Microsoft Word 2010 is:

Graphics editor;
text editor;
program for creating models;

What is a text editor?

  1. a program for working with images in the process of creating game programs;

    PC resource management program when creating documents;

    program for creating, editing, formatting text information;

    a program for automatic translation from symbolic languages ​​into machine codes.

Answer the question by choosing the answer option.

Intercharacter spacing is:

  1. the distance between the letters of the text;

    distance between lines of text;

    spacing between paragraphs of text.

Answer the question by choosing the answer option.

Which of the following sentences has the correct spaces between words and punctuation marks?

  1. It's time that iron: strike, the generation is boiling!

    It's time that iron: strike, the generation is boiling!

    It's time that iron: strike, the generation is boiling!

Answer the question by choosing the answer option.

Igor was typing on a computer. All of a sudden, all his letters began to be entered in capital letters. What happened?

  1. computer crashed

    there was a crash in the text editor

    The NumLock key was accidentally pressed

    the CapsLock key was accidentally pressed

Answer the question by choosing the answer option.

The cursor position in the misspelled word is marked with a dash: ISS | ART

To correct the error, press the key:

  1. Delete or Backspace

7. Match the number of the button with its name:

8. Answer the question.

On which tab and in which group are the buttons from task 7.

9. Answer the question.

What operation can be performed using this dialog box

Search and replace in text

Resize page margins

Change paragraph indents and red line sizes

Change text font

10. Answer the question by choosing the answer option.

What orientation of the sheet is not there?

a. Bookstore

b. Magazine

c. Landscape


on the implementation of the didactic test for the control survey of schoolchildren on the topic: “Text editorWord»

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Test Answers

Question. What is this site?
Answer. site is a site containing informatics lessons, informatics tests, informatics lectures, is intended for students and those who are interested in modern IT technologies and computer science. Anyone can get knowledge in informatics here.
Also on the site there are tests for monitoring the knowledge of college students, schoolchildren, or even employees of enterprises. Our mission is to provide affordable computer science teaching materials.

Question. I think I found an error in the test / article, how can I tell about it / I want to write to the administration
Answer. You can write to us using or leave a comment at the bottom of the test / article.

Question.I want to publish my test, how can I do it?
Answer. To do this, you can contact the administrator use. In the future, each user will be able to add an article to the site, but the functionality is still under development.

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Test in the discipline "Informatics"

Topic: "Text editor Microsoft Word "

Question number: 1

The main functions of a text editor are ...

Answer options:

    Automatic processing of information presented in text files Creating, editing, saving and printing texts Managing PC resources and processes that use these resources when creating text Copying, moving, deleting and sorting fragments of text

Question number: 2

When you click on the button with a floppy disk on the toolbar, ...

Answer options:

    Saving a document Writing a document to a floppy disk Reading information from a floppy disk Printing a document

Question number: 3

How can I change the font

in some snippet of a Word text editor?

Answer options:

    Change font using the toolbar Call the "change font" command Mark the desired fragment; call the command "change font"; call the "insert" command Mark the desired fragment; change font using toolbar

Question number: 4

When you click on the button with the scissors on the toolbar ...

Answer options:

    The previously cut text is inserted. The page breaks. The selected text is deleted. The document outline appears.

Question #: 5

When can I resize a picture in the Word text editor?

Answer options:

    When it is inserted When it is selected When it is colored When it is working

Question №: 6

Lexicon, Writer, Word, Notepad is ...

Answer options:

    Graphical editors Spreadsheets Text editors DBMS

Question number: 7

A word processor and spreadsheets are ...

Answer options:

    Application software Service software System software Tool software

Question number: 8

How can you copy a piece of text in a text editor Word?

Answer options:

    Mark the desired fragment; call the "copy" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the "copy" command; stand in the right place; call the "insert" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the command "copy with paste" Mark the desired fragment; call the "copy" command; call the "insert" command

Question #: 9

A text editor can be used to ...

Answer options:

    Computational operations Drawing Writing an essay Essays of a musical work

Question number: 10

The cursor is ...

Answer options:

    A mark on the display screen that indicates the position at which the keyboard input will be displayed The smallest element of the screen display Key on the keyboard Text input device

Question number: 11

How can you transfer a piece of text in a text editor Word?

Answer options:

    Mark the desired fragment; call the "transfer" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the "cut" command; call the "insert" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the "cut" command; stand in the right place in the text; call the "insert" command Mark the desired fragment; call the command "transfer with insert"

Question #: 12

A text editor is ...

Answer options:

    Programs for entering, editing and formatting text Software for creating and modifying graphical objects Programs for storing and processing data presented in tabular form Software for storing and processing large amounts of data

Question number: 13

Which autoshapes can't add volume to?

Answer options:

    Multi-piece Flat Large Colored

Question number: 14

Text that repeats at the top or bottom of a page in a Word text editor is called ...

