Unlike a wired network, a Wi-Fi connection requires additional authentication, since the connection to the network within the range of the signal emitted by the router is public. Here, electronics are responsible for the Internet connection and there can be many reasons for the phone not seeing wifi at home: from provider problems to router malfunction. However, such a problem is extremely common, and the most "popular" reasons why the phone does not connect to home wifi, we will consider in this article.

Why the phone does not connect to wifi: we establish the correct "diagnosis"

So, if the phone does not catch Wi-Fi from the router, it is worth checking:

  • 1. Is the router "frozen".

Indeed, some of the reasons that the phone does not see Wi-Fi can be safely called mystical. After all, this is what all unexplained phenomena are called? In fact, all routers, without exception, periodically refuse to perform the tasks assigned to them, and even the manufacturers of this equipment will not answer why this is happening.

So, if the phone stopped catching wifi after fruitful work with a wireless connection, the first thing to do is to reboot the router. To do this, just turn off the device using the ON / OFF button on the device (or pull out the power plug from the POWER jack), wait 30 seconds and reconnect the router to the mains.

Thus, if the phone does not see the wifi router due to its "freezing", the problem will be eliminated.

  • 2. Correctness of phone authentication in the wireless network

If an authentication error occurs and the phone does not connect to WiFi, you first need to reboot your mobile device.

  • 3. Is the number of devices in the home network exceeded?

To find out why the phone does not see wifi at home, and see how many devices are allowed to use your Wi-Fi.

You may have turned on your laptop, tablet, phones, etc. and your router only supports 16 wireless connections to your home network.

Or, you bet too much, and the student from the next doorway decided to show his friends that he is a cool hacker. The young cracker found the password and gave it to his friends.

Unauthorized connections can be “banned” through the router's web interface, after which be sure to change the password for accessing WiFi to a complex and unique one.

Do not forget to delete all connections on your mobile communicators after changing the key, and connect to the network with a new password.

  • 4. Is the SSID repeating?

This is rare, but it happens. Some people either set a standard network identifier, or simplify the unique name to a simple one, for example "dlink", "tplink", etc. If someone nearby also did not strain their imagination, then the next time they connect to their home wifi network, an authentication error will occur.

Turn off your router and see if its name is in the list of available WiFi networks on your phone? If a network with this name already exists, then change the SSID to a unique one, save the settings and reboot the router.

  • 5. Whether the router or mobile phone is broken.

With regard to the router, you can try to reset the settings to the factory settings using the RESET button

and re-configure the device via the web interface in accordance with.

After such an "operation", all passwords will be changed to the factory ones, including the authentication data.

If, after a complete reconfiguration of the router, the phone still does not connect to the Internet via wifi, you should contact the service center or warranty workshop.

A large number of subscribers using mobile communications quite often ask questions about network problems, one of which is: "Why does the phone not see WiFi?" Now it is impossible to imagine that any of the mobile devices would remain without access to the Internet using this network. Naturally, even at home users have a home WiFi network.

Why can't mobile devices see WiFi?

The WiFi network is now considered very convenient, affordable and mobile in almost all corners of the globe. She has many other advantages. For example, you can see pretty decent savings on the installation, deployment and expansion of the Internet. In addition, WiFi communication fully guarantees the compatibility of a number of equipment with different directions and many mobile users at the same time in the same coverage area. But, unfortunately, not all mobile phone users have a chance to use this type of communication. And, of course, they ask themselves the question: "Why does the phone not see WiFi?"

Solving the problem of network visibility

Naturally, first you need to determine the reason why the phone stopped seeing home WiFi, that is, check if there is a connection at all. To do this, you can perform simple manipulations, for example, see if there is a connection to WiFi from other types of mobile devices. You also need to reboot the adapter.

Possible reasons why the phone does not see WiFi may be as follows: the user's mobile device must have the appropriate equipment - a special chip. Also, a large number of users, surprisingly, do not know how to independently configure this network.

