Notifications are what makes the operating system different Android feature. In the 2000s, we could not even imagine that in the future individual applications would learn to notify about certain events - previously, even the operating system itself could only tell about a received SMS message or email. But some people consider Push notifications to be a natural evil. The fact is that the developers of many programs go beyond all limits of reason. Notifications from such applications pour in like a river. They may also contain advertising, which no one wants to be distracted by. That's why many people think about how to set up notifications on Android.

Previously, you couldn’t even dream of managing notifications. The user considered it lucky if the application developer included in the “ Settings» point regarding Push notifications. If it was not there, then they could only be disabled by the so-called “freezing” of the utility. But then the meaning of her presence on the smartphone was lost.

Fortunately, the situation has now changed. This happened with the release of Android 5.0. Google has made sure that the owner of a tablet or smartphone can easily configure the appearance of certain notifications. Moreover, from now on you can turn off notifications from a specific application in just a couple of touches of the screen, using the corresponding panel. And in future versions of Android, even more global customization of the notification panel will be available, which should make the user’s life even easier.

Disable notifications in a few taps

If notifications from a particular application begin to annoy you, then turn them off. This will take you about one minute.

This method only works in Android 5.0 and newer versions of the operating system!

Step 1. Wait for the next notification from the intrusive program or game to appear. When this happens, open the notification panel.

Step 2. Hold your finger on a received notification until it changes color to a darker color.

Step 3. Click on the round button with the letter “i”.

Step 4. You will be taken to a menu dedicated to receiving notifications from this application. Here you can activate the checkbox next to the item “ Block" After this, you will no longer receive notifications from this program or game.

Slightly longer way

Of course, it is not necessary to wait until the notification arrives to make this setting. To do this, you can do the following:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Apps and notifications».

Step 3. Click on the item " Setting up notifications».

Step 4. Turn off notifications for individual apps.

On older versions of Android:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Sounds and notifications».

Step 3. Click on the item " Application notifications».

Step 4. Select the program you don't like.

Step 5. This will take you to the menu we have already discussed. Check the box next to " Block».

It should be noted that on some devices the number of steps is greatly reduced. For example, on devices from Samsung operating under Android control 6.0, you just need to go to the “ Notifications", and then deactivate the checkboxes of unwanted applications.

And if you do not want to receive any notifications at all, then you need to turn off the checkbox near the top “ All applications».

Eliminate notifications from the lock screen

Some people are very afraid of losing their smartphone, not because of the subsequent financial costs, but because a stranger may gain access to the owner’s personal information. Such people tend to remove notifications from the lock screen so that even they are not visible to a stranger. If it was impossible to do this before, today’s smartphones really allow you to clear the lock screen of unnecessary elements. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Proceed to the subsection we have already discussed “ Sounds and notifications" On Samsung tablets This may require going to the " Device».

Step 3. Here you should see the item " On a locked screen"(may have a similar name). Click on it.

Step 4. In the displayed context menu select " Don't show notifications».

Some devices offer slightly more extensive customization for this feature. For example, you can often enable the display of notification titles, but at the same time specify that the text contained in them not be shown.

Summing up

Oddly enough, operating system Android is still far from ideal. Yes, it allows you to block notifications for individual applications. You can turn off the display of all notifications at once. But for some unknown reason Google company does not allow you to turn off the sound that plays when you receive a notification about an event. More precisely, you can disable it, but also for calls and SMS messages. Separately, the sound for calls and notifications is regulated only on a select number of devices that have a special shell.

Any Android user knows how much software a device can have. Sometimes searching for what you need is quite tedious. There is absolutely no need to do this. You can move to the treasured checkbox even faster. Need to:

  1. Lower the top curtain panel.
  2. Tap on an unwanted push notification and hold your finger until the “About App” button pops up.
  3. Uncheck the box and confirm.

