Hello everyone. I present for general review a homemade radio remote control for controlling various objects at a distance. It can be a car, tank, boat, etc. made by me for the "children's" radio circle. Using radio module NRF24L01 and microcontroller ATMEGA16.

For a long time I had a box of identical broken game joysticks from consoles. Inherited from a gambling establishment. I have not seen much use in faulty game joysticks, and it's a pity to throw it away or disassemble it. So there was a box with a dead weight gathering dust. The idea of ​​using game joysticks came as soon as I talked to my friend. A friend led a circle for young radio amateurs in a boarding school, and free on weekends, introduced curious kids to the world of radio electronics. Children are like a sponge, they absorb information. Since I myself very much welcome such circles for children, and here also in such a place. And then he offered an idea of ​​how to use non-working joysticks. The idea was this: create a homemade radio remote control of self-assembled models, which I would like to offer children to study the project. He liked the idea very much, given that the financing of children's institutions is not very good to say the least, and I was also interested in this project. Let me also contribute to the development of the radio circle.
The goal of the project is to create a complete device not only as a radio remote control, but also a counterpart to a radio-controlled object. Considering that the remote control is for children, the connection of the receiving part to the model should also be as simple as possible.

Assembly and accessories:

Having disassembled the game joystick into its components, it immediately became clear that it was necessary to make a new printed circuit board, moreover, of a very unusual shape. At first, I wanted to open the printed circuit board to the ATMEGA48 microcontroller, but as it turned out, the microcontroller ports were simply not enough for all the buttons. Of course, such a number of buttons, in principle, is not needed and could be limited to only four ports of the ADC microcontroller for two joysticks and two ports for clock buttons located on the joysticks. But I wanted to use as many buttons as possible, who knows what the kids will want to add there. This is how the printed circuit board for the ATMEGA16 microcontroller was born. The microcontrollers themselves were in stock, left over from some project.

The elastic bands on the buttons were very worn out and could not be restored. But that's not surprising given where the joysticks were used. For this reason, I used tact buttons. Perhaps one of the disadvantages of tact buttons is the strong clicking that arose as a result of pressing the button. But for this project, it is quite bearable.
The board with joysticks did not have to be altered, left it as it is, which significantly saved time. The end buttons are also kept in their original form.
I chose the NRF24L01 radio module as a transceiver, since the price is very low in China at a price of $ 0.60 per piece. bought. Despite its low cost, the radio module has great capabilities and, of course, suited me. The next problem I ran into was where to place the radio module. There is not enough free space in the body, for this reason the radio module was placed in one of the joystick body handles. I didn't even have to fix it, the module was tightly pressed when the case was completely assembled.

Perhaps the biggest problem was the issue with the power supply for the radio remote control. The purchase of some specialized batteries, say lithium, cost a lot of money, since it was decided to collect seven sets. And the remaining free space in the case did not really allow using standard AA batteries. Although the consumption is not significant, various suitable power sources can be used. As always, friendship came to the rescue, a colleague at work brought lithium flat batteries from mobile phones and a bonus charging to them. Still, I had to redo them a little, but this is insignificant and much better than charging the batteries from scratch. Here I stopped on flat lithium batteries.

In the process of testing the radio module, its declared range justified and confidently worked in line of sight at a distance of 50 meters, through the walls the range was significantly reduced. There were also plans to install a vibration motor that reacted, say, to some collisions or other actions in the radio-controlled model. In this regard, I provided a transistor switch for control on the printed circuit board. But I left the additional complications for later, first you need to run the program, since it is still damp. And the design, given that this prototype requires minor improvements. This is how they say “all over the world”, a radio remote control was created with almost minimal investment.

(18 estimates, average: 4,28 out of 5)

This type of lighting is often used in residential and industrial premises. Control systems are very popular, which are implemented on the basis of motion sensors, telephones, radio switches and different types controllers equipped with lighting control panels. Now it is possible to control the lighting in the room, even in another state, using mobile phone... The most popular control methods will be described in this article.

Advantages of remote light control

Application of equipment for remote control electrical appliances has such advantages:

  • reduction of electricity consumption;
  • the lighting control process becomes the most comfortable;
  • due to the presence effect, the risk of breaking into the premises is reduced.

Types of remote turning on the light

Experts divide the remote control of light into wired, automated and manual, with additional opportunity changing the intensity of light using equipment that works on the basis of reception and emission different types waves. Next, the process of lighting control using different types of radiation, as well as programmed sound and voice commands, will be described.