To solve the problem of why the phone does not see WiFi, first you need to look at the settings of the router itself. Usually, a WiFi router automatically selects a given access point (channel). A large number of mobile phones begin to experience minor problems when this very channel is higher than 12. You should change the channel itself to a value from 1 to 9, reboot the device and try to connect to the network. Naturally, do not forget about the settings of the mobile phone itself.

And if everything is configured correctly, you need to check the operation of the router and mobile device. You can also connect to a free access point somewhere to check. And if the phone sees the network, then most likely the WiFi problem lies in the home router.

Network connection problem for Lenovo phones

It is very common for users of phones like Lenovo to have network connectivity issues as well. There is a problem that Lenovo phone cannot see WiFi. The device itself provides the ability to work on channels 1 through 11. Often the router is tuned to a channel above 12, it turns out that there is an incompatibility between the mobile device and the router. If changing the channel helps for other mobile devices, then Lenovo needs to take other actions.

First, you need to find the build.prop file on your phone and replace the line ro.wifi.channels with ro.wifi.channels = 14. Such manipulation can be performed directly directly on the computer in any text editor by transferring the original file via USB. After that, you need to restart both the phone and the router. After all these actions, the mobile device should see the network.

WiFi programs for phone

In order to use all the capabilities of your mobile phone when connected to the network, they use numerous software. There is now a large selection of WiFi programs for your phone. Such applications are used in order to make an access point to a WiFi network out of a mobile device. The main thing is to select good and inexpensive mobile Internet traffic, because, in principle, the mobile device will turn into a gateway between 3G and Wi-Fi networks. And this will allow the device to connect to the World Wide Web. Programs are divided by the type of mobile phone platform, the most popular are Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

Android WiFi Apps: WiFi Tether and WiFi HotSpo

Nowadays, all multifunctional telephones used to access the network, social services or chat on the Internet are practically unnecessary if the phone has ceased to see WiFi. When solving this problem, many realized that WiFi Tether for Root Users is considered a very easy-to-use program for the phone. The only thing that it is not so popular with users is that it requires Root access rights, but this pays off with easily accessible features and usability. By default, this program sets a WiFi hotspot in open mode, connected without a password. Therefore, before using this program, respectively, you need to select an encryption protocol and specify a key for connecting the network.

Another WiFi app for your phone is WiFi HotSpo. It is also easy to use, but it has much fewer functions than WiFi Tether, but when using this particular program, the mobile phone does not need to be "rooted" in advance. And what's so attractive about this app is that it has features like USB Tethering. It allows you to use the phone as a wired modem when connected via USB to a computer.

IOS based WiFi programs

Unlike programs for the Android platform, such utilities for IOS are not so common. But still there is a good WiFi app for an iOS phone and that is MyWi. This application allows you to make a modem from a mobile device. But for this to be possible, Apple devices must first be "unlocked". The application has a very good monitoring capability. And if suddenly a connection is not established, or it works with interference, MyWi has the ability to select another channel. Its only drawback is that it is paid.

Program for Windows Phone

In one of the first versions of phones based on the Windows Phone operating system, tethering was not possible. But in subsequent models of mobile devices, this option was built into the system itself. It can be set to lock depending on which particular phone model is used. The maximum connection to the network access point with active tethering is no more than five other mobile devices.

The problem of connecting mobile devices to the network and its solution

It is widely believed that soon enough, WiFi network may replace one of the available connections - a mobile one. But this raises one problem. There is still the impossibility of roaming on a global scale. After all, this network currently has a small radius of its action. And there are problems in the form of the fact that the phone does not connect to WiFi.

Nowadays, this network is already quite widespread everywhere. Developers such as Samsung, Zyxel, Hitachi were among the first to produce phones with network support. Also, some time later, other manufacturers began to develop such phones.

Today, the communication standard is probably the most inexpensive, and many providers provide these services free of charge. But it is not always possible to take advantage of the wireless network, and sometimes the question arises of what to do if the phone does not connect to WiFi.