On Lollipop

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="rezhimy -uvedomlenij-v-lollipop" width="169" height="300"> !} IN new version Android system notifications received a major overhaul. Now setting it up is even easier and more convenient.

Most quick way– using the sound adjustment buttons. When you press it, a window appears in which you can select three operating modes:

  • Don't disturb.
  • Important. Notifications appear only from those applications that the user has assigned the status of important. It is possible to set the duration of the mode. The user can independently create a list of important services, as well as install automatic switching on regime on certain days and specific times of day.

In addition to the above, you can go to the “Sounds and Notifications” section in system settings.

The new version of Android has added a feature to display notifications on the lock screen. You can disable it here.

You can still set up push notifications on a per-app basis. If a user is constantly bothered by a particular game or program, he should:

  1. Go to the "Application Notifications" section.
  2. Select what you need.
  3. Block. Here you can turn off display on the lock screen.

Smartphones were designed to be universal digital assistants, but more and more often they demand our attention, even when we don’t want it. We receive dozens of different notifications every day, and it would be easy to put up with if they were important. But often we see completely unnecessary messages about actions in games, the release of a new publication on a once opened site, and incoming calls from spammers. All this can and should be dealt with: turn off unnecessary notifications, and block spammers. You will learn exactly how to do this from our article.

The tips from our instructions are suitable for most smartphones running Android version 5.0 Lollipop and newer. Depending on the manufacturer and the installed shell, some menu items may have a different name and appearance. If you cannot find the sections or buttons mentioned in the tips, try looking for similar names in the settings or check if these items are accessible by clicking the " Menu", which is often located at the top right.

Android 5.0+. The easiest way to get rid of junk notifications from a program is to wait until it sends the next message, open the notification panel and hold your finger on the desired (or rather, unnecessary) line. Settings will open where you can completely disable notifications from a specific application.

The same can be done manually, without waiting for a notification. To do this, you need to open the settings and go to the “ Notifications" To silence an application, find it in the list and tap the switch.

To access advanced notification settings, as in the example above, you need to click on the “ Additionally" Then you can not only turn off notifications, but also configure the display of messages on a locked smartphone, and also change the priority of the program - this will be useful to us when following the next instructions.

Android 6.0+. The previous advice also works here, but starting with this version of the OS, the problem can be solved radically: turn off all notifications at once by switching the device to “ Do not disturb" The corresponding switch for most gadgets is located in the notification panel.

Mode " Do not disturb» has three levels of exceptions. The first, most severe one is completely disabling absolutely all notifications. The second allows the sound and vibration of the alarm clock. Finally, the third level, which appeared in Android 6.0 Marshm, allows you to independently configure exceptions in the form of allowing calls and SMS from certain contacts, reminders and notifications from priority applications. Once you set up a list of priority programs, you will receive notifications only from them.

Android 8.0. IN Oreo versions In addition to the methods described above, it is now possible to manage notification categories. The user can choose what type of notifications they want to receive and disable unnecessary ones. Google's apps, as well as some third-party apps including Trello and Twitter, already support categories, and we hope more developers will start using them soon. Largest quantity We were able to find categories of notifications in Google app Now. You can access their settings through the weather notification.

Some programs permanently place their icon in the notification panel to allow full operation - this is done in order to bypass Android's restriction on background work. Such applications include ad blockers, background navigation systems and some others. Of course, for such utilities the method described in the first section of the article will work, but then you will not be able to get up-to-date information about the program’s operation or you will simply forget about it, while it will actively consume battery power. Therefore, we offer an alternative solution - forcefully enable immersive mode, which hides the notification panel and navigation buttons.

It will help to do this free program GMD Immersive, which does not require superuser rights, and in the paid version also allows you to select a mode separately for each application. This solution also has disadvantages: due to system limitations, physical buttons and the virtual keyboard will not work in immersion mode. However, when surfing or reading, they are not particularly needed, and you can always return to normal mode by swiping from the bottom edge of the screen.

