Computer testing: accessories and programs.

A good computer owner is like a good car owner: not only uses it for its intended purpose, but also tries to figure out at least a little what modules are intended for what. You do not need to be an expert to understand the signs of elementary problems that arise during use. And for this, you can just master the testing of a computer using functional, but easy-to-use programs.

In recent versions of Windows, there are a number of useful utilities that some have no idea about or have no idea why they are needed.

Computer testing: and performance

The name speaks for itself. To automatically launch the utility, press Win + R and enter the command

Perfmon / report

The process of collecting system data will begin immediately. The report will contain a huge amount of information that at first glance will seem purely statistical. The first thing that you will probably be interested in is the Warning tab, which contains the errors of the current Windows session. This window duplicates faults, for example, the device manager, but right there, unlike the first, it gives the simplest advice on what can be done about this:

Plus, there are additional links in each of the paragraphs, in which a beginner can get confused, which does not prevent them from carrying a lot of usefulness. For example, the Resource Overview tab contains a color indication of the load on the processor, network adapter and RAM strips. Green - normal, yellow - take a closer look, red - you have problems:

In general, it is useless to describe the utility in full. Run the command and go over the tabs at your own pace. You will know where to return, if that ...

Computer Testing: RAM Diagnostics

Did you think that this is the prerogative of servicemen? Now you can do it too. This will not happen in the current session - it is simply impossible - but when you reboot, or the next time you turn on the computer. The utility is along the path:

Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Windows Memory Checker

The test will run in text Standard mode. The settings can be changed, and at the end of the test, if errors are detected, the system will offer corrective options and may even indicate the faulty module.

Testing Your Computer: Windows Event Log

This log, in a nutshell, will allow you to compile an overall picture of the applications launched in Windows sessions, indicating the exact time of launching and terminating programs, possible malfunctions and even system failures, indicating their causes. He, the journal, will not indicate the faulty module, but conclusions can be drawn. This is where the user goes for, the sudden shutdown of the computer, etc. In fact, this is no longer computer testing, but its "black box".

Testing your computer: problems with video and sound playback?

The following diagnostic tool has been with us on Windows for a long time. This proverbial is a technology invented by Microsoft developers to describe the entire range of tools for working with API(application programming interfaces) programs that work with video and sound. So, starting with Windows 98 we are familiar with DirectPlay responsible for sounds, video - DirectShow and graphics - Direct3D.

In general, you can look at the results of checking Windows installed video and sound settings right now with one command:


The system will conduct a survey of all devices that are involved in the process of video and sound playback and will display a window with several tabs in which the corresponding summary will be given.

Testing Your Computer: All Windows Drivers

Do you want to look at them in full list? Easily. Open a command console and type the command:


Here you can admire the detailed information about installed on the system. There you can also check the relevance of the drivers by the date of installation or update. However, do not be alarmed if you find dates 5-7 years ago: your system will have enough of these drivers for some mastodon devices (for example, a card reader or optical disc drive), and sometimes the date does not reflect the changes made to it. ^

However, it is possible to check which of the drivers slows down the system and needs updating. To do this, we will have to use a couple of free utilities that can easily detect broken device drivers. I have written about this in detail in the article. Read at your leisure.

That's all, we will consider testing a computer from third-party developers another time.

Read: 205

Test on the topic: “Operating system. Windows interface "

1. An operating system is:

A) application program;

B) system program;

C) programming system;

D) text editor.

2. The driver is:

A) computer device;

B) a program for working with computer devices;

C) application program;

D) programming language.

3. A program running under Windows is called:

A) application;

B) document;

C) Wednesday;

D) somehow differently.

4. The operating system is loaded from the disk into RAM:


B) driver;

C) the operating system loader;

D) service program.

5. The properties of the Desktop are:

A) the design of the Desktop;

B) shortcuts, folders, files located on the Desktop;

C) the date of manufacture of the Desktop;

D) the name of the user working with the Desktop.

6. You can activate or select a file or folder:

A) by double clicking;

B) by clicking;

B) pulling through;

D) indicating.

7. The taskbar contains:

A) buttons of minimized programs;

B) only shortcuts;

C) Start button;

D) Start button and icons of minimized and running programs.

8. The main menu opens:

A) by clicking on the My Computer icon;

B) the Start button;

C) context menu;

D) by clicking on the Taskbar.

9. Window is:

A) work area;

B) the main means of communication with Windows;

C) Windows application;

D) Windows event.