Remote control of light from the remote control

Turning on light using infrared radiation

The inclusion of light using infrared radiation using a remote control is used very rarely. Such systems operate according to the principle radio signal transmission... In order to be able to control lighting using infrared radiation, a remote control unit is connected to the break in the electrical circuit, which is able to turn on and off the lamp with its television remote control. It is necessary to point the remote control at the block, then press any key, and after that the command will be saved in the device memory. Now you can turn on the lighting while sitting on a comfortable sofa.

The main disadvantage of this method is the need for a fairly accurate aiming of the remote control at a special radio signal receiver. They can only work within sight due to the weak signal level. In such cases, it is recommended to use repeaters.

Equipment for remote control of electrical appliances

Lighting control systems with a conventional remote control are very popular, in which a certain signal goes to a special controller. It is able to regulate the switching on and off of light at a strictly defined frequency.

Lighting control by radio signal is very popular for the following reasons:

  • the ability to control lighting not only using the remote control, but also personal computer or phone;
  • the maximum range of the product is no more than 110 meters;
  • the possibility of using radio amplifiers and powerful repeaters.

Modern remote control system with light via radio channel using a remote control consists of the following elements:

  • an ordinary remote control;
  • high-quality rechargeable battery;
  • a special remote control controller that connects to the network and any load.

The controller is placed on the wall or in a special glass of the lamp. It can be used to control simple incandescent lamps and other types of lighting devices. Additionally, it is possible to control the lighting of not only one luminaire, but also the whole group.

Remote light switches

Infrared switches are rarely installed indoors, because it is more profitable to control lighting. using radio devices... Such a switch is operated by a simple remote control or manually. The special signals are received by the receiver, which is located at the bottom of the product on the touch panel.

Radio switches can control the light from the remote control or manually. Outwardly, they do not differ from conventional switches. Radio switches interact with the lamp using power blocks that are connected to the electrical network and the lamp. It is possible to connect simple incandescent lamps and halogen lamps with a voltage of 220 volts to such power units. Such a switch with a remote control is installed absolutely anywhere in the room, and it is better to hide the power blocks in a junction box or lamp glass.

Infrared sensors for convenient light control

Now on the market you can find many models of motion sensors, which are designed for light remote control circuits. The most popular of these are infrared sensors. Such products are special devices that open or close the power circuit when the infrared signal increases in their visible area. If any person or animal gets into the coverage area, the temperature of which will be higher than the ambient temperature, the lighting will turn on. When a person leaves the area of ​​operation of the sensor or does not move for a couple of seconds, the lighting turns off. Motion sensors are installed mainly in the entrances, in the country, and less often they can be found in your apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages of all motion sensors

To the main disadvantages The use of motion sensors can be attributed to a large possibility of false triggering, poor performance in heavy rain or snow, lack of device operation in such a case when a person's outer clothing does not transmit this type of radiation well, turning off the lighting 20 seconds after the object stops moving.

To the main advantages motion sensors include control of electricity consumption, cost savings, human safety and ease of use.

How to connect a motion sensor

Connecting an infrared motion sensor is quite simple. It is necessary to purchase a wire consisting of three insulated conductors. With its help, the motion sensor is connected to the electrical network and to any lamp. The phase conductor of the network is connected to the phase outlet of the device. The neutral wires of the electrical network, the motion sensor and the lamp must be connected together. The phase wire of the electrical appliance is connected from the third core of the motion sensor. This is the whole sensor connection diagram.

How to Pick a Good Motion Sensor

When purchasing infrared motion sensors, you must pay special attention to such characteristics:

Lighting control from your phone

At first, touch control of light was used only together in the construction of a smart home, however, at this time in any room you can find a special photo relay. Automatic lighting can make life easier for a person. A multichannel shield is capable of turning on the lighting of all rooms from one point.

Experts identify such advantages of the remote lighting control system:

  1. Radio control can increase the safety of the apartment. You can control the light from your phone, personal computer or using a timer. This will protect the apartment from intruders in the absence of the owners.
  2. Great savings in the required materials. It takes a lot of expensive wire to run cables to the switches. And also over time it will need to be replaced. The electronic control system needs a small amount of wire.
  3. There is no dependence on the power supply network. The multi-channel cabinet and circuit breakers are connected using radio waves, and all light control is carried out without connecting to a local network.