Nowadays, almost every news site aggressively asks you to turn on browser notifications when you visit it. Mobile browsers are even more susceptible to this problem than desktop browsers: accidentally clicking the " Allow» on the touch screen couldn't be easier.

We will look at how to disable such notifications using the example of the most popular Chrome. To do this, open your browser settings, go to the “ Site settings", and then - to the section " Alerts" Here you can either revoke your permissions for unwanted sites or disable the notification feature altogether by clicking the switch in the first menu item.

After we've dealt with unnecessary notifications from programs, it's time to deal with spammers. Android 6.0 Marshmallow and newer OS versions provide a standard method to combat them. You just need to find an unwanted number in the history, open a detailed card and click on the item “ Blocking a number" Now you will not receive any calls or SMS from this number.

In Android 5.0 Lollipop and previous versions There is no such option out of the box in the operating system, and the only way to get rid of unwanted calls and SMS is to enable the “ Do not disturb", leaving the opportunity to contact you only to contacts from the address book or only to selected contacts marked with an asterisk.

Antispam applications. If your gadget has not received an update to Android 6.0 or the functionality of the standard mechanism does not suit you, you can use one of the following to block unwanted calls third party applications. One of the most common programs for these purposes is NumBuster. The basic version of the application is free, and in addition to blocking itself, it provides statistics on numbers. If other users of the program have marked the number as belonging to a spammer, you will find out about this before answering the call and decide whether to pick up the phone or not. However, it is worth keeping in mind that NumBuster not only analyzes your phone book, but also provides information about how your number is recorded in the address book of other users of the application. Although the data is shown in anonymized form, some may be put off by this behavior of the program.

NumBuster Alternative - free application Kaspersky Who Calls from the developer of the famous antivirus. Like NumBuster, Who Calls operates on the principle of a global spammer database. If you mark a call or message as spam, other users of the program will know about it and will be able to decide whether or not to trust a specific number. Among other advantages of Who Calls, we note the absence of registration and linking to a phone number.


In this article, we looked at three main sources of annoying and unwanted notifications: smartphone apps, websites, and calls or SMS. All of them can be dealt with using only standard means on new versions of Android. But if you have more than old version OS or you just need additional functionality, you can use third-party tools.

All instructions are written based on Android 6.0.1. Due to the variety of versions of this OS, some functions or interface elements on your gadget may differ or be missing. But general principles for most Android devices they are approximately the same.

Do Not Disturb Mode

Using this mode, you can quickly switch between different notification receiving profiles. The first is called “Complete Silence”, this is a completely silent profile. The second - “Alarm only” - as the name implies, only passes alarm signals. And within the third profile - “Important only” - you will hear both alarm sounds and notifications, but only from selected contacts and programs.

You can switch between sound profiles using special buttons on the notification panel. Depending on Android versions the panel contains either all three buttons with profile names, or one of them, and the rest appear after clicking on the first one.

A link should be displayed next to the profile buttons to quickly navigate to the settings. By clicking on it, you can select contacts and other options for the “Important Only” mode. In addition, in the settings you can set rules (start and end times, days of the week, etc.), according to which the system will switch profiles automatically.

Thus, Do Not Disturb mode allows you to instantly adapt your smartphone to current circumstances. For example, you have started an important meeting - lower the notification panel, turn on the “Complete Silence” mode and calmly participate in the process. And with the rules you configured, the device itself will turn off notifications in working hours, and during free hours, on the contrary, it will turn on notifications.

Lock Screen Notifications feature

With this feature, you can customize how notifications appear on your lock screen. It is usually located in the system settings section related to notifications.

The system offers a choice between three modes: “Show notifications completely”, “Do not show notifications” and “Hide” personal information" The names of the first two options speak for themselves. The latter means that the contents of received messages will not be displayed on the lock screen. Outsiders will only see a message like “new notification” and that’s it.