10. Where is the window menu bar:

A) from above;

B) from below;

B) on the left;

D) on the right.

11. The application window contains:

A) the contents of the folder;

B) a running program;

C) file structure;

D) the contents of the file.

12. The dialog box opens:

A) at the request of the user or as necessary by the application;

B) by triple clicking on the object;

C) by clicking on a special icon;

D) only at the end of the computer.

13. To resize the window uniformly in width and height, you must:

A) pull the horizontal frame;

B) pull the vertical frame;

B) pull the corner;

D) pull the heading.

14. Button is used for:

A) closing the window;

B) window restoration;

C) minimizing the window;

D) unfolding windows.

15. The complex of system and utility programs is called:

A) text editor;

B) graphic editor;

C) operating system;

D) driver.

16. The utility is:

A) operating system;

B) application program;

C) service program;

D) basic input-output system.

17. BIOS is:

A) driver program;

B) utility program;

C) a program that tests the computer after turning it on;

D) application program.

18. When you turn on the computer, the processor calls:


B) hard drive;


D) a floppy disk.

19. You can turn on the program or open a document:

A) by clicking;

B) double click;

C) drag and drop;

D) freezing.

20. The desktop is:

A) file;

B) the central part of the screen;

C) the active part of the screen;

D) folder.

21. In the main menu, the arrow on the right opposite some items:

A) launches the application;

B) collapses this item;

C) opens a submenu;

D) opens a window.

22. Icons of minimized programs are located:

A) on the Desktop;

B) in the Main Menu;

C) on the taskbar;

D) on the display panel.

23. Button is used for:

A) closing the window;

B) minimizing the window;

C) window restoration;

D) resizing the window.

24. Where is the title of the window:

A) from below;

B) from above;

B) on the right;

D) on the left.

25. The dialog box is intended for:

A) viewing the contents of the folder;

B) requesting some parameters from the user;

C) application work;

D) working with files.

26. To view the contents of a window that does not fit into the workspace, you need to use:

A) heading;

B) a scroll bar;

C) the menu bar;

D) the minimize button.

27. The folder window contains:

A) the contents of the folder;

B) a running program;

C) a visual representation of the file structure;

D) the contents of the file.

28. Completion of work with the computer occurs on the command:

A) Start \ Programs \ Shutdown;

B) Start \ Shutdown;

C) press Reset;

D) Ctrl + Alt + Delete.


). In this case, some begin to worry and look for all sorts of reasons and ways to eliminate freezes.
I will not repeat myself and write why this is happening, tk. the article is not about this and I have already given a link to solving the problems above.
I'd rather show you one interesting way that will help you check the system for errors.

Few people know, but in Windows there is one useful "trick" that can itself look for and correct errors in the system itself. Moreover, it will not touch third-party programs, but only check its system files. This is useful and interesting because many do not think that the reason may be hidden in the system itself, but start feverishly, and so on. Generally . Yes, this is useful and can lead to good results, but with all these actions it is good to remember what I will write about below.

I already wrote a little about this function in the article, which can also arise due to a failure in system files, which are often forgotten. But still, within the framework of this article, I will repeat ...

So, let's run:

and enter into it sfc / scannow:

The system check will start:

You just have to wait.

For anyone interested, here's a description of the command and keys.

/ scannow - performs an immediate scan of all protected system files.
/ scanonce - a one-time scan of all protected system files at the next system boot.
/ scanboot - check all protected system files on every boot
/ REVERT - Sets the original default options.
/ ENABLE - Enables the normal operation of Windows file protection
/ PURGECACHE - Clear file cache and check files immediately
/ CACHESIZE = x - Sets the size of the file cache

In the command line (Start -> Run -> cmd) write the sfc / command and the required key.

After completing the check, the system will report the results and ask you to reboot.

That's all for me. Thank you all for your attention.

Even the most "polished" and the most secure operating system is by no means guaranteed against failures perceived by the user as errors. Particularly annoying are unknown and unexpected errors sometimes fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences.

It's not hard to imagine the emotions of a person working on a complex document that gets lost as a result of a Windows system crash. To avoid such problems, it is better to prepare for them in advance. And for this you need to be aware of how the Windows 7 OS is checked for errors. Consider separately two serious issues related to the stated topic:

  • Checking system files and Windows registry.
  • Monitoring the status of the hard disk of the computer.

