom of the window that opens, click on " Go to»
  • In the new window, put the checkboxes in front of all the items presented and click " OK»

At the bottom of the window that opens, click on "Go"

Recovering the document format

Often the document “ Word"Does not open, because when we saved it the previous time, we assigned it the wrong format (or simply made a mistake when entering the name, correcting the extension as well). Here you can correct the error by assigning the correct format: “ .docx" or " .doc»After the name of the document.

But the document can be damaged, so we will proceed a little differently:

  • Create an empty document “ Word"And at the end of its name we write" .rar", That is, we will convert it to an archive.
  • Now, in exactly the same way, we will convert our damaged document into an archive, adding the mentioned symbols at the end of the name.
  • Next, we save the new archive with the transferred information and again transform it into a document “ Word"By writing at the end" .docx».
  • Next, we launch the document, after which the editor may offer to restore the information

Let's open both archives and transfer all the information from the damaged one to the new created one.

Video: Word Error When Trying to Open a File

In the process of working with Microsoft Windows quite often a situation arises in which it becomes impossible to open any file for editing, the file does not open, for example, load it into the editor window Word document, since the system reports that the document is occupied by another application. Most often, such phenomena are observed after the user has forcibly removed a task (for example, unloaded a frozen Word from memory) using the Task Manager. This happens for the following reason.

What should I do if the file does not open? In addition to tasks, Windows also has processes. A process is a virtual memory address space set aside for the execution of a program or the operating system itself of any procedures. One task can activate several different processes in Windows: for example, Word (one task) can simultaneously work with several text documents (one document - one process). In our case, after the termination of the work of the Word editor (removal of the task), the process of document processing remained in the computer memory, that is, Windows continues to consider that the document is still open in the editor window, although the editor itself is not running, at this time you can earn money on forex. This problem is solved as follows. Open the Task Manager window by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys. In Windows 2000 / XP, click the Processes tab at the top of the Task Manager window. In the list, select the process for processing a file that you cannot open (usually in the Username column, it is indicated by the name of your account) and remove it by clicking the End process button.

In Windows 98 / Milennium Edition, there is no Processes tab in the Task Manager window. In this case, if the process is not displayed in the Task Manager window, simply restart the computer by selecting the Shutdown item in the main windows menu and then - the Restart item in the window that opens.

What to do if the computer freezes? > What to do if frozen text editor?

What to do if EXE files won't start?

Files with the EXE extension are executable files for most of the apps we use every day. When installing any program on a computer, we create a shortcut for it on the desktop to make it easier to find. But it happens that a program that was running yesterday does not open for any manipulation.

Let's assume that you are faced with this problem: EXE files do not start. In this case, a window often appears in which you are asked to select a program to open the file. In this case, first you need to check your computer for viruses and malware. If your antivirus is outdated or missing altogether, the first thing to do is to install an updated version of the scanner or antivirus and scan your computer in a deep scan. If you often use a portable flash drive and take information from different computers, then you just need to install a program designed specifically for portable USB devices. When a flash card is connected to a computer, it scans it for viruses, worms and malware that prevent EXE files from launching. There are many such instructions, and they take up few resources on the system of your machine. But it also happens that the user himself accidentally makes changes to the registry, thereby disrupting its work. Of course, the EXE files do not open afterwards. In this case, the registry must be restored to make the file executable.

How does this happen? Let's describe the problem in more detail. User or malware disables the registry editing function. To enable it and make the necessary changes, you need:

Go to "Start> Run ..." Then in the command line enter: "gpedit.msc", click OK, then "Group Policy", select "Local Computer" in the list that appears, then go to the line "User Configuration", then "Administrative templates. "In the dialog box that appears, select" System "... In the" System "window, find the line with the name" Make the registry editing tools unavailable. "After all, the problem with the fact that EXE does not start is associated with the operation of a virus. - "Enabled", making changes impossible.

In the Properties window, disable the feature that prevents you from making changes to the registry. After a reboot, everything should work. In order not to enter the information into the register yourself, you can download data for it that is suitable for your operating system.

If the EXE files still do not start after that, you can enter the information manually or download the reg file. You need to name it arbitrarily, double-click on it and open it. Then you need to go to command line: "Start> Run", enter the name of your created file (with the extension reg) and click OK.

If after the work done, nothing comes out, use antivirus utility for data recovery. If the EXE does not start after running this utility, try reinstalling the operating system on your computer. Before performing this procedure, save all important information to a disk that will not be formatted.


Greetings to all blog readers !! On today's topic of the article, I was prompted by a woman who wrote me a letter and in it she asked why she could not open the file. In her case, everything was elementary, since she did not have the desired program to open this file.