It so happens that a mobile device sees the network itself, but does not want to connect to it. This is especially the case when the phone does not see the home WiFi. If in public places where the network is provided, such problems did not arise before, often the solution lies not in the phone itself, but in the home router, in its settings.

When solving such a problem, it is not necessary to turn to professionals, you can fix everything yourself. To do this, go to the device settings and change them. This can be done using any internet browser. Directly in you need to dial the IP of the router. These designations are and Next, you need to find the DHCP section and check the Enabled section, in other sections - Default Gateway and Primary DNS - you need to enter the IP of the router.

Thus, if all actions are performed correctly, then the question of whether should be resolved. This method helps to protect the exchange of data, that is, it makes it possible to set a password for a network connection. Only those users who are allowed to connect to it.

Sooner or later, each user is faced with the fact that for some reason wi-fi does not work on the phone. This article is intended to help you identify the sources of these common problems and find the fastest and most effective way to fix them.

So let's figure it out!

Wireless communication malfunctions are usually caused by several reasons:

  • Incorrectly configured Wi-Fi settings.
  • Errors in the operation of the router itself.
  • Invalid parameters of the mobile device.
  • The action of malware or antivirus software.

Below we will take a closer look at each point and formulate troubleshooting recommendations. All of the following is relevant both for Wi-Fi on an Android phone, iOs, and for other operating systems.

Eliminating the problem

You can only cope with the problem if you accurately determine its cause. To do this, you do not always need to contact a specialist. Many errors that relate to, for example, wireless settings, you can identify yourself. If the Internet slows down, works slowly, this may be due to third-party factors: for example, network congestion when many gadgets are connected to it. Sometimes slow Wi-Fi is a reason to check the computer itself or the communication line of your Internet provider.

Incorrect Wi-Fi setup

First of all, attention should be paid to how the Wi-Fi access point is configured. To do this, you need to access the router's menu through a browser: but you will need to enter a number of characters in the address bar, the combination of which is individual for each device. Usually this data is located on the back of the router, look for the Login and Password lines, they will be required in the next step.

Enter your username and password. If you managed to get access to the menu, first of all, you should pay attention to the parameters of the wireless mode. A few simple options are relevant here:

  • Channel - Auto, but you can try to put a different channel.
  • Mode - 11 bg Mixed, but changing the parameter to 11 bg only can give a positive result.
  • Channel Width - auto.
  • The baud rate, if any, is set to the maximum value.
  • Region has little impact, but could theoretically be the source of a malfunction.

If everything is configured correctly, but the Internet is still not functioning correctly, you should contact the service center or look for the problem elsewhere, for example, by contacting your provider. The device may be technically defective, therefore it is recommended to check it immediately after purchase.

Router settings

You should check if it is possible to go online at all. If it is not there both from a personal computer and from another device, it is advisable to check whether the router itself is turned on, whether it is working correctly. This is indicated by indicators.

The power indicator should be green. There is a system indicator next to it, which should be blinking. The next indicator - WLAN - shows whether wireless communication is enabled on the router itself or in its menu. Next are the numbered LAN ports, one of which must be connected to a cable. Ideally, it should blink too. They are usually followed by WAN, the indication of which indicates that the router is connected to the Internet.

In some cases, reconnecting helps.

Incorrect time or date

Wi-fi on a mobile device can function poorly due to such trifles as the wrong date - this is one of the first on the list of common causes of Internet problems. You just need to go to the time settings section to set the correct values. It is important to take into account the time zone correctly.

Wi-Fi password error

Another possible reason is a password. If the connection to the access point on the phone occurs automatically, this error occurs when the user changes the password. In other words, the password has been changed, but the gadget itself "does not know" about it and automatically enters the old one. The solution, again, is simple - to re-create the connection and enter the correct password.

Malware and antivirus programs

Viruses that the smartphone "caught" in the network can also interfere with the correct operation of Wi-Fi. If you suspect an infection, it is advisable to install an anti-virus program on your phone and conduct a scan. There are many such programs, but they are usually used by well-established brands like Kaspersky and ESET Nod.