Such a control system is the most convenient when it is necessary to control the lighting level in many places at the same time. It can be combined with a dimmer that will provide the most comfortable lighting in the room.

Microwave and ultrasonic sensors

Microwave sensors are capable of working on reception and emission of electromagnetic waves... In simple mode, the reflected and emitted waves have the same frequency and length. When a person enters their field of action, these characteristics change, and the lighting turns on. The main advantage of such sensors is that they are very accurate devices that can operate in bad weather. The disadvantages are high cost, risk of false positives and negative impact on the human body.

Ultrasonic sensors are similar in principle to microwave ones. A special generator of sound waves of various frequencies is installed in them, which are emitted and returned from objects in the range of the device. When a person enters the field of action of the sensor, the frequency of the reflected waves changes, and the device reacts to this. The main disadvantages of such sensors can be considered that they react poorly to slow movement and are harmful to animal health.

Many have heard more than once about smart electronics that can control lighting through a remote control or smartphone. So that our readers can find out more information about this equipment, we have prepared an article with its detailed description... In the article you can learn about light control systems that you can assemble with your own hands. In addition to smart lighting systems, we will talk about remote-controlled chandeliers and smart bulbs controlled via Wi-Fi. We will also tell our readers what the DMX 512 protocol is and where it is used.

Light control systems

Now many different systems are beginning to appear, which are gradually conquering the market of components for a smart home. In this chapter, we will tell you about the well-proven nooLite light control system, which was developed by a Belarusian company.

This system is a set of components that include devices such as special consoles and power units, radio switches. On the basis of nooLite, anyone can assemble a lighting system with their own hands. The control principle of this system is shown in the diagram below.

The diagram shows that the lighting is controlled using remote controls that transmit a radio signal to the power units. The power units of the radio switches, in turn, when they receive a command from the remote control, turn off or turn on the light of the lamp or lamp, and also adjust the brightness level. The radio switch power unit itself is a small plastic box that is connected with two wires to the 220 V network and the other two wires to the light bulb or lamp itself. The small size of the radio switch allows it to be mounted anywhere in an apartment or house. The fifth wire is an antenna that receives a radio signal from the remote control.

The remote control itself is a four-button block that can be glued anywhere in the room. For example, such a place might be free place under the switch.

The remote control has a built-in lithium-ion battery, which provides more than one year of operation without recharging. The functionality of the nooLite system does not end there. The system itself is sold in the form of kits, which, in addition to two or three consoles, as well as two or three power units, also include the following components:

  • Ethernet gateway PR1132;
  • PM111 motion sensor;
  • Humidity and temperature sensor PT111.

The PR1132 Ethernet Gateway is a device that can be connected to a wireless router or ethernet switch. Such a connection allows turning on the power units, as well as motion and temperature sensors using a smartphone and an Internet browser via a Wi-Fi network. In addition to browser control or smartphone control via Wi-Fi networks for the PR1132 Ethernet gateway, you can develop your applications, thanks to the support for your API. For example, thanks to the "Google Speech API" and API for the gateway, you can organize voice control of the light.

From the chapter reviewed, we can conclude that the nooLite system will provide remote control of lighting at the highest level, which you can assemble with your own hands today.

Chinese lighting control systems

If you want an inexpensive wireless lighting control system in your home, then we recommend using Chinese devices. One such device is the Chinese Jd211a1n5 light control system. This system has five radio switch boxes for connecting lamps and luminaires, which can be controlled by a remote control.

If you compare this system with nooLite, then this system will be much simpler.

This system can be controlled only from the remote control included in the kit and only five radio switch units. Connecting two, three or more relays to such a system is impossible.

This simplest system is best suited for a country house or summer cottage. Its main advantage over the nooLite system is its price. For example, the starting price for the nooLite component kit starts at $ 225. The Jd211a1n5 light control system can be purchased for $ 25. Based on this pricing, if you don't need an advanced lighting control system, then the Jd211a1n5 is the perfect option. Now let's return to the Jd211a1n5 system and describe its characteristics:

  • Has 15 channels;
  • Works at a distance of 100 meters;
  • The battery in the remote control lasts for one year;
  • Radio switch units are connected to the 80V-245V 50 / 60Hz network;
  • Light control using the alphabetic buttons "A.B.C.D.E.F.G";
  • The small size of radio switches 51 mm by 38 mm allows them to be mounted in different places.