Answer options:

    Header & Footer Logo Template Style

Question number: 15

When you click the button with the left curved arrow

on the toolbar ...

Answer options:

    The last command is canceled The dialog box for adding a hyperlink appears The page breaks The last command is repeated

Question number: 16

The next sequence of actions: " set mouse pointer

at the beginning of the text; Press the left mouse button and hold it down,

move the mouse in the desired direction"in a text editor Word will result ...

Answer options:

    To move text To copy text to clipboard To select text To delete text

Question number: 17

Button " Non-printable characters"a text editor lets us see ...

Answer options:

    Spaces between words Invisible characters Punctuation marks End of paragraph or empty paragraph

Question number: 18

How much computer memory will a 20-character phrase take?

Answer options:

    20 machine words; 160 bytes; 20 bits; 20 bytes;

Question number: 19

In a text editor Word, you can work with tables.

What operations can be performed with table cells?

Answer options:

    hide cells merge cells split cells show cells

Question number: 20

To exit the text editor, use the key combination ...

Answer options:

    Shift + F4 Alt + F4 Ctrl + F4 Alt + F10



1.What is the first tab in the Microsoft program windowWord 2010-2013?

a) main

c) page markup

d) insert

2. Which key combination makes the transition from Russian to English?

a) Shift + F3

b) Enter

c) Alt + Shift

d) Shift

3.What orientation of the sheet is not there?

a) Book

b) Journal

c) Landscape

4.With which tab can you insert the Table?

a) Home

B) Insert

c) Page markup

5. Text editors are ...

1 )



6. A text document is

1 ) these are programs for creating and editing text documents.

2 ) it is a document created in an application environment, consisting of various types of objects: texts, figures, tables.

3) image editing program

7.Editing this

1 ) it is the process of making changes to a document.

2) Document recovery process

8. What lists are missing in the MS Word editor.

1) Multilevel

2) Multicolumn

3) Numbered

4) Marked

9. What is the main MS Word extension?

1) .txt

2) .exe

3) .odt

4) .docx

10.How to copy the selected piece of text to another location using the mouse and keyboard?

1. This cannot be done;

2Capture a piece of text with the mouse and, while holding “Ctrl” on the keyboard, move the piece to the desired location;

3.Capture a piece of text with the mouse and, holding "Alt" on the keyboard, move the piece to the desired location;

4.Copy the selected fragment to the clipboard, move the cursor to the desired location, paste the fragment from the clipboard.

11. The cursor is

1) a device for inputting text information;

2) a key on the keyboard;

3) the smallest display element on the screen;

4.mark on the monitor screen indicating the position at which keyboard input will be displayed

12.The main functions of text editors are:

a) creating tables and performing calculations on them;

b) editing text, formatting text, printing text;

c) development of graphical applications.

13.To create a table with a specified number of rows and columns in the MS-Word editor, you must:

but) execute the command “Insert table” from the “Table” menu, set the required values ​​in the “Number of columns” and “Number of rows” fields;

b) execute the “Insert Table” command from the “Table” menu;

c) execute the "Field" command from the "Insert" menu

14 what the table is made of

1 ) rows, columns, cells

2) rows and columns

3) cells

15. What is called formatting

1) is a document created in the application environment, consisting of objects of different types: texts, figures, tables.

2) the process of setting the parameters of a fragment of text, which determine the appearance of the text in this fragment

16. What type of text does not exist

1) Bold, underlined, italic.

2) Bold, italic, underlined

3) Outlined, Italic, Bold

17. What color is used to highlight grammatical errors in Word

2) Red

3) Green

18.What color underlines syntax errors in Word

1) Blue

2) Red

3) Green

19.In which item of the program menu bar Word can find a team to keep ?

a) File

b) Service

c) Edit

d) Format

20) What keys do you need to type to make a capital letter in a word

1) Shift + Alt

2) CTRL + V

3) CTRL + Alt

21) Microsoft Word is

1) Graphic editor

2) Text editor

3) Table editor

22) Where is the Paragraph panel

1) in the home tab

2) in the insert tab

23) Where is the font panel

1) in the home tab

2) in the insert tab

3) in the page layout tab

24) Where is the table panel

1) in the home tab

2) in the insert tab

3) in the page layout tab

25)When typing, one word is separated from another:

1) a point;

2) a space;

3) a comma;

4) colon.

26. How do I change the page orientation from portrait to landscape?

1) tab page layout, orientation, landscape

2) file, landscape

3) tab page layout, landscape

27. An object consisting of rows and columns, at the intersection of which cells are formed -

A) diagram

B) paragraph

B) list

D) table

28. Where is the fill tool

1) Paragraph panel

2) panel font

3) insert tab

29) Where is the text effects and decoration tool

1 ) Home, panel font

2) Main, panel table

3) Home, Paragraph Panel

30) Where is the draw shape button

1) home tab

2) insert tab