But how do you know which program opens this or that file you need? It is precisely on this question that novice users simply get into a stupor. But in fact, there is nothing complicated about it, everything is very simple !!

You cannot open files, why the file does not open what to do, what to do ...

Well friends, let's deal with this issue, and understand how we should act in such cases.

Suppose you downloaded the file you need on the Internet, if it is in the archive, then you unzip it, (I advise you to first check the archive with an antivirus program) then you click on the file twice, but instead of opening it, you have a window in which you are asked to choose a program with which you can open it.

But, I can say that if the computer did not immediately find the program that can open the file you downloaded, then you one hundred percent do not have such a program, and you need to install it. The window will be something like this, maybe not much different, depending on operating system, but the essence is the same !! See fig.

Now, if we do not have such a program, and we do not know how to open this file, then you need to copy the name of the file extension (ending after the dot) and drive into search engine Yandex or Google the following phrase (example): how psd opens. The search engines will indicate to you that this file will be opened by Photoshop, in your case by some other program.

Next, we need to download and install the recommended program on our computer. But that's not all. It happens that when the program is installed and you click on your file again, the above window may pop up again.

You just need to click the Browse button and navigate to the location where you have installed programs, usually the C: \ Program Files folder. See fig. (click on the picture to enlarge)

Find the program you need and run it from the folder. Now check the box so that the file you need is always opened by this program, I showed everything in the figure.

Thus, we can say that you should not panic if some file does not open for you, do everything as I described above, and everything will be open.

And one more thing, always check the downloaded files, archives with antivirus programs, otherwise you will have to treat your computer and remove viruses. And it is possible that this will not help and you will have to reinstall the operating system.

Today we looked at why the file does not open, what to do with it, and I hope that you understand how to deal with it. Well, now you know what to do if you can't open files. I advise you to subscribe to blog updates, there are many waiting for you useful information, as well as materials on making money online, come on more often, I'm glad to everyone !! If you have any questions, then ask, do not hesitate, I will answer with pleasure !!

I wish you all good luck and all the best !!

Sincerely, Alexander.

Alex Below Working with windows

I downloaded a file but it does not open or how to open an unknown file

Hi friends. Excuse me for such a not very original title, but I wanted to reveal the whole topic of the article as accurately as possible. I want to write today about what to do when you download a file from the Internet, but it does not open on your computer, I think that if you got to this page, then you have exactly the same problem. Well, let's solve the issue :).

Below I will show you how files look that simply cannot open on your computer. And you cannot view them because you have not installed special program that supports this or that format. And among the standard tools of the operating system, there is not such a program. Let's look at all this with an example and screenshots. I think it will be better and more understandable.

Opening an unknown file

1. You downloaded a file that does not want to come off, it looks like this:

When you try to open it, the following window will appear:

2. You can select “Search for a match on the Internet”, and if a program for this file is found, you can download it and the file will open. Well, if the program is not found, then you can search with pens.

Let's look at an example in the same popular .pdf format that standard means the operating system does not open, and which everyone so needs to view.

3. We look at which extension is indicated at the end of the file, if you have hidden the display of extensions, then read this article on how to enable or disable the display of file extensions. And we are looking for a program in Yandex or Google to open a specific file. If, for example, you have a .pdf format, then we write how to open pdf well, or “how to open (and the extension of your file)”. We open a couple of sites in the search and download a program of which you can open one or another format. In the case of .pdf, you will most likely need to download Adobe Reader.

Hi friends. Excuse me for such a not very original title, but I wanted to reveal the whole topic of the article as accurately as possible. I want to write today about what to do when you download a file from the Internet, but it does not open on your computer, I think that if you got to this page, then you have exactly the same problem. Well, let's solve the issue :).

Below I will show you how files look that simply cannot open on your computer. And you cannot view them because you do not have a special program installed that supports this or that format. And among the standard tools of the operating system, there is not such a program. Let's look at all this with an example and with screenshots. I think it will be better and more understandable.

Opening an unknown file

1. You downloaded a file that does not want to come off, it looks like this:

When you try to open it, the following window will appear:

2. You can select “ Searching for a match on the Internet“, And if there is a program for this file, you can download it and the file will open. Well, if the program is not found, then you can search with pens.

Let's look at an example in the same popular format .pdf, which does not open with the standard operating system tool, and which everyone needs to view.

3. We look at what extension is indicated at the end of the file, if you have hidden the display of extensions, then read this article. And we are looking for a program in Yandex or Google to open a specific file. If, for example, you have a .pdf format, then we write how to open pdf well, or “How to open (and your file extension)“. We open a couple of sites in the search and download a program of which you can open one or another format. In the case of .pdf, you will most likely have to download it.

4. Download the program, install it and the file should already change its appearance to this one.