The other side of the coin: Antivirus and other security software such as firewalls can themselves be the source of problems. Antivirus creates a kind of "shield" for filtering traffic, which sometimes affects communication. If after removing the antivirus software the connection works correctly, in this case you will have to try another software or refuse it.

Software crashes

Many users experience wireless communication problems due to software malfunction. For example, when the user installs an alternative firmware or any other intervention in the factory characteristics of the software is carried out.

Problems with the android system are also indicated by other errors in the operation of the gadget - constant, systematic freezes, arbitrary shutdown, and others.

In this situation, you can make a Hard Rest - it will return the system to the factory settings.

If the matter is in the phone's firmware, this will help to solve it. But you need to know that "non-native" firmware, thus, is not deleted.

When the source of the malfunction lies in the router, often you just need to reboot the router. This is not always easy, since some models are not equipped with an on / off button.

If the device itself does not have a reboot function, you can simply unplug the cable for 10-30 seconds.

It can also be done via the machine's menu. The procedure for entering there is described above. This method is relevant if it is difficult or impossible to get to the router itself. The "Reboot" option in different router models is located in different parts of the menu, but, as a rule, on the system settings tab.

If the error in the operation of the Wi-Fi is due to software failures, you can try to restart the device. In addition to the standard "Restart", there are several more radical and fundamental methods:

  • Via the menu: "restore and reset".
  • By entering the number * 2767 * 3855 #.
  • Through the Recovery Mod - you can call it by holding down "Home", "Power on" and decreasing the volume at the same time. Next, select the "Wipe data" section.

Other problems

If these recommendations did not help to restore the normal functioning of the wireless connection, it may be a technical malfunction of the Wi-Fi module itself. In this case, only a qualified specialist can help.


Issues with the functioning of Wi-Fi, as a rule, are solved easily and without the involvement of specialists. But it is worth remembering that independent technical intervention can damage the car until the functionality is completely lost. If connection difficulties are not resolved using available methods, it is better to contact the service center.


Sooner or later, each user will be asked why the smartphone does not catch Wi-Fi. The reasons for this are different, and some problems can be solved independently, but somewhere the services of a specialist will be required. The article discusses typical cases in which the user does not need outside help.

As a rule, the reason is simple and lies either in the phone itself or in the router. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the devices are faulty: often it is only a matter of incorrect settings.

First of all, of course, it is worth checking the performance of the phone itself.

How to do it?

Checking the operation of the Wi-Fi module in the phone, setting it up

During the diagnosis, it is worthwhile to immediately clarify whether the smartphone sees other access points. Most people live in apartment buildings, and one tablet can connect to dozens of neighborhood networks. If the mobile device searches and finds other networks, the cause of the problem lies in the home router (this is described in detail in the next paragraph of the article). If not, most likely, there was a failure on the smartphone or tablet itself, therefore, for example, "Android" does not see WiFi. In this case, you need to restart it. An Android phone (for example, Samsung) is rebooted by long pressing the “Power” button,
device on iOs - by long simultaneous pressing of the "Power" and "Home" buttons.

After rebooting, you need to start and check if the smartphone finds them. There are three possible scenarios for the development of the situation:

  1. The device still does not see any Networks.
  2. The device sees all networks except the desired one.
  3. The smartphone displays all networks, including the one you need.

In the first case, it is worth resetting the phone settings to factory settings. This will delete all user data, so it is worth saving all important information in advance.

On Android: Settings> General Settings> Reset> Factory data reset.

On iOs: Settings> General> Reset> Erase Content and Settings.
If Find My iPhone is connected, your smartphone may require an Apple ID and password.

What to do in the second case is described in detail below. In the third, nothing is required to be done, it will be enough to connect to the desired Wi-Fi.

Checking the correct operation of the router, setting it up

If the phone does not see the Wi-Fi only the one that distributes a specific router, this may be due to the operation of the router itself. Typical causes of this problem are listed below.

Router is not plugged in

To fix the related problem, just go to the router and plug its adapter into a power outlet. As soon as he boots up, his Wi-Fi network will appear in the list of visible networks.