Turn off lock screen notifications or hide their personal information if you're worried someone else might read your messages.

Custom notification settings

The settings listed above are global, that is, they affect notifications from everyone installed programs.

But you can also manage notifications for each program individually. To do this you need to open system settings and go to the notifications section. There should be an item called “Application Notifications” or something similar. By clicking on it, you will see a list of all installed programs. By selecting any of them, you can configure its notifications.

The system allows you to block all notifications of the selected application, designate it as important, hide personal information and allow it to briefly display pop-up notifications on top of other programs.

As you can see, using individual settings you can, for example, block notifications only from the most intrusive programs or remove the contents of correspondence in the selected messenger from the locked screen.

You probably noticed that not too long ago browsers began to support the pop-up function. notifications(they are also often called “ alerts", because it comes from the English " notifications"). And many sites, especially those selling something, immediately began asking you to turn on desktop notifications. It looks like this: you go to some website and after a second you see a pop-up window at the top with the text “ Site so-and-so is asking for permission to show alerts" or " Subscribe to notifications?". Even if a user consistently opts out of receiving alerts and doesn't see those notifications, they may become annoyed by the constant pop-up prompts on their own.

In this article we will look at:

  • what are notifications (alerts) and how they work;
  • how to prevent sites from showing requests to display notifications;
  • How to opt out of notifications from certain sites that you previously allowed to show notifications.

Example requests

The text in the pop-up window may be different on each site:

The site asks for permission to show alerts

What is an alert, what are they for and how does it work

Alerts are designed to promptly notify the user about the release of the latest news or the availability of a new product for sale. When these appear, you will see a notification in the lower corner of the screen:

Push notification from website

However, different sites may use both in-place and out-of-place alerts. Once you allow them to be shown, the site will be able to display pop-up information constantly and as often as it likes. Of course, this may get boring for the user. By the way, I’m willing to bet that few people have any idea what they’re agreeing to when they click “allow” or “subscribe.”

How to disable alerts (notifications) in the browser

Now directly about how to turn off the notification function in each of the popular browsers and thus prevent sites from showing requests to display pop-up notifications and annoying pop-up requests like “Subscribe to notifications?”

Disable notification requests in Google Chrome

By the way, if you want to turn your desktop into hell, you can try selecting “allow all sites to show notifications” (without prompting) :)

We prohibit notifications in Yandex browser

Everything here is similar to Chrome.

Disabling notifications in Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla doesn't yet have a switch to disable the feature, however, alerts can be turned off using a hidden setting.

Disable notifications and requests in Opera

Using version 56.0 as an example

Use this toggle switch to turn off requests to send notifications for all sites at once. Those. You will no longer see a single question about subscribing to updates in Opera and you do not need to block every website.

In older versions Opera settings were different and had to be done like this:

  • Open Settings.
  • Click on the “Sites” section in the left column.
  • Scroll to the Notifications area.
  • Select "Prevent sites from showing system notifications":

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft, as always, must be different from its competitors in some way, in this case, by the impossibility of completely disabling the alert function. So you will have to unsubscribe from notifications once on each site. We hope that in the future Microsoft will introduce an option to globally disable this wonderful feature.

How to turn notifications back on

Everything is simple here. If in the future you change your mind and want to allow requests to display alerts, simply go to the specified settings and re-enable the function.

How to disable alerts from a specific site if you previously allowed it to show alerts

Let's say you once allowed a certain site to show alerts, and now you want to refuse them, without preventing other sites from offering the alert.

You can also click on the cross and remove the site from the list. In this case, when you visit the site again, it will again prompt you to show notifications, unless you have disabled the notification function in your browser. By the way, please note that sites such as are initially whitelisted.

How to do the same in Android

If you want to remove notifications from a publication or store for which you previously allowed them, follow these steps. By the way, the easiest way to do this is when you see the next news from this web resource in the notification panel.