The Jd211a1n5 relay connection diagram looks like this.

The diagram shows that we can connect the relay unit to a 220 V network in parallel with a conventional light switch.

The best place to connect is next to the switch. The best place for the block would be the switch itself.

This system connection makes the Jd211a1n5 system more versatile.

From this chapter, it becomes clear that the Jd211a1n5 can provide a very simple and inexpensive DIY remote control for your home or apartment.

Smart bulbs

Probably, many have heard about the so-called smart lamps. The main feature of such lamas is the control of their parameters via a smartphone connected to a Wi-Fi network. Basically, you can adjust the brightness of these lamps, turn them on and off through the program on your Android or iPhone phone. The most popular smart lamps from big name brands are:

  • LightFreq;
  • Nanoleaf Bloom;
  • BeON;
  • Vocca;
  • Philips Hue;
  • LIFX.

Now let's look at an example of using the sensational LIFX smart light bulb. This light bulb gained popularity when in just six days it was able to collect more than a million dollars on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site. LIFX's ease of connection helped to raise such an impressive amount of money. This light bulb does not need additional modules that take up additional space in the apartment. To make it work, just screw the bulb into the base of the E27 lamp and turn on the switch to search for a Wi-Fi network. After installing the light bulb, you need to download the official program from the app store for iPhone phones or Android. After installing the program, you need to find the connected lamp on the Wi-Fi network. In the program, you will find four tabs that allow you to manage this functionality:

  • Colors - this tab allows you to display different shades of colors, of which there are 16 million in this lamp;
  • Whites - this tab allows you to set the brightness level of the white color, which we use in conventional lamps;
  • Themes - many pre-installed themes that activate various lighting effects;
  • Effects - This menu allows you to create your own lighting effects.

To date, the starting price for the simplest LIFX lamp modification is $ 30. If you buy sets of two, three or more lamps, then you can save a lot.

The example shows that the inclusion of two, three or more smart lamps will help you create a smart lighting system in your house or apartment that can be deployed with your own hands even in five minutes.

DMX 512 control

In this chapter, we will look at what the DMX 512 protocol is and what it is for. The DMX 512 protocol is specially designed for connecting two or more lighting devices into a single system. The assembly of such a system is carried out using special DMX 512 controllers. The image below shows a budget model of the Chauvet Obey 3 DMX controller.

Various lighting equipment is connected to DMX 512 controllers, which is controlled through it. The most common use of DMX 512 controllers is in the music industry. For example, the DMX 512 controller is simply irreplaceable in concert halls, discos and various show programs. The following lighting equipment can be connected to the DMX 512 controller:

  • LED floodlight that allows you to direct the light beam in a certain direction;
  • Group spotlight systems, which are an integral part of concert halls and discos;
  • Various types of strobe lights used at parties and discos;
  • Light complexes, which include from two, three or more lamps.

All connected equipment is controlled by a DMX console, which is built into the controller itself, as can be seen from the picture above.

Thanks to low-cost DMX 512 controllers, now ordinary people have the opportunity to assemble their own lighting control system on a DMX 512 controller with their own hands. In fact, budget DMX 512 controllers will be indispensable for creating a light show for a home disco. Also these controllers can be used for the lighting effects of the Christmas house.

Nowadays, remote-controlled chandeliers are quite popular, both in foreign and domestic stores. These chandeliers are a complete product that you can plug in and use right away.

Good day to all, dear friends! In today's article, I would like to show you a rather interesting and simple homemade product, namely a remote switch. For it, we need a minimum of material and, most importantly, we absolutely do not need an arduino. This homemade product can be adapted not as a light switch, but as a remote control of water in a tap or even a latch control. For what you only have enough imagination. The cheapest materials from Chinese shops and local radio markets will be taken as components.

In general, today we will look at how you can make the simplest electronic device to control the light in a room. Well, let's not delay with a long preface, let's go!

And so, for this homemade product we need:
- an electric motor with a gearbox.
- 9V battery in krone format.
- control board and control panel from the simplest radio-controlled car.
- battery connector.
- adapter for the shaft of the electric motor reducer.
- metal wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm and a length of no more than 10-12 cm.
- MDF or ordinary wooden plank, about 10 cm by 5 cm.

From the tools we also need:
- therma glue.
- Super glue.
- screwdriver.
- soldering iron.
- pliers.