Old-timers of the computer world remember well the utilities of the world-famous Peter Norton - not only the author of excellent books, but also the creator of programs under the brand name "Norton utilities". The first versions of these programs worked even before windows appeared - in the then popular MS DOS operating system. These utilities allowed to detect the presence of errors on the hard drive and identify the presence of other DOS problems. We will be interested in similar tools for Windows.

Files and registry

Checking OS files can be done in two ways: either using standard Windows tools, or using third-party software. The OS has built-in file control tools. To use their capabilities, you need to open a command prompt window and type the sfc command with the / scannow parameter in it, like this:

As a result, the system files will be scanned for errors. The result will be displayed immediately in the command line window.

The information obtained can be analyzed (at least with the help of the same Internet), which is useful for determining the degree of deterioration of the OS and equipment. In the process, the program will try to fix all detected violations in the system files on the disk.

Additional service, higher scan quality and reliability of corrections are provided by third-party software.

For example, the same package "Norton Utilities" (NU) for Windows. Although this tool is the most popular and powerful software package for dealing with OS and computer malfunctions, it still costs a lot of money. Especially in its "professional" configuration. Nowadays, on the Web, you can find many free analogs of this creation.

The Windows registry is the very place where, in addition to the necessary information for the OS, a lot of junk and garbage accumulates. Periodic cleaning of the registry is our direct responsibility. To this end, it is worth installing and periodically running the time-tested CCleaner utility (although NU does a pretty good job of this as well). Search it online and download it.


The appearance of errors in the file structure on the hard disk is caused by wear of the disk surface, malfunctions of disk services (drivers) Windows and positioning errors of the laser subsystem of the hard drive. You can check and disinfect the hard drive using methods similar to the previous ones. We'll cover the easiest way - running the standard disk error checker that comes with Windows. For this:

  • Open the shortcut "My Computer", select the icon of any of the sections (for example, "Local drive C").
  • Open the context menu with the right mouse button.
  • Select Properties. A tabbed window will open.
  • Go to the "Service" tab
  • Click on the "Check Now" button.

The program will examine the section and fix any malfunctions. Perform the same operation with the rest of the sections.

Correct answers are marked with +

1.When did the Windows operating system appear?

2. What was the inconvenient MS DOS operating system?

Black screen, typing a command from the keyboard ...

There are a lot of commands to remember ...

Non-graphical interface ....

graphical interface ....

objects as icons ...

3. What modules are included in the operating system?

Base core, command processor ...

Drivers, utilities, base kernel ...

Command processor, drivers, utilities ...

drivers, utilities, basic egg ...

drivers, utilities, base kernel ...

4. What operating system did the first computers have?

5. What is the name of the file created with the Windows application program?


root directory

6. What is an "interface"?

User interaction with computer tools

interaction of a magnetic disk with computer tools

interaction of the keyboard with computer tools

user interaction with a floppy disk that lies on the table

user-teacher interaction

7. What is the specification (full name) of the ABSTRACT file, which is located in the PETRUK folder, which is located in the 10-A folder, which is on the A: drive?


A: \ 10-A \ PETRUK



A: \ 10-A \ ABSTRACT

8. What is an "address" on a computer?

The path to the file

The sequence of disc name and folder name leading to the file

file name and extension

list of computer disks

full filename

9. How can root directories (disks) be designated?

10. What serves as the root directories on the computer?

Magnetic disks

Optical (laser) discs

Magneto-optical discs

document files

user directories

11. What is indicated by the file name and extension?

Purpose and type of file

purpose and file name

file type and extension

file size and type

file name and size

12. What does the filename consist of?

File name and type

Name and extension

last name and first name

type and extension

name and title

13. What is the file structure for?

For storing information in external memory

To download programs

To edit texts

To find what you need

To work faster

14. What characters are allowed in the file name?

d 3 @ \ & i 2 / *

+% d & () e r

% d & () e< >r

U p @ 3 $% (1 _

15. What extension do executable files have?

Com, .exe, .bat

Pic, .sys, .doc

Com, .exe, .sys

Exe, .txt, .doc

Bmp, .sys, .exe

16. How many bytes can a file name have in total?

17. What extension do Word text documents have?

18. What does the user get from using the Windows operating system?

New powerful information processing capabilities

Using a wide variety of different fonts

Standard controls for all programs

Windows programs run MS DOS

convenient use of the MS DOS operating system

19. What is a folder?

Storage space for document files

Executable file

Text Document

Old catalog