Important: the adapter can be disconnected from both the outlet and the router, so it is advisable to reconnect it on both sides.

Important: in such a situation, only the power supply unit, which is cheaper than the router itself, can be faulty. Therefore, it is advisable to check for visible damage on the adapter and, if possible, test it on another device.

Disabled distribution of Wi-Fi on the router

Each router has indicators, each of which indicates the operation of some function of the device. If the router is connected to power supply, it is worth clarifying whether an indicator with a wireless network icon or the inscription "Wi-Fi" is on. If it does not light up, you should look for the button for turning off the wireless distribution on the case (usually marked with the inscription "Wi-Fi on / off") and click on it.

Then check if the required LED is on. You can also enable wireless sharing via the router's web interface. To do this, you need to open the browser, type in the address bar of the router's IP address (indicated on the factory sticker at the bottom of the case), go, enter the login and password (see the same place, on the sticker).
Then go to the "Wireless" section (or "Wireless connections"), find the checkbox with the signature "Enable wireless router radio" (or "Enable wireless broadcasting" for TP-Link). The text of the labels may differ for different device models.
In the check-box, you will need to check the box, then click the "Save" button below.

The router has been reset

In this case, a new network with a high signal level will be added to the list of networks. There are two options for action:

  • connect to the Network with the factory settings of the router
  • re-configure the Wi-Fi network

The first option is simpler and faster, but it may not be secure enough, since the password set at the factory is most likely very simple (as a rule, short and consists only of numbers) and is not able to protect the Wi-Fi from brute-force attacks. To connect, it is enough to define the desired network in the list of available ones (the name is indicated on the factory sticker with the signature “SSID”), click on it, enter the security key (it is also indicated at the bottom of the case; as a rule, it is indicated by the inscription “Wireless network password”), save.

The second option requires manual configuration. To do this, you need to go to its web interface, select "Quick setup" in the list of options. Further, point by point, the program itself will offer to set all the necessary parameters (encryption type, Network name and password, channel selection), indicate the recommended parameter values. At the end, be sure to click the "Save" button.

Important: Apple devices will not catch the 2.4 GHz network if the router is broadcasting on channel 12 or 13. To make the Network visible on an iPhone or iPad, you must manually change the channel to any: from 1 to 11. You can also do this in the web interface in the “Wireless” item.

Important: a similar situation can occur when the access point is operating at 5 GHz. Previously, channels with numbers greater than 140 were banned for use in Russia. Now the Ministry of Communications allows the use of channels with numbers from 36 to 165, but some outdated mobile phones may not have this opportunity. In a situation where the phone does not see the 5 GHz WiFi network, you should go to the router interface and manually change the channel number to any one from 36 to 140.

The router is faulty

If none of the lights on your device are on, or the Wi-Fi sharing light does not come on, there may be a hardware problem with your router. To test the assumption, it is worth reflashing it. If flashing does not help, contact an authorized service center.

The electricity is turned off in the house

This is rare, but it happens. During the day, it is not always possible to quickly understand why the Wi-Fi in the apartment has ceased to be caught. A typical sign of a power outage will be the disappearance of all available Wi-Fi networks. Unfortunately, the router will not be able to work without power, in such a situation it is worth waiting for the power to be connected.

Other possible causes

You can access the Internet via Wi-Fi not only with the help of a router. You can distribute the Internet from many devices that have a Wi-Fi adapter (smartphone, set-top box, laptop). If Android or iPhone does not see WiFi configured on a laptop running Windows, you need to do the following:

What to do if all else fails

If none of the measures helped, it is better to contact a specialized service center. Most likely, the cause of the problem is a problem with the WiFi-module of the smartphone, which will need to be re-soldered or replaced entirely. Then it is better to pay a specialist than to try to fix the problem yourself, why unnecessary problems?


As you can see from the article, the problem with the lack of a Wi-Fi network is easily solved. Serious device breakdowns with such an error are rare. Most often, it is enough to spend ten minutes, so that in the end everything will work stably.