First of all, we need to cut out the main part from a wooden plank or MDF panel, on which a structure of about 10 cm by 5 cm will be assembled.

For the next step, we need an electric motor with a gearbox, which can be purchased from a Chinese online store or from any radio market. The electric motor we have taken should be glued into the middle of the wooden base that we prepared earlier. It should be glued with super glue.

Then the simplest control board will come in handy, it can be taken from the simplest and cheapest radio-controlled car, which can only go forward and backward, these board abilities are enough for us.

The control board should be glued to the wooden base with a thermal glue.

Then we should solder the wires "+" and "-" from the control board to the electric motor. In our case, these are green and yellow wires.

Then we need a crown connector, which you can buy at a store or make yourself. Such a connector can be made from an old krone-format battery by simply disassembling it and unsoldering it from the wire connector itself. We solder "+" and "-" from the control board to the connector, this is a black and a red wire. And for the tightness of the connection, we will fill the place of soldering with glue.

Taking the term glue, glue the connector to the indicated place (see photo below).

For the next step, we need a similar detail (see photo below). This is a similar type of adapter, which is put on the shaft of the electric motor gearbox. A kind of adapter is usually used to make homemade mini drills and bur of machines.

We install the taken adapter on the shaft of the electric motor gearbox, while not forgetting to fix it to the screw connection, simply tightening it with a screwdriver. Taking the wire and pliers, we make a zigzag blank, which in turn must be fixed in the adapter.

We insert the battery in its place and check the performance of the structure. We should get it so that when you press one of the buttons, the electric motor rotates in one direction, and when you press the other button, respectively, in the other direction.

The remote control of a video recorder, TV, music center or satellite receiver can be used to turn off and on various household electrical appliances, including lighting.

Do-it-yourself remote control will help us with this, the diagram of which is given in this article.

Description of the operation of the IR remote control system

The following mechanism is used for remote control of devices. Press and hold an arbitrary button on the remote control for 1 second. The system does not respond to a short press (for example, when operating the music center).

In order to exclude the response of the TV to the control of devices, it is necessary to select unused buttons on the remote control or use the remote control from the device turned off at this time.

The schematic diagram of the remote control is shown in Figure 1. A special DA1 microcircuit amplifies and forms the electrical signal of the BL1 photodiode into electrical impulses. A comparator is built on radioelements DD1.1 and DD1.2, and a pulse generator is built on radioelements DD1.3, DD1.4.

The state of the control system (on or off the load) is controlled by the DD2.1 trigger. If the direct output of this trigger is log 1, the generator will operate at a frequency of approximately 1 kHz. Pulses will appear on the emitters of transistors VT1 and VT2, which, through the capacitance C10, will go to the controlling output of the triac VS1. It will be unlocked at the beginning of every half cycle of the mains voltage.

In the initial position, on pin 7 of the DA1 microcircuit, there is a log 1, the capacitance C5 is charged through the resistances R1, R2 and at the input C of the DD2.1 trigger, log 0. If the IR signals from the remote control go to the BL1 photodiode, the DA1 microcircuit will be on contact 7 signals, and the capacitance C5 will be discharged through the diode VD1 and the resistance R2.

When the potential at C5 drops to the lower level of the comparator (after 1 second or more), the comparator will switch and a signal will be sent to the DD2.1 trigger input. The trigger state of DD2.1 will change. This is how the devices switch from one state to another.

Chips DD1 and DD2 can be used similar to the series K564, K176. VD2 is a zener diode for a voltage of 8-9 volts and a current of more than 35 mA. Diodes VD3 and VD4 - KD102B or similar. Oxide tanks - K50-35; C2, C4, C6, C7 - K10-17; C9, C10 - K73-16 or K73-17.

Setting up the IR remote control system

It consists in the selection of the resistance R2 of such a value that the switching takes place after 1 ... 2 s. If an increase in the value of this resistance leads to the fact that the capacitance C5 will not be discharged to the threshold voltage, it is necessary to double the capacitance C5 and re-adjust.

The capacitance C6 should be set in the event that the duration of the front of the pulse coming from the comparator to the trigger is excessively long and it will switch unstably.

If the used remote control does not allow you to control the device without interfering with the TV, it is possible to assemble a homemade remote control, which is a generator of rectangular signals with a repetition rate of 20 ... 40 kHz, operating on an emitting IR diode. Options for a similar remote control on the KR1006VI1 timer (